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Dr. Cahill is Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry and Ms. Pontoski is a Research
AssistantBoth from University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Stress Disorder
and Acute
Stress Disorder I
Shawn P. Cahill, PhD, Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety
3535 Market St., 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 746-3327; Fax: (215) 746-3311;

14 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
Their Nature and
Assessment Considerations
is a common and often chronic and disabling
anxiety disorder that can develop after
exposure to highly stressful events
characterized by actual or threatened harm to
the self or others. This is the first of two
articles summarizing the nature and treatment
of PTSD and the associated condition of acute
stress disorder (ASD). The present article
presents the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and
ASD, summarizes the epidemiology of
exposure to trauma and resulting PTSD/ASD,
discusses implications of these data for
assessment and treatment, and provides a
summary of several useful assessment
instruments. A companion paper to be
published in a future issue of Psychiatry 2005
will provide a summary of empirically
supported treatments, both psychological and PILOT PRAYING AFTER PLANE CRASH
pharmacological, for PTSD and ASD. U.S. Navy photo courtesy of

[APRIL] Psychiatry 2005 15

INTRODUCTION the event (as opposed to how Technically, DSM-IV permits the
This is the first of two compan- most people would react) is as specification of PTSD with delayed
ion papers on the topic of post- important a determinant in who onset, in which symptoms do not
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops PTSD as the objective develop until at least six months
and acute stress disorder (ASD). characteristics of the event.4 For following exposure to the trauma,
In this first paper, we focus on an event to qualify as a trauma although such delayed onset is sta-
issues related to the nature of according to DSM-IV3 requires both tistically quite rare.
PTSD and ASD and the implica- the objective criterion (A1) that
tions for clinical assessment. In the person has experienced, wit- EPIDEMIOLOGY AND THE
second paper, scheduled to appear nessed, or was confronted with an NATURAL HISTORY OF TRAUMA
in a subsequent issue of event or events that involved actu- REACTIONS
Psychiatry 2005, we will address al or threatened death or serious Epidemiological studies indicate
issues related to the prevention injury, or threat to the physical that exposure to potentially trau-
and treatment of ASD and chronic integrity of self or others and the matic events (i.e., an event that
PTSD. subjective criterion (A2) that the would meet DSM-IV Criterion A1)
persons response involved intense is common in the general popula-
DEFINITION OF TRAUMA AND fear, helplessness, or horror be tion and that PTSD is one of the
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR met. most prevalent anxiety disorders.
PTSD Following exposure to a trau- For example, the National
PTSD is an often severe, chron- matic event, the person must also Comorbidity Survey (NCS5), a
ic, and disabling anxiety disorder experience at least one of five large-scale (N=5,877) nationally
that can develop following expo- (Cluster B) symptoms of reexperi- representative epidemiological
sure to a traumatic event. It was encing the trauma (recurrent and study of psychiatric disorders in
first introduced into the DSM clas- intrusive distressing recollections, the United States, found the major-
sification system with DSM III,1 nightmares, flashbacks, intense ity of respondents had experienced
which defined a traumatic event as psychological distress in response one or more potentially traumatic
an event that is generally outside to memories or reminders of the events, with men (60.7%) being
the range of usual human experi- trauma, and physiological arousal more likely to be exposed than
ence and would evoke significant cued by memories or reminders of women (51.2%). Not only was
symptoms of distress in most the trauma); three or more of exposure to potentially traumatic
everyone. The DSM III-R2 main- seven (Cluster C) symptoms of events common in the NCS sam-
tained this definition and provided persistent avoidance (of memories ple, but among those participants
several examples of events that or reminders of the trauma) and who were exposed to at least one
would qualify as a traumatic event, emotional numbing (dissociative or potentially traumatic event, 56.3
such as a serious threat to ones psychogenic amnesia for important percent of the men and 48.7 per-
life or physical integrity; serious parts of the trauma, loss of interest cent of the women experienced at
threat or harm to ones children, in important activities, feelings of least two potentially traumatic
spouse, or other close relatives and detachment or estrangement from events and 16.8 percent of the
friends; sudden destruction of others, restricted range of affect, men and 12.4 percent of the
ones home or community; or see- and a sense of a foreshortened women reported experiencing four
ing another person who has future); and two or more (Cluster or more potentially traumatic
recently been or is being seriously D) symptoms of increased arousal events. The overall lifetime preva-
injured or killed as the result of an (sleep difficulties, irritability or lence of PTSD in the NCS was 7.8
accident or physical violence. outbursts of anger, concentration percent. Despite the higher rate of
The definition of trauma under- difficulties, hypervigilance, and an trauma exposure among men, life-
went substantial changes with exaggerated startle response). time PTSD was twice as common
DSM-IV3 taking into account epi- The B, C, and D symptoms must among women (10.4%) than men
demiological data (presented in develop in the wake of the trau- (5.0%).
greater detail later in this article) matic event, persist for at least one The high rates of exposure to
demonstrating that many of the month (Criterion E), and cause potentially traumatic events (60%)
kinds of events listed in the DSM- clinically significant distress or compared with the substantially
III-R definition as examples of trau- impairment (Criterion F). By con- lower rates of PTSD (approximate-
mas were relatively common and vention, PTSD with symptoms last- ly 8%) illustrate another important
not necessarily outside the range ing 1 to 3 months is designated as point: The majority of individuals
of usual human experience. In acute, whereas PTSD with symp- who experience a potentially trau-
addition, research suggests the toms lasting more than three matic event do not develop PTSD.
individuals subjective reaction to months is designated as chronic. In other words, while exposure to

