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How else can we study sex differences in early



Impact Factor: 3.31 DOI: 10.1002/dev.21345




Anne Fausto-Sterling
Brown University


Available from: Anne Fausto-Sterling

Retrieved on: 18 October 2015
Developmental Psychobiology

Anne Fausto-Sterling
Department of Molecular Biology, Cell
Biology and Biochemistry How Else Can We Study Sex
Brown University
Providence, RI, 02912
Differences in Early Infancy?
ABSTRACT: This paper revisits group difference and individual variability in
birth weight, head size, Apgar score, and motor performance in neonatal and
8-month-old males and females using a large existing data set. The goal is
primarily theoreticalto reframe existing analyses with an eye toward designing
and executing more predictive analyses in the future. 3D graphing to visualize
both the areas of overlap and regions of disparity between boys and girls has
been used. A two-step cluster analysis of boys and girls together revealed three
clusters. One was almost equally divided between boys and girls, but a second
was highly enriched for boys and the third highly skewed toward girls. The
relationship between cluster membership and Bayley motor scores at 8 months
tested the hypothesis that initial differences that have no sex-related behavioral
content might start processes that produce later sex-related differences. Initially,
parental belief systems may be less important than infant care patterns evoked
by basic size and health characteristics, even though later parental behaviors
assume a decidedly gendered pattern. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Dev
Psychobiol 9999: 112, 2015.

Keywords: sex-related differences; activity level; birth characteristics; 3D mesh

