McGraw-Edison Resilite Series Brochure 1974

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Featu res
optics-Enclosed and {iltered. Provide
efficient, glare-shielded illumination. Re-
fractor is prisrnatic borosilicate glass-
reflector, highly polished specular anod-
ized alu'n,num \\ith fluted desrgn.
Light pattern-Symmetric and asym-
m etric.

Ballast- lnternally mo u nted, Constant-

Waitage Autotra nsform er. Constant Watt-
age, High Reactance and Reactor types
ava ila b le.
Construclion-Housing and mo u ntin g
arrn are high-strength, lightweight corro-
sion-resistant cast aluminum.
lnstallation-Fast, sim ple-su pport arm
attaches to 3-inch O.D. pole-top. l\4odels
also available for mounting on 17+-inch
pipe bracket and for wall mounting.
lnput terminal block-Convenie ntly lo-
cated in the upper housing for support
mounted units. Located rn the arm for arm
rnounted units. Arm mounted units fur" 7t
nished with a removable cover for easy
Photocontrol rece pta c le-Acco m modates
an EEI-NEIMA standard 3-prong plug-in i,N
type photocontrol. The receptacle can be
oriented without tools, and has a built-in
stop to prevent excessive twisting of re-
ceptacle leads. iN
Finish-Baked acryi;c enamel textured
alu minu m.

ALL UNITS now available
for use with 100-or 150-watt
High-Pressure Sodium Lamps.

Capacitor Application Information

Resilite provides the best in controlled environmental illumina-
Ba//ast tion of residential streets. lt shields out objectionable glare and
provides evenly distributed illumination at the proper light
level, on roadways, sidewalks a nd the front yards of residences.
Fiberglass filter
The soft, controlled light produced by properly installed Resilite
Reflector luminaires helps improve driver visibility, increase pedestrian
safety, and keep street residents satisfied.
Socket Unsurpassed efficiency and dependability also make the
Resilite Iuminaire excellentfor use in such area lightingapplica-
tions as moderate traffic volume parking lots, malls, walkways
Deflector and perimeters.

Refractor ring The Resilite luminaire gives you this. . .


Toggle latch

Not this

When installed as recommended, Resilite luminaires eliminate

th'e ladder effect caused by glaring pools of light and replace
with uniform light distribution ovei the entire length of the
street. Resilite properly illuminates pedestrian walkways and
residential lawns up to the front door without putting light in the
windows. This improved lighting efficiency increases pedestrian
and motorist safety by increasing visibility and eliminating the
need for eyes to adapt to varying light levels.

FIAW-EDISON COMPANY A.ea Lighting Division


caralos Number (1) Ballast Lisht

Primary voltase
(4' Rarings Avallabl6 (5) (6)
Mount (2) Moullrins (3)
uR3213 uR1213 vR22L3 HR 124
uR3313 u R1313 uR2313 R 240 ,M-SC0
uR3113 uR 1113 uR2113 120, 20a, 240, 277, 4aO
uR3013 uR1013 uR2013 CWA r20, 20a, 240, 277, 4aO 100 Watts
120 Mercury (H38)
uR3233 uRr233 uR2233 HR J
uR3333 u Rt333 u R2333 R 240
uR3133 u R 1133 uR2133 CW 120. 20a, 240, 277, 480 I
uR3033 u R1033 uR2033 120. 20a. 240, 277, 4aO
uR3214 URT2L4 UR22L4 HR 120
uR3314 u R1314 uR2314 R 240 t-L-SCO
uR3114 u R1114 uR2114 CW 120. 20a, 240, 277, 480
uR3014 u R1014 uR2014 r20. 20a. 240, 277, 4aO 175 Watts
uR2234 120 N4ercury (H39)
uR3234 u R1234 HR
uR3334 u R1334 uR2334 R 240
uR3134 uR1134 uR2134 CW 120, 204, 240, 277, 4aO
uR3034 uR1034 uR2034 120, 204, 240, 277, 4aO

