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Se@2 Eicon Teng Secs an ul Opponent Amst Aton Empove. copyrah © 1605, 1098, 2003 by Eat! Testing Soro. A hts EDUCATION TESTING SERVICE. ETS ETS gon TOEFL MeTOEFL, Jp. anc TWE ar rogtrod Taconars of Eoxabona Teng Sven. No pat oftheTOEPL Practice Tests may be repadicos or arsmitein ea soefeinor tuatesuage cto oc masyancal tug sae [About the TOEFL Test Whats in the Test? Preparing for the Actua TOEFL Tost ‘aking he TOEFL Practice Tests ‘Completing Your Answer Sheet Practice Tost A Practice Test Scoring Information Test of Wrtten English Wat To Take To The Test Center "1 401 107 112 Taking the TORBAfadiee Tests Taking the TOEFL practice tsi wl gve you a good doa cf what he actual | teat shen tors the pes of question you willbe asked andthe to mits you wt Pave. Yu wil a, er example, tat he me alotod for atest secon ‘ust be used for reading he actors as wollasanewerng the questions. “Te TOEFL test vided int thee sctons. Each secton or part a sacton begins wih a sto spac drectons hat ncudes sample questons ard answers Nis mpocantto ead hese rections so you wal understand exactly ‘what you ae td bare you stato work on thal Secon or part. ‘Sere ofthe questions are harder than oters, bury to answer everyone. || you re not sure ofthe crrctanewor ta question, make the best guess you ‘an and goon fo the ext question It sto your advartage io anower every ‘question, oven yeu have to guess [As you are taking the test, work epic but carey. Do not spend too much time on anyone queen Donatus noe paper and donot wie or make any ‘mar in tho tet secon a your Book Each section ofthe test has a tie im. The recorded insuctons wil you when o start Sacton 1 and when t stp. Yu wil ned © uso a wach or cock {ome Sections 2 and 5. you ish ono socio cary, do NOT go onto the ret section unt the ailoted time has ended. Ducg te ime that remains ‘heck your work on tat secon ent you do nt osm ths ul when you go to ake an actual TOEFL test, it willbe considered cheating, and your sores wll be cancled You must follow strict rules and procedures when you go toa TOEFL test centor. Try to take the practice teste n the ‘same way. > Pian to use approximally wo hows without interruption eke ‘cach pratoe fost, > Choose aque room in which to work > Have a wach clock so you can use ho corect amount of ie Completing Yat AiG: sheet ‘Thoroare mo versions ofthe answer shest — honzontal ana vertical Wnen you take TOEFL at test ceer, you wl receive oly one version of the answer ‘heat Look at the examplos bolo to see how you should mak the answer ‘sheet. Practoe taking the tst using both hs horizon and vertical answer shoals. (See pages 19nd 57), When you mark your answers on the answer sheet: D> Use a mediumsoh (02 or HB) back ead pel > hark ery ono answer to oach question, > Bo sure 10 mark your answorin the row wth the same number as he (question you are answering, > Carouly ana compte it inthe oval conesponcing ote answer you roase fr each qvoston I you change your me about an arse aor YOU hve markediton your answer sheet completly erase you od anower ana ‘then mark your new answer ‘The examples below show you the correct way ‘and wrong ways to mark each version of the answer sheet. lodeo] losvolooKo| lodoclod@o|o deo) a|/o 6 6 6 @ 8906 8 @ @ s|ig ¥ 8 ees lolle @ 6 8) Answer Sheet Practice Test Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Review Material Answer Key Listening Comprehension Seript 3 15 15 25 3 46 46 ia ‘TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Section 1 Listening Comprehension In this section of the test, you will have en opportunity ta demonstrate your aii 0 ‘sdeatnd conversations ad ls in Engi There hee pats toes section ‘with special directions fr each part Answer all he qustions on tcl of whats ate or implied by the speakers ins test When yo take the acta OER om, you will note allowed to ake notes oF wrt in yur et bok. Tyo week, Practice Test Aine sine way Part A Directions: n Par A. you wil