graphing; cluster analysis

RETHINKING SEX-RELATED DIFFERENCES IN Wheelwright, Batki, & Ahluwalia, 2000; Hittelman &
ACTIVITY LEVELS AND MOTOR Dickes, 1979; Lundqvist & Sabel, 2000). These authors
DEVELOPMENT DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF also suggest that findings of differences at birth or in
INFANCY the first several months of infancy provide evidence for
innate sex-related differences and, in turn, posit the
Many reports document sex-related differences in neo- early differences as a basis for sex-related differences
natal behaviors and interpret these early differences as in play behaviors and social skills that develop months
evidence for an innate, biological contribution to group or even years after birth.
differences. For example, Campbell and Eaton (1999) We find this appeal to biological origins unsatisfac-
suggest that the existence of neonatal differences in tory. First, the documented differences are not dimor-
activity levels (AL) and intra- and inter-limb coordina- phic, but reflect mean differences between heavily
tion (Piek, Gasson, Barrett, & Case, 2002) supports the overlapping populations. The appeal to biology does
idea of a biological origin for such differences. little to explain the overlap or sameness between
Similarly, a number of studies report neonatal sex populations. Nor does it explain intra-group variability.
differences in some aspect of eye contact or responsive- Finally, even if mean differences originate from prena-
ness to social interactions (Connellan, Baron-Cohen, tal biological events, the appeal offers little insight into
the processes by which something that happens during
Manuscript Received: 23 December 2014 gestation leads months or even years later to a sex-
Manuscript Accepted: 3 August 2015 related behavioral difference. In other words, there is
Correspondence to: Anne Fausto-Sterling
Contract grant sponsor: Ford Foundation no developmental story of the sort pioneered by
Contract grant sponsor: Pembroke Center for Teaching and Gottlieb, Wahlsten, and Lickliter (1998), Lerner, Boyd,
Research on Women Kiely, Napolitano, and Schmid (2010), and Wahlsten
Article first published online in Wiley Online Library
( (2010). Animal behaviorists have studied the effects of
DOI 10.1002/dev.21345  2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. experience on behavioral development for many deca-
2 Fausto-Sterling Developmental Psychobiology
des, developing an understanding of complex progres- size 0.35) at birth seems to decline to zero between 4
sionthe idea that each moment in time proceeds from and 6 months, only to climb again to much larger
what has gone before and sets the stage for what differentials at year 1 and thereafter. To what might one
follows (Gottlieb, 1997; Kuo, 1976; Rosenblatt & attribute such developmental changes? Historically,
Lehrman, 1963; Schnierla, 1957). Students of mamma- activity level has been understood to be a character trait
lian behavior typically divide the times seen to shape that is, more or less fixed over time. Although some are
adult behavior into the prenatal, postnatal, and adoles- beginning to think about the neural basis of tempera-
cent periods, but the impact of events in the previous ment (Henderson & Wachs, 2007), no theory about the
period on the phase that follows is in many cases underlying neuromuscular basis of AL exists. Hadders-
poorly understood. This paper focuses on the transition Algra (2002) discusses central pattern generators which
from birth to early infancy in humans, and more are roughed out with huge individual variation in fetal
specifically on the importance of infant adult interactive life, using an initial genetic program. However, move-
dyads for behavioral development. In an incisive review ment itself, both in utero and postnatally, structures
of the current state of knowledge of parentinfant continued development. Recent studies on embryonic
interactions in the neonatal period, Feldman (2015) chickens and perinatal rats provide evidence that fetal
examines what we know about the biology of parent and neonatal sensorimotor experience can change
infant interactions in humans and contrasts known motility and is thus most likely an important compo-
mechanisms with knowledge gleaned from the animal nent of sensorimotor development (Sharp, 2015). Neu-
literature. romuscular development and movement begin early in
When we think about early-appearing group differ- fetal development and are shaped by the physical
ences, what is at stake is not so much whether any constraints of the uterine environment (Adolf & Berger,
particular observation is right or wrong, but rather, 2011; Robinson & Mendez-Gallardo, 2010). Further-
what it provides evidence of. Consider, for example, a more, fetal motor activity and development respond to
recent study by Moon, Lagercrantz, and Kuhl (2013) changes in maternal behavior and vary with socio-
on neonatal language. In the study, Swedish and US economic status and cultural location (DiPietro, Cos-
neonates controlled what vowel sounds they listened to tigan, Shupe, Pressman, & Johnson, 1998; DiPietro
by sucking on a pacifier. The researchers interpreted et al., 2004; Dipietro, 2010). Most such responses are
the sucking number to indicate what sounds most sex neutral but there are some small differences in
attracted the newborn. Swedish newborns sucked more male versus female fetal responses to changes in
in response to Swedish vowel sounds while American maternal physiology (DiPietro, Kivlighan, Costigan, &
neonates responded more to English. Presumably, the Laudenslager, 2009). In the current example, perhaps
early difference in language skills does not, in this initial high activity levels result from small sex differ-
instance, signify an innate difference between Ameri- ences in the timing of neuromuscular development (see
can and Swedish children, but rather that prenatal for example, Buss et al. (2009) report of timing
exposure to spoken sound affects the perception of differences in development of the fetal startle
native phonemes even as early as 48 hr after birth. response), with higher AL levels indicating a relative
Relatedly, Kuhl and others brilliantly argue for lan- lack of motor stability or control. Or, given data
guage acquisition as a dynamic, progressive (devel- discussed in the body of this paper, perhaps the
opmental) process in which context and body (auditory movement in utero of larger infants is more con-
and vocal developments) are intimately intertwined strained, thus slowing neuromuscular development
(Dehaene-Lambertz, Hertz-Pannier, & Dubois, 2006; (DiPietro, Hodgson, Costigan, Hilton, & Johnson,
Kuhl, Tsao, Liu, Zhang, & De Boer, 2001; Kuhl et al., 1996).
2006; Kuhl & Rivera-Gaxiola, 2008; Kuhl, 2010). Consistent with the idea that boys neuromuscular
The work in this paper explores an alternate development is at first a bit slower, the authors of a
approach to understanding the importance of neonatal study of Spanish neonates using a Brazelton behavioral
sex-related differences in humans. The aim is to shift scale, report that girls scored higher on assessments of
how researchers might think about early differences alertness and state regulation, while boys were some-
and to consider how such a shift could lead to new, what more irritable (Boatella-Costa, Costas-Moragas,
empirically testable research studies. Consider again Botet-Mussons, Fornieles-Deu, & De Caceres-Zurita,
