Insect Control Using Hormones and Pheromones

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Insect control using hormones and Pheromones

Definition of Hormone and Pheromone

Hormone - A substance that is manufactured and secreted in very small quantities into the

bloodstream by an endocrine gland or a specialized nerve cell and regulates the growth or

functioning of a specific tissue or organ in a distant part of the body. For example, the hormone

insulin controls the rate and manner in which glucose is used by the body.

Reference: John Daintith BSc, PhD, E.Martin MA (2010) Oxford Dictionary of Science (pp.


Pheromone (ectohormone) - A chemical substance emitted by an organism into the environment

as a specific signal to another organism, usually of the same species. Pheromones play an

important role in the social behavior of certain animals, especially insects and mammals. They

are used to attract mates, to mark trails, and to promote social cohesion and coordination in

colonies. Pheromones are usually highly volatile organic acids or alcohols and can be effective at

minute concentrations.

Reference: John Daintith BSc, PhD, E.Martin MA (2010) Oxford Dictionary of Science (pp.

Topics concerning Pest Control

Forest pest control

Forest pest control or forest protection refers to the approaches and tactics for protecting

forests from insects and pathogens. The traditional view is that plant feeding insects and

pathogens are destructive agents that must be controlled to protect forest resources. Pest activity

generally is triggered by specific changes in host-tree condition and density that often result from

forest management practices. Integrated forest pest management represents the current approach

to optimize accomplishment of forest management goals by evaluating the costs and benefits of

various forest species for production of multiple resources. A number of pest management tools

are available, including computerized models that facilitate evaluation and decision-making, and

a variety of chemical, biological, and silvicultural techniques for manipulating pest abundances.

See PLANT PATHOLOGY. A variety of organisms can interfere with forest management

objectives. Most of these are insects, fungal pathogens, and nematodes. Insects are responsible

for vectoring some microbial pathogens, and pathogens frequently increase the vulnerability of

infected trees to insects. A critical first step in integrated forest pest management is identification

of the forest management goals. If not justified by contribution to forest management goals, that

is, optimized production of forest resources, suppression represents unnecessary costs in terms of

time, money, and environmental quality. Forest managers must be aware of potential

impediments, including effects of insect and pathogens, in the accomplishment of their goals.

Effective management requires information on which species can affect forest resources and at

what densities. The relative threats of potential pests to particular management goals must be

weighed carefully to determine tolerable or optimal abundances. Substantial data are needed to

evaluate pest status. Examples of information needed for assessment include current and
projected abundances of potential pests, action thresholds (abundance at which loss of resources

exceeds costs of control efforts), environmental conditions favorable to various pests, and factors

that influence the effectiveness of control tactics. This information can be used to project losses

or gains for various forest resources as a result of specific insect or pathogen species. Such

projections can be improved greatly by use of computerized models that synthesize available

data and permit simulation and prediction of resource production under various environmental

conditions or pest management scenarios. The objective of pest suppression should be

maintenance of pest populations below their action thresholds. Elimination of native species is

impractical and would interfere with their Forging 921 natural ecological functions. Reducing

abundances to levels that no longer interfere with management goals is sufficient. However,

preventing the establishment of exotic species may be critical to sustainability of forest

resources. A variety of control options are available, but many have limited utility against

particular pest species. Pesticides can be applied as aerial or ground aerosols or as fumigants.

Fungicides are relatively ineffective against fungal pathogens that generally are protected from

exposure. Microbial pathogens and antibiotics can be delivered as aerosols or applied to surfaces

exposed to infectious agents. Other biological control options include augmentation of natural

enemy populations. Biological control is most effective when the predator, parasite, or pathogen

selectively and efficiently preys on the pest species. Pheromones are chemicals produced by

animals, most commonly to attract potential mates. In some species, especially of bark beetles, a

combination of attractive and repellent pheromones limits population density and reduces

competition for resources. Silvicultural options include thinning, prescribed understory burning,

and fertilization to reduce competition among trees for light, water, and nutrient resources.

