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Chapter 2: Organization

2.1 History of Organization

The bashundhara group has started operation as a real estate venture known as "Bashundhara"
under the aegis of the groups first concern - the east west property development (pvt) ltd in 1987.
This project turned out to be a very successful one and had helped foster the growth of trust and
confidence of the urban people of "Bashundhara" . Dhaka's burgeoning proportion,coupled with
a conspicuously slow growth of housing led to the landmark success of "Bashudhara"

Driven by the ramification of this success ,Bashundhara geared up to invest in new fields ,
including manufacturing and trading.more enterprises were established in early 1990's covering
diverse activities involving the production of cement paper and pulp,tissue paper,steel,LP gas
bottling and distribution,and a trading company,among others. The group experienced this
tremendous growth in a span of less than 10 years. During this period additional schemes on
land development and real estate were launched and those projects focused more sharply on
increasing responsiveness to clients needs . The group's first publicly-traded company,The
meghna cement mills limited is currently listed on the two stock exchanges of Bangladesh.

The group now has over 20 major concerns located in different areas of the country. The multi-
faceted shopping mall and recreation centre called "the bashundhara city" has added glamour to
growth of the group. The bashundhara city development ltd is one step ahead in the longstanding
effort to strengthen links with the general people through the unique offerings of commercial
operations and recreation facilities under single roof

East west media group Ltd is the mass media enterprise o the bashundhara group that was
established in 2009 .it now owns bangla dailies - " The kaler kontho" and " The Bangladesh
protidin" , English newspaper "The daily sun" and billingal online portal "",.
The media house is also planing to launch a Fm radio and a television channel soon.
The group has came a long eay in reaching his goals by complementing to client needs,learning
real-time lessons from past projects,innovating and partnering its project implementation
process. Through major investment undertakings in all key sectors bashundhara has
meaningfully contributed to the country's economic stability in financial capital markets.
Underlying of all the group activities are the common threads of change flexibility amd fostering
closer ties with the government,the city corporation and bashundhara clients. Most of its projects
have been success stories- this fact alone is enough to justify a sense f confidence in the group's
future .

2.2 mission,vision,goal of bashundhara group

Bashundhara group (BG) is a leading private sector industrial corporation

in currently has 14 on going concerns ,ranging from real estate development and
management to manufacturing and services. The BG strives to work in partnership with the
government for promoting sustainable development,environmental preservation,and
employment-generation and proverty reduction . The BG has a particular focus on urban
housing,recreation centres and commercial ventures. Thus, the motto of the group is "For the
people,For the country ". At the crux of industrial process deployed at the groups enterprise
stands the need to ensure environmental stability. As a result conscious efforts are made to use
re-cycled material as industrial input

The established mission and vision of BG are -

create affordable house for the people

foster better living environment and pleasant surrounding

Ensure environment balance and sustainability

use re-cycled raw materials in industry

develop a meaningful partnership with others for development

providing better work condition for the staff members

2.3Organogram of Bashundhara Group
2.4 Enterprises of Bashundhara group

BG is comprised of the following enterprises

1.East west property development Ltd.

2.Bashundhara city development Ltd

3.Meghna cement mills Ltd

4.Bashundhara paper mills Ltd

5.Bashundhara newsprint amd duplex board Ltd

6.Bashundhara tissue industries Ltd

7.Bashundhara still complex Ltd

8.Bashundhara LP gas Ltd

9.Bashundhara technologies Ltd

10.Bashundhara cement sack plant

11.Bashundhara trading company Ltd

12.Bashundhara industrial complex Ltd

13.Bashundhara paver manufacturing plant Ltd

14.Bashundhara communication and networks Ltd.

2.5 Future plan of Bashundhara

The era of information and communication technology has changed the world with a whisker and
now communication Haa emerged as the key to trade and development. The rapid development
of information and communication technology has turned the world into a global village.
Moreover globalization and its all pervasive impacts on states and their economies have made
life more competitive,complex and technology driven

Proximity has turned meaningless as the world is now in the tip of a finger and economy the
ultimate focus of a nation and national life. Inter-state trading dependence,investment potentials
and free flow of

