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Present Indian blockade on Nepal:
Problems and Solutions
A paper on factual analysis of the present
Indian blockade on Nepal and how Nepal can
come out of this situation.

Group Presentation

Part I: Introduction

Before jumping into our topic, it is necessary to understand the concept of Blockade and

Embargo. Oppenheim, in his book, defines blockade as the blocking by men-of-war (war

ships) of the approach to the enemy coast or a part of it for the purpose of preventing ingress

and egress of vessels of all nations.1 Thus, a blockade is an effort to cut off supplies, war

material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part or totally. An

embargo is when one nation establishes a policy not to trade with another nation and not to

allow its own ports or territory to be used for commerce with that nation. Establishment of an

embargo is the prerogative of any nation. For decades the United States has had an embargo

on trade with Cuba. This is a policy decision which has been made by the Government. The

policy may be wise or foolish, but nations are clearly within their rights to establish

embargos. However, a blockade is totally different. A blockade is closing to international

commerce by military force the coast of another entity. A blockade prevents third parties

from undertaking normal commercial activity. A blockade is an act of war rather than merely

exercising ones own prerogatives.2

The worldwide media has been rigorously been covering the news of Indian blockade in

Nepal since a few weeks. The so-called blockade began on 23rd of September, 2015l. The

Government of Nepal has accused India of imposing an undeclared blockade following its

discontentment over the newly commenced Nepalese constitution. India has indignantly

denied these allegations, stating that there is no blockade from the Indian side at all. The

Indian Government argues that the supply shortages have been imposed by Madheshi

Oppenheim, L., International Law, vol. 2, 2nd Edition (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1912), pages 450-
Graeme Bannerman, "'Blockade' and 'Embargo' Have Different Meanings" Available at:
protesters within Nepal, and that India has no role in it. Intellectuals from both nations argue

whether the term blockade is appropriate at all.

Part II: Why is the issue important?

Blockade or not, the present situations has resulted in serious economic and humanitarian

crisis in Nepal. Landlocked Nepal is overwhelmingly reliant upon imports from India,

including much of its food, consumer goods, and 100 percent of its fuel - aviation fuel, petrol,

diesel and cooking gas. India's unofficial blockade of Nepal - now in its third week - has,

therefore, crippled life in this country of 30 million people. Nearly all sectors of the economy

have taken a severe hit, from tourism to transport to domestic factories to agriculture. The

once vigorous construction industry had already come to a standstill before the blockade due

to quake fears, new enforcement of building code, and monsoon issues, most reconstruction

work has been put off until after the monsoon. Tourism, a mainstay of hard currency, already

saw 40% cancellation post-quake, since then new advisories from Germany to US have been

issued due to Madhesi related issues., many restaurants remain closed in tourist zones and

transport remains at best a hack. And all of this information is just the tip of the iceberg.

Thus, analysis of present so called blockade and its ascertaining its solution must be our top

national priority. This is what this paper aims to achieve.

Part III: Thesis Statement.

This paper is based upon the thesis that the present situation, though a blockade or not, has

resulted in serious crisis in the nation and hence must be tackled through tactful and smart

diplomacy, so as to not further agitate India. The paper through research, shall not only

analyse whether the present blockade is actually a blockade or not, but also seek to ascertain

the loss caused by so. The major solution to this situation, as observed by the researcher shall
be mutual dialogue in short-run and active role of civil societies and citizens directly, for self-

dependence in the long run.

Part IV: Criticisms.

The researcher recognizes that their thesis statement may not be entirely true and may be
subject to various criticisms. One of the major criticisms may include that Nepal always has
right to demand its rights through International Law. However, one should keep in mind that
Indo-Nepal relations have always been more than just trade routes. And hence, it shall not be
a wise step to make our relations colder. Also, there exists no such dispute that cannot be
solved through mutual dialogue and understanding. Next criticism may be that such path to
solving our problem would not only show us weaker in the Negotiations in future, but also
would subject to Nepal being bullied in future too. The simple answer to this would be that,
we must solve our immediate problems first. And development of a stronger diplomacy can
also prevent such problems in future.

Part V: Additional Research.

The researcher shall need additional research on the effects of ongoing blockade, facts and

figures along with the actual situation of the Indo-Nepal borders for the correct analysis.

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