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The mans loud voice turned all heads inside the busy office.
Tiffany stopped talking to her staff and looked up to see his business partner
burst inside the room, panting while frantically jumping up and down in place.
What happened to you?
This! He held up a long pink gown. What did you do to it?!
Nothing. That dress looks exactly like the design.
But the design is black, Noona! He held up a piece of paper with his other hand.
See? Black. A black dress. As requested specifically by our client.
I know but it looks so dreary so I thought a little color would do her well. Its not
like its neon pink or anything. Its a very soft, elegant shade of pink.
The young man shook his head violently. No no no! This must not happen! Shes
already on her way here to pick this up!
So? Im sure shell like this, replied Tiffany calmly. Shes not the first client
whose mind Ive changed, you know.
B-bu-but shes different! The blond man slumped his shoulders and shook his
head again. Not good, he mumbled.
Dont worry. A client is a client and sometimes they need a push in the right
direction, an expert opinion, if you will. Tiffany left the room to go back to her
office, followed by the still panicking man. Calm down, Key. Get yourself a cup of
tea or something.
You dont understand, hissed the young man as he closed the office door
behind him. This woman is dangerous! Ive heard so much about her and its all
Shes just another rich eccentric. Tiffany sat down on her chair and dismissed
Keys concern with a wave of her hand. If she really hates it then well just make
her a new one free of charge.
But her event is tomorrow! We wont have time to make her a new dress!
Then I guess shell just have to wear this one, wont she? said Tiffany with a
smile. Her complexion is very good. Shell look dazzling in this dress. Ive even
picked out a pair of matching shoes and ideas for her accessories. Its gonna be
Key carefully draped the dress over one of the empty chairs and sat down across
from Tiffany, lowering his voice. You dont understand. This woman is not just
normal eccentric. Shes dangerous eccentric.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows.
She dabbles in occultism, you know. She likes that black magic stuff. Some say
that she might even be a real life witch.
Tiffany burst out laughing when she saw Keys serious face. You believe that
kind of rumor?
Im serious, Noona. Ask around. Her staff is frightened of her. Something bad
always happens to whoever dares mess with her. Always.
Oh really? Tiffany leaned forward. What bad things? You get a parking ticket?
You lose your wallet? You bump your head against the door? Theyre called
accidents or coincidences or even bad luck, Key. Thats not black magic. She
shook her head in disbelief as she leaned back in her seat. Black magic. Right. In
this day and age? Im surprised you even believe that stuff.
Believe it, Noona. They werent just coincidences and they were too freaky to be
Then maybe they were just freak accidents.
One even went missing.
Her stubborn assistant.
Did she kill her? Should I call the police? Tiffany tried not to laugh.
Key frowned. Im serious. She went missing for a few days before they found her
roaming the streets of Seoul like a hobo, looking lost and totally out of it. She
kept murmuring Im sorry Im sorry to herself while shaking from head to
toe. They sent her to a psychiatrist after that.
Hm were there any huge turn of events in her life prior to that?
Well, her fianc broke off their engagement shortly before that BUT! the
young man quickly said, stopping Tiffany from saying anything. She was okay
and even went back to work for a few days before she went missing and crazy.
Youre too gullible, Key.
Im not, Noona. You should really be careful. He then stood up, hung the dress
up neatly and made for the door. Shes gonna be here any minute and Im too
scared to stay so youre on your own.
Gullible! shouted Tiffany after the man. Black magic. Witch. She then scoffed.
Yeah right. So she wears black a lot. Shes probably goth.
Tiffany turned her head towards the door when she heard the knock.
Miss Choi is here to see you, Unnie, her assistant said before disappearing out
of the office again.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows as she stood up. Where did she go? Dont tell me she
believes in that whole witch crap too?
She didnt have time to think anymore on the matter because the tall woman had
entered her office.
Good afternoon, Miss Choi, said Tiffany as she took a polite bow.
Good afternoon. Im here for my dress.
Ah yes. Im sure youll be quite thrilled to see the result, said Tiffany with a
wide smile on her face. She went to take the dress off the hanger and showed it
to the woman confidently. Pretty, right? It will look so good on you. Youll be the
star of the show.
The woman didnt react. She just looked at the dress, staring at it like it offended
her then shifted her deadly glare to Tiffany slowly. Why. Is. It. Pink?
Now now, I know that you requested black but its dark and boring, dont you
think? This color will bring out your eyes and your perfect complexion. Its a
classy, elegant color. I chose the subtlest, softest shade of pink I could find. Trust
me, Im never wrong when it comes to what looks great on people. You can ask
every single one of my clients.
So you push your own know-it-all will on every client?
Of course not! I dont push my own will on anyone.
Then whats this? The woman pointed at the dress. The events tomorrow and
youve violated our agreement one-sidedly, without even consulting me on the
I knew that youd refuse but I really, honestly, think that this will look beautiful
on you. At least try it on first? Ive also prepared matching shoes and accessories.
Youll look dazzling!
The woman shook her head and crossed her arms. You just dont get it, do you?
How spoiled are you to not be able to respect other peoples wishes? If you can
do this to a paying client, Id hate to think what you do to your staff or friends.
W-what? Tiffanys eyes widened with shock. Im spoiled?!
Yes. And unprofessional.
I beg your pardon?!
You disrespected my wishes. Thats unprofessional, replied the tall woman
calmly yet sternly. She unfolded her arms and rolled up her sleeve. I was hoping
to be proven wrong, you know. I know you have a good heart but you should
learn to listen to others and not be so spoiled and pushy. She lifted her hand and
waved it around, making a small circle in the air. Lets see how well you fare
without being able to have a say in anything.
Tiffany was about to protest but before she could say a word, she suddenly felt
dizzy. It was as if the whole room was spinning.
Her grip on the dress loosened and she grabbed her head while trying to keep
her balance.
Colors began to fade and everything was now black and white. She felt her
stomach churn and bent down, placing a hand on it by reflex.
She didnt know what happened next but when she came to, she found herself on
the floor, lying on the carpet.
Tiffany tried to stand up but found that she couldnt. Her hands and feet felt
strange and when she tried to hold her head, she couldnt lift her right hand and
bend it properly.
She looked up, saw the woman smiling down at her before going to her computer
to type something.
Hey! she shouted. Dont mess with my computer!
The woman shushed her but continued typing.
Yah! Tiffany tried to stand again but fell chin first onto the floor instead. Oof!
Thank goodness for lush carpets. What is wrong with me anyway? Why cant I even
stand up?
That was when she realized that she wasnt feeling anything with her thumb.
Thats weird. What happened to my ha- OH DEAR LORD!
Tiffany let out a yelp when she saw the black fur on what was supposed to be her
What is this?! What have you done to me?! she shouted at the woman sitting on
her chair.
She realized another thing at that moment. She didnt hear her words spoken out
loud. She heard barks instead.
The heck is wrong with me?!
Bark. Bark.
And whose dog is that?!
Bark. Bark.
She shut her mouth and looked around, hoping to find the dog. When she saw
none, she looked down yet again at the black paws and gulped, remembering
what Key had told her earlier. Shit. So that whole black magic thing is real? Is she
really a witch? And am I a dog now? A black dog?
You look better this way.
She heard the voice and lifted her head, snarling at the woman looking down at
her with an amused expression. Miss Choi had left her desk and was now
towering over her.
I think you look cute, cuddly and lovable. Much better than your old look. You
can easily steal peoples hearts this way. Youll be a star wherever you go.
What have you done?!
The woman chuckled. Youre lucky that I can still understand you. Well, I was
just stating my honest opinion. I think black is a unique and elegant color hence
the color of your fur. I didnt change your eyes. Theyre pretty like that. Deep
brown, almost black. Theyre pretty. I like them most, she said. What do you
think? Its better than your old self. Trust me, Im never wrong when it comes to
judging characters and personalities.
It is definitely not better than my old self! How can this animal be better than a
But Im quite an expert on this matter. Youre not the first Ive convinced, you
know. Im never wrong.
Tiffany let out a growl and bared her teeth even more. Arrogant bitch. She
thought about inflicting some physical pain on this woman but she wasnt sure
whether doing so would make the woman hate her more. The last thing she
wanted was to be turned into something even worse than a dog, like a worm or a
snail or something.
Calm down. You wont want people to think that youre a rabid dog now, would
you? Now then. Ive sent an email on your behalf to notify your family and
friends, staff too, that youve decided to take a short vacation abroad. They wont
miss you. They might ask why you left so suddenly but Im keeping your phone
for the time being so Ill just send them casual replies about how stressed youve
secretly been and how desperate you are for a quiet, peaceful getaway.
How dare you mess with my life?!
The woman chuckled. Youll thank me, one day. She took her pink dress and
turned to leave. Oh and dont worry. This isnt permanent. But Im not gonna tell
you how you can end this. You have to figure that out on your own. In the mean
time, try to act nice to whoevers willing to put up with you, okay? Ill be back.
Tiffany watched the woman snap her fingers, turning the pink dress black in an
instant, before calmly walking out of her office as if nothing had happened.
Hey! Come back here! What am I supposed to do now?! Crap! Now what?!
Bark. Bark.
She tried to push herself up, balancing on all fours. This is freaking weird! Wait.
Maybe Im dreaming. Yeah! Thats it. I must be dreaming. Let me pinch myself or
slap myself.
She lifted a hand and slapped herself.
Okay. That didnt work and I think I need a manicure. Now try pinching! Come on.
Just move damn it! No thumbs. How am I supposed to live without thumbs?!
She sat down and shook her head, cursing once again.
Maybe I should try hitting myself against something. Thatll wake me up.
With as much caution as possible, she tried to lift her behind, once again
balancing herself on all fours before taking a step forward, moving her right
front leg.
Its like crawling. One hand forward, one leg follows, other hand other leg good.
She slowly began to walk towards the desk and when she was near, she started
hitting her head against it.
Wake up, Tiffany. Come on. Wake up!
Hey hey hey! What are you doing there?
She heard a voice and turned her head to see someone she recognized.
Whoa there. The young man raised both hands. Calm down there, doggy. Who
are you? Who brought you here? Wheres your owner? he asked as he squatted
down and extended one hand, beckoning Tiffany over.
Its me! Tiffany! Cant you recognize me? Cant you understand me? That crazy
woman did this to me! You were right! I shouldve listened to you!
Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.
Whoa whoa! Sshh! No dogs allowed here. Fany noona wont be pleased to see
you in her office. You havent peed or pooped anywhere, have you? Shed kill
Dont exaggerate!
Tiffany then sighed inwardly, hanging her head while closing her eyes. This is
hopeless. Im a canine now. An animal. Even my friends dont recognize me. Im
Thats better. Calm down, okay?
She sensed the young man approaching but didnt move until she felt his hand
stroking her head gently. She wanted to tell him off and to not touch her but she
was distracted by the strong smell coming from the person she never considered
He didnt smell bad, really, but he certainly smelled like something. Something
unique. And it wasnt just because of his perfume.
Fabric softener and sneakers? Okay. Thats weird. Never knew that I could
actually smell a sneaker. Is it rubber? No its not rubber. This is how those new
sneakers smell like when you take them out of the box. So hes wearing new
She unconsciously began sniffing his shoes.
Dont drool on them, okay? Key said when he noticed what the black dog was
doing. Theyre brand new. Limited edition.
Never noticed you wearing sneakers this fancy.
Key smiled. Thank you for understanding. I was hoping that Fany noona would
notice. Theyre my own designs. Cool, huh?
Tiffany looked up. I didnt notice them earlier, now that I think of it. Wait. I never
really noticed his clothes except for generally recognizing him to be well dressed
and fashionable. I guess I dont really bother with details after all.
Youre kinda cute, Key said as he scratched the ears. Are you a girl or a boy?
He bent down to look.
Tiffany yelped and scurried away, trying in vain to cover herself with her paws
until she backed up against the desk.
Whats wrong? You okay? Key inched forward but Tiffany turned her head and
closed her eyes in shame.
You saw me naked! Oh my god!
Youre not even wearing a collar. Hm Key then stood up. Im going to ask
around. Maybe someone knows your owner. In the mean time, you stay here and
behave, okay, girl? Dont pee or poop on the carpet or the furniture, okay? Im
going to find Tiffany noona. I wonder how she survived that womans visit.
Tiffany exhaled in relief when Key left, closing the office door behind him.
She slumped down onto the carpet, covering her eyes with her paws while
desperation set in and tears began to flow.
What am I going to do?
Part 2

Tiffany stayed in that position until she heard footsteps approaching. Her ears
twitched by reflex as she put down her paws and lifted her head slightly. She was
hungry and so depressed that she wasnt even sure how long Key had gone.
The glass door opened and in walked the blond young man, followed by someone
Tiffany didnt recognize.
There she is. Im sorry I took so long. No one seemed to know where you came
from and Fany noona didnt know either, he said as he squatted down in front of
Tiffany and stroked her head. Its better not to disturb her when she asks to be
left alone unless you have a death wish. Anyway, I got you something.
Tiffany was already sniffing around. She had smelled something delicious from
the moment Key began approaching her. Is it food? Meat?
Its from my sandwich. I hope you like turkey meat.
She had forgotten about her dignity when she stood up, wagging her tail
shamelessly at Key who began unwrapping the thin slices of meat, putting them
on the carpet in front of her.
She looks hungry. Do you have more?
Tiffany heard the unfamiliar voice in between her munching but was too busy
eating to see who it was.
Im afraid not.
Ill make sure to get her plenty of dog food later then.
She lifted her head at that. Dog food? Ew! Just give me normal, cooked meat,
please. A burger would be nice.
Bark. Bark. Bark.
The two people smiled and chuckled.
Youd like that, wouldnt you?
The stranger approached her and kneeled down, rubbing her ears.
It was a young woman, shorter than Key, with long, dark brown hair and a fair
Tiffany thought that the girl was pretty. She smells nice too. Like baby powder?
And flowers? Wait. Theres crayon smell too.
The woman laughed when the dog began sniffing her.
She likes you, said Key. Thank goodness. I honestly didnt know who else to
call, Noona.
Its okay. Im glad you called me. Shes a nice girl. Arent you a nice girl? Whos
the nice girl? the woman cooed, rubbing Tiffanys ears even harder. By the way,
your eyes are wet and kinda dirty, she said as she carefully wiped Tiffanys
eyes with her thumbs then stood up to get a tissue. Whats her name, by the
I dont know. Shes not wearing a collar, answered Key.
Its me, Key. Tiffany. My name is Tiffany.
The woman laughed when the dog started barking again. If I didnt know better,
Id say youre trying to say your name out loud. Well, I guess well just have to
figure it out later. She then bent down and lifted Tiffany, surprising the latter
who struggled to get out of the hold. Hey hey, calm down. Im not going to hurt
you, she gently said, hugging the dog while stroking her back. Once we get you
a leash, youre free to walk on your own but for now, its better if I carry you,
Tiffany stopped struggling and turned her head to look at this woman whose face
was now in close proximity with hers.
Aw youre so cute.
The woman suddenly nuzzled Tiffany, startling her yet again. Did she just kiss
my cheek?
Come on. Lets go home.
Thanks for the help, Taeyeon noona, said Key as he let the woman and the dog
Anytime, Key.
After stopping by the pet shop for some supplies, Tiffany found herself in a
medium-sized apartment downtown.
How do you like it? Taeyeon asked as she put the dog and the plastic bags
down. She took out two newly purchased bowls and brought them to the kitchen
to wash. Dont pee on the carpet or on my furniture, okay? Youll ruin them.
Well, duh? You think I dont know that? Where is your bathroom anyway?
She decided to explore the place, found what she was looking for, and became
irritated when she couldnt reach the door handle. So she began barking,
demanding for the woman to open the door so she could do her business.
Hey, chill! Youre gonna make the neighbors angry. Taeyeon came out of the
kitchen and approached the noisy dog. What do you want?
Tiffany starting clawing at the closed door with her right paw. Open the door!
she barked.
What? Theres nothing in there. Thats just the bathroom. Taeyeon pressed the
door handle, pushed the door open and turned on the lights.
I know, genius. I can smell it from a mile away. I need to go.
Close the door!
Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. What now? Youve gotten your wish.
Then leave me so I can pee!
Bark. Bark.
Youre seriously noisy, Taeyeon said, turning to leave. Dont drink from the
toilet, okay? If you want to do your business, Id prefer you do it near the drain.
Easier for me to clean. She then shook her head. As if she could even
understand what Im saying, she mumbled to herself on the way back to the
Taeyeon had just finished scooping dog food into the bowl when she heard the
dog barking again.
What now? Sheesh.
She left the bowl and the open can on the kitchen counter and went to the
bathroom to find Tiffany sitting in front of the door, waiting for her.
Did you pee?
Taeyeon went inside, saw what looked to be the neatest toilet trip any dog had
ever taken and couldnt help but feel strange. How did your owner train you?
You did it right near the drain like I told you to, she said as she turned on the
water to clean up. Good girl. She petted the dog once she was done. Ill leave
the bathroom door open from now on.
Thanks. Sorry I called you. I didnt know how to flush it. Couldnt reach the tap.
Taeyeon grinned when the dog barked at her. Proud, are ya? Well, I bet youre
still hungry so lets go. Dinner time. She walked to the kitchen with the dog at
her heels.
Tiffany hesitated when Taeyeon put the full bowl in front of her.
Whats wrong? Arent you hungry? Taeyeon asked, squatting down next to the
Tiffany sniffed the food. It smelled great and she was indeed starving but
Its dog food. I dont even know what kind of meat this is or where its from. Is it
even cooked? Do they cook dog food? I guess so. It doesnt look raw.
Go on. Eat a lot, Taeyeon said, reaching out to pet the dog before leaving to put
away the rest of the stuff.
Tiffany took a deep breath and licked just a little bit of the meat. It tasted good so
she convinced herself that it was okay. In her current state, she had no choice but
to eat this anyway.
Each bite became bolder and she soon finished the whole thing since she hadnt
had anything to eat since breakfast.
She licked her lips and went to the other bowl that Taeyeon had filled with
Drinking took some getting used to since she had to lap the water up. She ended
up making a mess, wetting her nose, chin and the fur on her chest. She also
spilled some of the water on the floor.
You done?
She heard Taeyeon returning and looked at her shyly.
Wow. You ate everything. Good girl. Taeyeon rubbed Tiffanys head, noticed the
mess and took some paper towels to clean the floor and the dog. She then refilled
the bowl before going to the living room.
Tiffany didnt know what to do so she just followed Taeyeon until she saw her
sitting down on the carpet.
Come here, girl.
Taeyeon clapped her hands, beckoning Tiffany over until the dog complied albeit
Do you want to wear the collar? Or just do so when we go out on walks? asked
Taeyeon as she picked up the pink leather collar with a silver bone dangling from
it, a matching set with the pink leash. She had chosen a purple one, at first, but
the dog barked and actually flung the collar away with her paw. So she let her
choose. It was weird how the dog went for the pink one. Taeyeon thought that
animals were colorblind. She didnt know that even though that was true, Tiffany
could read. She saw the label on the shelf where the leash and collars were
hanging and searched for the word pink.
Tiffany shook her head, making Taeyeon laugh.
Walks only it is. Taeyeon put the collar down and showed Tiffany the clothes.
Cute, arent they? Wanna wear them and take pictures?
Over my dead body!
Okay! Taeyeon tried to catch the dog but she escaped her quickly, running
towards the kitchen again. Hey! Why are you running away? Theyre cute! Look
at this! Its a pink dinosaur outfit! Youll look so cute in this! Dont you like pink?
Tiffany took a peek from behind the counter, saw the outfit and tilted her head,
thinking that it would definitely look cute on a puppy. Just not her.
Alright. No playing dress up tonight. I guess youre still not used to me or this
place, huh? Taeyeon put all the stuff aside, leaving only the toys out, splayed
between her legs. Come here. She patted the carpet and clucked her tongue,
calling Tiffany. Lets start with figuring out your name then.
Tiffany slowly came out of hiding, walking towards the smiling Taeyeon. She
liked this kind woman and was grateful for Keys decision to let her take care of
Come here. Taeyeon placed a hand on Tiffanys chin and pulled her a bit,
making her come closer. Now then sit, she said.
Sit? What do you think I am, a dog? Oh wait. I am a dog now. Damn it.
Come on, girl. Sit. Taeyeon pushed Tiffanys behind down and the dog quickly
stepped away, refusing to be touched. Oh come on. Taeyeon reached out but
the black dog backed away yet again. She sighed and gave up. Okay. Well work
on that some other time.
Tiffany kept staring at Taeyeon who was looking at her with a small smile on her
Youre really cute. Stubborn and noisy too, but cute nonetheless, Taeyeon said.
So are you.
Taeyeon laughed. Like the compliment? She extended one hand, gesturing for
Tiffany to come.
Tiffany didnt move from where she was standing. Although she liked this
person, she wasnt sure shed like her to touch her anywhere but on the head. It
was bad enough to have Taeyeon carry her around all day. She had to keep
reminding herself that she was a dog and that Taeyeon wasnt placing her hands
on her naked body.
But she had had enough for the day.
No? Taeyeon looked disappointed as her hand dropped to the carpet. Okay
then. Well work on this too.
She watched Taeyeon gather her stuff, taking the clothes, collar and leash away
but leaving the toys behind, before the woman went inside a room Tiffany
assumed was the bedroom.
She exhaled in relief then went to lie down in the corner, curling up into a black
ball, hiding her face.
So this is how my life would be from now on? Im an animal whos forced to live
without the ability to talk or even hold things. Will my family and friends be
worried when they realize that Im not returning? Will the company survive
without me? Whos looking after my apartment and my things?
She unconsciously began crying again, regretting what had happened.
I shouldve just followed that witchs wish.
Hey hey are you okay?
She heard Taeyeons voice and sensed her coming closer but she didnt move a
She felt the soft skin of Taeyeons palm on her head and heard the rustling of her
clothes as she took a seat next to her.
Taeyeon lifted Tiffany off the floor, placing her on her lap. You miss your
owner? she asked.
Tiffany wanted to get away but the touch she dreaded was comforting her
instead, unexpectedly, and she ended up lying on Taeyeons lap.
Dont be so tense, Taeyeon said. Her hand never stopped stroking the black fur.
Ill take good care of you until we can find your owner, okay? So cheer up,
Slowly but surely, the dog began to relax, snuggling against Taeyeons warm
Tiffany couldnt deny that she was exhausted and Taeyeons efforts to comfort
her were very effective. The woman even hummed her a song.
Her eyes grew heavy and she almost dozed off when she felt Taeyeon shift.
Youre sleepy?
Tiffany lifted her head and looked at Taeyeon. Yes.
It didnt come out as a bark this time but as a small whimper Tiffany didnt even
know she was capable of.
Aw youve had a long day, havent you? Okay. Bed time it is. Taeyeon took the
dog to her room and placed her on the small bed she had bought earlier. This is
your bed. You sleep here, okay? I need to take a shower first.
Tiffany watched Taeyeon take out a towel before leaving her alone.
She exhaled and tried to get comfortable on the cushion, closing her eyes. Shed
think of a way out of this predicament tomorrow.
It was hard to fall asleep no matter how tired she was so when Taeyeon came
back, only wrapped in a towel with hair tied up in a bun, Tiffanys eyes were
already open again, watching. She noted the perfect skin, still glistening with
water, and thought that Taeyeons boyfriend must be a very lucky man.
But then Taeyeon started to unwrap the towel from around her body and Tiffany
quickly covered her eyes with her paw.
If dogs could blush, she wouldve turned red all over.
She waited until she heard the bed creak ever so slightly before she opened her
Taeyeon was sitting on the bed, holding her tablet.
Is she reading? thought Tiffany. Or playing a game? Sigh I miss being able to hold
things or own them.
She felt sad again but this time she also resented what had happened.
My bed is better, bigger and much more comfortable than this poor excuse of a
cushion, she thought angrily. That annoying witch! I never hurt anyone! She had
no right to do this to me. Its not fair!
Taeyeon turned her head when she noticed the dog standing up in her small bed.
Whats wrong? she asked the black pup who approached her and looked up at
her. I thought you were tired? Why arent you sleeping? She put her tablet
aside and turned, putting both feet on the carpet.
I refuse to sleep on that pathetic little bed.
Bark. Bark.
What? What do you want now?
A proper bed to sleep in, thank you very much.
Bark. Bark. Bark.
Sshh! Its kinda late. The neighbors wont be happy. Taeyeon put a finger to her
lips then lifted Tiffany, placing her on the bed. You want to sleep with me?
Psh. You wish. I just want your bed.
Tiffany went to the empty side of the bed, walking around the tablet, and
plopped down on the comforter, next to the plushies. She made herself
comfortable under the amused stare of the beds rightful owner.
You have one heck of a personality, you know. One second youre all sad and
quiet then youre loud and demanding the next. But youre smart and somehow
remind me of a stubborn, spoiled child, said Taeyeon with a chuckle.
The word spoiled reminded Tiffany of the witch and her head jerked up
I am not spoiled!
She barked so loud that Taeyeon winced.
Ssshh!! Taeyeon hushed the dog. Not so loud! Fine. You can sleep on my bed
just be quiet, okay? I have stuff to finish. She grabbed her tablet and leaned
back against the headboard.
Tiffany laid her head down again, watching Taeyeon who was now typing on the
Taeyeon felt the eyes on her and turned her head after a while, grinning when
she saw the dark brown eyes staring back at her. She then noticed the plushie
that was lying just behind Tiffany and got an idea.
Aha! I think I know what to call you, she said as she reached out to take the toy.
How about Ginger? she showed her the Gingerbread Man. Its a pretty name,
dont you think?
Tiffany wanted to protest but knew that she couldnt possibly spell out Tiffany!
or write it down since she couldnt even hold a pen so she didnt do anything.
Not even blinking.
No? You dont like it? asked Taeyeon when she saw the lack of reaction. She
could swear that the dog was judging her choice of name through her silence.

