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Data smart ship management and operations
with ShipManager and Navigator


02 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

04 Innovation in maritime software 22 S  

06 ShipManager and Navigator 24 S  S S 

t o r
08 Design principles 26 S  

10 ShipManager 28 Nt o r
12 S  e e
30 Nt o r P o r t
14 S  r o c u r   32 N o t
16 S  S 34 U 

o  o

18 S   36 W   o o
20 S  r oe  38 W   o  o
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 03

Getty Images
DNV GL is the world-leading provider of software for a safer, smarter and
greener future in the energy, process and maritime industries
Our solutions support a variety of business critical activities including design and engineer-
ing, risk assessment, asset integrity and optimization, QHSE, and ship management. Our
worldwide presence facilitates a strong customer focus and ef !" #$%&!' () industry
best practice and standards.

Nearly 50 years of developing quality software

In providing your business with the best software solutions we are always striving to live
up to our values: We build trust and conidence We never compromise on quality or
integrity We care for our customers and each other We are committed to teamwork
and innovation We embrace change and deliver results
04 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

At DNV GL we have an exceptionally broad and innovative offering of software for
shipping companies, focusing on optimized vessel integrity and performance. We
have positioned ourselves as the leading supplier worldwide, with 300 customers
and nearly 5000 vessels using DNV GLs maritime software for technical as well as
operational performance. We are intent on growing further based on constant im-
provement and innovation.

Although DNV GL Software is an integral part of Through new digital business processes, worklows
DNV GL. Our maritime software solutions, ShipMan- and structured collaboration, new networks will be
ager and Navigator, are independent of the Class of established, signiicantly improving the eficiency
the vessel. and effectiveness of the way we work together in the
shipping industry.
In DNV GL we provide our customers unequalled
investment security. With a history spanning 150 There will be many developments within our maritime
years, you know that we are in the business for the software product line that you can look forward to. We
long haul. Looking ahead, we invest resources today are integrating with DNV GL Maritime and the Class
in research and development that will provide greater related information in order to optimize, simplify and
yields in the years to come. Our agenda is to bring streamline processes for our customers.
our customers to the front of the ield.
Shipping, like all other industries, is reliant upon the
We will continue to build the industrys broadest of- best software solutions in order to ensure not only
fering in ship management and operations as well as compliance to regulatory requirements, but also
being the leader in key technologies and strategies, to increase eficiency, reduce cost and improve the
leveraging the tremendous advances brought on by bottom line.
cloud computing, machine learning and the Internet
of Things. Our newly launched Veracity data manage-
ment platform enables industrial collaboration and
sharing of information on a secure, open and scalable
data management platform.

Are Fllesdal Tjnn

CEO, DNV GL Software
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 05

We have positioned ourselves as

the leading supplier worldwide,
with 300 customers and nearly 5000
vessels using DNV GLs maritime
software for technical as well as
operational performance.
Are Fllesdal Tjnn, CEO, DNV GL Software

Getty Images
06 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Keeping vessels up and running 24x7x365 is a com- With DNV GL you can manage your vessels in a smarter,
plex and challenging task. Day and night, crew and greener and safer way by using our modern applica-
ofice staff around the globe ensure that materials tions for ship management and ship operations, our
and goods are transported in an eficient, safe and well known ShipManager and Navigator systems.
environmentally friendly manner.


1. Increase safety and compliance of your vessels
2. Increase transparency of operations
3. Show stakeholders that your leet is well managed
4. Analyse and optimize ship management and operational cost
5. Increase productivity of your key staff
6. Reduce delays, off-hire and detentions
7. Reduce dry docking times and cost
8. Save fuel and operational cost
9. Improve your environmental footprint
10. Investment security through partnership with DNV GL
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 07

We know we can rely on DNV GLs capacity for innovation.
Capt. Wolfram Hoernicke, Marine Superintendent/DPA/CSO, CSG/Hamburg Sd


Shipping has always treated modern software and IT technology conservatively. Over the past few years this trend has been
changing, partially driven by the increased competitive pressure and much lower rates in the market.

