Sherlock Holmes and The Sword of King Arthur Part 3

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Sherlock Holmes and the Sword of King Arthur: Part 3

Sherlock Holmes Doctor Watson Inspector Lestrade Hotel manager Shop keeper
Scene 4 in a forest
Inspector: I saw the shopkeeper go into that house.
Watson: Thats not a house, its a hotel. Look, theres a sign.
Reading the sign
Watson: Blood Hotel.
Inspector: We should go in.
Watson: Go in! It looks like a haunted house!
Sherlock: I dont believe in ghosts, Watson.
They go in. haunted house
Manager: Hello, can I help you?
Sherlock: Yes, Id like to check in. I have a reservation. My name is Holmes, Sherlock Holmes.
Manager: For how many nights?
Sherlock: One night. A single room and a twin room.
Manager: Let me look it up on the computer. Hmme, I cant find your reservation. Dont worry, I
can sort it out.
Inspector: Maybe the reservation is in the name of my friend here, Moriarty.
Manager: Ah, Professor Moriarty. Excellent, room 101. Here is the key.
Manager: Would you like to make a reservation for dinner?
Inspector: No, thank you. Well eat out.
Sherlock, Watson and the Inspector find the room
Sherlock: Turn on the light, Watson.
Inspector: The room is full of antiques. This is odd.
Watson: Someone is coming. Turn of the light. Hide behind the curtains.
The door opens.
Moriarty: Come in, Mr Smith.
Shopkeeper: Thank you, Professor Moriarty. I have the money. Can you send some more of the
antiques from the Museum robbery to the shop today? Weve almost sold out of the
one you sent yesterday.
Moriarty: No problem, Ill sort it out.
Sherlock: Atchoo!
Moriarty: Sherlock Holmes! What are you doing here?
Sherlock: We followed you. So, you are using the antique shop to sell you stolen goods.
Moriarty: What! Oh, the Egyptian antiques? Thats just a hobby Ive taken up. Im interested in
something much more important! A national treasure!
Inspector: So that is why you wanted the Sword of King Arthur.
Moriarty: Exactly. With the Sword of King Arthur, no one can stop me!
Sherlock: Quick, Watson, Inspector, jump out of the window!
They escape through the window and run to the car.
Inspector: That was a lucky escape!
Watson: A national treasure! What could it be?
Inspector: I picked up this. It was on the floor. Tower Bridge
Sherlock: Its a postcard of the Tower Bridge in London. Hmme, Interesting.
Watson: Lets go back to London. We can meet up at Tower Bridge tomorrow at twelve oclock.

Dominic Streames 2015

1. Match the phrasal verb to the definition
1. go in a. tell someone You can enter the room
2. believe in b. activate (a machine) or cause to flow (a tap)
3. check in c. search for information
4. sort out d. eat in restaurant and not at home
5. look up e. return to somewhere
6. eat out f. think something is true
7. come in g. register at a hotel or airport
8. turn on h. find a solution to a problem
9. turn of i. deactivate (a machine) or stop the flow
10. phone up j. enter
11. go back k. contact by telephone
12. meet up l. to plan to come together

Dominic Streames 2015

2. Find the correct phrasal verbs for each sentence (Top tip! Dont write the answers in
the spaces, then you can do the exercise again and again for revision).
1. Whats the telephone number? Ill __________ it _______ on the internet.
2. Dont worry about the problem, I can __________ it _______.
3. (Knock on the door) __________________.
4. Dont forget to ___________________ the light when you leave.
5. Its cold! Ill ___________________ the heating.
6. Oh no, I forgot the picnic! Ill _________________ to the house to get it.
7. Lets ______________________ at bar next to the cinema at six oclock.
8. This is the shop! Lets _______________ .
9. Do you __________________ in ghosts?
10.We have to ___________________ two hours before the flight.
11.Do you want to make dinner or shall we _________________?
12.Can you __________________ the cinema to see *whats on? (*Whats on: What
there is to see on TV or at the cinema)
3. Cover up the phrasal verbs and look at the definitions. Can you remember the phrasal
4. Work with a partner. Ask each other the questions. Make sure you use the phrasal
verbs in your answer!
1. How often do you eat out?
2. Where do you meet up with your friends?
3. Do you believe in ghosts? Why? Do you believe in UFOs? Why
4. Do you like to check in very early for a flight or as late as you can?
5. Where do you usually look up information?
6. What sort of problems do you have to sort out in your job or with your friends?
Do you think you are good at sorting out problems or is there someone you can
rely on to help you?
7. Do you prefer to phone up somewhere to find information or look on the
Teachers Notes