Thinning also slows spread of insects and pathogens between trees. A goal of integrated forest
pest management is variation in control tactics over time and across landscapes to minimize

development of resistance to particular control options.

Reference: Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 5th Edition; 2005 by The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. (pp. 920-921)


One of the chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands, whose secretions are liberated

directly into the bloodstream and transported to a distant part or parts of the body, where they

exert a specific effect for the benefit of the body as a whole. The endocrine glands involved in

the maintenance of normal body conditions are pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas,

ovary, and testis. However, these organs are not the only tissues concerned in the hormonal

regulation of body processes. For example, the duodenal mucosa, which is not organized as an

endocrine gland, elaborates a substance called secretin which stimulates the pancreas to produce

its digestive juices. The placenta is also a very important hormone-producing tissue. See separate

articles on the individual glands. The hormones obtained from extracts of the endocrine glands

may be classified into four groups according to their chemical constitution: (1) phenol

derivatives, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine; (2) proteins,

such as the anterior pituitary hormones, with the exception of adrenocorticotropic hormone

(ACTH), human chorionic gonadotropin, pregnant-mare-serum gonadotropin, and thyroglobulin;

(3) peptides, such as insulin, glucagon, ACTH, vasopressin, oxytocin, and secretin; and (4)

steroids, such as estrogens, androgens, progesterone, and corticoids. Hormones, with a few

exceptions like pituitary growth hormone and insulin, may also be classified as either tropic
hormones or target-organ hormones. The former work indirectly through the organs or glands

which they stimulate, whereas the latter exert a direct effect on peripheral tissues.

Reference: Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 5th Edition; 2005 by The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. (pp.1089)

Insect control, biological

The use of parasitoids, predators, and pathogens to reduce injurious pest insect populations and

consequently the damage they cause. Viruses and bacteria are the most commonly used

pathogens, but fungi, protozoa, and nematodes may also be important biological control agents.

See PARASITOLOGY. Three ecological assumptions underlie biological control. First, natural

enemies are among the prime factors responsible for the regulation, or control, of pest

populations. Second, the influence exerted by parasitoids, predators, and pathogens is density

dependent. Density dependence means that the killing power of the natural enemy increases as

the prey or host density increases. Conversely, the mortality induced by density-dependent

natural enemies decreases as host density increases. In the dominant, or classical, form of

biological control the third assumption is found: when an insect species escapes into a new area

without its natural enemies, it reaches outbreak levels and becomes a pest. Biological-control

practitioners believe regulation can be reestablished by importing the natural enemies of the pest

from its area of origin. In classical biological control, all efforts are typically directed toward

establishing the natural enemies that were left behind in the area of origin. Classical biological

control is by far the most frequently used form, assuming one excludes the use of resistant plant

varieties as biological control. Conservation involves manipulation of the environment in order

to favor survival, reproduction, or any other aspect of the natural enemys biology that affects its

function as a biological control agent. Aspects of research on and application of biological

control may provide new or improved approaches. The improvement of biological control agents

through selection, hybridization, or genetic engineering techniques may play an important role.

A 1156 Insect pathology major strategy for control of pest insects may involve the use of genetic

engineering to introduce traits into natural enemies that enhance their performance, or mortality-

causing traits of natural enemies, such as insect pathogens, into plants.

Reference: Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 5th Edition; 2005 by The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. (pp.1155- 1156)


