CIPD Assignment 2

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Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources (3HRC

- HR) Ref No F302A (HR) - Version 3 June 2012

Student name:


LO1: Understand the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment (Activity - bullet
points 1, 2, 3 & 4)

1. Describe the purpose and goals of an


2. Describe the products, services and

customers of an organisation

3. Analyse how external factors impact on the

business activities of an organisation.

LO2: Understand the structure, culture and functions of an organisation (Activity - bullet points 5, 6 &

1. Describe the structure of an organisation

and the functions within it.

2. Explain how the different functions work

together to optimise performance.

3. Explain how the culture of an organisation

affects its operations.

LO3: Understand how HR activities support an organisation (Activity - bullet points 8 & 9)

3.1 Describe how HR activities support an

organisations strategy.
3.2 Explain the role of HR professionals in
supporting line managers and their


Students should please note that the above Assessment Outcome for this Unit is provisional and
is subject to Internal Acacia Learning verification (IV) and external CIPD Verification (EV).

Tutors signature Date


Identify and discuss the Purpose and Goals of YOUR organisation (AC 1.1)

To give quality and nutritious food and refreshments that advance purchasers' lives each day.
To be the buyers' favored decision by driving in chosen markets with predominant food and
beverage items.
Versatile: We are nimble and adaptable in our work, unhesitatingly taking strong choices
that advantage our partners.
Sharing: We cooperate as one, transparently working together and sharing abilities and
learning to empower our kin to be the best.
Energetic: We are glad for the work we do, and take a stab at uncommon outcomes.
Inventive: We are headed to enhance our business regular and to expand the imaginative
capability of our kin.
Value: We gain value by grasping reasonableness, trust and honesty in every one of our
Brilliance: We are persistent in our work and reliably convey the best quality in all that
we do (almarai, n.d.).

Identify and discuss the Products and/or Services that YOUR organisation offers to its
customers (AC 1.2)

Dairy Liquids
The new dairy area is the primary segment of Almarai's business speaking to over 40% of the
Company sales. Almarai, the biggest vertically incorporated dairy organization around the world,
is continually endeavoring to upgrade its driving position in this segment. This gathering
incorporates a scope of new items for the entire family from fresh laban and drain to tasty
seasoned drain items and the progressed lacto free drain, vetal drain and vetal laban, which are
all readied from new drain created by Almarai rush. Almarai fresh fluid items are accessible in
all GCC nations.
Long Life
The item grouping inside this classification incorporates Ultra High Temperature (UHT) drain,
powder drain, vanished drain, whipping cream, cooking cream and UHT cream.
Almarai's Foods run offers a nutritious, flavorful decision of head quality items that are
constantly nutritious, wonderful and overpowering. Take our cheeses, for instance. From
Cream Cheese to Feta and Mozzarella, our determination incorporates the Middle East's most
famous top choices created to the most elevated models. Our Butter, Cream and Ghee items are
similarly powerful. In this way, regardless of whether you're eating, cooking or just entertaining
yourself, Almarai has a treat to fulfill your tastes.
Welcome to Almarai's beautiful universe of fruity joys! We're globetrotters and enterprise
searchers, traveling between various countries to source the best leafy foods you the most
delectable squeezes out there! Their main goal is to offer a remarkably invigorating flavor for
each taste, temperament and social affair whether you get a kick out of the chance to make the
most of your Almarai squeeze in a hurry or at home, alone or with loved ones! Their famous
container will go with you wherever you go in your life travel, adding a rainbow of hues to your
days, consistently!
Yoghurts and Desserts
Produced using 100% regular, crisp dairy animals' drain and rich in calcium, our delicious and
nutritious Yoghurts and Desserts are ideal for the entire family. Browse an extensive variety of
scrumptious choices extending from customary top picks, for example, Zabadi, Gishta and
Labneh to Fruit Yoghurts and Crme Caramel to give some examples (almarai, Almarai
Products, n.d.).