Well, I like it. Ginger it is. Taeyeon put the plushie aside and patted Tiffanys
head. Sleep, Ginger.
Tiffany wished she could roll her eyes but since that gesture was also impossible
to do now, she resorted to exhaling while turning her head away, trying to get
some sleep.
Ginger. Next thing you know shell be buying a Shrek outfit for me to wear. Note to
self: should I ever return to my human form, never torture any dog with ridiculous
clothes no matter how squeal-worthy cute people think they are.

Part 3

Tiffany could barely sleep that night. The world had become such a noisy place
that she kept jerking up every fifteen minutes or so.
She was afraid that every passing footstep or car she heard meant burglars so
she stayed alert because the last thing she wanted was to have something bad
happen to this nice woman who took her in.
Taeyeon woke up a few times too, during the night. She saw the dog with her
head and ears up and would mumble comforting words while stroking her fur,
telling her to go back to sleep.
When Taeyeons alarm rang, Tiffany was already trying to wake Taeyeon up,
pawing her arm then her face when the woman didnt move an inch.
Yah! Wake up and turn off your noisy alarm! Then put me down! I need to pee!
Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon groaned and finally opened her eyes. Why are you so noisy? she
mumbled before frowning. What are you doing? she asked when she saw black
covering most of her vision. She reached up, pulled the paw off her forehead and
couldnt help but laugh when the dog tried to place her paw on her cheek next.
Okay okay. Im up!
She stretched then pushed herself up, turning to switch the noisy alarm off.
Thank goodness! Now let me down! I need to pee!
Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon saw the black dog perched on the edge of the bed, looking down at the
floor. Go ahead and jump down, she said.
Are you crazy, woman?! Do you want me to break a leg or something?!
Bark. Bark.
Come on. Try. Its not that high.
Im not a cat! I cant always land on my feet, you know. Im not used to having
four legs instead of two, Tiffany barked again.
Oh alright. Taeyeon finally lifted Tiffany and set her on the floor.
The dog ran out of the room towards the bathroom, followed by Taeyeon.
Ah. You wanted to go to the toilet, said Taeyeon in understanding when she
saw the dog disappear inside her bathroom. She also went inside and saw the
dog squatting near the drain.
Yah! Give me some privacy, will ya?! Tiffany wanted to cover herself up but it
was difficult considering her lack of hands. She almost lost her balance when she
tried to lift her front paws so she just backed up further, hoping that the toilet
bowl would obscure Taeyeons vision.
Why are you barking now? asked Taeyeon as she took her toothbrush from the
holder and began brushing her teeth. Its too early, Ginger. Please be quiet or
our neighbors will be furious.
Tiffany quieted down at the mention of her new name. It felt strange to be called
Ginger but she had no choice on the matter, unfortunately.
She let out a quiet sigh, finished her business then walked out of the bathroom to
give Taeyeon a chance to shower.
She waited near her empty food bowl after drinking from her water.
When Taeyeon emerged with wet hair, wearing just an oversized shirt, Tiffany
had to look away because she could see up that shirt from where she was sitting.
Dear lord, woman. Put on some pants, will ya?! You have company!
She heard Taeyeon say and noticed her squatting near her from the corner of her
The sound of dry food pellets hitting the tin bowl made her look and she almost
cringed when she saw the brown bits.
Do I have to eat that? What happened to the canned food like last night?
Here. Eat up, Taeyeon said, standing up.
Tiffany averted her eyes and sniffed the bowl. It doesnt smell much different than
last nights food, to be quite honest. Maybe I should just consider this breakfast
cereal with meat flavor. Yeah. Lets just do that.
She hesitantly took a bite, chewed the crunchy pellets and washed it down with
Ugh. What Id do for a burger right now.
Good girl.
She heard Taeyeon say and felt her rub her head before walking away.
Tiffany was still eating when she felt something cold on her butt and yelped,
jumping away.
Sorry sorry. Did I startle you? Im sorry.
Tiffany growled at Taeyeon who was holding a wet wipe in her hand. Where the
heck do you think youre touching, missy?!
Bark. Bark.
I said Im sorry! I want to clean you up a bit after your toilet trip, thats all. It
doesnt hurt. Its just a bit wet and cold.
Are you kidding me?!
Come on, Ginger. Just one quick wipe, okay? Taeyeon reached out, trying to
hold the dog that had backed away into the corner. She grabbed both sides of her
body, pulled her then pinned her under one arm while her other hand quickly
cleaned the dogs behind.
Y-yah! Let me go! Hey! Thats YAH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!
Tiffany barked and squirmed throughout the entire five-second ordeal until
Taeyeon let her go.
Done! Taeyeon said with a sigh. Sheesh. Youd think I was torturing you from
how you barked and squirmed like that. Its for your own good, Ginger. She
threw away the wipe and washed her hands. Hygiene is important.
I feel so violated.
Tiffany let out a scoff.
Now go finish your food, ordered Taeyeon as she hurriedly left the kitchen.
Ive lost my appetite thanks to you womanhandling me, mumbled Tiffany,
walking to the living room instead. She plopped down on the carpet and sighed,
thinking of the amount of work she shouldve been doing today. I hope Key can
handle everything. Then again, he designed those cool sneakers on his own and he
was the one who warned me about that witch so he actually knew better. Much
better than I ever gave him credit for. He even entrusted me in Taeyeons care and
thats definitely a good thing. I should treat him better from now on.
Tiffany felt sleepy and was about to doze off when she heard Taeyeons voice.
She didnt move let alone answer.
Oh there you are. Taeyeon saw the dog on the carpet. Why didnt you finish
your food?
Because you molested me in the middle of breakfast, genius.
Are you feeling okay?
Tiffany sensed Taeyeon next to her and felt her hand on her head. She wished
she could stop the tail wagging when Taeyeon scratched her ears but it was like
an automatic function she couldnt disable.
Stupid body. These creatures are so simple, I dont even Sigh
I have a meeting so Ill leave you alone for a few hours. Please finish your food?
Ive left you some snacks too. Theyre near your water. Get some sleep. I know
you barely slept last night. Must be weird sleeping in a strangers bed, huh?
Tiffany turned her head and raised her eyebrows when she saw Taeyeon smiling
at her.
Dont worry. Well find your owner.
She couldnt help but feel touched by the kindness and care so when Taeyeons
palm brushed her face, she gave it a small and quick lick to show her
appreciation since she couldnt exactly stand up and shake Taeyeons hand or
hug her.
Aw Does this mean that you like me? asked Taeyeon as she grinned wider,
ruffling the black fur some more before she got to her feet. See ya. Dont trash
my place, okay?
Hello, Noona! greeted Key cheerfully when he saw Taeyeon walking through
the door.
Hey. How are things going?
Pretty hectic. We have deadlines to meet and since Fany noona left, Im the one
whos temporarily in charge, he said, gesturing to the large table with drawings
and fabric strewn all over it.
Im sure you can handle it. Youve been in this business just as long as she has.
True but she always has the last word so this is pretty new for me, being in
charge and making decisions like this.
Youll do fine. Any word on the dogs owner?
Key shook his head. I asked around and even sent an email to every client we
have, asking whether they happened to have lost their dog but nothing so far.
Hows she doing?
Shes adjusting. Shes very smart but what a personality.
She doesnt listen to you?
Not exactly. Shes just kinda stubborn and noisy. Like a spoiled child, said
Taeyeon with a chuckle. But shes adorable.
Well, Im sure you have everything under control. Youve been raising dogs ever
since I first met you. I automatically thought of you when I saw that pup.
I call her Ginger now. And thanks for the trust.
Ginger? Cute name.
Taeyeon nodded. Let me know if you find her owner, okay? Fast. I like her but I
dont want to become too attached to her.
The goodbyes suck, huh?
Yeah. Which is why I havent raised another dog ever since Cherry died.
Im sorry.
Dont be. Taeyeon moved to leave. Ill see ya Friday.
See ya. And take Ginger with you. I wanna see her again.
Will do.
Tiffany was bored to death after taking a nap and finishing her food.
She wanted to watch TV but she couldnt reach the remote.
She thought about playing with Taeyeons tablet but she couldnt find it
In the end, she tried to keep herself occupied by learning to run and jump using
her four legs.
Luckily, Taeyeon didnt leave her alone for too long.
Her ears caught sounds of light footsteps and some rustling so she ran to the
door, sniffing. Baby powder, flowers and crayon! Youre home!
Thank goodness youre home!
Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon opened the door and laughed when she saw the dog wagging her tail
while barking at her.
Why hello there, Ginger. Missed me? she asked as she bent down to pet the dog.
I was bored to death! Where the heck have you been? And is that a burger?!
You bought a burger?!
Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.
Calm down, calm down. Hang on. Taeyeon closed the door and took off her
shoes before entering the apartment with the dog running circles around her
feet. Yah! Be careful! I might step on you, she warned as she made her way to
the kitchen and placed her bag and the food she bought on the counter. You
finished your food? And ate your snack too. Good girl, she said when she saw the
empty bowl. She refilled Tiffanys water then squatted down to play with her.
Dear lord I was so bored but I can run and jump now. You cant insult me
anymore. Ill jump off your bed tomorrow morning!
Taeyeon chuckled at the endless barking. So happy to see me, huh? Im happy to
see you too, she said as she scratched Tiffanys ears. And good news. They
finally approved my designs. The book will start printing in a couple of weeks
and on to a new project we go. Ive never gotten back-to-back projects like this. It
must be because of you. Youre a lucky charm of a dog, arent you, Ginger? she
cooed before giving the dog a kiss, surprising the black pup who instantly calmed
You molested me this morning and now you kiss me? I like you but you seem kinda
lonely, Taeyeon.
Tiffany tilted her head when she made that observation, looking Taeyeon
straight in the eyes.
What is it? asked the woman. Man youre so cute! Taeyeon nuzzled the dog
again only to see her scampering away. Yah! Where are you going? You dont
like my kisses?
Tiffany ran to the bedroom and curled up in her small bed, hiding her face. She
had never kissed another girl before and although this technically didnt count, it
still left her feeling very shy.
Good thing she smells nice and is a very kind person.
She stayed there for a few more minutes until she smelled food and heard the TV.
Although she was still depressed, the hours of being left alone with her thoughts
trapped inside the canine body made her miss interacting with humans she
missed Taeyeon, to be exact.
So she climbed out of her bed and strolled towards the living room, in search of
the woman who was sitting on the couch, munching on a burger while watching
Taeyeon turned her head when she heard the dog approaching and smiled.
Come here, she patted the cushion next to her.
Tiffany lifted her front paws and leaned them against the couch since it was too
high for her to jump onto. She was, after all, still a dog and not a cat no matter
how hard she had practiced jumping that day.
Taeyeon put the burger down, dusted her hands then lifted the dog onto the
Taeyeon raised her eyebrows at the dog. What? You want my burger?
Ill let you have a bit, okay? I didnt have breakfast and it has past lunchtime so
please cut me some slack. Im starving, said Taeyeon, breaking a piece of the
burger to feed to the dog.
Tiffany ate with gusto, shuddering with joy when she tasted human food on her
tongue. She wanted to ask for more but she remembered what Taeyeon said
about skipping breakfast so she changed her mind and just watched her eat.
Taeyeon turned her head and laughed when she saw the silent plea behind the
stare. Wow. Those eyes are gonna be the death of me, she said as she broke
another chunk from her burger to give Tiffany.
She watched the dog munch down the burger and felt bad for her somehow. Oh
well. I still have my fries. Here, you can have all the meat, she said as she took
the buns off the remaining piece of meat, broke it into smaller pieces and put
them on the wrapper that she placed in front of Tiffany.
Tiffany looked up at the woman in disbelief.
But youre hungry.
Its okay. You can have it all. Ill just make ramyun or something, Taeyeon said,
patting the dogs head. Go on. I bet they taste better than that dog food stuff,
You bet. Thank you, Taeyeon.
Tiffany licked Taeyeons palm again.
Youre welcome, said the woman, acknowledging the gesture. Im kinda
surprised that you didnt bark like crazy this time to ask for it though.
Because I know you were hungry.
Maybe youre not that spoiled after all, Ginger.
Tiffany looked up when she heard that but Taeyeon had already gone back to
watching TV while eating her fries.
Youre quite selfless, arent you, Taeyeon?
She let out a whimper, making Taeyeon turn her head.
What is it, girl?
Im sorry I made you give up your burger. Tiffany looked at the remaining small
piece of meat then at Taeyeon, and felt bad.
Why are you looking at me like that? Finish the meat. And no, Im not sharing
my fries, Taeyeon joked.
Tiffany hesitantly ate the last piece and sat there watching the quiet Taeyeon.
She wondered whether the witch had intentionally let her meet this woman to
learn whatever lesson she was supposed to learn.
But her thoughts were cut short when Taeyeon suddenly stood up from her seat,
picking up the wrappers to throw them away.
She heard water running in the kitchen and saw the woman return a short while
Ah now this is the life, Taeyeon said as she stretched, lifting her feet onto the
coffee table. We have a few days off before that new project starts so better
make the most of it, Ginger. She picked Tiffany up and placed her on her lap.
Tiffany tensed, unsure of what to do, but Taeyeon never stopped stroking her fur
and she found herself nodding off under the soft and comforting touch.
Nap time, Ginger, she heard Taeyeon say before she relaxed and closed her