Our research1 shows that

For each USD 1,000 the oil and gas industry invests in new assets, USD 35 is invested in software technologies. ln shipping,
however, for each USD 1,000 CAPEX, only USD 7 are put into comparable software technologies, only 20% of the investment
level of the oil and gas industry.
Most shipping companies believe that IT is vital to implement best practice processes and ways of working.
The ongoing change to the next management generation is lowering the barriers to more widespread use of IT systems
in all departments.

The costs of modern ship management software are a fraction of costs such as:
an unplanned off-hire day
purchasing 3% above best market prices
a small pollution incident
an avoidable structural damage in critical areas
more crew travel due to short term changes
hiring an ofice assistant for compliance paperwork
an unmanaged development of foreign exchange rates.

Best Practice ShipManagement Study 2013, two market snapshots with 200 shipping companies in 2010 and 2012
08 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

The ShipManager and Navigator products belong to the most proven and reliable
solutions for ship management and operations. They are based on the following

Integrated vessel system Agile system implementation

Regular data synchronization: changes are tracked If more than one ShipManager system is taken, the
on both sides of the system, they are extracted and implementation is often phased, e.g. Technical and
transported to the vessel and the ofice. We ensure Procurement are implemented irst, followed by QHSE
minimal data transfer volume and maximum security and Crewing. The vessel client can be rolled out as
for exchanged data. full version and conigured from the ofice system.
The onboard versions of Navigator get ship-speciic
Hosted office system data from a coniguration ile sent from shore or
You do not need to worry about running a database manual data input. You can easily distribute hundreds
and application server. Your ofice staff gets remote of vessel systems in parallel to your leet to speed up
access to the system wherever they are, whenever an implementation.
internet connection allows them to do so. We manage
the application and ensure that data from the vessels User-friendly
arrive without problems and that IT security is at the The system is designed for crew users who do not
highest standards. Our hosted server is dedicated to work on the computer the whole day and often have
each client. Weve been offering this service for more limited training time. We have reduced overlapping
than 10 years and 90% of our clients use it. windows to a minimum, so you always know where
you are working. Entry errors are checked and signaled.
Regular system updates Users feel familiar with the style, similar to Windows
ShipManager and Navigator have major releases twice Explorer. The menu presents only available options
a year with new features and functionalities based on for each speciic user.
feedback from our extensive user community, work-
shops and our Customer Advisory Board. For Naviga-
tor Port we deliver weekly updated content in order to
ensure that the latest nautical information is available

Downward compatibility
ShipManager and Navigator systems can always work
with different versions in the same leet. If a system up-
date is taken you can do the update roll-out step-by-
step. For larger leets this is often the only way to work.
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 09

Leveraging ShipManager Hull, we expect our ship

maintenance can be conducted in a more cost-effective and
transparent fashion.
Mao Jianliang, General Manager of Shanghai COSCO
Getty Images

Leveraging ShipManage
10 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Ship management solutions supporting management of vessels
and leets in all technical, operational and compliance aspects
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 11

DNV GLs ShipManager provides an opportunity to simplify the

IT landscape by integrating multiple Ship Management disciplines
into one and the same application. Shared user interfaces make
communication on system activities more eficient.
Dennis Jacobsen, ShipManager Project Lead, Maersk Line

iStock Images
n ShipManager Technical n ShipManager Projects
n ShipManager Procurement n ShipManager Hull
n ShipManager QHSE n ShipManager Survey Simulator
n ShipManager Crewing n ShipManager Analyzer
12 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

ShipManager Technical is the technical management use the history to aid diagnosis and optimize
system for planned and unplanned maintenance maintenance management
(recognized by classiication societies), technical asset check stock and create requisitions for spare
and data management, as well as defect reporting. parts directly with only a few clicks
It provides the central task list for the engineers keep a lifecycle record of each equipment
onboard and technical staff in the ofice. It is deeply and manage defects
integrated with ShipManager Procurement (spare exchange equipment for maintenance and
parts purchases), ShipManager Hull (hull inspection overhaul without losing relevant information
reporting) and ShipManager Projects (for drydocking
planning and monitoring). ShipManager Technical is easy to use and requires far
fewer clicks and work steps than other maintenance
With ShipManager Technical you can: systems. ShipManager Technical provides all informa-
centrally manage your leetwide equipment and tion for powerful and lexible leetwide management
maintenance jobs reporting for technical managers and their depart-
deine and schedule counter-/calendar-based and ments via ShipManager Analyzer.
condition-based tasks
categorize jobs and elements according to relevant
criteria, such as critical, safety relevant, class relevant
or origin
prepare and document all planned and unplanned
maintenance tasks performed
automatically update stock counts in consideration
of spare parts consumed for maintenance tasks
keep running hours for each equipment item
individually, regardless of where it is installed
deine different manual and automatic counters
and counting directions
attach digital forms, manufacturers instructions,
illustrations and integrated measurement records


