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B U L L E T I N o, the International Association of ENGINEERING GEOLOGY No

de I'Association Internationalede GC:OLOGIE DE L'INGENIEUR 44 PARIS 1991


R t ~ S I S T A N C E AU F E N D A G E S O U S C H A R G E P O N C T U E L L E U N C R I T I ~ R E DE



Point-load strength (Is) as a measure for the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of rock strength and for estimating uniaxial (unconfined) c o m p r e s s i v e strength (UCS)
are described and both put together and used for rock strength classification of brittle and hard rocks.
The estimated point-load strength values of ~,pecimuns of ',';trying sizes and also the ',alue~, corrected t,) a standard thickness (d" 50 ram, and
die resultant point-load strength ,,,;dues (Is-50) have been used tt~ estimate the uniaxial (unconfined) compre~,sive strength which c~wrelates well
v. ith actual recorded uniaxial (unconfined) c o m p r e s s i o n test results. Using graphical and mathematical relations, hips between the obser'~ed and
estimated tICS and ls values, a c o n v e r s i o n factor of 16 is obtained for estimating uniaxinl (unconfincdl c o m p r e s s i x e strengtb ',';dues from point
load strength resulb, A n o m o g r a m for c o m p u t i n g point-load strength index and a system for the classification of rock material are presented.


La resistance au fendage sous charge ponctuelle (Is) constitue une d.valuation de ]a resistance de la roche et permet d ' e s t i m e r la resistance en
compressi~m uniaxiale (UCS): les deux ess;,is sont utilis,Ss pour dtablir une classification des roches rdsistantes de type fragile.
l_es valeurs de resistance au fendage sous charge ponctuelle rdalisdes sur des dchantilhms de differentes tallies, ainsi que les valeurs ramendes
par corrections :', une dpaisseur standard de 50 mm fournissent une valeur resultante Is-50 qui a ere utilisde pour estimer la resistance en
compression uniaxiale a,,ec uric bonne correlation.
En utilisant des c o m p a r a i s o n s g r a p h i q u e s et math,Smatiques entre les valeurs UCS et b,. un facteur de c o n v e r s i o n de 16 est obtenu pour a ; o i r
la valeur UCS b. partir de la valeur Is. Un n o m o g r a m m e pour calculer la valeur de resistance au fendage sous charge ponctuelle, et un syst~me
de classification des roches son presentes.

Introduction index tests, the point-load strength and Schmidt Re-

bound tests were carried out on irregular (prismatic
type) specimens of Himalayan granitic rocks (Fig. 1) of
In engineering practice, rock strength is considered an Ravi Basin, Himachal Pradesh, India (collection by the
important property and a suitable strength-index for first author - D.K. Ghosh) and Alaknanda Valley, Uttar
rock classification. Common methods for determining Pradesh, India (collection by A.R. Bhattacharya) as a
rock strength are the point-load strength test and the measure for rock strength and for estimating uniaxial
uniaxial (unconfined) compression test. The Schmidt (unconfined) compressive strength, and then correlating
Rebound test is another method for assessing hardness with actual uniaxial (unconfined) compression test re-
of rocks and an indirect method for rock strength analy- sults for assisting in rock strength classification.
sis. The Schmidt. Rebound and point-load strength tests
are quick methods and can easily be applied in the It has long been known that point-load strength results
field. The Schmidt Rebound test is sensitive to strength can be used for rock strength classification and pre-
variation influenced by rock anisotropy. Whereas the dicting uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength with
point-load strength test is comparatively more accurate a conversion factor of 24 (Broch and Franklin, 1972).
and gives fair assessment of rock strength though sen- The Indian Standard (I.S. C o d e : 8764, 1978) gives a
sitivity to rock anistropy remains in the test results. The conversion factor of 22 for which no basis or justifi-
uniaxial (unconfined) compression tests require costly cation is given. More recently (Turk and Dearman,
machines and time consuming processes. Hence in 1985), improvements in the determination of point-load
searching for quick, practical and fairly reliable strength strength and a new procedure for increasing the prac-

* Geology Department, L u c k n o w University, Lucknow, India.