Part 4

Tiffany woke up with a start when she felt hands under her body.
Whoops. Sorry I woke you but I need to pee, Taeyeon said as she moved the
dog onto the couch.
Tiffany yawned and stretched. It was a good nap, much better than when she was
sleeping alone. Taeyeons body was warm and her rhythmic breathing was
strangely soothing for the dog.
After carefully trying to measure the distance, Tiffany took a chance and leaped
off the couch to land on the carpet safely.
Phew. That was quite high, she thought as she rushed to the toilet, waiting for her
turn to use it.
The door opened a few seconds later and Taeyeon had to chuckle when she saw
the dog seated neatly in front of the bathroom. She pushed the door open wider
and let Tiffany through. Youre a very well mannered dog, Ginger. I should ask
your owner for training tips, she said as she left the black pup to do her
Taeyeon went to her bedroom, took out the t-shirts she had bought for the dog
and laid them out on the bed. Ginger! Come here, girl! she called out.
Tiffany wished that Taeyeon would chill and just let her be but the woman kept
calling her name and even whistled.
Come on. Come here, Taeyeon told the dog who was staring at her from the
living room. She clapped her hands and squatted down, gesturing for Tiffany to
come closer. Cmere, girl. Lets go.
When the dog didnt move, Taeyeon stood up with a grunt then went to fetch her.
Why wont you come to me when I call you? Are you that lazy or are you just
Taeyeon placed the dog on the bed and Tiffany raised her eyebrows when she
saw the clothes.
Oh man. Not this again? Are you really going to make me wear these then take my
Choose one you like, said Taeyeon. Its a bit breezy out there so I think its
better if you wear an extra layer.
Tiffany tilted her head. Out there? Are you taking me out on a walk?
Im taking you out on a walk. You must be bored after being cooped up in here
all day. Taeyeon smiled then rubbed the dogs fur. So take a pick. Which one do
you want to wear?
Tiffany looked at the clothes then went for the simplest t-shirt there was. She
couldnt tell color so all she could do was hope that the heart pattern on that t-
shirt look at least fashionable.
Taeyeon grinned when she saw the dog placing her paw on the shirt. This one?
she asked, lifting the outfit for Tiffany to see.
Okay! Wow. I knew you were smart. Taeyeon complimented the dog and gave
her extra ear rubs. Ill give you some treats later.
Is this fan service, Taeyeon? If I do as you wish, youll reward me? I like it, thought
Tiffany as her eyes closed by reflex, enjoying the pampering.
Now then. Lets put this on you. Taeyeon approached the dog then carefully put
the t-shirt on her.
I wish you would wash this first but I guess the fur will protect my skin.
Pretty Ginger! exclaimed Taeyeon happily. She immediately took out her phone
and aimed the device at Tiffany, taking her picture.
Tiffany didnt even bother looking into the camera. She felt embarrassed enough
as it was.
Now lets put your collar and leash on and youre ready to go. Taeyeon placed
the dog on the floor and went to get her collar and leash. Here, look at yourself.
Arent you the pretty one? she said.
Tiffany looked up and realized that Taeyeon had placed her in front of a full-
length mirror. She gasped when she saw herself. She knew that she had black,
short but curly fur but she didnt know what kind of a dog she was.
Im a Im a small poodle? Im Im really a dog, arent I? Im no longer human. I
have fur now. I dont have my long hair or the physical features I both love and
hate. Im Im a dog
Taeyeon heard whimpering and quickly turned her head to see the dog staring at
her reflection in the mirror with one paw held up against it. Hey, whats wrong?
she asked as she approached the dog that sounded like she was crying. Ginger-
yah, whats wrong? she gently asked, kneeling down to check on the dog. You
are crying! Omo.
Taeyeon scooped the dog up and held it. Ive never seen a dog cry before. I
mean, I know you can get teary but a vet once told me that its not because youre
sad. Its just a sign that somethings blocking your nose and throat so are you
sick? She looked at the dog and cleaned the wet eyes with her thumb. You were
fine a minute ago. Whats wrong, Ginger?
Tiffany closed her eyes and laid her head on Taeyeons arm.
Taeyeon took a seat on the bed and never let go of the dog until her arm felt
tired. Only then did she try to gently move Tiffany, shifting her so she could
switch arms.
Tiffany had calmed down by then. She lifted her head, looked at Taeyeon who
had a worried look on her face and snuggled closer in search of comfort.
Dont be sad, okay? Well find your owner soon enough. I promise.
Tiffany let Taeyeon hold her for a while longer then decided that she had had
enough. She squirmed, trying to get out of Taeyeons hold but the latter didnt
release her so she looked up at her again.
Youre okay now? asked Taeyeon who swore that she saw the dog nod. Hm
okay then. She loosened her hold and tried to put the dog down when it
suddenly licked her chin, catching her by surprise. Hey. You just stole a kiss
there, Ginger, said Taeyeon through her smile. She then laughed out loud when
the dog continued licking her face. Okay okay. Enough! She pulled Tiffany away
and placed her on the carpet.
Tiffany didnt mean to kiss Taeyeon but since the licking was the only way to
show her appreciation and affection, she had no choice but to do that.
So you wanna go for a walk or not? Taeyeon asked the dog who went to the
side of the bed where Taeyeon had left the leash and pulled it with her teeth. She
brought it to Taeyeon, dropping it at her feet.
Lets go out. Im bored.
Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon clapped her hands in delight and laughed. Youre a genius, Ginger!
Taeyeon took the collar and squatted down in front of the dog. I think this will
be easier to put on if youre sitting down.
So Tiffany sat.
I knew it! You can sit! You ignored me on purpose last night, didnt you?
Because you were treating me like a dog. Although I know I am one, I dont need
you to order me around or push my butt down just to get me to sit. A dog also has
dignity, you know.
If I didnt know better, Id say youre silently judging me again, said Taeyeon
after she finished putting the collar around the quiet Tiffanys neck. She then
hooked the leash to it. And were ready to go!
Good! Lets go!
Bark. Bark.
Tiffany ran to the door and almost choked when the collar pressed onto her neck,
restraining her from moving further.
Ouch! What the hell
Easy, girl. Youll hurt yourself if you keep running off from me like that.
Taeyeon quickly walked to where Tiffany was, loosening the collar and the
strung leash.
This dog life sucks and why cant you put on your shoes faster, Taeyeon? Hurry up!
Tiffany kept barking, tugging at the leash every few seconds.
Alright alright! Chill, Ginger! Taeyeon finally opened the door. Youre really
something, you know. I dont know whether Ill ever be able to understand you,
she told the dog as they made their way to the elevator. Youre moody and
stubborn yet smart. I think youd make an interestingly annoying human, she
said with a chuckle. But a cute and adorable one at the same time.
Tiffany chose not to respond even though she disagreed with the annoying part.
She was too excited at the thought of actually leaving the apartment even for just
a little while. But she had learned her lesson and would try to match her pace
with Taeyeon to prevent that choking pain from reoccurring.
A few days passed and Tiffany had fallen into a routine she now knew by heart.
She would wake Taeyeon up in the morning, use the toilet while Taeyeon
brushed her teeth, eat breakfast and keep Taeyeon company while the woman
Tiffany soon learned what Taeyeon did for a living. The woman was some kind of
illustrator who would draw pictures for childrens books, among other things.
Sometimes Tiffany would go nap during the day to make up for the lack of sleep
since she hadnt gotten over her restlessness at night. Other times, she would just
entertain herself by watching TV since Taeyeon always kept it turned on while
working, thankfully. There were also times when Taeyeon would take her along
on short trips to the minimart or on her errands and Tiffany liked those the most.
Taeyeon decided that they should eat lunch together, one day, and moved
Tiffanys bowl to the living room, placing it right next to the coffee table where
Taeyeon had her meal.
Tiffany would get bits and pieces from Taeyeons food without having to ask for
them and she liked that very much too. Taeyeon was always attentive and
considerate so in return, she let Taeyeon cuddle and kiss her to her hearts
content. She didnt have much of a choice anyway.
But living with Taeyeon wasnt all fun and pleasant.
She got scolded one Friday morning when she got bored and decided to try to
open the kitchen cabinets with her paws. Taeyeon told her to stop the scratching
and clawing noises but Tiffany ignored her. In the end, Taeyeon marched from
her seat and scolded her so loud that she backed away into a corner, afraid to see
this side of Taeyeon she never expected to exist.
Ginger! I am trying to finish fixing this drawing! Just this one! I havent slept all
night and I only have an hour left before the deadline! Why cant you just listen
like a normal dog and behave, for goodness sake?!
Taeyeon then stomped her way back to her desk to finish her work, leaving
Tiffany trembling in fear.
She went to the bedroom after that, curling up on her small bed, feeling very
guilty for what she had done.
That was scary but she really didnt need to yell like that. I was bored and its not
like I ruined anything, she tried to reason. Cant blame her for being pissed though.
She has work to do and she already warned you a few times, didnt she? You
shouldve realized that shes stressed. Its almost lunchtime and she hasnt moved
from her seat since last night except to refill your bowls. Try to be more
considerate, Tiffany. Its the least you could do towards someone whos been
nothing but good to you. Alright alright. I admit it. I was wrong. Shouldve found
something quieter to entertain myself with.
Tiffany stayed in the room until she heard Taeyeon calling her.
Ginger! Lunchtime!
She lifted her head and raised her eyebrows at the friendly tone. Does this mean
that shes no longer mad at me?
The black pup got up and took small and quiet steps towards the door. She
peeked and saw Taeyeon sitting in front of the couch.
Come here. Taeyeon patted the space next to her, near Tiffanys bowl.
Tiffany cautiously approached the woman and stopped a short distance away.
Im sorry I yelled at you, Taeyeon said, beckoning the dog closer. She ruffled the
black fur once Tiffany was within reach. Ive submitted the drawing on time so
we can have lunch in peace.
Tiffany licked Taeyeons hand to tell her that it was okay and that she was sorry
Taeyeon chuckled, gave the pup another gentle stroke then began eating her
After the meal, Taeyeon continued working for a couple of hours before she went
to take a shower and change, getting ready to go out.
Hey Ginger, Taeyeon called the dog who was trying to learn to throw her toy
ball up in the air with her paws out of pure boredom.
Tiffany dropped the ball and turned her head to see Taeyeon walking out of the
bedroom holding two of her t-shirts. Are we going on a walk? But its still early.
Choose one, Taeyeon said as she laid out the two pieces of clothing in front of
Tiffany. Were going to meet some friends of mine.
Really? I thought you were a hermit with no friends, Taeyeon. Yay to social
She was about to choose the small hoodie when she saw the other shirt that
looked very similar to what Taeyeon was wearing.
This is new. When did you get this?
Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon laughed when the dog put her paw on the t-shirt and barked. I was
hoping youd like that one. Its the same with what Im wearing. Taeyeon
pointed at herself and grinned. Key sent it to me just yesterday. We have couple
t-shirts now, Ginger. Cute, arent they? Remind me to thank him in person later,
she said as she picked the dog up and carried her to the bedroom.
Ah. That explains it. That Key is so nice, Tiffany thought as she sat on the bed and
let Taeyeon put the t-shirt on her.
She then watched Taeyeon collect her collar, leash, blanket and toys, putting
them in a bag.
Lets go.
Taeyeon held Tiffany and grabbed the car keys on her way out of the apartment.
Noona! And Ginger too! exclaimed Key as he opened the door. He scratched the
dogs ear and laughed when she licked his hand. Aw you missed me?
Tiffany quickly retracted her tongue when she heard that. She had grown
accustomed to showing her affection that way and felt a bit shy to have licked
her business partner even though she had indeed missed him.
Has everyone arrived? asked Taeyeon as she took her shoes off and went
inside, following Key.
Not yet. Yuri noona is not here yet and a few others couldnt make it.
So whos gonna be here tonight?
You, me, Ginger and Yuri noona.
Thats it?!
Unfortunately so.
Taeyeon shook her head. Oh well. At least its cozy.
Yeah. And who knows, maybe well get new people tonight.
Maybe. Thanks for the couple t-shirts by the way, Taeyeon pointed at herself
then at Tiffany. Even Ginger likes it.
Youre most welcome.
Taeyeon set Tiffany down after showing her where the toilet was and cracked
the door open to make sure that the dog could get in and out fast.
You talk to her as if she understands you, commented Key once Taeyeon had
sat down next to him on the couch.
She does understand me, strangely enough. Shes a genius dog, said Taeyeon
proudly as she kept her eyes on the black pup that was roaming the apartment,
sniffing around.
Anyway, wanna hear about my date last night?
You dont want to wait for Yuri?
Ill just tell her again later.
Taeyeon chuckled when she saw the excited grin. Someone made progress.
Oh you betcha! He finally held my hand! Key practically squealed. It was just
for one quick second and he did it stealthily but still HE HELD MY HAND!
Tiffanys ears perked when she heard he and turned her head in shock.
Key youre gay? I mean, Ive suspected you of being gay since the first time I met
you but you never confirmed my suspicions or told me about your dates or crushes
She then realized with a sinking feeling that she really didnt know that much
about Keys personal life simply because she never bothered to ask. Although she
liked the man and cared for him like a friend, she never exactly took the time to
get to know him outside of the office. That made her feel guilty.
Is that witch right about me? Am I that selfish and obnoxious?
Part 5

Tiffany soon got bored after exploring Keys apartment. Although she was
planning on eavesdropping on every conversation so she could get to know more
about Taeyeon, the two people in the room werent talking much, opting to
watch TV and prepare the refreshments while waiting for their other friends to
Tiffany decided that she would be better off playing with her toys and practice
grabbing and throwing them so she clawed Taeyeons leg while barking, causing
the woman to stop helping Key in the kitchen.
What do you want, Ginger? asked Taeyeon as she looked down at the dog.
My toys. Im so bored right now.
Bark. Bark.
Tiffany then ran out into the living room where Taeyeon had left her bag and
tried pointing at it.
Ah your toys?
Okay. Here you go. Taeyeon took out every toy she had brought along and laid
them on the floor for Tiffany to play with.
Youre right. Shes very smart, commented Key as he put a plate of food on the
dining table.
Yeah. But you saw how demanding she was. Like I said, she really resembles a
spoiled child.
Tiffany looked up at that and frowned or at least thought that she was
frowning. She wasnt sure how frowning dogs looked like or whether it was even
possible to do but she made a point to try.
Key chuckled, went over to the dog to give her a piece of meat then rubbed her
head. Smart, loud, demanding you would be perfect for Fany noona, he said.
Fany as in Tiffany, your business partner slash boss? Taeyeon asked as she
followed Key back into the kitchen. Why is that?
Yeah. Why is that, Key? Tiffany lifted her ears, listening carefully.
Because thats exactly how she is. Shes a nice person, a good boss and business
partner, and I have nothing against her. Its just well, like Ginger here, shes not
only smart but also loud and demanding, replied Key. Shell remind you of a
spoiled child every now and then. Wont take no for an answer, always gotta
have her way even towards our clients.
I see. Youre right. That sounds just like Ginger.
I am not spoiled! Oh come on. A girl has got to have determination, right? She has
to know what she wants! Im only doing that!
Tiffany was about to bark in protest when the doorbell rang.
Key rushed to the door and happily welcomed whoever it was.
Tiffany soon saw a tall, pretty and tanned woman her age with long dark hair and
a very cheerful voice talking to Taeyeon and Key animatedly. She had taken a
peek at the brochures that fell from Keys hands earlier and read the writings on
it. She knew then what this meeting was about and what Taeyeon and Key had
in common, much to her surprise. And now, somehow she couldnt help but feel
wary to see a pretty woman being in the same room as Taeyeon after learning
about her preference.
So its only the three of us tonight? Cozy! exclaimed this woman Taeyeon
greeted as Yul which Tiffany assumed was short for Yuri, a name shed heard
a few times today.
Someone new might drop by, said Taeyeon who checked her watch. But its a
bit late for that so I guess youre right. Its just us tonight then.
Awesome! Now tell me about your date last night, Yuri told Key who clapped
his hands and repeated the same story he had told Taeyeon.
Taeyeon chuckled and went to the couch, taking a plate of mini sandwiches with
Tiffany was still a bit unhappy with the earlier statements about her both in
human and dog forms and she was not done with observing the newcomer but
the smell of food distracted her. She soon found herself sitting at Taeyeons feet,
wagging her tail in expectation of the yummy treat she was going to get.
Taeyeon noticed the behavior and grinned. Hang on just a sec, okay? She took
out the vegetables and cheese from the sandwiches before she broke the meat
and bread into smaller pieces. Here. She bent down to feed the happy Tiffany.
Ohmygod. Thats so good. I need to ask Key where he bought these.
Good? Taeyeon asked.
Tiffany nodded. Very! More please!
Okay. Here you go.
Taeyeon was halfway through feeding Tiffany when the others joined her.
Aw shes so cute! the tall woman said. Whats her name?
Ginger, said Taeyeon.
Yuri reached out to pet Tiffany but the dog barked at her, causing her to retract
her hand by reflex. Whoa! she exclaimed in shock. Feisty, arent you?
Thats new. She has never barked at anyone before. Hey, Ginger. Stop snarling,
Taeyeon warned the dog that was baring her teeth at Yuri.
Strange. Dogs are usually friendly towards me since I have Hani, said Yuri.
So thats why I smelled dog on you besides that herbal and wine stench. You named
your dog Hani? And I thought Taeyeon was weird
I think its because youre interrupting her meal, Key said from where he was
sitting. Youre a nice girl, arent you? He began cooing at Tiffany while bending
down to rub her ears.
Taeyeon finished feeding Tiffany and went to the kitchen to get her a drink. She
then returned to her seat and started talking to her friends with Tiffany on the
couch, sitting next to her. Her hand would stroke the dogs fur absentmindedly as
she chatted.
Tiffany had no complaints. She was full, warm and comfortable. Plus, the gossips
were some of the juiciest she had ever heard so she was beyond willing to just sit
there quietly. She had heard of these LGBT group meetings but never realized
how real they were, or even suspected her own business partner to be part of it.
After Yuri and Key had finished telling their stories, they started teasing Taeyeon
who apparently had a non-existing love life.
Come on, Taeng. Dont tell me that youre still skeptical? Not all women are
jerks, you know, said Yuri.
I know but I seem to only date the jerks. Maybe Im a jerk magnet.
So youre gonna stay single forever, Noona? Key asked.
Of course not! But Im going to wait just a bit longer.
Until when?
Until the right person comes along.
Yuri shook her head. This isnt a fairy tale, Taeng. No one is going to come to
rescue you or revive you from whatever state youre in right now. You have to go
out there and look for her.
Its not that easy and you know it.
But its doable. You know it is. Youre just being lazy and stubborn, said Key.
Its such a shame, Noona. I can name at least three people who are interested in
Im not going to date any of your friends ever again, Mister. Taeyeon pointed
her finger at Key and frowned. Once was more than enough.
It wasnt that bad! protested the young man.
Yes, it was. Back off, guys. Im fine as I am now. Ill get back out there again when
I feel that Im ready, okay? Until then, I have this girl here to keep me company,
said Taeyeon as she smiled and ruffled Tiffanys fur. Right, Ginger?
Tiffany turned her head to see the gentle loving look on Taeyeons face and
couldnt stop herself from feeling all warm and tingly.
You can bet on that, Taeyeon. Whoever dumped you must be very stupid.
Bark. Bark. Bark.
Taeyeon laughed when the dog stood up and climbed onto her lap to lick her
chin. See? Ginger loves me. She hugged the dog and kissed her.
We can see that but a dogs love is not gonna be enough, you know, said Yuri.
And what happened to not being too attached, Noona? What if her owner comes
looking for her?
Taeyeon grimaced at the thought of saying goodbye to the dog. Ill probably get
another pet.
Id rather you get dates instead of pets, retorted Yuri.
All in due time, Yul. Taeyeon patted the dog that was staring at her with wide
and worried eyes. Dont worry, Ginger. Its going to be okay with both me and
As much as Tiffany would like to believe that, she wasnt sure whether it was
true at least in her case. The witch didnt tell her how to break the spell and
return to her human form. For all she knew, she could be stuck as a dog forever,
accompanying Taeyeon the loner until the woman decided to get back in the
dating game.
Thats not a bad thing though. I mean, I will miss my family, my business, my
friends real food and being able to wear pretty clothes or do things on my own,
but if I have no choice on the matter, theres no one Id rather spend my days with
than Taeyeon. Besides, someone has to keep the nasty women away.
Its amazing how dogs seem to be able to understand what were saying or
know what were feeling, right? Yuri said, carefully placing a hand on Tiffanys
Tiffany turned at the touch but didnt snarl or bark at Yuri this time. She wanted
to stay on Taeyeons good side and since this woman was Taeyeons friend, she
reasoned that it was better to not do anything to hurt her. Yet.
Hm now I wonder whether Taeyeon has ever dated this Yuri.
She began sniffing the woman, searching Taeyeons smell on her. It would be a
valid excuse to bite this woman.
Aw cute, cooed Yuri who kept stroking Tiffanys fur. You have such beautiful
eyes, Ginger.
I get that a lot. But youre just saying that, arent you? You think that your dog is
prettier than me.
Even prettier than Hanis although I wont say that out loud in front of her,
continued Yuri.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows. Huh? Really? Well well I like your honesty, Yuri. You
may not be such a bad person after all. Unless youve dated Taeyeon and dumped
her, of course. Ill guarantee more than just a bite on our next meeting if youve
done so.
The three friends chatted well into the night and Tiffany had fallen asleep
somewhere along the endless conversation. She only woke up when she felt arms
around her.
Lets go home, Ginger.
She heard Taeyeon whisper before she felt a kiss on her head.
Tiffany closed her eyes and let Taeyeon carry her to the car. She slept all through
the drive home and when Taeyeon placed her on the bed after taking her tiny t-
shirt off, she gave the womans hand a lick as a thank you.
Taeyeon chuckled, left the dog to shower then came back to see the black pup
hugging the Gingerbread man plushie. She quickly took her phone to take a
Tiffany heard Taeyeon moving around and opened her eyes. She turned her head
just in time to hear the camera shutter.
Aw youre so cute. Ill upload this tomorrow, Taeyeon said.
I wish I still had my phone. Ill take a picture of you walking around the house in
practically nothing and upload it too. Just to get back at you for posting my
technically naked pictures.
Tiffany let out a low scoff and leaned her head onto the soft plushie again, still
feeling sleepy.
That night, she found herself sleeping a lot better than the previous nights
despite waking up a couple of times thanks to the sounds outside the apartment
and a sleep-talking Taeyeon.
Little did she know that it was going to be the last night she spent with the
person she had grown to care a lot about.
As always, Tiffany woke up first the next day and decided to tease Taeyeon by
placing her front paws all over the womans face.
Pfft yaahh whined Taeyeon when she inhaled fur. She opened her eyes and
saw the black dog looking at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Its
Saturday, Ginger-yah. Let me sleep in.
Oh come on. You can go back to sleep too. Taeyeon grabbed the dog and
hugged her while nuzzling her face in her fur.
Tiffany tried to free herself from Taeyeons hold but didnt succeed. She ended
up heaving a sigh, leaning against the warm body in defeat.
Did you just sigh? Taeyeon asked, moving her head back to look at the dog
staring back at her. And theres that judging look again. I swear. You really
behave like a human sometimes, Ginger.
Thats because I am human, Taeyeon. You just dont know it.
Tiffany relaxed and tried to go back to sleep even though she wasnt feeling
sleepy. If Taeyeon wanted to laze in bed on a Saturday morning while keeping
her comfortably warm, who was she to stand in her way?
But nature called a few minutes later and she regretfully wiggled her way out of
Taeyeons arms before jumping off the bed, running to the bathroom.
After that, Tiffany decided to get something to eat while she waited for Taeyeon
to get up.
Luckily, her food bowl was still half filled with the food pellets so she munched
on them for a while before she went to look for her ball.
Tiffany had just learned that she could throw the ball better with her mouth
instead of her paws when she heard shuffling from the bedroom.
She turned her head to see Taeyeon drowsily make her way to the bathroom,
eyes still half closed and hair a mess.
She quickly made her way to the kitchen and waited until she heard the
bathroom door opening before she barked.
Taeyeon! Im hungry! Do you have something better to feed me with other than
this old dry dog food?
Bark. Bark. Bark.
What? replied Taeyeon lazily, shuffling her way into the kitchen. She furrowed
her brows when she saw Tiffany place a paw on her bowl. Ah. Breakfast. Right.
Tiffany sat down and watched Taeyeon pull open the fridge, staring at the
Hm I forgot to go grocery shopping thanks to that sudden deadline yesterday
so theres nothing to eat, Im afraid, said Taeyeon as she closed the fridge door
and squatted down, ruffling Tiffanys fur. Lets just eat out. Then we can stop by
the supermarket on our way back. She stood up and went to the bedroom to
change with the soft taps of Tiffanys feet following her. Youd have to stay in
your carrier though.
Tiffany sat down and waited for Taeyeon to get ready. I dont mind. That things
Taeyeon put Tiffanys blanket and the dog inside the carrier and shouldered it on
her way out of the apartment.
She opened the door to leave and stopped in her tracks when she saw a tall
young woman with long dark hair standing there, about to ring her doorbell.
May I help you? she asked.
Oh hello. Sorry to startle you.
Tiffany heard the voice and froze.
My name is Choi Sooyoung and I heard that youve found my dog?
Oh crap. Shes back!
Part 6

