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TAtJ,l 2- 4 : TMl CAVAllllt

Base Fort Ref Will

Level'!\' ALU.ck8onu,t Save Save Save Speci:al
1st +1 +2 +O +2 Sp, Qol mo111u, mounted wc~po n bonus (lance} +1, Ride bonus +2,
courtly k:nowllge
2nd +2 +l +0 +l Oeacflycharge 1/day, mountE'd\'o'tapon bonvs (swor<9 +1
:h d +3 +l +1 +3 Burs t of speed
4th +4 +4 I +4 Deadly charg:_c 2/day, Rtde bonvs +4
Sth +5 +4 +l +4 Mounted we3pon bonus {lar\C.e) +2
&th +6 +S +2 +S Oe;i;dly cha.rg:c l /day, full mo1,.1nted attack. mounted we;ipon bon ~s (sv1ord) +2
7th +7 +S +2 +-5 Ride bonus + 6
8th +8 +6 .,..i +6 Oeadly charge 4/da.y
9th +9 +6 +l +6 f<.1 ounted we:ap.on bonus {lance) +l, Ride bonus+&
10th +10 +7 .+l +1 Vn:stopptiblc charge S/day, mounted weapon bonus (sword) l
*Special: Caval;er class levels stack wit h paladin leve ls for d etermining the characteristics of a paladin's mount.

\'(' capon and Armor Proficiency: Caw licrs are proficie nt Multicl:t!i!i Note: A paladi n who becomes a c:1.va1icr may
\\'ith all simple a nd martial ,,eapons, all types of ar mor, an d continue .advancing as a palad in.
Sptti1d A<ownt {Sp): A U\:tlier's c l::1ss lewls s tac.k ~i th :t?'I)' Sample Cavalier
p:tl:tdin levels the character may h.ave for determining tb e Willem t he Bold: Human figh te.r 8/ cavdicr 2; C R lO;
cbarac:terisdcs of a paladin'il mount Me-dium h umanoid; ll.O 10d10+10; hp 65; lnit +2; Spd 2-0 fL
~foun tW Wt3pOn Donus (,)3:x): A cavalier g:1l u.s :i oom {25 fi. tne>u~1ted); AC 24, touch 12, fla rfooted 2l; B;ise Atk
petence bonus on hi!' an :tek roll when using t he i ndiatied +10; Crp+14;Ark +16 1ne1ee (1d$+6/t9-20/x3, +t lanu) or +16
\veapon while moun tL .For the l.ance, this bonus stares ou1 mele.~ (1d8+6/19-20, +f lottgsu.rord): Full ..\tk +16/+11 me~ee
at +1 at 1st level and increase-S by +1 ever)' four levels thereaf. {lds.+6/19- 20 /'><3, +J Janrc)cr +16/t-1l melee(1d8+6/19- 20, +1
ctr. For tbe $\\Ord, rWs bonus starts(lut .u +tat 2.od leveJ an d longsiAo'Ord); SQde:idly clrntge .t/Jay, m.oun1ed we<tpon bonus by +1 every four levels 1het'e:tf1er. (Janee) i-1, moun1ed we:tpon bonus(sword)+t, Ride bonus +2;
Ride Bonus (Ex): A caval!cr gains a competen ce bonus on AL C Ni SY f ort +10, Ref ++, Will +6; Srr 191 Dex 14. Con t3,
Ride checks. Thb: bonus Sla.rtS out at +2 and itnptoveS lo +4 lttl 10, Wis 12, Cha S.
a -t1h level, ,. 6 at 7th leV"eJ, and +8 at 9th l evel Sk1Us ttnd Wits: Diplomacy ..,3, H:1.ndle An.i.m:il +4, In1i utl
Courtly Know lcdgc(E.'X): A uv:tlier::1dds his cl:tSs levd to d<1te +to, Knowledge (r.obility and roy:tlry) +6, Ride +15;
bis Kr.o'"ledge (nobili ty and royalty) checks :1.s a competence Jmp toved C ritical (lance), Improved Sun det, hlountcd
bon us. Combat, Power Attac:k. llidc.8> Actac.~ Spi rired Charge~
Dead.l y Cb.ii tgc ()3"'): Whe11 1nouu 1ed and using rb.e eb.:irgt Wtapon (lance). Weapol) Speel;al1i;11ioo {l:icce),
:t<..tion, :t cavalier of 2nd leveJ or higher m:ty dec-J are a "deadly We:ipon. Focus {longsword), We:tpon Speci:tliz:uion (long-
charge" before making his att.?ck roll (th us, a failed an ack sv.-ord) .
ruins the attemp1). If be h.iu. be deal s triple damage with a C harge (nx): When mounted and urlng the
rue.I.e t \\'ta-pon(or (JU:idi-upled:i.n:i.age wkh :i, lance). This :ibUir5' cbai:ge action, Willem c:i..n decl:ue a. deadly elwrge chill deals
docs not s tac.k w it h the benefit of the Spirited Charge fc:u. tr iple d:tnuigt. \\ith :t mclee wc:tpon (or quadruple damage
Burst of Speed (Ex): At ) rd le,d and higher, a caval ier with a lance).
can urge bis mount to greater than normal ~>pJ '''beo Mounted Weapon Bonus (Lanc.c) (Bx): Willem gains
charging, This ~bllif)' doubles tbe maxlmutn di.seance tbe :a +t <.c>rupe1enc.e bonus oo :auac.ks "'' bb :1 ~ n~ while
mounr c:tn 1ra\'el "hen 1n :aki ng a cllarge, up to four thnes :its moun ted.
speed. This abili ty can be used once pc.rd.a)' Without penalty Mounted Weapon Bonus (S\\ord) (Ex): W illem gains
lo the mount. &ch additional use of the abilli)' in a single a 1 competence bonus on attacks with a s v.'Ord while
d:iy requires 1be wouu1ro make a DC 20 Will ~''e lmmedJ ID(l\UJtt-d .
:1.rely after the conclusion of t he 1.'.h:trgei failure resuhs in the P<l.~scssions: +1 l.inue, -+J fongsW\)rd, +JJi.ell pla!t, +1 hr.avyshidd,
moun1 taking 2d6 points of damage. +1 full plait bardin& gai.i:11llds-0/ ogrt P"ttll'T +2, heavy \\1arhorse.
J~ U Mounted Attack (llx): At 6th fe.,.d an-d higher, a
1noun1ed c.:::i~er C.ll.O <1 fuJJ au :ack \lthe-u h is mou l"ll DARK HUNTER
moves more d\::1n S feet bur no farther du n a si ngle D:trk hunters spel:i:alizc i n hunling down :tnd cli1nin.:n
action would carty it. The cavalier cannot combine th is fuU i ng creatu res i n the dork, twisting ca\'cs of l he Underdark,
att;ick with a c harge. o fte n protecting underground communitles or those
U n s toppable Ch:.'lrge {&): When a de:1d ly people ~~ho m ake 1heir Hvi1Jg under 1he e:at"rb. (such as
ch:trgc, a 10th-fovcl c:tvslier d eals qu:td rup1e damage w ith a miners or h unters). They use stealth, :1.mbush, and dcccp-
melee \\'e apon (or quintuple damage wirh a lance). rion tc sin gle out foes and remove them one by one. A

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