A material used to kill insects and related animals by disruption of vital processes through

chemical action. Insecticides may be inorganic or organic chemicals. The principal source is

from chemical manufacturing, although a few are derived from plants. Insecticides are classified

according to type of action as stomach poisons, contact poisons, residual poisons, systemic

poisons, fumigants, repellents, attractants, insect growth regulators, or pheromones. Many act in

more than one way. Stomach poisons are applied to plants so that they will be ingested as insects

chew the leaves. Contact poisons are applied in a manner to contact insects directly, and are used

principally to control species which obtain food by piercing leaf surfaces and withdrawing

liquids. Residual insecticides are applied to surfaces so that insects touching them will pick up

lethal dosages. Systemic insecticides are applied to plants or animals and are absorbed and

translocated to all parts of the organisms, so that insects feeding upon them will obtain lethal
doses. Fumigants are applied as gases, or in a form which will vaporize to a gas, so that they can

enter the insects respiratory systems. Repellents prevent insects from closely approaching their

hosts. Attractants induce insects to come to specific locations in preference to normal food

sources. Insect growth regulators are generally considered to act through disruption of

biochemical systems or processes associated with growth or development, such as control of

metamorphosis by the juvenile hormones, regulation of molting by the steroid molting hormones,

or regulation of enzymes responsible for synthesis or deposition of chitin. Pheromones are

chemicals which are emitted by one sex, usually the female, for perception by the other, and

function to enhance mate location and identification; pheromones are generally highly species

specific. Formulation of insecticides is extremely important in obtaining satisfactory control.

Common formulations include dusts, water suspensions, emulsions, and solutions. Accessory

agents, including dust carriers, solvents, emulsifiers, wetting and dispersing agents, stickers,

deodorants or masking agents, synergists, and antioxidants, may be required to obtain a

satisfactory product. Proper timing of insecticide applications is important in obtaining

satisfactory control. Whatever the technique used, the application of insecticides should be

correlated with the occurrence of the most susceptible or accessible stage in the life cycle of the

pest involved. By and large, treatments should be made only when economic damage by a pest

appears to be imminent. Among problems associated with insect control are the development of

strains of insects resistant to insecticides; the assessment of the significance of small, widely

distributed insecticide residues in and upon the environment; the development of better and more

reliable methods for forecasting insect outbreaks; the evolvement of control programs integrating

all methods physical, physiological, chemical, biological, and culturalfor which practicality

was demonstrated; the development of equipment and procedures to detect chemicals much
below the partper-million and microgram levels. As a consequence of the provisions of the

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act as amended by the Federal Environmental

Pesticide Control Act of 1972, there have been increased efforts to obtain data delineating

mammalian toxicology, persistence in the environment, and immediate chronic impact of

pesticides upon nontarget invertebrate and vertebrate organisms occupying aquatic, terrestrial,

and arboreal segments of the environment.

Reference: Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 5th Edition; 2005 by The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. (pp. 1158)


A material useful for the mitigation, control, or elimination of plants or animals detrimental to

human health or economy. Algicides, defoliants, desiccants, herbicides, plant growth regulators,

and fungicides are used to regulate populations of undesirable plants which compete with or

parasitize crop or ornamental plants. Attractants, insecticides, miticides, acaricides,

molluscicides, nematocides, repellants, and rodenticides are used principally to reduce parasitism

and disease transmission in domestic animals, the loss of crop plants, the destruction of

processed food, textile, and wood products, and parasitism and disease transmission in humans.

Some pesticides are obtained from plants and minerals. Examples include the insecticides

cryolite, a mineral, and nicotine, rotenone, and the pyrethrins which are extracted from plants. A

few pesticides are obtained by the mass culture of microorganisms. Two examples are the toxin

produced by Bacillus thuringiensis, which is active against moth and butterfly larvae, and the so-

called milky disease of the Japanese beetle produced by the spores of B. popilliae. Most
pesticides, however, are products which are chemically manufactured. Two outstanding

examples are the insecticide DDT and the herbicide 2,4-D. Concern over the undesirable effects

of pesticides on nonpest organisms culminated in laws to prevent exposure of either humans or

the environment to unreasonable hazard from pesticides through rigorous registration

procedures. The purpose of regulations are to classify pesticides for general or restricted use as a

function of acute toxicity, to certify the qualifications of users of restricted pesticides, to identify

accurately and label pesticide products, and to ensure proper and safe use of pesticides.

