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Everything you

need to maintain
your plant

Services for cement

plant maintenance

Smart maintenance is
smart management

FLSmidth can help As the entire cement industry strives to accomplish more
with fewer resources, plant maintenance presents growing
with everything technical and management challenges. At FLSmidth, our
from overcoming entire portfolio of support services is dedicated to helping
daily challenges to maintenance managers keep availability to an absolute

strategic planning maximum while meeting increasingly tough cost and

performance targets. We can help you achieve the high kiln
for a more profitable availability your plant needs to be competitive and profitable
future by helping you identify, prioritise and correct problems
before they become a threat to production.

The cornerstone of an effective maintenance programme is

extensive planning for year-round maintenance and service
operations. Our support services can help you realise your

One source,
many capabilities
Spare parts
Mechanical equipment services
Electrical equipment services
Maintenance courses and seminars

maintenance strategy by providing expert assistance every demand for operational reliability within the limitations of
step of the way. We have unsurpassed technical insight into realistic budgets. For instance, we can help define your
the equipment and processes that you can access through critical spare parts list to ensure fast access to items subject
audits, inspections and benchmarking. We can also help you to unpredictable demand. We can also help you identify and
become more self-reliant by providing everything from an spread capital costs so these can be taken into account
efficient supply of necessary spare parts to advanced training upfront to avoid nasty financial surprises during the year. All
programmes. Ultimately our aim is to help you achieve your this helps you structure workflow more efficiently and links
maintenance goals through predicting problems and mini- your maintenance programme more closely with plant
mising breakdowns, rather than merely reacting to them. purchasing and procurement functions.

Planning and budgeting

Increased plant availability often hinges on better planning
of both regular maintenance and capital budgets. We have
the planning expertise to help you balance the growing

Fix it
before it breaks

We realise that maintenance staff is under enormous performance or even failure, you can better plan and
pressure to constantly balance high performance with low efficiently execute planned stoppages yourself.
cost targets. By investing a little in maintenance service
assistance you can avoid a whole variety of far more Predictive maintenance
significant costs due to equipment failure or degradation. Even in a period of strict cost controls, investing in the
Our services are concentrated in the areas of condition- upkeep of key equipment is clearly justified. One of the most
based and failure maintenance to ensure that you get the effective ways to increase availability and reduce total
most out of planned shut-downs. maintenance costs is to invest in predictive, or condition-
based, maintenance that identifies potential problems before
Preventative maintenance they occur. Advanced detection techniques, such as vibration
By making the most of preventative maintenance, mainte- monitoring and analysis, thermographic inspection, ultra-
nance managers can hugely reduce the chances of costly sonic testing and others give you a means to accurately
unplanned stoppages. FLSmidth can help you maximise determine the condition of equipment.
planned shutdowns through our extensive condition-based
and failure analysis services. Armed with crucial information
on the condition of equipment and the reasons for under-

FLSmidths support services are

geared towards helping you
implement the optimum mix
of preventative, predictive and
failure maintenance.

Not only can we assist you in measuring vital data, but also your operation up and running. Crucially, we dont just treat
in analysing the results and providing expert advice about the symptoms but get to the bottom of problems and
the best course of action. This allows you to foresee repairs, always provide a Root Cause Failure Analysis. This way were
identify the root cause of potential threats and fix equip- able to turn an emergency situation today into a preventable
ment before it breaks. Moreover, based on long years of situation tomorrow.
experience, our consultants are able to make subjective
evaluations for example, by listening for unusual sounds In our experience its rarely major components, such as the
and visually inspecting components that can provide kiln or cooler, that fail. Production problems can stem from a
invaluable warning of potential problems. wide range of other essential plant equipment. There are,
for example, 200-300 km of cable in a typical plant, and
Troubleshooting and failure analysis failure in any one piece in a sequence of electrical equip-
Even the best planning in the world is not fail-safe. When ment can shut down production. Our service consultants are
unplanned problems occur, as they invariably will, you can only too aware of this and have decades of experience in
trust FLSmidth to respond with the urgency these situations diagnosing problems quickly and accurately. We can help
demand. Our technicians can help you accomplish even the you quickly identify and repair malfunctioning equipment,
most complex repairs in the shortest amount of time to keep always with a view to minimising future occurrences.

One source
for cement producers

With FLSmidth you enjoy outstanding products and services

but also benefit from the synergies among our many areas
of expertise. Well more than a century of experience in cement
plants and technology has taught us that everything in a plant
is interlinked, and that problems in one area often affect
another. Thats why, for example, we understand that an
equipment audit may affect spare parts contingency planning
and also reveal a need for improved staff training. With FLSmidth
you can get it all under one roof, specified to your needs.

By using us for specific services, you can also raise your own
capabilities through picking up fresh insights and gaining
hands-on experience. We constantly compare notes and results
to improve our own performance, and we use lessons learned
along the way to refine our service offering. All with the aim
of helping you ensure the availability of your production lines.

Spare parts
Our original drawings, documentation and long experience in the manufacture and specification of
quality spare parts can help ensure optimum spare part management even when it comes to spare
parts for older legacy control systems. We have an exacting process to review your specific equipment
needs and to verify that the spare parts we provide match your requirements. Additionally, as a
one-source supplier we can purchase all your necessary OEM and third-party items.

Mechanical equipment services

FLSmidth offers a wide range of mechanical inspection programmes like kiln, ball mill, vertical roller mill,
grate cooler, gear, auxiliary and material handling equipment audits. In addition we offer predictive
maintenance services like ultrasonic crack detection and vibration monitoring. Mechanical equipment
services are not only an essential part of an effective maintenance programme, they can provide your
team with valuable on-the-job training and equipment insight.

Electrical equipment services

Inspection of process control equipment and instrumentation comprises a thorough inspection of
transducers, measuring equipment, gas analysers, controllers, recorders and other instrumentation.
We also provide inspection of various other electrical installations. Electrical equipment services are
an essential part of our overall maintenance programme.

Service consultants assist in troubleshooting of cement plant production equipment, including electrical
or control equipment problems. Urgent troubleshooting can usually be done at short notice. We always
provide a root cause analysis and often propose new ideas or technologies to prevent reoccurrences.

Courses and seminars

As skilled employees become harder and harder to find, staff training takes on new importance. We set
high standards for quality and competence by providing a wide range of training and seminars through
FLSmidths Institute. Our training staff has experience gained in more than 500 plants they know the
equipment, where and why typical problems occur and how to solve them. This range of experience
makes our staff particularly skilled at recommending courses that are relevant to your specific needs.
Project Centre Denmark Project Centre USA Project Centre India
FLSmidth A/S FLSmidth Inc. FLSmidth Private Limited
Vigerslev All 77 2040 Avenue C FLSmidth House
DK-2500 Valby Bethlehem, PA 18017-2188 34, Egatoor, Kelambakkam
Copenhagen Tel: +1 610-264-6011 (Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai)
Tel: +45 3618 1000 Fax: +1 610-264-6170 Tamil Nadu 603 103
C 11-10 000-8 -ENG

Fax: +45 3630 1820 E-mail: Tel: +91-44-4748 1000

E-mail: Fax: +91-44-2747 0301

Copyright 2010 FLSmidth A/S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a (registered) trademark of FLSmidth A/S. This brochure makes no offers, representations
or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.

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