16 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
a potentially traumatic experience PTSD. By the final assessment, injured that is experienced during
is necessary for the development approximately three months after a criminal victimization and actual
of PTSD, it is not sufficient. One the assault, 47 percent met criteria receipt of physical injury during
major reason is that not all poten- for chronic PTSD. Thus, the major- the crime each separately
tially traumatic events are equally ity of people exposed to a traumat- increased the likelihood of having a
associated with the development of ic event and who experience lifetime diagnosis of PTSD.4
PTSD, with some of the most com- immediate symptoms of PTSD Women who neither experienced
monly experienced events being experience natural recovery from fear of injury/death nor received
among the least likely to be associ- their symptoms within 1 to 3 injury had a lifetime PTSD preva-
ated with the development of months of the event, although the lence of 19 percent, compared to
PTSD. For example, again from the rate at which symptoms decline between 27 and 30 percent when
NCS, lifetime prevalence of being decreases over time so that by one of these factors was present,
in an accident, natural disaster or three-months post-trauma, individ- and 45 percent when both were
fire, and witnessing someone badly uals with PTSD are likely to remain present. In a recent meta-analysis
injured or killed (prevalence rates symptomatic without appropriate of risk factors for PTSD, Brewin
ranging between 1436%, depend- treatment (to be reviewed in a and colleagues7 found the largest
ing on gender and the specific future companion article). These effect sizes for severity of the trau-
event) are all greater than the and similar data provide support ma, lack of social support following
prevalence of being raped (less for the utility of the current con- the trauma, and life stress follow-
than 1% for men and approximate- vention of not diagnosing PTSD in ing the trauma, although the mag-
ly 9% for women). However, the first month following the event, nitude of the effect sizes varied
among individuals expe-
riencing these different
events, prevalence of
PTSD related to rape
was 46 percent for men
Epidemiological studies indicate that exposure to
and 65 percent for
women, compared to potentially traumatic common in the
less than 10 percent for
each of being in an acci- general population and that PTSD is one of
dent, natural disaster or
fire, and witnessing
someone badly injured
the most prevalent anxiety
or killed for both men
and women.
A second major rea-
son is that most reac-
tions to potentially trau-
matic events, even those most like- as high symptoms in the immedi- substantially across studies.
ly to be associated with PTSD, ate aftermath of a potentially trau- Smaller but more consistent effects
such as rape, are transient and matic event can be normative, and were found for personal psychi-
resolve within 4 to 12 weeks after for differentiating between acute atric history (see also section
the event. For example, Rothbaum, and chronic PTSD, as those who below on comorbidity), family psy-
et al.,6 longitudinally followed still have PTSD three months after chiatric history, and personal histo-
female rape victims and evaluated the trauma are not likely to experi- ry of abuse in childhood.
them weekly for the presence and ence recovery in the absence of Several recent investigations
severity of PTSD symptoms. At the treatment. have attempted to identify biologi-
first assessment, approximately 12 In addition to the type of trau- cal markers or risk factors for the
days after the assault, 94 percent ma and sex of the victim, several development of PTSD, with the
met full symptom criteria, but not other factors have been identified two most promising being low cor-
the duration criterion, for PTSD. as predictors of the development tisol levels in the acute aftermath
By the fourth assessment occur- of PTSD. For example, in the of the trauma and elevated resting
ring approximately one month National Womens Survey, a large- heart rate shortly after the trauma.
after the assault, the point at scale (N=4,008) nationally repre- Yehuda8 has proposed a model that
which participants could formally sentative epidemiological study of implicates dysregulation of the H-
be diagnosed with PTSD, 64 per- trauma and PTSD in the United P-A axis in PTSD. Specifically,
cent met full criteria for acute States, fear of being killed or exposure to a stressful event

