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Effect of astigmatism on visual acuity in eyes

with a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens
Ken Hayashi, MD, Shin-ichi Manabe, MD, Motoaki Yoshida, MD, Hideyuki Hayashi, MD

PURPOSE: To examine the effect of astigmatism on visual acuity at various distances in eyes with
a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens (IOL).
SETTING: Hayashi Eye Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan.
METHODS: In this study, eyes had implantation of a diffractive multifocal IOL with a C3.00 diopter
(D) addition (add) (AcrySof ReSTOR SN6AD1), a diffractive multifocal IOL with a C4.00 D add
(AcrySof ReSTOR SN6AD3), or a monofocal IOL (AcrySof SN60WF). Astigmatism was simulated
by adding cylindrical lenses of various diopters (0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00), after which
distance-corrected acuity was measured at various distances.
RESULTS: At most distances, the mean visual acuity in the multifocal IOL groups decreased in pro-
portion to the added astigmatism. With astigmatism of 0.00 D and 0.50 D, distance-corrected near
visual acuity (DCNVA) in the C4.00 D group and distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity
(DCIVA) and DCNVA in the C3.00 D group were significantly better than in the monofocal
group; the corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was similar. The DCNVA with astigmatism
of 1.00 D was better in 2 multifocal groups; however, with astigmatism of 1.50 D and 2.00 D,
the CDVA and DCIVA at 0.5m in the multifocal groups were significantly worse than in the
monofocal group, although the DCNVA was similar. With astigmatism of 1.00 D or greater, the
mean CDVA and DCNVA in the multifocal groups reached useful levels (20/40).
CONCLUSION: The presence of astigmatism in eyes with a diffractive multifocal IOL compromised
all distance visual acuities, suggesting the need to correct astigmatism of greater than 1.00 D.
Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method
J Cataract Refract Surg 2010; 36:13231329 Q 2010 ASCRS and ESCRS

It is widely accepted that implantation of a multifocal acuity than refractive multifocal IOLs. However, there
intraocular lens (IOL) is the most effective way to is controversy about whether some types of diffractive
achieve useful far and near vision without spectacles multifocal IOLs and refractive multifocal IOLs impair
after cataract surgery.1 Multifocal IOLs can be refrac- contrast sensitivity.68
tive or diffractive, with many new diffractive IOL Multifocal IOLs produce useful visual acuity at both
models recently becoming commercially available.26 far and near. Reasons include less induced
These new-generation IOLs provide better near visual astigmatism,911 a larger pupil diameter,1215 and less
IOL decentration.12 Of these factors, postoperative
astigmatism significantly affects the visual function
in eyes with a refractive-type multifocal IOL,911 al-
Submitted: November 14, 2009.
though not everyone agrees with this finding.16,17 In
Final revision submitted: January 29, 2010.
Accepted: February 11, 2010. a previous study of a refractive monofocal IOL,11 we
used astigmatism simulation and found that all-
From the Hayashi Eye Hospital (K. Hayashi, Manabe, Yoshida) and distance visual acuity worsened in proportion to the
the Department of Ophthalmology (H. Hayashi), School of Medi- degree of astigmatism in eyes with the refractive mul-
cine, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan. tifocal IOL. However, to our knowledge, no study has
Corresponding author: Ken Hayashi, MD, Hayashi Eye Hospital, evaluated the effect of astigmatism on the visual acuity
4-7-13 Hakataekimae, Hakata-Ku, Fukuoka 812-0011, Japan. at various distances in eyes with a diffractive multifo-
E-mail: cal IOL.

Q 2010 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$dsee front matter 1323

Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2010.02.016

Therefore, we designed a study to compare eyes endocapsular phacoemulsification of the nucleus and aspira-
with a diffractive multifocal IOL and eyes with tion of the residual cortex were performed. The incision was
enlarged to 2.65 mm with another steel keratome for IOL im-
a monofocal IOL and the effects of refractive astigma-
plantation. The lens capsule was inflated with an ophthalmic
tism on visual acuity at far to near. Manifest astigma- viscosurgical device (OVD), and the IOL was placed in the
tism was simulated by adding cylindrical lenses of capsular bag using an Alcon Monarch II injector. After IOL
various diopters (D). Furthermore, we sought to deter- insertion, the OVD was thoroughly evacuated. No sutures
mine the limit of astigmatism at which useful far and were placed.
near visual acuity was achieved with diffractive multi-
focal IOLs. Main Outcome Measures
Patients were examined approximately 3 months after
PATIENTS AND METHODS surgery. After various degrees of astigmatism were simu-
lated as previously described,11 distance-corrected visual
This prospective nonrandomized comparative study in- acuity was measured at infinity and at 5.0 m, 3.0 m , 2.0 m,
cluded consecutive patients who wished to participate in 1.0 m, 0.7 m, 0.5 m, and 0.3 m using an all-distance vision tes-
a clinical trial of an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL be- ter (AS-15, Kowa Co., Ltd.) The vision tester measures equiv-
tween March and August 2008. Eyes of patients scheduled alent visual acuity from far to near as the examiner places
to have implantation of a monofocal IOL of the same design a spherical lens and various visual targets at proper dis-
and materials between May 2008 and April 2009 were en- tances along the visual axis. In this study, visual acuity at in-
rolled as a control group. The Institutional Review Board, finity and at 5.0 m was defined as far visual acuity; that at
Hayashi Eye Hospital, approved the study protocol, and 1.0 m, 0.7 m, and 0.5 m, as intermediate visual acuity; and
all patients provided written informed consent. that at 0.3 m, as near visual acuity. Against-the-rule (ATR)
The patients were not randomized because it would have astigmatism was simulated by adding 0.00 D, 0.50 D, 1.00
not been ethical to implant a monofocal IOL in patients who D, 1.50 D, and 2.00 D cylindrical lenses at the 90-degree me-
were candidates for multifocal IOL implantation. After hear- ridian at the spectacle plane after full distance correction.
ing an explanation of possible advantages and disadvan- Because most eyes with senile cataract have ATR astigma-
tages of each IOL, patients decided whether they would tism,19 only this type of astigmatism was examined.
participate in the multifocal IOL clinical trial and if not, The keratometric cylinder was measured with an auto-
which IOL they wished to receive instead. In cases of keratometer (KR-7100, Topcon Corp.). The spherical and cy-
bilateral IOL implantation, only information from the first lindrical powers were determined subjectively; the manifest
operated eye was analyzed in this study. spherical equivalent (SE) was calculated as the spherical
Exclusion criteria were serious pathology of the optic power plus half the cylindrical power. Pupil diameter was
nerve, macula, or cornea; severe opaque media other than measured with a Colvard pupillometer (Oasis Medical). Ex-
cataract; history of ocular inflammation or surgery; corneal perienced ophthalmic technicians who were not aware of the
astigmatism greater than 1.50 D; need for routine nighttime objectives of the study performed all examinations.
driving; and difficulty in follow-up or analysis.

Statistical Analysis
Intraocular Lenses
Decimal visual acuity was converted to the logMAR scale
Study patients had implantation of a diffractive multifocal for statistical analysis. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to
IOL with a C3.00 diopter (D) addition (add) power (AcrySof compare differences between the 3 IOL groups in the follow-
ReSTOR SN6AD1) or a C4.00 D add power (AcrySof Re- ing parameters: far to near visual acuity by degree of added
STOR SN6AD3) (both Alcon, Inc.). Both models are single- astigmatism visual acuity at far to near, SE, corneal astigma-
piece hydrophobic acrylic and have an aspheric surface tism, pupil diameter, and other continuous variables. Cate-
with an apodized diffractive multifocal structure on the an- gorical variables were compared using the goodness test of
terior optic. The apodized multifocal structure in the central fit for chi-square. When a statistically significant difference
3.6 mm optic zone consists of 12 or 9 concentric steps of grad- was found between the 3 groups, the difference between 2
ually decreasing height and creates multifocality from far to groups was further compared using the Mann-Whitney U
near. The refractive region of the optic, which is used for far test or the chi-square test with Bonferroni adjustment. A P
vision, surrounds the diffractive region. The optic and haptic value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
are tinted yellow.
Control patients had implantation of a monofocal IOL
(AcrySof SN60WF, Alcon, Inc.). The IOL is of the same mate- RESULTS
rial and has the same optic and haptic design as the study Each IOL group comprised 30 eyes of 30 patients. All
IOLs but without the multifocal structure.
90 patients attended all scheduled examinations. The
mean age of the 18 men and 72 women was 69.9 years
Surgical Technique G 8.3 (SD) (range 40 to 86 years). Table 1 shows the pa-
The same surgeon (K.H.) performed all cataract extrac- tient demographics by IOL group. There were no sta-
tions and IOL implantations using the same technique, tistically significant differences between the 3 groups
which has been described.18 First, a 2.5 mm clear corneal in- in age, the ratio of men to women, the ratio of left to
cision was created at the 9 oclock meridian with a stainless
steel keratome. A continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis right eyes, manifest SE, keratometric cylinder, or pupil
approximately 5.5 mm in diameter was made with a bent diameter. All surgeries were uneventful, and all IOLs
needle. After thorough hydrodissection was completed, were implanted in the capsular bag.



