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Unit Test I

Subject - English
Class - XI (SET - B)

Time - 1hr MM : 30

Q1. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. [4]
"The sea holiday
Was her past, mine is her laughter. Both wry
with the laboured ease of loss."
(a) Who is 'her' in the above lines?
(b) Name the poem and the poet.
(c) What is the poetic device used here?

Q2. Why did the narrator call Ile Amsterdam the most beautiful island in the
world? [3]

Q3. Grandmother appeared like winter landscape in the mountains. Explain [3]

Q4. What happened on the morning of 3rd January? [3]

Q5. Why did the captain take the two crewmen with them? [3]

Q6. The three stanzas of the poem "A Photograph" depict three different phases.
What are they? [3]

Q7. How do you know that grandmother was kind - hearted? [3]

Q8. Mention three ways in which the author's grandmother spent her days after
he grew up. [3]

Q9. Give a character sketch of narrator's grandmother? [5]

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