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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1. Lili : Are you certain this is the way?

Jasmine : Perhaps. If we are lost, we can ask anybody here.
What does jasmine mean?
a. She is sure where to go
b. Jasmine and Lili are sure that they go to the right direction
c. She ensure that they go to the right direction
d. She is uncertain that they go to the right direction

2. Uni : Do you know where the book is?

Miss Rani : Absolutely! Let me show you the way
It means .......................
a. Miss Rani was happy to help Uni
b. Miss Rani ensured that she know where the book is
c. Miss rani certain that she knows where the book is
d. Uni need informnation about the book

3. Luna : What do you think about Titi? Will she come to night?
Maya : I don't think she will come.
From the dialogue above, we know that...
a. Maya feels sure that Titi will come.
b. Maya feels uncertain that Titi will come.
c. Maya doesn't like Titi.
d. Maya tries to think about Titi

4. Andi : Is this your ruler, Toha?

Toha : No, it isn't. That one is mine.
Andi : May I borrow it?
Toha : ...........................
Andi : Thanks.
a. No, thanks
b. No, way
c. I am not sure
d. Certainly. Here you are

5. Dedy : Are you sure that she will come to my party tonight?
Mizwar : I'm sure about that.
The underlined sentence is used to express ......
a. Certainty
b. Uncertainty
c. Disagreement
d. Suggestion

6. Mrs. Diah : Can Dewi operate the computer?

Nelly : May be she can, but ......................, I have never seen her operate it.
a. I'm afraid she can
b. I'm sure about it
c. I doubt it
d. I'm surprised to know what ...

7. Miss Dina : Do you think the headmaster will be here at 7.30 am tomorrow?
Miss Ati : ...................... he will. He always gets here before 7.
a. I doubt
b. I'm sure
c. I'm afraid
d. I can't stay

8. Bobby : I'm sure Fredy has forgotten to come here.

Herman : ......................... he always keeps his promises. I know him well.
a. I doubt
b. I'm sure
c. I'm sorry
d. I agree with you

9. Yudy : You should pay Rp 5,000 for one way on trip

Youmi : I beg your pardon
What does Youmi mean?
a. She wants Yudy to forget what she say
b. She forbids Yudy to repeat what he said
c. She asks Yudy to repeat what he said
d. She refuses Yudy to repeat what he said

The seasons in Indonesia are described as wet and dry. It is usually warm and humid
with sunshine most of the time. However, it also rains frequently. Sometimes, the heavy
rain causes flood these, in turn lead to traffic jams. Fortunately they are usually not very
serious. Unlike some countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, the flood can cause
great damage and hardship. Sometimes, crops are destroyed and lives are lost.
In the tropical climate like our country, we have air conditioner and fan at home, they
help to keep us cool. On a bright sunny day, many people like to go to the beach to have
a cool dip in the water. It is great relief for the heat. Many countries have four seasons.
Foreign people from these countries visit Indonesia to get away from the cold winter.
While we complain about the heat, they come here to enjoy the sun and return home
with a nice condition.

10. What seasons does Indonesia have?

a. Four seasons
b. Two seasons
c. Cool and hot
d. Wet and dry

11. How bad is the flood in Thailand and the Philippines?

a. They causes great damage and hardship
b. Crops are destroyed
c. They heavy rain causes flood
d. Lives are lost

12. There are three ways mentioned in the text that help to keep us cool, except ............
a. Air conditional
b. Fan
c. Refrigerator
d. Dipping in the water

13. They come here to enjoy the sun and return home with a nice condition. What does
the word they refer to?
a. People
b. We
c. Foreign people
d. Indonesian

14. Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?

Dinda : Guess what? I got an A on my English test
Awan : Sorry? ......................... Its very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, I got an A on my English test.
Awan : Really? Thats fantastic.
a. What did you say?
b. Is it important?
c. Can you believe it?
d. How come?

15. Anton : Hello, can I speak to Prabowo?

Abi's Mother : Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Can you repeat again, please?
The underlined phrase is showing .
a. Certainty
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. Hesitation

16. Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?

a. Sorry, Im not so sure.
b. Well, thats all right.
c. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
d. Really?

17. Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for repetition?
a. Do you understand?
b. What did you say?
c. Ok. Listen it well
d. Really?

18. Most students think that Mathematics is ............ than other subjects.
a. More expensive
b. More diligent
c. More beautiful
d. More difficult

19. A car's price is usually ............ than a bike's price

a. Cheaper
b. More expensive
c. Bigger
d. More complex

20. My room is ............ than Bill's room because I seldom clean it.
a. Bigger
b. Cleaner
c. Smaller
d. Dirtier

21. The weather in the mountain is ............ than in the beach.

a. Thicker
b. Hotter
c. Thinner
d. Cooler
22. Ratu : Lets ask everyone in our class to help clean the beach.
Ketut : ................. that they are willing to. Not everyone cares for our nature
Ratu : Yeah, but its worth trying.
a. Mmm..
b. Certainly
c. Really
d. I doubt

23. Bonar : Is it possible to make other people aware of the loss that they can cause?
Putri : ............. I dont think we can make everyone aware of their damaging
a. OK
b. What was that again?
c. Im very certain about it.
d. Im not so sure about it.

