CT Manifestations of Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors (Inflammatory Pseudotumors) of The Urinary System

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Genitourinar y Imaging Original Research

Liang et al.
CT Manifestations of Urinary System IMTs

Genitourinary Imaging
Original Research

CT Manifestations of Inflammatory
Myofibroblastic Tumors

(Inflammatory Pseudotumors) of
the Urinary System
Wenjie Liang1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to characterize the CT manifestations of in-
Xianyong Zhou1 flammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMTs) of the urinary system in eight patients.
Shunliang Xu1 MATERIALS AND METHODS. The CT images of eight pathologically confirmed IMTs
Shengzhang Lin2 were retrospectively reviewed. Two of the eight IMTs occurred in the kidney, and six occurred
in the bladder. Seven patients underwent both unenhanced CT and contrast-enhanced CT, and
Liang W, Zhou X, Xu S, Lin S one of the patients who had a bladder tumor underwent unenhanced CT only. The site, shape,
size, boundary, internal structure, and enhancement pattern of the lesions were assessed.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

RESULTS. The eight patients (five men and three women) whose CT images were re-
viewed were 1877 years old (mean age, 53 years). Only one lesion was seen in each of the
eight patients. The IMTs occurred at the renal parenchyma (n= 1), the renal pelvis (n= 1), or
the bladder (n= 6). Their shape was either roundlike (n= 7) or round (n= 1), and their size
ranged from 1.5 2.0 cm2 to 3.7 5.2 cm2. Tumor margins were smooth (n= 5) or lobulated
(n= 3), and boundaries were clear (n= 5) or ill defined (n= 3). Unenhanced CT scans showed
a low density (n= 4), isodensity (n= 3), or a slightly high density (n= 1). The density noted on
the unenhanced CT scans was homogeneous (n= 7) or heterogeneous (n= 1). The contrast-
enhanced scans showed ring enhancement (n= 3) or significantly heterogeneous enhancement
(n= 4), and the type of enhancement was persistent (n= 6) or washout (n= 1).
CONCLUSION. IMTs in the urinary system commonly occur in the superior wall or the
front wall of the bladder. The observation that polypoid nodules on the bladder walls show
ring enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT may be valuable in the diagnostic imaging of
IMTs of the urinary system.

nflammatory myofibroblastic tu- On imaging, IMTs do not have specific fea-

Keywords: bladder, CT, inflammatory myofibroblastic

I mors (IMTs) are a rare type of
benign spindle cell tumor. Pul-
monary IMTs are the most well-
tures but they do have diverse manifestations
[2]. For example, on ultrasound images, such
masses can be characterized by low or high
tumor, inflammatory pseudotumor, kidney known and common type of IMT. Other po- echogenicity with clear or obscure boundar-
tential sites where IMTs may occur include ies [2, 11]; however, on CT scans, IMTs can
the abdomen, retroperitoneum, pelvic cavity, be characterized by low density, isodensity,
Received February 3, 2015; accepted after revision head and neck, trunk, and limbs [1]. Devel- or high density [2, 11]. On MRI, masses usu-
October 11, 2015. opment of IMTs in the urinary system is very ally show low signal intensity, with masses
rare, with the bladder being the relatively showing homogeneous or heterogeneous en-
Department of Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital,
College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou City,
most common site of occurrence [2]. Be- hancement on T1- and T2-weighted contrast-
China. cause clinical symptoms and laboratory test enhanced MR images [2, 11].
results lack specificity for the diagnosis of Bladder IMTs may appear in any area of
urinary system IMTs, preoperative imaging- the bladder, and on the basis of findings from
Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery,
First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang
based examination is very important for different imaging methods, they can be de-
University, 79 Qingchun Rd, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang
Province 310003, China. Address correspondence to identifying such IMTs and choosing the ap- scribed as nodules or masses extending into
S.Lin (linszzju@sohu.com). propriate way to manage them. So far, to our the bladder lumen or submucosal area with
knowledge, most relevant studies have fo- or without fatty infiltration around the blad-
AJR 2016; 206:11491155 cused on the pathologic manifestations of der [11]. On MRI, bladder IMTs have diverse
urinary system IMTs [1, 37], but they have manifestations. They may show low-to-mod-
rarely focused on associated imaging find- erate signal intensity on T1-weighted imag-
American Roentgen Ray Society ings [2, 811]. es, and they may show low-to-high signal