Information and raw materials have made the world thriving on the edge of competitiveness
Now 'staying competitive ' is the key to survival in today's world of business where quality rules
and standard products and survives sneak in shedding physical boundaries Now the recent
global recession and its impacts have shown yet another challenge and the bitter side of the
But despite the global challenges and its impacts on local economy. Bashundhora Group has kept
on its forward march with visionary goal. best use of its human resource and meticulous planning
varied range of products with ensured standard . quality services and most effective managerial
efficiencies have made the company a market leader in the respective sectors of its operation
keeping main focus ob business expansion and growth in the most prospective sectors, the group
is continuous taking up projects to make it the latest conglomerate in the business area of
Bangladesh despite fast changing business trend and tricky situation.
Depending on the firm foundation and highly professional human resources, the Bashundhara
Group is still making good use of its business potentials and also contributing to the
drvelopment of country and economy.
But despite intriguing growth and business expansion, the company amis and objectives remain
the same to serve people with maximum satisfaction and keep on working for the greater
welfare of the people and the country.still each and every Bashundhara Group companies care
for their clients as their obligation and consumer satisfaction remains the key to their success
Often. business time firms are too short to encourage good strategic planning the best companies
take the time and do it well workforce planning or human resources. planning as it is commonly
called is one of the most impactful aspects of business planning. management literature picked
full of reason why HRP is crucial business success. without it there is little chance of business
having the right people at the right place at the right time doing the right work. this issues has
been studies for decades in a 1985 study based on a survey of 53 corporations in the US and
Canada and their approaches to business and human resource planning Elmer found that the
response both human resource and business planners emphatically endorsed the concept that
strategic and long range business and plans should include a human resource component that
position is one still held firmly by business executives globally. Human resources planning in the
broadest sense including both strategic and operational human resource planning as a continuous
process rather than an activity limited to a fixed segment of the business planning process.
often HRP is considered to be a "human resources "program rather than a necessary business
activity.Operationally drive mangers often forget the real purpose of palnning. By definition. the
strategically driven human resource function will be devoted to finding ways to help the
organization gain important advantages over its competition " Those advantage are often
described in terms of the capacity that a business has with which to pursue its objectives. The
capacity of an organization to achieve its strategic objectives is influence by human resources in
three fundamental ways.cost economies capacity to operate effectively ;capacity ; to undertaken
new enterprises and change operation.
Chapter : 5

Conclusion and Recommendation

5.2 Recommendation
Effective recruitment and selection process can give an organization a competitive edge over its
competitiors by saving both time and cost. Boshundhora Group recruits major part of its
employee from external source' epesically from Newspaper ads which cost them much. However
' we have recommended some ideas that might help them to improve their recruitment and
selection process.
Outsourcing Firm:- The company may draw required person nel from outsourcing firm. The
outsourcing firm help the organization by the initial screening of the candidates according to the
needs of the otganization and creating a suitable pool of talent for the final selection by the
organization as per their needs.
Poaching :-Buying talent is the latest method being followed by the organizations today.
poaching means employing competent and experience person already working with another
reputed company in the same or different industry. the organization might be a competitor in
the industry. A company can attract talent from another firm by offering attractive pay packages
and other terms and condition better then the current benefit and compensation packages.
Using HRIS :-HRIS or human resource inventory system is a online portal or data bank that
helps one organization to find the right people for right position on the right time. BG can
maintain a well equipped HRIS

Some other recommendations for Bashundhara Group (BG) are given below.

*In case of recruitment and selection process BG extensive ly use daily newspapers
advertisement But it should go for online and arrange program in educational institution to
attract qualified people their entry and re-entry period

*The application from of BG is time consuming and isn't easy to complete ' so it should be easy
to Complete
*BG should consider different factors like cost of living ;taxation ; family
requirements etc. recruiting people
* Saveral day orientation program should be undertaken to provide a crear picture about the
organization its culture'rules' and regulation 'employees and management body
*They should exercise their recruitment policy and should focus on recruiting the best potential
*it should ensure that every applicant and employ is treated equally woth dignity and respect
*it should also focus to aid and encourage employees in realizing their full potential
*selection should be made based on transparency ;task oriented and merits.
*Optimization of manpower at the time of selection process.
*Defining the competent authority to approve each selection.
*Recruitment and selection policy should abide by public policy and legislation on hiring and
employment relationship.

5.1 Conclusion
The globalizaton of business is forcing managers to struggle with complex issues as they seek to
gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Bashundhara Group is one of the largest group of
companies in Bangladesh. They enjoy outstanding recruitment and selection parctices on each
successful employee hired. so their hires are better fits in their work groups. They also share
values ' traits and behaviors that are highly regarded for success in the organization. They reach
the qualified application through the use of innovative recruiting channels. Traditionally
employers have focused on assessment methods that are highly correlated to the content of the
job. hence most able to predict ability to perform the required duties and task.However
organizations have come to realize that success of the candidates hinges on more than just the
ability to carry out tasks and duties well.The foundation of superior performance lies in the
synergy created by a close fit with the work group and with the organizations culture . No
process is complete without an evaluation of its success.
So to crown all.itcan be said that successfuly human resource planning system helped
Bashundhara Group to achieve one of the leading places in the business area in bangladesh

6.1 Reference
Book Reference
1.D.k Bhattachary. Human resource planing 1st edition.
2.G.Dessler. Human Resource Management 9th edition

Web Reference
1.Human Resources planing :an introduction ' retrieved from " http://www.employment -
studies. /pubs/Summary.pho?id-312"
2.Human resource planning -HRP received from "http://www.investopedia. con/terms
/h/human-resource -planning. asp'
3.High level Resources for human resources management retrieve d from
4.Bashundharr Group wrbsite retrieved from " bd

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