our short conversations between two people. Ae ‘ach caversaton, you wil ear a question shoot the conversation. The sera nd questions will be repeated. After you bear «gestion, read the fou ponsble rowers in your bok and choos he best answer Ts an our answer shee fad {he umber ofthe qoetion and iin the spe tha oreo the leer of fe stswer you have chosen Heres an example. (On the eonding, you bea: Sample Answer ence In yourtes book you read: (A) He doesn't ike the pain either (8) He does’ tow owt ait {© He doesn't have any panting. () He dows’ hnow nha to do You tam from the conversation tht either he man north woman ies be floting. The best answer to he quston “What docs he man ean?” (A) He ‘oes’ ike the psincing eiher”Therefore the cect choice (8). HOO |e (A) Drive the woman to the stove (@) Move the womans (0) Gerhiscaroatat he "woman's way. (0) Parehis car inthe dive. (A) He agrees with he woman's hace, (2) He doesn't wan spicy ood. (6) Hemant he adobe fre (©) Garis his favorite Naver. (4) He's no the one 1 blame (8) Somebody st et (©) Hess ben ooking forthe ey. (D) Sontbody i knocking atthe ‘doe (4) Wioe the sow of his boos, (8) Tum onthe radio ©) Unpack is steae {(D) Take his bots with im, (9) Ste dosnt ink te ews is as (8) She beard he news guite resem (©) Shes the only one who has ea th news (©) She found the newspoper trl ear 6.) She tok ot of photographs (@) Shedkerouke many ce (© Shermised king many of ihe pcturs she wanted. (@) Shespet to mach money oa er action, (A) Driving would be cheaper than waking hewn (8) Theat fae tan vesting by ew (©) They shuld Cancel he ip {0} Irwoatd es good eat san diving cay (©) She's een working in he = 9. (A) He's beady 00 bo. (8) He as erosive ft it "ye (©) Mec’ aord our the ea (©) Hetas no moe sweats 10. A) Deve w work. (8) Goto We gl course (©) Trytofiethecar () Take car of hnstt. 11. (A) She protay won't gow the ‘ier. (8) She doin what ie he ine, (©) Tee dinner won last 00 Tonge (D) Ws tie that Ard ete 12. (A) Het elephone again iunchtine (8) Hed have dine fr anh, (C) Head wasted task he () Heh ave the womans ‘hone number (A) He ives near the woman, (@) The woman shold come o (©) The woman shold ake today of (©) Hecantkeep tee ‘sppeimiment 14, (A) The booksetf wont ft inthe Tithen (8) The man vl give the woman ome be (©) Toe woman wil ep the man (©) Thema does’ know where {0 pute bootsel 15. (A) Pa tampon is eee (8) Mae his eter show. {C) Keep wesking onthe ewer () Sed he eters is. 16, (A) Hes vey angry. (i) He dose fi (He does’ have much ‘ete () Helis cat mont ings. 17. (A) Find a partime job a ute (3) Meat hater week to study (©) Use ee sary 0 py he (©) Allo ene plenty af ine Torstudying Leen 19, (A) She ha hard ay yesterday. (8) She nasa make more fe (© She dink oo ach coffe. {D) She wauneable tose him ‘esterday 20, (A) He wed inst spay 0 consol he mong. (@) He was wearing sor leves "oes eget. (© Wefinds working ithe aden lag (Some plats nh garden ‘raed his skin => Prasat 17 HOO | Oooo 21 (A) The audience seemed ike the concen. (@) She war sti with ber (©) Moe people tended the ‘concer than expected, (©) She was pleas tobe asked to perform 26. (A) She promises help he man Team physics (8) She cn Bod the artcle he (© She ound te concasons be very romain. (0) sedges witht art B Directions: In shis put ofthe est, yu wil ern ourerston, Jou wl hear seven gusto. Te conversaons am ston wil ot beret Aer you tears questo, read the four possible answers in your book ani choo he ‘anower: Thon your answer sheet nd the umber of te goeston and iin HOW 31. (A) Me sues need of 35. (A) An analysis of arty arpa ot Presser eeetons, (@) Tete pce (Np of a tien (6 then of compas in () Tae opers company was Toakg for volustecs- (©) Toe nes dean toughest ‘would pode sond Caperizce forthe stadents, 36, (A) Ris quite genera (8) Mont oft information he ‘eed willbe ound in. faleultngeecton res, (The mput of television on rece presenta ecto. 2 (A) Work with an pert woupe, () Work partie fo the eas {) Perform the