Beyond Reality UFO Special Issue 2

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Editor/Publisher UFO S PECIAL R E PO RT N U MBER 2

4 U FOs A R E REAL: T H E CBS-TV SN O WJOB!. ... . . . . . Robert A. Goerman
8 TERROR IN KUWAIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vincent Barns
10 ALEX TAN OUS: TIM E , SPACE A N D U F Os . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryce Bond
14 HAU NTE D BY ANCIENT ASTRO NAUTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Eric Stevens
16 TH E GALACTIC CLUB . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. B. Milcartz
20 TH E MYSTE RIO US MASS ILLN E SS SYN D R O M E . . . . Curtis K. Sutherly
22 RAD I O CO M M U NICATIO N WITH SPACE P E O PLE . . . . George Wagner
24 O U R MYSTE RIO U S SPACESHIP M O O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Har:ry BeJil
28 WH E R E VO N DAN I K E N W E NT WRONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Hugli
32 GH OSTS, U FO S, F O RTEA": IS TH E R E A CO N N E CTION? . . . G. Wagner
341VAN SAN D E RSON O N U FOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryce Bond
38 THE ZETA RETICU LI CO N N ECTIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. J.M. Ferguson
40 THE STRANGE R : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ramona Cortez
42 "WE'RE SE EING U F Os" . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marion L. Hunter
45 "UN'E ARTH LY VOICES IN MY EARS" . . . . . . ... ... . . . . Ramona Corte2
52 B EYO N D TH E SPE E D O_ F LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Parsons
66 TH E ORBITING "TH I NG" . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Report


Associate Editor Art Director

Beyond Reality UfO S is published once each _year by Beyond

:Reality Magazine Inc., 303'West 42nd Street , NY NY 10036 . Single copy:.
$2.00. Entire contents copywrite 1979 by BRM Publitions. All rights
reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
Director, OM EG US C o m m issio n

Sometime ago, CBS had a news special with CBS news was round, and he called it a flying saucer. He was the first to
correspondent Christopher Glenn and Carol Martin. The use that name.
nature of the shoW' was to show that all UFO sightings could Rebuttal: Arnold saw nine discs flying in formation, like, he
be explained. said, "A saucer skipping over water." As a result of his
Presented here is the preliminary analysis of the above description, the newspaper headline writers coined the
named CBS News Special broadcast, which was aired phrase "Flying Saucer" which rapidly became the most
December 4, 1976 on KDKA-TV channel2, Pittsburg, PA and popular phrase to describe UFOs.
WTAJ-TV, channel 10, Altoona, Pa. Martin: Well, we don't know what pilot Arnold saw, but we
Copies of this report have been distributed to all persons know that this is a Frisbee. Still, if you did not know that, and
and organizations interested in UFO research. you wanted to believe that this was something from outer
These are direct quotes from the CBS-TV Show, and space, well, I bet you could convince a lot of people.
rebuttal remarks are by Robert Goerman. Rebuttal: The illogical nature of the above statement borders
on propaganda. This example is far worse than simple
misrepresentation of fact; it uses a background of authority to
Glenn: Wait! I see we have something from correspondent establish biased opinion as fact.
Carol Martin in the field. Glenn: You know, a lot of UFO's get reported that way.
Martin: That's right, Chris. This is Carol Martin out in Long Someone sees something and isn't exactly sure what it is.
Island, N.Y., where an Unidentified Flying Object has just They call the police. 'f'here's a story in the papers. People
passed overhead. Look at it! (Eerie sound effects and slow read the story, and they start to see UFO's. And pretty soon,
motion footage of a "Frisbee" in flight). everybody sees one.
Glenn: Well, it certainly looks like a flying saucer. Carol, what Rebuttal: The "experts" try to slough off UFO sightings by
do you supposed that is? claiming that a mass hysteria builds up after a few reports
Martin: Wow! (acting surprised) Well, I guess it is a flying have been published. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
saucer of sorts, but, most people would call it a... Frisbee. There is no time lag, no build up of sightings. (Example:
Glen . Come on back, Carol. Let's take another (Carol Martin January 1st, 1975 UFO sightings in Illinois, where at least
suddenly appears in studio) ...look. three, possibly more, similar, if not identical objects, were
Martin: Hi, Chris! observed and dutifully reported by individuals by as much as
Glenn: You sur.e get around. 200 miles apart).
Martin: You have to when you're tracking flying saucers. Martin: And maybe all that it was, was something simple,
Glenn: You know, it was a pilot named Kenneth Arnold who that any scientist could explain.
saw something he couldn't identify back in 1947. He said it Glenn: That's right! Now what do you suppose we'd do if we

Beyond Reality feels that
CBS-TV has not
presented their case on
UFOs properly and we
feel it our duty to our
readers to present the
following report.

opened our door tonight and looked out in the sky and saw never stop nor change direction as many UFO's are reported

this? (Segway to visuals of Aurora Borealis) to do.

Martin: Oh! (acting afraid and confused) I know what I'd do. Glenn: That's right. There's even a name for that. It's called a
I'd slam the door and run back inside. What is that, Chris? flap. A UFO flap. Most UFO sightings happen that way.
Glenn; This is the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Light When everybody in the same area sees the same satellite or
They're seen often in Alaska and Canada's Northwestern meteor or the Northern Lights.
Territories, and they are beautiful. Rebuttal; According to CBS elite, the term "flap" is
Martin: Mmmm, they certainly are. apparently defined as a condition of spontaneous hysteria,
when known phenomena suddenly for no apparent reason
Glenn: But if you couldn't identify this as the Northern
becomes "indentifiable." This is probably a take-off on the
Lights, then seeing them in the sky could be very frightening.
original Air Force term, flap, which indicated a state of
Rebuttal: There has never been a single case In which a general confusion. The actual meaning of the word.
UFO sighting has later been identified as aurora effects. The flap, now connotes periods of time, in which large numbers of
least that CBS could do, if they truly wanted to be objective, UFO's are reproted, regardless of geographic location or
would be to stick to the known facts. general descriptions.
Martin: Now what's that, Chris? (Again acting confused) Glenn: Hey Carol, where are you off to?
Glenn: This is animated film of satellites, one of thousands of Martin: Well Chris, you said weather balloon, and
man-made objects circling the Earth. (Close-up view of here...! They are big... and they get bigger as they rise
sateiUte as seen from space with Earth in background). high into the sky, eighteen miles hjgh in fact. And they carry
Again, if you see it and don''t know what it is, it's aUFO. Until all kinds of equipment for measuring wind speed and
someone, a scientist or a teacher, identifies it. And then it temperature...all to help us predict the weather. But here at
becomes an IFO (Identified Flying Object). Fort Tauten, the National Weather Service launches over 700
Martin: I see, and because so many people might see a weather balloons each year...and as we watch one go up, we
satellite i[ld not know what it really is, they'd report it as an can see how many people might think weather balloons are
Unidentified Flying Object; get's in the paper or on TV. And flying saucers from outer space.
pretty soon people report this UFO that's not a UFO at all. Glenn: If you didn't know, that would be a UFO.
Rebuttal: The animated view of the satellite was factual Rebuttal: According to the Air Force, weather balloons
enough, but it gives people a deceitful view of exactly what a account for less than 02.5 per cent of the total number of UFO
satellite looks like from ground level. In reality, no actual sightings. More accurate estimates place the number below
form is ever seen, just the star-like source of light. Satellites the 01.5 per cent mark.
travel a very steady course through the field of stars. They Glenn: There have been thousands of UFO sightings since
continued on next page


Kenneth Arnold coined the phrase flying saucer nearly thirty helicopter, at Its low altitude, was simply too far from these
years ago. For years, theUnited States Air Force investigated airports. The same investigator says the captain might have
UFO sightings. But now private groups do the investigating. thought he was diving down, but he probab1y pulled back on
Almost all the UFO's have been identified as meteors and the stick and raised the helicopter when he jerked back to look
weather balloons, gases like the Aurora Boreails, even the at the meteor:
reflection of an airplane's tail assembly. Most experts feel Martin: So it might have been a meteor, but you can't be
they can identify every UFO...and more important...there's sure?
no proof at all that a UFO from outer space has ever visited Glenn: Not 100 per cent sure. But remember, there was a
the Earth. meteor shower in Ohio at the time. This sighting has been
Rebuttal: (1) Once again, it wasn't Arnold, but newsmen like investigated more than once and all the evidence says,
Chris Glenn who coined the term Flying Saucer. (2) During ''Meteor.''
1972, at a meeting of the Retired Officers Association in Rebuttal: It was at this point in the program that CBS openly
Baltimore, Maryland, Lt. Col. Lou Corbin stated, "Although twisted facts and conveniently ignored crucial observations to
the Air Force will deny it, they are still investigating UFO's. fit their purpose. Here emotional prejudice and personal bias
This is being done through two projects-"Oid New Moon" take their toll. For these reasons, this rebuttal will be given in
and "Blue Paper." Also, we have information that the three parts.
Aerospace Defense Command has stepped up UFO inter
ception pursuits. (3) It is true that a certain percentage of PART 1 THE SIGHTING: What actually occurred
UFO sightings can be explained. (4) The only experts who feel
October 18th, 1973, Captain Lawrence J. Coyne, command
they can identify every UFO sighting are those persons who
er of the 316th Medivac Unit U.S. Army Reserve, based at
sit in their- ivory towers and give blanket explainations for
Hopkins International Airport, Cleveland, Ohio, and three
UFO incidents without once ever thoroughly looking at all the
reservists, all aboard a Bell U H-1 H helicopter, departed from
evidence. (5) And as for that last point, what consitutes
Columbus at 10:30 _P.M. for a return trip to Cleveland.
Captain Coyne was the pilot, Lt. Arrigo D. Jezzi was the
Glenn: Okay Carol-Let's take a close look at one of the most
co-pilot. Coyne is a veteran military pilot and a very qualified
famous UFO sightings...
Voice: (Narratlon)-October 18th, 1973...A captain and a
crew of three aboard a Bell UH-1 H helicopter...The captain is Chronology of Events:
the commanding officer of the 316th Medical Detachment, At 11:P.M.the helicopter was flying at 2,500 feet on a
United States Army Reserve, based in Cleveland, Ohio. It's northeast course about 10 miles east of Mansfield when
just past 11 P.M.... The crew chief sights a bright red light, the crew chief, E5 Robert J. Yanacsek, reported a red
due east. The light seems to travel with the helicopter when light about 5 miles to the east. At first the crew thought
suddenly, it grows larger: ..and comes faster...The tight and it was a radio beacon. .
the helicopter seem to be on a collision course. T.he captain Yanacsek advised, "The light is moving. It is coming
puts his helicopter into a dive. The red light seems to follow at us. It's on a collision course." ,
the dive. The captain tells his crew, "Brace for impact!" ...But, Coyne grabbed the controls from his co-pilot. "It
there's no impact. Suddenly the cockpit is illuminated, as if looked like a fighter plane coming straight for us,"

the object has stopped directly over the helicopter. Then the Coyne said. ''I took immediate evasive action. I cut the
glowing object disappears to the west; radio contact is lost. power and dropped into a shallow dive. We dropped
But when the captain checks his altimeter, he finds that his through 2,000 feet, and it was heading right for us. We
helicopter is no longer diving; instead, it is gaining altitude. braced for impact.''
Glenn: What did the captain and his crew see? AUFO? A ship Just as collison seemed certain, the object came to a

from outer space? Well, this sighting has been investigated dead stop, and the crew got a real look at their
by organizations and private individuals. The captain, ''bogey''. Coyne described the craft: ''It was un-real. It
himself, participated in a re-creation of the sighting. The was unlike anything produced on earth-cigar shaped
conclusion of one very experienced investigator: the captain with a glowing steady red light on it's leading edge. A
and his crew saw a fireball; a meteor, a piece of interplanetary hull was at the very top of it, and a green light emitted
rock that catches fire when it passes through the Earth's from the rear of the craft filled our cabin with a green
atmosphere. A meteor shower was under way at the time this glow. It was eerie."
inciden1 occurred. And most of us have seen meteors; we call Coyne tried radio contact with Mansfield tower.
them sWooting stars. Scientists have learned that it's almost Negative.
impossible to judge distance when you're in the air, so the With the green light still illuminating the helicopter,
crew could have made an honest mistake and thought the Coyne looked at his instruments. His altimeter was
meteor was much closer than it was. Now, immediately after rising. "I could hardly believe It was reading 3,500 feet,
the incident, the crew tried to radio airports in Cleveland, climbing to 3,800. I made no attempt to pull up. All
Akron and Columbus, but they weren't able to make contact. controls were set for a 2D-degree dive, yet we had
But later investigators show there was no mystery. The climbed from 1,500 to 3,800 feet with no power In a

matter of a couple of seconds with no G-forces or other
noticeable strains,'' Coyne said. (Such a rate of ascent
is impossible for a helicopter that takes a full minute to
climb 2,000 feet under maximum power.)
Then the crew ''felt a bounce,'' and the other craft
shot off in a northeastern direction.

PART 2 THE EXPLANATION: was It a meteor?

Despite the CBS claim that the UFO "disappears to the

west," neither Christopher Glenn nor Carol Martin were
aboard the Bell U H-1 H. The fact of the case is that the
object approached from the east, moved on a westerly course
until it was above the helicopter, then zipped off to the
A check with Paul Oles conffrmed my suspicions: meteors
simply do not hover nor pull ninety-degree turns.! Mr. Paul
Oles )s Director of Programs with Pittsburgh's Buhl
Planetarium. As to the fact that a "meteor shower in ohio"
was underway, first of all, meteor showers are not localized
phenomena which occur only over certain towns or states, and
only on occasion. More than 100,000,000 bombard the earth
every day, and there are meteor showers of greater or lesser
intensity occurring year-round with nine showers taking
Besides, the detailed testimony of the crew indicates that
this was anything but a meteor.


CBS had played down the Coyne case In Its debunking

attempt in many ways. First, they ighored the color change
and detailed description given by the crew. CBS carefully
worded their report so that a meteor would be the only
obvious explanation. They claimed that the object headed
west, giving it a straignt-line trajectory typical of meteors. From thousands ofphotos taken of UFOs
They also altered the chronological sequence of events, played scientists can explain away 80 percent of
up the meteor shower "in Ohio" angle, said that Coyne them . . . what about the other 20 percent?
probably pulled back on the stick when he jerked back to look at
the meteor. Nothing could be further from the truth. film ever taken" of a UFO. Not by a long shot.
Final note: According to an Army spokesman at the Pentagon There are films that that have been given every test by
in Washington, "The Incident is described in our records as military and civilian researchers alike; the verdict: the objects
the sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object." depicted on these films are. and remain, unidentified. Among
them are the following:
Back to the CBS show
0 AI Hixenbaugh, Louisvi11e, Kentucky, June 1950
0 Nick Marina, Great Falls, Montana, August 1950
Glenn; ...And we'll be back in a moment with the most
O Delbert C. Newhouse, Utah, July 2, 1952
amazing film of an Unidentified FlyingObject ever seen, until 0 Clifford Delacyl Hawaii, January' 3, 1958
it was identified.
OJames McDivitt, while orbiting Earth, June 1965
It was at this point in the program that the Jean Oldfield DThe Santa Catalina film
UFO O'Wiion pictures were shown to the television audience.
O Hollood film crew, November I, 1967
Glean: Well that was the best filrrr ever taken of an
0 Miochael Bonne, France, March 31, 1974
Unidentified Flying Object. (Glenn then went on to report on
0 The Oak Ridge, Tennesssee film, 1973
how that particular film was identified as the reflection of the
an airliner's tail assembly reflected on the window.) EDITOR'S NOTE: We agree with Mr. Robert A. Goerman.
Rebuttal; Granted, CBS, your explanation of the Oldfield film CBS has a responsibility to report the truth, and the above
is probably correct. But that film is certainly not ''the best program is obviously, far from the truth. 0


I'm sure that no one who saw in my time) and it was pointing .
this UFO will deny their e.yes, nor straight at me . I crawled away_ and
their memory . They'll never for ttlanaged to get myself into the
get it; I know because I vias there . communications building .
I'm an executive. for an American I turned to some fellow who was
oil company and was in Kuwait, a seated at a desk, his. face glued to
6,532 sque mile country in the the company 's COIIlDlunication
Middle East, on business. board, obviously teying to cotact
I had driven out to one of the oil someone on the radio. His eyes
fields- owned by my firm which is looked downcast as he turned
approximately 90 miles from_ the toward me . "It's useless. There's
nation's capital, Umm Alaish. I just no juice . Everything's simply
had made the little trip many, gone dead ."
many times before . This time, I Suddenly, a brilliant blue light
had some papers to give to the filled the entire room. It was so
head technician, requiring his bright that we all had to close our
signature . eyes and raise our hands over our
It was just as I was driving up to faces.
the main building when I first saw Curiousity is my middle name, I
the strange aircraft. As I watched must say here and now. Even as a
it descend, several others, in kid, when the other fellows and I
cluding some Americall employ would walk home from school and
ees, stopped to watch the fasci pass a ladder, which would be
nating and awesome sight . standing beside a building, they' d
God, it was bigger than a scoV(l and quiver and walk around
74 7- maybe twice the size -and it. I never did. I'd just walked
round It was a very bright silver
.. under it. Just to see what would
in clor, with a huge dome on top, happen. Nothing ever did.
and flashing red lights . With that same curiosity, I
I just stood there gawldng,my walked over to the door and pulled
mouth wide open, not knowing it open. That blue light was
what was happening. The strange coming from the tube which "was
craft had no wings and no sticking out from the little window
visible surface controls . At least in it's dome. That light was aimed
none that I could see. Im straight at me . There was no time
mediately, everybody tha at first to duck. I simply spotted it too
had gathered in bewilderment, late. I felt a strange feeling come
now started running from the over me as the light hit me,
object. I ducked down behind a bathing me, making my whole
. low cement wall which leads to the body feel weak, my head spinning,
base's communications system. arms and legs heavy, my eyes
I don't mind admitting I was drowsy.
scared . But there 's something rm The dome then started to tum . I
good atcontrolling my emotions, was able to make that out. Or,
my fears included. And that 's _ rather, it opened up, as it turned,
what I did. I popped my head over to reveal an inner dome made of
the wall to see what was going on. something transparent. I couldn't
Most of the workers were out of makeout what. And .then I saw
sight, and all I was. able to make the figures. They looked human,
out were several men in the and at the same time they looked
distance running away from the alien. They just waved to me, at
thing which had actually touched least in my drowsy condition
dOW114 that-s what it seemed like . And
The dome of this object turned, sor in somewhat of a drunken
or should I say rotated, and as it stupor, I waved back.
did so, a window came into view . All of a sudden the place wlt.ere
Protruding from this window was I stood started to rise and make
a large tube . I figured it was some some sort of hUmming noise, but
sort of weapon (from knowledge of one I'd never heard before . It
the many sci-fi films I'd seen almost sounded musical.
continued on pagl! 56

Kahlil Gibran predicted before three Master's Degrees and a to l90k directly into the sun
Alex Tanous was born that he Ph.D. in psychology, and a Doc without going blind, projectg
would be a man with exceptional torate of Divinity. He studied at visible images from his eyes and
gifts and _great abilities. In the Our Lady of Holy Cross Seminary creating photographic balls of
pa.lnwpf his left hand he has the at Stonehill College. He attended light in totally dark rooms. He has
perfect hexagram (six-pointed Boston College, Fordham Univer predicted - my even bfore
star) and the mystical cross. His sity, the Divinity College of Indi they happened. On one occasion,
mother and father were boih ana, and the University of Maine he left his body under rigorous
gifted psychics of LebanE; se ex Do we have here an educated Un scientific controls , projected him
traction who helped to develop Geller? self to another room , 'moved an
and unfold the'paranormal gifts of I had wanted to meet Dr. Alex object in that room, and returned.
young Alex. Tanous for some time, after Alex Tanous has helped police
His academic background is hearing about the fantMtic feats locate lost objects missing or
very impressive, consisting of he has done-such as being able kidnapped people. He has tra-