Suggested way to use the material:

1. Read through the dialogue with the class, explaining the vocabulary as you go.
2. Students read through in pairs. Then change roles and read again. The secret here is lots of
repetition to help the vocabulary get into their short-term memory. Get them to repeat a lot,
but make it seem diferent by changing partner, then getting them acting etc.
3. Students find a new partner and repeat, this time really trying to act. (Really emphasize the
acting. The acting is not in reality important. The point is It makes the activity appear diferent,
and thus allows the students to do it again. Repetition is the secret to beginning learning
process). The teacher can demonstrate here. I do it by first reading in a boring monotone voice,
and then with a little expression. They usually get the idea.
4. Swap roles and repeat, again, emphasize the acting.
5. Students match the phrasal verbs to the definitions.
6. Students do exercise 2, but dont let them write anything down. This way you can use this as a
revision exercise in the future.
7. Memory test. Students cover the phrasal verbs and look at the definitions. How many can they
remember? (Top tip: Ask them to see how many they can remember, i.e. make it clear you dont
expect them to remember all of them, maybe only a few, but a few is good!)
8. In pairs, ask each other the questions, trying to use the phrasal verb in their answers.

Future activities:
1. Ten minute revision: Students read through the dialogue with their partner for five minutes as a
review activity and then together, redo exercise 1 or 2.
2. Record the dialogue as a radio play, adding any sound efects (footsteps as people enter, exit,
doors open, cars driving etc)


Part 1: Exercise 1: 1g, 2e, 3l, 4h, 5f, 6i, 7a, 8d, 9c, 10j, 11k, 12m, 13b
Exercise 2: 1 hurry up/come on, 2 wake up, 3 wash up, 4 run out of, 5 write down,
6 look for, 7 breaks down, 8 speak up, 9 give up, 10 making (it) up, 11 get up,
12 call (you) back, 13 come on/hurry up

Part 2. Exercise 1: 1e, 2a, 3g, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7i, 8j, 9k, 10f, 11b
Exercise 2: 1 take up, 2 queue up, 3 save up, 4 get into, 5 sold out, 6 read out, 7 slow down
8 find out, 9 fell out, 10 pick (it) up, 11 look after

Part 3: Exercise 1: 1j, 2f, 3g, 4h, 5c, 6d, 7a, 8b, 9i, 10k, 11e, 12l
Exercise 2: 1 look up, 2 sort out, 3 come in, 4 turn of, 5 turn on, 6 go back,
7 meet up, 8 go in, 9 believe in, 10 check in, 11 eat out, 12 phone up

Part 4. Exercise 1: 1k, 2a, 3j, 4b, 5h, 6c, 7d, 8e, 9l, 10f, 11g, 12i
Exercise 2: 1 turn up, 2 move in, 3 get on, 4 blow up, 5 put on, 6 try (it) on
7 rely on, 8 cheer (him) up, 9 pull over, 10 look into, 11 moved out, 12 getting away

Part 5. Exercise 1: 1c, 2f, 3g, 4h, 5d, 6a, 7b, 8j, 9e, 10i
Exercise 2: 1 going on, 2 come down, 3 show of, 4 go out, 5 join in, 6 throw (that) away
7 gone up, 8 grow up, 9 call of, 10 stay in

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