McGraw-Edison Power Drawer Wall Light Series Brochure 1980

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Construction Details

Refleclor Assembly

H.l.D. LanP

Ballast Capacitor
(not visible)

Ballast Drawer


7/,/. ,
ta ol

Filter Gasket

Ballast Core & Coil

Caplive Screw
Tempered Glass

Cast Door F Housing Door Ftame


width ot Area to !e Illuninated-Ft.

Exclusive Ad justable Aiming Angle Aiming Angle Selector Charl
. Aiming Angle Adjustrnent of 0 to 90 degrees. To delerrnine the opiimum aiming angle for a given mounling
(0 to 69 degrees for Series 3000)
height and area wldth, use the following procedure:
. Gives precise bearn contro lor optimum optical I Select desired mounling heighl along left side of chart.
2 Locate area wldth to be i uminated along bo11om of chart.
. Reduces annoying 9 are while provlding un iorm 3 Read optimum aiming angle along diagonal line where hori-
illuminatlon. zontal and verticai lines lnlersect
. Fe d adjustable Jor maximum ilexibllrty. 4. For recornmended horizontal spacing reier to spacing
charts on Page 4.

Exclusive Unitized Ballast Drawer Assembly Exclusive Adjustable

. Contains all electrical components. Provides flexibiJity; a single housing Wall Mouniing Fitter
. Slides into housing and connects to can accommodate a variety of larnp
power supply with polarized quick-and ballast types. Permits easy up- . Permits selection ol aiming angle for optimum light-
grading at a luture date. ing performance.
disconnect plug.
. Permits installalion of housing and Contains properly posiiioned lamp . Calibrated, serrated knuckle-type adjustment locks in
place with a single concealed retaining bolt.
wall mounting fitter without weight socket tor maximum optical effi-
of ballast assembly. ciency. . Contains a gasketed compartment for internal wiring
Additional Features . Has a 3/a-inch pipe plug on two sides for surface wir-
. Optics-single rellector system provides maximum efliciency with clear or
phosphor lamps. Mo!nts on flat surlace or over 4-inch square or round
electrical box.
Housing-hjgh-strength, one piece, lightweight, corrosion resistant cast alu-
minum. Three sizes accommodate H.l.D. lamps from 0 through 1000-watts. . Photocontrol accessory easily installed in wiring com-
partment cover without rnodification.
Slylinq-modern, rectangular, low profile housing with narrow cross-section,
complements building architecture. . Casl aluminum conslruction.
Application Data
Series 1000
t: :l: :

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hart. l I ==
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30 45 --l
spaclng in teet

Lamp. .. 175 Watts,0eluxe White lVercury lamp . . . 100 Watts High-Pressure Sodium
l\4ounting height. . .l5 feet. Mounting height. . .15 feet.
For 100 tvdtt iamp rLltiply lootcandles by .49 For 70 watt lamp multiply footcandles by .61
For 250 watt lamp multiply footcandles by 1.40 For 150 watt larnp multiply footcandles by 1.68

Series 2000

is in


rund Spacing in Fet

lom- Lamp . ..250 Watts High'Presslre Sodium

lvounting height... 25 feet.
For 400 watt iarnp multiply footcafdles by 1.96

NOTE: Spacjng curves are terminated at a point resLrlling in recommended

average-1o-minimum uniformity ratio of 10:1 or belter.
McGFAW ED SON COMPANY A.ea Lrqhtinq O v sion
Ordering lnformation
Number (1) Ballast (2)

Series 1000
FW1021 roo
FW1041 f/lercury CWA 175 (3) I
Meta Ha de CWA
115 \q
FWl151 25n
FW1811 7A
FW1821 H gh'Pressure Sod iu m ATR 100
FW1831 150 (5) l

Series 2000
FW2061 MercLrry CWA 400 (3)
FW216'1 [/]etal Halide CWA 400 (3)
FW2251 250 (3)
H gh Pressure Sod um ATR
400 (s)

Series 3000
FW3081 [/ercurV-CWA 1000 (3)
FW3181 N/letal Ha de CWA r000 (3)
High Pressure Sod iu m-
1000 (s)
Requlator Lead
'Efiect ve Projected Area in square feet.
Additional Ordering lnlormalion
(1) Lampsnotincuded Use amps for base down to horizonla operation
(2) CWA Constant watiage aLrlotranslormer ATB-A!lotranslormer Beaclor
A I balasts are h qh power iactor
(31 [1ulii-Tap Ballasl avaiabewlhiapsfor]20.208 240 277volt nput
Add slff x 9 io caialog nunrber. e g: FW1041 L
,11 L"^p-d.p6 oooao ga..r io, ,o-d I,d,ror, p.|o o po Ioro,
(5) Arc Bat nq of 55 vo ls
Ballasl Avai ab e 120 through 480 vo ts except where noted otherwise
Spec fy vo tage as cala oq number suif x. e g.: FW102l 120.
Finish Bronze thermoset enamel
U L istings ava lab e

Description Dimensions-lnches
Power 0rawer Wall Liqht B c D

Series 1000 T5 12 16112 41,,2

Series 2000 241,A 161,a 201a 9",, o

Series 3000 271,t 22 26t a lBrj

Wall mount I tter back plate dimens ons: 55ir6" w de x 43i h gh.
Note: C and D dimension ior Series 3000 units based on a position of
69" above horizonial.