Fleet Equipment Register Planned Maintenance System Forms

ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 13

ShipManager has met our high demands and is an important

component of our operational success. This, in turn, allows us
to pursue our expansion strategy.
Capt. Ulrich Adami, Fleet Manager, Hartmann Reederei
Getty Images
14 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

A leet of vessels consumes millions of USD in spares, directly interface to e-commerce platforms, such
stores, services, lubes etc. that need to be purchased as ShipServ
and delivered. ShipManager Procurement is the system keep complete stock control for inventory manage-
that supports purchasing departments, allowing you ment incl. monetary value of items in stock and
to work more eficiently without losing overview of history of additions and removals
the hundreds of open transactions. It prevents over- track budget consumption per cost account/cost
ordering as well as running out of stock on important centre based on actual invoices and issued pur-
items. It helps purchasers gain time on the important chase orders (committed expenses)
sourcing part of their job and reduces the transaction monitor the consumption of e.g. paints, chemicals,
processing work. lubes or other consumables
manage redeliveries for items returned or landed
With ShipManager Procurement you can: items from vessel
purchase any type of goods and services be Supplier Portal signiicantly reduces the manual
it spares, stores, repair services, lubes, paints, efforts within the order process
provisions etc.
issue and process requisitions from the vessel, The system is designed for intensive use by the
which can also be created directly within purchasing departments: colour coding and hot-keys
ShipManager Technical allow for fast processing of data and information.
perform requests for quotations, compare ShipManager Procurement provides all information
quotations and initiate purchase orders for interactive and lexible leetwide management
prepare templates for recurring large orders reporting (e.g. budget analysis/variance, supplier
track the complete supply chain via warehouses and performance, order/item histories, etc.) for the pro-
agents until inal delivery on the vessel, incl. allowing curement department via ShipManager Analyzer.
direct access to third parties, warehouses etc.
manage supplier contacts, contracts and supplier
performance assessments
integrate standard catalogues (e.g. IMPA electronic
data) in addition to the vessel-speciic spares or
company-speciic stores, lubes or services catalogues


Supplier Portal Stock Control Consumption

Order Management Redelivery Budget
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 15

We took a quantum leap forward the implementation of

ShipManager led to increased eficiency in our purchasing
process and as a result strengthened our competitiveness
Harald Schlotfeldt, Managing Technical Director, Reederei F. Laeisz
Getty Images
16 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Shipping is looded with regulations that shipping monitor the validity of vessel certiicates and surveys
companies comply with by means of internal proce- manage all QHSE related documentation incl.
dures and guidelines. The implementation of these distribution of documents to individual ships,
is regularly checked by several parties such as port acknowledgement of new documents onboard (read
states, lag states, class societies and customers, e.g. receipt), revision control and approval worklows
the oil majors or other charterers. schedule, document and monitor performance of
drills, exercises, safety meetings and other safety
Ensuring this compliance as well as the effectiveness tasks
of management systems is the task of QHSE (Quality, create, distribute and manage risk assessment
Health, Safety and Environment) professionals in ship- templates across the leet
ping companies. They, as all the other departments, monitor risk levels and work permits to improve
need professional system support to accomplish their the safety
day-to-day work effectively and eficiently. see the status of your class certiicates and surveys
also onboard (for DNV GL vessels only)
With ShipManager QHSE you can:
report and follow up on audits/inspections, ShipManager QHSE is highly conigurable to your own
e.g. NCs, deiciencies, observations, etc. be it safety management system. You can use your own
by external (PSC, Charterer, SIRE, etc.) inspectors terms and structures from your existing safety manage-
or by internal auditors (ISM, Technical, etc.) ment manual and related documents in ShipManager
report and follow up incidents, accidents, QHSE. The existence of a full onboard version allows
injuries and near-misses complete integrated worklows from vessel to ofice
manage improvements to the QS system to vessel, etc. ShipManager QHSE enables compre-
hensive, lexible and leetwide reporting for the QHSE
department with ShipManager Analyzer.