tical application of the test are provided. However, tion of loading relative to that of the foliation plane
there is yet limited experience in using the tests with and it is recorded that the strength could be four times
various limitations and interpreting the results for quick greater if the foliation plane is across the direction of
application. Hence the present study is an attempt to applied load. Again the recorded strength could be
fill this gap in our knowledge and further to improve nearly doubled or increased by at least 5 0 % if the
upon the evaluation methods for quick practical appli- specimen size is halved or if the long axis of the pris-
cation. matic specimen is perpendicular rather than parallel to
the applied load. Although it is misleading to classify
the strength of these granitic rocks by a single factor
Test and computation of results which bears no relation to direction, yet the rocks can
be described as fresh, brittle and hard in nature. They
22 irregular (prismatic type) specimens of granitic show elastic deformation under failure load. In case of
rocks with longest-shortest axis ratio of 1.4' 1 and 11 loading along and or parallel to foliation, the failure
cubes of the same rocks were tested in the laboratory was along and oblique to planes of weakness. When
for determining point-load and uniaxial (unconfined) loading across foliation, the failure was irregular by and
compressive strength values. The rocks are anistropic large. Hence natural variability of granitic rock material
in their mechanical properties and contain visible is portraid. The specimens for point-load strength tests
planes of foliation. The strength of rock specimens vary varied from 30 mm to 56 mm in diameter. Sub-
by a factor of four or more depending upon the direc- sequently I1 representative samples were selected and

C - M C T ~C'~ _ cr - crystallines
B - MBF cr
F - M F F ~, Chamba
5o 0 So km
I I !

o ~,oo km
~ r


Fig. 1 : Showing location of area study under and generalised geologic setting.

Table 1 : Test results of granitic specimens from parts of western Himalaya

Sample No. Platen distance Load applied Point-load strength Direct uniaxial compressive Strength Rebound number
(ram) KN Kgf Kgf/cm: M~vYm2 Kg/cm 2 M N/m 2

1. MG-I 30 6.5 i 663 74 7.4 1190 119.0 40

2. PG-I 47 t0.5 1071 48 4.8 790 79 52
3. HG 56 16 1632 52 5.2 750 75 53
4. BG-25 47 45 459 21 2.1 418 41.8 50
[ 5. DG-IW 35 35 357 29 2.9 9-50 25 24
6. DG-IF 30 5 510 57 5.7 300 30 36
7. OM-13 37 5 510 37 3.7 705 70.5 38
8. MO-13 36 8 816 63 6.3 833 83.3 50
9, SS-37 47 4.5 459 21 2.1 270 27 42
10, SS-33 43 4 408 22 2.2 442 44.2 47
11. OM-15 43 45 459 25 2.5 455 45.5
Mean values 41 6.55 668 41 4.1 582 i

ICN = t02 Kgf 1 Kg = 1.02 Kgf MN/m2 = 10 Kffcm 2

Note 1. Estimated values of point-load and uniaxial compressive strengths have been rounded off to nearest whole number.
2. For reference to areas under study see figure 1.