[APRIL] Psychiatry 2005 17

results in activation of the hypo- that trauma survivors who met cri- ness of the traumatic event and the
thalamus, resulting in the release teria for PTSD four months after resulting emotions actually impede
of corticotropine-releasing factor the trauma had exhibited signifi- their ability to process these emo-
(CRF) that then stimulates the cantly higher heart rate (by tions and thereby impede natural
pituitary gland to release adreno- approximately 12 beats per recovery.11 In other words, the
corticotrophic hormone (ACTH), minute) upon admission to the presence of significant dissociative
which in turn stimulates the adre- emergency than survivors who did symptoms (discussed below) may
nal gland to release cortisol. not. predict a subsequent diagnosis of
Cortisol then feeds back onto the This brief summary illustrates PTSD.
hypothalamus and pituitary gland that there are a number of known Like PTSD, the diagnosis of ASD
to inhibit further activity. Thus, predictors or risk factors for the requires the person to have experi-
cortisol serves to contain the H-P- development of PTSD. However, to enced a traumatic event that meets
A stress response. An implication date, none of these factors, either both the objective and subjective
of the theory is that low levels of alone or in combination, has criteria discussed above (Criteria
cortisol at the time of a trauma will emerged as a practical method A1 and A2). Also like PTSD, the
result in a stronger and more sus- with adequate sensitivity and diagnosis of ASD requires at least
one symptom of reexpe-
riencing the trauma,
such as through recur-

At present, perhaps the best candidate to ring thoughts, images,

nightmares, flashbacks,
and intense emotional
identify those individuals most in need of early distress upon exposure
to reminders of the trau-
intervention to prevent the development of chronic ma (Criterion C); that
the person displays
PTSD is the diagnosis of acute marked avoidance of
trauma-related thoughts
or reminders of the trau-
stress disorder (ASD). ma (Criterion D); and
that the person displays
symptoms of anxiety or
increased arousal, such
tained stress reaction, which is specificity to serve as a guide to as sleep problems, irritability, poor
hypothesized to contribute to the identify those individuals most in concentration, hypervigilance, and
development of PTSD. Consistent need of early intervention to pre- exaggerated startle (Criterion E).
with this hypothesis, Delahanty vent the development of chronic As with other DSM diagnoses, the
and colleagues9 found that urinary PTSD. At present, perhaps the best disturbance must cause clinically
cortisol levels obtained upon candidate for that function is the significant distress or functional
admission to the hospital in motor diagnosis of acute stress disorder impairment (Criterion F) and the
vehicle accident survivors was sig- (ASD). disturbance is not due to the
nificantly lower among subjects effects of a physiological substance
who were found to have PTSD one ACUTE STRESS DISORDER or general medical condition
month after the trauma than (ASD) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP (Criterion G), and not better
among subjects who did not devel- TO PTSD accounted for by another disorder.
op PTSD. Hierarchical regression The diagnosis of ASD was first The two features that differentiate
analyses further revealed a signifi- introduced into the fourth edition the ASD diagnosis from PTSD are
cant correlation between cortisol of the DSM3 with the purpose of 1) the requirement for ASD that
levels and PTSD symptom severity predicting which trauma survivors the individual experience either
even after controlling for prior his- would not likely experience natural during the traumatic event or in its
tory of PTSD and injury severity recovery over time so that such aftermath, at least three of five dis-
caused by the recent accident. patients could be treated appropri- sociative symptoms (Criterion B;
Additional evidence that intensity ately. An emphasis was placed on numbing/detachment, reduced
of the biological stress response to dissociative responses occurring at awareness of ones surroundings,
the traumatic event is predictive of the time of the trauma or shortly derealization, depersonalization,
the development of PTSD is pro- thereafter based on the trauma and dissociative amnesia), and 2)
vided by Shalev, et al.,10 who found survivors who restrict their aware- the duration criterion (Criterion