Tiffany was now hiding under her blanket. So thats the smell. Its her. I shouldve
Err Can you describe your dog? said Taeyeon to the woman hesitantly. This
stranger could just be claiming to have lost a dog, for all she knew, and she
wasnt going to give Ginger up that easily.
Shes a female toy poodle with black curly hair and a beautiful pair of deep dark
brown eyes, almost black. She can be very loud and demanding but shes smart
and really quite adorable once you get to know her. My driver was supposed to
pick her up from the groomers while running other errands last Monday but she
ran off. I just checked my email and this designer I hired asked whether I lost a
dog and I did, explained the tall woman. He gave me your address. Sorry I
didnt call first. I was too worried.
Taeyeon felt her heart break when she heard that. The description fit Tiffany to a
tee. Is this her? she asked with a heavy heart, showing the dog in the carrier.
Tiffany wanted to get away when the blanket was pulled from over her but she
couldnt. She whined and barked at the woman looking down at her, pleading for
her to just go away and let her and Taeyeon be.
What do you want now? I wont hesitate to bite you if you try to do something to
Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.
Easy there, Ginger. Taeyeon held the dog with one hand while stroking her fur
with the other. She kept her close against herself, reluctant to let go.
Sooyoung looked into Tiffanys eyes and the latter could swear she heard the
witch talk without seeing her move her lips.
Calm down, Tiffany. Im not here to do anything to Taeyeon. Trust me. Just play
along for now. Youll see. Dont you want to go back to being human?
Why yes! This is her! came out of the womans mouth, directed at Taeyeon.
The witch opened her arms and accepted the dog that Taeyeon handed to her.
Thank you, Miss err
Taeyeon. My name is Taeyeon.
Thank you, Miss Taeyeon. Im glad to see that Tiffanys being well taken care of,
said Sooyoung as she held Tiffany, stroking her head with one hand. I was very
worried, you know.
Tiffany scoffed in her thoughts but didnt make a sound. Although she despised
this woman holding her, she didnt dare do anything that might upset her. She
didnt want to repeat that mistake.
Ah. Her names Tiffany? Taeyeon asked, eyes never leaving the dog.
Yes. What have you been calling her?
Ginger. Because she likes my Gingerbread man plushie a lot.
Aw thats cute. Anyway, I better get going. Thank you, Taeyeon. Ill make sure
that youll be rewarded handsomely for all youve done for my dog.
No need. Shes a nice girl and a great friend, said Taeyeon with a sad smile. She
reached out and patted Tiffanys head. Take care, Ginger. Or should I say,
Tiffany. Come over and play with me sometime.
We can surely arrange that. You can babysit her every now and then since I
travel a lot, said Sooyoung.
Thatll be nice. Ill see you then, Tiffany. Taeyeon waved to the dog sadly.
Tiffany didnt like seeing Taeyeon look so sad. She wanted nothing but to jump
out of this womans arms and run to Taeyeon but she couldnt. Neither could she
stop the tears that began flowing when she saw Taeyeons glistening eyes.
Shes gonna be all alone now, she quietly told the witch. Cant you send her
someone? Another pet maybe? A real one this time.
Shes gonna be fine. Youll see, replied Sooyoung as she bowed to Taeyeon politely
and took her leave.
Tiffany kept her eyes on Taeyeon until the elevator door closed. She sighed,
feeling as bad as when she first realized that she was no longer human. Maybe
even worse this time.
What now? Youre going to raise me as your own? she asked, barking at the
No. Sooyoung lifted the dog, turning her around to look at her. Have you
learned your lesson?
The woman chuckled, amused by Tiffanys resistance and pride. I know you
have. I wouldnt have come for you this quickly if you havent.
They arrived at the lobby and the woman carried Tiffany inside a waiting car.
She told the driver Tiffanys address, surprising the latter.
Youre going to let me live at my place but as a dog? That is impossible and you
know it.
Sshh, the woman shushed Tiffany. Be patient and youll see.
Tiffany lay down on the leather seat, looking up at the outside view through the
window, thinking of Taeyeon and how bad she must be feeling right now and
how quiet the apartment must be. Please be okay, Taeyeon. Ill go back and see
you again somehow. Ill beg and nag this witch to bring me back even if it costs me
yet another weird transformation. Do you like frogs, Taeyeon? Just in case she turns
me into one next.
Dont be silly.
Tiffany lifted her head when she heard the witchs voice and turned to look at
her to find her smiling.
I dont like frogs and you dont have to nag or beg.
Then what are you planning?
Patience, Tiffany. Thats also something that you must learn. Sooyoung took out
her phone and began typing on it, ending the silent conversation with the
dejected looking dog.
Whats your passcode? the witch asked once they were standing in front of
Tiffanys apartment door.
I thought you knew everything?
Not everything. Plus, I wanna be polite and not just barge into someones
Good to know, thought Tiffany. She barked the numbers since no other human
around could understand her anyway and let Sooyoung open the door.
She was placed on the floor and couldnt help but run around her place, going
from the couch to the kitchen and to her bedroom, wagging her tail while sniffing
the familiar, welcoming scents. She missed being home.
So what have you learned? asked Sooyoung as she sat on the couch.
You want me to say that you were right? Fine. You were right. Ive been a selfish,
self-absorbed human being. There. I said it.
Sooyoung cracked a small smile.
You couldve told me all this without turning me into a dog, you know. Youre
hurting Taeyeon as well.
How am I hurting her?
By giving her a friend and taking that friend away in less than a week.
Shes not lonely, Tiffany. She may live alone and likes being alone but shes not
really lonely. She has friends. Your business partner Key is one of those friends.
I know but Tiffany sighed and sat down on the carpet near the womans feet.
You wont understand.
The smile never left Sooyoungs face as she bent down and picked Tiffany up,
placing her on the couch next to her. Look, I might have taken the extreme path
by turning you into a dog but to be honest, just telling you about how youve
been behaving wouldnt have worked. Youre too stubborn.
Tiffany clenched her jaws but didnt reply. She knew that Sooyoung was right.
I also know that this doesnt mean that youre a completely different person or
that youve changed permanently. It takes more than just a week of experiencing
something to really change you.
Then whats the use of all this?
To make you want to change, said Sooyoung. Thats the key, really. Humans
are the most stubborn creatures alive. Knowing you should change something
and actually wanting to change are two very different things. I was hoping that
this experience would make you want to change and that it would be a good
reminder every time you relapse.
Why do you even care?
Because youre a kind person with a big heart, Tiffany. Loyal and generous as
well. Too bad people couldnt see that thanks to the overbearing my way or no
way attitude. Its such a waste, really. Sooyoung leaned back. On the other
hand, Taeyeon needs to learn the exact opposite. Shes been too selfless, hence all
those failed relationships. Its give and take, not give and give. You should teach
her that.
Tiffany tilted her head. How am I supposed to do that?
Sooyoungs eyes twinkled as her smile widened. Ill leave that up to you. She
waved her hand and Tiffany once again felt nauseated and dizzy, just like that
day at her office.
What are you doing now? she asked the witch who didnt answer. So Tiffany
closed her eyes, hoping to ease the queasy feeling, and waited until it was all
Tiffany bolted up with a gasp, opening her eyes to find herself sitting on a couch.
The first thing she did was to check both her hands.
She let out a relieved sigh when she saw normal human hands and fingers
instead of paws covered with black fur.
Tiffany looked around and realized that she was in her apartment, in her living
room, with no sign of Sooyoung around.
She rushed to her room to go look in the mirror and heaved another sigh of relief
when she saw her old self in her pajamas.
What time is it? Is it still Saturday?
She scrambled for her bedside clock and saw her phone next to it. She grabbed
the device, turned the screen on and raised her eyebrows when she saw the date.
Wait a minute she mumbled.
The writing on the phone stated that it was indeed Saturday afternoon but the
date was different. It was last weeks date.
Tiffany reread the date over and over again. So she reset everything? Including
time? To make sure, she went online and checked for todays date and time. It
was indeed the Saturday before that fateful Monday when she met the witch to
give her the dress.
Maybe it was all just a dream. A very long and weird dream.
Just as she finished that thought, her phones screen lit up, signaling an incoming
message. It was from an unknown number.
Consider this a second chance, Tiffany. Remember what youve learned. Ill see
you Monday. Hopefully you still have time to change the color of my dress.
Tiffany inhaled sharply and replied. You turned back time?
She was in the middle of typing another reply when a different message popped
Noona, just want to remind you that Miss Chois picking up her dress on
Monday. Is it done?
It was from Key.
Actually, I might have messed up, Tiffany replied to Key instead of finishing her
message to Sooyoung. Can you help me out? Meet me at the office in an hour?
Its gonna be one heck of a weekend and Im sorry to have to drag you to work
but Ill reward you for it. Handsomely.
What happened?
Ill explain later. Can you help me?
Sure. See you in an hour then.
Thank you so much.
No problem.
Key went inside the office space to hear noises coming from the workshop. He
raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw a makeup-less Tiffany diligently
cutting fabric. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing an old hoodie
and sweatpants.
Noona? said Key hesitantly. He had never seen Tiffany in that state in all the
years hed known her. The woman always made a point to look presentable to
people and they werent exactly close enough for him to be able to see her on a
casual, non-work-related situation despite their partnership.
Tiffany looked up and smiled. Thank God youre here. I need help. Please.
What are you doing, exactly? asked Key as he approached the messy desk.
What went wrong?
Everything, said Tiffany, pointing at a pink dress hanging nearby. I kinda
sorta turned it pink.
Key gasped. Noona! She specifically asked for black!
I know I know. I thought that it was dreary and that shed look better in that
color She saw the look on Keys face. Yeah, I was being my stubborn self
again. Sorry.
Whoa. What did you say? Keys eyes widened as his jaw began to drop in shock.
What? I said sorry for being stubborn.
First you look like this, and now youre apologizing and acknowledging that
youre stubborn? Who are you? Wheres Fany noona?!
Tiffany couldnt help but laugh. Im here, Key. Lets just say that I had a long nap
and plenty of time to do some self-searching. I realized that I havent been the
friendliest partner or boss or colleague or friend, and Im sincerely sorry for
Key finally shut his mouth after a few more seconds of staring but never took his
eyes off of Tiffany. Youre not a bad person, Noona. Youre always friendly to
But selfish nonetheless?
Err sometimes, replied Key who smiled when he saw Tiffany grinning
knowingly. Okay. All the time. Is that what you want to hear?
Yeah. Dont be afraid to be honest with me from now on, okay? And those
sneakers look awesome by the way. Where did you get them?
I designed and made them myself, said Key proudly, posing to display the
Fantastic. Well talk about this new line of yours another day. Now please, help
me. We need to finish this before that woman comes to pick it up on Monday.
N-new line?
Tiffany nodded. Your own urban wear. How does that sound?
Key was flabbergasted. He literally stuttered and spluttered before clearing his
throat and calmed down. That sounds awesome!
Good. Now lets do this.
Key took a seat across from Tiffany and began taking the patterns and fabric.
When dinnertime came, Tiffany ordered take-outs, paid for it and told Key to
take a quick break to eat.
I dont know what happened to you, Noona, but I like it, said Key with a smile
and a mouth full of food. Just being honest here.
Thanks. Lets just say that Ive learned my lesson. Feel free to remind me should
I start acting like a spoiled child again.
Will do.
Just then, his phone rang and he quickly excused himself to answer it.
Tiffany finished eating and resumed working while Key was on the phone. She
then saw him walk back inside the workshop with a distracted look on his face.
Everything okay? she asked.
Did you have plans tonight?
I did.
Im so sorry. You can have Monday and Tuesday off and Ill make sure you get
overtime for this plus free lunch for the rest of the week.
Key laughed at that. Wow! What a deal! But its nothing serious. I just had to
reschedule, thats all. No biggie, Noona. But Ill take the two-day break. He went
back to his post and continued where he left off without even finishing his
You had a date? asked Tiffany.
Key nodded shyly, blushing and grinning to himself.
First? Second? Third?
The young man looked up and stared at Tiffany.
Sorry. Didnt mean to pry, said the woman as she went back to focus on her
I dont mind you asking. Its just you never asked, he said, tilting his head at
the inexplicable behavior of his business partner. Fourth, actually.
Really? Tiffany lifted her head and smiled at Key. Things are going well, huh?
He nodded. Thankfully so.
Good to hear.
The workshop grew noisy as the sound from the sewing machine took over,
silencing the two.
How bout you? asked Key when Tiffany paused from her sewing.
What about me?
Are you seeing anyone?
Tiffany shook her head. Havent done that whole dating thing in a while. She
carefully checked her work before looking at Key. Its hard to find a good person
these days, which is why youre lucky.
She continued sewing while Key looked on, seemingly contemplating something.
Im gay.
Tiffany almost stepped on the pedal and sewed her finger to the fabric when she
heard the sudden statement from her friend. What?! she looked at the serious
Im gay.
Err o-kay? Im glad that youre being honest and open with me but why the
sudden statement?
You dont mind?
Of course not! Dont be silly. Tiffany dismissed Key and went back to her task
only to notice that he never really stopped staring at her. So she lifted her foot off
the small pedal and met his gaze. Why are you staring at me?
What do you think of gay people?
W-what? Tiffany was caught off guard for the second time that night. Im
totally fine with them. Whats with the sudden interrogation? You dont believe
me when I said okay?
No but well, I dont know you that well, privately speaking, I mean, so Im
going to go out on a limb here and ask you something. Please dont fire me or
dissolve our partnership? And please dont cancel the idea of my own line?
Tiffany couldnt help but chuckle at the cutely nervous behavior. I wont. Ask
Have you thought about dating women? I mean, you said that its hard to find
good people these days and I happen to know a few. Its just that
Theyre gay?
Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly, secretly thinking of Taeyeon. If the chemistrys
there and if we click, why not?
Yeah. Now can we get back to work? Im hoping that we could make it home
before lunchtime tomorrow.
On it!
Part 7

They stayed up all night that Saturday night and continued working all through
Sunday. Both took turns napping on the couch to recharge their energy as they
pushed to get the dress done on time.
Tiffany told Key to go home when the clock struck five in the afternoon.
And leave you stressing alone? No way, said the young man.
You look like a wreck.
So do you but were pretty people so our worst states are still better than some
peoples bests.
Tiffany laughed despite her exhaustion. Wow. Such arrogance.
Im sleep deprived, Noona. Humor me.
Okay okay. Youre a pretty wreck.
Thank you, said Key.
Thank you, too.
For what?
For staying and helping, said Tiffany.
Key shrugged as he continued working. Its the least I can do.
Tiffany smiled to herself and secretly thanked the witch for letting her see the
error of her ways.
Luckily, it only took them another couple of hours to finish the dress.
Oh my god, Key threw himself on the couch when they were done. That must
be a record. A dress in 24 hours. He closed his eyes and sighed. I think Ill just
sleep here.
Dont be crazy. Go home and get some proper sleep. Do you need a lift?
Key shook his head. Someones picking me up, he said as he took out his phone
and began typing.
Okay then. Tiffany started cleaning up but gave up halfway, feeling too
exhausted to even pick up a scissor. She decided to let her staff clean up
tomorrow and reward them with food or something. Im gonna get going. I
should drive now before I fall asleep, she told Key.
Be careful, Noona. Ill lock up here. Hes on his way over.
Alright then. Thanks again. Ill see you Wednesday.
Sure. By the way, Key stopped Tiffany from walking out the door. Were you
serious about meeting my friends?
Maybe. Why?
Well, I just thought um He exhaled. Never mind. Lets talk about this when
were both fully awake.
Good idea. Tiffany waved goodbye. Bye, Key. Thanks again.
Youre welcome, Noona.
Tiffany had texted her staff about Keys leave and that she would come in a bit
late for work that Monday. She also apologized for the mess, asked them to
kindly clean it up and promised to reward them for it.
She arrived at the office shortly before lunch and treated everyone to boxes of
pizza, chicken and drinks.
Some asked whether it was her birthday or whether there was something to
celebrate. When she told them that it was simply their reward for helping her
clean up the messy workshop, her staff began staring at her as if she wasnt in
her right mind. One actually, hesitantly, asked whether she was feeling okay.
Tiffany just smiled, told them to enjoy and went inside her office with mixed
feelings. She was happy to see them happy but she also felt bad. Their
astonishment at her gesture proved that the witch was indeed absolutely right.
She wasnt a bad boss but she definitely wasnt a good one either.
I should do this more often, appreciating their hard work and listening to them too.
She looked up to see one of her staff standing at the doorway. Yes?
A Miss Choi Sooyoung is here to pick up her dress.
Ah okay. Can you bring me the black dress from the workshop? And send her
right in, please.
The staff nodded and rushed away. She returned a short while later with the
dress in hand and Sooyoung behind her.
Tiffany thanked the young woman and told her to close the office door.
Well well things are looking mighty chirpy around here, commented
Sooyoung with a smirk on her face. And my dress is black! Hooray!
As you requested. Tiffany took off the plastic cover and showed the dress to
Sooyoung. Wanna try it on?
No need. I trust you. Plus, I could easily adjust anything that seems a bit off.
Sooyoung took hold of the fabric and observed it in awe. How long did it take
you to redo this?
Approximately 24 hours nonstop with the help of my talented business
I see.
Tiffany leaned against her desk and crossed her arms. So you really turned back
Maybe, replied Sooyoung enigmatically.
Yes or no, please.
I cant mess with time, said Sooyoung.
Then how come Im reliving the past week?
Thats for me to know and for you to never find out, said the tall woman. Just
consider this a second chance.
Youve told me that.
Well, Im telling you that again. Sooyoung placed the dress neatly inside the
plastic cover and moved to leave. Thank you for the hard work. I will surely be
the star of the show tomorrow. She winked, citing the words Tiffany had told
her during their previous meeting.
Wait! Tiffany straightened up and rushed to the door to stop Sooyoung from
leaving her office. What about Taeyeon? she lowered her voice. Does she even
exist? Was everything you said about her true? Is she really Keys friend? Does
she remember taking care of a black dog named Ginger?
Yes, yes, yes and no.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows at Sooyoung who smiled at her.
I answered your questions in perfect order. Shes real. Shes Keys friend who
has to learn to stop giving too much and start taking so people wont take
advantage of her. And no, she doesnt remember a thing about Ginger the dog.
Her last dog was named Cherry and it passed away nearly a year ago.
Oh. Tiffany grew quiet, unsure what to make of the information.
I will leave you now and I swear to never mess with your life again unless you
really ask for it, Tiffany, said Sooyoung in a soft voice. As for Taeyeon, well do
what you have to do. Just know that Ginger only exists in your and my minds. No
one else remembers her and no one else will.
Wont that be cheating?
What do you mean?
I already know so much about Taeyeon but she doesnt know a thing about me.
Lets just call it an advantage that will, in turn, benefit her too.
How so?
Oh come on. Youre the smart one around here. You figure it out. Sooyoung
extended her hand. No hard feelings?
Tiffany saw the friendly gesture and shook it. None whatsoever. Thanks.
Most welcome.
Tiffany couldnt stop thinking about Taeyeon that week and by the time Friday
came, she had come up with a seemingly innocent plan to be able to see the
woman again.
She heard Keys voice and looked up from her desk.
You wanted to see me? asked the young man.
Yeah. Come in and close the door, please.
Key did as he was told and sat down across from Tiffany. Whats up? Did you
ruin someone elses dress again?
Tiffany chuckled and shook her head. I have a different request this time.
Are you free tonight?
Err why?
I have tickets to a musical and I thought Id turn myself into the prettiest third
wheel in the universe and ask you and your boyfriend to come with me. Tiffany
showed Key the three tickets. What do you say?
Gosh, I wish we could! But hes out of town on business, just left this morning
actually, and I have something I must do, said Key regretfully.
Oh. Tiffany tried to act disappointed although she had been expecting exactly
that answer from the man. Its okay. I can give the two tickets away.
And go see the musical alone?
Yeah. Why? Too pathetic?
Im sorry, Noona, but yes. Very pathetic.
People do solo activities, you know. Theyre not pathetic, argued Tiffany.
True but its pathetic in your case because you werent planning on going alone
in the first place. Otherwise, you wouldnt have asked me.
But I dont mind going alone.
You do, Noona. Youre just too proud to say it.
Alright then, Dr. Freud. What do you suggest I do about it? My other friends
already have plans of their own.
Do you really want to see the musical? Like really really really want to see it?
Not per se. These tickets were a gift from a happy client and I heard that its a
good musical so-
So you thought youd ask me since it beats spending Friday night alone? asked
Key with a grin.
Tiffany pretended to frown at Key. Just because you have a love life doesnt
mean that youre better than me. She pretended to throw the tickets down on
the desk angrily. Nobody likes a wiseass, Key.
Key only laughed. Yet you were one, Noona.
Touch. Now either help me or leave me alone.
Ill help. Um remember when I asked you about meeting my friends?
Finally! But Tiffany kept her expression clueless. Yes?
Wanna go meet them for real?
And she scores! Tiffany raised her eyebrows. When?
We have this weekly get-together at my place and youre welcome to join us. Im
not playing matchmaker here, Noona, but theres nothing wrong with making
new friends, right?
Tiffany pretended to take some time to think, tilting her head as her fingers
slowly tapped the desk. Youre not going to hold it against me if I dont find your
friends interesting?
Key shook his head. Like I said, its not a matchmaking attempt. Its just an
alternative to your Friday night plan. If you like my friends then good. If you
dont, well, go find other new friends. I dont mind.
Tiffany couldnt help but chuckle. Oh sure. Why not? I have nothing to do tonight
Awesome! Ill text you my address. We usually start at seven but youre free to
come by anytime you want, said the young man as he stood up and grabbed the
tickets from Tiffanys desk. Ill make sure these are put to good use. Some of our
team members could use a break.
Although it wasnt a date or anything special like that, Tiffany was beyond
nervous to see Taeyeon again.
She scolded time for ticking away too slowly and finally lost patience as she
bolted out of the office shortly before office hours ended.
Even Key was a bit shocked to see her run past like the building was on fire.
She arrived home, took a long shower and spent at least an hour choosing what
to wear.
Then she carefully did her make-up and hair. She wanted to look great but, at the
same time, give the impression that she didnt really do much to be able to look
that way.
It was silly, she knew. Taeyeon didnt know her, might not notice her and, worst
of all, she might not even like her.
But Tiffany couldnt care less. She had been replaying their moments every
chance she got and even imagined waking up to see her sleeping next to her
again one morning.
She missed hearing Taeyeons voice, seeing her smile, hearing her hum a random
comforting song, feeling her affectionate touches she missed everything about
her. Her time with Taeyeon was far too short for her liking.
As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she was reminded of Sooyoungs
words about considering this a second chance and it gave her hope. She also
remembered what the witch had said about Taeyeons weakness and that she
should teach her to take and not just give.
Not sure how I can do that but Im willing to try.
The clock had struck seven when Tiffany was done. She realized that she was
going to be late but she figured that it was better than being early. It would have
made her seem pathetic and desperate indeed.
She took one last look in the mirror, checking everything from top to toe, front
and back, left and right before leaving the apartment.
She sang along to every happy song during the drive to Keys place and felt giddy,
as if she was going to reunite with a lover.
That sounds silly but who cares? Im going to see Taeyeon again! she thought as
she did a little dance, bouncing in her chair as she kept driving.
Taeyeon-ah, wait for me.
The door opened to a smiling Key. Noona! You came!
You took away my tickets. I had no choice, joked Tiffany.
Key laughed. I did do that. Come in! Come in! He stepped aside and eagerly
ushered Tiffany inside the apartment. Hey everyone, meet my friend slash
business partner, Tiffany noona, he announced to the small group in the living
Tiffany bowed politely while browsing the room, looking for Taeyeon. She felt
very disappointed when she didnt see her there but kept smiling as Key
introduced her to his friends.
She met Yuri and tried her best to reply to every conversation while stealing
glances at the door every few seconds. She almost gave up hope as time went by
and the group began sharing stories to each other in a casual manner, but the
doorbell rang about an hour after she arrived, raising her expectation yet again.
Noona! Youre very late!
She heard Key speak to the person at the door.
Sorry. Got held up by a sudden silly deadline.
Tiffany turned her head when she heard the voice. That voice. Shed recognize it
from a mile away even though her ears no longer had the sensitivity her canine
alter-ego used to have.
She unconsciously held her breath when she saw Taeyeon walking in behind
Key, looking flushed from the rushing, in a white oversized shirt and jeans.
Tiffany recognized that shirt. It was the one Taeyeon wore that first morning
after she took Ginger in. The only thing she wore that morning.
Tiffany averted her eyes as she felt warm thanks to that particular memory and
pretended to be listening intently to whatever Yuri was saying to her.
Look who decided to show up after all, said Key, sitting back down on the chair.
Sorry guys. Work stuff, Taeyeon said as she searched for an empty space and
found one. Right across from Tiffany.
She noticed the unknown woman, raised her eyebrows and turned towards Key,
asking him in silence who this person was.
Oh. Right. Fany noona, this is Taeyeon noona, Key introduced the two.
Hi, said Tiffany somewhat shyly although she wanted to appear cool.
Hi. Youre the Tiffany from Keys work?
Tiffany nodded. Hes been saying bad things about me, hasnt he?
Yah! Noona! Key reprimanded Taeyeon sternly, putting a finger to his lips.
Taeyeon laughed. Sorry. I was just kidding. He told me about you once and thats
pretty much it.
I find that hard to believe somehow. But no worries, Ill give him the benefit of
the doubt and assume that he will tell you better things about me from now on,
said Tiffany, narrowing her eyes at Key.
You have my word, Noona! Key lifted one hand to swear then glared at
Tiffany wanted to talk to Taeyeon more but Yuri, who was sitting next to her,
kept saying things to her, trying to engage her in an ongoing conversation. So she
had no choice but to be polite and fake interest as she replied each and every
Stealthily, she never stopped keeping her eyes on Taeyeon, noticing what she
was doing or who she was talking to.
Sometimes Taeyeon would throw glances her way too and Tiffany would quickly
look away, feeling uncharacteristically shy when their eyes happened to meet.
When the get-together started to wind down and people began to disperse,
Tiffany excused herself, leaving Yuri to get herself something to eat and drink.
Also because she saw Taeyeon standing alone near the dining table, quietly
munching on mini sandwiches.
Taeyeon sensed someone coming to stand next to her and turned her head.
Hungry? she asked.
Yeah. These things are really good, said Tiffany as she took a bite from one of
the sandwiches.
I know, right? I think Ive had at least five of them tonight.
They quietly chewed their food for a few seconds as Tiffany gathered her
courage to start another conversation before Taeyeon walked away.
So what do you do, Taeyeon, if I may ask?
Taeyeon turned to face Tiffany. Im an illustrator.
Oh? For?
Books, ads, websites you name it. But I do mostly childrens books.
I see.
Key told me that youve agreed to give him his own line.
Tiffany nodded. Its about time. Hes really talented.
That he is. Hes very excited about getting his designs out there.
Itll sell like hot cakes.
They both chuckled shyly.
Um this is going to sound weird but have we met before? asked Taeyeon
I dont think so. Why?
Im not sure. You feel familiar.
Really? Tiffany replied calmly. Deep down, her heart was leaping for joy, doing
acrobatic somersaults. She might not remember Ginger but maybe we can still
have the same chemistry as two humans.
Yeah. Weird, huh?
A little.
Im not a weirdo though, said Taeyeon, making Tiffany smile.
Good to know.
There you are! Have you tried the mini sandwiches? Theyre really good! Yuri
suddenly appeared and wiggled her way between Taeyeon and Tiffany, much to
Tiffanys dismay.
Yeah. Was just talking with Taeyeon about it, replied Tiffany.
She can eat like a box of these alone. Cant you, Taeng? Yuri nudged her friend
Two boxes, Taeyeon said. But kindly wheel me to the hospital after that.
Ill pump your stomach myself, my friend, replied Yuri, putting an arm around
Taeyeon. Taeyeon here is the best friend Ive ever had, she told Tiffany. Weve
known each other for how long now, Taeng?
Longer than I care to remember, retorted the shorter woman as she stepped
away from Yuri. Excuse me. Nature calls. She smiled briefly at Tiffany before
walking away, leaving the two alone.
Yuri began chatting Tiffany up again and the latter had no choice but to listen.
She wished she could go after Taeyeon and talk to her instead but it would be
quite impolite to cut Yuri off. And she didnt want her crude actions to cause
Sooyoung to reappear in her life.
By the time she managed to escape Yuri by giving the cheerful woman her phone
number, she walked around the diminishing crowd to look for Taeyeon only to
have Key told her that Taeyeon had gone home.
She said she needed some sleep since she had just pulled an all-nighter to finish
that deadline.
Darn it! I havent even had the chance to ask for her number.
Part 8