ado {D) Sabir suggestions 1 the den. newspanes (© She bine be shoud hang it () Whol ke very hor Time to find material on 33. (A) A good singing oie. (8) Acommimen tothe project 3. (A) Travel to that brary to peti oct semester (B) Prytouseit (©) Anacademicsoncentation in (©) Read iti the graduate choo! these a tr. () Actin grade point averse, (©) Oder he terial fom the paste 4. (A) To choose atopic fora tem er: (®) Top same seach (© Torin mesial no avilable ‘the man iby (©) Toteare use he Computers ther = HOW Part Directions: In this pat ofthe tet, you wl ear several shor aks. After each alk, ‘You ear some questions The sand questions wil ot be reese. ‘After you hea gusto, read the four pos answer in You ook and choose he tes answerThesson you answer set nd the nmber ofthe gucstoa and TDS the squce tha conepus othe leer the answer you ave chosen Here ican example ‘On the eorting you bes: Nove listen toa sample question Sample Answer eo0on In yourtst hook, you rea: (A) To demonstrate he nest se of computer cs (a) To dca the posit of an economic “pression (©) Toexplain the workings of the ain. {b) To ramutae famous mystery st. ‘The best answer tthe question “What she main purpose of the program” ie (Gy "Toca the working ofthe brain" Therefore, he caret choice 1 (. [Now listen to aneber ample question Sample Answer Inyourtest book youre: (A) eb seed of al scence mos * pours (Dew ever be chown agin, {6 iene inp ei mens (0) Jl bl with core wor “The best answer tothe question “Why does the speaker recommend watching the [Foerani is) twilelp with coure work" Therefore, the cnet cote is (D) Remember, you should mot ake notes or write om our est pages. © Practice Test. 24 HOW) 45, (A) Ithad never bee cen before (@) Kew inthe sents Tonya (©) wou stay here for days {) Ihe fay common HOW WG) 38. () Advice abt andsping 41. (A) Peple wh estore od {8} Hine showing obey ae none (@) People wo el houses. (© Pratap of be homes of {© Pople wh dvgn now fanoos pone nse (0) Pas for oon (D) Pepe bo wan wo bay 2 ——a 48. (A) More people would apply ‘madi shoo @) Unters res would ‘sun more pystans. (© Steet woul ih medical school nie years we 45.18) Abs (© ee de 59. (A) Nites American (8) A Simp ‘pec aan ining 2 (A To dy i geogrpy. 1) A nn dog eter | perieanrver wt Be ornare snow. 49. y Pata No test material on this page. Section 2 Structure and Written Expression ‘Time: 25 minutes (inchuding the roading ofthe directions} ‘Now sot your clock for 25 minutes. Tis stn desig menue or hilt esi ngs appropriate for standard Wrlten Eng Thee arto types destiny this Seton, with pci dections for ech pe Structur Directions: Questions I-15 a incomplete sentenvcs Beneath cach seneace you vill se four words o phases, marked (A,B) (Chad (D) Choe the one word ‘oe pra tht best competes he sentence, Then. om you snewer sheet fin he ‘umber ofthe question and ilin the space tat coresponds tothe eter ofthe Stser you have chosen Flin the spaces hat the leer siete oval canna be ample Sample Answer ‘Geyser have often ben compared to vleanes ~~ ee ‘hey bow emi bo gids frm below the Earth's safe (@) because {C) inspite of ()eeguales of ‘The sentence shoul ead, "Geysers hve often heen compared to volcanoes bocaise they both emit brig on below te Barth's surfaces Therefore, you should soos (8), Example I Sample Answer ‘any need fr sophisticated instruments and tech (A) sothat hadly (8) when there ary was Section 3 Reading Comprehension ‘Time: 55 minutes (including the reading ofthe directions} ‘Mow eet your clock for 55 minutos. Direction: tn this ston you wil esd several passages. Each one i followed by ‘Several questions about it For questions I-30 you art choowe the ome best ase (Ss), o1 Dymo cach gssion. Then, oa your newer sec fnd he number ‘tthe quesuon un fil inthe space that cosponds othe leer ofthe answer 30 fave chosen, “Avsr all questions following a passage onthe ass of what is tte or imple in thar passe Read the following passage ‘The ello was not the Fist insinton to imose