''I beUeve that UFOs have always
been there and that
we are just now becoming aware of them.' '


By Bryce Bond

veled backwards in time to view anyone touching them. He has Psyccal Research, Kent State
past events while they were made contact several times with University, and the Institute for
happening, and then returned to an energy that he believes can Bioenergetic Analysis. He has
tell about them in incredible not be from the world we taught theology at Manhattan
detail- details only an actual ob know . College and St. John ' s University
server could have known . Dr. Alex Tanous has '' 'depsyched' ' in Brooklvn . He is also author of a
Tanous has 4iagnosed illness houses occupied by poltergeists . new book called Beyond Coin
before it was detected by medical He has duplicated many of these cidence, in which many of the
doctors. He has caused lights to feats time and time again in a unexplained physical feats e
go out in rooms, buildings, and scientific laboratory under tightly finally accounted for-a thrilling
even an entire town, simply by controlled conditions. book on psychic phenomena. Most
wi1J.4tg them out. Cameras of all Alex Tanous has been studied exciting of all, Alex has formu
, descriptions, tape recorders, aRd by and worked with the Navy lated a general theory for para
watches have been broken without Department, Ame.rican Society of normal abilities. Using this theory

he has beep able to teach others to
duplicate his feats.
Dr. Alex Tanous and I met at
the appoi.Ilted time at 12:00 n()()n
at the American Society of Psy
chical Research. Its atmosphere
was right and very conducive for
an interview with this very likable
warm personality. As I sat across
the table in the second-floor
library with a cup of coffee in my
hand, I noticed, and felt a great
deal of energy. His dark, deep-set
eyes seemed to penetrate through
every atom of my being.
I had heard about his prediction
of events before they happened.
Now I wanted Alex Tanous to give
me his predictions, psychic im
pressions on the subject of UFOs,
unidentified flying objects. We
both knew that there has been a
tremendous rash of sightings
around the world. I wanted to
know the reason for this giant
influx, and why they were coing
in this period of time.
Alex stated, "I don't think
they're just in this period of time, "Yes!.. .I think I am . But again, versity. And we got kinds of
Bryce. I believe that they were ry
B ce, I'm merely saying. that unusual things. I have a hundred
always there and we are just these UFO sightings are not new. hours of tape that would be too
becoming aware of them, like And I don't believe in every long to tell you a bout.''
we're just becoming aware of sighting, either. There are so I said, "Alex ! We'll'be happy
psychics. I believe they existed many. So many false ones!'' with a couple of short para
from all times, and they were here ''Alex, what do you think graphs.''
to 'help us from all times. I once happened on December 5, 1945, ''First of (lll, let me put it this
wrote an article called 'Why to that ill-fated Flight 19 in the way,'' he. answered. ''What hap
40,000 Men Disappear Each Bermuda Triangle? Have you-ever pened here was that Isaac Newton
Year,' but I never did mention projected your astral body back to had come to me telepathically
that many of these people came to that period of time to find out before I went on the trip, and said
mate, and did not succeed in what really happened?'' that the whole thing had to do
mating, and their disappearance "Well, Bryce, I spent 15 days in with the zero point in the Ber
was because they were from other the Bermuda Triangle making a muda Triangle. As we went along_
planets.'' movie, which, by the w ay, should filming, suddenly Isaac Newton
'iCould they also be from other be out shortly. I think it's going to appeared in my mind and gave me
dimensions?'' I asked. be called Above, Beyond and the whole formula that was used
Alex answered, ,.Yes, many Below the Bermuda Triangle. I by instein, about the minus zero.
dime!sions! For they can take on went with two physicists, Wood And if you went into this minus
the human form. The mind can row Franklin fto Kent State and zero or got caught in it, it's then
create any form you want. My Dr. Shay Speath, a great .inventor that things disintegrate and dis
other physical mind was in his own right. He had worked appear. We can call it 'dime-

what created it fr those people to for a number of years with sional.' We almoat went into
see." cybernetics in Washington, D. C. that zero or just above it. We hit a
I chimed in with, "But you're We had the oceanographer Jim storm and everything happened.
all topther today?'' 'Thorn and his associate, a woman The physicists qid find a magnetic
Alex smiled when he said, psychic from Kent State Uni- field that is not registered but

parallel existece or both?''
''From what I could gather,
Bryce, it could be all. It seems
that- I had turned the hands of
time and was living at a time when
. these people existed. That's as l
see' it now. It was a city of men.
There were- no women and no
children, and no children-had ever
been born there. What women
they had were hidden and used
only _as servants. The strange
thing wa that they had nothing to
do with the original complex of
this city. They showed nie some
thing that looked like a pyramid
building with writing Qn it. There
were two lines and the only things
I could :make out were a bird d a
tree. Later I also came across this
''The amazing thing is that
when I later came back to. New
York to give a lecture, I found out
that a friend of mine, Dr. Zink,
who had a grant to do research in
the Bermuda Triangle area, had
been at the same place I was. And
sh_ owed on our gauss meter. One consciousness of my astral body, I he did find these objects. H.
of the things shows tht it has physically spoke with these be found the column and brought it
something to do with the magnetic ings. Tpey showed me an ex to the museum. Quite a few things
field. istence there under the sea.'' were found and recovered. It is
''The other thing that Isaac My mind raced with excitement .r,epQrted that they also found the
Newton told me was that the as thought of th book written by crystal, but psychically I'm_ not
energies of the universe would Ivan T. Sanderson, called In convinced.
gather there in a sort of con visible Residents, where he pos ''Although I was at the bottom
vergence, and then would ex tulates the theory of colonizations of that ocean, the Sargasso Sea
plode ...and some of these things under the sea, far more advanced had a lot of light. There were
would happen, such as the dis than we are, because they have tunnels, black tunnels that I did
appearance of Flight 19, anq had more time to evolve. not go into. f saw the people; they
crews vanishing from their ships. Alex continued, ''I felt that were like you and I. They were
Then he told me to take a map arid there .have been Qther civilizations black and broWn. and every con
extend the Bermuda Triangle all before this one, much like the ceivable color. They were human
the way to the Bay of Fundy. It ancient Atlanteans. They were 11 in form and structure.''
seems that this magnetic field is dressed in white, and they said "Alex, the United States Navy
only one of many energy pockets they had converged there from all reported that Flight 19 crashed at
around the world. over. They didn't say just the sea. You were in the,area of Flight
''It r.tme time for my ex world... they saicl from all over.'' 19. Did you ever project your
periment of projecting my astral "I know, "Alex, that you can astral body to that tinJ.e and place,
body to the bottom of the Sargaso project yourself both forward and io find out what really hap
Sea. I did see some unusual backwards in time. When you had pened?''
debris. But what was most inter this astral flight, was it in the "Bryce, from what I could
esting was this road, on hich] now? Could it have been into the gather- and I base it on the

saw many people and buildings all future? Could it be a different Einstein knowledge that Isaac
white. It was strange, but very vibrtion, or states of vibrations, Newton gave to me-at the point
beautiful. Through the higher or an alternate reality or maybe a where they got to minus zero, they
continued on page 56

In northern West Germany, hectic for nine-year-old Hildy
State Road Number Six runs Brauer, a highly-sensitive third
diagonally southeast to northwest grader, her family and neighbors.
from the city of Hanover to When the "hauntings" began
Bremen. Approximately half-way some six months ago, the disturb
between the two cities the road ances were mild in comparison to
cuts oqt, veers sharply to the left what they are today, resembling
for half a mile and then stops those of initial Poltergeist disturb
abruptly before an estuary which ances . Glasses in the Brauer
forms an arc to cross a great arm Kitchen would suddenly shatter.
of water-the Weser River. At HAUNTED The telephone would ring and no
one would be at the other end of
this point the town of Gienburg is
located. BY the line.Each time the phone
Gienburg isn't very large. It has
no claim to fame. Its history isn't ANCIENT rang, the toilet would flush of its
own accord. Bric-a-brac all over
replete with those doing daring
deeds. Gienburg hasn't turned ASTRONAUTS the house would go sailing about
from room to room.
out anyone who would find a place After a while more violent
in an encyclopedia. It hasn 't made outbreaks began. Dresser drawers
any niche to speak of in music, the opened and closed whenever Hildy
arts or sciences. Neither has it would be about. Furniture toppled
ever contributed any of its sons or over and on one occasion Harold
daughters to any place of promi Brauer, Hildy ' s father, had a leg
nence in the world. . broken by a falling grandfather
Gienburg, in short, is a simple clock. Mirrors, as well as glass
German town inhabited by hard encased photographs suddenly
working and industrious people. Entities are fell and shattered. When the
It is a God-fearing community family would return home, after
much like any other across the making life hectic being out for some time, furniture
massive continent of Europe. in several rooms would be com
However, there are many in for nine-year pletely rearranged.
Gienburg who are of the firm When the voices came, it was
belief-in view of recent happen old Hildy Brauer. decided to visit Father Gustav in
ings-that God has abandoned Hanover to secure permission
their city ,utd has relegated his VIolent outbreaks from the Arch Bishop to have the
nemesis to rule in his place. premises exorcised. The voices
For there is one thing which would occur were heard only by Hildy at the
beginning. They were not loud
throughout the
sets the village of Gienburg apart
from any other town or village in like most of the other disturbances
Germany - perhaps the world; in the Brauer household. They
one of its inhabitants is haunted. house, famltore were not abusive but rather soft
Although ot by the restless dead pd gentle.
known to send shivers down one's would tly across They called Hildy by name.
spine as they prowl the night in Whispering, at first, for her ears
the wake of the howling wind the room and alone, of the stars, of life-holding
rustling through the trees. planets and planetoids countless
Gienblltg' s haunting is of an windows would light years from Earth. They
other sort: extraterrestrials who spoke of journeys back and forth
say they have visited our earth shatter across the stars in their sophisti
countless centuries before the city cated craft eons before Jesus
of Nienburg, or, for that matter, walked the roads of Judea.
even Germany ever existed . The voices told Hildy of the
The entities are making life pyramids of Egypt and South

America, and how they were agreed that the name "Jupiter"
constructed. Their complicated was mentioned more than once,
mathematical formula was handed and numbers - algebraic sym
down to us from those who bols and sines and cosines nor
crossed the continent to survive mally used to solve geometric
the inundations of Atlantis. problems.
The voices spoke of sophisticat ''If indeed the house was
ed propulsion systems as yet 'haunted' by space entities,"
unknown to our most brilliant voiced Harold Brauer in a p uzzel
scientific minds-propulsion sys ed tone, "who desired to get some
tem able to span the galaxies from sort of message across, especially
planet to planet faster than the one which involved complicated
speed of light. mathematical equations, why on
After a while the voices became earth would they use a little
more than whispers and, on one or girl? Why a child not yet out of
two occasions, Hildy's father, and elementary school rather than
her uncle Julius, said they heard someone much older, and with a
them also. scientific background who would
''I was awakened in the middle readily be able to intelligently
of the night-it must have been understand what they were saying
two or three in the morning, c.nd would logically be able to
proclaimed Julius Hammanneyer, cor- municate in return?''
a recently retired insurance sales Father Gustav, whom the family
man who was visiting with his sought for advice, introduced the
family in Gienburg. ''I heard Brauers to Dr. Werner Haverme
voices-men's voices-and they yer of Berlin University, his
seemed to be coming from Hildy's long-time friend and a professor
room." of physics.
H ammarmeyer told how he had The priest told the Brauers, ''If
strained his ears at the walls, indeed supernatural forces are at
listening. He told this reporter: work, which earlier Poltergeist
''The voices were coming from like disturbances would indicate,
Hildy's room - or seemed to - then we should go immediately to
and yet it was as though they were seek permission from His Emi
emanating from all over the house nence for an exorcism ritual.
-from within the very walls, the ''However,'' he brought out,
floors and ceilings themselves." ''if extraterrestrial activity some
Hammarmeyer went on: ''I how is zeroing in on the Brauer
walked down the corridor to where household, using little Hildy as a
Hildy's room was situated. I saw 'natural medium', then an exor
my sister and brother-in-law lis cism will do no good."
tening at the door. The voices Father Gustav maintained that
were the same as I heard in my children are usually the source of
room. There were three distinct these disturbances - not of
voices. My sister, Gersula, said extraterrestrial but of actual
sh was able to make out four. hauntings - perhaps due to their
Harold told of two. But I distinc innocence and sensitivity.
tively differentiated three.'' After a mental and physical
Although the trio could not examination of Hildy, Dr. Haver
agree on how many voices there meyer, working very closely with
were, they were positive they professor Anton Gebrich and Dr.
were all male voices, speaking in a Heinrich Schwazbaum, eminent
tone above a whisper. They also parapsychologists, revealed that
continued on page 50

Are UFOs Investigating our
plet for possible
membership ln


Many science fiction writers staged to convey a brief but

have dwelt upon the idea of a concrete picture.
''Galactic Club ,,'' an interstellar People report UFO occupants
counity comprised of a myriad seeming to repair their craft, or
of advanced technological civil seeming to gather samples of
izations. The word "club" im leaves and stones, or just being
mediately suggests some kind of outside the craft. In most cases
exclusivitey, as indeed i is meant the occupants leave hurliedly, or
to; for only those civilizations even in panic when they notice the
which have achieved, not only a witness. In other instances, they
technological, but an ethieal paralyze the witness, hurried
maturity would be admitted. Does ly complete their activities and
sueh a galactic club exist? H so, leave. In no proper sense do these
how does it tie in with the scenes involve exchange between
question of UFOs? the occupants and the witness. U
Researchers have been unable UFO occupants are alien visitors,
to fiitd a reason why UFO occu they are making it painfolly
pants usually do not contact us. obyious that they do not care for
'Within this mass of negative us. What would be_ the point .of
information, the important clues coming all the way here, ju$t to
that. we need might be found. tell us that? The question can be
A large nber of reports of put in a way that raises the real
UFO landings tell of humanoid issue. How many superior alien
aliens behaving as if human peoples would be concerned about
beings were to be feared or humanity at this moment, and
ignored.: These landirigs do not in why?
the least appear to be missions Of Stars that can support life on
exploration. For logistical reasons their planets generally do so for
they cannot be. The scenes have an average of 15 billion .years.

all the appearances of being Depending on how (tum page}.

Photo Credit: NASA

0 the average, one out of every 25 million or more worlds in
our galaxy could be inhabited by. superior aliens whc)
are concemed by our potential threat to them.

T H E GALA C T I C C LU B/co nt i nued

old most of these stars might be, achievement seems to be within situation, there is a wide mental
their planets could be at any stage the reacJt of our modem physics. and emotional gap.
in a long period of evolution . It is Reported UFO maneuvers fit this As adults , human beings main
very unlikely that two wQrlds of theory. We can grant, then, that tain very rigid ideas and are
.iifferent stars are at approx superior aliens can come here in hardly aware of doing so. We do
imately the same stage of evolu great numbers, and easily. not fully know how to deal with
tion or anywhere near it. We then It remains for us to deduce their this situation because our respect
could say that our critical period is motives. This can be done only if for individual beliefs trips us up.
from 1900 A.D. to 2 100 A.D. human social problems are taken That : is but one of the many
During this tinte we either do or into account. Superior alien intel reasons why our response to UFO
do not take our wars and intol ligence must begin its history with reports has been so hopeless .
erance into the alien sphere . It exactly these same problems. Instead of searching for practical
need not be more than another There are many reasons why it responses to UFO. reports, dis
hundred years before we reach the cannot be otherwise. believers, cultists, and serious
same limits their technology has In short, we have obtained our investigators have been irrelevan
reached. Our threat to them in the present technology and know tly at loggerheads. In this sort of
meantime could be grave. ledge precisely because of the situation our rigidities, rivalries,
The critical period on other pressures our faults have put and monopolies would prevent the
worlds might also be about 200 upon us. Now, however, this is no truth from penetrating our soc
years. Either the inhabitants ac longer safe or desirable. Our iety, regardless of what the truth
quire the means to travel quickly planet is divided into nations, about UFOs might be.
to the stars in that period, or they between some of which there is a H aliens desiring maturity want
fail to do so and exhaust their perilous and continuous state of ed to have a pleasant and peaceful
physical resources, so that they hostility. Within each nation there future, they would have to over
are no longer a threat to yone . are mutually hostile classes, fac come their own racism, senseless
We can say that on the average, tions, cliques, communities, and conformism , cultural chauvinism,
one out of every 25 million or more subcultures. Even mutually hostile nationalism, ideological intoler
worlds is at this critical stage of religions have themselves split ance, greed for status , incapacity
development. It could be that as into mutually hostile sects . Efforts for love, and most important of
many as 100 worlds inhabited by to reunite are generally futile . all, their inability to face the
superior aliens are concerned by In both the Third World and the reality of their own limitations .
our potential threat to them right west, proper distinctions are not These awful failings stand in the
at this moment. They will be made among technological ad way of the true liberation of the
fervently hoping that we will stay vance, social liberation, and cultu individual and society. They
on our own world until we learn to ral values. This makes western trample . over the WiSe use of
mend our ways. Their very num- - ers, especially, unduly chauvinis resources that this liberation re
ber would allow as many as 10 tic. Among most nations there is quires. These faults are due partly
thousand different designs of generally no mutu&l appreciations to history and partly to the
UFOs to be seen in any one year, of cultural values. original animal nature of an
with no repetition from year to We are therefore not at all in a intelligent people. In a world at
year. li would also mean that the very good position to appreciate the stage of our earth's evolution,
variety of UFO occupants would alien cultural values. We are not mechanization and over popula
be enormous . This is exactly the at all likely to think that the tion are completely out of step
case of reported UFO encounters . superior alien view of our society with biological evolution.
If superior aliens have achieved is reasonable. Many of us can of Animal nature is useful for a
the technology to reduce the mass course easily guess what they will very primitive society. Indeed, it
and inertia of their ships to zero, think of us , but being actually is essential to In an
they can travel at the speed of confronted with alien judgment. industrial and heavily populated
light. This reduces the problems is quite a different matter. Be world, our crude animal nature is
of travel time greatly. Such an tween the anticipation and the no longer help. It threatens to