Safety Management Reporting Certiicates Class surveys

Documentation Safety tasks Risk Management
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 17

We wanted to achieve two things. We wanted to further

develop our quality and safety system, and also to ease the
work for crew and onboard staff.
Frank Eggert, project manager for the Chemikalien Seetransport implementation
Getty Images
18 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Qualiied crew is hard to ind and to keep. That is why prepare wage settlements according to different
a number of shipping companies take back control of tariffs, CBAs, etc.
many crewing processes while maintaining collabora- perform appraisals on individual crew performance
tion with crewing agencies around the globe. Ship- report work and resting hours with alerts to non-
Manager Crewing is made to support the complete conformities according to the latest regulations
crewing process across the entire crew pool. manage the ship cash box for cash advances,
Masters cash accounts and the onboard slop-chest
With ShipManager Crewing you can: run helpful reports, serial letters and certiicates
run leetwide crew planning/scheduling processes directly out of the system
and optimize crew deployment in line with safe
manning requirements and company policies ShipManager Crewing is easy to use, highly conigu-
easily ind crew members qualiied to ill vacant rable to your own environment and wording and
positions due to automatic matching of position supports the global collaboration between shipping
and crew member qualiications company, crewing ofices and crew agencies.
collaborate with crewing agencies to supply crew
to certain positions in the same system
keep a complete crew database with comprehen-
sive crew member records
manage certiicates, licences, qualiications,
experience, competences and contracts
have all these key crew data accessible onboard
for current and past crew


Crew data Crew Resting Hours Canteen

Crew planning Appraisals Ship Cash Box
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 19

As cost awareness and service combined with environmental

protection have always been high on the agenda, we were
looking for an integrated software solution that fulils our
companys internal requirements while managing our operational
key processes more eficiently.
Bernhard Held, Managing Director of Reederei Held
Getty Images
20 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Drydocking is the biggest maintenance cost block for do project management and controlling during
shipping companies. These projects, as well as com- the drydocking, including progress monitoring
parable technical projects such as retroitting, need to and budget control
be supported by a professional project management develop a history of drydock projects, parts of
system that is integrated with your other technical which can be lexibly re-used for future drydock
management and planned maintenance system. projects

With ShipManager Projects you can: The onboard and the ofice systems work closely
collect work items to be performed in drydock from together to allow integrated processes between the
different sources, such as the planned maintenance engineers and nautical staff on board and in the of-
system, or free-item lists ice. Integrated Excel import and export allows easy
create templates for different ship types or dry- collaboration with yards and suppliers and usage of
docking tasks from scratch or prior dockings existing drydocking work templates.
manage requests for quotations from yards
(locations) and suppliers
compare prices and select the best yard/supplier
combination for the project


Item collection Templates Tenders Project Plan

ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 21

ShipManager allows us to optimally utilize our lat organization

and network of ofices around the world, by making sure that we
have the right information at hand wherever we need it.
Igor Bondar, Technical Manager of Monjasa DMCC
Getty Images
22 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Maintenance work and supporting IT systems have annotate reports by adding text descriptions
traditionally focused on machinery items, but ship- and pinning photos directly on the model
ping companies are increasingly looking for profes- comment and approve/reject inspection results
sional support also for their steel structures. This from the ofice
has been less based on the fact that hull integrity issue unscheduled inspections from vessel
management systems reduce the probability of struc- and ofice
tural failures or the risks of pollution and water ingress integrate thickness measurements in the 3D digital
and resulting reputation damages, but in most cases twin
it is simply to save costs in the next drydocking. Early assess hull condition according to various criteria,
detected corrosion and re-coating needs can easily e.g. coating, corrosion, cracks, etc.
be addressed between drydocking intervals. perform a steel weight and surface area calculation
in advance of a drydock tender based on the speciic
ShipManager Hull is the most advanced hull integrity hull condition of the vessels
management system available today. use mobile onboard device for direct input of
inspection data in compartments
With ShipManager Hull you can:
deine inspection strategy, plan and perform The system is very intuitive and fully integrates with
inspections, the planned maintenance system for common view
document inspection results in a vessel-speciic 3D on jobs and repairs.
digital twin for interactive use (i.e. mark observa-
tions and defects directly in the model), allowing
for easier orientation and easier inding of prob-
lem areas again


