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BSBFLM0023A - Support Leadership in the Workplace

BSBFLM0033A - Contribute to Effective Workplace Relationships
BSBFLM0043A - Participate in Work Teams
BSBCOR0023A - Organize Personal Work Priorities and Development


TRAINEES NAME: _______________________________________

DATE: _______________________________________


General Instructions:

This assessment consists of THREE (3) SECTIONS.

o SECTION A Multiple Choice (5 Marks)

o SECTION B Short Answers (80 Marks)

o SECTION C Essay (35 Marks)

- Practical (70 Marks)





Attempt Questions 1 5 for 5 marks by circling the correct response

Allow 10 minutes for this section

1. Teams occur when a number of people have__________________________ and

recognise that their personal success is dependent on the success of others.

a. a common goal
b. similar jobs
c. a shared work environment
d. the same manager

2. Groups which are formed as the consequence of organizational structure and work
division are known as:

A. informal groups
B. formal groups
C. operational groups
D. target groups

3. Reasons for the formation of groups include:

A. the provisions of guidelines on generally acceptable behaviour.

B. the performance of certain tasks which can be performed only through combined
effort of the individuals.
C. the provision of protection for its membership.
D. all of the above

4. A potential disadvantage associated with cohesive groups is:

A. a tendency to focus on social activities which may reduce output

B. a tendency to develop attitudes which are hard to change
C. a tendency to see other groups rival
D. all of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective work group?

A. The resolution of conflict by members themselves

B. A sense of commitment by individual members to their own goals and objectives.
C. A belief in shared aims and objectives.
D. The open expression of feelings and disagreements



INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions to this section in the space provided.

Question 6 (8 mks)
Outline four (4) points that one should consider when setting goals and objectives.


Question 7 (4 mks)
The area that a person should address when setting goals is generally established mainly within specific
areas. Outline these three areas of goal setting within the team.


Question 8 (4 mks)
The settings of goals are not the final stage of the team building process. The organisation should now be
geared up to achieve them. Outline Two (2) activities the can implemented so the goals are achieved.


Question 9 (5 mks)
Work goals established by the team using the smart model and it should meet five (5) main requirements.
Outline exactly what are these five requirements.

Question 10 (6 mks)
What are the six (6) questions that you should be ask when goals and objectives are being written?


Question 11 (2 mks)
Explain the idea that a goal should be realistic.


Question 12 (6 mks)

Outline three (3) types of teams and describe the main function of each.

Question 13 (4 mks)

The structure of a team is very important in ensuring that it functions as is intended from the
inception. Identify four (4) factors that one should consider when putting a team together.

Question 14 (2 mks)

What is the team goal?

Question 15 (6 mks)

Explain the team process in terms of the development, formation, and renewal.


Question 16 (4 mks)

Describe the contributor skills as it relates to the team.


Question 17 (8 mks)

Discuss FOUR (4) types of verbal behaviours that encourage effective participation.

Question 18(10 mks)

It is often said that KPIs should be SMART. Explain what does the acronym SMART
represents and explain each of the words.
Question 19 (11 mks)

Place the following task in terms of urgent and important.

Crisis, New opportunities, Phone calls, Time wasters, Trivial work, Deadlines, Prevention,
Meetings, Pressing problems, Interruptions, Relationship Building, mails, Planning, Pleasant

Urgent Not Urgent

Priority 1 Priority 2
1. 1.

2. 2.
3. 3.
Priority 3 Priority 4
Not Important

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.




Section III
Attempt all questions
Allow 70 minutes for this section
Answer the questions in the spaces provided

Question 26 (12 mks)

Team culture can affect functions of the team in a number of ways. Explain the following with
respect to the team culture.

i. Team values

ii. Team Rituals


iii. Team Learning


iv. Explain how Maslows hierarchy of needs principles will help in making your team
Question 27 (12 mks)
To create access and equity among all parties involved in the work process it is important
that acts are drafted and implemented. Explain how the following acts may ensure that
the parties discriminated against are protected.

i. Racial Discrimination Act.


ii. The Sex Discrimination Act.


iii. Disabilities Discrimination Act.


Question 28 (12 mks)

In no instance can a business operate without an established idea of what it is about and
how it is to be operated. In order to ensure your business develops effectively explain the

i. Goals

ii. Objectives

iii. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)


BSBFLM0023A - Support Leadership in the Workplace

BSBFLM0033A - Contribute to Effective Workplace Relationships
BSBFLM0043A - Participate in Work Teams
BSBCOR0103A - Deliver and monitor a service to customers
BSBCOR0023A - Organize Personal Work Priorities and Development

Role play/Simulation A
The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will be required to plan and execute ONE of the
role plays detailed below
PROCON Construction has many crews that they deploy to different sites.
1. The supervisor for the Team A has resigned due to the non-performance of the team. The new
supervisor steps in and meets a difficult and disunited team. The team is overtime transformed into
the best performing team. Use the marking rubric below to guide the planning of your role play.
Instructions: Candidates will be graded based on observation during their performance in the practical
Performance Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Performing issues in team clearly demonstrated
Segregation in team clearly demonstrated
Clear demonstration of how the first supervisor failed to drive the team
Demonstration of difficulties encountered by new supervisor
Demonstration of appropriate leadership style taken by new supervisor
Evidence of appropriate team building activities used to mend relationship
among team members
Appropriate communication among team members
Appropriate measures used by supervisor to discipline delinquent team
Clear and specific instruction given to team members
Appropriate measures used to monitor non performing team members
Outstanding team members are acknowledge using an appropriate method
Participation in role play
Overall flow of role play
Total (70 marks)
Rating Scale:
5. Can perform the task with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
4. Can perform the task sufficiently and apply working rules for some problem solutions.
3. Can perform the task adequately but requires periodic assistance and/or supervision.
2. Can perform some aspects of the task satisfactorily, requires considerable assistance/training.
1. Has not demonstrated sufficient evidence on which judgment can be made.


Instructors Signature________________________________ Date:___________________

Role play/Simulation B

2. Team B is plagued with a lot of accidents. A health and safety supervisor has been employed to work
with the team. Plan a role play to show how the health and safety supervisor transforms Team B into
an accident free team. Use the marking rubric below to guide the planning of your role play.

Instructions: Candidates will be graded based on observation during their performance in the practical
Performance Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Safety issues in team clearly demonstrated
Health and safety supervisor clearly identifies hazards
Toolbox meetings held to address safety issues
Training/retraining of team members done where necessary
Team members respond to health and safety supervisor in a positive way
Appropriate method used to track/record accidents
Appropriate communication among team members
Appropriate measures used by health and safety supervisor to address team
members who are not readily responding to intervention
Clear and specific safety directives given to team members
Evidence of improvement of the safety situation of the team is clearly
Team members who readily respond to intervention is acknowledge using
an appropriate method
Participation in role play
Overall flow of role play
Total (70 marks)
Rating Scale:
5. Can perform the task with initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
4. Can perform the task sufficiently and apply working rules for some problem solutions.
3. Can perform the task adequately but requires periodic assistance and/or supervision.
2. Can perform some aspects of the task satisfactorily, requires considerable assistance/training.
1. Has not demonstrated sufficient evidence on which judgment can be made.


Instructors Signature ________________________________ Date:___________________

For Trainees Use on Receipt of Feedback From Instructor.

NB. Do NOT sign this section until feedback is received from your instructor after grading!

Comment(s): __________________________________________________________________

________________________________ ____________________________
Trainees Signature Date

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