become a terrible hindrance and a psychic powers can make some based upon three requirements .
hazard . J'he most dangerous way thing out of nothing is not An intelligent people must reduce
in which our animal nature works justified. There is no evidence its population drastically, use its
against . us is when we believe that science could go beyond resources wisely, and develop a
what we want to believe instead of Einstein's Unified Field Theory. truly civilized disposition. Any
facing facts . In order to survive, The real barrier to our further new planet (such as our earth)
even an intelligent extraterrest advance in science is increasing which does not fulfill these re
rial would have to realize that vagueness of data. This is why quirements is a menace to all the
there is a path to an intelligent technically superior aliens need others . But if we were regarded as
and happy future, a path which not be more than 200 years in a menace, it would be very likely
requires that the nature of the advance of ourselves, if that that we would have been destroy
people be changed altogether. If much. That they may be billions of ed by now.
UFO occupants were highly intell years ahead of us as people is Could it be that the superior
igent aliens who had not changed another matter. aliens have selfish motives? Why
their natures for the better, we Billions of years of static but else would they leave their home
would have been exploited and mature civilization would be most planets to spend time around the
enslaved long ago. If they had ly rural. Intelligent, sophisticated disheartening human scene in
exploited and enslaved us they beings would have all their amen stead of getting rid of it and going
would sit on our heads instead of ities in the countryside . The real back home? The only possible
diverting great energy to breeze pleasures of life are iii the very explanation is that in a galactic
in and out of our atmosphere like web of life itseH, and never in a community, every civilization is
fugitives and ghosts . In addition, city. We have not yet learned how capable of contributing unique
our planet would be a continuous to transplant urban amenities into talents which could enrich and
battlefield between rival alien the backwoods. We seem to prefer diversify all the other cultures .
factions- which it is not. If UFO automobile exhaust to clean air. Thus , it is to the advantage of the
occupants are real aliens, they One of the major epochs in any superior aliens if we manage
must be ethically superior to us . alien existence is precisely when somehow to mend our ways.
A world of mature people could their planet reaches the stage Many scientist now believe that
plan its life for billions of years which earth has reached. Our there must be an enormous num
into the future. Althougl} the vast planet is absurdly overpopulated ber of worlds that can support
space around a star with planets, and driven by a mad greed for intelligent beings. Evidence from
we believe, contains many sunless resources. It is choked by aliena many sciences support this idea.
planetary bodies, the resources ting cities, intolerance, and hostil We must therefore look upon the
available from these would still ity . No superior aliens would dare Galacitic community as a very real
require a reduction of population allow us anywhere near them. possibility. Any objection to this
on the home world. Only then How, then, are we to be reconciled view would if the aliens wanted us
could resources be used no faster with them? to develop to maturity, why would
then nature replaced them. An Pleasant life on a mature world they not interyene now to prevent
alien planet could support as is safe only if ail other intelligent us from failing. There are several
many as fifty million people in beings are themselves mature. valid reasons why their interfer
palatial comfort for billions of Exchange between these mature ence should be minimal. Alien
years To grow beyond this in beings separated by vast distances advice to us would not be readily
population will mean problems. is possible becau of openness to followed. Many of us would refuse
The limits to growth of agriculture alien values . Safety is assured to Understand it. It would be
are but one factor. only when no beings capable of suspected of being a way to
We have no justification for our interstellar .travel are still at the fatten us for the kill . Those of us
childish belief that resources are stage of being aggressive in who prefer simple lies to the
unlimited or that sources of energy nature . complex truth would happily listen
unknown to us exist to support If the Galactic Club is a real to dTesponsible fanatics and false
more people. To suppose that thing, then membership in it is messiahs. Our civilization would
continued on page 58
May 1 2 , 1974 : Thirty-nine stu Dade County Health Department exactly what type of gas leaked and
dents in a Miami, Florida elementary was called in for consultation , and why were rescurs unable to locate
school were rehearsing a musical remarked to other authorities that the source?
play. Abruptly one of the students, the "spreading ailment was 'mass February 20, 1974: The San
Lisa Edney, fainted. Within minutes hysteria' caused by a hyperventiliza Francisco Examiner reported that a
the entire class became ill. Time: tion syndrome. " Nitzking was also large number of people were watch
around ten a . m . reported by7 wire services as saying ing a Walt Disney double feature- in
Immediately fire amd ambulance the syndrome isn't ommon "but it's Chicago's Riveria Theater. Unex
services were notified and dispatched been known to happen in school pectedly 54 of those persons, most of
to the school. The entire student situations . " He added, "The quick them children, were overcome with
body-a total of 450-was evacuated breathing causes a quick loss of dizziness, vomiting and headaches,
from the building. When officials carbon dioxide and upsets the blood and finally collapsed.
arrived, they began searching for a chemistry. " The health official con According to police reports, the
suspetted gas leak, which, it was cluded that although the problem theater-goers were allegedly affected
theorized, could be traced to a was chiefly psychological, "they by carbon dioxide which "had leaked
broken main. No such leak was really did feel illness . " into th theater. " No medical con
found. Eight of the students were treated sultants were reported to have
M e anwhile other investigators for nausia, faintness , and head confirmed the police explanation .
wondered if a newly laid library aches , and later released in good December 30, 1973: An Associat
carpet might have affected the condition. Dr. Daniel Wuensch of ed Press wire story described another
students. It was reported that the the North Miami General Hospital "mass illness" affecting persons at a
carpet did have an "overpowering was the physician reported to have Gillespie, Illinois movie theater.
smell . " Unfortunately , this was but treated the students. Wuensch, after According to that report, 84 viewers
another unfounded theory; the stu thoroughly examining the children, (again most of them teenagers and
dents had not been anywhere near reached a conclusion that was some youngsters) were overcome with the
the library. what removed from the original now familiar pattern of "nausia,
) Even the cafeteria food was sus
. thoughts of rescue workers. He said, headaches, and dizziness. "
pect. That too was ruled out, "More likely an explanation is that Again only eight of those affected
because the early hour had not these children were exposed to some were taken to hospitals for treat
allowed students time to eat. toxic gas . " . ment, and later released in good
Dr. ioel Nitzking of Florida's Which leads to the question- condition . Dr. Lee Johnson, a trau-


m surgeo at St. Francis Hospital aches . and finally faintness. In A flicker of between 8 and 1 2 cycles
in nearby Litchfield, Illinois, was terestingly enough, the ill-struck per second was found to cause a
quoted by the press as saying he seem to have been affected worse seizure similar to an epileptic fit.
"didn't rule out the possibility of after leaving the respective buildings Walters reported that one person in
'mass hysteria,' but was awaiting the and breathing outside air. Equally 20 is affected by light flicker,
results of medical tests. " interesting is that in two of the four sometimes inducing less than an
Macoupin Conty Sheriff , cases I mentioned, only eight of the epileptic seizure but stimulating a
Richard Zarr didn't agree with Dr. many victims were actually hospital feeling of nausia and light-head
Johnson's hypothesis. however. "It ized. This makes one wonder how edness instead.
wasn't any kind of follow-the-leader many people may hav:e been treated That sonics or cycled light may
type thing , " be said. "Seven or eight in the two cases not so thoroughly play a part in the reports document
people were lying on the sidewalk in documented. ed above seems apparent. Or does it?
front of the show. These people were In the May, 1974 issue of Preven Why, for instce, did the phe
actually passed out. We were re tion, that magazine commented on nomenon single out teenagers and
viving them with oxygen and every an attack of nausia and dizziness youngsters? Surely sound or ight
thing else." experienced by British school child patterns wouldn't differentiate be
The sheriff reported that the ren. The children were performing in tween 21 -year-old Kirk Dean and his
viewers began feeling ill during the a youth parade featuring "hundreds 18-year-old girl friend? Or is a few
movie showing, and as spon as they of kazoo players. " Again, physicians years of physical maturity vital to an
left the-theater for air, collapsed onto declared the incident as nothing immunity against such attacks?
the sidewalks. more than an attack of "juvenile Then, too, there are the reports of
Officials felt that a "foreign hysteria." people collapsing after leaving the
substance" could have been injected A David Anderson of Miller Falls, buildings. Why pass out then, when
into the theater ventilating system. Massachusetts, wrote to Prevention removed from the course of the
No results on the actual findings-if and ct>mmented tht a few years ago, irritation?
r:."-v-were made known. a French scientist was working on"a One possible explanation for all
April 13, 1969: Approximately 20 sonic weapon that could kill at this may be an atmospheric de
! enagers were affected by the same rges of five miles. " That scientist ficiency within the affected building.
mysterious illness during a showing is one professor Gavraud, according Just possibly, a gas had been-in
of the movie , Romeo and Juliet. The to Lyall Wilson, in his book Super some manner-removed from the
place in question: Paradise Theater nature. air. An abrupt return of the removed
in Faribault, Minnesota. According to Wilson, Gavraud element into the hum system could
Kirk Dean, a 21 -year-old senior at was experiencing attacks of nausia have induced a kind of shock, thus
St. Olaf College who had been whenever in his Marseilles penthouse resulting in collapse. Like a peson
escorting his lady friend out of tbe office. Eventually he traced the who has been airborn or at sea for a
building, was quoted as saying "My nausia to an air conditioning unit in length of time and needs to regain
girl friend was fine until she got another room which was causing his his "land legs , " the individual
outside. She took a whiff offresh air entire office to vibrate at the rate of deprived of a normally present (but
and keeled over. Most of them [the seven cycles per second. not necessarily essential) element
other victims] were like that," he Gavraud began carrying out ex must be reoriented to its return.
said. periments using high frequency Scuba diver undergo something of
The affected persons were taken sound. This led to the designing of this sort while using a prepared
by ambulance to Rice County Hospi of all things-a six-foot police breathing mixture for deep diving.
tal, but were "soon released after a whistle powered by compressed air. On returning to the surface, they
dose of oxygen . " When the whistle was "fired" for the must adjust slowly or suffer the
Power company officials and po first time, the technician pulling the consequences.
lice and firemen who e,amined the trigger dropped dead. An autopsy The fearful thing about all this is
theater afterward suspected, as revealed his internal organs "bad that if indeed some element is being
usual, a gas leak. They found none. been mashed into an amorphous jelly removed from the air under certain
Whatever the cause of these by the vibrations . " Fortunately, this circumstances , or if light flicker or
accounts of group sickness, one sort of thing is very rare. sonic waves are being broadcast in
thing c be safely assumed: Every Apparently sound isn't the only whatever fashion, who or what is
case cited above is obviously inter effect which can cause nausia and creating the problem ? It's almost as
related. Nearly all the victims were faintness . Wilson also reported in if some new technique in biological
young, 2 1 or younger. The same Supernature -that during 1946, one warfare were being tested . A sound
symptoms were exhibited in every Grey Walter began experimenting notion is that perhaps we should find
instance- nausia,_ vomiting, head- with light flashes of a regular nature. out before too long. [J

Nikola Tesla, pioneer electronics Marconi radio stations in Europe
technician, flashed radio mes just before the First World War,
sages from earth to outer space especially during 1919-1921.
two years before Guglielmo Mar On one occasion in 1920 the
coni transmitted his feeble signals Italian inventor was vacationing in
across the Atlantic Ocean. the Mediterranean Ocean aboard
Strange signals h ave been com his 220- foot yacht, the Electra.
In 1899 Tesla constructed an
ing from outer space . Are other interplanetary radio transmitter Marconi used his leisure time to
near Colorado Springs, Colorado. test high-powered radio equip
civi lizations from other worlds Power was driven through a ment. It was on one such occasion
gigantic Tesla coil, seventy-five that he became aware of strange
tryi ng to contact us? We have
feet in diameter, and flashed like coded signals.
. been receiving these strange lightning from a two hundred foot Marconi said that the code wu
tower. A make-and-break de never used on earth, and that it
signals si nce the i nvention of vice wired into the coil permitted was transmitted over a wave
the transmitting of messages in length (2 kilocycles) ten times
radio. N i kola Testa and M a rconi
code . longer than could have lasted at
were believers that a nother During these experiments, Tesla that time, broadcasted by any
began receiving codes on equip terrestrial radio station. He be
world somewhere in the cosmos ment at the Colorado station. lieved that the messages came
is tryi ng to contact ou r planet. While these weird sound-symbols from outer space , possibly from
were unintelligible to Tesla and the planet Mars.

his associates, they were of such a On August 21, 1924, astrono

regular non-random nature as to mers around the world prepared
be clearly artificial in origin . Tesla to observe the planet Mars. On
theorized that the signals may August 22 , the planet would
have come from Venus or Mars or swing closer to earth, an event
BY GEORGE WAGNER even farther out in our solar that will not happen again for the
system . next seventy-five years.
A code very similar to that Professor David Todd, head
received by Tesla was heard by astronomer at Amerst College,

Massachusetts, requested that for the Vancouver Merchants ex discovered to be covered with
the period August 2 1-23, all high change. It was revealed that the dots. Along one edge the dots
powered radio transmitters in all signals had been heard in the area were fairly evenly spaced but the
parts of the world shut down for since late July, almost every day dots along the other edge were so
five minutes every hour. During at 6:20 and 7 : 12 a.m. arranged as to make up crudely
these periods of silence, Dr. Todd It has heeD insinuated that the pictured human faces/
suggested that the radio bands Vancouver signals were actually Dr. Mansfield Robinson, a
should be combed for signals the result of malfunctions of psychic researcher from Royden,
coming from outer space. Radio the Point Grey equipment. C.W. England, tried to contact Mars by
stations throughout the world, at Mellish, head radio operator at radio in 1926 . He had previously
the diplomatic nudgings of the the Point Grey station, insisted received (he claimed) telepathic
United States Government went that ' 'The signal has been noticed instructions in the matter from a
along with the Todd plan. at the same hour practically eyery big-eared Martian woman named
During these five minute seg day for over four weeks. It is ' 'Compararu. ' ' Robinson said that
ments, ' ' strange noises ' ' and absolutely distinctive and cannot his radio picked up the letter M
c lharsh dots" were received by be attributed to any known and S in a special' ' Martian code. ' '
monitors in the United States, instrument, static, or leaking The psychic researcher again
Canada, England and France. transformers in Vancouver. ' ' attempted to contact Mars on
Station WOR, Newark, New In addition to his broadcasting October 24, 1928. His five word
Jersey, received coded messages. project, Professor Todd approach message was transmitted on 16.04
Mysterious sounds were picked ed an inventor named Charles kilocycles by the powerful post
up on 10 kilocycles by a 24-tube Francis Jenkins . Jenkins had office wireless station at Rugby,
receivjpg set manned by Marconi developed the "Jenkins Radio England . The British government
Company at Dulwich, England. Camera, " a device that recorded charged Robinson the going rate
Marconi spokesmen said the radio signals on a thirty foot strip for mundane messages . . . seven
signals were not coming from any of paper tape. shillings , six pence ; about $1.80 in
terrestrial transmitter. This apparatus was tuned to 50 American money at the 1928 rate
The code was received at the kilocycles. Impulses which came of exchange.
Point Grey wireless station, Van in over this frequency were Professor A.M. Low, an English
couver, British Columbia. It was printed upon the tape. When the scientist listening in on Robinson's
also heard by the radio operator at tape was later examined, it was broadcast, heard the Rugby trana
contlnued on page 54


NASA scientists have malie various

models of the moon based on
startling evidence brought back to
earth by our astronauts. One model is
a hollow moon with an outer layer of
rock and a metal inner sphere. This is
exactly what the Soviet Academy of
Science think the moon may be

nothing else but a spaceship ! BY HARRY BELIL

BR: Tell me Don, in your book you other astronauts like Major James
mention our astronauts spotting McDivitt and Major Edward
UFOs while in space. How many White , America's first astronauts
of them have reported these to walk in space, actually photo
sightings? graphed a glowing egg-shaped
UFO . Pete Conrad and Gordon
WILSON : Amazingly, nearly all pf
them. The first to definitely see a Cooper saw several UFOs on the
Gemini 5 mission. Undoubtedly,
UFO while in orbit was Major
Gordon Cooper who during the the most startling, and in my
Mercury flight 7, (May 15th 1963) opinion , most important sightgs
were made by our Apollo astro
while passing over Australia,
sighted an unidentified flying nauts on and around the moon.
object (called bogeys by NASJ\) Neil Artnstrong and Buzz Aldrin
approaching him . This particular on the very first moon landing
UFO was also spotted by over 200 expedition sighted an unusual
persons at the Muchea Tracking bogey just one day out. My book
Station near Perth, Australia. gives an actual description of their
Don Wilson, author of the book Cooper said the object was of sighting along with a little known
"Our Mysterious Spaceship "good size" and claimed "it was NASA transcript of the teChnical
Moon ' ', is an amateur astronomer higher than I was. It wasn't even debriefing session during which
whose lifelong intense interest in in the vicinity of the horizon . . . ' ' the astronauts tried to analyze
space had led him to write one of This indicated that it was not a their encounter with this space
the most startling books dealing natural object. unknown .
with our moon. Similar mission control conversa
The book, an outgrowth of five Latr, in the Mercury astro- tions of Apollo 12, 15, 16 and 1 7
years of research into the evi nauts book We Seven, C<;K>per clearly indicate other sightings of
dence uncovered by the Soviet bluntly B:dmitted that he believe?
-6f UFOs made by Apollo Astro
and American space programs, is UFOs extst. He ws eve to admit --
nauts .
based on one of the most shocking later that extratestnal astr?- B R: If so many UFOs were
theories of all times . . . the Soviet naus alo had VISited earth m
sighted, why weren't these heard
theory that our moon is not a ancient trmes
on the live telecasts of the trips to
completely natural planetoid but, BR : Did any astronauts see any the moori?
a holloed-out world that is in UFOs while on the surface of the WILSON : Some were, but most
reality, a spaceship. moon? came at times when there was no
Wilson is a teacher with post WILSON: Yes, unquestionably , live telecast . When the astronauts
graduate degrees from the Uni and one need look at the actual actually saw UFOs while their
versity of Michigan and the astronaut-mission control con- activites were being carried on
University of Detroit. versations to prove this. Although live TV , NASA switched the

M YST E RIO U S S PAC E S H IP M O O N /continued

telecast -over to a private channel with the theory of two Soviet from our Orbiter program leads to
through a pre-arranged code. This scientists tht the moon may be a the frightening possiblity that the
is clear from the mission control spaceship sounds incredible. Why moon is hollow.
conversations of the sightings. would two respected scientists BR: Why should such a discovery
Dr. Farouk El Baz, now with the from one of the worlds leading be frightening?
Smithsonian Institute, admitted scientific institutes come out with WILSON: Because if it is hollow
as much in a recent interview. such an outlandish theory? then the moon must be some kind
Furthermore, Dr. James Harder WILSON: Simply because the of spaceship that has been created
of the University of California, facts and the evidence indicates by an unknown alien intelligence.
came across these same sightings that the moon is just that- a If this is true, such a discovery
while reviewing mission-control hollowed-out asteroid, fashioned would have frightening Implica
conversations on tape. When by some unknown alien beings tions for man and his world. I
NASA officials were asked by Dr. and steered into orbit around the might add that seismic evidence
Harder to comment on them, they earth eons ago. from the moon also indicates that
embarrassingly adJnitted that the BR: What evidence do they offer the moon is hollow and, believe it
astronauts did indeed sight UFOs to back their claim? or not--has an inner shell of metal.
on the moon trips. WILSON: First and foremost, a BR: What seismic evidence exists
BR: Why did NASA try to cover that the moon is hollow?
them up or keep them from the WILSON: On our trips to the
public? moon we placed sensitive seism
WILSON: According to Harder, a ometers on the surface to learn as
NASA official said that it was What is the -meaning much about the internal make-up
because of "fear of public panic" . of our satellite as possible. Vari
BR: Do you believe that UFOs of the radio signals ous objects, like spent third stages
may be based inside the moon? of rocket boosters as well as lunar
WILSON: Yes, definitely. Very picked up from the landing modules: were crashed
into the moon. Every time w:e did
few people realize how many
strange moving lights have been
moon and &om this, the moon, as NASA scien
tists put it ' 'rang like a huge
spotted on or around the moon, so-called meteors gong' ' . Or, as one NASA scientist
not only in recent decades but
over the past several centuries as streaking towards the put it, ' 'like a huge bell' , and it
has done so time and again, for up
well. AstronomiCal journals all
over the world are filled with moon from the cold to four hours. Furthermore, the
hundreds of such reports . One vibrations traveled down to a
rece_nt survey of astronomical void of outer space? depth of about 22 - 25 miles and
journals alone uncovered over 800 reveals an inner layer of differ
such reports. Another careful ent composition and material
study of these done by Patrick exists inside the moon. This mat
Moore of the Amagh Planetarium erial is definitely not rock, for, not
in Northern Ireland and Barbara Soviet density study of the moon only did the vibrations travel great
Middlehurst of the Planetary and indicates that our moon is hollow. distances around the moon but
Lunar Laboratory, University of All the astronauts agree that there they did gradually accelerate to a
Arizona, claims there are over 400 is no such thing as a naturally speed of 6 miles per second. This,
solid, unquestionable sightings of hollow satellite or world in space. I believe, is the speed of sound
strange lunar lights and inexplic- If it is hollow then it must have through metal.
. able lunar events Qf all kinds. In been artificially hollowed out. At NASA scientists have made
fact, even our government knows first I was skeptical of this until I various models of the moon based
that SOJWthing strange is going had discovered that two indepen on startling evidence like this.
on. NASA actually commissioned dent studies done by our own One model they have set up is a
a program called Operation Moon NASA scientists indicate that our hollow moon With an outer layer of
Blink, in which observatories moon is hollow ! rock and dust and a metal inner
around the world began a special Dr. Gordon McDonald did a sphere. This is exactly what the
search for such strange lights. motion study which concluded two Soviet scientists of the Soviet
In a short time, ten such lunar that the moon is hollow and Dr. Academy of Sciences think the
phenomena were cited. Sean Solomon's (M.I.T.) study of moon may be - -nothing else but
BR: The major thrust of your book the gravitional field based on data a spaceship !
continued on page 60

No one knows the meaning of the strange lights
arid objects which have been sighted on the moon
through the centuries. Today, the moon is still a
mystery. A s one NASA official put it, ' 'The
moon has given us answers w e don 't have
questions for yet/ ' '

This area of the moon is called Orientale, the h uge

bull 's eye. A reas aroun(l this site contains strange
negative gravitational anomalies called negative
mascons. This is the area where astronauts
reported seeing strange lights.

