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Shreyas Kharat Email: shreyas7@rediffmail.

Mobile Number: 9821524815
Skype ID: shreyas.kharat

Use my skills and knowledge of fault tolerant solutions for daily monitoring and
maintenance of mission critical production environment.

College degree and over 9+ years of progressive IT experience. Competent in deploying secure remote
administration, including network and firewall. Self-starter attitude. Keep abreast of current
technology. Strong inter-personal skills and technical acumen. Focus on details. Work well under
pressure either with minimal supervision or in a team. Experience in Web, Client/Server and Oracle
Enterprise Applications. Key skills include Linux performance tuning, such as patching and building
optimized kernel, GNU, open source software under Linux or Free BSD, such as KDE, Mozilla, XFree86
for Intel, Power PC or Alpha platforms, installation and support of clustered Apache web servers, mail,
FTP and database (Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL) servers of various flavors, DNS, DHCP. Windows to Linux
interoperability and migration. Remote Monitoring / Administering Linux Servers, Hands-on in Linux
Servers (Red hat), Sound knowledge in DNS, Apache, Sendmail, NFS and DHCP. Design and architect
innovative and practical cloud based solution for client. Experience in security architecture planning,
implementation and verification for cloud computing. Knowledge of multi-tenant customer
infrastructure security issues and solution. Performing security testing and auditing of technical
infrastructures related to cloud computing.

Current role is to help my company to understand risks associated with cloud computing and work
with cloud providers on security implementation for remediation.

Service Description (Tool used in Projects)

Big Data Platform Apache Hadoop, Cloudera, Hortonworks (Only evaluation and Research Purpose)
Domain Healthcare, e-Business, e-learning, shipping, e-banking & HRMS


01/2011 present Senior Technical Specialist

Tieto Software Technologies Ltd

About Tieto:

Tieto is the leading IT service company in Northern Europe providing IT and product engineering
services. Our highly specialized IT solutions and services complemented by a strong technology
platform provide our local and global customers tangible business benefits. We are a trusted
transformation partner and close enough to understand the individual needs of each and every
customer. With about 18 000 experts, we aim to become a leading service integrator creating the
best service experience in IT.

Current Role in for Tieto OpenSource Cloud:

(Nov2011-till date)
Currently working as a Senior Technical Specialist in the area of cloud computing (platform as
a service) and Big Data managing a portfolio of Data solutions (Hadoop, analytics, data
management and enterprise search). Have responsibility for market research, offering
development, road-mapping, strategy, marketing, pre-sales and consultancy. Working with a
technology stack covering Openstack, Hadoop, Flume/Kafka/Storm, Solr, Impala, Tableau,
MapR, MongoDB, HBase and Hive.

Written Junit test cases for Storm Topology.

Done Analytics using hive on top of Streaming Truck events, Weather and Traffic data.
Written code to push events from Storm Bolt to Front End Google Maps, Using RabbitMQ
Design and development of software for Bioinformatics, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
in Hadoop MapReduce framework, Mongo DB using Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon
Elastic MapReduce(EMR).
Work with Tieto technology and business groups for Hadoop migration strategy.
Installation of Storm and Kafka on 4 node cluster
Written Kafka Rest API to collect events from front end
Written Storm topology to accept the events from Kafka producer and emit into DB
Validate and assess Tieto current planned phases for Hadoop/Big Data migration.
Recommend suitable technology stack for Hadoop migration considering Tieto current
Validate and Recommend on Hadoop Infrastructure and data center planning considering
data growth.
Execute and advice on the optimal solution implementation.
Experience installing, configuring, testing Hadoop ecosystem components.
Capable of processing large sets of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data and
supporting systems application architecture.
Able to assess business rules, collaborate with stakeholders and perform source-to-target
data mapping, design and review.
Familiar with data architecture including data ingestion pipeline design, Hadoop information
architecture, data modeling and data mining, machine learning and advanced data
processing. Experience optimizing ETL workflows.

Pilot project in Tieto (E-learning):

(May2012-till date)
Working on Monitoring tool such as Nagios3 for all Apps on Amazon Cloud.
Deployed Moodle on client side with 6.5 lac LDAP users.
Configured WebSSO and webgates for all customized apps on customer front-end
Configured Single sign-on for all Moodle users & sync with LDAP users.
Worked on implementation of php/bash script for LDAP users.
Worked with penetration testing for all Moodle study sites.