tested for Schmidt Rebound hardness. The results of and failure load (P). between point-load and rebound
the tests carried out for 11 samples are given in table 1. number (R-N), and between point-load and uniaxial
For the point-load strength test, the Point-Load Tester (unconfined) compressive strength (UCS) are direct
(HR. 72.25) of Hydraulic and Engineering Instruments, linear whose slope of straight line correlation (m) is
New Delhi was used. A 200 ton Compression Testing positive. The relationships between point-load and
Machine - CCM-9A (SP) was used for uniaxial (un- platen distance, and between failure load and platen dis-
confined) compressive strength tests while the Rock tance are inverse linear with a negative slope.
Classification ttammer (HC.46.20) was used for
Using mean values of various experimental determina-
Schmidt Rebound hardness test.
tions, the coefficients of correlation are obtained which
establish that correlation exists between two variables
A strength index was obtained by dividing the rupture
(Table 2). Mathematical relations are obtained using
or failure load (P) by an area perpendicular to the load-
ing direction (D2), where this was calculated as the
ratio of the specimen mass to the product of specimen
height and density. Computation and evaluation of test M Is(so)
results include methods using slope of best fit line, re-
gression analysis, applying mean test values for deter-
mination of relation and coefficient of correlation, mean Is(5o)
empirical relationships and mathematical equations be- "4
tween various parameters, significance of size depend-
ence, rock anisotropy and various other aspects of
analysis procedures on strength results. Since the re-
suits from irregular (prismatic) samples, as would be n 3 ~I
expected, are more scattered, these have been plotted
on log-log scale in respect of the relationships between 0
point-load and specimen diameter or platen distance (P-
D) (Fig. 2, 3) between point-load and failure load (P)
(Fig. 4), between failure load and specimen diameter
or platen distance (Fig. 5) between point-load and re-
bound number (R-N) (Fig. 6). Because of less scatter, mm
the relationship between the point-load (P-L) and the i i
c'3 3o 40 50 60 70
uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength (UCS) is
plotted on a simple graph (Fig. 7). The experimental P-D
results directly plotted on log-log and simple graphs
simplified the process of evaluation. In all the corre-
Fig. 3 : Relationship between point-load strength (P-L) and platen dis-
lations a linear relation is obtained and the best fit line tance tP-D) with Is (50) values using correction chart.
is determined using least squares regression analysis
balancing the sum of left residuals with the sum of right
residuals. The relationships between point-load (P-L)


/m~- kg//C rn 2

O'lc Io3.o
O o 100
~" 5

5 io M I~/rrl 2
l I I t :::;I I I
io so Ioo kg/c m 2
I t t [ I lull
10 5o 1oo m rr

Fig. 2 : Relationship between point-load strength (P-L) and platen dis- Fig. 4 : Relationship between failure load (P) and point-load strength
tance (P-D) ot granitic specimens. (P-L) of granitic specimens.

"MN/m2 ~//

looo- -loo /



05oo,. ,5o o/

1 mm
i I t p
lo 5o loo

P-D t I I --,,t
] I I l
, to

Fig. 5 : Relationship between failure load (PI and platen distance (P-
P-L Kg/~ m2

D) of granitic samples.
Fig. 7: Relationship between uniaxial (unconfined} compressive
strength (UCS) and point-load strength (P-Li of granitic

Table 2 : Determination of empirical relationship between point-load
! (P-L) and uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strengths tUCSI
1 1. Mean point-load strength (x) 41 KglTcm2 4.1 MN/m 2
2. Mean uniaxial compressive
strength (y) 582 Kg/crn 2 58.2 NIN/m 2
3. Mean deviation of point-load
strength 4.40
.,J lo loo 4. Mean deviation of uniaxial
compressive strength 4.66
a. 5 5. Co-variance = mean of prtx.lucts of
de vi at kms 3826 38.26
6. Standard deviation of 11 values of
point-load strength -_- 18 -~ 1.8
7. Standard deviation of II values of
uniaxial compressive strength 281 -- 28.1
8. Ratio between point-load strength (x) 18~81 1.8/28. I
lo 40 loo and uniaxial compressive strength (y) y=16x
R-N 9. Coefficient of correlation
10. Slope of straight line correlation (m)

Fig, 6 : Relationship between point-load strength (P-L) and rebound

number (R-N) of granitic samples.

equations y = m x + c for positive relation and x/a +

y/b = 1 for negative slope (Table 2-4). These studies
have further confirmed the validity and usability of the Evaluation of the results of experimental determina-
above graphical representations. In evaluating the test tions indicates that close correlation exists between
results of point-load and uniaxial (unconfined) com- various test variables namely point-load strength, uni-
pressive strength values where a straight line correla- axial (unconfined) c o m p r e s s i v e strength, specimen
tion is obtained (Fig. 7), a conversion factor of 16 thickness or platen distance, failure load and rebound
corresponds to the ratio of uniaxial (unconfined) com- number. However, effects of size and shape of speci-
pressive strength to point-load strength. The correlation mens and the variation in the nature of rock material
coefficient of 0.75 is fairly high (Table 2) to warrant related to strength and weathering or alteration are re-
use of point-load strength test for predicting uniaxial flected in the test results (Table 1).
compressive strength when it is required.

