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Golden rule of interpretation of statutes


According to Gary,the process by which a judge(or indeed any

person,lawyer or layman,who has occasion to search for the meaning of
a statute) constructs from words of a statute book, a meaning which he
either believes to be that of the legislature,or which he proposes to
attribute to it,is called interpretation.

The golden rule is yet another rule of construction that when the
words of the statue are clear,plain and unambigueous,then the courts
are bound to give effect to that meaning,irrespective of the
consequences. The term golden rule seems to hav originated in an
1854 court ruling, and implies a degree of enthusiasm for this particuar
rule of construction over alternative rules that has not been shared by
all sunsequent judges. A judge made a point of including this note in a
1940 decision: The golden rule is that the words of a statute must
prima facie be given their oedinary meaning.

Chapterisation of the topic

Lord wensleydales golden rule

Lord wensleydale called it the golden rule and adopted it in

Grey vs Pearson and thereafter it is usually known as lord wens

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