AJR:206, June 2016 1149

Liang et al.

intensity or mixed signal intensity with vari- Contrast-enhanced CT scans of the kidney Results
able contrast-enhanced manifestations on were acquired during three phases: a renal cortex All tumors were found to be primary uri-
T2-weighted images [2, 911]. phase (at 30 s), a parenchymal phase (at 60 s), and nary system IMTs. Table 1 presents the clini-
IMTs that develop in the kidneys can have a delayed phase (at 510 min). Contrast-enhanced cal and urinary tract CT findings. The eight pa-
low or high echogenicity on ultrasound im- CT scans of the bladder were acquired during two tients (five men and three women) who were
ages [2, 11], whereas, on CT scans, such phases: an arterial phase (at 30 s) and a delayed evaluated were 1877 years old (mean age, 53
masses often show low density and can also phase (at 90 s). The time until the delayed phase years). Their clinical symptoms included pain
show multiple hypovascular lesions after en- was counted from the time that injection of the during urination, gross hematuria, and waist
hancement [2, 11]. On imaging, the manifes- contrast agent was initiated. soreness for a duration of 3 days to 2 years. One
tations of urinary system IMTs are similar to All imaging data evaluated in the present study patient had renal IMT diagnosed incidentally
those of IMTs that occur in other parts of the were collected from the PACS at our institution. while undergoing ultrasonic examination dur-
body. Most of these cases come from case re- Two experienced abdominal radiologists, who ing hospitalization for pancreatitis. Three pa-
ports, not imaging reports, so valuable imag- each had more than 10 years of experience in di- tients with IMTs had chronic illness associat-
ing diagnostic clues are lacking. agnostic imaging of the abdomen, analyzed all ed with a previous surgery, and another patient
In this study, we retrospectively investigate CT data and were blinded to the pathologic find- had hypertension and diabetes with a history of
the CT findings of what is, to our knowledge, ings. The CT images were analyzed in terms of the appendectomy and prostatectomy. Hyperten-
the largest number of urinary system IMTs as- number of tumors and the following tumor char- sion and heart dysfunction were noted in a pa-
sessed, and we review the existing clinical and acteristics: position, size, shape (round or round- tient with bladder IMT who had a history of ap-
imaging literature pertaining to this entity. like), margins, internal components of focus (cal- pendectomy, vertebroplasty, hernia repair, and
cification, necrosis, bleeding, and cystic change), trauma. Another patient with bladder IMT had
Materials and Methods growth pattern, and enhancement type. In terms a history of hypertension and renal disease and
American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

