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Parten's sisges-of play - Wikipedia, the free eneyelopedia hitpition wikipedia org/wiki/Parten's stages_ of play Parten's stages of play From Wikipedia, the fiee encyclopedia Stages of play is a theory and classification of children's participation in play developed by Mildred Parten in 1932, Parten observed American preschool age (ages 2 to 5) children at free play (defined as anything unrelated to survival, production or profit). Parten recognized six different types of play: * Unoccupied (play) — when the child is not playing, just observing. A child may be standing in one spot or performing random movements. ™ Solitary (independent) play — when the child is alone and maintains this status by being focused on its activity. Such a child is uninterested in or is unaware of what others are doing. More common in ‘younger children (age 2-3) as opposed to older ones... - ™ Onlooker play (behavior) ~ when the child watches others at play but does not engage in it! The child may engage in forms of social interaction, such as conversation about the play, without actually joining in the activity. "This type of activity is also more common in younger children !41 » Parallel play (adjacent play, social coaction) — when the child plays separately from others but close to them and mimicking their actions. This type of play is seen as a transitory stage fiom a socially immiature solitary and onlooker type of play, to a more socially mature associative and cooperative type of play. = Associative play — when the child is interested in the people playing but not in the activity they are doing, or when there isno orgariized activity at all. There is a substantial amount of interaction involved, but the activities are not coordinated. ® Cooperative play — when a child is interested both in the people playing and in the activity they are doing. In cooperative play, the activity is organized, and participants have assigned roles. There is also increased self-identification with a group, and a group identity may emerge. Relatively uncommon in the preschool years because it requires the most social maturity and more advanced organization skills. An example would be a game of freeze tag. According to Parten, as children became older, improving their communication skills, and as opportunities for peer interaction become more common, the nonsocial (solitary and parallel) types of play become less common, and the social (associative and cooperative) types of play become more common, ‘Modern scholars agree that Parten's theory has contributed substantially to our understanding of play, and while alternative classification schemes have been proposed, Parten's stages of play are still widely used: However, there is disagreement on whether there is indeed a sequence of play stages that children go through — for example, whether toddlers are really unable to play cooperatively, and whether solitary play in older children is Jess common or a sign of immaturity.“ Alternative explanations suggest that types of play ‘muy be influenced by other circumstances (such as how well the children know one another). Games without a “winner” are best for young children. Treasure Hunts + [Spy bottles with objects from the story Freeze Games Obstacle Course Mystery Bag Whole Group Movement Activities ‘Parachute (or king size sheet) with soft balls Bean Bags co Scarves POS Games that help the kids get to know one another. Hula Hoop © Tablefora Party of 77? Shoe Detective Other Game Ideas. + Memory Games (Pintrist) Bingo with Bible pictures Go Fish - with a paper plate fan a tissue paper fish across the room Flashlights Scrambled - cut apart pictures or verses and individuals or teams put them back together Alphabet Cereal Scrabble Broom Sweep Baseball Put masking tape or paper on the floor for bases o Divide the class into two teams: oThe teacher pitches (asks) a student a memory verse or review question to answer oThe student that answers correctly rolls the dice to bat. If the questions is, fficult let the student get help from a teammate ol=single 02= double woes ad 06= out olf they geta “hit” they run the bases odfter a team makes three outs or gets nine runs in an inning the other team gets to bat Resources: www ‘www, lavschoolres com/games] “JUST.ADD KIDS” Games for children’s ministry ~ Group Publishing “FIDGET BUSTERS” 101 Attention Getters for Children’s Ministry by. Roehlkepartian “SIPS [OLUSLU PSIINDOD A|MAU SJNPIOSUOD PUD BdJODId O} UBIPJIYS sejqoue Aojd pou} |UBNoy! 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