Gemini 4 astJ:onaut Afajor James

A. McDivitt spotted and filmed
this UFO on the 20th revolution of
his four-day space flight. Photo
was taken while he was over
If intelligent forms f life are out there, it is just Hawaii on June 4th 1965.
a matter of time, distance and technology before
contact is made. Many scientists feel that it is in
the realm of the near future.

U F O S P E C IAL 27
Not only is VonDaniken's logic
faulty in many areas of
thought, but so are_ his facts-
- which look impressive but do
not stand up to close scrutiny.

Von Daniken
We n t

The legend of ancient astro lution . So that a more advanced weavers 2000 years before the
nauts has probably fascinated civilization would be expected, date of this ' ' amazing' ' piece of
man as much as any other. With and one would, indeed , be sur cloth . . . and in 2000 years, no
the flood of books and movies on prised if we did not find one. To doubt, they would have developed
the subject, millions have taken help you understand what I mean, the craft , one of the oldest, to a
an interest in these visitors from suppose that a man in the far-off fine art.
outer space. future was to dig up ruins from Cut crystal lenses were found
The theory itself is nothing our present day society and ones amon the ruins of ancient sites.
new . . . having been around since from only two hundred yem-s ago. So firie , that today we produce
the days of Charles Fort . . . but it The range of technological ad such lenses from an electro
was Erich Von Daniken ' s Chari vance would be amazing, but chemical process using cesium
ots of the Gods that brought this could this future man say, oxide . This doesn't mean that our
amazing legend to the general "Wow . . .look ! In less than two forefathers used the same meth
public' s attention . In doing so, hundred years this civilization had od ; and, by the way, electrochem
Von Daniken carried a carload of suddenly advanced . . . 'popped up ' ical processes occur quite readily
errors and misinformation . This out of nowhere . It must have been in nature . By experimenting, a
information was erroneous back in visitors from outer space . ' ' Hard bright individual could have dis
the fifties when it was originally to believe? Yes , but this is what covered how to use these natural
presented ; and he didn 't do the Von Daniken is saying when he occurring processes to his advan
one thing required of any good talks about advanced civilizations tage . No alien interference need
reporter - to get the facts ! popping up out of nowhere. be implied.
By not checking his facts , Von Not only is his logic faulty on The Baghdad Museum has a
Daniken has passed on misin civilizations popping up, but so clay container on display . Next to
formation to his millions of read are his facts , which look impres it lays two metal rods. Von
ers ; and, indirectly , presented a sive but do not add to the validity Daniken says that this is an
theory based on many false state of his theory. For example , Von ancient dry cell battery . . .if one
ments . Daniken states that we (i.e . , the adds acid (an electrolyte) . Just
To do justice to the mistakes in scientific community) do not know because a battery can be created
The Chariots of the Gods would where the ancient culture of by adding an electrolyte doesn't
take a whole book, so I will limit .Sumeria came from . He maintains mean that the ancients did this ;
myself to a few random samples that it came from the aliens and it, the container, could have
as I thumb through Von Daniken ' s because it was so advanced over . been for an entirely different
first book on the ' 'fact' ' of ancient the Semite barbarians. But we do purpose.
astronauts . know the origin of the Sumerians Von Daniken has the habit of
Possibly Von Daniken 's most and it is well documented by a calling any ancient drawing (e.g.
outstanding error in logic comes series of cultures , which evolved cave paintings) with a man in
when he talks of all those between 9000 and 3000 B .C . Yet, costume as being the primitive ' s
' 'advanced' ' civilizations that have Von Daniken claims it materi interpretation of their gods . . . the
' 'popped-up' ' from nowhere . . . as alized out of nowhre. ancient astronauts. His argument
if overnight . Of course, his argu In the Chariots of the Gods, Von becomes stronger if the person in
ment is that aliens interfered and Daniken lists a group of amazing the drawing is wearing some type
helped to develop the technology archeological objects that he be of headgear, especially with ob
of these primitive cultures. In lieves can only have been created jects projecting from it. Of
other . words, if a civilization was by a more advanced civilization course , to Von Daniken, the
primitive 2000 years ago and had a than was present at that time in headgear is a helmet and those
somewhat advanced culture only man ' s cultural evolution . A few projecting objects could only be
1500 years ago , then Von Daniken are listed below: antennae . Hasn't he ever heard of
would imply that all of a sudden In Helwan there was found an war and hunting costumes worn
an advanced civilization popped ancient piece of cloth . . . with a by primitive tribes? Costumes
up from nowhere. fine fabric that only a special that consist of hoods with horns?
Has t he ever heard of social factory in modem day time could Horns or antennae, which are
evolution? have produced. Or so Von Dani they?
After 500 years , a culture is ken leads us to believe . What he The Bible is a major source of
bound to take advantage of ad overlooked was the simple fact UFO sightings . . . as recorded in
vances by pure technological evo- that the Anatolians were good UFOs in the Bible by Morris K.
Please tum page

Jessup (late fifties) and Down sat, probably, over a large amount did . . . he asked them. A group of
ing's Flying Saucers in the Bible of subterranean oil , and were twelve men erected a fallen head
(late sixties) . . . so says Von Dani situated on the Great Rift (the in just eighteen days . . . using only
ken. I am not going to argue with biggest earthquake fault in the ropes, stones and poles. No wood
Von Daniken on this subject , world) . Conclusion . . . a giant oil rollers were needed . . . nor any
because the Bible is a matter of explosion created by an earth gods .
interpretation as it is. But I would quake. As a side point, many At times Von Daniken seemed
like to object to one of his major earthquakes spit up many mine to mix legends . . . to fit his ideas?
theories . . . that he formulates from rals . . . including salt! For example, he records in Chari
the Biblical reference in Genesis The Island of Elephantine was ots of the Gods, ' 'Among May
.6 : 4 . . . "when the sons of God came named, according to Von Dani ans . . . the god Kukulkan presum
in unto the daughters of men , and ken , after the fact that the island ably corresponds to the figure of
they bore children . ' ' looks like an elephant . . . which it (their) later god Quetzalcoatl. ' '
Von Daniken believes that the does. But how did the native know But what he failed to realize was
' ' sons of God' ' were the alien this? There is no hill to view the that not only was Quetzalcoatl not
astronauts that came to our planet island 's shape . This is inter a Mayan god, but that he pre
and mated with sub-human primi esting . . . if it was true . Actually, dated (not post-dated, as Erich
tives . . . thus creating the superior the origin of the island' s name says) the Mayan god Kukulkan as
human that we have today . . . . a comes from the Greek word for a Toltec god.
hybrid of man and space being. ' ' ivory ' ' ( from the Egyptian As for those marks on the plains
This is hard to accept, from a pure "yeb " ) . . . which has nothing to do of Nazca ( and elsewhere ) , Von
biological standpoint. Given that with the shape of the island. Good Daniken wants us to believe that
the aliens exist, that they are try, Erich. they are landing strips and mark
humanoid , that they visited an On Easter Island we find hup ers to help the alien crafts. First,
cient Earth . . . I find it difficult, as a dreds of stone heads looking out he tells us that these beings can
zoologist, to believe that their over the waters . . . as if waiting. cross vast expansions of space,
genetic make-up would be com Waiting for the gods? Anyhow, but then tells us they need the
patible with ours . . . though it Von Daniken' s lack of research help of a landing strip . . . like
might be quite similar. I might really shows up here. He states modern planes. Von Daniken
accept that genetic engineering that these 25 to 30 ton statues gives and then takes away.
took place . . . but Von Daniken does were made from steel-hard vol Probably the most interesting of
not mention this. Why? Not canic rock and erected by some- . all, in relation to this ancient
sensational enough? one other than the island' s 2000 astronaut theory, is the pyramids .
Von Daniken says that the population . After all, he says, Those wonderful feats of ancient
wicke cities of Sodom and.. Go they had no wood to make rollers engineering that, according to
morrah were destroyed by a or tools to cut this steel-hard rock. Von Daniken, could only have
nuclear blast. He asks , ' 'What Other than the fact that the rocks been created by superior beings.
else could have caused such an are quite soft, he overlooked a way Why does he believe this? A few
explosion?" He may have arrived to find out how the native 5000 of his reasons follow :
at a different answer if he had (not 2000) constructed these sta Von Daniken states that it
studied a few facts dealing with tues . . . just ask them . This is would take 10,000 men 664 years
the location of the two cities . They exactly what Thor Heyerdahl to transport the 2, 600, 000 blocks

(each, he says, averages 12 tons) were used... contrary to Von Dani
to build the 490 foot (actually ken. The ropes were made of fibre
481 . 4 feet ) Pyramid of Cheops. He or flax and are depicted on tomb
says that they couldn't feed that walls of the Fifth Dynasty, and
many men. There were no ropes, were in use hundreds of years
no wood rollers or instruments to before the building of the great
carve and transport the huge
stones and fit them together
Although he has Actually, it has been estimated
within a thousandth of an inch.
This might be true if the facts
opened the door that the average pyramid was
constructed in 30 years, using
were. What he forgot to do was to to new insights copper tools, ropes, pulleys, and
rollers. Sorry... no gods were
look at the hieroglyphics (picture
writing ) on the walls and tombs... on man needed.
for he would find his answers. For Von Daniken seems to think
they record how the pyramids and his universe, that the creation of m ummies
were built. were man's attempt to live a later
First, a few of Von Daniken's VonDanikeil has life (as are men now being

also, in his haste,

facts were wrong. The average frozen ). He asks where this. con
weight of the 2 , 300,000 stones cept came from... who put it in the
(not 2 ,600,000 . . . but what's passed on much ancient's head? The gods... Von
Daniken says. And, to him, the
300,000 stones here or there? ) is
2 2 tons, not 12 tons. These facts misleading gods means the ancient astro
alone would reduce his estimated nauts. Were they preparing for a
time of completion from 664 years information to his rebirth?
to about 525 years...that is, if we Yes, a rebirth, but not an
accept his method of calculation. millions of readers earthly one. They believed a
Which I do not. spiritual rebirth -a rebirth .of the
He said that there was not and has based soul. This was evident by the
enough food to feed 10,000 hun simple fact that when people were
gry workers. This is foolish ...the his theories on many mummified, their brains and in
Egyptians had plenty of food, with ternal organs were removed. This
crops controlled by irrigation and false assumptions. made earthly reinstatement im
possible - or very -unpleasant, to
Ancient copper saws and chi say the least.
sels h llfe been found that date Erich Von Daniken is not the
back 10 the First Dynasty... only propagator of misinformation
hundreds of years before the great on the ancient astronaut theory,
pyramids. but he is the most famous. I
Trees were imported from nine believe that Mr. Von D aniken
different sites to be used as should rewrite his book and
rollers ; and ropes (many on include a corrected text, to help
display at the Cairo Museum ) clear up the misinformation. 0

Two decades of psychic re two fluids, one a bright white, the
search have convinced me that other an azure blue .
many classic ghost stories have While Swifte and his wife
nothing to do with the spirit watched the tube, the two liquids
world. They are reports, too often swirled about, blended into a
filed and forgotten, of human blue-white mixture, and then
contact with extraterrestrials tech separated. This process was re
nologies. peated several times over a period
The two main ' 'ghostly' ' en of about two minutes. The tube
counters that follow, were select
ed from voluminous readings into
then lowered itseH toward the
table . It moved past the members
Could the strange
the field of Fortean phenomena,
seem far more closely related to
of the family, as if inspecting looking tube have
the ufo enigma than to spectral When the thing reached Mrs. been a radio sonde,
visitations of astral spiJits . Swite, it hovered above and
UFO researchers have comp behind her right shoulder. ' 'Oh, or probe from some
letely ignored the fascinating Christ, ' ' she shrieked, ' 'It has
eye-witness testimony of Edmund seized me ! " unknown world?
Lenthalswifte, keeper of the Mr. Swifte , believing his wife in
crown jewels of England for the danger, picked up a chair and
looked at through
period 1814- 1852 . One Saturday
evening in October, 1817, the 40
swung the piece of furniture at the
cylinder. The chair went through
the eyes of modem
year old Swifte sat at a table in his the tube, Swifte rec01ded later in technology, maay
living quarters within the Jewel the scholarly Notes and Queries
House of the Tower of London magazine , and rebounded off the reports of so-called
Swifte's wife , his sister-in-law, wall of the room. The glass
ghost images could

and his six-year-old son sat at the instrument vanished a few se

table with him. The three doors conds later.
into the sitting room were locked Only Swifte and his wife saw be in reality, extra
and bolted. The windows were
closed and fastened. The room
the tube. Mrs. Swifte 's sister and
her son saw nothing. Ghost-hunt
terrestial visitors.
was completely dark except for er Elliott O' Donnell insisted in his
the feeble flickering of two wax Ghosts of London, that this was
candles. because Swifte and his wife were
' 'Good God ! ' ' Mrs Swifte psychic, while the others were BY G EORGE WAGNER
shoute , "What is that? " At the not.
exact moment hi wife screamed, What was seen, O'Donnell in
Mr. Swifte spied a glass tube ferred, was a ' 'ghostly:' ' appari
floating.high above the table. The tion . This view is the generally
cylindrical container was three or held one, and the episode has
four inches thick, and about a foot entered the ranks of the camp fire
long. The device was filled with ghost tale. The Swifteg' eperi
continued on page 62

Bryce Bond In terviews:
BOND: " Do you think life does
exist in our solar system . . .some
sort of life?"
SANDERSON : "I think it would
be quite likely that a form of life - not
our kind of life - but what we call life
exists out there."
BOND: "In other words, human
SANDERSON : "No, ot human
oids. But , we might have funguses
and vegetable-type life running on a
hydro-carbon base such as all life on
this planet runs on Mars , for
instance, because Mars is not that
different and now we know it does
have some atmosphere. Now the
larger planets I don't know, but I
would suppose you would have a Although this great researcher-scientist, and out
form of life running about on top of standing persona lity Is no longer among us, we feel
Fresnomonia or something . In the this, one of his last Interviews, should . be brought
absence of oxygen , because e think
of life . . . to lig ht. Iva n Sanderson, author of over thirty
BOND: "As it is today, as we are books, and fou nder of a fou ndation with worldwle
right now . . . membership, was also a col lector of rare animal
SANDERSON: "Yes , and planets
species for the British Museum. UFO ' s were among
and animals on the surface all based
on hydro-carbon . But, there could be his major poi nts of i nterest In his waning years.
other forms of life, because you don't T h i s interv i ew is ou r wa y of kee p i n g Iva n
even have to have a body to have Sa nderson ' s thoug hts and theories al ive.
After all , the material that we
are made of is nothing else but
energy when you come down to it .
It's all made of molecules; the
molecules are made of atoms; the
atoms are simply made of quanter
and the quanter are nothing else
than energy. So , you could have
things build up without a corporeal
body. In our solar system it's very as it is on this planet going around exists?' It's just as if there was one
likely, athematically and statis our sun, going around the same type poor wretched animal that had no
tically, that in our galaxy there are planet, the same distance of these parents and nothing else. You can't
probably a hundred million stars, at other suns in our galaxy." just have the or one thing. YQU asked
the minimum , that have planets B 0ND : "Do you believe in me: 'Do you believe in U FOs with an
going around them at the same UFO's?" 's' on the end , but most people say,
distance that we go around our sun , SANDERSON: "UFO's are enor "Oh , I saw the flying saucer'
and, those stars are just about the mously complicated. It's like you can practically as if there was only one
same as our sun . Therefore, it's very run around and say: 'Do you really kind . Now , there are a number of
likely that there's life just the same think that the Loch Ness monster different types of things seen in our

Ivan Sanderson making a point
while discussing casts of
footprints believed to be that
ofBigfoot. Ivan took a big
interest in investigating.
phenomena of this sort. He was
always cheerful and informal when
greeting visitors to his home.

Photo taken during a break in

interview shows (left to right)
Vicky Richardson, Bryce Bond, Mrs.
Ivan T. Sanderson, Shawn Robins
and Ivan. Miss Richardson and
Miss Robins are among psychics
who have made some outstanding
predictions in the past.

Ivan Sanderson chats amiably with

Bryce Bond over Ivan 'B last book,
11n vestigating The Unexplained. "
Ivan'S books were always eagerly
received by students of the strange
and unknown world beyond reality.

sky wh h , we don't know about. there were, obviously, no stones in we have no idea what they are! And ,
Here again it gets even more hairy the sky. Nw , we have these lumps of all of them are classed together -
because we don't know half the ice landing all over the place all the bunched together - as flying skucers
natural things which are in our sky. time - great, huge things , up to a or U FOs . But , by golly, some of
Don't forget it was only a hundred couple of tons - sp they're. obviously them may actually be a form of life
years ago that we admitted that natural things. So , 1we don't know themselves; some may come from
meteorites ever arrived here . . . what's going on much . What's other planets, not in our solar
science, as a whole, said it was natural we might accept. Then we system, I would say, but other
impossible for pieces of iron and have all these other things which universes. Now, the two really come
stone to fall out of the sky because seem to be unnatural to us because together. If you go to the other side