regulary on society. o 0 ra ateton othe inporaee of pci lieleeping. Fra ong es mechants Jat ehauhe aire us coma esas en cc AAAAAAA Questions 15 A diticvly American achtctr began wit Frank Ly Weg, wo ha ‘axento hear te scmontion ht foe shui follow freon. sd nbn nour of ‘dings ots epee ets bt spr aang wae Lune foto te and th commun, an the Scena very fea wy the bases 12) cli New England snd sre th suter lana bad oes facet, ‘Wap waste se urctectwo make encom te suortave pani or ‘publ wells for domes badgs As arya 1905 be bl the sty Temple [2ak Pat Ilias te fat of thoes chars tha ido macho reoitonae ‘lease te United Stes: Teteae be umd i ei sich (U0) isclneois srctues 5 pases Schools office bugs. md facts. aoe them the famous Larkin Baling in Bsa, New Yor, atthe obnon War Company bung Racine, Wisconsin ‘The phrase “taken to hearin Te 2 clones tn meaning torwhich ofthe follwing? 2. nt wy id Writs pubic lings afer rm most of those bt by ear aciecs? (A) Taken eis (A) They were bit on larger (B) Crncze weal. (©) Memorizad (8) Tair atrial came fom the (D) Taker offence ‘them Unite Sas. (©) They looked more ike pate tomes (D) Ther designs were based oo ‘ow they would be wed. AAAAAAA 5, Which ofthe flowing suteents best reflect one of Fri Loyd Wii's reiecural pills? (A) Beausifl design i more ‘mora tnt ( Beclesineeal seectre ‘Should be derived fom ‘rotor deen. 4. Me author mentions the Unity Temple becuse it (A) as Wright's fs bling () fofucnced he wrchietre of ‘sibseqent churches. (€) demonstrated aditonal ‘cslesasieal ehiece (© wa the largest church Weight er designed (© Abang shat Tio es smcanding 4, The pusage menins tall of (©) Tae reece of pbc ‘he following srctres were but by Wright EXCEPT (A) fctores {8 pobtc baiting, (©) oties {southern plantations odin does nt need 0 erevoonary. AAAAAAA Questions 6.16 “Therese wo basic yes of pairs taste wou in sl rss with tid read foray anderyng tana hve hat cote y ts oa acu pth Line Te st ep of air incades tase masve lakes tht coves whole (5) contin. apron clled ce sheet Tare abe oer S00 woe "omer of and covered with ce forth air ay at a ce het When one of anise spread on ovr he oxen hy frm ese “Abut 20,00 years ago he Conran Io Sheet coveed ses te mots in sours Aut west Canad, ate ween Ue Sa, was at 3 uo) loset dep a ket po in pre Alera Now thr a ely tn tet lelton Ear hone covering Greenland and Arce 'Aty dome tay fc th sno Now oa al esos but covers ese han 0,00) sje lometr ead ance cap. Atough ce ap eae noma, there area nraber a norbesters Caan Ban an, aon he Queen Eb as) Wn 7 “Te second category of gc inclndes hse ofa varity of shapes and eines rnely ele mountain opie gles. Muntn glace ar peal Wenifed ‘by melanin tat cont the ow. One frm of met er hat sees, = cecap ina flows ovtvard a sever! deecons called ance eld. Te (20) Siterence etwen a0 cil and an cap ei ssl. ow oa ce Tes somewhat conrad by sounding tan atd lus does mt have he dee ‘hope oa cp Thora several fete nthe Wrangel Se Ela, nd Cah ‘mous a Alas and ahem Bt Clumbn, {Usp than age flare tbe mow common pe of mntin cen: tee and ally placiers. Cu laces refund dees athe Etrace of hand ad tve «hua clr dap, Te xo aley Hse ‘oun by ean hws down valleys curves ound ht comen seals veri What does the passage mainly 17. The word "missive ine is lsc? ost mani | (A) Where major glaciers are (A) ge osu (G) srsnge (1) How glaciers shape the and (© cot {C) How glaciers ae fore (0) recent (D) The diferent kinds feiss ean be inferred tit ce sheets reso sumed fr wbich of the, Fotowing ressons? (A) They ae confined 0 (®) Trey coverlare ares of (€) They are hk in some AAAAAAA According othe pastage (paragraph 3). eles resemble feecapsin which ofthe flowing ways? (9) Tree shape () Ther tow (©) Tre texte (0) The Feation (©) They have acarscterisic 13. The word “in ine 19 ees eur shape (a) pacer ep ‘According tothe passage. ice 1 re ‘Shelves canbe found yemin (9) covering a ete coninent {8 bared within the mountains 14, The word sub ini 20 is (©) spreading