Schedule Status Repair Reports Documents Risk Management

ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 23

We developed our own temporary hull structure monitoring system at Seaspan in

order to help us understand our needs and to quickly help us manage hull defects
until we could assess and decide on our preferred system. Three different systems
were reviewed and as a result, the ShipManager Hull was selected as the software
most closely meeting our needs.
Peter Jackson, Director of the Projects and Technology Department at Seaspan Ship Management Ltd.
Getty Images
24 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Virtual reality for hull competence adjust survey conditions to increase inspection
The Survey Simulator system revolutionizes the dificulty level
development of inspection competence (e.g. hull) for use built-in safety at work scenarios
onboard crew and ofice staff. In a virtual 3D world,
decades of experience of DNV GL surveyors can be Survey Simulator software makes training more ef-
used in classroom training. The Survey Simulator is an icient, attractive and practical. It also provides a tool
effective training environment that uses highly realistic for everyday use for professionals who need to know
models, making practical training possible without everything about the vessel before they step on the
leaving the classroom. Different vessel types are avail- deck. The simulator can also establish an interactive
able for virtual survey with areas and spaces speciic collaboration workspace for individuals working upon
for each type (cargo holds, tanks, decks). the same problem at a distance, meeting onboard the
ship in shared virtual reality.
With Survey Simulator you can:
simulate a step-by-step inspection, including where Survey Simulator is optimized to run on an ordinary
to focus your attention, i.e. where hull structural laptop used by surveyors every day. It is suitable
deiciencies are likely to occur for use at small ofices, even one-man stations, and
use a set of real life tools relevant for documentation onboard vessels. At the same time it has functionality
and report inspection results to support the systems of advanced training centres
use photo-realistic textures placed on exceptionally with cutting-edge projection, offering amazing 3D
detailed 3D digital twin with thousands of real life and sound effects.
simulate real time coating condition degradation
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 25

Survey Simulator is good because we get to know what to look for and exactly where the weakest
points of the vessel are. Its well designed.
Sead Mujanovic, 2nd Engineer, MPC Mnchmeyer Petersen Steamship GmbH & Co. KG
26 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

All ShipManager systems support a complete set of a Use reporting packages for lexible analysis
shipping companys processes. While doing this, they leetwide for each department, such as Technical
produce valuable data: who your most important sup- Management (e.g. maintenance/overdue perfor-
pliers are, their delivery performance, how they have mance, defects KPIs), Procurement (e.g. budget,
been rated and which safety-relevant jobs are open supplier performance KPIs), QHSE (e.g. incidents,
before an important audit. indings, causes, LTIF), Crewing (e.g. training, sick
leave, crew agency performance KPIs), Performance
This important information needs to be brought back (e.g. EEOI, speed proiles, bunker usage)
to the users and decision-makers. Integrate different information sources in your
reporting packages, including third party sources
With ShipManager Analyzer you can: Develop reporting packages based on our stand-
automate and simplify data collection and data ards or according to your own requirements
processing tasks involved in preparing manage-
ment reports, summaries, statistics, etc. ShipManager Analyzer can be used as a departmental
run integrated reporting packages and dashboards- or company-wide business intelligence system. It
for both management and operational needs allows browser access independent of access to the
do a full analysis with drill downs, slicing, dicing, source system, such as ShipManager. It sits on top of
etc. and connect data to gain insights or choose all ShipManager systems and your own data sources,
analysis dimensions on the ly whose data can be combined to gain insights.
Draw conclusions about leet and vessel performance
even though data is spread across numerous soft-
ware systems and/or departments
Easily compare vessels, see trends and bring
information that was not related together
Gain key information about the leet, available
on demand for decision-making support