18 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
H), which specifies the disturbance either ASD or PTSD at each of the ASD criteria (A-E) in predicting
must last at least two days but last two assessments: Full syndrome PTSD found strongest positive pre-
no more than four weeks, and must (meets all criteria for ASD at the dictive power for the dissociative
occur within four weeks of the initial assessment or meets all cri- cluster (0.71), followed by reexpe-
trauma. DSM-IV is explicit that teria for PTSD at the follow-up riencing and avoidance (0.52 for
either the symptoms must resolve assessment), subclinical (meets each), arousal (0.31), and expo-
within four weeks after the conclu- criteria for four of the five ASD sure to trauma (0.27). Negative
sion of the traumatic event or the symptom clusters, or two of the predictive power was higher than
diagnosis is changed. three PTSD symptom clusters at positive predictive power for all
As Harvey and Bryant have dis- the corresponding time point), or symptom clusters, with values
cussed in detail,12,13 the addition of no diagnosis. Among participants ranging between 0.86 and 0.94, and
ASD to DSM-IV has engendered with subclinical ASD, 78.9 percent negative predictive power for dis-
considerable controversy. For failed to meet the requirement of sociation (0.86) was numerically
example, the question has been at least one dissociative symptom, lower than for the more character-
raised whether it is justifiable to whereas among participants with istic PTSD symptom clusters of
distinguish between two diagnoses subclinical PTSD, 100 percent reexperiencing (0.93), avoidance
that share symptoms on the basis failed to meet the requirement of (0.93), and arousal (0.94).
of duration of the symptoms. On at least three avoidance symptoms. In summary, individuals who
one hand, including the diagnosis The utility of the ASD diagnosis meet full ASD criteria are highly
would potentially facilitate patients was strongest for the cases in likely, although not inevitably, to
with PTSD-like symptoms in which (1) full ASD criteria were develop chronic PTSD in the
receiving early interventions that met and (2) cases where the per- absence of appropriate treatment;
may reduce the duration of those son did not meet criteria for even individuals who do not meet crite-
symptoms and prevent the devel- subclinical ASD. Specifically, ria for even subclinical ASD are
opment of chronic PTSD. On the among participants meeting full highly unlikely, although not entire-
other hand, the symptom duration ASD criteria at the initial assess- ly, to develop chronic PTSD or
criterion was introduced in the ment, 77.8 percent met full criteria even subclinical PTSD; and individ-
PTSD diagnosis specifically to pre- for chronic PTSD at the follow-up uals meeting criteria for all ASD
vent the pathologizing of what may assessment and 22.2 percent did symptom clusters but one are
be normal and transient reactions. not meet criteria for even subclini- somewhat more likely than not, but
The concern about pathologizing cal PTSD. Among participants who again not inevitably, to subsequent-
transient reactions is of particular did not meet criteria for even sub- ly develop either chronic or sub-
concern given that ASD was added clinical ASD at the initial assess- clinical PTSD. Overall, there is
to the DSM without compelling evi- ment, 87.2 percent did not meet greater negative predictive power
dence of its utility in predicting criteria for even subclinical PTSD for the ASD diagnosis than positive
PTSD or for the centrality of disso- at the follow-up assessment and predictive power. In other words,
ciation in the development of only 4.3 percent met full criteria absence of significant symptoms of
PTSD. for PTSD. The utility of the ASD ASD in the aftermath of a traumat-
Inclusion of ASD in DSM-IV diagnosis was less clear in cases of ic event is a better predictor of
does, however, seem to have had subclinical ASD. Specifically, subsequent outcome (absence of
the positive effect of stimulating among participants with subclinical PTSD) than is their presence. In
research that addresses the issues ASD at the initial assessment, 60 addition, while the dissociative
raised above. In one such study, percent met full criteria for chronic symptom cluster may have higher
Harvey and Bryant14 assessed 92 PTSD at the follow-up assessment, positive predictive value than other
consecutive motor vehicle accident 20 percent met criteria for subclin- symptom clusters, their presence is
victim admissions (ages 1665) to cal PTSD, and 20 percent did not not necessary for the development
a major trauma hospital for ASD meet criteria for even subclinical of chronic PTSD.
symptomology. All initial assess- PTSD. Of theoretical significance is Translating the above findings
ments took place within four weeks the fact, reported above, that the into clinical guidelines, it would
of the accident and the average majority of participants meeting seem appropriate that individuals
time between the accident and the criteria for subclinical ASD had meeting full criteria for ASD at
initial assessment was 6.85 days failed to meet the dissociation cri- least one week after the trauma be
(standard deviation was 5.81 days). teria, raising into question the cen- offered treatment (if the appropri-
Seventy-one of the participants trality of dissociation in the ASD ate services are available) and that
were also assessed for PTSD six construct. Analyses conducted to those not meeting criteria for even
months later. The researchers uti- evaluate the positive and negative subclinical ASD be educated that
lized a tripartite classification for predictive power for each of the treatment is probably unnecessary