Additional Ordering lnformation
NOTE: Luminaires are furnished with borosilicate glass refractors.
Pole for Resilite (1) Lamps not included.
(2) Luminaires mount on 1-1/4'inch pipe bracket.
(3) Mounting arm fitter accommodales 3-inch O.D. vertical tenon, 5-11/16'inches Iong.
(4) HR-High Reactance, R-Reactor, CW-Constant Wattage, CWA-Constant Wattage Autotransformer.
All ballasts are high power {actor except high-reactance and reactor which are normal power factor.
(5) Luminaires are tactory wired for operation of ballast and photocontrol at voltages listed (two wire input).
Specifvvoltaee. e.e.: URI t I3'l20.
NOTE: CW units rated I2O and24O volts have I2O x24O dual vottage primaries CWunitsrated480
volts have 240 x 480 dual voltage pn1raries.
(6) With Clear N4ercury lamps. See table, page 6 for tight patterns with Deluxe White Mercury lamps.

Photocontiol receptacle Available on units rated thtough 277 volts. Add suffix R to catalog number. e.g.:
u R 1113,120R.

A1/,"N x 4"W


pro{ile cast alLrminum anchor
base with square cast alumi-
num cover- Shaft is round,
tapered spun aluminum with
.125-inch wall, satin ground
finish, taperingfrom a 5.inch
O.D. at the bottom to 3-inch
O.D. top. Shatt length to re-
sult in a 20 ft. nominal
mounting height. Poles are
furnished with +ow (4) 3/a x
18-inch galvanized anchor \ - ,i7" *."
bolts. Ease has a 9-inch bolt
circle diameter.


Nominal Loading Data

Gross Efiecrivo wind NOTE:
Ballast Typ6 YYeight- Lensth- Loadi.s
Sq. Ft.
ALL UNITS now available
for use with 100-or 150-watt
100 25 2.46 21.O0 c
CWA-Mercury L75 27 2.46 21.OO c High-Pressure Sodium Lamps.
CW-Mercury 100 26.3 2.46 24.8 c
175 2a.2 2.46 c
HR- Mercury 100 24.a 2.46 20.7 c
175 25.r 2.46 20.7 c
R-Mercury 100 23 2.46 21.00 c
175 2.46 21.O0 c
LUMINAIRE (Mast arm or wall mounting)
100 20 1.47 5.5
CWA-Mercury 115 22 1.47 5.5

CW-Mercury 100 2r.5 7.47 5.6

175 23.4 1.47 5.7
100 20 1.47 5.5
HR-Mercury 175 20.3 r.47 5.5
100 18.6 '1.47 5.5
R-Mercury 175 18.8 1.47 5.5
'Refer to pole sec{ion of catalos for appropriate poles and loading class expfanation.
CW-Constant Wattage H R-High Reactance
CWA-Constant Wattage Autotransformer R-Reactor
Poles and brackets used for supporting Iuminaires must have sullicient strength to
withstand windage and other loads developed by the application. Luminaire weight,
projected area and distance trom mounting termination to its load center (active length)
are factors that must be considered. The loading table provides this information.

Resilite Ballast Data

f nput Characterisaics-AFprorimate
ANSI I tnpu{ Cu'reni-Ampg
Circuit riliax,startinO
120 10a,132 High 1.05 124
HR r20 r14-126 Norma I 2.L 120
cw r20 105- 135 High 1.08 125
20a 1a7-229 H igh 0.6 r20
cw 204 742-234 H igh 0.63 125
100 H38 240 216-264 High 0.53 r20
CW 240 210-270 H ieh o.54 125
R 240 224 252 Norma I 0.9 1.3 115
249-305 H igh 0.45 720
CW 277 241.-312 Hish 0.47 125
CWA 480 432-52a H igh o.26 1.20
cw 480 420-540 HiCh o.27 1.25

CWA 124 108- 132 HiCh 1.8 200

HR 720 1r4-L26 Normal 3.5 6.0 2ro
cw 1.20 105- 135 Hieh 1.85 215
CWA 20a 1a7--229 High 1.1 200
cw 204 ra2-234 High 1.07
175 H39 240 216-264 Hish 0.9 200
CW 240 210-270 H igh 0.93 215
R 240 22a-252 Normal 1.5 200
277 249-305 High 0.8 200
CW 277 241-312 Hieh 0.8 215
CWA 480 432-524 High 0.45 200
cw 4BO 420-540 High 0.46 215
'Less than operating currenf.
NOTE: High Power Factor Ballast-Power Facto( ove.gOVo
HR : High Reactance CW : Constant Wattage
CWA = Constant Wattage Autotransformer R : Reactor
McGFAW EDISON COMPANY Anea Lighting Division sHC
Photometric Data
0ashed Curves Show Lumei Utilization(in %)
10 20 30 40 50