Campbell and Eatons work on activity level differ- 2007) (on gender and state regulation see also (Lundqv-
ences. Fausto-Sterling, Garca Coll, and Lamarre note ist & Sabel, 2000)). As postnatal development pro-
(2012) that a more fine-tuned analysis of their data gresses to the period from 4 to 6 months, perhaps
suggests nuanced changes in AL during the first several neuromuscular development equalizes in boys and girls
months after birth. A difference that is small (effect as infants begin to explore directed motion with random
Developmental Psychobiology How Else Can We Study Sex Differences in Early Infancy 3
movement variations that become more controlled over 2012, p. 1689; Stern & Karraker, 1989). In general, just
subsequent months (Heineman, Bos, & Hadders-Algra, as the author believes that reflexive appeals to innate or
2008; Heineman, Middelburg, & Hadders-Algra, 2010). biological causes are not that helpful, she also finds
Could it be that divergence after 46 months indicates that theories of socialization are weak because they do
increased abilities and motor interest in boys compared not usually contain a theory of embodiment.
to girls? And could this in turn, develop as part of a Because the term socialization is associated with a
maternal-infant motor development system (Krishna, type of social learning theory that seems to be disem-
2013; Lin, 2011)? The observation that mothers under- bodied, the author prefers to use the intertwined
estimated their 11-month-old daughters crawling abil- concepts of physical, social, and emotional experience.
ities while overestimating their sons performance is the As insisted upon by Thelen (Thelen et al., 1993; Thelen
sort of finding begging for deeper and earlier exploration & Corbetta, 1994; Thelen, Schoener, Scheier, & Smith,
(Mondschein, Adolf, & Tamis-LeMonda, 2000). 2001; Smith, 2005; van Geert & Steenbeek, 2005) the
Seen as a temperament trait, activity level has been infants experiential world leaves neuro-muscular traces
linked to a variety of negative behavioral outcomes which we call embodied experience. Physical con-
such as hyperactivity, externalizing behavior, and poor straints and feedback from maternal emotional experi-
adjustment to daycare (Saudino, 2012). Hines (2009) ences already shape motor development in the womb
links sex differences in activity levels to sex differences (Adolf & Berger, 2011; DiPietro et al., 2009), and after
in rough and tumble play in toddlers, but Eaton (2001) birth include, for example, diapers (Cole et al., 2012),
emphasizes that activity level differences may be sleeping position (Feldman & Greenbaum, 1997; Salls,
context specific and that measured over the course of Silverman, & Gatty, 2002), differential maternal han-
an entire day and in a variety of contexts sex differ- dling of male and female infants (Fausto-Sterling,
ences are less evident. In contrast to AL, motor skill Crews, Sung, Garca-Coll, & Seifer, 2015), and different
development is often treated as an ordered developmen- experiential worlds encountered in the home and in
tal sequence which boys and girls seem to accomplish pre-school (Martin, 1998). Specific cultural practices,
equally well and in the same time sequence (Bayley, including infant clothing, methods of carrying the
1965). Thelen (2005), Piek et al. (2002), and Newell, infant, and practices such as infant massage and limb
Liu, and Mayer-Kress (2003) used dynamic systems exercise have been shown to affect motor development
approaches to link AL (a supposedly fixed trait) to (Adolph & Robinson, 2013). Thus the concept of
motor skill development (learned, developmental experience casts a wider net than that of socialization,
behaviors), but do not suggest how a trait with manifest invoking the mutual interplay between the physiolog-
sex differences transforms into a set of skills lacking in ical, the physical environment, and individual daily
difference. The extensive and fascinating work of Adolf practices of child rearing. The latter, of course, are
and her coworkers demonstrating the importance of shaped by the wider culture in which they occur.
physical (Cole, Lingeman, & Adolph, 2012) and human Small infantcaregiver interactions, the moment-to-
contexts for the development of motor skills provides moment activities of infant care, should be investigated
an important context for thinking about this question. as important aspects of early infant experience. Ander-
At the same time that works such as those just son et al. (2000) define experience as a process that
reviewed link early physiological differences to the captures transactions between the organism at multiple
idea of innate sex differences, a number of studies find levels of analysis (p.249) from the cellular, to the
that adults respond to or treat very young infants behavioral to the cultural. For motor development, they
differently depending on whether they are, or are further distinguish active, self-generated activity from
believed to be, boys or girls (Condry & Condry, 1976; passive locomotion such as being carried by a parent or
Karraker, Vogel, & Lake, 1995; Rubin, Provenzano, & having their limbs stimulated by an adult. Thus, as the
Luria, 1974; Reid, 1994; Sweeney & Bradbard, 1988; citations in the previous paragraph demonstrate for the
Will, Self, & Datan, 1976). There is a presumption that field of motor development, a dynamic account of
differences in treatment contribute to the emergence of experience that includes different cultural worlds is
behavioral differences (e.g., toy preference at 1 year of well developed.
age) through socialization mechanisms that might The work in this paper, using a pre-existing data set,
include social learning, and infant response to rein- revisits in an exploratory and theoretical fashion, group
forcement via parental praise or discouragement (Mon- difference, and individual variability in basic physical
dschein et al., 2000; Roopnarine, Fouts, Lamb, & and physiological birth characteristics (birth weight,
Lewis-Elligan, 2005). But social science literature head size, Apgar score, motor performance) in natal
linking adult perceptions of gender to specific devel- and 8-month-old males and females. The hypothesis is
opmental outcomes is weak (Fausto-Sterling et al., that small initial differences that have no behavioral
4 Fausto-Sterling Developmental Psychobiology
content of the sort associated with older infants and used Matlabs Data Cursor feature to identify individual
toddlers might be at the starting point of a process that data points on the 3D graphs. In some cases, we used
produces later sex-related behavior differences. Ini- Adobe Photoshop to overlay graphs for visual compar-
tially, parental belief systems about sex-related differ- ison. In these overlaid 3D graphs, we reduced the size
ences may be less important than infant care patterns of our starting data set from more than 17,000 subjects
evoked by these basic characteristics, although later to 600 (300 of each sex) to enhance visual clarity. We
parental behaviors take on a decidedly gendered pattern accomplished this reduction using Matlabs
(Ahl, Fausto-Sterling, Garcia-Coll, & Seifer, 2013; randsample function to randomly sample the larger
Sung, Fausto-Sterling, Garcia Coll, & Seifer, 2013). data set. The means and standard deviations for the
smaller random sample are similar to those of the large
data set (data not shown).