Responsibilities as a senior technical specialist:

Working as Oracle SSO Consultant for AbaSec Project.

Migrated AbaSec Users from older version to newer version App independently.
Clone Oracle Database for Prod/Train instances.
Have done the migration task for IDM Server for Voyjour Project.
Worked on Federation server and served tickets regarding the issues involving it.
Created task list for new joiners in the Team and shadowed them in handling L2 tickets.
Ongoing support for Oracle Financials for local user learnings. Needs Analysis.
In Internal Projects setup development environment using Oracle. Prepare presentation on
ITIL Framework for Architecture SIG.
Taken Presentation for team mates on Product Development task levels activities in Voyjour
For all our development we follow Agile Methodology.
Done Implementation of Datagaurd for Databases in a team work for Development, Test and
Production Instances.
Trouble-shoot database level tuning for AbaSec Client/Server issues on L3 and L4 level with
guidance of seniors.
Implemented Backup Procedures for databases (Incremental and full) both.
Working on V-stack cloud in the pilot project about planning & implementing.
Administrating V-pool resource for Offshore VMs & provisioning them.
Managing the CMDB for the V-pool resource & SSM Stack.
Configured OpenVPN Server for remote access to Client environment from Tieto external
network independently.
Tuning Oracle Identity Manager (JVM Memory Settings) cache for issues on cache of web
Successfully replaced the satellite Server with the new satellite server for client environment.
Scripting Languages Shell Scripts, Java Script, JSP, HTML, XHTML DHTML, XML, CSS and XSL.
Worked on apache Tomcat for Moodle deployment for the e-learning platform.
Completed migration of OpenLDAP users from 2.0 to 2.3 versions. Taken back-up of LDBM
Database to migrate it in BDB format.
Worked on OpenAM (single sign-on) for integrating with the database users of Openldap &
OpenDJ in testing environment.
Worked on integration OIM users to migrate with Local AD for LMS (Learning Management
System) project.
Worked on Database replication and clustering.
Worked on BMC tool ADDM for outucompu (Estonia Client) for network discovery &
infrastructure management.
Tickets management for incidents regarding ADDM tool for network discovery on remedy.
Incident manager role SSM tickets & OSSC roles in Linux stack.
Worked on Cloud infrastructures like AWS, Microsoft Azure
Running Secure Backup on Amazon Cloud S3 with AWS secure agents
Working on AWS-S3 as FTP storage to form a direct mount between Amazon Servers & local
developer clients.
Handled tickets for application authentication & also was involved in change management.
Maintaining the User database & handing the credential related queries on ticketing tool.
Handling the administration from creating documenting of users list later maintaining at the
local CMDB database.
Done up gradation patches for all new versions for OIM.
Configured Drupal authentication for LDAP Users with Kerberos Auth.
Handled queries on Sessions expiry on web console during session time issues.
Used BMC Remedy for ticket tracking & maintaining everything intra CMDB.
Created backup procedures on Amazon cloud with S3 stack storages
Created public key pairs on AWS environment.
Manage CMDB and ADDM environments.
Attended BMC Atrium & ADDM virtual training in Tieto premises for ouutucompo project.
Controlled installation, configuration & installation of BMC Atrium
Worked on OpenLDAP authentication in Drupal via mixed-mode & single mode.
Worked with JBOSS 6 testing for cluster environment.
Done analysis for open-source LDAP servers for functionality acquisition.
Hadoop base-line installation on vanilla Linux with minimum page size.
Worked on IP-Tables (firewall) for internal bundle development.
Worked on SE-Linux security policy & also implemented in bundle development.
Worked with Flex resource Pool management team (VMware).
Worked on Apache (httpd) web-server in performance testing & tuning.
Used Nagois open Source tool for systems network fault tolerance.
Used Testing tools like Jmeter & grinder.
Worked on windows power shell scripting for automation.
Work on e-learning project for our open source tool Tieto-Moodle.
Developing and maintaining test methodology and defining test strategies for
Manual Testing and Automation Testing.
Effort Estimation and Costing.
Compiling test metrics for management.
Implementation scripts & test-pilot bundle testing.
Good knowledge of Agile (Scrum) Methodologies.
Completed VM ware VCP & VTSP certification.
ITIL V3 Foundation Certification, 2013
Created reports generation using XML publisher technology. (Involved in managing and
delivering all types of highly formatted documents solutions).
Worked on Automatic Storage Systems with peers. Learn t clustering activities with team.
Had a Major Role in Integration as well as implementation Security of Product.
In Hadoop ENV Responsible for development and maintenance of AnythingWeather's
RESTful API, providing historical and real-time weather data to the family of weather alerting
and monitoring services.
Responsible for development and maintenance of AnythingWeather's "Weather Center" web
portal application, providing customers with access to their weather-related service and
weather information on desktop and mobile devices.
Responsible for development and maintenance of AnythingWeather's family of "weather
widgets"; a set of weather information displays placed on customer sites.
Technologies used include Java, Play Framework, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Sass, Handlebars
templates, HTML5, Google Maps API, and more.
Responsible for the implementation and delivery of a set of web applications creating a
global network designed specifically to facilitate world-wide end-to-end payment solutions.