into the coean osetia meaning {D) filing dap ales, wan (8) common Accomting tthe passage where reeal tes the Codilleran le Sect, ae tickest OY Ala 15, Allof he allowing ae abpine (8) Gecaland| laciers EXCEPT (©) Albers (A) cirque lars {Dy Amarctia oe Z () valley lacie, “The word “ar” ine 138 eee closet n mening 6 (9) smal 16, Which of the following types of (@) amos places does the autre to (©) vate hast the wo base pes of {D) widesprend lsc mensoned in ine 1? (A) leeds nd cirques {) Cirges and alpine glaciers {) Kee shets and ie selves {D) le shot and mentin ices Pract OBE 7 AAAAAAAIAAAAAAA stoning Cong Averion 27 (woman) Chisin’s ee amie. She as geal ber sings rom Joho’ las framed in ie forthe exititon next week. (woman) Didnt abe now aout the exhibit a the Degining of te er? 2% (mon) What you think Told mame his kite I out? (roman) Tere you? find ite new home you knw te dorm re, (narrator) What es tbe woman opp he man 5? 29. (woman) Dow yonthnkit's sage hat we haven sane esvng any sail bere ye? (oman) ‘Wel sometines takes wile forte post ofc to forward it. saree son (narravn) ‘Wat can be infeed soot te speakers? 30. (on) realy exjoyed ht ove you've een ing abou, (aman) Obs you toto se i fe al (armator) What ad the woman assumed abot he ma?” Part B ‘Questions 31 throngh 3-Liseo oa comenaton teers wo deme sent (woman Have you ean? Anew academic dean willbe nse his week, and sees hae lady sat of mew eas (an) Oh yea, camps io aenunced ht e's ting ne intern ora. ‘Sraents wil cel get cance in eal opr companies en tei productos. (oman) That sounds inguin. wonder ow be got te ea? (an) Wel seems ese up sna rogram in another wives an be feels ‘ta paca experience an prt son ote asc wing a (aman) You enn we'll get coms ret for washing the per compan eee? (mn) We'l get cou cre al rig bt wel Rae earn ity working ar Wit Listening ConiipeeR@iigion Script (an) Firs, you tat be eater maja jon he rogram, ta he progam ordnnor woul ty match stan inersts wis weer possible ‘Re gues wh? One or wo mas mas mipt be seleed eto with the compa. (roman) Wat? You sa an opin fot of hanes of eo ig? ike ‘tng, ut can imagine mel aig ona operate 31. Why waste new program sare? ‘52. What wil he det lve in the ae program do? 3. What is eu of dents printing inthe program ‘Ovestians 34 throng 37- Listes a convention nh ray (man) Excseme,T wonder if you cold help me The ference Hain atthe main Ia srpged Tcome ere (woman) What can 1 ofr you? 7 (ran) — Wel 'm working om paper sbout the ian of levson cet ‘Unie Stas preset letons 1 oud few ofthe books ned a he iy, wld tht teary Bere atte grate school al ‘mor pclae, . (oman) Of ous it depends on what ou want bt we do sabi wlan ‘Stioumals Save your'e wetting on sch x brad tpeyou'l probly ave Gh otot diging Im tak ome ie, bt im sure ou te able nd Imuny ails eleva o your top, We a fave qi fw newspapers 2 ‘cof (nan) ihink ve come the ght place. How can fd ou which jaa you he (woman) can give yo ist of al of he But oa wan to seh utr obs bibjt yo ee on of he comptes ve tere in he omer Eventi sea sin ere onan) Whi ron across efeence ares stay hats svete? i i, Listening Conipr&@igion Script ‘Oesions4 hrauh 0 Listen ot stout the medial peso, woman) see ike only yesterday ta was siting where you ae, jos fishing my fiat er of meal shoe and wondering eve get chance to weal ey ‘ew owl on eal ie pat ‘Wel ve good news for you! You don't ve 1 wit unl our hind Tour yw of meal school oe sme bandon expeees! The dea as ‘ited tet ll you stout the university sol opportunites program. Ifyou cron ths rogram, you can uve th cpp hiss fer Yours year of meal el ose rm fro ss weeks nevi Zein reps ke ena sal rl coment. You won't veto compete wih er tft frie nd aetna Yu ne what fe sa county doctors reall. ‘The program was designed i encourage meal seas ke yous to | nse cts nal ernst Sl understaffed sem hat ‘rei sass rai gon rar aly pace ft wo esos. Fate don't know mach tow Aad second, specials inthe tes ‘aly make mote mony. Bt on he psd, inl peate, dott can Fell ptto ow the pints and be respected bers of he commun. Answer Sheet 7 _priipidin the progam when fi arte an spt ix weks ia sal fulton. Let ete you, as ely pret gto work wh el patent Tish he thf hd sted an cident vim, anda as fry EE Practice Test 59 prostate on exert —llinonesommer And my Sap. Section 1 9 ox traijm frinsance! My experience made me want to work wher I'm posied and apres. 