Give an overview and explanation of the Organisations Customers (AC 1.2)

Putting up Almarai items for sale to the public buyers is an imperative piece of Almarai's
business and showcasing push to familiarize the populace with dairy items. High-volume
coordinations lessen the cost of transportation and cargo on items, along these lines diminishing
the cost of items. In a similar way, organization with a few retail outlets in the Kingdom and
GGC empowers the organization to achieve its clients quick and simple. Consistent dispersion to
these key retail focuses keep Almarai items accessible to set up clients and to conceivable clients
of the organization. By concentrating on retail appropriation, Almarai items are not bound to the
furthest reaches of the individuals who definitely think about the items. Rather, Almarai items
can get natural development as engagement in retail focus increments (NCB Capital, 2009).

Provide an analysis of a minimum of x4 external factors (x4 from x6 below) and their
impact on the business activities of YOUR organisation (AC 1.3)

External Factors Impact on business activities

(either positive or negative )

Political restrict our recruitment

Current enactment (neighborhood
and global)
Arranged or future enactment
Government strategies
Administrative organizations
Political change (decisions)
Financing, stipends and different
Wars or clashes
Nearby and interior exchanging
Monetary development and patterns
Neighborhood assess, intrigue, trade
and expansion rates
Global financial variables
Exchange cycles
Developing and declining markets
Industry patterns
Natural variables (occasional/climate
Social social impact on your employees
Shopper patterns (conduct and states
of mind)
Way of life patterns
Socioeconomics (age, sex, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, work, home
Media feelings
Real occasions
Publicizing and brand picture
Moral issues
Technological new technology, software & equipment
Development and R&D
Innovation motivators
Development of innovation
Obstructions to passage
Advanced economy
Rate of mechanical change
Media communications
Legal you cant recruit expat
Changing political situation is also bringing
about change in the legal regulations of
business industry as well. The companies
have become restricted to hire the Saudi
nationals and decrease the hiring of
international employees. Therefore, the
companies are unable to hire diverse talent
that can bring more innovation in the
The companys operations are environment
friendly and they are actively following the
corporate social responsibility in order to
keep its people in the society safe and

organization CEO

General Manager General Manager - General Manager - General Manager -

Assistant to CEO
Bakery Farming Food Business Unit Juice

Chief Executive
Head of Corporate General Manager -
General Manager Officer of
Chief Operations Communications Head of Central Poultry
of HR & Support financial planner HR team International
Officer and Public Procurement
Services Pediatric Nutrition

General Manager - development

Marketing manager

List AND provide an explanation of X4 Departments within the Structure covered above

Financial planners work directly with the client organization that is offering the project to
assemble information, decide monetary objectives, build up the plans, and after that observe the
plans to make modification en route as required. A monetary organizer supports the customers
make individual spending plans, control uses, set objectives for saving and execute
methodologies for amassing wealth.

This job remains to regulate and control the project and management works inside the
Operational Planning for every type of equipment. Complete the performance of specialized
inspecting, examination, check, administrative and execution reporting of key reliability tasks,
dependability data, designing information trustworthiness and models guaranteeing that the
workforce is kept up to the required quality standards and airworthiness as characterized by the
administrative power and Production Procedures Manual.

Human Resource manager is responsible for analyzing employees performance, recruiting the
required human resource, monitoring the invested financial resources and keeping track of
financial and human resources.

Executives are responsible for decision making according to the performance reports provided by
the managers as well as monitor the project performance more often. Employees are responsible
for performing all their responsibilities assigned to them in a timely manner and achieve the
assigned goals.

Discuss how these x4 different Departments work together within the organisation to
optimise performance (AC 2.2)

The Operations, which regroup all generation offices and related framework, functioned
admirably amid 2013. The division has been effective in continually giving quality items to the
full portfolio on time. Through the different LEAN activities Operations has possessed the
capacity to build its ability, de-bottleneck basic ways and convey administrations to deals over
all classes at a record abnormal state of volumes. The most striking features are as per the
following: Loss in process increase, through enhanced arranging and LEAN activities created a
sparing in overabundance of SAR 31 million. Add up to cut bread fabricated volume developed
by 47%, with in an expansion of over 55% at Plant 5 in Al Kharj. Interest in effectiveness
ventures helped drive yield per individual up by 30% in pastry kitchen. A 41% diminishment in
purchaser and client grumblings in bread shop (almarai annual report, 2013).