\ \

4r S
i\, J
s \
r\J ,?
Luminaire -
Sem/ cutoff
Cle3r lllercury
ll, [4edium,

I00 Watt,

Mouitiig Heighl 20 Feei


) iul

* / ,/

Raiio ol Loneitudinal 0istance to MountinS tleishl Staagered
IS0F00TCANDLt Dlagram and Lumen Ulilzalon (on pavemenll

Dashed Curves show lumen Ulilization (in'Z)

10 20 30 {0 50

+ S

s S tt)f"i
\ \ Luminaire - Resilite
Dishibution - ll, Short,

,< ) \
Lamp 100'Watt,
Deluxe White l\4ercury
= 1.5
\ ,lr\ -
4) .t
Illountinq Heisht 20 Feel

x lY'



_z A /
\, ., v

Ralio ol Longitudinal Distance to iilountins Height Stagsered Spacing-Feet
IS0F00TCANDLt 0iastsm and Lumen Ulrhation (on ftvemeni)

ANSI-lES Light Patterns for

Resilite Lu minaires
Lamp Size & Type! Light Pattern (1)
Clear lllercury E379-9
10O Watts (H38) -tvl,sco E379-10

luxe White Mercury E379-12

100 Watts (H38) rr-s-sco E379-11

Clear Mercury E379-3

175 Watts (H39) t-L-SCO E379-2

Deluxe White Melcury/ E379-4

175 Watts (H39) t-s-Nco E379-15 Staggered Spacing Arrangement
(1) All luniraires are cldssi'ied accordrnp to lateral a 1d verlical
lieht d'strioutron patterns and control of lieht drstributiol abovP
maximum candlpowe.. Spacing cha curves may be used lor area lighting layouts by dividing
Lateral lieht distribution-ll, lll, V the area into the sa'ne size sirips as the designaied street widlhs.
Vertical liEht oistribu(ion-S-Shorl, M Medium, L-Lone
Light confrol-ScO-Semr-cutoll. NCo-Non-cutof . f

0ashed Curves Show Lumei Utili?ation (in %)
10 20 30 40 50

'6 Luminaire Rsilie

Dislribution -- lll, Long,
; Lamp
Clear Nlercury
175 Waii,
[4ount]ns Heisht
-20 Feet

6 5

,9 3

flatio ot Longiiudinal 0istance t0 MountinS fieighl Stascered Spacins-Feet

IS0F00TCANDLE Diagram ard Lumen Ulilzalon (on pavemefll

Dashed CurvesShow Lumen Utilizati0n(in %)

Lamp - 175-Watl,
Deluxe White Mercury
fllountiig Helght - 20 Feei

i5. =

Ratio ol longitudinal Distanc to Mounting Hi8ht Staseered Spacing-Feet

lS0FO0TCAi!DLE DaFEm and Lumen Ulflzalion ron pavenenll

Application lnformation
Spacing avera6
F.C. (1)
24' 100-Watt .3 130', 2.ItI 2.911 43
30, Clear .3 120' 2.111 3. 1:1 4T
Recommended 110'
36', 2.211 3.21I 40
Maximum 42' .3 100, 2.3.1 3.4:1 42
Resilite Luminaire 24' 100-Watt .3 128' 2.8iL 5.0r 1 46
30' Phos. 120' 3.0r1 4.8:1 42
-Residential 36' Coated .3 i 10, 2.851I 5.0:1 42
Street Ljghting .3 100, 3.0:1 5.3:1 42
System 24' 175'-Watt 204' 4.8:1
.35 10:1 .53
30' Clear .33 200' 4.2i1 10:1 .44
36', .32 192' 4.1:1 10:1 .44
42' .31 142' 4.0:1 1O:1 .47
NOTE: 24', 175- {r'att .46 160' 4.7 il 10i1 .66
30' Phos. L' 15 5', 4.3:1 10:1 ,68
ALL UNITS now available 36', Coated .42 i+o' 4.O11. l0:1 .64
42' .39 138' 3.8:1 10:1
for use with 100-or 150-watt
(1) Calculations based on pedestrian walkway being 5 ieet wide and 5 feel from ihe curb
High-Pressure Sodium Lamps,