[APRIL] Psychiatry 2005 19

unless their symptoms worsen. Thus, an individual with an exten- as alcohol or drug use at the ini-
For individuals meeting criteria sive prior history of psychiatric tial assessment, the occurrence of
for subclinical ASD, it would seem problems who then experiences a an assault during the follow-up
reasonable to either offer treat- traumatic event may be particu- period nearly tripled the use of
ment or recommend a series of larly vulnerable to the develop- alcohol at the follow-up assess-
follow-up visits to monitor the ment of PTSD. ment and nearly doubled the use
course of their symptoms so that Prior trauma and the develop- of drugs. Unfortunately, these
treatment may be initiated for ment of PTSD may also be risk authors did not investigate
those who do not show a pattern factors for subsequent exposure whether any of these reciprocal
of natural recovery. Empirical to additional traumas as well as effects of alcohol and drug use
support for specific psychological the development of other psy- with trauma exposure were medi-
and pharmacological interventions chopathology, particularly in the ated by the development of
for the treatment of ASD/preven- case of the substance abuse disor- PTSD. Nonetheless, it is clinically
tion of chronic PTSD, as well as ders. It has been hypothesized, relevant to be aware that alcohol
the treatment of chronic PTSD, for example, that alcohol and sub- and substance abusing patients
will be covered in a subsequent stance use/abuse in many cases are at elevated risk for exposure
article. may represent a persons attempt to trauma, and therefore at ele-
to self-medicate their symptoms vated risk for the development of
PTSD AND PSYCHIATRIC of PTSD. However, substance PTSD, and patients with PTSD
COMORBIDITY use/abuse was one of the disor- are at elevated risk for developing
Like many psychiatric disor- ders found in the NCS to increase alcohol substance use problems.
ders, there is a high degree of risk for exposure to traumatic
comorbidity between PTSD and events and, among those exposed ASSESSMENT: GENERAL
other psychiatric disorders. In the to trauma, to increase risk for the CONSIDERATIONS
NCS,5 for example, 79.0 percent development of PTSD. Thus, the The assessment of PTSD and
of the women and 88.3 percent of combination of these two effects ASD requires at minimum an
the men with a lifetime diagnosis may serve to create a vicious assessment of the persons trauma
of PTSD also had a lifetime diag- cycle among exposure to trauma, history, obtaining information on
nosis of one or more Axis I disor- development of PTSD, and sub- both the objective features of the
ders, particularly mood disorders, stance use. trauma(s) (i.e., Was the person
such as major depression (48.5% Partial support for the vicious exposed to an event involving real
of women and 47.9% of men with cycle hypothesis comes from the or threatened injury or death to
PTSD also had major depression) previously mentioned NWS sur- self or others?), and the persons
and dysthymia (23.3% and 21.4% vey. Kilpatrick, et al.,15 investigat- subjective reaction (i.e., Did the
for men and women, respective- ed the temporal relationships person respond to the event with
ly), abuse or dependence on alco- between exposure to violent intense fear, terror, horror, or
hol (27.9% and 51.9%) or other assault and substance use in a helplessness?); the persons cur-
drugs (26.9% and 34.5%), and large subgroup (N=3,006) of rent symptoms (i.e., Given a qual-
other anxiety disorders including women from the NWS who com- ifying traumatic event, does the
phobias (29.0% and 31.4%), pleted the initial interview and a person meet the remaining symp-
social anxiety disorder (28.4% follow-up assessment three years tom, duration, and functional
and 27.6%), generalized anxiety later. Even after statistically con- impairment criteria for ASD or
disorder (15.0% and 16.8%), ago- trolling for demographic variables PTSD?); and, because of the pre-
raphobia (22.4% and 16.1%) and that were found to be risk factors sumed etiological role of trauma
panic disorder (12.6% and 7.3%). for experiencing a violent assault in the development of PTSD, the
Additional analyses of the tempo- (age, race, and education) as well temporal relationship between the
ral order of exposure to trauma, as prior assault (also a known risk traumatic event and the persons
developing PTSD, and developing factor for subsequent assault), symptoms (i.e., Did the trauma
other psychopathology suggests hard drug use (but not exclu- precede onset or exacerbation of
that non-PTSD psychopathology sive use of alcohol) at the initial the patients symptoms?). In addi-
is a risk factor for both subse- interview nearly doubled the risk tion, because of the high comor-
quent exposure to trauma and the for exposure to a violent assault bidity of PTSD with other psychi-
development of PTSD in response during the follow-up period. atric disorders, it is often helpful
to trauma and the greater number Similarly, even after controlling to evaluate the person for other
of prior disorders the greater the for the same demographic vari- disorders known to occur with
risk for both exposure to trauma ables in the previous analysis high frequency in those with
and the development of PTSD. (age, race, and education) as well PTSD, particularly mood disor-