1 Section 2 Cy ss he yal | ees a 19, Foro is the ak ited? IB Review Material 1 48. What woud be ssc et ofthe programing desea? Answer Key on 19, What eneft does the program oer paris? Listening Comprehension Script 93 5 Acorn tote spear, whats one dsantge of url medial pace? I i I It 1 It ' 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 1 1 Il I t ' 1 i 1 Found ht country iba lot offer tha cy he doesat no poliion | i 1 1 I I I I 1 ' ' 1 ! 1 1 1 i i i 1 3 3 5 g 3 8 7 3 5 g 5 5 e Practice Test B ‘Answer Sheet — Vertical Format 00089000080000000000000000000000000d0000000000000 89090908089900000900000000000000000900000000000000 0094980G080909000809090000990900000909R00009000000 QQBVHLIAQAQQHAGEGIOgHEIEQgQaAEIOQQQEaEEQQggggEEeR euoRDeS 0908 0000000900080009900G0999080909090000 0900000909000009000000090000000900000000 gggcgecseaoaoecaseoaosseseagaseessensage GQQQAGOAGQHAGAGAQAQAGOGAROHEIOYGOEGOVOE I I I i Zuonses 0909099090000990000009909N90999ER9900999N00000000 99990000009098090090900000000000000800000000000000 99990008099990000099000000909008009908080090000000 BQIQIQGGGHAQAAOAQLQAQgdHAQQQGggAAQOQgdAGRQOED Tunes Section 1 Listening Comprehension In this section of he tet, you will have an opportunity to demons your ability wo understand comrtions and alk in aglish There ae ee pars tot Secon with pei dceon foreach pr. Anewer all ke guctons on the base of ha i ‘ned or imple by he speakers ints tess When ou ake the seis TOEFL et, ‘you wll ncbe allowed ake note or wre In your tet bok. Ty to wrk Practice Test nthe same way Part a Directions: In Part A, you wil ear hort conversations between to people After ach convetsatoa, you wll rar a queston abot the conversation. The comvesaua ‘Se quesons will ot erepeated. After you bear a question fea the lou possible “ser in your took and shoot the best newer. Then on our awe shee find ‘he umber ofthe question and ilin the Space tat camesponds othe let of te sien you have chosen Here ian example (nthe recording, you ea Sample Answer In yourtex book youre: (A) He does ike the punting either, {B) He doesnt kaow bow opin, {G) He dest have any punting {D) He doesnt Know what todo ‘You lar fom the conversation hat nel te man north woman likes the aiming The best ase to the question “What does the man mean” (A), "He Sneak the painting cber"Theretore, the comet che (A) © (HOMO Oooo (a) He makes fot of money. {B) Hes ust been et some mone (© Hedoca' believe tee hundred lars enough (0) He cantor spend that ‘mach (8) He knows whats wrone ih the wtch, (@) The woman dosnt need 0 ty ave ater. (©) The woman sould gets new ‘ch (0) The ewe store can Drobabl epi the Soman watch (A) Hess another meting to ‘tendon tha ky (py He's avai eer day (C) Hecattatend two-day conference (D) Noteversbdy wil ot the (A) Goto the beach with ee Protesor lone (© See oes fones fer () Grea speech in Profesor Tones sar (A) She i's very good stant (8) She bast poten her gras yet (C) She shoal wory about her ras (©) She desk oak about ‘as. (a) Te lasses have improved bis esl (8) nigel ete he (©) Nesting of aking () He'sunkapyy sbout hii. (A) She aio found the bok ‘ica () Shehas eames lo about (© Sh ha remeest (D) She read erent bok (8) Tey'thave to gota lter om (1) The peopl in ine all have vite (© She dean want to goo the esond sow () They wen'thave twit ‘much ogee (A) tiesto late for er op de course, (Ashe sympaties with im, (©) Ite apologized for what he om (Dy Ase repos aking te (A) She aig ing (She be working daring (©) She's ooking forward to sing home (She wants ire another Nescarh suis => 0 Pes 1. (A) He's pla be called the doco. (8) He wane wo change the ‘ppm! (©) Hecan’tcome unt 415, {D) He was confused about the ‘ae of the appoint, 12. (A) Noone believes he woe the scholars. (8) He's supe that he got the scholar. (© Wiss eae Bathe won the scholars. (D) He's pla card he ‘woman the scolaeship. 