04/2009 -01/2011

Senior systems & Network administrator

(A part of Monarch Innovative Pvt Ltd)

Responsibilities as a Senior System Administrator:

Maintained security of voice and data networks and equipment. Monitored and maintained physical
and logical security and access to systems. Responsible for support of existing security policies and
procedures, as well as creation and implementation of new security procedures. Risk assessment of
partners. Presented options to management for the enhancement of DNS, firewall, modernization of
firewalls, and inbound e-mail security and robustness. Assisted with the upkeep of network
infrastructure including switches and load balancers. Assisted in migration of VPN concentrators to
new project. Achievements include completing True Secure enterprise implementation, and
development of incident handling procedures.

Job Role:

Proactively monitored and administered production and development servers remotely and at the
data centre. On call availability by means of cell phone, instant messaging and e-mail. Improved
system security by limiting users using unjustified root access. Built optimized and patched Linux
kernels and mission-critical daemons with CPU optimizations to provide functionality not available in
stock kernels and software, performance and reliability. Reconfigured Firewall to block SYN flood
DOS attacks. Installed monitoring software which allows performing statistical analysis of the cluster
load up to one year long. Designed and implemented backup procedures. Actively participated in
disaster planning. Researched new software and evaluated new hardware prior to using it in
production mode. Negotiated with vendors in cases of hardware failures or software issues. Besides
systems administration, was the point of technical contact for the developers and office PC support
technician. As a senior member of a newly-formed monitoring team participated in setup of
monitoring software and recruiting other members. Developed a 24/7 rota and wrote a script to
display it. Solely installed, configured and supported customer facing open source ticketing system to
migrate from the outsourced one, as well as wrote patches to change its default functionality in
conjunction with specific non-standard requirements. Designed centralized syslog setup with an
ability to correlate system events from multiple boxes, as well as designed search-able WEB GUI.
Reported and tracked customer affecting issues to customer help desks. Subsidiary tasks involved
remote and on-site systems administration of Linux and Windows boxes, work at the data centres
and other projects. Handing Systems, Networks, Manageable Switches, Firewalls (cyberoam UTM),
Mail Servers (exchange 2003), AD Server (Windows 2008), Web Servers (IIS6.0-IIS v7.5), Visual Source
safe server (VSS) for Developers, VMWARE ESX 4.0 for on customer support.

Projects Handled:

Configured exchange server solely & migrated users & messages from Vpop3
Implemented Active directory with migrating the users from workgroup to domain. Also
defined user group polices as per department.
Developed & maintained payroll application in accordance to pay, tax calculations & other
salary objectives.
Implemented Proxy servers using squid & enhanced security with WAN.
Implemented Mac OS X servers for developers for testing Mac based application.
Installed Bugzilla & maintained a bug tracking tool used by software testers. Also do
maintained Bug tracking tools like Jira & Mantos.

[07/2007 04/2009] Senior systems engineer

Ashtech Infotech Pvt Ltd

Client Site:

Mercator Lines Ltd

Reviewed software installation procedures for internal customers. Implemented new procedure for
drive copying, dramatically is reducing the time to create new system disks. Maintained and
supported prototype disks, including security updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements.
Decreased problem solving times by evaluating new security updates and applying necessary patches
in advance. Ported applications performed on site installations at client sites. Designed and
implemented company intrusion detection system and firewall (Sonic wall) to monitor and block
malicious traffic. Worked on disaster management software like Replistor. (A product of emc).