IVAN SAN D E RSON O N U FO S/conti n ued

of our galaxy and you have a planet - Then a copy of Jessup's book was field thoory. Well , naturally, every
say it's exactly the same as ours and sent to the office of Naval Research. thing is! The moment you get into
you've got intelligent people on it - They were so fascinated that they photoelectrics, photonics , anything.
they may have four arms, but , with sent it to a place in Texas and had it After all , the only thing that Einstein
developed technology. Will you look all re-done and then they called didn't actually do was to prove that
where we've come in two hundred Jessup in and said , 'Where did you gravity had a way of motion and he
years , with all our modem equip get this story?' and he said, 'I don't thought that if that got itself proved
ment and everything? Supposing kno' and they said , 'Look here, the . (and I believe that we are just in the
they were even a thousand years peole who annotated the copy of process of doing it now) then you
ahead of us, they would've probably your book are probably gypsies. could probably unify gravities (gravF
stumbled across something which Have you ever seen anything with ty . . . being a way of motion) with
actually we really know nothing electro- magnetics which , of course,
about, a thing called teleportation, is linked on the other hand to
which means the instant trans ordinary material physics, or me
ference of solid matter thro\lgh chanics as we call it. That's what is
other solid matter, just the same as called 'the unified theory.' But ,
we pick up sound through radio and anything you did of such a nature
we pick up two-dimension pictures would have to be founded on
on TV. This simply means three Einstein's principles of relativity -
dimension projection." the bending of light, for instance. "
BOND: "May I interrupt one sec B O N D : ''What about all the
ond? Speaking about teleportation , strange disappearances, such as the
there's some informatin going six partrol bombers leaving Florida?
around that the United States SANDERSON: "Well, that's all
Navy secretly accomplished the that business about the Bermuda
teleportation of a warship from Triangle. It's not a triangle and
Philadelphia to its home berth in Bermuda's not in it. It turns out to
Norfolk by applying Einstein's uni be one of ten , maybe twelve . . . (as
fied field theory and then it became of an article published in The
invisible. How about this? Hog Scientific American, we did the
wash or what?" preliminary work and found that
S A N D E R S O N : Well, yes, I'm this funny phraseology in the way of there wasn't just one of these). They
afraid to say it, but it is. I know the . writing?' and he said, 'Wait a aren't triangles. They're lozenge
experimentation at one time on the minute , that sounds just like some shaped things. They're all over
possibility of bending light in order letters that I've received from a crazy water. There was another one known
to create perfect camouflage. If you fellow. I've put them in the crackpot to the Air Force for a long time,
could bend the light coming at an file because I thought they were so south of Japan . The funny effects in
object - coming to it from outside up crazy. ' So, he went home and found these places come and go. Then we
to a certain distance around it - you the letters and they were from this did some work - a whole bunch of
wouldn't be able to see it , you follow fellow, Carl Allen whom I k.tiow geologists, geo-physicists, ocean
me? Now, this great story started personally for many years. He half ographers - and we found that
from a book by a fe!low called did it as a joke. It was half a joke and there were about ten of these things
Morris Jessup, whom I know very he admits now he should never have concentrated where there are whirl
well and a wonderful fellow called done it because even people like the pools or sort of whirligigs , not
Alys Hyanda, called Adam , {he's got Office of Naval Research took it whirlpools. The moment I say whirl-
a great sense of humor). He was on a seriously. Well , that started it all! "'pool everyone's going to think of a
naval transport, a. commercial ship Then all the screwballs , crackpots, maelstrom or The Sargasso Sea. But,
under aval command during the kooks, pseudo-scientists, saucerians, if you look at a map of the surface
war in 1 943 and it was in a sort of and UFOlogists all got on to it . I currents of the oceans, you'll see that
convoy with some naval vessels who suppose, there must be a dozen there are these ten places where cold
were experimenting with what is a books published on this subject. The water comes jetting from the polar
form of signalling device, as I .whole of it was a leg-pull on the part regions into the hot regions and
understand it, the bending of light of Carl Allen except for the fact that starts turning round and round a lot
and, he mentioned this to Jessup. he was in the naval service, and that of hot water. Now, when you get a
Jessup was always the mystic al they were carrying on some exper- temperature difference between the
though he was trained as an astron iments. Now this business about outside of a whirligig and a thing
omer and he wrote it up in his book . being founded on Einstein's unified going around on the inside, some

very curious things happen, which SANDERSON : "Ah , wait a min them and yet there is this tremen
you'd never expect! It concentrates ute, .now youre coming to another dous mass which are not accounted
into the center and this is really the very interesting thing. Of course you for (and a lot of them disappear in
explanation of hurricanes, too, and wouldnt find any flotsam or jetsam the presence of other people) This
how they get going. How they seem if they drop out. They go right out of is what is so very odd, the ones that
to gather energy rathe than dissi our universe so you wouldn't fmd they don't see! You see , if a hus
pate it! Now, funny things do happen anything. Let's talk about a boat band decides suddenly: "I'm going
from time to time. But , like hum There's a boat going through one of to Nevada, take a powder, change
canes, they only occur sometimes. these anomalous areas when things my ruune, grow a beard". . . that's
They whirl and they finally die. But , begin to go wrong physically. And we one thing. You don't see that per
in some of these ten areas , every now think just because it vanished that son go, really. Whereas its the one
and then, they develop very curious everything on it will vanish. But it who. 8ays: 'Til be back in one sec
features - something goes wrong with seems to be much more selective ond" ...and vanishes. Now, those are
electro-magnetics, for instance, than that, especially if there is the ones that they never fmd."
compasses don't work ; there's a intelligen behind what is plucked
complete radio blackout; something out. BOND: "Maybe they're the chosen
definitely goes wrong with time BOND: "How so?" few?n
(particularly in the one south of SANDERSON: - "Because some SANDERSON: "But how the heck
Japan) and I have, here, all the times everything alive on board is do you know who I am, for instance,
documentation from both commer gone! Other times the human beings and how do I know who you are? I
cial and military flyers. There are are gone, but the canaries and the mean , you may be from someplace
planes that have arrived before they dogs and pets are left. So, this is . . . else. You may not know it, but you
have left and there are those that BOND: "Are you saying this is might still be from someplace else.
have taken six hours longer to get oontrolled by intelligence?'' What Jbout Ted Serios, . . . this
somewhere. The only way that could SANDERSON: "Yes, intelligence fellow takes photographs by pointing
be possible was (they were in touch in another space-time continuum! a camera . . . Without lens and
with the ground all the while, mind Some of these things are controlled. without a camera, he still gets
you) that they would have to be I've been into this for Good Lord, photographs and sensitive fum about
running into a wind of over 250 miles thirty years now, and I cannot see places he has never been to . That's
an hour, 250 knots at about 1.000 ft. anything of a purely, or what we another whole bit."
And, there is no such wind. If there would call a 'physical' nature, such BOND: "I think that's psychic
had been, it would have blown as you teach in physics and chemistry photography. "
Kwajaleen and Okinawa into the in school and our straight-forward SANDERSON: "First of all, I
sea! All right now, these areas do materialistic science, which could don't think it's any such thing as
have these curious anamolies. What possibly explairt selective snatches 'psychic' . It should be called para
happens when these natural physical such as that. Some of the cases really psychic, which is like we have been
forces are sort of tampered with due are most pecu)iar of where, as I say, taught to think of as psychic. I don't
to the whirling motion? There's a the canaries, a parrot. a cat and a think there is anything psychic. I am
whole science of whirligigs etc. We oouple of dogs are left and every hu an . entire materialist . And, then I
don't know , but it would seem that man being has gone off quite large would like to go back to what I
things here drop out of our universe - modem "shi.Ps The ships still intact! nearly finished before: about what is
our spaceptime continuum - and it Other times the whole dang shoot the difference about coming here,
seems to be around these areas that ing-match disappears. Looks to me instantaneously, from the other side
things drop in. I'm back, always as if there is intelligence behind it . of our galaxy in ou.r universe, or
back, to what I was saying in the very Somebody's collecting seamen dropping out of another universe and
beginning of our talk, you know. or . . . And, other times the pets go, ":oming here instantaneously. This. is
That it's not a question of coming and the people are left. If you go to the point: we are orking up to the
from somewhere else or going some the New York Bureau of Missing immediate transmission of solids ..
where else. lfs a question of going Persons, they say supposing 100,000 See , radio is airborne, but the actual
out of here and into here, right out of persons at an average disappear a transmission from the transmitter is
our space-time oontinuum! " year and they get back about 70,000 instantaneous, just the same as our
BOND: "But , what about the dis but there are still bout . . . 1 2 ,000 power. Peop'e think you manufac
appearance with no trace whatso which cannot be accounted for at all. ture power and then pipe it down
ever? There's no flotsam or jetsam You know, husbands taking powders .from Buffalo and down to New
left behind. And, wltat about the and people oommitting suicide, you York from N"Iagara Falls. You don,l
crews of ships disappearing and the know, all that sort of thing. Police You use it at the moment it is being
ship is still intact." have an incredible record for getting made because ifs 100 millionths of a
continued on page 46
---- ----

Scientists are taking another look at the remarkable
sp&ce map drawn by Betty Hill-a map she claims was
on the wall of a spaceship which abducted her and her
husband whlle driving through New Hampshire.


BY PR O F . J . M . F E R G U S O N

The publication in the December wninations by four-foot-tall hu their distances, luminosities, and
1974, issue of Astronomy maga manoids. They were told upon perhaps most importantly, their
zine of an article by Terence their release that they would not spectral types. Using the Gliese
Dickinson called ' 'The Zeta remember anything that had Catalog, with other soutces of
Reticuli Incident, ' ' has caused transpired during their abduction. data, Ms. Fish painstakingly con
reverberations in the scientific Their memories of the incident, structed three-dimensional mo
community which are still being whic;h took place over a period of dels of our immediate stellar
felt to this day. two hours, were only brought to neighborhood. She employed
The provocative article concerns light under subsequent hypnosis beads of various color to represent
a possible visit to earth 15 years and psychiatric sessions. While the different spectral classifica
ago by extraterrestrials from a under hypnosis, Betty Hill drew a tions of the stars. In this manner,
binary star system known as Zeta 1 star map, which she claims to have she could immediately determine
and Zeta 2 Reticuli. This faint pair seen on a wall panel within the the locations of those stars most
of stars, some 37 light years (220 spacecraft. She says that the like our sun and hence the ones
trillion miles) distant from our spacecraft commander pointed to most likely to harbor life-bearing
own solar system, could quite two stars on the map and somehow planets .
possibly be the home base , accord gave her the impression that this The lines on Betty Hill ' s map

ing to the article, of the intelligent was the stellar system from which were purportedly described to her
beings who allegedly landed in the aliens had come from. by the aliens as being trade or
New flampshire and abducted In 1968, Ohio researcher and expeditionary routes -the aliens
Betty and Barney Hill in the late astronomer Marjorie Fish became would, of course, want to visit
summer of 1961 . intrigued by the Hill map. In the only those stars or star systems
The case of Betty and Barney following year, 1969 , an astro capable of sustaining life ; there
Hill has been widely circulated in nomical reference book called the fore , they would presumably map
the press and other media. The Gliese Catalog of Nearby Stars out a route consisting only of solar
couple claims to have been taken was published ; it listed all the or near-solar type stars close
aboard an alien spacecraft and known stars within a radius of enough to our sun in terms of
being subjected to physical ex- 55-light-years of our solar system , temperature , luminosity, chemi-
continued on page 52
This model which was made by Majorie Fish, shows all the stars located in a vast volume of
space which reaches out to about fifty light years in the direction of Zeta Reticuli. The lines
connecting solar type stars are remarkably close to the space map drawn by Betty Hill.

This map was drawn by Betty Hill who claims she saw it aboard a spaceship which. abducted
her and her husband for a short penod of time. The hill map has raised some eyebrows since it
bears a striking resemblance to one of the models made by Majorie Fish. (see above)

Dr. Diaz noticed the strange that there are 12 planets in our
man sitting in his waiting room solar system , not nine as we
and, for some reason, elt very believe . The Straner also
uneasy about him . He was sitting revealed that electricity is
under a large office plant waiting composed of ' 'over 15
to be seen by the doctor . Dr . Diaz subatomic particles, while your
felt certain that he had not seen scientists know of only three. ' ' As
the little man before . In fact, the the visitor left he told Dr. Diaz , ' 'I
doctor was surprised to see him as ' 'I find it difficult to will be back again , please believe
the last patient had left and he me . ' '
had secured the door ; ' 'when I belleve, but after Dr. Diaz told no one of his
turned around to go back to my encounter for fear of being
office , there he was - sitting examining the ridiculed. Worse yet, he was
silently in the comer. ' ' afraid people would lose faitJ-1 in
Composing himself, the doctor stranger, well I him as a doctor and take him for
asked the stranger to step into his some sort of weirdo. But,
examining room. He asked the never believed in eventually , he told his family and
man if anything was bothering some close friends . It was through
him. " No, " replied the man , " all UFOs and all tliat, , one such close friend, a woman
I want is for you to examine me. ' ' from Guadalaj ara , Mexico who is
The doctor then proceeded to but l guess l associated with a California UFO
examine the man . group , that the doctor discovered
What the doctor discovered was was very wrong. ' ' that there have been many reports
something that no mortal on this , similiar to his .
planet would believe. The man , Dr . Leopoido Diaz is a-graduate
about five feet tall, was bald and of the University of Guadalajara
completely devoid of hair except Medic! School and has been in
for some strands on his head . His BY RAM O NA C O RTEZ private practice for over 23 years .
skin was as white, or whiter, than He is a respected pediatrician and
that of an albino- and , like the executive director of one of
Elizabeth Taylbr, his eyes were a Mexico ' s largest hospitals . ' 'I was
deep violet. The doctor noted that shocked to learn that many others
the strange man did not have hair such,as the one that brought m e to have been contacted and given
follicles either. your planet. You call it 'static exactly the same message . ' '
After examining the man Dr. electricity ' and it is the basic Michael Packer, a California
Diaz asked ' ' Who are you? ' ' The power in the universe . " radio newsman, tracked down the
man replied, ' ' I wanted you to He told Dr. Diaz that mankind doctor after reading an article of
examine me so that you would was abusing their energy sources his strange encounter . The
have no doubt that what I am and especially warned of the newspaper article revealed that a
about to tell you is the truth . I am danger of nuclear energy . ' 'It team from the Uruted Nations was
from another sun system and I could lead to the destruction of not. . investigating the doctor's report .
have a message for earth people . ' ' only planet Earth but the entire lr . Parker arranged for a TV
Dr . Diaz felt faint as he slumped solar system , ' ' he said. He also interview in which additional
into his chair. He was shocked but told Dr Diaz that beings from his information on the
his mind ws racing with the and other planets have been extraterrestrial ' s visit was aired .
implicatons of this encounter. visiting Earth for over 2 , 000 This is the first investigation
' ' I find it difficult to believe but years . ' ' We have tried to guide launched by the United Nations
after examining you . . . well , I you in shaping your future but few into the possibility of life m the
never believed in UFOs and all have heeded us. But now these universe . Bertrand Chatel, in
that but I guess I was wrong. ' ' warnings have more meaning charge of the Technology
The being then told the doctor: because the end of your world is Applications Section at the United
' 'Through man ' s dependence on near . There are many of my Nations , stated that he has met
nuclear energy, this order of people living on your planet trying Dr. Diaz several times in secret
manki is is very close to an end. to stop your scientists from sessions in New York City. ' 'We
Earthlings should be utilizing destroying the human race and still need more investigations . It is
electricity which is all around you , the rest of the solnr system . Many the only UFO contact case we are
and poses no danger to the contacts have been made with probing. It is definitely unusual. It
planet. ' ' He continued , world leaders concerning the cannot be considered a major
' Electrical power could provide
all the energy this planet needs ,
and it is the power that
future but they are withholding
this information from the public . ' '
unstable condition of this planet ' s I scientific event because we must
have additional scientific
evidence . ' '
interplanetary spaceships use , The stranger also told Dr . Diaz
I There are many investigators
continued on page 58
Sketch by Warren Martin shows This sketch of a similar_ UFO
the craft that he and 4 friends was made by Muhammed Ali back
reportedly saw. There were three .in 1972. His sighting was reported
diamond-shaped lights at the several years ago in Beyond
bottom of the UFO. . Reality magazine.


' ' '

UFOs' '
What' s it like to see a UFO up It was about .9 pm on this cold
close? Would you run away? and wet night, when a sound from
Would you be willing to tell above caught their attention . " I
anyone of your experience? Most thought it was a plane at first , "
of us go about our daily business said Martin . ' 'Then I noticed that
without giving it any thought -not the colors of the lights were wrong
until they read about such UFO because I know that an airplane
encounters as occurred to Warren couldn 't stand up to the -way the
Martin and four of his friends. strange object moved. The stress
Martin had no interest in UFOs , on the wings would probably have
nor did he ever expect to see one. snapped them off. ' '
Martin and his friends were One of the men who would not
driving through the suburbs of give- his name for fear of being
Canton, Massachusetts , when it ridiculed remarked: Wow! we're
all started. seeing flying saucers . ' ' Martin
It was raining for the past few further stated ; "We were really
hours , and somehow the rear tires kind of paranoid about it . ' ' Martin
of their car had gotten stuck in the who is 20-years-of-age said that
mud only a few feet away from the the group was amazed as well as
railroad traks which passed frightened as the UFO swooped to
through this area. Warren and his within two or three hundred yards
friends worked hard to release the from where their car was stuck .
tires from the mud for fear that a Martin recalled one of his friends
passing train would demolish the shouted : "Tum it off, tum off
c. They complained loudly as the dome light. ' ' It seems that the
they worked to free the car from dome light inside their car was
the situation it was in. on, and they were afraid it might
continued on ne%t page

"WE'RE SEEING UFOS"/continued
attract the aUentiQn of the UFO.
Martin was the only one of the
five boys- who consented to be
interviewed or identified. In dis
cribing .the UFO, he said '' it was
shaped kind of like a hat, 'with
diamond shaped lights at
the bottom which flashed oc
Casionally in sequence. " The five
agreed that the UFO flashed
pUrple, o, red, and blue
lights They also agreed that jt
was impo,1'sible for a plane to go
through tfiese types of maneuvers
which included right angle turns
at tremendous speeds . Martin
also said the strange object per
formed aerial g&Qles, some c:ijp
ing and some swerving.
The boys declared that the
object was enough to scare the
hell out of anyone, and they
wanted to leave, but coul't
cause the car w'as still stuck in the
mud. One of the boys shouted:
' 'I'm getting out of here, ' ' but the
rest managed to control his fears
and calmed him dowli. The weath
er was bad, so they decided to just
sit in the car and watch this
strange object in the night sky.
' 'We watched for aboui . ten
President Carter 's UFO sighting minutes, and then it suddenly was
was first reported in Beyond gone. As . soon as it was gone, we
Reality magazine back in 1972. heard a train approachiDg, and
Mr. Carter has been helpful in lucky for us it was on the $e00nd
getting NASA to release set of traCks; otherwise the car
infOrmation to this publication. would have been struck. But as
We feel that in the netJI!- future, the train passed and sped away. in

President Carter will be the diStance, we l90ked up and saw

instrumental in getting more that the UFO was back again! ' '
information to the public. It hovered there for about 10
minutes before it left in a burst of
speed . Aftf:r treeing the car, the
group left to report what they had
seen to .he local police. Martin
was told to contact the Air Force,
who explained-to biQ1 that the Air
Force was no long chasing UFOs
since closing ' 'Project Blue Book . ' '

S.G. Pae, Public Affairs Officer

for tlie "iAA (Fede.. AYiation
Hayden C. Hews who was head of
Admiliistration) . On contacting
lntemational UFO Bureau back in
the FAA, they were told by Mt:.
1972, sent us a complete report
which (then] Governor Carter continued on page 58
gave. his organization.

------ ---- ---- ----
--- -

1.1le said the voices ''came


&om Inside niy head.'' He told

how they urged him to melre hlmeeJf
ready for an Interplanetary ''visit''
from aliens of another world.