Table 3 : Demrmination of empirical relation,,hip between point load The vertical c o n c e n t r a t e d l o a d ( P ) a p p l i e d at the centre
P-[.) and load applied IPI of p r i s m a t i c s p e c i m e n s i n d u c e s a n e a r h o r i z o n t a l tensile
I. Mcan of point-load strength (x~ 41 Ks 4. [ *IN/m: stress and, e v e n t u a l l y , f a i l u r e o c c u r s e i t h e r a l o n g folia-
2. Mean of load applied {vl 668 KetTcm- 6.6 MN/m2 tion planes or a l o n g a p l a n e p a r a l l e l to l o a d i n g direc-
3. Mean deviation of point-load tion. Fractures o b l i q u e to l o a d i n g d i r e c t i o n or f o l i a t i o n
strength 4.40 planes are also s e e n but t h e y are less p r o m i n e n t . S i n c e
4. Mean deviati,an of Ioud applied 4.5
5. Covariance 3181 3.118 e x i s t e n c e of a c o m p r e s s i v e c o m p o n e n t d u r i n g point-
6. Standard deviation of I1 values ot load testing is i n v a r i a b l y g r e a t e r than the i n d u c e d ten-
point-load strength r 1.8 sile stress, the i n f l u e n c e o f s p e c i m e n t h i c k n e s s or platen
7. Standard deviation 'of l l ',alucs of d i s t a n c e (D) c a n n o t be i g n o r e d . T e s t i n g o f v a r i o u s sizes
load applied =_ 364 2 36.-t
of p r i s m a t i c s p e c i m e n s do c o n f i r m this a f f i r m a t i o n . The
8. Coefficient of correlation 0.48
9. Slope of linear correlation tin) I 0.67 s p e c i m e n size or p l a t e n d i s t a n c e o f 40 m m - 50 mm
10. Equation between point-load and is ideal for p o i n t - l o a d testing. A w a y from this range
load applied y = II)X ~" C there is w i d e scatter in the results. A l t h o u g h scatter in
yi + mx + 2.5 the results c o u l d be r e d u c e d a p p r e c i a b l y by taking m e a n
values, h o w e v e r , this d o e s not o v e r c o m e the i n f l u e n c e
o f size and shape e f f e c t s and t h e r e f o r e , s t a n d a r d i s a t i o n
or c o r r e c t i o n o f these e f f e c t s are n e e d e d by c o n d u c t i n g
p o i n t - l o a d testing on a w i d e r a n g i n g t h i c k n e s s of
Table 4 : Determination of empirical relationship between point-load variety o f s p e c i m e n s . T h e p r e s e n t study has s h o w n that
and platen distance p o i n t - l o a d strength i n c r e a s e s with i n c r e a s e in failure
[ load and d e c r e a s e in the p l a t e n d i s t a n c e (Fig. 8). T h i s
1. Mean platen distance (x) 41 mm 4 .1 crn
2. Mean of point-load strength (y) 41 Kgt'/cm-~ ~:4.1 MNIm2 n o m o g r a m is c o n s i d e r e d v e r y useful for c o m p u t i n g
3. Mean deviation of platen distance 1.80 p o i n t - l o a d s t r e n g t h i n d e x (Is = p/D2). T h e p o i n t - l o a d
4. Mean deviation of point-load strength 4.40 strength c h a n g e d m o r e r a p i d l y at s h o r t e r platen d i s t a n c e
5. Covariance = mean of products of o f less than 40 m m and o f p l a t e n d i s t a n c e g r e a t e r than
deviations - [. 17(~
6. Standard deviation of I I values uf 55 mm. The authors m e n t i o n h e r e that the s p e c i m e n
platen distance 0.774 t h i c k n e s s of platen d i s t a n c e o f 50 m m s h o u l d be c o n -
7. Standard deviation ,,ff I I values of sidered a r e f e r e n c e d i a m e t e r . For size c o r r e c t i o n the
[xfint-load strength 1.8 chart p r o p o s e d by B r o c h and F r a n k l i n (1972) is c o n -
8. Coefficient of correlation -- 0.84
s i d e r e d useful. A s d i s c u s s e d e a r l i e r the s h a p e f a c t o r
9. Slope of linear correlation tin) O.2
c l o s e r to 1.4 : 1 is ideal for t e s t i n g i r r e g u l a r ( p r i s m a t i c )

kg/c m 2 K Ng!k g
mm cm

I - to;

lg- lo.o 6
6 50 i~ " - 51,
2 ________.-------%,.