Participants and Data Sources

The data used to analyze neonatal and 8 month sex
differences were culled from the Collaborative Perinatal Birth Characteristics
Project (CPP), a birth cohort study established in 1959
Birth weight, head circumference, and Apgar scores are
which involved the examination of over 50,000 children
well-known but poorly theorized neonatal sex-related
through the first 7 years of life (Gilman, Gardener, &
differences. The descriptive statistics and malefemale
Buka, 2008; Klebanoff, 2009). A subset (8,932 males,
comparisons of the larger set can be found in Table 1.
8,858 females) of these data, shared with us by Professor
At birth, boys outweigh girls by one tenth of a
Stephen Buka of Brown University, was used to
kilogram. Biparietal measurements (differences range
illustrate and compare the relationships between birth
from 1.3 to 4.4%) or measurements of head circum-
weight, neonatal head circumference, Apgar scores, and
ference (differences range from 1.9 to 3.9%) on fetuses
8 month outcomes for the motor performance subset of
as young as 18 weeks through to newborns, show that
the Brazelton Behavioral Assessment Scale.
males have slightly larger brain or head sizes than
females (Fausto-Sterling et al., 2012). The data pro-
Statistics and Graphing
vided by the Perinatal Data Collaborative, confirm
We used the 3D mesh graphing capabilities of MAT- these findings and also evidence modest sex-related
LAB ( to create graphs and differences in Apgar scores (girls slightly higher). As
scatterplots that compared three traits at a time. We can also be seen in Table 1, the head size and body