' 'THE

On June 14th 1978, a 38-year became louder. 'I'd be in a crowd J MisSissippi, officers
old Coloradct businessman stag in CI'UisiDB squad car, picked up
of people, and they'd be there, I' cl
gered into a Denver police station be alone, and they'd still be a clean-sQven, well dresaed man
and very nervously aDJlOunced there. No one can hear them but of 28, wandering the streets at 5
that he must be locked up. ' 'Not in myself. " a.m. The man had been in an
prison, ' ' he tearfully told the desk He said the voices, -coming from hypnotic stupor. When question
sergeant , ' 'for I have committed iuaide his head, were Urging him ed; he couldn't even remember
no crime-but in a mental institu to make himself ready for an inter- his name. Prolonged psychiatric
tion, ' ' he said , his voice quiver- planetary takeover by aliens from treatment and continuous coun-
iDg, "I'm. going ins8ne .. " another world . seliug revealed that the young
Unsteady on his feet, the man Those who spoke to him , he man, an industrial engineer, had
almost fell but was caught in time brought out, bad been "clouding" been - "plagUed by voices" inside
by detectives and ushered intO a his Iilind, both day and Dight, his head,-' ' eJDipating ' ' from ex-
Chair i:a a private roOm. He wa$ crowding out his own thoughts , traterreatr.ial who are in the
given a mild sedative lly a- police and that they would permit Jilin no procoss of invading . the planet

physician. peace , and no sleep , plaguiDg him earth . ' '

Somewhat relaxed now, the constantly , until he surely thought Similar incidents have been
man, whose identity is .being he was on- the verge of a mental occurri.Da With alramiDg en-
withheld for obvious teaaons , breakdown. cy from Main to california , and
announced that since mid-Spring, Several months later, just a 8aeh follows the SGIM pot
he has been h voices, ''as week after Labor Day, 1978, a tem; mental voices that wouldn't
plain as day. ' '- He said the8e
voices coming from ose who
middle-aged insuraace man from
Dallas , Texas, committed suiclcle
Most of the witnesses to these
identify themselves as inhabitants by leaping through his ninth stOry bizarre ' 'meatal haunimp'' have
of extraterrestrial space craft apartment window.' He left a al8o claim8d to have eeen a UFO.
-orbiting just outside of Earth's
suicide note on the kitchen table . butri.Deumn in Colorado
atmosphere. which said , ' 'the voices in my rev.-Ied that two montba before,
The voices, he said, spoke at head w't leave me -in peace , wbile waJkiDa his dog after din-
first jn a whisper, barely audible , they want to invade . -thttJ've ner, he saw a haped object
and then, as time went on, already invad my mind '. . hoveriDg between two bnildinp .
continued on page 64
- -- -- -

I VAN SAN D E RS O N O N U FOS/continued from page 37

second . . .it travels at the speed of dimension or another set and another flower pots, or houses. It's not so.
light. Exactly the same with the set and another set, an infinite Look at the nmber of different
actual broadcast , what is then number of three dimensions, not a things there are in the North Atlantic
reconverted back into sound waves. fourth dimension ." Ocean , for instance. believe there
Television is instantaneous. Instan BOND: "Let's get down to the are 140,000 species of foreign mini
taneous transference of this ashtray, nitty-gritty. What are the UFOs that
flora alone and 48,000 species of
for instance, from here through these people are seeing? " fish, and God knows you can go on
walls to my apartment which is about SANDERSON: "All kinds of forever."
six blocks down the road . . . THAT things that are coming from BOND: "What about this theory of
is teleportation . But, if you can do another universe. But, if those which a hole in the earth? You know-where
that within our universe you can do it are controlled by intelligence you will the interrestrial beings . . . ,.
instantly from any distance in our see what they want you to see and SANDERSON: ''The Hollow
universe . And , don't forget, our what you expect to see. But, you Earth! " Personally, I really do think
universe is circular. I mean - to certainly won't see something that that's. a lot of rubbish. We do know
over-simplify - Einstein said if you you couldn't imagine and they too much about our little planet,
can go on to infinity in one direction wouldn't show you anything that now , to believe that there is a hole
you will eventually hit the back of they didn't want to show you. They somewhere. Admiral Byrd would
your head. Because , actually, space will only show you what they want to never have got out if there was. He's
is curved . . . our space. There are a show you . In other words, we are all supposed to have gone down , or
lot of other curved spaces mixed up controlled . " some rubbish . "
in it . You can go from one side of one BOND: "What about the reports BOND: "But , aren't there holes
universe to the other side of the of the contacts of the so-called that penetrate the Van Allen Belt
universe instantaneously because you 'humanoids' walking the earth and themselves from the poles them
are really there already! It's where people taking rides in UFO' s and selves, the South Pole and North
you started from! You can also come people being taken aboard them , Pole?"
from another universe and pop in like Betty and Barney Hill from SANDERSON: "Oh yes, through
out here or in there anytime you want Exeter, New Hampshire?" our atmosphere that's supposed to
once you've got teleportation , or SANDERSON : "All the same be true , but not through .solids , or
instantaneous projection. I call it superior intelligence is coming here through water or jce. That's pure
ITF - instantaneous transference. and maybe they are collecting us or mechanics. I mean , if you have a
This is what we are working up to maybe they are studying us to see hole . . . As a matter of fact there's
and this is what scientists - thinking how we are getting on . Or maybe one very interesting thing about this
scientists - and all the governments they are playing games ! " report which started all this stuff
have come to the conclusion is the BOND: "But then you d o admit about the hole in the earth . It was
method by which UFO's appear and there are some forms of unidentified made by Admiral Byrd, and it was a
disappear and move about and make aerial obiects . " matter of pure semantics . What he
angular turns and so on . SANDERSON : "Of course there stated in his report was that when he
BOND: "From another dimension, are! I'm telling you ! " was flying over the Antarctic boih
in other words . " BOND: "What about space times he said, "we've flown beyond
SANDERSON : "No, no, not animals?" the pole. " . . . not over the pole. But,
another dimension. This is where SANDERSON : ' ' "Ditto." I mean, he said "beyond" the pole. It was
everybody makes a mistake. There after all , they could create a space simply his way of saying that we
can only be three dimensions. The animal just as much as they could a came from one side . . .you see when
mathematical proof of that appeared space machine." we get to the poles there is no
some time ago in Germany and then, BOND: "Living on the Van Allen geography because it all comes to a
also, in England and it has now'come belt , or something like that , I point. So, supposing he came from
out in a leading scientific journal suppose?" the North America side and went to
here . You can't have a fourth SANDERSON: "NO, NO, that would the Atlantic side , you and I would
dimension. The whole thing would be within OUR universe. They come much more likely say we flew 'over'
collaps You can't have any space from Ultra - from another universe. the pole, but in his dispatches he
which is unidimensional , or linear or But, we MAY have space animals. said, "I flew beyond the pole. " And
two-dimensional . It's got to have We've lots of jelly running around then they reported they began to see
three dimensions otherwise there will living on space energy. I have always vegetation and so on . Well, of course
not be a universe. It won't exist in thought that's possible. That's an they would because they were in
space. Now, there is no fourth other probability. But you s=an't say Siberia! People turned that around
dimension , but another set of three (to talk about U FO's) as if they were and said that they'd flown off the

46 U FO S P E C IAl
earth and hit a sort of reverse earth areas in what we call the Central Wireless and Telegraphic Organi
somewhere else . " Atlantic were definitely above the zation . It is government . . . it is
BOND: "What about Atlantis re sea not too long ago, just about their official document. I got the
appearing? " 9,000 years ago. They got land name of the ship. She was named
SANDERSON: "Now, Atlantis. snails which can't live in the sea . . . The Brittannia . . . a cable-laying
There never was such a thing. There You can tell fresh-water snails from vessel . It did come up a mile and a
probably were a great number of these . . . and they got a certain kind quarter overnight. I got all the
large islands in the Central Atlantic of lava flow which can only form in documentation and everything, and
which were above the surface at the air. If the volcano is under water sent them to Spence because I knew
middle late Pleistocene period. That's that stuff couldn't form because the that this was the one thing that had
just before our modern period. More chemical constitution would be really destroyed his whole life's work .
especially, as the sea levels were wrong. All right . He then got a I got a lett,er back, about three weeks
certainly different and the con report from a friend in America . . . later from his wife saying, "I'm
tinental levels were up and down. (this is, to me , one of the most sorry, my husband passed away two
That there was a great continent out fascinating stores that I 've ever days before your letter arrived . " But
there which had cities on it and known) which was a newspaper it does prove what we found out
civilization started on it and all that, clipping saying that the main cable . that there could have been large land
I see no evidence of that, whatsoever. between the Island of Santa Domingo masses in what is now the Atlantic
But, that there were large islands and the Cape of Good Hope (which is Ocean up until quite recently. So,
which were inhabited by peoples of a now the Republic of South Africa) therefore, Atlantis as a great con
pretty advanced state of cultur (in had broken and that the cable ship tinent with a civilization equivalent
some volumes too, about the Stone had gone out and found that the sea to ours 9,000 yrs. ago? There is no
Age, the late Paleolithic Age) the bottom had risen a mile and a evidence or proof of that! It is
people who did that beautiful art in quarter straight up, thereby stret rubbish! That there are large islands
Spain, they probably did come out of ching the cable and broke it. That inhabited by advanced Stone Age
the sea in the West from these came out in Spence's last book and people I think is extremely likely. I
islands which sank . The actual story it was final proof that if land could think one of these days they are
of Atlantis, itself, is pretty well come up a mile and a quarter, going to dredge up some stone
proved now that it was that volcanic straight up in an ocean bottom implements and things . "
island in the Aegean which was the overnight, land could go down. BON D "Haven't they found some
sort of mode picture before it blew Well, of course, every scientist .things off . . . ancient Roman col
up and caused the end of the Minoan pounced on him because, of couurse umns, I think , off the coast . of
civilization in Crete. That's all now 'the man's a crackpot anyhow', but Bermuda or Bimini? I think some
pretty well established by dating the they don't mind straight crackpots; steps that go down, very deep curved
radioactive carbon etc. But, that's you know orthodox scientists. steps with .some sort of hieoglyphics
where the civilization was and it got What they DO mind are people who on the side?"
transferred in the old Greek stories pin on facts and stick by them. SANDERSON: "Much worse than
. . . (They were stories , too. They in scientific circles . But , Louis that! You've got it, almost . The steps
weren't reports) . . . to something Spence had literally, really, taken are enormous things. They are about
outside the pillars of Athens and stuff right out of their mouths, do 1 00 ft. high , I think , and 1 00 ft .
Gibraltar. Now, this could happen you see? All right . They went for him wide , off the coast of Puerto Rico. It
is proved by the atest expert on and said , "How ridiculous! The sea is absolutely astonishing! I have seen
Atlantis, a man called Louis Spence, bottom rises a mile and a quart\!r? some of the underwater sonar
a Scotchman who spent all his life (and this is one of the main cables?) tracings. Just lik a set of perfectly
and he was serious-minded. He When did it happen? Where? What's man-made steps except that they are
didn't go in for the idea of a great the ship? Spence wrote to his friend, for 1 ,000 ft. giants. You know what I
continent with pillars made of solid who was a professor, as a matter of mean ? That 's odd! Now these things
gold. He was trying to (ind evidence fact , in one of our universities in the found off Bimini and round about
from exploration of the ocean bot United States, asking "where did the Bahamas , there's quite a lot of
tom. He As particularly interested you get that clipping? " His friend them , you know and they are , no
in what had been found on the bot replied, "I can't remember where doubt, buildings. When the first
tom of the ocean, in the Atlantic and what newspaper I got it from . " I ones were photographed and dis
Ocean; the early German explorers heard about this and started digging. closed, of course, some scientists
The Dolphin - his ship WllS given
- I found the original and I traced it to know where the others are , but they
the name 'Dolphin' by Reich and he a magazine called ZODIAC, which is don't want to give the location,
found evidence that considerable the official publication of the British otherwise you would have 10, 000
continued on next page

IVAN SAN D E RS O N O N U FOs/continued

idiot skin-d.vers down there tearing

them apart or something. When they
did disclose the fust lot everybody
said they were turtle pens built in
shallow water, you know, by the
Indians to keep the turtles-( or some
absolute nonsense). But, they are
there and they are defmitely build
ings. And the whole of that area has
sunk within memory of man almost.
Well, in the memory of white man
here. Now , if you fly off the coast of
the Island (that would be the east
coast of the Peninsula of Yucatan
which I have done God knows how
often I've flown over that place) the
water is crystal clear and you can see
causeways and whole towns laid out
in about thirty to a hundred feet of
water. The water is so clear you can
see it! And some of those things are
some ten to ftfteen miles out to sea.
So, the whole of that coast has sunk

since the Manoans were building.

But , those pillars-that's the worst
of all! They are 4,000 ft. down off the
west coast of South America, quite
different. Chile, North Chile, Peru
. . . they got photographs! They put
a TV camera down at the bottom
(actually they were looking for giant
squid - you know, those giant
octopus things) and they got these
photographs and they are these
buildings and columns and some of
the columns appear to have hiero
glyphics on them . It is too blurred on
the shots you get off the TV. But,
they definitely have capirals on the
top, you know, like on Roman
pillars. And there is no question
about them bejng man-made, or at
least some intelligent creatures (and
artistic) wor ed on it. Now , what the
dickens are they doing 4,000 ft .
down off the coast o f South America? 1 n JJ!!Gking to the N1w Engltmd Study
Ivan Stuuk11o
behind the Andes now. So, here you Group at Quincy, MCJB80Chusettes, October 5, 1969.
they're right opposite where they &ttom, Ivan happily holds up a copy of our first
have been spotted is Lake Titicato isa ofBeyond Reality.
whic the highest lake in the world
and at one end of it is Tiahuanaco,
an ancient city with enormous stone coast of South America. Now, this is pholatemira. You can even see some
carvings. Well , I liave been there and two miles high and it is a fresh water shelJs in "there. Now the whole thing
all the pillars have obviously been lake. Now this thirig must have been has gone up two miles high and it is
under water at some time because on the sea coast at one time so that behind the Andes now . S, here you
they have holes drilled into them by the water could only come up about get pillars 4 ,000 ft . down on one side
certain kinds of shellfiSh called six feet . The bottom of the pillars are and two miles up you have got other
Pho1atemira, which live on the west all drilled with these holes by these pillars which were defi11itely in sak

water. Now, explain that? That is BOND: "By looking at the map, got a separate band just as gravity is
more weird to me than any kind of the National Geographic came out on another band . And, although you
UFO . " with about the sea bottom - it was cannot affect the mental band . . .
BOND: "I a m sure th t you will fascinating - because it is amazing! " you can't blank it off, . the mental
explain it eventually ." SANDERSON : "It is absolutely band with eiectro-magnetics. Yet , the
SANDERSON : "Yes , defmitely, fantastic! I'll put this in a nutshell mental band can aftect electro
the crust will sh ift . Now the geologists for you. Don't forget , I am a magnetics. So, it seems to come out
get into it . I don't even know if you biologist, so if I don't simplify of corporeal or material evolution.
have heard of Plateletonics that they sufficiently call me up, will you? And when you get to a certain point
are all talking about? In the New Life, as we now know it , you and I , you can do everything by thinking
York Times? Now they do admit that everybody and all the dogs and cats about it. You don't have to put nuts
the continents do drift around and and everything else we know, was and bolts together!
have been doing it . And, that the sea evolved on this earth , including all -B OND: "Do the governments of
bottoms are light -weight plates. and plants and vegetables that live in air, the world or the earth know about
they seem to be moving around . like we do , live on land . In other this? These life forms under the
When one of the oceanic plates words, all originally came out of the sea?"
comes up against a continental mass sea. Now they were pretty advanced SANDERSON: "Well, I can't
something's got to give! An ir animals. They had evolved half way speak for the governments so I don't
resistible force hitting against an up at least, before they ever came out know , but I have a very shrewd
immovable object and the edge of the of the sea . Therefore any animals suspicion that they have known
land crumbles . . . hence, mountain that didn't come out of the sea have about this all along. "
building. And, of course, the whole gone on evolving in the sea and they BOND: "And , they are keeping it
west coast of South America (you'd had twice as long to get where we hush-hush .".
better get a look at the map and have got because we had to come out SANDERSON : "They have to,
you'll see) has crumbled literally. and we had to make all kinds of really, I mean . Because I have
The Andes are sticking up and that's arrangements to live in a gas . We official Naval reports which state
why they are getting these terrible were evolved, originally, to live in a that thirteen ships on submarine
earthquakes in Peru. They are liquid . You follow? So, it put us maneuvers latched on by their radar
shifting all the time you see. And, back . Whereas, those who never had to an underwater device traveling at
after all, if a piece of sea bottom can to do . that have had another 250 Knot.s down to 20,000 ft . They
rise straight up a mile and a quarter 250 ,000 ,000 years minimum (if not had a lafch on thirteen ships for four
overnight, then it is really not 500,000 ,000 ) to go on evolving. And, days. Now that's an official Navy
qifficult to see why pillars shouldn't look how quickly we have come out document. As Ia matter of fact , the
go down 4 ,000 ft. or go up two in the air. That's why I think bare bones of it have been published
miles. " civilization in water has gotten so far in several rather cheap magazines
BOND: "Let's go a bit further. Do beyond us. over the years. People read it and
you think there are any intelligent BOND: "Is it expanding, to your say, "Well , come onnnnn! "
beings or other human form living at knowledge?"
the bottom of the sea?" SANDERSON: "What do you This is the corollary which I dis
SANDERSON : "I really don't mean , the? . . . covered, being a Navy man , that the
know : I think the majority of what BOND: "The race itself, whatever Air Force has thrown this whole
we call UFOs actually come from they may be?" business and Project Blue Book
there. I think that is where their SANDERSON: "Well, I would which consists of four people, and
bases are." "imagine that 100 ,000 , 000 years ago they were never intended to chase
BOND: "Do you think they are of they got to the point where they moonbeams. They're not scientists.
this planet or some other planet or could dispense with .their bodies. But the Navy went quietly along
from this time or universe?" This is what we are almost getting to without making any fuss about it .
SANDERSON : "All three, I now . You see, this is where your They have been doing it all along and
think . " parapsychological stuff comes in, so have all the navies in the world,

BONO. "Speaking about ours, of you see! particularly the Brazilians. And,
our planet, which I am primarily BOND: "An outer intelligence, in they seem to be , well they know there
interested in now." other words? " is something going on down there.
SANDERSON : "I think we were SAN DERSON: "Yes, this is the What the dickens it is they're not, of
evolved here . I will send you a free further evolution of the. corporeal course going to come out and push
copy of my book, INVISIBLE RESI body. You see, the mind is beginning for it because the public really would
DENTS, all about this bottom of the to take over. There is no question go baimy if they thought there was a
sea. We have some pretty good about it! Mental power does not run superior civilization indigenous to
evidence. on the electro-magnetic band. It's this earth . " 0

HAU NTE D B Y ANCI E NT ASTRO NAUTS/conti n ud from page 15

Hildy does not remember any of night in Germany at the Brauer from a sound sleep by voices
these ' 'conversations' ' after they home before journeying back to which seemed to be coming from
have taken place . Her dreams , the States . I say here and now that the hallway . For a moment I
they assured the Brauers , are I . have witnessed phenomena in thought the family had gathered
normal childrens ' dreams and no that house which I am sure I will outside my room for some unfath
nightmares are involved whatso never forget. omable reason .
ever. After having dined with the I climbed from the bed , put on
' 'She does remember the earli overly-friendly Brauers , and after my robe and just sat there
er breaking up of furniture and listening. I was about to light a
the tossing of kitchen materials cigarette , but quickly extinguished
about and the breaking and the match when I heard a man 's
shattering of mirrors and the soft voice calling Hildy 's name
family bric-a-brac . However, she quite distinctly.
has no explanation of how these I walked to the door and placed
things occurred or has an interest my ears against the wood panel
in it, but seems more concerned ing. Hildy' s name was repeated
with her schoolwork and her two or three times . I opened the
friends . ' ' door a crack and listened hard.
Unfortunately, friends for Hildy Were these the voices I had been
Brauer of late are quite few and told about? I am certain they
far between . Since the incidents were . They spoke of ancient
began, the Brauers have become travelers to this planet and how
objects of ridicule throughout these star rovers had come to the
their little town of Nienburg. They planet earth to aid mankind in his
are avoided on the streets and quest for knowledge ; They spoke
former friends , even long-time of time differentials , liquid dis-
associates , have shut their doors . placements , sophisticated aircraft
to the family. parts and of a lengthy journey
This writer recently vacationed from their planet to ours, coming
in Germany , and having heard of with peace and love, armed with
Nienburg and its bizarre goings knowledge rather than weapons,
on, visited there and talked with with formulas for building up
the harried Brauers . eagerly listening to a book report rather than tearing down. The
"It's simply a shame that prepared by Hildy for her class at voices gave mathematical equa
people have to be so damned school the next day, we watched tions for the building of temples
superstitious , thick-headed and TV for a while then I was taken to and pyramids . They told how
one-sided , ' ' Harold Brauer tear a guest-room on an upper floor giant buildings will one day dot
fully told this reporter . "I'm sure where I was to spend the night. the face of the earth and how
there 's a logical explanation to all The next day Harold Brauer woula human beings will travel from on
of this and one day we 'll find out drive me to the airport rather than star to another and from planet t<?
what that explanation is . " He subject me to the rigors of public planet using systems beyond ex
shrugged helplessly and pleading transportation . It was 1 1 :30 PM planation to childish minds . ' '
ly intoned , "But until we do . . . . " when I climbed into the very As I wind up this article , I still
Having met little Hildy, I am comfortable and inviting bed and find it hard to believe that I
impressed with the fact that she is closed my eyes . actually experienced the voices
quite a normal child who cries and And. sleep was welcome , since I myself - but I did. I am only
laughs , with a normal child' s knew the flight home would be an reporting what I had witnessed -
hopes and fears , dreams and exhaustive one (I'm not much for oices from another time and
ambitions of growing up to be flying. Just thinking about it tires place . Whoever they are , I truly
accepted by society . me out) . pray that they come , as they
I was invited to spend my last Around 2 AM I was awakened claim - in peace . 0

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U F O S P E C IAL 51
U FOs AND TH E Z ETA RETI C U LI C O N N E CT I O N/conti nued from page 38

cal composition , and so forth, to to solar or near-solar type stars.