Recommendations as to the product and method of choice for control of any pest problem

weed, insect, or varmintare best obtained from county or state agricultural extension

specialists. [G.F.L.] Sophisticated methods of pest control are continually being developed.

Highly specific synthetic insect hormones are being developed. In an increasing number of pest

situations, a natural predator of an insect has been introduced, or conditions are maintained that

favor the propagation of the predator. The numbers of the potential pest species are thereby

maintained below a critical threshold. An insect control program in which use of insecticides is

only one aspect of a strategy based on ecologically sound measures is known as integrated pest


Reference: Mc Graw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 5th Edition; 2005 by The

McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. (pp. 1639)

Written Assignment

Insect control using hormones and Pheromones

We all know that almost everything around the world is revolving in chemicals,

machines, technology and nature. Most people from the past when theres more protection for

the nature than the other little things, thought that chemical insect control is used not just to kill

insects but its torturing the lifecycle of it and the nature as well. Few people understood the

inventions purpose and that was to get a healthy and safer home because theres more people

consider the insects are now pests so after they study the experiment more they realize that

theres much more ways it can do and compounds that can be used. Although its toxic,

poisonous and chemical substance, the scientists and researchers that is major in entomology and

agricultural developed new weapons to have an insect control that has chemicals but less toxic

and safer for the home of a family. As the time goes there were many developments and studies

have made. Theres more insect control companies that is more stable, useful and successful in

this generation.

To create the Insect control, it was originated from the agricultural crops then became

poisonous, toxic and dangerous chemicals for insects. It is also called as Pesticide and

Insecticide. In a way there are a two chemical substances that may be more effective;

Pheromones and Hormones.

Pheromone is a chemical substance to attract the insects mate. It produced and released

by insects that modify the behavior of the recipients. It can be used in several ways: It can be a

trick to attract its prey. The traps then kill the males or the prey, either by virtue of a being sticky

or by pesticide. Traps can be used not only to kill the insects directly but also for scouting to
pinpoint the times when adults are actually present, enabling careful and efficient timing for

pesticides. It also can be used to confuse the males to find the true females because the gas will

spread and it will be smells like all females.

Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands as it travels towards its goal which was

the organ through the blood. There are two hormones that included in insect control; Ecydsone

was produced from prothoraic gland and the JH was secreted from corpora allata. When the high

amount of Ecydsone was applied, the insects will die soon due to effect of toxic. Juvenoids are

the best hormonal insecticides. It can kill the insects in ways that much harmful for animals,

insects and humans.

Both hormones and Pheromones are chemicals that releases by the animals in tears or

saliva. It was for communicating or alarming the organisms. However there are differences in

both terms. In Pheromones, it functions outside the body and Hormones act inside the body of

the organism. Its damaging the inside part of its body. Basically both chemicals can destroy or

kill the insects dangerously.


Ricardo Caliari Oliveira, Ayrton Vollet-Neto, Cintia Akemi Oi, Jelle S. van Zweden, Fabio
Nascimento, Colin Sullivan Brent & Tom Wenseleers

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 1654(2017)



1. Hormonal pleiotropy helps maintain queen signal honesty in a highly eusocial wasp

2. Use of Pheromone Timed Insecticide Applications Integrated With Mating Disruption or

Mass Trapping Against Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Sweet Corn

3. Role of Hormone in Insect Control

4. Hormonal regulation in insects: facts, gaps, and future directions


1. Jack E. Rechcigl, Nancy A. Rechcigl, Insect Pest Management: Techniques for

Environmental Protection


2. P. Howse, J.M. Stevens, Owen T Jones , Insect Pheromones and their Use in Pest



Printed Materials

1. Gaddi V.P. Reddy, A. Guerrero; Vitamins & Hormones. Pheromones, vol. 83, Chapter

20, 493-519 (2010) Elsevier Inc., Oxford

2. Patel Hardik P, Gohil Priyanshee V* , Pheromones in Animal World: Types, Detection

and its Application (2014)


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