It was officially the most excruciating weekend Tiffany had ever had. She wanted
to ask Key for Taeyeons number but she didnt want to come across as
aggressive and chase Taeyeon away.
Besides, Sooyoung told her that she had to learn patience so she tried to do so in
the hopes that it would somehow help both her and Taeyeon.
On Monday morning, however, she got an unexpected call from Yuri, asking
whether shed want to have lunch together later that day.
Tiffany was reluctant, at first, but she recalled Yuri saying that Taeyeon was her
best friend and that they had known each other for a long time. It was enough to
make her say yes to the invitation. She planned to get as much information about
Taeyeon as possible from Yuri.
She made a point to arrive at the restaurant a few minutes late to give the
impression that it was just a friendly lunch and she wasnt exactly eager to be
Yuri was waiting for Tiffany and started waving at her before the woman even
stepped inside the restaurant.
Hi! greeted the tall woman cheerfully.
Hi, replied Tiffany calmly as she took off her jacket and sat down. The weather
had taken a sudden dip for the worse, signaling the premature end of fall. Wow
its cold out, she said, making small talk.
I know right? And its only October! This is not normal. I wasnt even wearing
jackets until today, said Yuri.
They ordered their food and talked about work for a bit before Tiffany slowly
steered the conversation into the direction of Yuris friends starting with Key.
She asked the woman how she met Key, how long she had known him then
moved on to her primary target: Taeyeon.
So youve known Taeyeon for a long time?
Yuri nodded, sipping her drink. Longer than Ive known Key. I introduced the
two, actually. I brought Taeng to the group since she was so timid.
Yeah. Ive always known that we share the same preference but she kept
denying it until I introduced her to Key and the group. She has become a lot more
open since then, less timid, braver and just happier in general, I think.
Yuri paused to take a bite from her food.
Have you two ever dated? asked Tiffany.
Yuri almost spit the food out of her mouth. Oh dear God! No! she exclaimed,
grabbing the napkin to wipe her mouth. She then laughed out loud. Were just
friends. Best friends. Shes not my type nor am I hers. Dating her would feel like
dating a relative. Its weird and ew She grimaced.
Tiffany smiled, relieved to know that there was no history between Yuri and
Taeyeon. So shes not seeing anyone now?
Not that I know of.
Who has she dated then? People from the group?
Yuri nodded. Among others, but I only know her last two exes. One was a friend
of Keys. That didnt end well at all.
How so?
Taeng got cheated on.
Tiffany winced. Ouch.
Wanna know whats worse? That wasnt the first time it has happened.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows. People cheated on her multiple times?
Yeah. Unbelievable, those jerks. Taeng is one of the nicest people I know. She
totally didnt deserve that. She even took back an ex once, after that evil woman
came crying to her, apologizing, begging even gave a speech about how much
she loved Taeng and regretted what shed done blah blah blah Yuri began to
frown in anger at the thought of that incident.
Well, like they say, if she could cheat on you once
Theres no guarantee that she wouldnt do it again?
Tiffany took a deep breath. Wow. She got cheated on by the same woman
Yeah. Poor Taeng. I think thats secretly why she prefers pets than mates, said
Yuri with a chuckle.
Pets? She has many of them?
No. Shes just your regular one-pet-at-a-time person but she does love them a
lot. Hasnt quite recovered since her last dog died nearly a year ago.
Tiffany quietly digested the information as she sipped her drink, feeling her
sympathy towards Taeyeon growing exponentially. I guess this is what Sooyoung
meant by Taeyeon always being too nice and taken advantage of.
Yuri changed the subject, talking about her colleagues and other friends while
Tiffany tried to be polite, nodding and responding appropriately. She took her
leave exactly an hour after she arrived with the excuse of having to finish a due
Lunch is on me, said Yuri.
I cant let you pay for me.
Why not? I invited you, didnt I?
No buts, Tiffany. You can pay for our next meal, said Yuri with a smile.
Okay then. Thank you, Yuri.
Youre welcome. Need a lift back to the office?
Tiffany shook her head. I brought my car but thank you, she declined politely
then left the restaurant after saying goodbye her thoughts filled with Taeyeon.
More meal invitations followed but Tiffany only agreed to one because she felt
bad for always rejecting Yuri. So she went on another friendly lunch with her and
did more digging about Taeyeon. This time it was about her job, education and
family background.
When Friday finally came, Tiffany was one of the first to arrive at Keys
Just like the week before, she kept her ears open for any sound the doorbell
made, turning her head each time in expectation.
Taeyeon arrived on time and smiled when she saw Tiffany there.
Unknown to Tiffany, Taeyeon had been asking Key about her for the entire week.
She was also hoping to be able to see her again.
Hi, greeted Taeyeon as she made her way to where Tiffany was standing
which was luckily right by the dining table so she had an excuse to approach her.
Hi. Youre on time today. No deadline? asked Tiffany, watching Taeyeon pour
herself a drink.
Nope. Youre early. Also no deadline?
My staff has everything under control.
Thats nice. I wish I had staff to help me finish my projects, said Taeyeon.
Why dont you have at least one assistant?
I dont feel the need for it yet. Maybe when Ive established myself more.
Taeyeon then finished her drink. Cold, huh? she said, since she had noticed the
long-sleeved top Tiffany was wearing from the moment she saw her. Heck, shed
noticed everything from top to toe. It was hard not to. She was, according to
Taeyeon, the prettiest woman in that building and in that entire part of town.
Yeah. Can you believe how abruptly fall ended?
Tell me about it. Ive even taken out my sweaters and winter coats, said
Lets hope that its just a temporary thing. I dont want winter to come so soon.
Me too. Although, winter means Christmas. That part I like, Taeyeon said with a
Same here. Tiffany returned the smile before they simultaneously drank from
their glasses, hiding the shyness.
Key soon announced that they should move to the living room, signaling the start
of the sharing session.
Taeyeon took a seat on the couch and, to her delight, watched Tiffany sit down
next to her.
People began talking, telling their stories and experiences while the rest listened.
Halfway through, Taeyeon had to go to the toilet so she excused herself, leaving
her seat.
That was when Yuri arrived. She greeted Key and everyone there cheerfully, saw
the empty spot next to Tiffany and sat there before Tiffany could say anything.
Hey, Yuri greeted Tiffany.
Hi. Um- Tiffany wanted to tell Yuri that the spot was taken but the tall woman
had launched into a talk about how crazy traffic was that night, explaining why
she was late.
Out of politeness, Tiffany patiently waited until Yuri was done talking but when
the woman finally ended her monologue, Tiffany saw Taeyeon already sitting
somewhere else, right across the room.
She felt very disappointed and sorry as she looked at her, hoping that Taeyeon
would meet her gaze so she could apologize. But the woman never looked at her
again for the rest of the night let alone approach her, and it was hard for Tiffany
to find the right moment to go up to Taeyeon and talk to her because the woman
was constantly surrounded by other people and Yuri never left Tiffanys side for
more than a few seconds.
With a deep sigh, she ended up watching Taeyeon bid everyone goodnight a good
one and a half hours later.
Their eyes finally met when Taeyeon was waving goodbye to the room but the
latter looked away instantly, indirectly causing a slight twinge of sadness poking
at Tiffanys heart.
Why are you avoiding me, Taeyeon? I thought we were getting along just fine? And
darn it! I forgot to ask for her number. Again. Great job, Tiffany. Simply marvelous.
Another week came and gone but Taeyeon once again avoided Tiffany during the
entire Friday night meeting.
By then, Tiffany could barely hold it in. She wanted nothing but to ambush
Taeyeon somewhere quiet, punch in her number in her phone and order her to
call her.
But she tried to keep calm, remembering that lesson of not always forcing things
to go her way and to be patient.
She had come to learn so much about Taeyeon, thanks to another lunch and a
dinner with Yuri during the week. Combine that with the memories she had with
her, she was now borderline desperate for some of Taeyeons attention if not
So when the meeting was over and people were about to leave, Tiffany abruptly
cut Yuri off with an apology and excused herself, rushing after Taeyeon who was
already putting on her jacket and shoes.
Taeyeon turned around and was surprised to see Tiffany approaching. Yes?
I have a question for you. I have a plan to remodel our storefront once Keys
designs launch and I was wondering whether you could help?
Sure but I dont see how I can be of any help to you.
Well I plan to cover one side of the wall with murals, illustrations that
resemble street graffiti something that corresponds with the urban wear Keys
designing. I dont want stickers. I want real, authentic paint on the wall kinda
thing, explained Tiffany as best as she could, considering that this was a plan
that she had just thought up within the past few minutes.
Taeyeon smiled, finding Tiffanys way of hastily explaining things quite cute
although she wouldnt say or show it, of course. That sounds interesting. Can
you show me a few samples of his designs for inspiration?
Of course. Ill tell him to email them to you. Oh. Can I have your number, by the
way? Tiffany took out her phone from her jeans pocket.
Sure thing. Taeyeon readily told Tiffany her number then asked her to call to
make an appointment should she want to discuss the project even further.
Ill do that, replied Tiffany with a happy smile. Finally. I have your number now,
Alright. Ill see you then. Taeyeon took her leave, feeling Tiffanys eyes on her
back as she exited the apartment.
She sighed after pressing the elevator button. Such a sweet torture, that Tiffany,
she thought to herself. If only Yul wasnt so into you
Tiffany didnt waste much time. She called Key into her office on Monday
morning, told him about the plan and asked him to show her all his designs so
they could get started on his line immediately.
She then talked to her finance officer, checking the budget, and agreed that they
could start production in time for next springs launch.
Once everything was settled and a rough project timeline had been created, she
called Taeyeon to arrange for a meeting.
Hello. Is this Taeyeon?
Yes. Whos calling?
Its Tiffany.
Oh hi! replied Taeyeon a bit too excitedly.
Hi. Tiffany couldnt help but smile. Am I calling at a bad time?
Not at all. Whats up?
About that project I told you last Friday are you still up for it?
I am.
Good. Then how bout we meet to discuss things further? Ill show you Keys
designs and what were aiming for then go from there. The remodeling wont be
major but youll still have a considerable area to draw on.
Okay. When are you available?
How about lunch tomorrow? Can you make it?
I think so. Twelve?
Twelves good. Ill let you know where.
Okay. Will Key be joining us too?
Um Tiffany wanted to say no but since this was work and Key related, it
would be more logical to ask the man to join them. Yes, of course he is.
Oh okay. Cool. Ill see you guys tomorrow then.
See you tomorrow.
Bye. Tiffany ended the call and frowned. Why did you sound so hesitant about
meeting up with me alone?
But she shook that thought off as anticipation and excitement rushed in at the
thought of seeing Taeyeon again.
The next day, the three of them met for lunch, talking about the project while
brainstorming for ideas for the display and even the brand logo for Keys line.
They were almost finished with their meals when Yuri suddenly appeared out of
nowhere, happily greeting her friends.
What are you doing here, Noona? asked Key.
I was supposed to meet a new client at the caf down the street but she
cancelled at the last minute. I saw your unmistakably blond head on my way
home and thought Id crash your little party, replied Yuri with a smile as she
pulled up a chair, sitting right between Taeyeon and Tiffany.
It took everything in her to not tell this woman to place the chair somewhere else
but Tiffany kept her cool, choosing to eye Taeyeons reaction instead.
The woman was surprisingly calm, undisturbed by Yuris interference and
Tiffany couldnt help but feel slightly disappointed.
She continued talking about work with Key and Taeyeon, hoping that Yuri would
get the message that this wasnt exactly a casual lunch and maybe even leave.
Unfortunately, no such thing happened and Tiffany had to watch Taeyeon go the
other way as she, Key and Yuri walked together to Keys car. He had offered Yuri
a ride back to her workplace which was on the way to his and Tiffanys office.
Tiffany was quiet during the entire ride. She was seriously contemplating on
taking matters into her own hands since Taeyeon was being much too slow and
timid for her liking but she remembered Sooyoungs warning and could only sigh
in frustration as she spent the rest of the journey daydreaming about her
moments with Taeyeon.
A lot of things happened in the days and weeks that followed that lunch meeting.
Yuri kept asking Tiffany out, making it harder and harder for the latter to refuse
since Yuri was still Taeyeons friend and Tiffany didnt want to hurt her feelings
or make Taeyeon think that she wasnt a nice person.
Key was now focusing on his line after being assigned his own team to help him
get everything up and running while Tiffany tried her best to handle the rest of
the work.
She still relapsed a few times, bossing people around every now and then,
demanding things to be done the way she wanted them to be done, but she
always apologized afterwards.
Her staff soon got used to her change and was grateful for it. They even planned
to give her a surprise Christmas present and began gathering ideas and funds for
said gift. The mood in the office had brightened considerably and everyone
sensed it.
The only thing Tiffany was still unhappy about was Taeyeon.
The woman wouldnt contact her unless it was work related or urgent.
During their Friday night meetings, Taeyeon would steer clear of her. Shed greet
her politely or exchange small talk for less than a minute before running off to
talk to other people or do something somewhere else.
Tiffany had begun to think that maybe Taeyeon didnt like her after all, that
maybe their chemistry was not real. She was just being kind and loving towards
me because I was her pet. As a human being, she clearly doesnt like me that much.
She was moping around one afternoon after Taeyeon rejected her invitation to
have lunch together, using the project as an excuse once again, when her staff
announced an uninvited yet familiar guest.
Tiffany stood up from her seat when she saw Sooyoung stroll inside her office.
Now this is a surprise. What brings you here? Did I do something wrong again?
she asked warily.
Sooyoung smiled and shook her head. No. Im here to buy you coffee and catch
Tiffany raised her eyebrows skeptically.
Oh dont be so suspicious of me, said Sooyoung. I really just happened to be in
the area and I thought itd be nice to catch up and ask how you and Taeyeon are
Im not sure about Taeyeon but Im doing okay.
Youre not sure about Taeyeon? Havent you two met again?
We have but wait. Arent you supposed to know these things even without me
telling you?
Ive been busy. Anyway, lets talk about this over coffee since you clearly have a
lot on your mind. Im buying, coaxed Sooyoung.
Alright then. I could use a cup of coffee, said Tiffany as she grabbed her phone
and purse and walked out alongside Sooyoung.
Once they were at the caf, she began telling her about how different this
Taeyeon was compared to the one she had met before. She also honestly told the
woman about her plans to get closer to Taeyeon, from joining the Friday night
meetings to creating that store project that Taeyeon could work on.
Sooyoung chuckled, amused by Tiffanys ingenuity. I cant believe you did all
I had to. The direct approach isnt exactly something I could use in this matter.
Why not?
One, I dont want you to reappear and tell me that I havent learned my lesson
then turn me into a goldfish or something. Two, Taeyeon doesnt seem to like
me back.
Being assertive and selfish are two very different things, Tiffany. Taeyeons the
timid type. She needs the other person to take the first step.
You forgot point number two.
No, I didnt, replied Sooyoung calmly. I just ignored it because its false.
If its false then why is she avoiding me like a plague?
Because thats just the kind of person Taeyeon is. Selfless, remember? Bros over
hoes Best friends come first Friendship above love that sort of thing.
Huh? Tiffany placed her cup down and stared at Sooyoung. Are you serious?
Shes avoiding me to give way to Yuri?
The tall woman nodded. See? This is why I want you to teach her that lesson.
Being nice is great but being too nice is not good at all, most of the time.
I cant believe it, mumbled Tiffany, shaking her head. That silly woman
Sooyoung smiled to herself as she quietly let Tiffany think things through,
knowing very well that another plan was already brewing in Tiffanys creative
Go get her, Tiffany. And dont let go once youve had her. She deserves much more
than what she has received so far.