This retrospective study was approved by the of the degree of enhancement noted during each had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy.
ethics committee at the First Affiliated Hospital phase of unenhanced CT and contrast-enhanced A single lesion was identified in all eight
of the College of Medicine at Zhejiang University. CT scan acquisition, the attenuation values for the patients. Six of the tumors occurred in the
We searched a pathologic database at the First solid portion of the tumor were measured three bladder, including three tumors in the supe-
Affiliated Hospital for records from January 2005 to times, and the corresponding mean value was ob- rior wall, two tumors in the front wall, and
October 2014. Our search terms were inflammatory tained using proper circular ROIs. one tumor in the left wall. Of the six bladder
myofibroblastic tumor, inflammatory pseudosar- Additional features noted on contrast-enhanced lesions, five appeared on imaging as a nodule
coma, kidney, ureter, and bladder. Nine pa- CT images included the degree, uniformity, and or mass with a wide base in the cavity, and
tients were identified in the search, but one patient pattern of enhancement degree (slight or signifi- one appeared as a submucosal nodule. Two
was excluded because there was a lack of CT im- cant), uniformity (ring enhancement or heteroge- tumors occurred in the kidney; one was lo-
age data for this patient. Therefore, a total of eight neous), and pattern of enhancement (persistent or cated in the upper pole of the left kidney (pa-
patients were included in the present study. We re- washout). High-density, normal-density, and low- tient 1, Fig. 1), and the other was located in
viewed the clinical data, CT images, and pathologic density masses were also defined, renal lesions and the left renal pelvis (patient 2, Fig. 2).
results for these patients, and we focused on the im- renal parenchyma were compared, and bladder le- All lesions appeared as a substantial nodule
aging findings in particular. All patients underwent a sions and gluteus muscles were compared. or mass on CT. The lesions ranged in size from
routine unenhanced CT examination at the sites cor- The degree of tumor enhancement was classi- 1.5 2.0 cm2 to 3.7 5.2 cm2. Their shape was
responding to our search terms, and seven of the pa- fied as none, slight (020 HU), moderate (>20 to either roundlike (n= 7) or round (n= 1). Their
tients also underwent contrast-enhanced CT. 40 HU), or significant (> 40 HU). The four en- margins were smooth (n = 5) or lobulated (n=
CT was performed using a 16-MDCT scanner hancement patterns noted were persistent en- 3), and their boundaries were either clear (n=
(Aquilion 16, Toshiba Medical Systems). The pa- hancement, washout, isoenhancement, and ring 5) or ill defined (n= 3). The unenhanced CT
rameters used for CT examination of kidney dis- enhancement. The growth patterns included studies of the eight lesions showed either low
ease were as follows: tube voltage, 120 kVp; tube spread of the tumor to the intracavity and under density (n= 4), isodensity (n= 3), or slightly
current, 300 mA; slice thickness, 2 mm; recon- the mucuous membrane. Evaluations were also high density (n= 1), and density was either ho-
structed slice thickness, 3 mm; pitch, 0.938; and conducted to identify the presence of accompa- mogeneous (n= 7) or heterogeneous (n= 1).
matrix, 512 512. The area scanned by CT was nying enlarged lymph nodes, hydronephrosis or For the seven lesions that were visualized on
from the upper pole (including the adrenal gland) hydroureter, and abdominal or pelvic fluid on CT contrast-enhanced CT, enhancement was ring-
to the lower pole of the kidney. images. Final interpretation of the image was de- shaped in three (patient 4, Fig. 3) or heteroge-
The parameters used for CT examination of termined through consultation between the two neous in four (patient 3, Fig. 4), and the degree
bladder lesions were as follows: tube voltage, 120 abdominal radiologists. of enhancement was either significant (n= 4),
kVp; tube current, 300 mA; slice thickness, 2 mm; All tumors were surgically excised, with partial slight (n= 2), or moderate (n= 1). The enhance-
reconstructed slice thickness, 3 mm; pitch, 0.938; segmental cystectomy used for five patients and ment pattern was either a persistent pattern (n =
and matrix, 512 512. The area scanned by CT with radical nephrectomy, radical resection of re- 6) or a washout pattern (n = 1).
ranged from the iliac crest level to the lower edge of nal pelvic carcinoma, and transurethral resection For two patients, irregular blood clots oc-
the pubic symphysis. A bolus of the contrast agent of a bladder tumor used for one patient each. The curred on the edge of the lesion. No significant
iopromide (1 mL/kg of body weight; Ultravist, Bay- pathologic findings for all eight patients were ret- calcification was found. In addition, no necro-
er Schering Pharma) was injected at a rate of 2.5 rospectively analyzed by two experienced pathol- sis or cystic degeneration was found in any of
3.0 mL/s with the use of a high-pressure syringe. ogists to confirm the accuracy of the diagnosis. the lesions in this group of patients. Only one

1150 AJR:206, June 2016

patient, a 50-year-old woman, had complications, which included mild

CT Manifestations of Urinary System IMTs






renal atrophy, hydronephrosis, thickening in the upper ureteral wall,

and the presence of multiple enlarged lymph nodes in the retroperi-

toneal area. One patient had renal carcinoma, rather than renal IMT,
diagnosed before undergoing surgery, and another patient had renal

Slightly heterogeneous
pelvic carcinoma, rather than renal pelvis IMT, diagnosed before un-

Ring enhancement

Ring enhancement

Ring enhancement
Tumor Uniformity


dergoing surgery. Of the six patients with bladder IMTs, one had blad-
der cancer diagnosed and two had bladder tumor diagnosed before

undergoing surgery. According to the manifestations of pathologic,
histologic, and immunohistochemical findings, all tumors were con-
firmed to be urinary system IMTs.