be likely candidates for the abodes Within a 55-light-year radius of
of life . our solar sy-stem are some 16
Marjorie Fish kept all this in such stars , all 16 being "main
mind while constructing her three sequence ' ' stars between F5 and
-dimensional models. By 1973 her K5 spectral classification , the
work.had finally paid off- she had outside parameters for possible
constructed a model of our galact life-supporting stars suggested by
tic neighborhood which , when Schklovskii and Sagan in their
viewed from a position in space in book , Intelligent Life in the Uni
the vicinity of the Zeta Reticuli verse. Our sun is a G2 type star,
system , bore a startling resemb which falls almost exactly in the
lance to the map drawn by Betty middle of that range .
Hill . The controversy still continues,
Ms. Fish's calculations were some astronomers such as Carl
checked by computer and .er Sagan and Stephen Soter calling
models were examined by leading for more rigorous interpretation of
professional astronomers. The the data, others, like David R.
consensus was that she had put . Saunders, seeing in the data the
forth an astonishingly impressive revelation that our sun belongs to
and highly plausible hypothesis to a closed cluster which includes
explain the ' 'navigational map' ' other solar-type stars . But it is
reportedly seen by Betty Hill agreed among all that Ms. Fish's
aboard the alien spacecraft . line of reasoning constitutes an
Indeed, when the lines were This coded message was flashed exceedingly insig,htful and valu
connected on the three-dimen out into space in hope of able contribution to the unravel
sional model to match those on the contacting intelligent alien life. ling of the question of extra
Hill map, the lines connected only terrestrial intelligence. 0


Because scientists are now specu the reason they are doing so is
lating on the existance of myster because of increasing evidence in
ious particles which travel faster favor of the existence of sub
than the speed of light, interstellar atomic particles called ' 'tachyons' '
space travel may become a reality (from the Greek word, tachys,
much sooner than we think . which means swift) .
Until very recently it was It is possible that ' ' Tachyons may hold the key to
thought that nothing could exceed interstellar travel, ' ' one prominent
the speed of light, 182 ,000 miles Einstein could have physicist recently noted, and
per second . . At that rate , light will they may already have been
travel some six trillion miles per been wrong, since harnessed by other technological
year ; and since the nearest star civilizations in our galaxy . ' '
system to our own , Alpha Cent many scientists now With all the major advances and
tauri, i$ four light years away a astonishing discoveries made in
roun<l-trip space mission travel believe that travel the field of astrophysics in recent
ing aT light-speed would require years, no one should be surprised
eight years for its completion. For beyond the speed of if scientists soon. uncover these
trips to other nearby stars the time elusive particles. And then, even
involved would be considerably , light is possible. the speed of light will no longer
longer . seem an insurmountable barrier
But now scientists are taking to galactic travel. When that
another look at Einstein' s theory of divery is made, the day Will be
relativity -the theory which seems hastened when we can take our
to " forbid" anything from going first, tentative steps toward the

faster than the speed of light. And stars. 0

52 .U F O S P E C IAL
Whatever it is you need or want, Witchcraft can get it for you quickly,
easily, and automatically, say these experts. You'll discover how it can bring
abundant and overflowing wealth, find or bring back a lover, ward off evil in- 1
"'1!"-""fii.t..., fluences, and much more-step-by-step in plain English, with complete easy
to-follow instructions!
Yes . . . Witchcraft! Every time you hear
the word it brings with it the feelings of
deep occult secrets-secrets that you would IN THIS WITCH BOOK YOU'LL DISCOVER . . .
like to know so that your life can be better; How to Cast Spells that Really Work '
so that your enemies will stop bothering

Your Magic Window on the World!

you; so that serenity, love, power and com

fort can be your;! Personal Protectton!

Telepathy Made Easy!
THE MAGIC POWER OF WITCHCRAFT lays bare these Influencing Others to Do .Your Bddtng'
secrets for the first time! Do you want a bank account bursting at Controlling a Conversation!
the seams with money? A love life that would make a sultan en The Techntque of Silent Persuasion'
vious? Supreme power to crush your enemies and reward your

Usmg W1 tchcraft to Find Friends!
friends? What would it be worth to you to uuer a simple mcanta

tion that would cause any pain to vanish? Or say another, and Im How to Fmd the lover You Want MEET THE AUTHORS
How to Bring Your Perfect Mate to You 1

mediately recover some lost object?

How to Dominate Others! GAVIN FROST, II.Sc., Ph.D., D.O., is Archbishop of the
Wbat would it be worth to you to tly throuah umr and space, on Witchcraft Power for Money' Church of WlLa, New Bern. North Carolina wtth national
B!>tral winas. as Witches do . . . gO wherever you wish . . . do what

Withcraft Power to Make You Irresistible to Others' headquaJters in Salem. Missoun, branches in sevrral states
ever you wish . . . without being detected . . . watch the antics of

Spells for Finding lost Objects! and worldwide membership. 1-fe is Mar-hal of the Gold Star
others behind closed doors . . . hear private conversations . . . make

How to Always Win with luck Spells 1 E h e th r

time run forward or backward . . read tomorrow's newspaper in More Power for 81gger Goals 1 e t h ' v: ft; c1h! e e ".tph

a "black mirror'' . . . find out what really happened in history .

Inhaling CosiT'ic Energy! privileged to wear the authentk . mark of initiation on his
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Recharging Your Cosmic Battertet! wrist. Although de,cnded from long line of m)'<tic\ and

Raising Your Vital Energy Level' cholaT\. and formerly Vice-Pre1dent and Direttor of


How to Keep Evil Forces Away! lnternauonal Operatton\ for ma1or aero\pate ompames. he

prefer' to he thought of a a humble teacher.
Witchcraft can bring your heart's desire! You can use 11 to heal Mrs. \"VONNE FROST, A.A D.O., with her husband
"'meone, inftuence the boss to trive you that raise, or make some .
Gavin Frost, devotes her time to giving rrivate m\lructlo'l
one stop botherma you! It's easy! The easiest thing m the world! miracles happen in the1r daily live\! and publishing Sunil'Dl, the newsletter of the Church of
You don't have to be wealthy or super-mtelhgent to tret started! You'll see how Vern, man who likes to 1ve a lot of expensive Wtcca, of wltich <he is a Bi,hop.
Thousands of ordinary people all over the world are usmg Witch a
parties, was always hort of cash until hr d1\covered the amazing Article. hy or ahout Gavin and Yv(lnne Frost have ap
craft Power right now! WITCH'S MONEY JAR-now aU he has to do is dip in, for it prared in such national publications Midnight and the
Witches have known for centuries that people are scared of them bnnf!' him an endless flow of cash! Evelyn. a waitre\, was always National Enquirn

and their powers! And rightly so! NOW YOU CAN SHARE THE lendmg money to friends, and was always broke. Fmatly, she placed
SAME POWER that aivr! you-literally-life and death control her last dollar on the table, and worked the MONEY M AGNET
n t i u b t SPELL over it. All at once, dozens of people who had borrowed

lh e;irit!fr.F :x tlr ls 0s :: a'Hed money from her, ruhed to pay her back'
"Cross Not My Path" ritual, for people who are havmg neighbor Hank was perpetually broke. One night he got together w1th
trouble. Wben you use it, you know you will never again have some friends, and they decided to cast the MONEY SPELL The
trouble with this neighbor! fREE .


very next day, Hank received in the mail a check for wme S250 . . The Witches Protection Amulet
With these amazing Witchcraft secrets, other people will look up
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worth of insurance. (He had never heard of the company that sent
the check. he was not msured with them. and had neer even made For Just Examining The Witch Book . . . rJ...
a cla1m-but he accepted the money I Another mrmber of the When you recetve your copy of THE
tiny, and never have to apologiLe to anyone for anythmg: group that U\Cd the spell, a 40-year-old wcretary, recei,ed an auto- A
Wbatever you want or need, whatever frustration '' bothering b e m e vd R Ay,{. w:id ?o !;;
you. Witchcraft will help you. It 1s not evil-nor is it Black Magic. fndfl; .0 :J yll0!: hu&'xet: : r:tir!!: protetton pentagon dallion (See P.

Like electricity, it is simply a power given by nature for the use of

lives RENT FREE and receive< S200 a week at the age of 711, with m..
26) that w11l protet you from e''li.
men, to make life easier. a secret you'll find in thi Witch Book! You'll l'Ce how Claudine, a Whether you keep the book or not, this .
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house, by usma a simple S-minute ritual on patre J8 of this boo k !
AIIAZIIIG TECHNIQUE HAS HELPED THOUSANDS! Usina the same Witchcraft 'ecrets, YOU can achieve peace of Witch ancient methods to make time land \llll or 'to run tl
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Witchcraft secrets like the.e can make you rich faster than any . backward or forward! To make your face look yountr or old at
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FeelinJt sick today? Plagued by a lot of trouble.ome illnesses? anywhere. do anything, with the s1mple method e>n page 1 2fl You
Perhaps some relauve is sick and con\tantly demandmg your atten can vi\11 a friend. look in on an acquaintance and .ee what he "
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Now! Let This Amazing Witch Book Bring You PO W E R OF WITCHCR A FT, you can ,ure anything. say author. to do whatever you wish'
Ga,in and Yvonne Frost; "In our expenence . . we have not r
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For centuries these Witchcraft secrets were hushed up, '0 suffered the excruciatmg pain of passin11 stone!
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Com m u n ication With Space People /contin ued from page 23

mission answered by dots and and that he was an inhabitant of orbit and I see no way of returning
dashes. This message was in no the planet Jupiter. He said that he to earth, please contact . . . (static) . .
code used on earth, but the was transmitting from a spaceship Do not be alarmed. In the near
signals were far too regular to orbiting 50,000 miles above the future you will understand what is
have been accidental . earth. The strange voice delivered happening. I can reach you only
u was a mysterious message , ' ' a two hour harangue on the evils every four hours. I will contact you
Low said later. . . It was hardly of atomic testing. The Jovian again in four hours . ' '
likely that it could have come from said that if atomic bomb tests There were no further messages.
Mars. However, I must confess were not immediatsly suspended, 1957 and 1958 were banner
that I do not know who sent it. ' ' he would destroy our solar years for weirdo space messages.
On December 1 5 and 1 6 , 1 928, system. Necoma spoke in English, Jesse Ungari, a Unisted States
Robinson transmitted yet another German and in a ' 'musical Navy Reserve radio technician ,
broadcast on 1 4 . 28 kilocycles by gibberish" that he said was the was watching a commercial broad
the Companhia Radio Telegraphi language of his native planet. cast by KPIX-TV , San Jose ,
ca Brasileira, an R . C . A . controlled lt is almost too easy to brand California, when suddenly, the
station at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. this story a hoax since the announcer ' s voice faded out only
The results of this experiment destruction of the solar system to be replaced by another. ' 'We
were only vaguely reported in the would also annihilate N ecoma' s are calling you from outer space, ' '
United States and the test seems home along with the other eight the new voice said. ' ' We are going
to have been a failure . planets. And of course Jupiter' s to destroy your city in twenty four

On November 28th , 1 954, at ammonia-rich atmosphere certain- hours . ' '

1 1 ; 1 5 a.m. , Chicago station WGN Police radios in Boise , Idaho,
aimed a radio message towards were overpowered by a voice
flying saucers supposedly circling speaking . . something like Japan
the earth. Nothing was heard at ese . ' ' This transmission lasted
the station by way of a reply , but five minutes.
many radio listeners reported The Martins ' story , like the
hearing ringing noises over the Necoma episode may have been
WGN frequency . These sounds an elaborate hoax but, what about
were said to resemble sleigh Tesla and Marconi? What did they
bells. Two listeners tape-record hear? .
ed what they said sounded like Both men believed they had
' ' strange musical tones. ' ' contacted civilizations on our
neighboring planets. This now
In 1 95 7 weird signals were
seems out of the question . United
picked up by radio receivers and
States space probes seem to rule
even the public address systems
out the possibility of non-Terran
at the International Airport of
ly rules out life as we know it. Yet, civilizations or even highly devel
Maiquetia , Venezuela. They were '
if the reports of the Necoma oped forms of life in out solar
also received by a short wave set
broadcast are true , the hoaxer had system . Other stars would also
at Barcelona. Venezuela.
access to powerful radio transmit be excluded and it would take
The signals included loud pop ting equipment, which he was four years for a radio signal to
pings , exploding noises, followed willing to risk on a completely tfavel from earth to a planet of
by dots and dashes. Rafael illegal bro.adcast. Alpha Centauri, our system ' s
Betnitez, a radio technician em In any case, the episode reminds nearest stellar neighbor. Further,
ployed at the airport since 1 940 , me of the 1 957 adventure of Mr. it must be pointed out that we
said that the phenomena wes and Mrs . Bernard L. Martin. have no real idea as to whether
unique in his experience . The Their address is unknown to me other stars even have planets . The
radioman reported that he was but, their testimony appeared in reply from Alpha C entauri - if
under a physician 's care for the Rocky Mountain News on any , would take an equal length of
dama the jarring sounds had November 25 1957. The Martins time.
done to his hearing. received telephone calls from , of Tesla seems to have signalled
On the night of August 3, 1 958 , all things, a man who claimed to some type of mobile transmitter
short wave listeners throughout be orbiting the earth in a within our solar system. Such an
the southeastern United States spaceship. ' 'Take this message, ' ' extraterrestrial device, a space
reportedly heard a weird message one telephone transmission went, ship . . . was doubtless responsible
on the 75-meter amateur band. ' ' I am having trouble transmitting for the signals received by Marconi
The speaker whose voice was from this frequency . You are the and A . M . Low. These men seem
heard from Kentucky to Florida, only one I could seem to make to have made radio contact with
claimed his name was Necoma, ' ' contact with . . . I am in a 360 degree space people. 0

How to make others secretly DO YOUR BIDDING
w.i th the astonishing power of
Here's how to get startetl i n J USt 3 minutes

Dear Friend: your neighbors won't say . . . your boss keeps

New power is about to leap into your life . . . quiet about . . . ALL BROUGHT INTO THE
an astonishing way to control the thoughts and OPEN J UST FOR YOU ! ! They'll tell you all
actions of others. without their knowing it . . . their secrets, but they won't know why.
no matter how much they may not want to fol Hold on now, because I haven't told you yet
low your instructions, they carry them out to a about the best part of "Automatic Mind-Com
"T" every time! mand."
With "Automatic Mind-Command" you'll be You may have to bolt your door to keep peo
running the show. Make a wish, turn on The ple from overwhelming you with love, gifts, fav
Power, and watch those around you drop every ors, rewards! Perfect strangers will be walking
thing and do what they're told. up to you and asking, "How are you? Can I do
And nobody will even have the 'faintest idea anything for you?" They will never suspect that
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"Automatic Mind-Command"-you are the only to like you, please you . . . and automatically
one who knows what's going on-you alone de want to help you.
cide when things should start . . . stop . .
CONTROL YOUR FRIENDS OR STRANGERS! At first, I couldn't believe it. And yet I know
this to be true from my own personal experience
You can use it to control your friends or . . . time after time. For example . . .
strangers, one at a time or in large numbers, at A STRANGER HANDS HIM $500-Harry
any time, and ANY WAY YOU LIKE. G., a low-paid factory worker, wanted to start a
For example : You go into a bank for a loan. business of his own. All he needed was cash to
The credit man smiles but says "Sorry. You get started, but no one would give him the
don't qualify for a loan right now: however, if money. Finally someone told him how to use
there's anything else I can do for you, I'd be "Automatic Mind-Command"-and Harry laugh
glad to . " Then in a flash, his tune changes
. ingly tried it. A short time later, a perfect stran contacting her by Jetter or phone. From far away
. . . he began using "Automatic Mind-Com
when you let loose your "Automatic Mind-Com ger handed him $500--saying he'd heard about
mand." He continues, "In 'fact, we'll be glad to Harry's plan, and was eager to help him get mand ! " In that instant, his girlfriend knew what
give you $ 1 ,000 more than you asked for. And started! s d a e i
any time you want more, just see me personally! Unusual? Not at all . . . things happen every !u h rif ::d f?, !i:n h ir1
Thank you so much for coming by ! " day with "Automatic Mind-Command." ing in record time-s., hugged and kissed him,
Impossible? You'll be doing things like that RECEIVES NEEDED CASH QUICKLY! explaining that "sometl.. g " told her he wanted
every day without even thinking about it. As Mrs. Thelma J. reports, "J needed money badly." and needed her, and what could she do for him!
soon as you need something done, it's done! The Her husband hadn't worked in months; and their Now here's a most fantastic use of "Auto
people who do these things for you will remem savings were running out. Then she discovered matic Mind-Command"-one I'm sure you'll
ber what they did, but not why! "Automatic Mind-Command"-and turned on agree proves that here is a power which staggers
the power immediately! The next morning she the imagination!
FUN POWER-TOO! received a package containing several hundred
dollars from friends and well-wishers she never For example, cases of health-symptoms re
You can have a lot of fun with this power, too. lieved with "Automatic Mind-Command ! " John
Look how Evelyn C. used it at work . . . One knew existed! C. reports that his hearing now seems normal
day, while sorting papers, her boss angrily in In all history, few indeed are the ones who again! Warren W.'s blurred eyesight cteared,
quired why she had to make so much noise-and have recognized "Automatic Mind-Command." sharpened, and now seems normal! Lydia E. says
scolded her in front of everybody. Evelyn said The rest, who do not use it, pay the penalty in her arthritic symptoms of soreness and stiffness
nothing, but smiled to herself-for she had just suffering, wishing, "hoping, dreaming . . . N ow I in the fingers were relieved when nothing else
turned on the "Automatic Mind-Command . . . " say to you : Wish no more! seemed to help, and Mrs. M. S. was surprised
Suddenly the boss apologized for being a scoun when her leg pain disappeared. Bella S., who
drel. "Please . . . I'm sorry," he said, in front of HOW TO G ET STARTED IN JUST 3 M I N UTES! complained of "ulcerative colitis" with stomach
everybody. "I'd like to make it up to you!" And Minute # I-Fill out the No-Risk Coupon and cramps and diarrhea, obtained fast relief . . .
he told her what a wonderful person she was! mail it to us. And others report relief from complaints of high
When Evelyn turned the power off, the boss just Minute #2-When you receive a package in blood pressure, heart symptoms, "migraine"
stood there with an open mouth, wondering what the mail from us, open it. headaches, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and
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Think what this power can mean in your life. secret feed itself in to your mind automatically.
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tle "Automatic Mind-Command" at them, and Imagine the thrill-after a lifetime of "scrimp pleasure and all the wonderful luxuries of the
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. .

at her wits' end when she tried to find the money of riches rolling into your life from every direc try it! Why not send in the No-Risk Coupon
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ing. There was only one possibility left . . . she
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No--he hadn't seen any money. But Nona didn't
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Command" to find out if he was telling the truth. Larry S. wanted to see his girlfriend-although
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ALEX TAN O US : SPAC E , TI M E AN D U FOS/contin ued from page 1 3

went through a doorway, a ime anyone ha's .all the answers. What
warp. Physically they diSinte I want to mention is that it' s a
grated. By disintegration, do I she there' s so mucn fantasy
mean that they are .suspended? built around the Bermuda Tri
No! Are they in what you would gle . But I don't think the truth
call another dimension? Yes! . . . is like Bermuda Triangle Ex
that could be. ' ' posed. I saw parts of that, and I
Next I asked Alex if he was guess it' s .one explanation , but it's
saying that molecules can be put not the full explanation .. I think ..we
together and regrouped and re have to be more open, but not as
formed again to make the tran gullible as we have been. ' '
sition much as shown on the I thanked Dr. Alex Tanous tor
television series Star Trek! He his time and information, and my
replied : last remark was: ' ' People believe
' 'The Life After. Death mole what they want to believe . They
cules are totally different in the can eit:her accept Or r8ject , but
reconstruction, but they're still they come to their o.wn con
physical lflr we are . I don't think clusions. ' ' 0

