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3840 Locust Walk

Kyler Mintah Philadelphia, PA 19104

(646) 637-5618
BSE Candidate, Computer Engineering


University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Java
Science, Philadelphia, PA
Candidate for BSE in Computer Engineering
August 2016 - May 2020
Full-time student; Member of Architechs Hardware Hacking Club; PennApps
Volunteer & Participant; National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Member Matlab

St Stithians College, Johannesburg, South Africa High School
January 2011 - December 2015
Deputy Head Boy; Head of Student Representative Council; Head of
Interschool's Relations Committee; Executive Member of Interact Committee
Video Editing
(Rotary); Basketball Captain; Athletics Team Member

Visual Basic Application
Certified in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
University of Pennsylvania, PA Teaching Assistant
January 2017 - PRESENT
Teaching assistant for ESE 190 & ESE 111 (Electrical Systems Engineering); AWARDS

Delivered lecture on IoT. Designed labs & assignments and graded them. Holtes Award | St Stithians College
Assisted students with various ESE projects & assignments.
for the student who has been an
Filmed UPenn Engineering SEAS-wide Design Project Showcase. This is a ambassador for the College in the
showcase for the best Engineering Senior Design projects of the year from all following areas: Academics, Service,
engineering disciplines at UPenn. Culture, Sports and Spirituality
Awarded in 2015
Samsung, Johannesburg, South Africa Job Shadow
Academic Honors | St Stithians College
September 2014
Awarded in 2015
Week long job shadowing opportunity at Samsungs RHQ inSouthAfrica.Was
involved in day-to-day meetings with employees in variousdepartments.Met Sporting Honors | St Stithians College
with the web developer in charge of Samsungs website in the region. Awarded in 2015

School Basketball MVP

Intel, Johannesburg, South Africa Job Shadow
Awarded in 2015
June 2012
Presidents Award Bronze
Two day job shadowing at Intels marketing division in Johannesburg South
Africa. Was involved in meetings between Intel and OEM Samsung and Awarded in 2012
attended event coordination meetings. Attended product showcasing event.
Small scale market research.

High School Senior Research Paper IsiZulu (Limited Working Proficiency)
Known as Independent Examinations Board One Research Task (ORT)

My Research Question: HowistheDisruptiveTechnologyInternetofThings

transforming our lives and enabling a technological revolution? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

U.S Citizen
Permanent Resident (South Africa)
Dorm Room Doorbell IoT Enabled Doorbell
Designed and built Bluetooth & WiFi enabled doorbell thatsendstextmessage
alerts to users using an Arduino UNO + WiFi shield. Utilizes ThingSpeak &
Twilio APIs.

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