15. A) During economies lass (@) Before economics. {) Inaboot an hour (D) The nen dy. 14. (A) Theme wast able ely (8) She's ping hep the nase is son ase fel beter (© She thnks se shoul ak he ‘one for pil (D) She els seep becuse of the medicine she ook 1S. (A) Wheter se can make a propos (8) Wheter Bill ces here. (©) Whether se caneviw BA's sma (D) Wheter she can speak for on 16 (A) He cat wea the shi ight (Hea find he si (C) He dows’ ike te shi (D) Mehiks te sie Inappropriate forthe (A) He has dee classes in arom. (8) ica tepins atone eck (©) Mists meets for oe tous (©) Mev in lass at stereo, (A) The eam won despite por (8) Te eam has o ply at east (© Atel te football eam (D) The eam should have woo. the game (9) She need warmer thine than n previous semen (8) She ited two sweaters in "Asa (©) Aces a8 warmer than the ‘tol he smmer (©) She ws senaly bay (A) Ie man is going tothe (8) Hos the man els about be (€) Wb man's going tse his ob. (©) Where he man heard he => | AMM Woon moon OOOO 45. (A) Piston denen pope 48 (A) cant be compres 38 (A) Torevew material hat will 2, (A) Rock formations inthe 18) try anim {8) lwoten plac Beonatet Nevada desert {© Pont saps an wl (O iistenperstre ten (2) Teinobue anew proferr. (8) Grae tues in {5} Growing ar Tics dromaaly. (©) Tocxpain changes be etna (0) nlite tse ssh. (© Brematoeeiniqueswedin 4.) Toys he sz of ame (0) Tadxrbe the contents Treacy. cae 9.18) Aha wane. () Prete dese poop of (0) Tomo the net (2) fan. ‘evade —— {© Ame 59. (A) tthe egioing (©) Tashowr some aac on {5} Awa (8) inte mae 48, (A) They planed ir eee {©) One ws before he end mgr 50. (A es stl. {B) Ate ea (@) They et ae arom B) tose ti base cams. {G) Ksenes 40, (4 Adina xian (© They id fom tr eneies {B) ts bly pee (8) Presents conten paper inca. 9.(8) Acampo ft {G) Expnn ext wes shed (0) Thy planed ces ner te » Acoma {b) Take atendice inchs camps (@) Taare emesn ‘ated eshoster 41. (A) Arecibo gen, 44. (A) Theyhad bl ng it paket {) Anopuoral review ca wi {@) inc ofign made (© The pura of 80 teen Ingo human beings. (©) Anetam willbe give. () ewan sal for oop ©) ena tected the {Gasconade fei. scion ofa (©) hems steve by eters 0k w stow oe apse This is the end of Section 1 ‘Stop work on Section 1 now. ‘Turn off your cassette player. OOO OOO ead the directions for Section 2 and begin work. Do NOT read or work on any other section of the test ‘during the next 25 minutes. 86 Praca Prater: 67 eeeee0e8 1. According othe hi nw of, ‘Sermodynames, == posible IsupTs Te depace centigrade (4) that emperate is lomest {B) the temperatures lowest {© lower tengerare (the lowest temperate 2. Af the int Work War the for Ana Nin became interven the at moverent own ax Surrealism and in ‘aychosnaly bath = her vee nd shoe tries (A) in whic he iene {8) ot whic nenoea {2 to have facace (© ietoence in 3. Musas generally ——~ close 5 Colonia period he seat Taoiy of Conner setlers ‘me frm Eee (9) Since (8) Tretine {6 Darna he nw ‘Aptian can makes lepslatve sre by gin {pec examples of what its dict wil be (a) toondentanding (@) indereantaly (©) andersanaae {(B) whem understood Paying the rape with dazzing tinciy,-- dominate jaze foea0 yer. Iheedgs of abop, mbes (Loni Atay fer plant fods pow {) anton of Las piel “among (saving (© penne a Loi Amarone {©} hey we saying {D) Lous Armor’ ent © say {otay ere 8. Before every presen election eee Inibe Uae Snes, he 4. Over Ew =~ ofthe Stata ty to ees the {lnned States Supreme Cor rope of he popstion hat waste wthorof te Bil at aoreach cana nats the fedrt cour peel sem 8) soi (A) he was the ht hit asic {G) obeteues (@) te tundeh nice was {D) witvor {6 toate chi tce {B herd ete sce 70 Peon eeeeeee0e 9, soos at arives fondo the ‘Deane Pace route Caos the city of