/ 1 lo

1 - - lo,~
..._.--- 5 o"

o.3 i
Fig. 8 : Nomogram for computing point-load strength IP-L) using data o1" platen distance (P-D) and failure load (P).

specimens. Any shape other than this ratio may not be 56 mm. D'Andrea et al. (1965) reported a value of 16
suitable for point-loading unless the irregular lumps are for the strength ratio with the help of tests ond 25 mm
easily broken or thinly bedded. For better accuracy of diameter specimens, and Broth and Franklin (1972) re-
test results there should be an adequate number of vary- ported a value of 24 for the strength ratio with the help
ing nature of specimens so that the mean values can of tests on 38 mm diameter specimens. The Indian
be closer to reasonably correct results. In achieving this Standards (I.S. Code : 8764, 1978) gives a value of 22
the number of samples and the tests cannot be specified for the strength ratio for which no basis is given. On
as it would depend more on the author's judgement of the basis of actual uniaxial compression tests on variety
the accuracy of results. It has been known for long that of rock material conducted by the first author earlier
the extent of improvement in the accuracy of results and also the present tests, it is argued here that con-
is marginal by testing large number of samples say version factor of 24 (Broch and Franklin, 1972) and
more than 15-20 for each variety of rock material. In 22 (I.S. Code, 1978) are much higher for the Indian
the present study point-load testing of 22 fresh and 22 rocks. The authors propose here that a conversion factor
weathered granitic rocks has shown that the point-load of 16 should be used for predicting uniaxial compres-
strength results vary according to nature, or variation sive strength from point-load strength results. This may
in composition and rock alteration. The fresh rock be confirmed by conducting tests for uniaxial compres-
materials show 40-50 % higher values of point-load sive strength on variety of rocks and then correlating
strength than the weathered rock materials. Similar re- with actual point-load strength results for the same rock
sults were obtained while testing for uniaxial (uncon- material, as has been attempted by the authors. This
fined) compressive strengths. Again if the results of study would assist in working out a fair degree of stand-
uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength are com- ardisation for the strength ratio. It is possible that the
pared with those of granitic and other rock materials use of point-load strength test on irregular (prismatic)
of the Indian peninsula (Gosh, 1980; Vaidyanath and specimens, when cores are not available, would provide
Ghosh, 1980, 1981: Ghosh and Ahmed, 1981: Ghosh, a basis for strength classification of rock material and
1982), it is found that the nature of variation in the mapping of outcrops on sound footing.
results of fresh and weathered samples is almost sim-
ilar. However, the strength results of UCS across the
planes of discontinuities are nearly double that of the Strength classification
values along the planes of discontinuities.
The present study,, relating to the determination of
The point-load testing is very quick and fairly reliable, point-load strength and uniaxial compressive strength
and gives a high degree of correlation with uniaxial of granitic rock material and the fairly high degree of
(unconfined) compression test results. The point-load correlation between them, provides us with a basis for
strength results can, therefore, be used for predicting proposing a strength classification of rock material by
uniaxial (unconfined) strength values (Fig. 7). Hence putting together both the results (Fig. 9). It possibly
the point-load strength test has important practical improves upon the classification proposed by Broch and
advantage for strengthy classification and both put to- Franklin (1972) based on a simpler point-load testing
gether can be used for deciding the choice of measure- method. In this system of classification the terms low,
ment and designation to each class. In predicting medium and high have been maintained. The authors,
uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength, a conver- however, agree with Broch and Franklin (1972) that the
sion factor of 16 corresponds to the ratio of uniaxial use of terms such as strong and weak rocks be dis-
compressive strength to point-load strength. This result pensed with as they sometimes mean ambiguous equiv-
relates to tests on specimens of thickness 30 mm - alence in terms of nature of material. The present

u c S
Io IOO MN/m~
i l I I I [111 I
ioo 3oo Iooo 2000 Kg/z


Gra nitoids
Io 40 50 Ioo Kg e~m9
1 I I I [ I '
I 4 IO MN/r~

Fig. 9 : Strength classification using data of point-loud strength (P-L) and uniaxial (unconfined) compressive strength (UCS) of granitic samples.