20 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
ders, other anxiety disorders, and Remembering Trauma16). For ment response, dimensional
alcohol/substance use disorders. example, patients who lose con- assessment utilizing reliable and
In principle, each of these con- sciousness during the trauma or valid assessment instruments is
tent areas can be assessed were under the influence of drugs frequently more helpful than sim-
through clinician interviews, self- or alcohol may have gaps in their ple diagnostic decisions and clini-
report measures, or a combina- knowledge for what happened, cian impressions of severity as
tion of the two. In general, clini- but such gaps may be due to they provide greater information,
cian administered interviews are either a failure to encode the rele- are more sensitive to change
considered the gold standard in vant memory or normal sources of (either worsening or improving),
research. In part, this is because forgetting, rather than the kind of and treatment effects observed in
it is assumed that clinicians will cognitive avoidance mechanism the clinic can be compared with
have a better understanding of envisioned in the diagnostic crite- treatment effects reported in the
the diagnostic criteria and will ria. The primary disadvantage of research literature to help the cli-
better able to judge whether or clinician-administered measures nician set reasonable expectations
not a particular patient complaint is that they can be time consum- with the patient and for both the
falls within the category. For ing to administer. Self-report clinician and the patient to under-
example, DSM differentiates measures, which are often validat- stand how their symptom level or
recurrent, intrusive, distressing ed against interview measures, treatment response compares to
thoughts or recollections about have the advantage that they can that of others. Accordingly, we
the trauma (Criterion
B1) from flashbacks
(Criterion B3). The dif-
ference between these
two symptoms is that The assessment of PTSD and ASD
flashbacks have a quali-
ty of feeling as though it requires at minimum an assessment of the
is happening right now,
whereas intrusive recol-
lections are clearly rec-
persons trauma history and the persons
ognized as a memory
for a past event.
subjective reaction, the persons current
Patients, however, may
not make this differenti-
symptoms, and the temporal relationship between
ation and, as a result,
may rate the same the traumatic event and the persons symptoms.
event as two separate
symptoms and thereby
elevate the overall
severity score. Similarly, patients be mailed to patients ahead of recommend clinicians incorporate
who wake up from nightmares time and filled out at their leisure the use of formal assessment
may double code the same sleep or completed while waiting to see instruments into their practice
disturbances caused by the night- the clinician. and, to this end we provide a brief
mares, once in response to the With regard to assessing review of commonly used assess-
question about recurrent night- PTSD/ASD and associated psy- ment instruments. For even
mares (Criterion B2) and again in chopathology, some assessment greater detail on the assessment
response to questions about sleep measures provide primarily a of psychological trauma and
disturbance (Criterion D1). As a dichotomous diagnostic decision PTSD, the interested reader is
final example of this difficulty, (meets criteria, does not meet cri- referred to Wilson and Keane.17
patients may have gaps in their teria) with limited information Another excellent resource on
memory for important details of about severity, whereas others assessment is the assessment web
the traumatic event, but not all provide dimensional information page on the National Center for
such instances will meet the crite- on symptom severity, and still PTSD website,18 which contains
ria for dissociative amnesia others will be able to provide both information on several of the
(Criterion C3; see greater discus- types of information. With regard assessment instruments discussed
sion of dissociative amnesia in the to offering patients information below as well as many other
DSM IV on pages 478481, and about prognosis, monitoring natu- instruments not covered in this
McNally's review on ral recovery, or evaluating treat- review, along with contact infor-

[APRIL] Psychiatry 2005 21

mation to request copies of sever- include several types of events that about non-sexual assault and other
al of these and related measures. are potentially traumatic events potentially traumatic events. The
but, for one reason or another, the key here is to ask clear operational-
ASSESSING TRAUMA patient may not report to the inter- ly defined and, in the case of inter-
Several instruments have been viewer, such as sexual assaults that personal violence, behaviorally spe-
developed to assess for the experi- fall short of the patients definition cific questions instead of relying on
ence of traumatic events that vary of rape because of who the perpe- the patients implicit definitions of
substantially in their level of speci- trator was (e.g., the patients inti- certain terms, such as rape and
ficity and comprehensiveness mate partner) or because the act sex.
about various types of traumas. For did not involve intercourse, child- Specific potentially traumatic
example, the PTSD module of the hood physical abuse that may be events that are covered in most of
Structured Clinical Interview for construed by the patient as having the trauma-screening measures
DSM IV (SCID-IV19) takes a fairly been discipline, or experiencing a used in clinical research include
open-ended approach to asking life-threatening illness. rape; other forms of sexual assault
about trauma, supplemented by Contrast the approach taken by (e.g., childhood sexual abuse); sim-
several examples, but falling short the SCID with that taken in the ple (i.e., without the use of a
of directly inquiring about specific epidemiological NWS, in which the weapon) and aggravated (i.e.,
types of traumas. Note the follow- researchers were specifically inter- involves the use of a weapon)
ing example: ested in the prevalence of violent assault; childhood physical abuse,
Sometimes things happen to crime, which is illustrated by how including instances of physical
people that are extremely they assessed for instances of rape. punishment that were severe
upsettingthings like being Note the following example: enough to cause welts or bruises,
in a life-threatening situation, Another type of stressful event or require medical attention; motor
such as a major disaster, a that many women have expe- vehicle accidents and other kinds
very serious accident or fire; rienced is unwanted sexual of accidents (e.g., industrial acci-
being physically assaulted or advances. Women do not dents, recreational accidents);
raped; seeing another person always report such experi- combat or exposure to a military
killed or dead, or badly hurt; ences to the police or other war zone; natural or man-made dis-
or hearing about something authorities or discuss them asters that involve injury, loss of
horrible that has happened to with family or friends. The life, or loss of physical resources
someone you are close to. At person making the advances (e.g., loss of ones house to a fire);
any time during your life, isnt always a stranger, but witnessing violence, especially vio-
have any of these kinds of can be a friend, boyfriend, or lence between family members, or
things happened to you? even a family member. Such seeing someone badly injured or
The advantage of such an open- experiences can happen at killed; the sudden loss of a close
ended approach to assessing for any time in a womans life friend or family member to homi-
potentially traumatic events is that even as a child. Regardless of cide, suicide, accident, or illness;
it does not require the patients how long ago it happened or and developing a life-threatening
experience to fit into a predeter- who made the advances, has a illness.20
mined mold and instead permits man or boy ever made you
the patient to report whatever have sex by using force or ASSESSING PTSD SYMPTOMS
experiences they have had and the threatening to harm you or There are numerous reliable and
interviewer, through follow-up someone close to you? Just so valid instruments, both clinician
questioning, can elicit information there is no mistake, by sex we administered and self-reported,
to determine if the event meets mean putting a penis in your that can be used to obtain diagnos-
both of the objective threat and vagina.4 tic information and provide some
subjective reaction criteria to quali- Similarly worded questions are index of severity. For example, the
fy as a traumatic event. The disad- used to ask about oral sex SCID19 has the clinician ask the
vantages, however, are 1) such an (coerced performance or receipt), patient about each of the 17 symp-
approach provides little context for anal sex, and other penetration of toms of PTSD, duration of distur-
assessment by way of explaining the vagina or anus by fingers or bance, and functional impairment,
the nature of traumatic events so objects, all of which would meet and then to judge whether each of
that intent of the questions will be the legal definition of rape by fed- the symptoms and other criteria is
clear to the patient and help to eral law but that may not always be absent, subthreshold, or at/above
focus the discussion on the kinds identified as such by the victim. threshold. Severity of the disorder
of events of interest; and 2) the Additional questions with a similar is coded as mild (few, if any, symp-
range of examples cited fails to level of specificity were used to ask toms in excess of those required to