UFO TERROR I N K UWAIT /contin ued from page 8


It was amazing ! Where I stood there was a mass o f confusion as tional News 'iVire , and I'm
-the spot -just started rising the crews of the oilrigs started to sending you a clipping of the UPI
and the area where I was standing emerge from their hiding places , report (United Press Internation
was as big as a football field. I saw talking loudly of what had just al) .
several wheels turning in the taken place outside . In the past, whenever .someone
center of the ' 'room' ' and made When I came to myself again , mentioned UFO to me , I laughed,
out some lights along the edges a my senses returning to normal, I _shrugging it off as so much
distance away. The blue light was suddeDly realized that I had seen nonsense . But then, I had not
still flashing, still on me , making a UFO, and, for a time , was a part seen, nor experienced, what I had
me feel dreamlike , beyond phys of its total enigma. The electricity now.
ical pain or pleasure . It was as For ten minutes of my life I
though I just didn 't exist at all, actually left this world,. becoming
but was part of something else, part of another, being able to
more wonderful. I felt strange - accomplish in moments what man
like a god in a world of mere had dreamed of for centuries.
mortals. and I almost started Yes , for ten minutes I wasn't a
laughing at the insignificance of human being any longer. I was a
earth' s everyday problems ; people god, an extraterrestrial visiting
making a living, paying the rent, Earth in a UFO .
f8lling in love, these things sud Would anyone ever believe
denly seemed so triviai, as though what I had experienced? I doubt
I were above them an. it. I fact, I doubt even that my
Suddenly the sound I was fiance back in the states would
hearing, the buzzing as of en returned , and the pwpps were believe or understand. I love her,
gine faded, getting lower and working on the oil rigs. Although deeply, but don't plan on sharing
lower, harder and harde.r to hear. it seenies like hours .had gone by, this with her. 0
And then finally they were gone . only ten minutes had passed.
And so was that blue light which Someone told me later that a -Editor 's note:
bathed .me in its splendor. man with a camera was able to get Since the author does not want his
It was then I noticed the a few good photos of the craft, but name mentioned for personal
heaviness returning to my phys whether they are available to the reasons, the name Vincent Barns
ical body. I again was aware of public I can't say. is used at the author 's request.
sounds, human sounds ,_ this time The story broke on the Interna-

Television Psychic Bob Ferguson shows you


Here is staggering proof, based on actual reported
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POSITIVE PROOF THAT WHAT ho:CK!!::d tno':.Es1! s!!:.'t :'ok
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author, lecturer, and Psychic
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Telemetry teacher, has been involved in the occult field
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Tftt!t.ITR:.J :or\ fr ':orR!':nr I ans:otft ; e t i l e li t e s k television talk shows, and has had articles published in mag
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r n to command divine protection, and that no evil will be able to pen
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:;. w :IB'ttltE'm'F".u '<')N'Fil: :Rc;zyrecrJ8 this," he said. "Your lungs are perfectly clear." evil shall be powerless, and their evil shall return to them a hun
EASILY MIRACLES HAPPEN with these magic words! Before dredfold.
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T H E GALACTIC C LU B/conti nued from page 1 9

..-- be. given every encouragement to allow truly peaeeful cultures on a

collapse by these opportunists mature world, superior aliens
among us. It would be optimistic tO must possess an inbuilt mOtive for
suppose' if superior .aliena complete self protection against
taught us, we could be good savaps. Onlyin tJUs way can they
pupils. At any rate , it would be avoid beins cheated at some
almost as difficult to teaeh some of crucial. atage . Only iD this way in
us to tell the t,ruth, face faeta , be our put , could -aliens who visited
fair, be able to love, and. to be this world have done nothing to
understanding and tolerant as it prevent war, toe, labor camps,
would be to teach algebra to a dog and all the other grim spectacles
or eat. It is for us to recognize of history.
these limitations_ in qurselves Will our planet ever be consid
rather than to havtt . others point ered for membership in the Gal.:
them out. actic Club? It seems though we
Superior alien civiliz&tion ean are bemg watched . and prodded
n9t possibly survive for a moment and needled With the hope that we
if superior aliens feel any con will . For :the pe-.r part, we are
science toward people who. ve left to do it by ourselves because
as yet failed to mend their ways. In . that is the only way it c8n be

addition to the gentle mOtives that done. 0

"WE ' RE SE E I N G U F Os" /continued from page 44

Payne that: "We're not the gath public. Warren Martin is a tel ported to us back in 1972 ) .
ering agency - we have no vested evision techician who feels that Since -the Air Force n o longer
interest in these alleged UFO what he saw was no illusion since takes an interest iD. UFOs (or is
sightings. ' ' Payne then told them five peopie saw it. He said: ' 'I can keeping it unde:.: cover) they've
to report all this information to the guarantee you that this is no .hoax. passed the buck to the FAA, who
. Massachusettes Institute of Tech My eyes don 't play tricks on me. ' ; in turn try to pass it on to 8omeone
nQlogy (MIT ) . Martin and his Tests showed that none of the else. We feel that much UFO
friends got nowhere at MIT where five had anything to drink that information is being lost for lack
several science instructors denied night. Martin had sketched the of who to report it tOo.
handling anything dealing with UFO for us . Checking through our H any reader has had any UFO
UFOs. files here at Beyond Reality, '!e experience , or have any photos,
With this type of attitute to found only one UFO type which is please contact this publication and
wards UFO research, its no won very close to Martin's sketch this we will pass it on to a realiable
der that very little official in one was seen by ' 'The Greatest' ' UFO research organization where
formation is passed on to the himself, Muhammed Ali. (re- it will be investigated properly. 0

TH E STRAN G E/continued from page 40

who are now probing into these has been very high-level interest feel it is of utmost importance that
area_ in the Mexican encounter. I am the public be alerted to the danger
Another personality who show not surprised at Doctor Diaz' we are being led into by our
ed iuierest in the doctor' s strange physical descfiption of the being. trusted scientists. The editors are
encounter and who has voiced his It confomrs to previous encount checking with the United Nations
belief in UFOs is former astronaut ers I've been told about. " Headquarters and will report any
Gordon Cooper. He said, ' 'I've Our staH researchers are look further developments in a future
known for some time that there ing into this case buse we issue . 0


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IS THE R E A U FO BAS E O N THE M O O N?/conti nued from page 26

BR: How and when did the Soviet wn..S ON: I sent copies of my book origin of the moon is satisfactory.
scientists come up with their to just about every major scientist But this explanation is not satis
spaceship moon theory? quoted in the work . Most neyer factory either. ' '
WILSON: First of all , Michel bothered to answer beyond a Of course, the artificial moon

Vasin and Alexander Shcherba thank-you note. A few who did theory holds not that the moon
kov , senior scientists at the Soviet take the trouble to read it and was made by human effort but
Academy of Sciences published respond to its contents varied in some alien intelligence.
their theory (July, 1970) in Sput their reaction. BR: Were there any positive
nik magazine, an official Soviet One leading lunar expert, for responses to this fantastic theory?
government publication. instance , who long before the wn..sO N: Yes, many. One former
BR: How did they come up with Apollo expeditions held that our NASA physicist and researcher
this theory? moon was a stranger to our solar now back at his old college post
WILSON: Let' s let the Soviet system and who after examining dmitted: "I don't really think
scientists speak for themselves : the Apollo . evidence claimed that that science has addressed itself
' ' Although people long ago to the solution of some of these
began to wonder whether the puzzles, particularly the purport
'canals' on Mars were the creation ed UFOs and 'other-objects'
of cosmic engineers, for some odd sightings during Apollo. Certainly
reason it has not occurred to look there also is a lot going on
with the same eyes upon the geologically and geographically
peculiarities of the lunar land that we don't understand. You
scape much closer at hand. And make some good points , and I
all the arguments about the hope you will pursue the subject
possibilities of intelligent life ex and publicize it as much as
isting on other celestial bodies possible. You could be right. . . ! '
have been confined to the idea BR: Have you been, in contact with
that other civilizations must ne these Soviet scientists?
cessarily live on the surface of a Wfi,SON: Although I have tried
planet, and that the interior as a valiantly to contact them by mail I
habitat is out of the question . have not succeeded. I sent them
' 'Abandoning the traditional several letters with no response
paths of 'common sense, ' we have except one letter came . back
plunged into what may at first opened obviously by Soviet au
sight seem to be unbridled and thorities with some cryptic re
irresponsible fantasy. But the marks scrawled in undiscipher
more minutely we go into all the able handwriting on the envelope.
information gathered by man our moon was definitely Ioder It remains to this day undiscipher
about the moon, the more we are than the earth and therefore had able.
convinced that there is not a to come from somewhere else However, such a reaction is not
single fact to rulQ out our supposi misunderstood the entire thrust of entirely surprising. When Dr.
tion. Not only that, but many my book. He wrote to me : 4 'I have Carl Sagan, noted American as
things so far considered to be not read your entire book. I tronomer co-authored Intelli
lunar enigmas are explainable in started with c)lapter 4 (the first gent Life ir& the Universe
the light of this mew hypothesis. ' ' few chapters dealt with UFOs with the great Soviet astrophysi
BR: Where can the reader get a seen on and around the moon cist Joseph Skhlovski (also con
copy of their report? especially by our astronauts ) and nected with the Soviet Aca,demy of
WILSON: Most large mtropoli read through to the suggestion Sciences) , Sagan remarked it was
tan publlic libraries will probably that the moon was made by more likely that he would shake
carry back issues of SPUTNIK . human efforts. This, of course, . hands with an alien being than he
But t complete article by these cannot possibly be true. Man has would with his author partner
two Soviet scientists detailing a great deal of capacity for doing scientist Joseph Shklovski of the
their sensational artificial moon things , but making a moon is Soviet Union.
theory is contained in my newly beyond his capacity. It just cannot I am hoping eventually to
published book be a correct explanation. I agree establish . contact with the two
BR: What has been the reaction of that there are many puzzling Soviet scientists who authored
American scientists to this theo things about the moon, and I think this artificial moon theory and. am
ry? no suggestion in regard to the confident of eventual success . 0

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U F O ' S , G H O STS, F O RTEA N : IS TH E R E A C O N N E CTI O N? /contin ued from page 33

ence is recorded in two standard ually floated back into the column recorded, but nis shop was on the
collections of spectral lore, both and faded away . The tube 's Rue Saint James, near the Val de
can be found in most libraries, brightness grew so intense that Grace .
Charles G. Harper's Haunted Guldenstubbe extinguished his The fireball entered a window
Houses, and C .J . Thompson's candle - and was able to read and brushed across the floor
The Mystery and Lore of Appari several sentences from his book. towards the tailor. When the
tions. Robert Dale Owen believed that flaming sphere reached the terri
Could the tube have been a the Baron had witnessed the fied shopkeeper, it climbed up the
radio sonde , or probe , from an return of a departed human spirit, man ' s body to the level of his face.
extraterrestrial spaceship? If so, or a ghost, in the traditional sense The fireball seemed to be study
the instrument must have occu of that word. ing the tailor.
pied a place in the electromagnet I wonder if the Baron could not
ic spectrum slightly higher than The thing then entered the shop
what is generally regarded as hearth and roared up the chim
visible light. Swifte and his wife ney - burning through a pile of
could see higher into the ultra-vio logs on its way up . Once it was
let than could their relatives . above the roof, the sphere bst
A similar, though by no means apart with a tremendous explosion
identical observation was reported that destroyed the chimney._
by the Baron de Guldenstubbe in On May 23, 1955, a weird,
Robert Dale Owen 's ragbag col glowing fog was observed by
lection of ghost stories , Footfalls Rollie B. Mohrfahl of Jamesville ,
on the Boundary of another world, Wisconsin. Mohrfahl awoke at
published in New York in 1860. about two a.m. on the morning of
The Baron 's adventure took short the 23rd to find everything in his
ly after midnight on March 16, bedroom ' 'bathed in a white
1854 . Born in Latvia, he was then light. ' ' This illumination was so
living at 23 Rue Street, Lazare , bright that Mohrfahl--like Guld
Paris . enstubbe before him--found he
Guldenstubbe returned home could read by it. He looked out the
from a party, lit a candle , and window and saw a glowing,
selected a book to read. While shining, "living fog, " white as
paging through the volume he cotten , but light as the glow from
picked out, the Baron experienced a white flamed fire . It was wrapp
eight or ten body-jarring ' ' electri ed about the house thick as a
cal shocks ' ' in rapid succession. blanket and everything could be
A few minutes later, he saw a seen ' ' plain as day. ' '
luminous, dimly-glowing cylinder Mohrfahl -had to flick on his
of grey vapor forming in a corner radio for a time-check to convince
of the room. The column , over ten himself that it really was night out
feet high, reached from the floor and not day.
almost to the ceiling. The color of What real connection do the
the glowing tower changed from classic ' 'ghost' ' tales of Edmund
grey to blue. As the color altered , have witnessed some type of Swifte and the Baron Gulden
the column started to glow more scientific experiment. The episode stubbe have with the UFO mys
brightly. as recorded by Owewn is quite tery? At the present moment, its
The figure of a man began similar to the fictional ' 'beaming impossible to tell but, certainly
forming within the shining cylind down" procedure used on the here is an area in which almost no
er. This form solidified eufficient television program , Star Trek. research has been done although
ly that the Baron could make out Could it have actually been an uncounted thousands of source
the body of a white-haired , elderly electronic teleportation from an documents exist.
man. fhe blue-eyed old man was extraterrestrial spaceship? The Aztec Indians of Central
clean-shaven except for a few On July 5, 1852 , less than two America saw the invading Spanish
thin , white whiskers. years before Gulaenstubbe's ex conquistadores as gods. Perhaps
Guldenstubbe watched his visit perience , a Paris tailor's shop had modem man who is more primi
or float away from the tube of light been "buzzed" by a mysterious tive than he would like to admit,
and hover in the center of the globe of light . The tailor' s name sees extraterrestrial visitors in the
chamber. The elderly man event- does not seem to have been guise of ghosts or spirits . 0


This issue contains a ready reference of U F O related facts and theories by the outstand
ing ufologists, writers, scientists and researchers. The material was carefully select_ed by
several of our editors and is presented here together for you serious U F O fans.


Theories on Time and Space, by B rad Steiger; Time

Tunnels to Other Worlds, by Paul Hugli; Strange Disap
pearance of the Light Heart, by Curt Sutherly; Charles
Berl itz, Bermuda Triangle Update, by B ryce Bond;
Strange Alien Beings and Animals, by Brad Steiger . . .

These are only some of the fasci nati ng articles i n this

B EYO N D R EALITY ' S SPEC IAL ISS U E , on sale now or
use coupon to order your copy.

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:'THE U N EARTH LY VOICES I N MY EARS" /conti n ued from page 45

His sighting lasted for approxi with a wide range of interests . ' '
mately 15 minutes before the Dr. Sprinkle said, " Many of
interstellar craft zoomed off into these people thought they were
the twilight and disappeared . being. observed. and that attempts
were being made to communicate
The Texan , who committed
with them . ' ' Many others report
suicide , had seen a UFO some
ed dreams or visions ; others
three days previous to taking his
claimed mental cpntact or a series
own life . The incident was related
of mental contacts . Most reported
by his wife who told authorities , '

mental contact as ' 'voices they

' ' My husband told me he had seen
Many who were
hear in their minds . ' '
this silvery, metallic object follow
Under hypnosis , subjects were
ing his car as he was driving home
plagued by these
able to reveal greater details of
from work . Two days later , he
teir UFO sightings . Dr. Sprinkle
complained of a ringing in his
voices admitted
said that one man in Denver,
ears , and then of hearing voices . ' '
Colorado , claimed he had seen a
Undr hypnosis by qualified
1Dlder hypnosis that
flying saucer- with a being stand
medical specialists , the Mississip ing by the craft and motion
pean told of not only seeing a UFO ing him to come up a ladder that
a month before , but of actually they had been in reached to the ground .
being invited onl>oard by ' 'men in
constant communi
"When he repeated his story
shining clothing , almost human under hypnosis he became very
appearing faces and harsh, raspy
on with beings
frightened and upset, as if he
voices . " were still being told mentally that
the UFO's occupants wanted him
Of the numerous cases sudden
ly coming to light, witnesses to
from another world. to go with them . It was as though
these voices felt they were in he was still acting under hypnotic
mental communication with be suggestion from an unearthly
ings from another world. Many force .
were in mortal terror. "H there is one thing that
According to Dr. Leo Sprinkle , emerges loud and clear from my
associate professor of psychology research , ' ' Dr . Sprinkle said, ' 'It
at the University of WyQming , is that some form of communica-
' ' Screening tests showed that the , tion is going on. My research,
individuals concerned were an while not conclusive , inc;ficates
average group of middle-class enough evidence to warrant more
individuals from different count in-depth studies of the whole
ries , (Dr. Sprinkle questioned 82 question of communication with
people) psychologically stable, life in outer space . ' ' 0

" 64 U F O S PE C IAL
(The Next 20 Years)

It is a fact. The future can be fairly dis The argumentative or expository way of
cerned by an illuminated mind. writing, as in the labored productions of
"No longer do the senses perceive," says an scholars and philosophers, is absent in scrip
ancient Hermetic text, "Form loses its out tural lore.
line, and magnitude loses its dimensions. A Source Fully Informed
The mind cognizes." In prophecy, the statements and directions
To account for prophecy, it has to be un come as if from a Source which is fully in
derstood that the image of the objective formed about human nature and the aver
world that we perceive is not real. What we age mental capacity of the multitiudes for
perceive does not reveal the totality of exis whom the Revelation is meant.
tence. No other class of writing has held such a
Divine Territory pewerful grip on the human mind for thou
The manner in which Revelation has sands of years.
wo:aked over the ages is amazing. Prophet A New Book . of Prophecy
after prophet, sage after sage arose to inspire Now a prophecy has been written to fore
large crowds with accounts of his thrilling tell the events of the next 20 years. This new
adventures in divine territory. Revelation, called The Shape ofEvents to Come,
And another re markable . feature of is the inspired work of the Kashmiri philoso
prophetic diction is that the statements made pher Gopi Krishna.
are direct , the exhortations mandatory. In rhymed couplets and in prose, the fu
A Superior Intelligence ture is laid bare for all to see as dearly as if the
The way in which Revelations !lave been events had happened yesterday.
recorded is designed to indicate that the Once you have read The Shape of Events to
knowledge comes from a Superior Intel Come, you will kitow the future. The proph
ligence. ecies begin in 1980:

The next two decades wiU unfold

An awe...inspiring 'Drama, staged by Fate.
To end the present order, as. foretold,
With Fires of War lit by lust, greed and hate.
Out of the inferno power... lust builds apace
WiU rise a chastened and united race.

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From -the news wires :


A tiny planet or something else galaxy changed rapidly. The ob
has been discovered orbiting the ject is orbiting on the same plane
solar system between the planets as the rest of the planets in our
Saturn and Umanus . solar system . .
H it is a planet, its the smallest ' 'Kowal is emphatic that he is
one yet discovered. The discovery not ready to call it a planet, ' '
was made by Charles Kowal who Scientists and Meredith said, ' 'its up to the
is responsible for the discovery of fraternity of scientists to decide .
But if it is a planet, it will be the
two of Jupiter's moons . At this
writing no decision has been made
astronomers say smallest in the solar system ' ' .
on whether or not the thing is a Several ufologists whom we've
planet or something else . there is contatcted for an opinion are very
excited about the discovery. Be

something tiny' '

"It's not an asteroid, a moon of cause of its size , they feel that it
another planet, or a 'comet, ' ' said ' '
could be a mother ship . Gary
Dennis Meredith , a spokman for Parsons , a member of our staff ,
California Institute of Technology . orbiting out there and. a well known ufologist, feels
He also said , ' 'The problem with that it should be investigated by
calling it a planet is the fact that the government. ' 'The scientists ,
astronomers have never run ac as well as th astronomers, are
ross anything so small with all the always playing things down , it
chcteristics of a planet' ' . could very well be intelligent
Kowal discovered the orbiting aliens out there keeping a close
object while scanning several watch on us ," he said.
photographs under a microscope . In the meantime, the object,
The photos which were taken on whatever it is, is still there waiting
consecutive nights , showed that for astonomers, and scientists , to
the object changed its position make up their minds whether it is
rapidly while the stars in the a planet, or . . what. 0
Come With
.The Dim--

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