Almarai's Sales division sold in 2013 to more than 50,000 clients. Four new deals warehouses
have been opened in Gizan, Tabuk, Nizwa and Dubai. The exertion put behind the accumulation
of receivables has been, not surprisingly, great in bringing the days deals exceptional further
down to 50 days. Surprisingly Almarai sold more than SAR 1.0 billion of both Zabadi and
L'Usine items. Amid 2013, Almarai has through the LEAN undertaking activity, returned to its
general operation procedure to open efficiencies along its business store network by rethinking
its dispersion esteem streams. While the unmistakable advantages are normal amid 2014 ahead,
the premise of its re-built approach is set up and in addition the fundamental applications
frameworks. The way Almarai deals group is compensated has additionally been returned to
drive the Company's execution considerably higher, especially in the fields of wastage and out of
stocks (almarai annual report, 2013).
Provide an overview of the Culture within YOUR organisation (relate your answer to a
theory model) AND identify and discuss x2 ways this Culture affects operations and
performance (AC 2.3)
Almarai's quality responsibility is reflected in giving items and administrations which meet every
one of purchasers' requests and desires while keeping up our upper hand. Almarai's quality
approach is accomplished through the advancement of a culture and condition whereby all
representatives know that they need to enhance every single quality standard through the
Raising representative's mindfulness about the significance of value execution and their
capacity to partake in accomplishing it through legitimate preparing and change of
Orderly comprehension of shoppers' needs and wanting to surpass their desires.
Setting quantifiable quality destinations, checking execution and taking reasonable
choices for persistent change.
Guaranteeing that the benchmarks of wellbeing, security and cleanliness are
professionally connected in all areas of Almarai business (almarai annual report, 2013).


Identify and discuss X3 HR activities/practices that support the organisations strategy

(explaining why) (AC 3.1)

1. The company believes in implementing employee engagement by giving them an

opportunity to participate in organizational activities as well as giving them fair salaries
according to their performance. When employees are not motivated towards their work,
employees engagement is hard to achieve. Engaging the employees is one of the most
important concerns of every organization and it occurs when employer does not
appreciate the performance of its employees, salaries or wages are less than their effort
and when the employer is merely task oriented. Employees expects compensations and
rewards from the companies and when they are not appreciated up to their expectations,
the motivation and engagement level decline.
2. The company is using resourcing strategy in order to support its corporate strategy by
implementing its available resources at right place at right time.
3. The company believes in rewarding the best performing employees in order to encourage
them to work more diligently. They assess the performance on regular basis and then give
them rewards on the basis of results. It helps in keeping the employees motivated as well
as supporting them to come up with innovative ideas.
4. Almarai trusts that raising work productivity ensures the organization's advance in
different parts. In 2013, preparing endeavors incorporated the accompanying:
a. 369 alumni from Almarai's Dairy and Food Polytechnic.
132 representative alumni from Almarai's Future Managers program.
b. 350 understudies joined the mid year preparing program.
c. An understanding marked with King Saud University to give agreeable preparing
in the Food and Agricultural Sciences College (almarai annual report, 2013).
Identify an discuss x3 ways HR professionals support line managers and their staff
(explaining why) (AC 3.2)

1. The HR managers support their line managers and their staff by supporting them in terms
of approving leave requests or L&D requests. This show the cooperative relationships
between the higher and lower management however the purpose is to keep them
motivated and satisfied with the job.
2. They support line managers by allowing them to participate in policy making, decision
making, planning workforce training and development programs as well as advising and
legally guiding the staff.
3. Another way that is adopted by HR professional to support the line managers is giving
them bonuses on the basis of their performance assessment. Those who perform more
actively to achieve the assigned goals are rewarded for their motivation and
encouragement (, 2006).
almarai. (n.d.). Almarai Products. Retrieved from
almarai annual report. (2013). annual report. Retrieved from
almarai. (n.d.). Mission, Vision & Values. Retrieved from (2006, 06 13). ALMARAI COMPANY. Retrieved from
NCB Capital. (2009, 05 12). Almarai Company . Retrieved from http://up.m-e-

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