Technical Procurement QHSE Crewing

ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 27

The software is designed by professionals for professionals

in the shipping industry.
Capt. Hausler, Director of Quality and Safety, Harren and Partner
Getty Images
28 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

Ship operations solutions supporting port clearance,
vessel eficiency, safety and compliance
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 29

iStock Images
n Navigator Port
n Navigator Insight
30 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

A Masters day is becoming increasingly illed with transfer the Oficer Matrix via Q88s web service to
paperwork and less with nautical matters. Navigator OCIMF SIRE
Port reverses this trend. It assists the shipmasters in car- use a comprehensive nautical library providing up-
rying out the planning and preparation of documents to-date maritime-speciic information and detailed
needed for entry and departure from ports and sailing references regarding relevant regulations
through controlled waters. All the related tasks can be
carried out in a timely and correct manner. The arrival Navigator Port content is updated weekly to ensure
and departure checklists are unique to each and every the latest information status onboard your vessels. It
port and regulated waters. Add-on modules help to can be run as an onboard-only system, or with an of-
keep track of work and rest hours and allow complete ice component. Navigator Port easily integrates with
passage planning documentation. ShipManager Crewing or your own crewing system
for exchange of relevant crew information. There are
With Navigator Port you can: three widely used add-ons available:
rely on up-to-date information on 13,000 a complete Work & Rest Hours systems, according
ports,terminals and pilot stations, the latest UKHOs to the latest MLC guidelines, enabling content and
Admiralty List of Radio Signals Vol. 6, the complete non-conformities to be monitored from the ofice
IHS Fairplays Ports and Terminals Guide and infor- a complete passage planner and documentation
mation from IMO and national authorities module according to IMO Resolution A.893(2),
prepare for port arrival and departure with the lat- Guidelines for Voyage Planning, the ICS Bridge
est arrival/departure checklists for more than 3,500 Procedures Guide and relevant international and
ports and more than 1,600 different forms that are national legislation
automatically pre-illed with e.g. ship information a web-based shore module provides data and
and crew data statistics from leet to management
perform electronic reporting directly to authorities,
including US eNOAD report


Port Clearance Crew data and logs Work & Rest Shore
Port Information Library Passage planner Web portal
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 31

Navigator Port has the rare combination of user friendliness,

correctness and reliability of content with a great response
from the support team.
Exmar Shipmanagement NV
Captain Niels Vanlaer, Marine & HSEQ Director, Exmar
Getty Images
32 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

The quality of operational data is essential for leet weather data. Combined, you have all the information
performance analysis and is a challenge without an for industry best practice performance management.
intuitive system implemented onboard with proper
plausibility checks. Navigator Insight brings traditional Key benefits of Navigator Insight:
ship-to-shore reporting systems into one user-friendly Complies with EU-MRV requirements
solution that complies with the EU-MRV regulation. Comprehensive plausibility checking and data
quality/consistency assurance against ship-speciic
Improving operational performance of your leet, technical data
measured in fuel consumption, total operating costs Onshore system collects data for the entire leet in
and environmental footprint, is only possible based operational reports (log abstracts, noon, departure
on quality data and analysis. and arrival, bunker, ballast water operations, dispos-
als and many more) and management reports, for
High quality voyage data management is also essen- example EEOI for leets
tial for all required reporting for to charterers, cargo Allows comprehensive leet performance monitor-
owners, NGOs such as ESI or CCWG and for the EUs ing with in-depth analysis
MRV scheme (monitoring, reporting and veriication All information is structured for re-use in any type of
of emissions) as well as the upcoming IMO DCS (data analysis or reporting to stakeholders
collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships). Supports environmental reporting schemes such as
Navigator Insight helps ship owners and managers Core set of voyage reports from departure to arrival
to ensure data quality for unique leet performance with all relevant and industry standard parameters
analysis. The system provides an onboard module from both nautical and technical oficers
for structured and harmonized data reporting with Fully integrated bunkering and ROB management
intelligent validation that instantaneously alerts Supports data integrity and quality with more than
oficers of potential reporting errors or implausible 450 ship-speciic plausibility checks
data. Event-based reports are logged on the onshore Easy and fast leetwide implementation
server for further evaluation. All required data can be
sent automatically to various stakeholders, such as the With its intuitive worklow and intelligent data checks,
operation department, technical and leet manage- Navigator Insight strikes the balance between com-
ment or third parties such as agents, charterers, etc. pletely manual reporting systems, which often suffer
from data quality issues, and less controlled auto-
The data collected onboard in Navigator Insight can mated performance monitoring. It is simple to use
easily be presented in DNV GLs performance man- without onboard training needs and easy to imple-
agement portal, ECO Insight. ECO Insight provides ment across your leet. You can further integrate this
comprehensive performance dashboards, bench- information into your internal processes.
marks and industry data such as AIS, fuel quality or