24. Indah : Look at the handsome boy over there

Jeny : .
a. I want to buy a dress there
b. How do you do
c. Wow. How beautiful she is
d. Yeah ! How handsome he is

25. Andri : Did you hear that Beni got 10 for his science lesson.
Miki : .
a. He was tired
b. How are you?
c. Great. He is very polite
d. Wow. How intelligent

26. Evi : Do you have completed the task of mathematics?

Maria : Yes. I did it yesterday.
Evi : Wow. How quickly you did it !
The underlined word is showing..
a. Showing Certainty
b. Responding of Hesitation
c. Responding of Admiration
d. Showing Admiration

27. Rani : How often do you practice your English?

Doni : Alhamdulillah.. I practice my English every day.
Rani : Oh really ? What a diligent student !
Doni : Thank you
The underlined words is showing..
a. Responding of Admiration
b. Responding of Graduation
c. Responding of Invitation
d. Responding of Information

28. Ana : Im very hungry !

Rabi : Why you dont eat this food
Ana : ..
a. What did they do?
b. What an interesting plan
c. It is food
d. What delicious food

The weather is not beautifull all of time. Perhaps you can remember a day when bad
weather made you afraid. One kind of bad weather that scares many people is called
This is what happens when there is a thunderstrom. First you see a sudden flash of
bright light. A few seconds later you hear a loud rumbling sound. This quick flash is called
lightening, and the loud sound is called thunder. Lightening is colorfull, but it can cause
serious problems.
Lightening is electricity that is moving very rapidly, it may be moving between a cloud
at the ground, between two clouds, or between two parts of the same cloud. The
lightening heats the air around it. This hot air expands, or gets bigger, and it caauses the
air to move in waves. The air waves pass you in a series, one after another. For this
reason, you may hear many rumbles and not just one sound.

29. The text tells us about ......

a. Weather
b. Thunderstrom
c. Lightening
d. Sudden flash

30. Before a thunderstrom happens, we may see ........

a. Clouds
b. Rainbow
c. Thunder
d. Lightening
31. the lightening heats the air around it the word it refers to ..........
a. Thunder
b. Heats
c. The lightening
d. The air

32. What is the purpose of thr text above?

a. To show us that the school principal is Kelana
b. To invite elemtary student
c. To describe an extra food
d. To inform us that expired date milk is dangerous

33. The program is sponsored by a famous milk company

What does the word famous here mean?
a. Dangerous
b. Grow
c. Well known
d. Unconcious

34. The article above is a/an ......................

a. Job vacancy
b. Advertisement
c. Brochure
d. Time table
35. We can contact the agency by .........................
a. Telephoning or visiting
b. Sending letters
c. Telephoning inly
d. Visiting only

Leaves have the job of absorbing the energy of the sun rays. By using the clorophyll, this
energy is used to mix the water and CO2 through stomata. It is then distributed to all
....................... (36) of the plant. This ........................... (37) is caller photosynthesis. Then
the ........................ (38) is released to provided our need of breathing.

36. a. Roots b. Leaves c. Branches d. Parts

37. a. Distributions b. Mixture c. Energy d. Proces

38. a. Oxygen b. Air c. Nitrogen d. Carbon dioxide

39. Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a coherent paragraph!

1. She grows and water them everyday
2. She is very diligent
3. Mrs. Emy is a gardener
4. She plants some flowers and some other beeautiful plants
The best arrangement is ................................
a. 3-2-4-1
b. 3-4-2-1
c. 2-3-1-4
d. 2-1-3-4

40. The good arrangement of these words is .......................

Didnt borrow the from book library the she
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 8-1-3-2-5-4-6-7
b. 8-2-3-5-1-4-7-6
c. 7-6-1-2-5-4-3-8
d. 8-1-2-3-5-4-7-6
II. Read the text carefully and answer the questions!

The Girl and Her Bucket

A young girl was going to market with a bucket of milk on her head. "With the gold
that I get from the sale of this milk, I'll buy a red hen," she said. "The hen will lay eggs, they'll
hatch and then I'll have many chicks to be raised. I'll feed them well and when they're
grown, they will lay eggs. And those eggs will hatch and I will have more hens that will lay
more eggs that will hatch into chicks.
I'll be rich and I'll wear fine clothes with emeralds and rubies from my collar to my
toes and one day perhaps I shall visit the Queen. I shall bring her rare gifts from China. I'll
enter the court with my arms full of treasure. When I bow low to the queen, I shall say, "For
your majesty's pleasure!"
And she bowed low. With that sweep of her arm, she knocked off the bucket and
spilled her fantasy load.
"Oh dear," she cried, "My dreams are splattered in puddles of milk on the road."

Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. Where did the girl put the bucket of milk on?

2. What did she want to get from the sale of the milk?

3. Why did he want to be rich?

4. What would she say when bowing to the Queen?

5. What would she give to the Queen?

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