classification i,~ based o n limited data and needs to be 8) A wide variety of rocks with different specimen
improved upon by including strength ranges of a variety, thickness may be tested for point-load and uniaxial
of rock material (fresh and altered~. compressive strength to standardise the nomogram.
Because of the wide range of strength values ot" point- classification system and the strenoth~ ratio between
point-load and uniaxial compressive strengths.
load and uniaxial compressive strengths, a log scale has
been used. Theoretical justification of the logqog plot
has been given by Turk and Dearman (1985) in respect
of the data relating to various test variables and regard- Acknowledgement
less of this basis the existance of wide range of data
also suggests the need of adopting a log scale. In the The authors extend their grateful thanks to Prof S.K.
proposed classification (Fig. 9) the data of point-load Singh. Head of the Geology Department, Lucknow Uni-
and uniaxial compressive strengths as shown in Fig. 7 versity, Lucknow for providing necessary facilities in
have been used on the same diagram by juxtaposing furtherance of this work. Thanks are also due to Sr.
the two scales given in Fig. 9. Deputy Director General, Northern Region. Geological
Survey of India, Lucknow for providing facilities for
conducting tests in the laboratory.

1) The results of point-load and uniaxial compression References

testing emphasize the importance of providing a system
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erties. U.S. Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigation, 5702.
2) The results of point-load testing signifies their im-
BROCH, [:.. and FRANKIAN, J.A. (19"72) : Point-load strength test.
portance in predicting uniaxial compressive strength
]nt. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 9. 669-697.
G H O S | t , D.K. [198()) : R e l a t i o n s h i p between petrological, chemical
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irregular (prismatic) type specimens of different thick- Assoc. Eng. Geol. 2 2 : 287-292.
ness, these have been plotted on log-log scale directly GHOSH, D.K. and A H M E D , M.J. ( 19~1 ) : Geotechnica[ characteris-
on the graph paper. The relation is linear. tics of poor and unconsolidated material at the foundation of Arpa
dam project. M a d h v a Pradesh. Proc Syrup. Geomech, Sarita
4) The determination of standard point-load strength - Prakashan, New Delhi. V, ] : I-7.
Is (50) from point-load strengths of varying types and GHOSH, D.K. ( 1 9 8 2 ) : Weathering of g r a n i t e s and differentiate,, and
sizes of specimens needs a cautious approach. their inlluence on dam foundation in central India. In. Perspec-
tives in Geomorphology. Ed. H.S. Sharma, Con. Pub. Co. Nev,.
5) Irregular (prismatic type) specimens with thick- Delhi, V. 3 : 165.17,"{.
nesses or platen distances of 40-50 mm are suitable for Indian Standards lm, titution, Code (1978L I.S. Code. 8764.
point-load testing.
TURK, N. and D E A R M A N , W.R. ( t 9 9 5 ) : I m p r o v e m e n t s in the de-
6) In predicting uniaxial (unconfined) compressive termination of point-load strength. Bull, Int. Assoc. Eng. Geol.
strength, the straight line correlation with a slope of 31, 137-14.2.
16 corresponds to the ratio of uniaxial compressive VAIDYANATH. L.N. and G H O S H and D.K. (19801 : Evaluation of
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Ind. 112, pt. 6, 1-6.
7) A nomogram for computing point-load strength VAIDYANATH, t,.N. and G H O S H , ( 1 9 8 1 ) : G e o t e c h n i c a l properties
index (Is = P/D 2) is presented. For direct reading, the of weak rocks of central India as c o n s t r u c t i o n material. Proc. Int.
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