McGFIAW-EDISON COMP,ANY Anea Lishtins Division


This specification covers lvlcGraw-Edison Area Lighting Di- Socket.filter shall be neoprene-coated fiberglass and shall
vision Resilite luminaires for pole-top mounting. for mount- be positioned around the socket in such a manner that it
ing on a 1%-inch support, or on a lVcGraw-Edison wall shall allow circulation of air through the optical assembly
bracket. and effectively filter out external contaminents.
The luminaire shall be McGraw.Edison Resilite catalog Reflector qasket shall be white polyester felt attached to
number (specify) and shall include the following features: the lower flange of the reflector. lt shall provide a cushion
between the reflector and refractor and seal the optical
Iuminalrp houqino shall be cast aluminum and contain the system against the ent!'anee of external contamjnants.
ballast assembly, socket and reflector assembly. lt shall Refractor shall be prismatic borosilicate glassware and
mount on (3-inch O.D. pole top) (McGraw-Edison wall shall produce (lES type (ll) or (V) with 100"watt mercury
bracket) (1-1/4 inch pipe size, mast arm tenon). Housing lamp) (lES type (lll) or (V) with 175-watt mercury lamp).
for wall. 6raiket or mast arm mounting shall be (with)
(wiihout) photo control receptacle. Refractor rinq shall be cast aluminum with integral cast
hinge pins. lt shall have an external, positive-closing,
Mountino arm assemblv shall be cast-aluminum and con- tcggle.type latch.
iiin a wiiine terminal block and shall be (with) (without) Mercury lamp ballast shall be internally mounted core-
Dholocontrol receptacle. lt shall have a removable cover
io. to the terminal block. lt shall have a tenon to and-coil type and shall be (Constant-Wattage Autotrans-
engage the luminaire housing slipfitter. The tenon former type rated (10O) (175) watts with an input of (120)
a cast rib to provide automatic alignment of the (2OB) (24O) (277) (48O) volts). (Consta nt-Wattage type
housins and arm. The arm shall contain a pole'top slip- rated (1OO) (175) watts with an input of (12O) (208) (240)
fitter and shall accommodate nominal 3-inch diameter (277) (480) volts). (High-Reactance type rated (100) (i75)
pole tops. lt shall be held securely on the pole by three set watts with an input of 120 volts.) (Reactor type (normal)
screws. (high) power factor, rated (100) (175) watts with an input
of 24O valts, -
Slipfitrer shall have integral cast lugs designed to align the Terminal block shall be a high grade electrjcal phenolic
luminaire on the pole-top mounting arm tenon and to pre' material- It shall be located to permit easy connection of
vent the luminaire from turning. lt shall have a single hex luminaire leads and service leads- lt shall accommodate
head bolt to hold housing securely to mounting arm, pipe conductors up to #6 A.W.G,
su pport or wall bracket.
Photocontrol receptacle (where applicable) shall be frictjon
Wall mo.,'tJnq L;"cket shall be of cast aluminum construc-
rotation type allowing proper positioning of photocontrol.
tion and shall consist of a support plate, mounting bracket
and gasket. The support plate shall mount on a flat surlace without the use of tools, and shall meet EEI-NElvlA require-
a minimum of 4.inches wide and 8%-inches high. ments for 3-terminal, polarized, lock-in type receptacles.
Luminaires shall be connected to provide (specify)-volt
Reflector shall be removable, and shall be highly polished operation of the photoelectric control,
iluminum treated to provide a specular surface and shall
be fluted design. lt shall be constructed from corrosion- Finish shall be baked acrylic enamel of textured aluminum
resistant sheet aiumjnum finished with Alzak* process. color.
'Proprietary term of Aluminum Company of America

Anea Lighting Division
Facine, \A/isconsin 53405
@ Copyri8ht 1974 Bulletin No- 730107 Rev.7/74 Printed in U.S.A.

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