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics and Independent Sample t-Tests of Data Obtained From the Collaborative Perinatal
Gender Mean Std. Deviation t Sig. (Two-Tailed)
a b
Birth weight (gms) Male 3219.45 533.977 14.160 .000
Femalec 3107.66 519.048 .000
Weight 8 months (kg) Male 8.81 1.152 35.521 .000
Female 8.22 1.065 .000
Bayley 8 monthsa Male 33.52 4.655 4.422 .000
Female 33.82 4.362 .000
Apgar 1 min Male 7.85 1.810 2.912 .004
Female 7.93 1.724 .004
Apgar 5 mina Male 9.06 1.087 3.322 .001
Female 9.11 .999 .001
Birth HC (cm) Male 33.99 1.561 24.169 .000
Female 33.43 1.518 .000
HC8MO (cm) Male 44.68 1.889 40.747 .000
Female 43.55 1.799 .000
Levenes test indicates unequal variance and the given t reflects that assumption.
N 8932.
N 8858.
Developmental Psychobiology How Else Can We Study Sex Differences in Early Infancy 5
weight differences persist at 8 months. Although the ference is significant (Pearson Correlation .092), it is
Apgar is a neonatal health measure and hence not dramatically smaller than the correlation between neo-
applicable at 8 months, small differences in Bayley natal head size and birth weight (Pearson Correlation
Motor scores favor girls at 8 months. .757). Both the birth and 8 month correlations are
Although information about the range and variability similar for boys and girls. The strong relationship
of each characteristic in the dataset can be gleaned between head circumference and body weight is greatly
from the basic statistical information presented in the diminished by 8 months. There is a moderately strong
tables, it is instructive to visualize all three character- correlation between neonatal body weight/head size
istics in relationship to one another for both between and 8 month Bayley motor scores (girls Pearson
and within sex comparisons, since presumably a parent Correlation ranges from .220 to .249; boys .210 to
will react to a particular infant based on a combination .245). There is a diminished correlation between head
of traits. Figure 1A shows the 3D space occupied by circumference and body weight at birth (Pearson
individual female infants for weight, head circumfer- Correlation for girls .757; boys .761) compared to
ence, and Apgar scores taken 5 min after birth while 8 month head size and body weight (Pearson Correla-
Figure 1B offers the same information for male infants. tion for girls .096; boys .385).
The big question raised in this paper is how do Constructing a 3D representation of several birth
combinations of infant traits affect adult care-giving traits helps to define each individual by the intersection
responses? of three specific traits. This permits us in turn to think
Some of our graphic analysis (graphs not shown) about a combined population of males and females in
suggested a correlation between weight and head size terms of coordinate similarity rather than mean popula-
but a comparative lack of correlation between Apgar tion-wide differences. To further explore, we used
scores and infant size. The actual correlations and their SPSS to define three clusters (using a Two-Step Cluster
significance are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Although the analysis) within the combined population of boys and
correlation for female Apgar scores and head circum- girls (Table 4) and then we examined the sex composi-

FIGURE 1 3D mesh and scatterplots of weight (in kilograms) on the X-axis, head circum-
ference (in centimeters) on the Y-axis, and Apgar Score at 5 min after birth on the Z-axis. (A)
Girls at 5 min after birth. (B) Boys at 5 min after birth. (C) Overlaid scatterplots of boys ( ) and
girls ( ). ( ) Approximate location of cluster 1. ( ) Approximate location of cluster 2
and ( ) approximate location of cluster 3.
6 Fausto-Sterling Developmental Psychobiology
Table 2. Pearson Correlations for Girls Traits at Birth and 8 Months
5 Min Head Circum. Birth Bayley Motor 8 Head Circum. 8 Weight 8
Apgar Birth Weight Months Months Months
5 min Apgar 1 .092 .073 .075 .008 .030
Head circumference (cm)- .092 1 .757 .220 .356 .313
Birth weight (gms) .073 .757 1 .249 .241 .423
Bayley motor 8 months .075 .220 .249 1 .112 .089
Head circumference (cm)-8 .008 .356 .241 .112 1 .096
Weight (kg) 8 months .030 .313 .423 .089 .096 1