22 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
make the diagnosis are present, with one another (r=0.8023), and frame to the last one or two weeks
and symptoms result in no more the PSS-I is highly correlated with in order to assess symptom change
than minor impairment), moderate the CAPS (r=0.87) but requires over the course of treatment, par-
(symptoms or functional impair- approximately half the time to ticularly when visits are scheduled
ment between mild and severe), administer.24 Brewin and relatively close together.
or severe (many symptoms in colleagues25 have modified the PSS- One final self-report measure
excess of those required to make SR for use as a brief screening that deserves mention because of
the diagnosis, or several that are instrument to detect likely cases of its good psychometric properties
particularly severe, are present, or PTSD. This scale, called the and common use in both research
result in marked impairment.) Trauma Screening Questionnaire and clinical practice is the Impact
Several other measures have the (TSQ), consists of 10 items from of Event Scale (IES).27 It was
clinician or patient rate the severi- the PSS-SR that are rated by the developed more than a decade
ty and/or frequency of each symp- patient in simple yes or no fashion prior to the introduction of PTSD
tom according to some kind of based on whether or not the in DSM III1 based on Horowitzs28
Likert-type scale yielding a broader patient experienced any of the theory of the stress response syn-
range of severity scores. One of the items at least two times in the past drome in which he hypothesized
most commonly used measures in week. Using the cut-off score of 6 that the normal stress reaction
research, indeed often referred to or greater, TSQ was found to have consists of a person alternating
as the gold standard in PTSD excellent sensitivity, specificity, between intrusive states, charac-
assessment, is the Clinician terized by many of what we
Administered PTSD Scale now call the reexperiencing
(CAPS).21 The administer- and some of the hyper-
ing clinician asks the arousal symptoms of PTSD,
patient about the frequen- and denial states, character-
The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV (SCID-IV)
cy and severity of each ized by many of what com-
The Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS)
symptom and then makes prise the avoidance/numbing
The Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS)
separate ratings for fre- symptoms of PTSD. The IES
The PTSD Symptom Scale Interview (PSSI)
quency and severity on a 0 is a 15-item questionnaire in
The PTSD Symptom Scale Self-Report (PSS-SR)
to 4 scale, yielding a total which each item is scored
The Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ)
score that ranges between for frequency of the symp-
The Post-Traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale
0 to 136. Several treatment tom in the past week follow-
The Impact of Event Scale (IES)
outcome studies that have ing the unusual convention
used the CAPS as the pri- of 0=not at all, 3=moderate,
mary outcome measure and 5=severe and yields
require a minimum score of 50 for and power (index values ranging separate scores for the seven-item
entry into the study and a com- between 0.760.91 across two sam- intrusion and eight-item avoidance
monly agreed upon score reflecting ples) relative to a PTSD diagnosis subscales. Because the IES items
a good outcome is a score less than derived from a clinician interview do not entirely correspond with
20. The Davidson Trauma Scale with the CAPS.21 The Post- current DSM symptom criteria for
(DTS) is a similarly designed self- Traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale
22 26
PTSD, this instrument cannot be
report measure that has the is a commercially available revision used to derive diagnostic informa-
patient separately rate the fre- of the PSS-SR that provides a com- tion. However, it has been found in
quency and severity of each PTSD prehensive self-report assessment several outcome studies to be sen-
symptom on a 0 to 4 scale, and of all DSM-IV PTSD criteria includ- sitive to treatment-related changes
thus yields scores with the same ing trauma history, determination in post-trauma symptomology fol-
range as the CAPS. of whether the event meets both lowing psychotherapy29 and phar-
The PTSD Symptom Scale the objective and subjective crite- macotherapy.30 Weiss and Marmar31
Interview (PSS-I) and PTSD ria to qualify as a traumatic event, have developed a revised version of
Symptom Scale Self-report (PSS- and assessment of the symptom, the IES in which they added sever-
SR) are a pair of measures that duration, and impairment criteria. al items to fully cover the hyper-
combine information about fre- Whether assessing PTSD severity arousal symptoms, so the measure
quency and severity of each symp- by interview or self-report, it is now yields three subscales that
tom which is then rated on a 0 to 3 common to use the last month as strongly (but not entirely) resem-
scale, thus yielding a total score the time frame for the initial ble the DSM symptom structure,
that ranges between 0 to 51.23 The assessment to insure that duration and they recommended replacing
interview and self-report versions criteria has been met. However, it the 0, 1, 3, 5 scoring scheme with a
of the PSS are highly correlated is common to reduce the time more conventional 0 to 4 scheme.