Table 1. Patient demographics by IOL group.

IOL Group

Parameter C4.0 D Multifocal C3.0 D Multifocal Monofocal P Value

Mean age (y) 69.5 G 11.8 69.9 G 5.9 70.3 G 5.9 .9951
Sex (M/F) 7/23 3/27 8/22 .2326
Left/right eyes 15/15 12/18 10/20 .4181
Mean astigmatism (D)* 0.89 G 0.65 0.57 G 0.24 0.83 G 0.53 .1549
SE (D) 0.21 G 0.34 0.27 G 0.38 0.38 G 0.69 .7472
Pupil diameter (mm)
Far 3.6 G 0.4 3.7 G 0.4 3.6 G 0.6 .6612
Near 2.9 G 0.4 3.1 G 0.4 3.1 G 0.6 .2097

Means G SD
IOL Z intraocular lens; SE Z spherical equivalent
*Keratometric cylinder

Manifest spherical equivalent

The mean distance-corrected visual acuity at most a visual acuity of 20/40 would be necessary for far
distances was significantly reduced in proportion to and near in eyes with a diffractive multifocal IOL;
the diopters of added astigmatism in the C4.00 D mul- the mean visual acuity in both multifocal IOL groups
tifocal IOL group (Figure 1) and the C3.00 D multifo- reached this level at far and near when astigmatism
cal IOL group (Figure 2) (P%.0451, except at 0.5 m in was within 1.00 D.
C4.00 D multifocal group). In the monofocal IOL Figure 4 compares the mean visual acuity from far to
group (Figure 3), the mean visual acuity at all dis- near in the 3 IOL groups. With added astigmatism of
tances changed significantly per the degree of added 0.00 D or 0.50 D, the CNVA at 0.3 m in the C4.00 D
astigmatism (P%.0148). Although the corrected dis- multifocal group and the DCIVA at 0.5 m and DCNVA
tance visual acuity (CDVA) decreased significantly in in the C3.00 D multifocal group were significantly bet-
proportion to the degree of added astigmatism in the ter than in the monofocal group; there was no signifi-
monofocal group (P!.0001), the distance-corrected cant difference in CDVA between the 3 groups. With
near visual acuity (DCNVA) at 0.3 m and distance- astigmatism of 1.00 D, the DCNVA in the 2 multifocal
corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA) at groups was significantly better than in the monofocal
0.5 m improved significantly as added astigmatism in- group; there was no significant difference in DCIVA
creased (P%.0066). However, the decrease in CDVA or CDVA between the 3 groups. However, with astig-
was more prominent in the multifocal groups than in matism of 1.50 D or 2.00 D, the CDVA and DCIVA at
the monofocal group. The assumption was that 0.5 m in the 2 multifocal groups was significantly

Figure 1. Change in mean distance-corrected visual acuity from far Figure 2. Change in mean distance-corrected visual acuity from far
to near by diopters of added astigmatism in the C4.00 D multifocal to near by diopters of added astigmatism in the C3.00 D multifocal
IOL group. IOL group.