Cat. No.
Glare Shield
Housing Size
Series 1000
S-^rles 2000
Cat. No,
Vandal Shield
Housing Size
Ser es I000
Cat. No. FAl-120
FA3O S-^ries 3000 FA25 Sbr es 2OOO
Material- Aluminurn with bronze FA35 Series 3000 Available for lO0o-watls max m!m and 120 voLi
2OA thr! 24O-vo t or 277-volt operation
thermoset acrylic enamel fjnish. Malerial-Polycarbonate
McGRAW ED SON COMPANY A.ea L ghtrng D v,s,o.
This specification covers McGraw-Edison POWER DRAWER Wall Lights for Optional compartment-Shall coniain the retlector assembly and shall be
use with T0lhrough 1000-watt high-intensity discharge lamps. enclosed by the lens and optical compafimenl door assembly and housing
POWEB DRAWEH Wall Lights shall be catalog number (specify) and sha I
include the following features: Rellector assembly-Shall be constructed otsheel aluminum, flnlshed with
Alzak' process. lt shall be shaped to provide proper area ighting beam
General-Unit construction shall consist of a cast aluminum houslng and tProprietary term oi Alcoa
door assembly which shall contain lhe oplical components and a removable
ballast drawer assemb y. The unit shall be supported by a cast alum num,
adjustable wall mounting filter. Socket-Shall be porceJain enclosed and shall be adjusted to properly
posilion a h ig h- intens ity discharge lampto be used with the ballasl specified.

Housing Shall be a single piece aluminum casting forming a watertighl

Optical lilter-Shall be posilioned between the wall mounting litler and the
she1l. lt shall contain the electrical and optical component compartments
fixture housing allowing circulation oi air through the optical assembly and
shall etfectively filter out external conlarninants.
Housing door--.Shall be cast aluminum and shalT hold a heat and impact
resistant ternpered glass lens. lt shall be gasketed and hinged to lhe fixture Ballast shall be:
housing. lt shall be held in the closed positon by corrosion resistant capiive
Constant Wattage Autotranslormer High Power Factor Mercury lamp
ballast rated (100) (175) (250) (400) (1000)watts with an input of ('120) (208)
(24o) \277) 980) votts.
Ballast drawer assembly-Shall be self-contained, removable and shal
support the ballast, lamp socket and polar zed quick-disconnect input plug. Autotranstormer Reactor High Power Faclor High Pressure Sodium
lamp ballast rated (70') (100) (150) (250) (400) watts with an input of (120)
(208) (240) (277) (480) volts.
Wall mounting fitter-Shall be cast aluminum and shall support the lixture
housing. lt shall mount on a vertical flat surface and shall have mounting 'Lamp arc rating of 55-volts. Not available with 480-volls input.
holes for two 7s-inch bolts. lt shall contain a gasketed wiring compartment
accessible by means ofa removable coverplate. Prcvision for externalwiring Constant Wattage Autotranslormer High Power Factor Metal Halide
shallconsist oflwo3/a-inch removable pipe plugs located on two sides ofthe lamp ballast rates (175)(250) (400) (1000)watts with an inputol (120) (208)
litter- lt shall have a back plale and gasket that shallform a weatherproofjoint (240) (277) (480) volts.
with the mounting surface. The back plate shall be removable to allow
mounting of the fitter over a 4-inch square or round electrical box. The wall Regulator Lead High Power Factor High Pressure Sodium lamp ballast
mounting titter shall have a knuckle-type, serrated, calibraied, vertical angle rated (1000) watts with an inpul of (120) (208) l24O) (277)volls.
adjustment for precision positioning of the housing, and shall lock in place
with a single, concealed retaining bolt.
Finish Shall be thermoset enamel and shall be bronze color'

rrtc0rlllllril$oil o
Area Lighting Division Area lighting Division
McGraw-Edison Company Halo of Canada Lighting' lnc.
760l Durand Avenue 5l3() CJeek Bank Road
Racine, Wisconsin 53405 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2G2
Tel. 414-554-8OOl Tel.4l6-625-25t1
e 1980 Area L ohrr.g D v s on McGraw-Ed son company

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