Part 9

Yuri was all smiles when she arrived at the restaurant. She thought that her
efforts had finally paid off when Tiffany called her yesterday to ask her out to
She took a seat at the reserved table, waiting for Tiffany. When she saw the
woman finally walking in, she stood up and smiled at her. Hey.
Hi. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Nah. I just got here as well.
The two sat down, exchanged pleasantries about traffic and the weather then
proceeded to order their meals.
Thanks for agreeing to meet me tonight, said Tiffany after they returned the
menus to the waiter.
My pleasure. Im glad you called, Yuri replied.
Tiffany took a deep breath then, in all seriousness, began her explanation. The
reason I invited you to dinner is that theres something that I need to tell you in
person but please dont take this the wrong way.
Yuri raised her eyebrows, feeling a bit lost. Err okay? What do you need to tell
Here goes. Tiffany shifted in her seat then cleared her throat, hoping that she
would not sound rude or mean. I think that youre a fun and wonderful person,
Yuri. I like your positivity and cheerfulness. I like having you as a friend and only
as a friend, she carefully emphasized that last part.
She could see Yuris expression change. The smile disappeared, replaced by an
embarrassed and disappointed look as the woman leaned back in her seat and
looked away.
I see, mumbled Yuri, obviously trying to stay cool despite the indirect rejection.
Im so sorry. I feel like I owe it to you to be honest about this and not string you
along or give you false hope because I really, sincerely, think that youre a great
person, someone Id want to be good friends with, said Tiffany in a gentle tone,
hoping to soften the blow.
Yuri took another minute to calm down before she finally exhaled. The corners of
her mouth twitched and soon she was smiling at Tiffany again. Well, at least I
tried. Thank you for your honesty.
Youre most welcome. I mean every word, Yuri-ah. I want to stay friends with
you, said Tiffany in relief.
Okay. Im secure enough to be friendzoned for life, joked Yuri. Besides, this is a
sign that I should really go after that barista. Shes been giving me way too many
free coffees lately. I should at least show my appreciation, shouldnt I?
Tiffany smiled back. You should.
Their food arrived and they began eating while chatting casually about work and
their mutual friends.
When Yuri asked about the project with Key and Taeyeon, Tiffany decided that it
was time to say the other thing she wanted to say.
By the way, now that were friends, can I ask you for a tiny little favor? asked
Tiffany. Please?
Hm depends. What is it?
Dont tell Taeyeon or Key about us being just friends now.
What? Yuri blinked then stared at Tiffany. What do you mean?
I Its Well Tiffany hesitated, trying to think of the best way to say what
was on her mind.
Out with it, Fany. Why dont you want them to know that youve rejected me?
Dont say it like that. Tiffany couldnt help but feel bad.
Just kidding. Ill get over it soon enough, replied Yuri with a smile. Seriously
though, why dont you want them to know?
Well I Tiffany took a deep breath. I dont know how to say this without
hurting your feelings even more than I have.
Trust me, Im much stronger than I look. I can handle it. Just tell me.
Um I kinda like Taeyeon, said Tiffany in a small voice, looking down at her
plate as her cheeks began to blush. She never thought that shed be able to admit
that out loud.
You do? Well thats a relief, Yuri said, surprising the other woman who
instantly lifted her head in shock.
What did you say? asked Tiffany.
Im relieved because I think Taeyeon likes you too.
Wha- why did you say that?
Well duh? Isnt it obvious? I know my best friend. She doesnt just strike up a
conversation with people she has just met but you two have been very
comfortable around each other since the beginning.
Then why did you-
Like I said, I was simply trying. I didnt know that you liked her too. Had I
known, I wouldve gladly stepped aside.
She didnt say anything to you?
Yuri shook her head. Knowing her, she mustve noticed that I was interested in
you and decided to back off without a fight. Thats just the kind of person she is. I
was hoping that she would fight back and make it a fair competition, for once,
but she never did.
Isnt that backstabbing? asked Tiffany carefully.
Not if she doesnt do anything about it and willingly backs out. Yuri saw the
uncertain look on Tiffanys face. I love Taeyeon, Fany. I would never do anything
to hurt her. But I saw you first so technically, I wasnt at fault for going after what
I wanted. Taeyeon knows that too. Its probably why she didnt say anything. But
seriously, if she had said something, I wouldve considered backing off or at least
given her an equally fair shot to win your heart.
Tiffany couldnt argue with that since it was impossible to explain her
extraordinary previous encounter with Taeyeon, way before she saw Yuri. You
like competition, dont you, Kwon Yuri? she said instead.
Yuri nodded. That I do. Plus, itd be nice to see her go after what she wants. She
never does that, you know. And people have made use of that selfless nature of
hers way too many times. She took a sip from her drink. So whats with the
favor? Why mustnt she know?
Because I want her to approach me and not the other way around.
Huh? Why is that?
Although Im fine with going after what I want, like you, Ive never had a serious
relationship with another woman before so I want her to be able to take the lead
somehow, said Tiffany, giving Yuri the excuse she had prepared earlier. Plus, if
what youve told me is correct, I think she really needs to learn to go after what
she wants. Otherwise, itd be quite an exhausting relationship, wouldnt it?
I get your point. Yuri furrowed her brows and tapped her chin with her finger
as she contemplated on what Tiffany was proposing. Okay, she finally said. Im
Whew. Good. Thanks, Yul. For everything.
No problem, said the tall woman. Ooh! This is exciting! Yuri began to grin,
rubbing her hands gleefully. I think Im going to like watching old Kim Taengoo
squirm. So whats the plan?
The next day, at the weekly meeting, Yuri and Tiffany launched the first part of
their plan.
Yuri came late on purpose and found Tiffany talking to Taeyeon and, as usual,
stepped in between them, interrupting their conversation. This time, however,
Tiffany politely told Yuri that she was talking to Taeyeon and walked around
Yuri to resume her conversation with a surprised looking Taeyeon.
The goal was for Taeyeon to realize that Tiffany somehow liked her too and liked
her more than she did Yuri.
Taeyeons reaction was satisfactory, at first, she didnt leave Tiffanys side until
the group started the sharing session. Even then, she stuck by Tiffany and sat
next to her until the whole thing was over.
Unfortunately, when Yuri was able to step between them again, Taeyeon didnt
say a word to her friend or to Tiffany and just quietly backed away like she
normally did.
Yuri noticed it and sighed when Taeyeon was out of earshot. Darn. I was hoping
that shed tell me off like you did earlier.
I know, mumbled Tiffany in reply. I thought Ive made it clear earlier that I
dont like being interrupted. Oh well. On to step two then.
Tiffany called Taeyeon the next day and asked her whether shed care to
accompany her to the pet shop. She said that she was contemplating on getting a
dog but she wasnt sure which kind. And since Taeyeon had had pets, she would
be able to help give some suggestions.
Taeyeon agreed, in the end, but not before asking whether Tiffany was sure that
she didnt want to ask Yuri instead. The tall woman also owned a dog, after all.
They met at the pet shop and were looking at the dogs when Tiffanys phone
rang. It was Yuri, as planned.
Hello? Oh hey. No, Im out at the moment, said Tiffany into the phone.
Taeyeon turned her head but then went back to playing with one of the pups.
Im with Taeyeon, actually.
Taeyeon heard it but didnt react.
Um I dont think I can. Were going to get something to eat after this.
Taeyeon raised her eyebrows and turned her head again. When did we agree to
Sure. Some other time then. See ya, Yul.
Was that Yuri? Taeyeon couldnt stop herself from asking.
Yeah. She asked whether I was free for lunch and I told her no, Im not.
Taeyeon hesitated for a few seconds, seemingly wanting to say something, but
changed her mind and began talking about the dogs, resuming the conversation
they had before Yuri called.
Tiffany silently heaved a sigh of frustration. Damn it, Taeyeon! Get the message,
will ya? I just rejected her for you, to spend time with you. Come on, woman!
After they left the pet shop, Tiffany dragged Taeyeon to a nearby restaurant for
lunch and texted Yuri to tell her that the plan didnt work.
Aigoo so frustrating! replied Yuri. But lets give her time. See what she does
for the rest of the day before we step this up.
Tiffany agreed.
Unfortunately, Taeyeon never said or did anything out of the ordinary, causing
Tiffany to shake her head after her when they said goodbye after the meal.
Nothing, she texted Yuri.
Wow. I cant believe that Taengoo. Okay. Time to step it up for real. Plan C!
Tiffany set up another lunch meeting with Key and Taeyeon a few days later,
briefing them about the budget situation and setting up a more fixed timeline.
Yuri called again and Tiffany told her that she couldnt talk since she was in the
middle of a meeting, ending the conversation.
Was that Yuri noona? asked Key.
You two are close now? he asked again.
Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly. Were just friends. She took a sip from her drink
while silently observing Taeyeons reaction.
Really? But youve been going out many times. I actually thought that you two
have something going on.
There is nothing going on. Not yet, at least. Right now, were just friends, said
Tiffany. Shes a nice person but I just I dont know. Theres no chemistry, you
know? Although I appreciate her efforts, Im not sure that we can ever be more
than friends.
But youll never know. Yuri noona is quite persistent. She might change your
mind, said Key, oblivious to the short woman sitting next to him who was
listening intently while keeping her eyes on her glass.
Maybe but I dont know. I must admit that Im flattered by the wooing and
courting but I feel nothing towards her. I cant take advantage of her, can I?
Thats just not right.
So no hope for Yuri noona?
Tiffany smiled. Not at the moment. Im waiting for someone else to make a
move, actually.
Taeyeon lifted her head when she heard that and met Tiffanys smiling eyes. She
quickly looked away again, slightly turning pink at the cheeks.
Tiffany noticed the reaction and knew that she had struck a chord with Taeyeon
Youre waiting for someone else to make a move? Who? asked Key, leaning
forward enthusiastically. Youre eyeing someone, Noona?
Not telling, said Tiffany. I dont wanna jinx it.
Jinx? What jinx? Theres nothing wrong with sharing between friends, is there?
No but Im not really keen on sharing this one just yet, Tiffany stated, ending
the talk. Lets order dessert!
How did it go yesterday? asked Yuri.
She reacted a bit but I dont know. Man, I felt like screaming at her to get a clue
and get going already. So frustrating, said Tiffany with a sigh.
Patience, my friend. Shell come around. Yuri checked her watch impatiently
and began fidgeting in her seat. She had a date at a nearby caf and was there
only to kill time since she was early.
Someone cant wait to go on her little date, I think, teased Tiffany.
Hey, after weeks of uncertainty with you, I totally deserve a real date with
someone who reciprocates my feelings, you know.
Tiffany chuckled. You move fast. I wish your best friend would get a move on
Give her time to come out of her shell. Yuri then stood up. I think Im just
gonna get going and wait for her there. She turned around, saw someone
walking towards Tiffanys office and quickly sat back down. Quick! Lets laugh at
something! Talk to me!
What? Tiffany stared at Yuri like she had just lost her mind but then noticed
someone approaching her door. She lifted her head, saw who it was and
immediately understood what Yuri was doing. Are you kidding me? she said a
bit too loudly, then laughed.
Yuri laughed along right as a knock came from the door behind her.
Come in! said Tiffany.
The door was pushed open and in walked Taeyeon.
Hi, she greeted Tiffany and saw Yuri. Oh hey, Yul.
Yuri turned her head and smiled. Hey, Taeng. What brings you here?
Um I was going to show Tiffany some of my sketches but if youre in the
middle of something, I can just come back later, said Taeyeon, pointing at the
door with her thumb.
No no! Stay. I was just leaving, Yuri said. She bid her goodbye to Tiffany then
patted Taeyeons shoulder on her way out.
Have a seat, Tiffany told Taeyeon. The huge smile never left her face.
Taeyeon sat down and smiled nervously. Sorry to have dropped by
unannounced. Are you busy?
Tiffany shook her head. Not at all. Im glad you came.
Taeyeon grinned sheepishly, blushing while looking down at the bag on her lap.
Um I thought Id show you some of my sketches and ask what you think about
them, she said, taking out her sketchbook.
They discussed the sketches for a bit before Tiffany asked Taeyeon to accompany
her to lunch to which the latter gladly agreed.
Tiffany was beyond ecstatic by the progress and she was all smiles when she
came back to the office later that day. She even hummed a song or two while
working, surprising her staff and Key.
A text from Taeyeon arrived the next day, asking about whether Tiffany had
already made up her mind about getting a dog.
Tiffany said not yet and continued the conversation for the next hour until
Taeyeon told her that she had to go run some errands.
Ill talk to you later, said Taeyeon in closing.
Okay. Have a nice day.
You too.
And Taeyeon kept her word by texting Tiffany later that night, wondering
whether she had had dinner.
Their interactions increased steadily in the following couple of weeks with
occasional meet ups with or without other peoples presence.
Tiffany was confident that Taeyeon had finally learned to be more assertive and
she was secretly waiting for the day when the woman would confess.
They were going to have dinner that day and Tiffany was waiting for Taeyeon at
the office when Yuri barged in, looking angry with tears brimming in her eyes.
Wheres Key? Yuri asked.
He took half the day off. Whats wrong? Tiffany stood up from her seat and
approached her upset looking friend. Are you okay?
No, Im not. Apparently, I wasnt the only one that pretty barista has been giving
free coffee too.
Oh no. What happened?
I just saw her holding hands with a man! They were wearing couple t-shirts and
being all clingy and everything! shouted Yuri. After all Ive done for her and all
the dates weve gone on Bitch!
Hey hey, calm down. Tiffany pulled Yuri into a hug. Im sorry to hear that.
Its just not my year. Ive never been rejected by two people in a row like this,
mumbled Yuri into Tiffanys shoulder, making the latter chuckle.
Technically, you only got rejected once.
And cheated on straight after that. Id rather stick to two rejections than one
betrayal, thank you.
Tiffany loosened her hold and smiled as she grabbed a tissue to wipe Yuris
angry tears. Youll bounce back and shell get her karma.
I know. Im just mad, said Yuri, taking a deep breath.
Feel free to vent. My ears and tissue boxes are ready. Just dont trash my office.
You can trash Keys instead.
Yuri had to smile at that. Thanks, Fany.
Youre welcome.
To comfort her friend, Tiffany gave Yuri another tight hug then fixed the messy
long bangs.
That was when she noticed someone standing at the door.
She turned her head and saw Taeyeon staring at her with clenched jaws and
furrowed brows. Taeyeon?
Yuri spun around when she heard Tiffany to see Taeyeon taking a step back.
Sorry to intrude, said the short woman as she walked away hastily.
Oh shoot, mumbled Yuri, knowing that Taeyeon must have misinterpreted
what she had seen.
Hey! Wait up! Tiffany called out to Taeyeon. She wanted to go after her but
then remembered Yuri so she hesitated.
Go on! Knock some sense into that woman! Its been too long and too
frustrating! encouraged Yuri.
Tiffany ran out of the office to see Taeyeon walking away with her head down
and her face buried in her jacket.
Taeyeon heard it but didnt slow down.
Sheesh this babo! Tiffany broke into another run, swerving through the
pedestrians as she tried to catch up. YAH! She finally caught up with Taeyeon,
pulling her arm to stop her. What are you doing?!
What I shouldve done before, mumbled Taeyeon.
What the heck are you talking about? Tiffany walked around the woman to
stand in front of her. Her hand never let go of Taeyeons arm out of fear that she
would run away again.
Taeyeon said nothing. She just stared at Tiffany with clenched jaws and hurt in
her eyes.
Tiffany heaved a sigh. Forget this. Im too old and too exhausted to play this silly
game any longer. She withdrew her hand and grabbed Taeyeons jacket collars,
pulling her close. You listen to me, Kim Taeyeon, and listen well. Im only going
to say this once, she hissed.
Taeyeons eyes widened, surprised by Tiffanys sudden rough gesture.
I like you, you short little babo. Yuri is just a friend. Ive told her straight up that
its not gonna happen and that youre the one I want.
Taeyeon tensed and inhaled sharply when she saw Tiffany lean in and felt her
lips on her own.
Tiffany shivered when she felt Taeyeons soft lips and warm skin brushing
against her own. She had missed this sensation so much, craved for Taeyeons
touch so much.
You need to learn to go after what you want, Taeyeon, whispered Tiffany
against Taeyeons lips before she moved back a bit to look her in the eyes. I cant
wait forever, unfortunately, her grip around Taeyeons collars loosened, so its
your call. Im leaving it up to you. She let go and took a step back.
Taeyeon was still frozen in place when Tiffany left her right there at the
sidewalk, under the stares of passersby.
Part 10

Tiffany went back to the office, told Yuri about what happened and earned a
standing ovation from the tall woman.
Good job! If shes still all meek and afraid, Ill gladly lend you my boxing gloves,
said Yuri, totally forgetting the earlier incident with her almost girlfriend.
That wont be necessary. Like I told her, its all up to her now. Im not going to
do anything from now on. I wont text her or call her or invite her for meals. The
only contact Ill initiate will be work related.
Good for you! Man, I cant wait to see what shes going to do. Shes quite the
cheesy one, you know. Dont be surprised if she goes all clich on you.
I dont mind clich as long as its sincere, said Tiffany. Deep down, she already
had a sense of how Taeyeon was as a person. She had, after all, lived with her for
a week even though no one would ever know that.
Im hungry, said Yuri all of a sudden. That whole anger thing took a lot out of
Lets get something to eat then. Im pretty much too distracted to work today
anyway, Tiffany replied, taking her purse. She suddenly remembered something
and snapped her fingers. Of course! Now why didnt I think of that?
Think of what?
I know just the right person for you! Oh my god. I was so wrapped up in this
whole Taeyeon business that I totally forgot about her. Tiffany took out her
phone and began typing.
Dont play matchmaker, Fany. Im technically on the rebound. No one would
want me in this state.
You just had some bad luck. Shell understand. She had also recently broken up
with her girlfriend of many years.
So shes also on the rebound? Two people on the rebound getting together. That
should be interesting. Heck. Why not? Set me up, Miss Hwang! Yuri exclaimed.
And should things work out, I plan to get a little revenge on that barista.
Dont use my friend for private revenge plans, Yuri, warned Tiffany.
Of course not! Shed have to agree to participate first. Do you have a picture of
I think so. Ill send it to you. Her names Jessica.
Ooh! Pretty name. I like!
Tiffany chuckled as she pulled the now happy Yuri out of the building.
Tiffany was busy for the rest of the week after that encounter with Taeyeon. A
high profile client demanded a major redesign by Saturday and she was pulling
long hours at the office every day. Key had told his group to meet somewhere
else that Friday night since he was also unavailable, too busy helping Tiffany and
the rest of the staff.
She was about to take a break and eat dinner when she heard Keys voice.
Noona? What are you doing here?
Tiffany looked up to see Key talking to Taeyeon and suppressed a smile. Well,
well look whos here. I guess that little collar grabbing threat and kiss did the
Since you bailed on us, I thought Id come by and nag you, joked Taeyeon.
Right. Youre just using me as an excuse, said Key knowingly before stepping
aside. Shes inside.
Taeyeon nodded and cautiously went inside the busy workshop. It wasnt hard to
find Tiffany since the woman was standing near the door.
Um hi, said Taeyeon shyly.
Hi. What brings you here? asked Tiffany.
Well since youve been busy and probably havent had dinner yet maybe I
could buy you a meal? Or coffee?
Tiffany finally broke into a smile. Thatd be nice but well have to be quick. I
cant leave this for too long.
Yes, you can. Key suddenly appeared. Were almost done and I have
everything under control.
No buts, Noona. Go. Youve worked harder than any of us these past few days so
its time to take a break. Just come back later.
Are you sure?
Yes. It was one of the team members who answered this time. Go, Unnie. Well
be fine without you.
If I hadnt known better, Id say that youre trying to get rid of me, said Tiffany.
Well, its true that we work better when youre not around to nag us, joked
another staff.
They all chuckled, including Tiffany.
Just bring us snacks and coffee and well call it even.
Thanks, guys, Tiffany told her team before turning towards Taeyeon. Dinner it
is then.
Taeyeon considerately proposed to eat somewhere nearby so Tiffany wouldnt
have to leave work for too long.
They didnt talk much, at first, besides discussing what to eat and ordering their
Despite her joy at seeing Taeyeon take the initiative, Tiffany knew that she had
been very straightforward about her feelings that day so she wasnt sure what to
say now or whether Taeyeon felt the same way.
Luckily, Taeyeon seemed to realize that she should be the one to start the
conversation. She cleared her throat, shifted in her seat a bit then opened her
Im sorry.
Why are you sorry? replied Tiffany.
For causing you to act the way you did the other day, said Taeyeon, lifting her
eyes to meet Tiffanys. Its just that I thought that you and Yuri had a thing
going on and I didnt want to I mean, I couldnt She took a deep breath.
Yuris my best friend and I value our friendship a lot.
I know that but surely youve realized that I like talking to you or spending time
with you.
I have but at the same time, you kept going on dates with Yul and I-
They werent dates, Tiffany quickly cut Taeyeon off. They were just friendly
meals because I didnt want to reject your friend out of fear that youd dislike me
for it.
The table grew quiet for a few seconds.
I know how you stole glances at me when you thought that I wasnt looking,
Tiffany spoke.
Taeyeon blushed, looking down at the table.
And I understand how much you care about Yuri but come on, you couldve at
least asked her whether she and I were dating.
I could but I didnt have to. She was clearly very into you.
Well, I wasnt into her. I like her as a friend but thats pretty much it. And Ive
told her that. Directly.
Taeyeons eyes widened. You have?
Tiffany nodded. I dont want to give her false hope or string her along. Im not a
I see. Youre that type, huh?
What type?
The go getter. You know what you want and you go for it.
Yes, I am. And youre the exact opposite.
I know what I want.
But you dont exactly go for it, do you? Otherwise I wouldnt have resorted to
such extreme measures. It was kinda embarrassing for me too, you know, but I
was frustrated and I didnt want you to misunderstand or avoid me like a plague
Taeyeon grinned shyly. Im sorry for that.
Its okay. Whats done is done.
They stopped talking when their food arrived, waiting for the waiter to leave.
So why are you here if you find me so frustrating? asked Taeyeon.
I already told you why. Tiffany picked up a fork. Lets eat, she said.
Taeyeon followed suit, picking up her own fork while watching Tiffany eat. I like
you too, you know.
Tiffany was biting into a piece of chicken when Taeyeon said that. She quickly
tried to bite the meat off and scrambled for a napkin to wipe her mouth. So
much for romance, she said. Sudden confession over chicken. Nice, Taeyeon.
How did you manage to get girls to date you anyway? she joked although, inside,
she was elated to hear the unexpected confession.
Taeyeon turned red in the face and looked down. Sorry. You said I should be
assertive and since youve confessed, I thought
Tiffany chuckled. Relax, Taeyeon. I was just kidding. Thank you for being honest
with me. She reached out across the table and placed her hand on Taeyeons,
giving it a quick gentle squeeze. Next time, wait until I at least look presentable
and pretty? That wasnt really my best moment, she said as she withdrew her
Taeyeon looked up at the touch, staring at her hand then at Tiffany. But you
always look pretty to me, she said before blushing yet again.
If Tiffany was still a dog, she wouldve leaped over the table and licked every inch
of Taeyeons face when she saw how cute the woman was behaving. But she was
human so she was struggling to not grab Taeyeon and kiss her senseless instead.
Thank you, Tiffany finally said. I think youre pretty too.
Taeyeon grinned at that and began eating. She grew more relaxed as time went
by thanks to Tiffanys warm and welcoming responses. By the end of the meal,
they were talking comfortably like they used to, before Taeyeon thought that
there was something going on between Tiffany and Yuri.
Do you still have to work tomorrow? Taeyeon asked as they walked back to
Tiffanys office.
Depends on whether we can finish everything tonight, said Tiffany.
Nothing. If youre free tomorrow, we could maybe go see a movie or something.
Tiffany broke into a smile. Id like that.
Ill call you tomorrow to make sure then.
Taeyeon decided to walk Tiffany up, standing quietly next to her as they waited
for the elevator to arrive.
When they had stepped inside the metal box, she leaned back and turned her
head, looking at Tiffany. Have I told you that when I first saw you, I thought you
were familiar? As if Ive met you before?
Tiffany nodded, turning her head to meet Taeyeons eyes. Yeah. You told me
I wonder why that is.
Tiffany shrugged. I dont know. Maybe its just chemistry. Or a side effect from
Sooyoungs little spell, not that Im complaining.
Maybe. Taeyeon looked away, staring at the glowing numbers on the dark
panel. So youre really not going to initiate anything?
Not even a call?
No. Not even a text, actually.
Until when?
Until youve learned your lesson, said Tiffany.
The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival at Tiffanys office floor.
Tiffany stepped forward and turned around, standing face to face with Taeyeon.
Heres the bottom line. I want you to win me over. Woo me. Court me. I dont
care if your best friend or a dozen men and women are trying to do the same. I
want you to fight for me. Show me that you mean business, show me that youre
willing to do anything to win my heart even on days when I dont seem to
respond according to your expectation, she said. Its time you go get what you
want, Taeyeon, and stop letting other people walk all over you.
Taeyeon gulped when Tiffany took a tiny step forward, leaving barely any space
between their faces.
Because youre too amazing to be taken for granted, whispered Tiffany. Her
eyes went to Taeyeons lips and she wanted nothing but to kiss her yet she knew
that she couldnt. Taeyeon was supposed to take all the initiative from now on.
Tiffany was about to walk away when hands grabbed her arms. She was caught
off guard when Taeyeon kissed her but closed her eyes and gave in, unable to
resist this person she had fallen head over heels for.
Ill do all that, breathed Taeyeon against Tiffanys lips after the kiss ended.
Both their eyes were still closed and they were breathing heavily their hearts
beating out of their chests.
And more. Just you wait and see.
Tiffany smiled and welcomed another kiss before Taeyeon finally let go.
Her eyes fluttered open to see Taeyeon grinning shyly at her, cheeks pink and
chest heaving.
She was about to say something when there was another ding, followed by the
sound of the elevator doors opening.
Tiffany spun around to see Key standing in front of the elevator, holding the door
What are you doing? he asked.
Err getting back to work? said Tiffany.
The elevator had apparently stayed still on that floor while the two were inside,
ignoring the doors that had closed automatically.
Taeyeons just walking me up. I got you chicken. Tiffany lifted the large plastic
bag in her hand, hoping that Key would be distracted by the food and stop
questioning her.
Awesome! I was going to get some snacks from the minimart but this would do.
Key took the bag and ran back inside the office screaming, Guys! Chicken!
Tiffany exhaled in relief and turned around to see an amused Taeyeon leaning
back against the wall.
Nice save, Taeyeon said.
Thanks. You better go home. Its getting late. Tiffany stepped out of the elevator
but pressed the button to keep the doors open from outside.
How are you getting home? asked Taeyeon.
I brought my car.
Oh okay. Well, you better get back to work so you could go home and sleep.
Yeah, I should. Drive safely. Tiffany released the button and waved goodbye.
And thanks, she said, smiling at Taeyeon who waved and smiled back.
Hey, Taeng.
Hey, Yul. Busy?
Nope. Free as a bird. Whats up?
Um theres something that I want to talk to you about. Wanna meet me for
breakfast tomorrow?
Sure but I think I already know what this is about, said Yuri into the phone as
she smiled to herself. Its Fany, isnt it?
She told me over dinner that you were in on this whole plan to make me more
I was just trying to guide my best friend onto the right path.
Why didnt you just confront me about it?
I did that a few times already over the years but you never listened.
Sorry. I didnt want to stand in your way.
I wouldnt have minded the competition, you know, as long as its fair and
healthy. You wouldve won in the end anyway. She doesnt like me that way.
I know that now but I didnt know back then.
You couldve asked me about it. Best friends are supposed to be honest with
each other, Taeng. Im grateful that you love me and appreciate me that much but
I want you to be happy too. You like her a lot, dont you? I rarely see you so eager
and comfortable talking to someone youve just met.
Taeyeon unconsciously smiled. Yeah. I do. She feels familiar from the get go, as
crazy and weird as that may sound.
See? You really shouldve talked to me about it. Oh well, better go get her then.
Dont let this one go, Taeng. I think she really likes you too.
Thanks. Do you still wanna get that breakfast tomorrow?
Sure. Youre buying, right?
No way.
Hey, I backed out and let you have Tiffany! Buying me breakfast is the least you
could do to thank me.
Excuse me? She was the one who pushed you away, Kwon Yul. Dont lie to me.
Im not buying you breakfast tomorrow. Id rather use the money to take Tiffany
to the movies.
Yuri had to laugh at that. Ouch. What happened to bros before hoes, Kim
Taengoo? she joked.
Im changing it to bros equal to hoes, Taeyeon said. She then laughed when she
heard her own weird sentence. I think I just called you a ho.
And Tiffany a bro. Ew!
They laughed, chatted about other things for a while before ending the call,
bidding each other goodnight.