Correlation is significant at the .01 to .001 level (two-tailed).

tion of membership in each of the clusters (Table 5). bership at birth and Bayley motor scores at 8 months
Cluster membership varies significantly by birth sex (F(2, 17790) 268, p < .001). Thus the heaviest chil-
(Table 6). Cluster 1, characterized by the heaviest, dren at birth, a cohort enriched for boys, have slightly
largest head circumference children with Apgar scores lower motor scores at 8 months, while the smallest
averaging 9.0, has about 40% more boys than girls. birth cohort, which is enriched for girls, has the highest
Figure 1C presents the individual data for male and motor scores at 8 months. The intermediate size birth
female infants as superimposed scatterplots. Three cohort remains in the motor middle and equally divided
individual data points that fall within clusters 1, 2, or 3, between boys and girls.
respectively, are also indicated. Finally, we have shown
the approximate location of each of the three clusters.
One interesting point is that cluster 2, which is over DISCUSSION
represented for girls, shows the largest data spread, also
confirmed by the standard deviations for each cluster. The re-examination of the relationships between three
At 8 months, the mean Bayley motor score for birth characteristicsweight, head circumference, and
cluster 1 is 34.10 (SD 4.20). Cluster 2, which Apgar scores confirmed the existence of small but
contains the smallest children and mean Apgar scores significant neonatal sex differences. With the exception
of 8.4 has about 25% more girls. At 8 months, the of Reinisch, Rosenblum, Rubin, and Schulsinger
mean Bayley motor score for cluster 2 is 34.25 (1991), studies of sex-related differences in head size
(SD 4.20). Cluster 3, containing intermediate sized and weight have been conducted in order to provide
infants with mean Apgar Scores of 9.4 is almost norms for assessing infant health and development at
equally divided between males and females and the birth, rather than to provide a basis for understanding
mean Bayley motor score at 8 months for this group is the development of sex-related behaviors. Crawford,
32.48 (SD 5.01). A univariate ANOVA (SPSS) indi- Doyle, and Meadows (1987) and Davis et al. (1993) for
cated a significant relationship between cluster mem- example, concentrate on fetal and genetic origins of

Table 3. Pearson Correlations for Boys Traits at Birth and 8 Months

5 Min Head Circum. Birth Bayley Motor 8 Head Circum. 8 Weight 8
Apgar Birth Weight Months Months months
5 min Apgar 1 .036 .058 .076 .008 .003
Head circumference (cm)- .036 1 .761 .210 .325 .299
Birth weight (gms) .058 .761 1 .248 .254 .388
Bayley motor 8 months .076 .210 .248 1 .091 .141
Head circumference .008 .325 .254 .091 1 .385
(cm)-8 months
Weight (kg) 8 months .003 .299 .388 .141 .385 1

Correlation is significant at the .001 to .01 level (two-tailed).
Developmental Psychobiology How Else Can We Study Sex Differences in Early Infancy 7
Table 4. Clusters for Birth Weight, Apgar Score, and Head Circumference Using a Two-Step Cluster Analysis
Birth Weight (gms) Apgar 5 Min Birth Head Circumference (cm)
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
Cluster 1 3732.32 335.632 9.05 .674 35.36 .836
2 2570.00 456.314 8.42 1.689 31.98 1.548
3 3144.59 262.270 9.41 .536 33.65 .749
Combined 3163.79 529.541 9.09 1.044 33.71 1.565