Degree of
Bladder IMTs typically occur in younger individuals, particularly



female patients, but they rarely occur in children [11, 12]. Renal in-
flammatory pseudotumors occur among individuals in a wide age
range, but they more commonly develop in male patients. However,

Tumor Internal Enhancement Pattern

in a retrospective study of bladder IMT, Harik et al. [7] revealed re-

TABLE 1: Kidney and Bladder CT Findings for Eight Patients With Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumors (IMTs)

Ill defined Homogeneous and isodense

Ill defined Homogeneous and isodense

Roundlike Lobulated Ill defined Homogeneous and isodense

Homogeneous with slightly
sults that differed from those of other reports, noting that the age of

Heterogeneous with low

Homogeneous with low

Homogeneous with low

Homogeneous with low

onset of bladder IMT was from 7 to 77 years (mean age at onset, 47

of Tumor
years) and that the rate of occurrence among male patients was ap-
proximately three times higher than that among female patients. In

high density
the present study, the average age of onset of bladder IMT was 53




years, and the rate of occurrence was slightly higher among male
American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

than among female patients. The differences between the present

study and the study by Harik et al. can be attributed to the low fre-
quency of urinary system IMTs and the small sample size. Boundary




The major clinical manifestations of bladder IMT include gross he-
maturia, which may be accompanied by pain during urination, an in-
creased urge to urinate, dysuria, urinary incontinence, and abdominal

Roundlike Lobulated
Roundlike Lobulated






pain [2]. The renal inflammatory pseudotumor may be asymptomatic.


The clinical symptoms of and laboratory test findings for pa-

tients in our study group were consistent with those noted in some



studies in the literature. For example, Kapusta et al. [5] report-


ed that eight of 12 patients with renal IMT (67%) had no clini-

cal symptoms. In addition, according to a study by Harik et al.
[7], only one of 42 patients with bladder IMT (2%) had no clinical
Tumor Location Size (cm2)

2.3 3.3

2.2 2.4

2.0 2.0
3.6 3.9
3.0 3.9

3.7 5.2
3.5 3.7
1.5 2.0

symptoms. Only one patient with a renal IMT in the present study
had no related clinical symptoms, a finding that was in accordance
with findings of previous reports.

wall of bladder
Moreover, in some studies, urinary system IMTs were asso-
Superior wall

Superior wall

Superior wall
Front wall of

Front wall of
Left kidney

of bladder

of bladder

of bladder
Left lateral
ciated with a history of undergoing pelvic surgery [7, 13, 14]. In
Left renal

frequent urination, and gross bladder

frequent urination, and gross bladder

1984, Proppe et al. [13] reported that four women and four men

presented with proliferative spindle cell nodules from 5 weeks to

3 months after undergoing lower genital tract surgery and lower
urinary tract surgery. These nodules were regarded as benign reac-
Frequent urination, urinary

Pain during urination and

tive lesions that resembled sarcoma. In addition, in 2006, Harik et
Clinical Symptom(s)

incontinence, and pain

Soreness of left waist

Urinary incontinence,

Urinary incontinence,

al. [7] stated that nine of 42 patients with IMT in their study had NoteDash () indicates data were unavailable.
Pain during urination

previously undergone instrumentation or surgery. When these pa-

gross hematuria
during urination

tients were compared with other patients who had no history of in-


strumentation or operation, their clinicopathologic features were


found to be similar [7]. Accordingly, the lesions in two types of pa-

tients were basically considered to be the same [7].
In another study, Montgomery et al. [14] evaluated 46 patients

with IMTs, eight of whom underwent instrumentation 2 weeks to








6 months before they were hospitalized because of urinary system



IMTs, including three transurethral resections, two transurethral






resections of the bladder, one radical prostatectomy, one suprapu-

bic prostatectomy, and one placement of an indwelling uretero-
Pati ent

pelvic junction stent. Montgomery and colleagues discovered that


a patient who has previously undergone surgery has morpholog-

AJR:206, June 2016 1151

Liang et al.