[APRIL] Psychiatry 2005 23

ASSESSING ASD additional questions) and yields a ders, and psychotic symptoms)
Because of the relatively recent severity index ranging between 19- along with an optional module for
addition of ASD, there are relative- 95, with a cut-off score of >56 assessing antisocial personality dis-
ly few measures of acute stress found to correctly classify 91 per- order.
that have been validated against cent of those subsequently diag- Both the SCID and MINI yield
DSM-IV criteria. At present, the nosed with PTSD and 93 percent good diagnostic information but
best available instruments for the of those who did not have PTSD. only limited severity information.
purpose of diagnosing and quanti- Therefore, it is often helpful to
fying the severity of ASD consist of ASSESSING COMORBID supplement a thorough diagnostic
a pair-related measures developed CONDITIONS AND ASSOCIATED interview with severity measures.
by Bryant and colleagues: The PSYCHOPATHOLOGY In general, the two most relevant
Acute Stress Disorder Interview The SCID19 is a structured clini- domains to assess in addition to
(ASDI)32 and the Acute Stress cal interview that provides for a PTSD/ASD are depression and
Disorder Scale (ASDS33), both of comprehensive diagnostic assess- anxiety, as both are typically ele-
which are reprinted in Bryant and ment of Axis I disorders. The pri- vated among individuals with
Harveys book, Acute Stress mary limitation is that, depending PTSD/ASD even if they dont meet
Disorder: A Handbook of Theory, on the complexity of patients diagnostic criteria for a formal
Assessment, and Treatment,13 problems, it can take several hours mood disorder or other anxiety dis-
along with instructions for scoring to complete. To facilitate its admin- orders. The Hamilton Rating Scales
and interpreting the results. The istration, the SCID does contain a for depression35 and anxiety36 are
ASDI is a clinician administered series of 12 screening questions brief clinician administered rating
interview that covers a AH diag- that cover alcohol and substance scales commonly used in both
research and clinical
practice. While neither
The best available instruments for of these scales can yield
a formal diagnosis of
depression or any specif-
the purpose of diagnosing and quantifying the ic anxiety disorder, they
have been found to be
severity of ASD consist of a pair of related sensitive to psychologi-
cal and pharmacological
measures: The Acute Stress Disorder Interview treatment-related
changes across a variety
(ASDI) and the Acute Stress Disorder Scale of psychiatric condi-
tions. Well-validated self-
(ASDS). report measures of
depression and anxiety
that are widely used in
research and clinical
nostic criteria in simple yes/no for- use disorders, the anxiety disor- practice and have been found to be
mat and thus yields information ders (except for PTSD and ASD), responsive to treatment-related
about the diagnosis but not symp- and eating disorders. These ques- changes are the Beck Depression
tom severity, although it could eas- tions were designed to have high Inventory37 and the state-anxiety
ily be combined with a simple rat- sensitivity so that a clear no portion of the State-Trait Anxiety
ing of severity as is done for PTSD response to a screening question is Inventory.38
on the SCID19 (see discussion unlikely to result in missing a
above). The ASDS is a self-report potential problem. However, the CONCLUSIONS
measure of the ASD symptoms items also have relatively low PTSD is a common and often
(Criteria BE) on which the specificity, and thus a yes chronic condition that results in
patient reports severity of each response to a screening item significant impairment and is asso-
symptom since the event on a 1 requires follow-up questions to ciated with high rates of psychi-
(not at all) to 5 (very much) scale. protect against false positives. The atric comorbidity, particularly for
This format permits determination MINI34 is a briefer instrument that depression, other anxiety disor-
of whether the patient meets covers the major Axis I disorders ders, and alcohol/substance use
symptom criteria for ASD (remain- (mood disorders, anxiety disorders and abuse. By convention, PTSD
ing criteria would need to be except for ASD, alcohol and sub- cannot be diagnosed until a mini-
assessed by another measure or stance use disorders, eating disor- mum of 30 days after the traumatic

24 Psychiatry 2005 [ A P R I L ]
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