these differences but do not speculate on developmental development. To illuminate an alternative to Reinischs
consequences for sex-related differences in behavior standard approach, Table 7 contrasts two theoretical
(Crawford et al., 1987; Davis et al., 1993). In contrast, and methodological approaches. Prior work by Fogel
Reinisch and coworkers (1991) studied sex differences and Thelen (1987) on the development of smiling also
in the timing of motor and social milestones in infant illustrates these differences. These authors document
development and correlated these with variables (which the transitions from neonatal reflexive but muscularly
they called background variables) such as birth weight limited sleep smiling to a complex smile that gradually
and birth stage. It is instructive to consider this paper in becomes tailored to specific social interactions, noting
a bit of detail because the authors articulate a as well the accompanying changes in external stimuli
frequently encountered theoretical framework that con- that elicit smiling. For Fogel and Thelen, smiling is a
trasts with the one I am urging researchers to adopt. continuous neuro-muscularly morphing phenomenon
Reinisch et al. used maternal diaries kept during the that can only be understood developmentally. In
first 12 months of infancy to assess the timing of 10 contrast, Reinisch et al. see smiling as a singular trait
predefined developmental milestones. These include that appears at a certain moment (4849 days) in
one social marker (smiles) and nine motor milestones. development. Although they consider how a babys
Using a large sample size (5,000), they detected a smile may facilitate interactions with adult caregivers,
number of small but significant timing differences. For they develop no hypotheses about how sensory stimuli
example boys crawled independently 7.4 days and might facilitate smile development in the first place.
stood 5.6 days earlier than girls. The most marked Rather than thinking of birth characteristics such as
differences in developmental patterns appeared between weight and head size as confounding variables, let us
7 and 11 months. Importantly, however, the final consider them as potential developmental starting
milestonewalks without supportoccurred at identi- points. This allows us to conceptualize how small mean
cal ages in each sex. In retrospect, given the more population level differences in birth characteristics
recent finding that crawling and walking may be might have surprisingly large differential developmen-
independently learned skills, this latter result may not tal effects on males and females, while at the same
be that surprising (Adolph, Berger, & Leo, 2011). time, by using distribution analyses such as the cluster
Reinisch and coworkers considered the birth varia- analysis presented in Tables 46, to understand more
bles to be possibly confounding, and, indeed, found about both between and within sex variation in gender
that heavier, more fully developed newborns reached expression. The fact that the cluster analysis reveals
milestones sooner. But following multiple regression
analyses they suggested that sex differences in timing
existed over and above starting differences in size and
Table 6. x2 Tests for Significance of Male and Female
Cluster Distribution
Asymp. Sig.
Table 5. Male and Female Membership in the Clusters Value df (Two-Sided)
Pearson x2 364.957a 2 .000
Two-Step Cluster Number Likelihood ratio 367.704 2 .000
1 2 3 Total Linear-by-linear 186.069 1 .000
Gender Male 2877 1782 4273 8932 N of valid cases 17790
Female 1781 2388 4689 8858
Total 4658 4170 8962 17790 Zero cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 2076.33.
8 Fausto-Sterling Developmental Psychobiology
Table 7. Comparing Frameworks and Methodological Approaches
Component Additive Development (e.g., Reinisch et al.) Non-Linear, Dynamic Development
Birth variables Confounding or background/subtract using Potential developmental starting points that condition
multiple regression analysis parental behaviors/multimodal visualization
Infant behaviors Seen as these fundamental sex differences (p. 28) Emerging characteristics resulting from parentinfant
Do not study correlations to parental behavior Correlate with parental behavior
Theory/method Biology produces individual behavior Behavior and biology are different manifestations of the
same complex system that includes infant and adult
Behavior further develops independently as small Behavioral sex differences emerge from this system
behavior differences are slowly magnified by during year 1 as infants and caregivers produce
environmental influences differently gendered experience
Environmental influences not clearly defined or Experience given theoretical specificity, studied as
specifically examined caregiverinfant interaction
Specific milestones studied independently of one Behaviors visualized multimodally