Part 11

Tiffany was putting the final touches on her make-up when the buzzer rang. She
grabbed her purse and ran out of her bedroom like mad.
Hello? she spoke into the receiver on the wall and smiled when she saw
Taeyeons face on the small display, waving at her.
Hi, its me. Ready? asked Taeyeon.
Yeah. Be right down.
Tiffany did one final check of her appearance in the hallway mirror before
leaving the apartment, skipping all the way to the elevator while humming a
random tune. She couldnt be more excited for her first official date with
When the elevator reached the ground floor, Tiffany stepped out and saw
Taeyeon waiting for her near the door, wearing a smile on her face with hands
behind her back.
Hi! greeted Tiffany cheerfully.
Hey. You look great for someone who hasnt slept all night, commented
Taeyeon, referring to their phone conversation earlier that day when Tiffany told
her that she was finally done with work but at the cost of not having slept a wink
all night.
I had plenty of help from good old caffeine and Red Bull.
Those things arent good for you, said Taeyeon. Dont drink them too often.
I wont. Now shall we get going?
Okay but first Taeyeon took out a lone stem of red rose from behind her back
and gestured it towards Tiffany as her cheeks turned the same color. Im sorry I
couldnt get you a bouquet. The shopkeeper said that the sudden cold weather is
making it hard to get fresh flowers lately.
Tiffanys smile widened until her eyes disappeared into two perfect crescents.
Thank you! She took the rose and sniffed it. You shouldnt have.
I want to.
Taeyeon then began walking with Tiffany next to her, still smiling while holding
the rose tightly.
They took Taeyeons car to the mall, sharing random conversations about
everything and nothing along the way.
When they arrived at the cinema, Taeyeon told Tiffany to choose what movie
shed like to watch.
Nuh-uh. Youre the one whos supposed to decide, refused Tiffany.
But its just a movie, argued Taeyeon. I have nothing specific I want to watch
so its better if you decide. Im deciding to let you decide, she said, making
Tiffany smile.
Okay. Ill choose the movie then.
Great. Im also deciding that were sharing the popcorn, by the way, Taeyeon
said as they stood in line to get tickets.
I like your decisions.
They exchanged grins and queued for the tickets and snacks patiently.
Halfway through the movie, Taeyeon turned her head to see Tiffany lifting her
legs onto the seat after taking her shoes off, crossing them as she focused on the
moving images on the screen. She smiled to herself, noting the behavior as a
good sign that Tiffany was comfortable being around her.
She preferred these kinds of casual dates rather than the stiff and fancy outings
although taking Tiffany to a fine dining restaurant would be a nice change one
So Taeyeon decided to follow suit, taking her sneakers off and crossing her legs
in her seat as well.
Tiffany noticed the movements from the person next to her and turned her head.
Copycat, she whispered.
Sshh! Taeyeon put a finger to her lips.
Tiffany smirked and went back to watching the movie. The relaxed atmosphere
reminded her of the times when, as Ginger, shed lie down on the couch or on
Taeyeons lap as they watched TV together. It felt good to be this close to
Taeyeon again.
The thought had barely left her mind when she felt a gentle touch on her knee.
She looked down by reflex and saw Taeyeons hand resting lightly on her knee.
With a small smile on her face, she reached out and held the hand as her eyes
went back to the screen.
Taeyeon wasnt even focusing on the movie anymore. She was hoping that
Tiffany wouldnt mind when she placed her hand on her knee but when Tiffany
went as far as holding her hand, she was ready to squeal with joy.
But since she couldnt do that without being kicked out of the theater, she flipped
her hand over instead so that her palm met Tiffanys. Then she closed her fingers,
holding Tiffanys hand firmly before she moved their joined hands onto her lap,
placing her other hand to cover Tiffanys, effectively clasping Tiffanys hand
between both her own.
Tiffany turned her head, saw the hold and squeezed Taeyeons hand as a sign
that she liked the gesture.
Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany and leaned towards her to gently kiss her cheek.
They resumed watching the movie quietly after that, both secretly thanking the
dark theater that hid their burning cheeks.
Dinner will be good old Korean food tonight, announced Taeyeon while
swinging Tiffanys hand as they walked towards the car. She had never let go of
the hand except when they were putting on their shoes after the movie was over.
Sounds good to me, replied Tiffany. By the way, Im setting Yuri up with a
friend of mine. Its the least I could do for her.
Because she helped with your plan or because you rejected her?
Taeyeon let out a chuckle. I see. Im sorry it took me this long.
Thats okay. I like how much you care about your friends but being a little
selfish is good too sometimes.
Ill remember that, Taeyeon said then paused before saying her next sentence.
Why do you like me anyway?
Tiffany turned her head to find Taeyeon staring at her. What do you mean?
Whats there to like about me?
A lot. Youre pretty, kind, gentle, talented, funny and I just feel like we click.
I feel that too. Weird, isnt it?
Tiffany nodded. But in a good way.
Just so you know, Tiffany said once they were in the car, ready to drive to the
restaurant Taeyeon claimed was her favorite, I will never cheat on you.
You knew about my exes, huh? Yul told you?
Yeah. Those people are dumb jerks. Theyll get their karma.
I dont wish anything bad to happen to them though. Let bygones be bygones,
said Taeyeon.
Im not saying you should be bitter or vindictive but you have a right to at least
rage at them. Youre too nice. You should learn not to let people take advantage
of your kindness, Taeyeon-ah.
I know but its hard. I feel bad for them, most of the time.
Why? Theyre the ones who cheated on you.
Yes but I cant help but think that maybe it was because I didnt do enough.
Tiffany shook her head. See? Too nice. Regardless of what you did wrong,
cheating is just not justifiable. They shouldve talked to you about whatever you
did wrong or, worst case scenario, broken up with you first.
Hm I get your point.
Good. You should not take such bad treatments lying down.
I wont. Ill stand up for myself and learn to argue from now on, said Taeyeon as
she stole a glance at Tiffany, so be prepared.
Im not just talking about me, you know. Its valid for every relationship you
have whether personal or professional.
Which relationship do we fall under? asked Taeyeon.
Tiffany tried hard not to smile or blush. I dont know, she replied in the coolest
tone possible. Youre deciding, remember?
Its been a while since we first met, hasnt it?
Tiffany nodded. Exactly six weeks and one day, to be exact. Not including the six
days youll never remember but whos counting?
She was waiting for Taeyeon to continue but the woman kept her silence until
they reached the restaurant.
Taeyeon insisted that Tiffany should go home and rest so dinner went by much
too quickly for Tiffanys liking.
Before she knew it, they were back at her apartment with Taeyeon standing
beside her inside the elevator.
This is me, Tiffany said once they had reached her door. Thanks for the movie
and dinner. I had fun. She smiled.
Taeyeon returned the smile. Me too. You should get plenty of sleep to make up
for this past week.
I will.
Taeyeon stealthily reached out, hooking her fingers loosely with Tiffanys. Can I
make another decision about us?
Depends. Is it a good one? asked Tiffany. Her heart was picking up pace,
beating hard in expectation of what Taeyeon was about to say. Please just ask me
to be your girlfriend or declare us officially dating or something.
Well, I know that weve only gone on one official date but weve had plenty of
time to get acquainted even before tonight. And like you said so yourself, we
click. This feels right. You feel right, said Taeyeon shyly. We already know how
we feel towards each other so is it okay if I want us to not see anyone else from
now on?
I dont know. You decide, encouraged Tiffany.
Taeyeon cleared her throat. Okay, then Im deciding that from now on, youre off
limits to anyone but me, she said, blushing instantly. She wasnt used to saying
such things out loud. That youre my girlfriend.
Tiffany couldnt help but laugh, loving the sound of the claim. Deal, she said,
tightening her hold on Taeyeons hand as she laced their fingers together. Im
deciding that youre mine too.
Taeyeon broke into a huge smile. I like the sound of that very much. She then
took a step forward, brushed Tiffanys cheek with her free hand and leaned in to
kiss her goodnight.
Tiffany let out a dreamy sigh when the kiss ended and opened her eyes to an
equally dazed looking Taeyeon. Oh what the heck. Allow me to cheat just this once,
she thought as she grabbed the back of Taeyeons head and pulled, letting their
lips meet in another, more passionate, kiss.
Taeyeons arm went around Tiffany, holding her close. She only loosened her
hold when their lips parted.
Im sorry, said Tiffany breathlessly.
Dont be. Youre more than welcome to initiate anything as amazing as that.
Tiffany let out a soft giggle. You think Im an amazing kisser?
I think youre amazing. Period, Taeyeon stated. Now go inside and rest. I dont
want you to get sick.
Im okay.
Didnt you hear me? I want you to go inside and rest. I thought I was the one
making decisions around here, teased Taeyeon.
Alright alright. Ill see you then. Tiffany reluctantly let go of Taeyeons hand and
stepped back. Call me?
You bet.
Drive safe.
Taeyeon nodded. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.
Thank you. Goodnight.
Every head in the office turned when they heard Key squeal on Monday morning.
Hey! Keep it down! Were running a business here, said Tiffany.
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! Finally! First theres no more spoiled bratty Fany
noona and now no more lonely Taeng noona! This is so awesome! Christmas
came early this year!
Dont exaggerate, please, and keep your voice down! ordered Tiffany.
She had just told the young man about her and Taeyeons newly acquired status
and how they had spent both Saturday and Sunday nights going out on dates.
This calls for a celebration! Party this Friday!
Calm down, will ya?
I cant! This is just too awesome! You two look good together, Noona. Please
take good care of her from now on?
Thanks and of course I will.
Wonderful! Just one more step and Ill have nothing to worry about Taeyeon
noona again.
What do you mean one more step? asked Tiffany as she took hold of her mug to
take a sip from her coffee. Is this not enough?
Not yet. She needs to get laid.
Tiffany almost spit the coffee out. W-what?!
What? You heard me, replied Key coolly as if he hadnt said anything shocking.
She needs to get laid. Its been too long. I feel bad for her. And you too, for that
matter. When was the last time you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, Noona?
Tiffany couldnt stop her face from turning bright red. She began fanning it as she
kicked Key out of her office.
But I was just telling the truth! protested the young man on the way to the
But Noona-
Get out before I cancel your whole line, Mister!
Key gasped and pouted before stomping out of the office, muttering something
about not being appreciated.
Tiffany took a minute to calm down, placing the back of her fingers against her
cheeks to check whether they were still warm.
That crazy kid. He has a point but Im not going to even think about that yet. At the
pace Taeyeons going, itll be our first anniversary before wed even go anywhere
near a bed.
She chuckled to herself at that thought and blushed again.
Luckily, her staff came knocking at her door, reminding her about the meeting
that she had to attend and work kept her busy and distracted until the end of the
When it was time to go home, Tiffany walked out of the elevator and shuddered
when the cold lobby greeted her. She tucked her chin inside her jacket as she
walked briskly towards the exit.
Her feet made an abrupt stop when she saw someone she recognized standing
near the door, shifting in place to keep warm. She instantly smiled and resumed
walking, faster this time, to greet the person.
Hey you, Tiffany said, stopping in front of the now smiling Taeyeon. What are
you doing here?
Hello to you too. Im waiting for my girlfriend, replied Taeyeon proudly.
Why didnt you call her first?
I wanted to surprise her. Taeyeon then laughed. Enough with the third person
talk. It sounds awkward. She offered her arm. Can I take you out to dinner?
Tiffany linked her arm with Taeyeons and pulled her close. Of course. Whats
the occasion? You havent seen enough of me last weekend?
No, I havent. But thats beside the point. Were celebrating tonight.
Oh? What are we celebrating?
A huge new project. They just signed me for a new childrens book series.
Thats awesome! Congratulations! Tiffany rewarded Taeyeon with a kiss on the
cheek, making the latter grin happily. But you will still work on Keys mural,
Of course! Im a pro, you know. And this new project wont even start until I
finish Keys mural so its all good.
Great. Im happy for you.
Thanks. Now lets go get dinner somewhere nearby so we wont have to take
our cars. It took me a while to find a parking space, Taeyeon said.
Okay. Just lead the way.
They walked side by side, holding each other close in the cold weather.
Taeyeon had just taken a seat across from Tiffany in the restaurant when her
phone rang. She raised her eyebrows when she saw the unknown number and
answered it. Hello? Yes, this is she. Oh. Good evening, Sir. No no, its okay. How
can I help you?
Tiffany browsed the menu as she waited for Taeyeon to finish talking on the
phone and looked up when she heard a surprised tone from the woman.
Oh really? Is that so? Im glad, said Taeyeon into the phone. And flattered. Of
course, I think its better if we talk this out in person too. Tomorrow? Sure, Im
free tomorrow morning. Okay. Ill see you then. Thank you, Sir. Have a nice
evening. She ended the call and furrowed her brows while staring at her phone.
Who was that? asked Tiffany.
Someone who claimed to have seen my work for an old series of books. He said
that he wanted me to help him with a project for the city.
For the city? Sounds huge!
Maybe. Will have to wait and see. Im meeting him tomorrow. Taeyeon then
ordered their food and sat there clasping her hands while staring at Tiffany with
a small smile on her face.
Why are you staring at me like that? asked Tiffany who had grown a bit shy
under the loving gaze.
Ive never received this many back-to-back project offers in my entire career.
You must be my lucky charm, Taeyeon said.
Tiffany raised her eyebrows in surprise, recognizing the sentence as one that
Taeyeon had said to her before, when she was still Ginger. She instantly felt
warm inside thanks to the memories and to their current relationship. Although
she liked interacting with Taeyeon and being the constant receiver of Taeyeons
care and attention when she was a helpless dog, she loved being with her in her
human state a lot more. Because now she could show Taeyeon that she cared
about her too without having the latter guess the meaning behind her words or
Too cheesy? Taeyeon asked when Tiffany didnt react.
Its okay. I can handle it. Yuri has warned me about you and your cheesiness,
replied Tiffany, making Taeyeon smile. Besides, Im flattered. Thank you.
Youre most welcome.
After dinner, they walked back to Tiffanys office building hand in hand, and
parted ways after Taeyeon had kissed Tiffany goodnight. She then stood on the
sidewalk and watched Tiffany drive away with a smile on her face, feeling
happier than she had ever been.
Tiffany felt the same way too, as proven by the smile that never left her face
during the entire drive home. She even did her happy little dance and sang along
to the songs playing on her car stereo.
Once she had arrived home and had showered and changed for bed, she took her
phone to text Sooyoung, notifying her about their progress.
Thats great to hear, replied Sooyoung. Take care of each other, okay?
Will do. Give and take, right?
Thats right. Give and take, Tiffany.
Tiffany was about to put the phone aside and go to sleep when it notified her of
yet another incoming message. She thought it was Sooyoung but it was Taeyeon
Are you home yet?
Yes. Getting ready for bed now. How about you?
Im rearranging my portfolio for tomorrows meeting. I forgot to email you the
revised version of the drawing for Keys mural, by the way.
Its okay. Do it tomorrow after the meeting.
Okay. Do I have to wear a suit to meet with this city official person tomorrow?
Tiffany chuckled at the image of Taeyeon in a crisp suit. Do you even own one?
I have an old dress suit from when I applied to this corporate job many years
How many years ago?
Fresh out of college.
Does it still fit you?
I dont know. Do I really have to wear that stiff looking thing tomorrow? Theyd
think that Im applying to be a secretary or something.
Tiffany chuckled again but before she could reply, there was an incoming video
call from Taeyeon so she quickly tapped the green button.
Hi, greeted Taeyeon with a grin.
Hi. Whats with the video call?
I wanted to show you how ugly that old suit is, Taeyeon said. Cute pajamas, by
the way.
Thank you. Nice sweater. How old is that thing? Tiffany asked.
Taeyeon looked down and pulled the sweater. Um I cant remember.
Well, as long as youre clean, I guess I dont mind the hoboness, joked Tiffany.
Its comfortable and warm. Thats what matters most, argued Taeyeon.
Besides, your pajamas were supposed to be pink, right?
They are pink! exclaimed Tiffany, pointing at her top.
They were pink. Theyre faded now. How old is that thing? retorted Taeyeon
with a mischievous smirk.
Not as old as your sweater, thats for sure. Tiffany stuck her tongue out at
Taeyeon who laughed.
God I wish I could kiss you right now. Taeyeon then gasped when she heard
herself. I-Im sorry. Didnt mean to say that out loud.
Nothing to be sorry about, said Tiffany, smiling shyly. I wish I could kiss you
right now too.
They grinned at each other before Taeyeon regained her composure, cleared her
throat and showed Tiffany her wardrobe. She pulled out the said old suit and
Tiffany laughed hard when she saw the out of style grey outfit.
Youre right. Theyd think that youre applying to be a secretary. An old, stiff and
grim secretary at that.
Taeyeon pouted and threw the suit onto her bed. So now what?
Just wear something neat. Smart casual. A pair of jeans, a shirt and a trendy
blazer maybe?
Hm Taeyeon paused to think, looking at her open wardrobe. I think I get
what youre describing. Okay. Outfit problem solved! Thank you.
Youre welcome.
Tiffany watched as Taeyeon moved to the bed, kicked the old suit off it and sat
down, leaning back against her pillow.
I like having a girlfriend. So handy, remarked Taeyeon.
Well, its about give and take, after all, said Tiffany, recalling Sooyoungs words.
Give and take, huh?
In that case, is it okay for me to request that I stop taking all the initiative? I
dont mind doing it but Id like to receive random cute messages or phone calls
from my girlfriend too.
You like saying that word a lot, dont you?
What word? Girlfriend?
Yes. That.
I do. Why? I havent had one in a while and Ive definitely never had one as
amazing as you.
Tiffany giggled and shook her head. Youre very cheesy indeed. Nothing. Just
noticing how much you like to say it, thats all. So you want me to send you
random cute messages?
Yes, please. Selcas are also more than welcome.
I can do that but since its give and take, I require you to do the same.
Ive been sending you plenty of messages. Not all of them are cute but still
Youve never sent me a selca, said Tiffany.
Well, weve only been official for a few days, you know. From now on, Ill send
you a selca for every selca you send me.
Taeyeon smiled, told Tiffany to go to sleep and ended the call, looking forward to
see how this relationship would unfold.
She set her phone aside, picked up the old suit from the carpet and closed her
wardrobe before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
When she came back, the small light on her phone was blinking and she checked
the device to see a message from Tiffany.
Goodnight. Sweet dreams, it read and there was a photo attached to it, a selca
of Tiffany smiling with eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.
Taeyeon chuckled, lay down on the bed and took a selca of herself winking at the
camera. She shook her head, feeling extremely embarrassed when she checked
the result but she had a promise to keep. So she sent it with a message that said,
Goodnight. Ill dream of you. Hows that? and waited anxiously for Tiffanys
Wow. Youre cheesy, replied Tiffany. But a dream about me would be a sweet
one indeed.
My dinner came up when I read that, retorted Taeyeon.
Yah! Its okay for you to be yucky but not for me?!
Taeyeon laughed. I was just kidding. Id gladly barf for you.
Not flattering at all. Now go to sleep! Goodnight.
Taeyeon nearly typed I love you but managed to stop herself in time. It was too
soon, she knew. But she made a promise to herself to be the first to say it when
the time was right.
Little did she know that on the other side of town, Tiffany was also struggling
with not typing those three words when she told Taeyeon goodnight. In the end,
she decided to wait and let Taeyeon be the first to say it.
Before she fell asleep, Tiffany made sure to send Sooyoung another message.
Thank you for meddling and for everything youve done no matter how crazy it
was. I thank you on behalf of Taeyeon too because I know shes happy and Ill try
to always take good care of her like she did me.
Sooyoung read the message and smiled before snapping her fingers, instantly
deleting her number from Tiffanys phone without the latter realizing it.
My jobs done. Good luck to the both you.