Fig. 177-year-old man with renal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor.
A, Unenhanced CT image shows mass of slightly high density with lobulated margins, clear boundary, and homogeneous density in upper pole of left kidney.
B and C, Contrast-enhanced CT images show low degree of enhancement (attenuation, 60.6 HU) in arterial phase (B); enhancement (attenuation, 78.1 HU) was higher
in later phases (C).

ic and immunogenotypic findings similar to diagnosis of bladder IMTs [10]. Patients in upper urinary tract tumors [16]. In contrast, all
those of other patients with IMT. Hence, the the present study had bladder cancer or blad- patients with bladder IMT in the present study
view that previous instrumentation or a his- der tumors diagnosed on the basis of findings had one lesion but no renal tumor identified be-
tory of surgery was an important risk factor from imaging performed preoperatively. fore or after the onset of illness. Third, bladder
American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

for the development of IMT in the urinary A review of 42 cases by Harik et al. [7] IMTs manifest morphologically as polypoid or
system was supported by all study results. showed that the changes in bladder IMTs not- cauliflower-like soft-tissue masses, which gen-
Three patients in the present study had pre- ed on imaging are similar to those noted for erally are similar to those associated with blad-
viously undergone surgery, and one of them bladder cancer and bladder sarcoma; howev- der cancer.
had previously undergone pelvic surgery; er, some differences were also noted in other The present study involved six cases of
however, we could not confirm whether there studies. First, bladder IMT often occurs in men bladder IMTs, which were primarily broad
was an association between the two surgeries older than 30 years. The onset of bladder tran- based, compared with bladder cancers; how-
and the development of IMT, because the le- sitional cell carcinoma (TCC), however, usual- ever, early-stage bladder IMTs reported else-
sion occurred in the kidney. ly occurs after the age of 65 years, and blad- where were varied and included narrow-
Previous studies focused on the clinical der TCC occurs 34 times more frequently based polypoid lesions, nodules, or a limited
diagnosis and treatment of bladder IMTs and in men than in women [15]. Second, although thick-walled bladder [15, 17]. Flat tumors,
pathologic analysis of related findings, but there was a wide range in patient age at onset which are characterized by a limited thick-
they rarely focused on imaging-based analy- of both types of tumors, most bladder IMTs oc- walled bladder, were not identified in pa-
sis of bladder IMTs. In the present study, we curred in the superior wall and the front wall, tients in the present study.
compared IMTs with other bladder tumors whereas approximately 80% of bladder TCCs The presence of an irregular blood clot in
and analyzed their appearance on imaging. occurred in the bladder base [15]. Of note, no the bladder can be considered to aid in the
On imaging, the manifestations of bladder bladder IMT was identified in the bladder base. diagnosis of bladder IMT [18]. In the present
IMTs include polypoid masses or submuco- Approximately 40% of bladder TCCs tended to study, blood clots appeared around two of six
sal lesions, which are not very specific for the be multicentral and might be accompanied by bladder tumors; however, this manifestation

Fig. 250-year-old woman with soreness on left side of waist.
A, Unenhanced CT image shows quasicircular mass with isodensity in left renal pelvis with obscured margins. Mass is accompanied by left hydronephrosis and left
parenchyma atrophy.
B and C, Contrast-enhanced CT images show that, in arterial phase (B), left renal pelvis mass manifests as obviously heterogeneous enhancement (attenuation, 103.3
HU); enhancement decreased (attenuation, 93.2 HU) in later phases (C); enhancement of the left kidney was reduced. Multiple enlarged lymph nodes (arrow) were
found near abdominal aorta.