different weights of male or female membership in two could contribute to the emergence of group differ-
of the three clusters suggests potential developmental ences as development proceeds. Thus initial differ-
narratives that do not emerge when one considers entiation might have as much to do with the physical/
weight, brain size, etc., merely as background variables. physiological characteristics of a particular infant is it
This idea is further supported by the suggestion that does with pervasive sex-related differences in how
cluster membership is one (of presumably several) parents handle their newborns. But given the different
factors contributing to ongoing motor development. percentages of boys and girls in different clusters of
What might cluster membership imply for the first few birth characteristics, this initial non-gender-driven han-
months of parental care? Does cluster membership dling difference might gradually produce average sex-
correlate with infant characteristics such as activity related infant differences, first in motor or activity
level, which show sex-related differences at birth? Does levels and later in more complex behaviors and
AL, combined with care-giver responses that might preferences.
differ depending on infant sex feed into motor skill Several findings make this speculation worthy of
development? And what, if any, might the developmen- empirical testing. Lundqvist-Perrson (2001) classified a
tal sequelae be, especially with regard to the acquisition group of 38 newborns based on tests of their self-
of sex-related behaviors at 1 year and later? regulatory abilities (irritability, self-quieting, lability,
Here are some ideas which could be tested in and other criteria). Thirty-five percent of the boys and
appropriately designed observational studies. As one 17% of the girls had low levels of self regulation; 40%
example, consider cluster 2, in which girls predominate. of the boys and 50% of the girls fell in the middle
The infants in this group are smaller and a little less range, while 25% of the boys and 33% of the girls had
robust at birth (lower Apgar scores). Suppose this led a high level of self regulation. These starting points
parents to handle these babies more carefully, to hold correlate to some degree with developmental outcomes
them more, and to monitor them more closely than at 2 years of age, but this author did not examine the
might the parents of children in cluster 1. Might the intervening care-giver infant interactions (Lundqvist &
group 2 activity levels be a bit lower than the ALs for Sabel, 2000; Lundqvist-Persson, 2001).
infants in cluster 1? Any of these possibilities could In contrast, Lavelli and Fogel (2002) report on the
affect the style of parentinfant interaction that devel- development of motherinfant face to face interactions
ops by 4 months and which subsequently correlates during postnatal weeks 114 using detailed observatio-
with motor and cognitive developmental outcomes and nal analyses. They studied two conditionsheld versus
patterns of attachment (Beebe et al., 2010). If, in turn, not held by mother. Although each dyad began with the
a cluster is more heavily weighted toward boys or girls, same duration of mutual gaze in week 1, by the third
a particular parenting style or set of interactionseven month they observed that girls and their mothers spent
though developed as a response to the individual baby significantly longer time in face to face communication
Developmental Psychobiology How Else Can We Study Sex Differences in Early Infancy 9
than did boys. This difference seemed to result from neural mapping of this embodiment. Finally, I urge that
the fact that girls and their mothers developed strong experimenters visualize behaviors multi-modally and
dyadic communication under both conditions, whereas study them in developmental sequence, with the idea
the boys and their mothers showed scant communica- that later development builds on the platform created
tion while in the mothers arms (p.297) (Lavelli & by preceding events.
Fogel, 2002). Could such emerging gender differences
grow out of starting differences in combinations of
traits such as size, health, and self-regulatory abilities NOTES
at birth?
Although birth characteristics provide a moment to This research was supported by funds from the Ford Foundation
begin analysis of developmental processes that lead to and the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women
sex-related differences in behavior and preference, this awarded to Anne Fausto-Sterling. The author thanks Dr. Stephen
too, is an arbitrary starting point. Most biologically Buka for sharing the infant birth characteristics data base. She
oriented research reports use prenatal sex differences in also acknowledges the coding assistance of a large group of
Brown University undergraduates.
hormone production as the go to explanation for later
behavioral differences (Berenbaum & Snyder, 1995;
Berenbaum & Bryk, 2008; Connellan et al., 2000).
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