astigmatism of 1.00 D, the CNVA was better with

both multifocal IOLs than with the monofocal IOL.
However, with astigmatism of 1.50 D and 2.00 D, the
CDVA and DCIVA at 0.5 m was worse in the 2 multi-
focal IOL groups than in the monofocal IOL group, al-
though the CNVA was similar in all 3 groups. These
results indicate that the multifocal effect of the 2 dif-
fractive multifocal IOLs is useful when the postopera-
tive astigmatism is approximately 1.00 D or lower.
Previous studies911 report that postoperative astig-
matism affects visual function in eyes with a refractive
multifocal IOL, although controversy remains.16,17
Ravalico et al.9 found that that optical quality of the
Array refractive multifocal IOL (Abbot Medical Op-
Figure 3. Change in mean distance-corrected visual acuity from far tics, Inc.) was worse in eyes with astigmatism greater
to near by diopters of added astigmatism in the monofocal IOL than 1.00 D than in eyes with lower astigmatism,
group. and Dick et al.10 found that eyes with astigmatism
greater than 1.00 D had a greater halo effect than
worse than in the monofocal group, whereas the eyes with lower astigmatism. Furthermore, in a previ-
CNVA was similar. Furthermore, the percentage of ous study, we found that visual acuity at any distance
eyes that achieved 20/40 at both far and near was sig- worsened in proportion to the degree of astigmatism
nificantly greater in the multifocal groups than in the in eyes with a refractive multifocal IOL. However, to
monofocal group when astigmatism was 1.00 D or our knowledge, no study in the literature reports the
less (P!.0001); no significant difference was found be- effect of astigmatism on all-distance visual acuity in
tween the 3 groups with astigmatism of 1.50 D or 2.00 eyes with a diffractive multifocal IOL. The current
D (Table 2). study first verified that the diffractive multifocal effect
is useful when astigmatism is approximately 1.00 D or
less. Therefore, when preexisting astigmatism is 1.50 D
DISCUSSION or higher, astigmatism correction (eg, corneal relaxing
In our study, the mean visual acuity at all distances de- incisions,2022 excimer laser keratectomy,23,24 use of
creased in proportion to the degree of added astigma- a multifocal IOL with an incorporated toric compo-
tism in eyes with a diffractive multifocal IOL with nent2528) may be necessary. In particular, because
a C3.00 D or C4.00 D add. We assumed in the study toric IOLs may have advantages over keratorefractive
that a visual acuity of 20/40 would be necessary for procedures, including predictability, reversibility, and
useful CDVA and DCNVA with a diffractive IOL. mechanical stability of the cornea,29 we believe that
This is because distance visual acuity of 20/40 is likely a diffractive multifocal IOL with a toric component
needed to drive a car and near visual acuity of 20/40 is should be developed.
sufficient for reading a newspaper. With these criteria, The CNVA with the diffractive multifocal IOLs
eyes with astigmatism of 1.00 D or less reached this also decreased in proportion to the added astigma-
level. In contrast, eyes with a monofocal IOL had a de- tism. In contrast, the CNVA and DCIVA in eyes
crease in CDVA that was proportional to the degree of with a monofocal IOL improved as astigmatism in-
added astigmatism, although the CNVA and DCIVA creased. It is apparent that the manifest SE value (fo-
improved as astigmatism increased. However, the de- cal point of the eye) shifted toward myopia based on
crease in CDVA was more prominent in the 2 multifo- the extent of astigmatism. Furthermore, it has been
cal IOL groups than in the monofocal IOL group. In shown that myopic astigmatism enhances the depth
other words, the CDVA with a diffractive multifocal of focus in the presence of a monofocal IOL.30,31 Ac-
IOL was worse than with a monofocal IOL when astig- cordingly, the improvement in CNVA and DCIVA
matism was 1.50 D or higher. with astigmatism greater than 1.50 D may be a result
We compared the mean visual acuity from far to of the enhanced depth of focus and the myopic shift
near between the 3 IOLs with simulation of astigma- in the manifest SE.
tism of various degrees. With astigmatism of 0.00 D A limitation of this study was that we only evalu-
and 0.50 D, CNVA at 0.3 m with the C4.00 D multifo- ated ATR astigmatism. This is predominantly because
cal IOL and DCIVA at 0.5 m and DCNVA with the patients would have to expend too much effort in
C3.00 D multifocal IOL were significantly better a study of the effects of other types of astigmatism.
than with the monofocal IOL. Furthermore, with Furthermore, most patients with senile cataract have



Figure 4. Comparison of mean distance-corrected visual acuity from far to near in the 3 IOL groups.

ATR astigmatism.19 However, it has been suggested effects of other types of astigmatism on visual function
that near vision may differ according to the types of of diffractive multifocal IOLs.
astigmatism.30,31 In particular, Trindade et al.32 report In conclusion, when simulated astigmatism was ap-
that uncorrected near visual acuity in eyes with ATR proximately within G1.00 D, the diffractive multifocal
astigmatism was better than in eyes with with-the- IOLs provided significantly better CNVA and DCIVA
rule astigmatism. Accordingly, it is possible that actual than the monofocal IOL, although CDVA was similar
near vision may be worse than that obtained in this with the 3 IOLs. Based on our findings, we believe that
study. Additional study is necessary to examine the eyes with astigmatism of approximately 1.00 D or



Table 2. Eyes achieving a visual acuity of 20/40 at both far and near by IOL group.

IOL Group, n (%)

Astigmatism (D) C4.0 D Multifocal C3.0 D Multifocal Monofocal P Value

0.00 30 (100.0) 30 (100.0) 3 (10.0) !.0001*

0.50 30 (100.0) 26 (86.7) 2 (6.7) !.0001*
1.00 26 (86.7) 20 (66.7) 5 (16.7) !.0001*
1.50 12 (40.0) 6 (20.0) 5 (16.7) .0812
0.00 1 (3.3) 2 (6.7) 3 (10.0) .5853

IOL Z intraocular lens

*Number of eyes in monofocal IOL group significantly less than in both multifocal IOL groups

lower are good candidates for implantation of a dif- _

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