Voyage administration Event reporting Dashboards

Ship general data Fleet voyages/status EU-MRV Reporting
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 33

We need to have full insight into the

performance of our leet and use this to
continually improve our operations.
Gisle Rong, Managing Director of Seatrans Ship Management
Getty Images
34 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator


With representatives in more than 100 countries we are close to our customers and
are able to share best practices and quality standards throughout the world. We are
proud to have customers across different segments, regions and leet sizes, includ-
ing some of the biggest names in shipping on our list of users.

Tankers Chief engineers

Heavy lift vessels Fleet managers
Bulk carriers Technical managers
General cargo Superintendents
Supply vessels General managers
Container ships QHSE managers
Car carriers Crew managers
LNG carriers Captains
Cruise ships Vetting managers
Marine managers
Pilot vessels IT managers
Passenger ships
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 35

We are convinced we can get an easier and faster overview

of hull conditions across the leet and much better preparation
for dry dockings with ShipManager Hull.
DNV GL/Eberhard Petzold

Lutz-Michael Dyck, Director of Technical Fleet Management, Hapag Lloyd

36 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator

DNV GL is continuously focusing on our customers potential for increased
eficiency, accelerated growth and well-managed risk.

Continuous client feedback proves that we understand Service level agreement

the industry, we are responsive and lexible and we A service level agreement provides easy access to
deliver what we promise on time and in budget. Our our global technical support helpdesk, new product
team of IT and ship management experts has many releases and domain knowledge. As a global organi-
years of experience in making our maritime software zation with professional, regional support centres, we
work for the speciic circumstances and environments can ensure expert support when you most critically
of each client. We take pride in delivering profession- need it, so that you can complete and meet your
al support and implementation services and in giving project demands.
you access to the domain knowledge and experience
of DNV GL. Training, conferences, seminars and workshops
DNV GL Software organizes user conferences, semi-
Implementation nars and workshops worldwide, providing a unique
We manage the implementation project with and for opportunity to communicate with our users and
you. We conduct process reviews and show optimiza- receive valuable feedback. Our training catalogue
tion potentials, provide data capturing and migration, includes open courses in all regions, and customers
do the installations, when needed, and integrate the can request customized training. Many of the courses
software in your IT landscape. are held jointly by our own software support team
and by engineers from DNV GL, who bring essential
Customer portal and support domain expertise.
We provide you with access to online tools and infor-
mation for better use of our products. You can ind
product downloads, frequently asked questions and
a wide range of supporting documents. We provide
a 24/7 helpdesk in English, German and Norwegian
with our own software experts, i.e. no outsourced
provider. We can also help you on-site or use our
remote access to your system.
ShipManager and Navigator DNV GL Software 37

Thats why we opted for ShipManager - its so easy to use.

Gerhard Daberkow, Technical Superintendent, German Tanker Shipping
38 DNV GL Software ShipManager and Navigator


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NO-1322 Hvik, Norway Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the
Tel: +47 67 57 99 00 safety and sustainability of their business. Operating in more than 100 countries, our professionals are dedicated to helping our customers in the maritime, oil & gas, energy and other industries to make the world safer, smarter and greener.
DNV GL is the world-leading provider of software for managing risk and improving asset performance in the energy, process
and maritime industries. Our solutions support a variety of business critical activities including design and engineering, risk
assessment, asset integrity and optimization, QHSE, and ship management. Our worldwide presence facilitates a strong
customer focus and eficient sharing of industry best practice and standards.

The trademarks DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are the property of DNV GL AS. All rights reserved.
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