Tiffany looked up from the messy table when she heard her name and saw
Jessica walk in.
What are you doing here? she asked.
Yuri wanted to drop off some of Keys stuff and since hes working late
Oh. Tiffany went back to work, ignoring her friend who was now looking
around the workshop.
Soon Yuri and Key entered the room and they talked for a bit before the couple
took their leave so they wouldnt be late for their dinner reservation.
I gotta hand it to you, Noona, said Key. You make a pretty good matchmaker.
Thanks, mumbled Tiffany, eyes still on the designs and fabrics in front of her.
Glad to see Yuri noona happy, continued Key, and Taeyeon noona too.
Tiffany glanced up when she heard Taeyeons name, threw her pencil down and
sighed. Is she now?
Of course she is! Why did you even have to ask? Are you two still fighting?

Really? Its been two days? Wow. You two have never argued for more than a
few hours. And I thought your six months anniversary is coming up?
There wont be a six months anniversary if she keeps acting like this, said
Tiffany. She left the workshop, going to the pantry to make herself another cup of
coffee, ignoring Key who was following her.
Things with Taeyeon were going very well regardless of the occasional
arguments and frustrations towards each other. But lately, Taeyeon seemed to
have returned to her old passive self, much to Tiffanys dismay.
She never initiated much and since Tiffany was busy preparing for an upcoming
fashion show for her fall/winter line, she didnt have the time or the energy to be
constantly checking up on Taeyeon. In fact, she had been expecting Taeyeon to
be more attentive and go all out cheesy on her during this busy period.
Unfortunately, Taeyeon seemed to not realize this at all.
Tiffany finally confronted her girlfriend just the day before, venting out her
frustrations. She was exhausted and Taeyeon wasnt of any comfort, she said.
Taeyeons defense was that she was also busy with a new project while trying to
finish her current one. She then made the mistake of calling Tiffany spoiled,
infuriating the woman.
It was their biggest fight to date and the timing couldnt be worse since
tomorrow was supposed to be their six months anniversary.
Tiffanys mood had been constantly sour and her staff knew enough to stay clear
of her. Except for the oblivious Key.
Are you breaking up with her?! exclaimed Key loudly.

Noona, Key came to stand next to Tiffany, watching the woman who was
quietly drinking her coffee. Please dont break up with her. Shes never been so
Then tell her to get a grip! replied Tiffany, a bit louder than intended.
No one dared to come near the pantry at that moment. They all scurried back to
their tasks, avoiding the walking tornado that was their boss.
Shes probably just busy and isnt thinking straight, said Key.
Defend her all you want. Its her fault and you know it, Tiffany said, walking out
of the pantry to leave a smirking Key who quickly began typing on his phone.
The clock had struck midnight when Tiffany stepped out of the bathroom. She
was exhausted and wanted nothing but to crash in bed and catch up on some
much needed sleep.
But all thoughts of ending her day disappeared when her doorbell rang.
She stopped in her tracks, groaned then decided to ignore it, pretending to be
asleep. No one in their right mind would ring someones doorbell at midnight
anyway. Probably some drunk.
But the ringing never stopped and she ended up stomping her way to the door,
ready to scold whoever the visitor was.
She peeked through the peephole and saw no one.
Pranksters? Really? At this hour?!
She muttered a curse and was about to go back inside when the doorbell rang
again, surprising her until she jerked in place.
Without much thought, she pushed the door open hastily.
Do you even know what time-
There was no one there even though she thought she heard the small echo of a
door closing nearby.
The hell
Tiffany wanted to slam the door shut but her eyes caught something on the floor.
There was a small bouquet of pink roses and what looked like an illustrated
childrens book lying under it.
Tiffany looked around but saw no one. She carefully bent down to pick the
objects up and saw that there were six pink roses in the bouquet.
Frowning, she checked the quiet corridor once more and took the items inside.
There was no card with the bouquet so she checked the book, read the title and
raised her eyebrows.
Six and counting, the large letters read. By Kim Taeyeon and Hwang Tiffany.
The cover showed a drawing of two people, girls, holding hands while standing
in front of a house. There was a car and a dog too, just like your typical childrens
Taeyeon? mumbled Tiffany. She set the bouquet down and opened the book to
start reading.
On the first page was a drawing of a smiling girl with long dark hair, sitting on a
couch in a living room. There were other people around the girl but only she was
clearly and brightly colored.
There was once a girl named Taeyeon who came to her friends house only to see
the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. That girl was named Tiffany, read the
large black printed letters above the drawing. In Taeyeons eyes, everyone else
faded when Tiffany was in the room.
A smile began to spread on Tiffanys face as she continued to the next page.
The second page showed the same long haired girl talking to another, darker, girl
with longer hair near a table with drinks on it. The background remained
unchanged: it was still the living room from the first picture.
Taeyeon really liked Tiffany but since her best friend also liked her, she cowardly
backed away, thinking that she was doing the right thing. Little did she know that
Tiffany had also taken a liking to her since that first meeting.
Tiffany turned the page and the next scene was of the smiling girl greeting
another, new, girl with brown hair who was a bit shorter than her. The tanned
tall girl from the previous picture was drawn standing behind her.
The short girl was smiling but there was a thought bubble forming near her head
with a broken heart drawn in it.
Tiffany tried to talk to Taeyeon and get close to her but Taeyeon was too stupid to
understand. She didnt want to hurt her best friends feelings so she kept her
distance even though she wanted nothing but to get to know Tiffany better as well.
Aw said Tiffany unconsciously.
The next page contained two drawings. The top one was of the long haired girl
chasing the short girl while shouting something and the lower one showed the
girl kissing the shocked shorter girl as she grabbed her by the collar.
Lucky for Taeyeon, Tiffany didnt give up. She even chased her out on the street
one day to talk some sense into her. And then Tiffany kissed Taeyeon after telling
her that she liked her. It was officially one of the best days in Taeyeons life no
matter how embarrassing it was.
Tiffany chuckled and quickly turned the page again.
Since then, Taeyeon decided to be braver and make sure that Tiffany wouldnt slip
away. So she took her out to dinner and the movies, told Tiffany how she felt about
her and swore to never be a timid little coward again. She wanted to make Tiffany
hers and make her happy, read the writing in between pictures of the two girls
holding hands while walking, eating together in a restaurant and sitting in a
movie theater, still holding hands. The two had smiles on their faces in every
Six months had passed since then and Taeyeon had never felt happier. She really
really loved Tiffany and she never wanted to lose her so she tried to think of
something special to do to celebrate their six months anniversary, read the text on
the top of the next page.
Below it was the picture of the short girl sitting at a desk, chewing her pencil
while a thought cloud hung above her head, filled with flowers, gifts and even a
diamond ring.
It was too early to propose, Taeyeon knew, so she tried to come up with something
else, read the last sentence below the drawing.
Tiffany inhaled sharply at the word propose and quickly flipped the page.
The drawing now showed the girl still sitting at the same desk but no longer
thinking. She was drawing pictures on papers instead. There was a bouquet of
flowers next to her, lying on the desk.
Taeyeon came up with a plan and thought that she should stick to what she did
best. She wanted to tell Tiffany how she felt through her drawings and hoped that
Tiffany would like it. She also got Tiffany a bouquet of six pink roses because it was
their six months anniversary and pink was Tiffanys favorite color.
Tiffany shook her head, feeling her eyes growing teary as her heart warmed,
touched by Taeyeons gesture and effort.
The last page showed the smiling girl driving a car with the bouquet and book on
the seat next to her. In the thought bubble was the smaller version of the image
on the cover: the two girls in front of a house with a car and a dog next to them.
Taeyeon hoped that Tiffany wouldnt suspect anything especially since she had
deliberately annoyed Tiffany for days. She also hoped that Tiffany would love her
surprise. After all, she wanted nothing but to spend more months, and even years,
with Tiffany.
Six months and counting, Taeyeon thought as she drove to Tiffanys house that
night. Lets be together for a long time, Tiffany. I love you. Please say yes?
The End.
Tiffany couldnt help but frown when she read the last sentence. The end? Say
yes to what? she mumbled, turning the page once again.
There was a pink heart shaped origami stuck to the back of the last page. The
middle part had a gap in it and above the heart was the word Open. An arrow
was drawn next to it, pointing to the heart.
Tiffany carefully unfolded the paper heart and gasped when she saw the
handwritten words inside.
Move in with me?
She was still gawking at the sentence when her phone rang.
Tiffany took the book to the bedroom where her phone was, saw the caller ID
and answered it.
Where are you? she asked.
Right outside your door, actually.
Tiffany spun on her heels and ran to the door after throwing the phone onto the
bed. She unlocked the door and pushed it open to see a smiling Taeyeon.
Hi, Taeyeon said, noticing the book in Tiffanys hands. Youve read it?
Tiffany grabbed the back of Taeyeons head and kissed her with so much passion
that Taeyeon had to grab the doorframe with one hand to steady herself.
Damn breathed Taeyeon when Tiffany finally released her. She licked her
slightly swollen lips and opened her eyes to see a flushed Tiffany breathing
heavily. She couldnt help but chuckle. So its a yes?
Taeyeon smiled and pulled Tiffany close for another kiss, wrapping her arms
around her.
Tiffany returned the kisses while walking back inside her apartment, pulling
Taeyeon with her.
Taeyeon tried to take off her shoes without breaking the kiss but gave up after
only succeeding in kicking the right one off. She dragged the left one as she
fumbled and stumbled along, following Tiffanys constant pull.
The book fell onto the floor when Tiffany used her hands to try to get Taeyeons
shirt off instead. All irritation and anger towards Taeyeon had long disappeared,
replaced with joy, love and a burning desire for this woman she held in her arms.
By the time Tiffanys legs hit the bed, she had managed to strip Taeyeon of her
shirt and had successfully unzipped Taeyeons shorts. She broke the kiss, placed
her arms around Taeyeons neck and smirked as she fell back onto the bed,
pulling Taeyeon with her.
Taeyeon held herself up by the hands, not wanting to crush Tiffany, but the latter
kept pulling her down and forcing her to move up the bed with her. She finally
relented, climbing onto the bed and lay there while letting Tiffany slide her
shorts off her legs.
Arent you tired? she asked the woman who was now hovering over her.
Ill take a day off tomorrow, replied Tiffany. Right now I just want to celebrate
our anniversary and show you how much I love you.
Taeyeon smiled. So Im forgiven for annoying you on purpose these past couple
of days?
Yes but only this once. Pull that stunt again and I wont hesitate to punch you
where it hurts.
Taeyeon had to laugh at that. Ouch. Okay, Ill think of something else next time.
She leaned up to kiss Tiffany. Is it too fast? she asked after moving her head
back to meet Tiffanys eyes.
A little but I prefer this than your original snail pace.
Good. I might pop the question on our first anniversary, you know, because Im
100% sure that I dont want anyone else for the rest of my life.
Tiffany broke into a huge smile. Not that fast, Taeyeon. Wait until our second
anniversary, at least?
Why? You dont want to spend the rest of your life with me?
I do but lets see how living together works out first, okay? Tiffany used one
hand to push Taeyeons bangs aside. Im not going anywhere so you can relax
and take it easy.
Hm okay. Lets just get a dog for our first anniversary then.
Id like that but it has to be a black toy poodle.
Huh? Why so specific?
Ive just always wanted one. Theyre so cute.
Okay okay. You can have your black toy poodle. Now can we continue? Im cold.
Tiffany laughed and leaned down, crashing their lips together as her hands
roamed, hungry to claim what was hers.
Are you sure that this place is legit? asked Tiffany, eyeing the shelter from
inside the car.
Very sure. This is where I got Cherry. The owners rich. She just runs this shelter
as charity because she loves dogs. Sometimes her clients would place their pups
here if they couldnt raise them and shed help find them good homes. Taeyeon
turned off the engine and unbuckled her seat belt. Come on.
Tiffany followed Taeyeon out into the building, holding Taeyeons hand.
Are you sure they have a black toy poodle? she asked.
Taeyeon nodded. Ive called her since that night you agreed to get a dog and she
said shed let me know if someones giving up any.
They were greeted by barks and Tiffany soon let go of Taeyeons hand to play
with some of the dogs there while Taeyeon went to the back, looking for the staff.
Tiffany turned her head when she heard Taeyeons voice and saw her walking
towards her with a small black pup in her arms.
She nearly squealed when she ran towards Taeyeon, finding the pup
unbelievably cute not to mention very similar to how Ginger looked like
although still a lot smaller in size.
Taeyeon handed the pup to Tiffany and smiled when she saw her coo at the dog,
baby talking him. Its a boy. Do you mind? she asked.
Tiffany shook her head, nuzzling the dog. Not in the least.
Okay then. Ill take care of his papers. You hold on to him. Taeyeon left to go
talk to the staff and buy some supplies while she was at it.
They were soon ready to go with the pup now wrapped in a blanket, still in
Tiffanys safe hold, and the staff loading the purchases into Taeyeons car.
Tell your boss thanks, Taeyeon told the staff.
If youre willing to wait, you can thank her yourself. Shes on her way here, he
Its cold so its better if we take this boy home as soon as possible, Taeyeon said,
referring to the dog. Just kindly relay my message.
Will do.
Tiffany got inside the car, carefully buckling her seatbelt while balancing the pup
on her lap.
Taeyeon checked the stuff once more before she closed the trunk and got into the
drivers seat. She smiled when she saw the confused pup, reaching out to ruffle
his fur. What do you want to name him?
Ginger, said Tiffany.
Tiffany nodded. Like Gingerbread man.
Because hes cute and cuddly like your Gingerbread man plushie.
Err okay. Whatever you say, said Taeyeon. She didnt understand Tiffanys
logic but if Tiffany wanted to call the dog Ginger then Ginger it would be.
She turned the engine on and was about to start backing out of the driveway
when she turned her head to check the side mirror and caught sight of someone
she knew.
Taeyeon quickly rolled her window down and waved. Hey! she called out.
Where were you? We were just leaving! Thanks for the pup!
Tiffany turned her head to see whom Taeyeon was talking to and gasped.
Standing at the gate, smiling at them, was none other than Sooyoung, the witch
that she had somehow lost contact with over the past year.
Got work to do! You go on then! Get that boy home! Sooyoung told Taeyeon.
Okay! Thanks! Taeyeon began to back away slowly.
Youre welcome! Sooyoung then tilted her head, met Tiffanys shocked gaze
and smiled even wider. Have fun, guys.
Taeyeon let out a grunt as she slouched even further, taking care not to disturb
the dog on her lap. Her hand absentmindedly stroked the black fur from head to
tail repeatedly as she kept her eyes on the TV, watching the Christmas special.
It was late and snowing outside. Everyone she knew was busy attending
Christmas parties or preparing to spend the holidays with their loved ones
unlike her, left alone because Tiffany had to fly to the States to attend a major
event held by one of the biggest fashion brands in the world.
Taeyeon was very proud of her girlfriends accomplishment, being asked to
collaborate as a representative of her country by such a renowned establishment,
but she missed her a lot. It was the holidays, after all.
She let out a sigh. At least I have you, Ginger, she said, scratching the quiet
dogs ear. She suddenly realized something. Huh. Dj vu. She felt as if she had
gone through this moment before, sitting on her couch watching TV while Ginger
slept on her lap.
But she shrugged it off and changed the channel.
There was a music show with some idols, girl and boy groups, singing Christmas
Taeyeon let out another sigh when they started singing All I want for Christmas
is you. She might not be as fluent as Tiffany in English but she knew what that
song was about and couldnt help but feel sadder.
I wish you were here, Fany, she thought. Weve only had one Christmas together,
not long after we started dating officially. Ginger hasnt even been with us for more
than a month.
She turned the TV off, refusing to hear another verse of the song that made her
feel so sad and lonely.
Ginger lifted his head when the room suddenly grew quiet, looking up at
Taeyeon with his deep but sad black eyes, making the woman smile.
You miss her too, huh? Oh well. Theres nothing we can do but wait,
unfortunately, so lets just go to bed, shall we? Taeyeon told the dog, lifting him
up to kiss him. Your mom will be home in two days so well just celebrate
Christmas then.
The dog licked Taeyeons chin, making her giggle. Do you want to open your
present now? Yes? No? But its still Christmas Eve, technically. Lets do it
tomorrow, okay? Spoiler alert. Its edible, Taeyeon said and laughed when the
dog didnt stop licking her face. Okay stop. Bed time.
She put the dog on the floor and went to the bathroom to wash her face and
brush her teeth.
The dog was waiting for her in the bedroom when she was done, wagging his tail
near the bed.
Im gonna get in trouble if I keep letting you sleep on our bed, she said.
Im serious. Go back to sleeping on your own bed, okay? Taeyeon squatted
down and petted the dog that didnt calm down.
Bark. Bark.
Sshh! Its late.
Oh alright. Ill suffer her wrath later. Taeyeon picked the dog up, placed him on
the bed and laughed when he made himself comfortable, hugging her
Gingerbread man plushie. Your name suits you so well, she said as she took a
picture of him with her phone to send to Tiffany. She then blinked, sensing
another dj vu. So much of that going on today. So weird, she mumbled to
herself. And I need to wash that plushie somehow.
After she had settled down on the bed, Taeyeon texted Tiffany goodnight and
sent her the picture of Ginger. Her message wasnt delivered so she thought that
Tiffany had her phone off because she was busy.
She fell asleep soon after, snuggling against the black dog.
The next morning, she woke up to Gingers loud barking and groaned, wishing
that he would just shut up and let her sleep in.
Ginger-yah! she shouted from the bed, refusing to open her eyes. Shush! Its
Christmas for crying out loud!
Merry Christmas to you then, lazy baby.
Taeyeons eyes sprang open when she heard the whisper and felt the warm
breath on her ear just as the mattress dipped.
Wha she turned her head and was instantly met with a kiss. Taeyeon pushed
herself up, saw Tiffany laugh and slapped her own cheek, thinking that she was
Hey. Dont do that, Tiffany caught Taeyeons hand. Youre not dreaming.
B-but-but how what
Surprise? Tiffany grinned and kissed Taeyeon again. I missed you, she
mumbled, throwing her arms around Taeyeon as she sat on her lap.
I missed you too but Taeyeon broke the kiss, pushing Tiffany back. Youre
home? I thought you wouldnt be back until tomorrow?
I lied. I wanted to surprise you.

Tiffany chuckled when she saw the deadpanned expression. I figured that its
my turn to do the surprising. Give and take, remember? Besides, I want nothing
but to spend Christmas with you so I left as soon as I could. They understood,
thankfully, and let me leave in time to make it for Christmas.
It took Taeyeon a few more seconds to process everything. She then shook her
head and exhaled. So this is how it feels like to be on the receiving end.
Yup. And I like being on this end. Its fun!
Uh oh. Youre gonna try to pull more surprises, arent you?
Well, we have a lot of time so why not? Now enough talking. Tiffany closed the
gap once more, letting Taeyeon refill the void she had felt after being away for
nearly a week. She smiled when Taeyeon turned them around and pinned her to
the bed. Ive just spent more than fourteen hours on the plane. At least let me
shower first? she mumbled.
You smell fine to me, replied Taeyeon, dragging her lips down to Tiffanys neck.
She then started sniffing around, tickling Tiffany who laughed and tried to push
Taeyeon away.
Mmm I smell cookies and candies mumbled Taeyeon without stopping
what she was doing.
Liar, said Tiffany.
And I smell me.
Taeyeon finally lifted her head, meeting Tiffanys eyes with a sneaky grin on her
face. Because youre mine. Even Ginger knows how to mark his territory so Im
pretty sure Ive marked mine.
You do realize that he marks his territory by peeing?
Taeyeon scrunched up her nose in disgust. Ew. So much for that talk then.
Tiffany laughed out loud, happy to be able to be with Taeyeon again.
When the laughter receded, she took the time to just gaze into Taeyeons deep
brown eyes quietly, thinking how fortunate she was to be able to love and be
loved by this wonderful person.
I love you too, Taeyeon suddenly said.
I didnt say I love you.
You dont have to. I can see it in your eyes.
I told you to be assertive not arrogant, Kim Taeyeon.
Its neither. I was being confident. Taeyeon leaned up and kissed Tiffanys
forehead gently. Thank you for being so persistent that day more than a year
ago. I wouldnt have been this happy without you.
Youre welcome. Thank you for taking very good care of me. Even when I was
just a spoiled dog who behaved like a stubborn human.
Are you sure you want to wait until next anniversary for me to propose?
Why? You wanna do it now?
Not now but soon.
Tiffany smiled and gave Taeyeon a peck on the lips. Slow down. Im not going
anywhere. We have a dog to raise together, remember?
Taeyeon smiled back and moved to lie down next to Tiffany, holding her hand,
entwining their fingers as she ignored the dog that had started barking again.
You let him sleep on the bed while I was away, didnt you? asked Tiffany.
I think hes hungry. I should feed him. Taeyeon released Tiffanys hand and
jumped off the bed, running to attend to the dog.
Tiffany sighed and sat up. Youre spoiling him, she said, loud enough for
Taeyeon to hear. She then walked out of the room to get her luggage only to see
Taeyeon busying herself in the kitchen. Dont pretend that you didnt hear me.
What do you want for breakfast? asked Taeyeon, checking the contents of the
fridge. How bout omelet fried rice a la Taeyeon?
Hes not sleeping on our bed, said Tiffany sternly, dragging her luggage to the
Taeyeon didnt reply. She waited until she heard the bedroom door close before
she squatted down, patting the black dogs head. Sorry, boy. Youre on your own
this time. I suggest a lot of begging and barking. Put those eyes to good use, okay?
she told the pup that was busy eating.
Kim Taeyeon!
She then heard Tiffanys loud voice.
What? she shouted back.
Dont start cooking just yet!
Why not?
The bedroom door opened and out walked Tiffany, only wrapped in a towel.
Because I need your help elsewhere, she said with a wink, turning around
slowly before making her way to the bathroom.
Taeyeon inhaled sharply and bolted to the bathroom in time to see Tiffany
stepping inside the shower booth. Oh boy. This is going to be a happy holiday
indeed, she mumbled, letting her eyes roam all over that body she deemed
Tiffany chuckled. Close that door and get in here. Now.

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