Projects Handled:

Installed & configured Cisco iron-port (firewall) for protection from mail intrusion & network
Installed & upgraded windows business 2000 server to windows enterprise 2003 for Active
directory Exchange Mail server & Web Server for MLLINDIA.

[6/2006 - 7/2007] Network Engineer

K10 Technologies

Served as the initial point of contact for resolution of connectivity and interoperability problems for
several thousand dial-up users and LAN users in heterogeneous, multi-platform environment - mainly
Free BSD, Red Hat, Windows. Besides technical support performed many functioning aspects of a
systems administrator. Supported LAN with printing and Internet. Monitored hardware and software
functionality to ensure their connectivity and availability. Configured workstations and laptops for
new employees. Proposed system upgrades and identified potential incompatibilities that led to
alternative system purchase.

[08/2005 6/2006] System Engineer

Sigma computers

Assembled computers, performed upgrades, analysed and fixed device conflicts. Consulted customers
to choose the proper configuration, for their needs. Supported in-house computers and LAN, running

Degree: B.S in Computers (IT) from University of Mumbai


[January 6 2015] Competed in House certification course in Apache Hadoop Admin.

[June 14, 2013] ITIL V3 Foundation Certification, 2013

[April 29, 2011] VM ware certification for VCP 4.2.

[April 24, 2001] Specialised in computer applications from NIIT.

[January25, 2006] Completed training in CCNA (SECURITY)

[Sept-Dec ,2007] Completed course in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 & Essentials.

Completed course in French Language (L1) from Alliance Franoise, Mumbai.

Currently Pursing Agile Scrum Certification

Operating systems:
Linux: CentOS, Ubuntu, Red Hat, OPENSUSE
Windows Server-side (Windows 2000, 2003, 2008)
Windows Client-side (NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Windows 7)

Networking and services:

Database replication. Scalability planning. Disaster recovery. Load balancing. Diskless boot. Channel bonding,
network teaming. CVS, SAN, NAS. NIS/YP, NNTP, NTP, Telnet. Databses: MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL Access Manager
Tools: Oracle Identity Manager. OPenLDAP, OpenAM, Opends. Web servers: Apache Tomcat, IIS. Proxy servers:
Squid, Wingate, Winproxy.. DNS: bind or named. Firewall configuration: Sonic wall, Cyberoam, NAT,
Masquerade, connection tracking: iptables, ipchains, ipfw. VPN: OpenVPN, pptp. Routing: BGP,OSPF. Mail SMTP:
Sendmail, Postfix+sasl, POP3/IMAP: qpopper, pop3d, courier. Security: Antivirus software for mail servers, SPAM
filtering by means of DNS blacklists, custom rules, SPF, Spam assassin, domain keys. Rootkit and backdoor
identification and removal, DOS and DDoS defence. Batch OS installation, automation: JumpStart / Kick Start.
DHCP, LDAP, Software VoIP, Automount. SQL: MySQL,. Network data backups: NFS, Samba, nc. Monitoring and
alerting: Nagios, MRTG. FAXes: mgetty+sendfax, lpd, smbprint, WinFax. Networking: TCP/IP, SMB, UDP

PC compatibles (Various vendors, eg: HP, Dell, IBM), Apple Macintosh, Opteron, Itanium. Software and hardware
RAIDs (Adaptec, 3Ware, Promise).Storcase disk enclosures. Network switches, routers (3com, Cisco, Dlink, HP,
Linksys, Netgear). Modems (3com. Tape libraries (DLT). UPS (APC, Tripplite), Network Appliance SAN, KVM over

Personal Details:

Marital status: Unmarried

Date of Birth: 29/01/1984

Other Achievements:

Won bronze medal inter-school Chess championship.

Parental Details:

H.S.Kharat - Writer & poet
Qualification M.A. (Spl.Marathi, Sanskrit)
Worked as a Manager for B.E.S.T in electric supply division.

M.H.Kharat Teacher (Physical Trainer)
Qualification B.A; B.Ed
Worked as Physical Trainer for Girl's Convent High School, Prabhadevi.

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