1152 AJR:206, June 2016

CT Manifestations of Urinary System IMTs

Fig. 370-year-old man with urinary incontinence, frequent urination, and gross hematuria.
A, Cross-sectional CT scan of bladder shows polypoid nodule on superior walls, with homogeneous density.
B and C, Contrast-enhanced CT scans show ring enhancement on margin of lesion and low enhancement in center of lesion. Attenuation values noted for central part of
lesion on CT were 36.2 HU (unenhanced), 42.6 HU (arterial phase), and 59.2 HU (later phases).

was comparatively rare in association with hancement may be a clue for the diagnosis of TCCs induce extension outside the wall and
bladder TCCs. The frequency of calcification bladder IMTs on imaging. Pathologic findings are seen as increased density of the surround-
in patients with bladder TCC was approxi- showed that as more tumor cells gathered at the ing fat, ill-defined density, or streaklike high
mately 5%. In a study by Moon et al. [19], edge of the lesion, they were accompanied by density [15, 17]. The largest bladder IMT iden-
calcification often occurred on the surface of inflammatory cell infiltration and a relatively tified among the patients in the present study
the tumor and had a nodular or arched shape. rich blood supply. Moreover, the stroma was invaded the outside wall of the bladder; how-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

However, no calcification occurred in pa- loose in the central part of the bladder, and mu- ever, on the basis of histopathologic findings,
tients with bladder IMT in the present study. coid degeneration was noted. it was confirmed to be the result of an inflam-
Necrosis or cyst degeneration has been re- In the present study, five cases of bladder matory change rather than an invasion of tu-
ported in patients with urinary system IMTs IMT could be described as showing progres- mor cells. Bladder TCC may involve changes
[9]; however, necrosis or cyst degeneration sive enhancement. Although a multiphasic in shape or density in nearby organs in the pel-
was not noted in urinary system IMTs in the scan was not performed, it was speculated vic cavity, such as the prostate, seminal ves-
present study. Therefore, necrosis and cyst that, compared with bladder TCC, bladder icle, uterus, and rectum [15, 17]. It may also
degeneration were considered to have lim- IMT may show delayed peak enhancement. induce the invasion or involvement of lymph
ited significance in distinguishing bladder Because of the presence of contrast agent in nodes or distant organs by means of distant
IMT from bladder TCC. the interstitial space in the central part of the metastasis through vascular spread [15, 17]. In
Compared with bladder TCC, which showed lesion, features of bladder IMTs on dynam- the present study, bladder IMTs did not invade
homogeneous or heterogeneous enhancement ic contrast-enhanced need to be further ex- or transfer to nearby organs, and enlarged
on imaging, with peak enhancement appear- plored. It may be useful to distinguish IMTs lymph nodes did not develop.
ing after a delay of approximately 60 seconds from other bladder tumors in addition to oth- On imaging, large bladder IMTs sometimes
[20], two of five bladder IMTs in the present er tumor lesions, such as squamous cell car- have an appearance similar to that of sarco-
study also showed heterogeneous enhance- cinoma, adenocarcinoma, metastatic tumors, mas of mesenchymal origin. They are easi-
ment. However, the remaining three bladder and leiomyomas. ly identified on the basis of pathologic find-
IMTs displayed ring enhancement on imaging. When bladder IMTs are large, they should ings, although different surgical procedures
This enhancement type has been noted in some be differentiated from middle- and late-stage may be used for the management of such tu-
previous case reports [9]. We think that ring en- bladder TCCs. Middle- and late-stage bladder mors [4, 5]. Bladder sarcomas primarily ap-

Fig. 435-year-old man with urinary incontinence, frequent urination, and gross hematuria.
A, Cross-sectional CT scan of bladder shows intravesical mass (arrow) with striped margins of slightly high density.
B and C, Contrast-enhanced CT scans show obvious heterogeneous enhancement of mass in arterial phase (B); degree of enhancement was further increased in later
phases (C). No enhancement occurred in striped margins.

AJR:206, June 2016 1153

Liang et al.

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ficult to distinguish bladder leiomyosarcoma renal pelvis carcinoma was difficult to achieve lecular analysis in inflammatory myofibroblastic
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American Journal of Roentgenology 2016.206:1149-1155.

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