Reno grew as badges ‘ironds were bail (9) Seate {BPs ese setting (©) Having been seed 10. The airinside aus o fice 13. The mountains surounding Los Angeles eectvely sel the Sty fom the ot ey winds ofthe Mojave Desert ‘Sreulation ft (A but they also prevent (B) aso preven by them {) a ao wo prevent (D) and also prevering twslding often bas higher 14, Not only —~- to determine te oacenratons of ontamigsts eal poled ouside i Sepih ofthe ocean for ba tis ‘tse to eae (A) tan does (A) touse sismaiogy (3) more (@) Is seismology wee {Cae some that re (©) sesmetogy used (Dy Ikeor {) using sesnology 11, The decimal manera sytem is 15, Nebraska hs fonds in some one ofthe == way yore expressing mumbers (A) seal most wor's () or’ mow eta {C) seul word's ment () ost vers weta 12. Ely Dickinson’ garden was place = reat inpeton for fe poems, (9) date dew ) by drain her {C) trom which she dew (D) drawn from which Pract BS (A) incters drought (@) croup are oes {wile ober dooghs (D) cers in ough AAAAAAA |\AAAAAAA ‘The following questions are based on. ‘the passage on page 82. 29, Accoing tothe fst paras 30. What the author's tad ‘Gonsumrs wo bteve at organic {Oward th lime mad by Fodsareboterthanconestonally ‘shocate of heath foods? town fonds are often (a) Very eats (A) excess {B) Somewbar favorable (@) eisten {C) Neual © tty {) Skeptical (Dweay Section 3 continues. ‘Turn the page and read the next passage. 2 Praiontost 8 Practice Test 85 AAAAAAA AAAAAAA oe 28. Whaat of dma eho The warden Ife 6 eet ‘aabor discuss inte fst rau se (B) costumes ‘ere nary otis eben ma ace re Te coe mn ame ‘3 Sm cor iy Sep at eta See isofea Ont ‘Rotman In unig Sama bg oe Spee {3 peters (©) Thelen ich dna Line tesa for of he wo ven he esol cages, ented. ey 45; Stag nephrons means conol bee wna deed per Tse ‘ere perermed 38, According the psage, whats ‘Sethe uhh appx ring te dente seule were then eae and ened (©) Thcomectionbrnecn Shemain iflerence between ta ‘hay hoa instaed it Creunly ess which expid r trys and rua pts nda Sled he mysteres of te tes: Ate ped some rans ere boone, at (©) Thetnponance of costumes if somal carte ‘tao kerled mine posted an proved mural frat nd dra nearly dan an wes si tao) fre who tee hat ras evalve i a tbo ata oe ies inane counted pet ene tose se, tune masa comunes ere ainos’ 3, Which ofthe follwing i NOT Rica he cm dome ‘Frayne. Faroe s sles bad be proviso perermaso and mentioned comma slemes sua es ot ST cis conmany dd wt ucpas ter avaton Ya ooly made ‘enc and ua formers thn ra Sateen ac nl he “tatu nadaone, te wre peer (©) Rial has eligons prose as) te ace conden mpornce wat tac ing moti re eacmes (8) Dance ‘snd daa dos ma fries rep ly sed itn Wang sn ee ey Comoe, so-the pane opr wachot te Sten ipertonse ter peont sno spear bee and mma! sed sie sappors wtih of tes scent ba hcg tne rev the Sunes a sot ©) Mae ‘Showing cons? ‘Might Evermaly sch daa peste were spats rm rout ab Reena eels ‘hese be 35. The word “considerable ine 15 eee i i ay rs ean om mines seeing Tose ea ‘Accuses bout he bt wa ote eat) eral (4) tous epee ral Senet iret ae «| a ere iy, 9 ene NT tegen” nae co _Eyranasi or hat are imitations of animal movernents and sounds. ae (©) Drama actives rogue te 2% ewe mn nn ici Pas ac 10h nie ag des te Sapien eee eect eee ee eeeeCeppeen gee wi cement, cue? (A) seasonal changes {@) performance the stage andthe aucence? (fe wigaef tu eer B cer peters Ot tom = (are Sue Sus te oe Seg 18 tn 24 (© Se of soretog Gime ie Reser cree ==> => AAAAAAA Questions 41-50, ‘Sagesing tks contented the people fh United Sates, Noth a Sout, when ‘ne Civ Wa ede. About min and al lle fom bt se ad 9 Se ‘Eopoaedreijied octane and eburbed byte devastated economy. Lute Ei goerien so bao be pot back on ences bas erence (3) he mary had to be toed "In deere ppt a he South help he ct tat econsacon Na be nde aso the Nor hughes specular Insel oat Pesce condoms faces hed oe booed for ivan rede muni problem loomed gen br the No an te Soath The nations eb (do) ad shot fom ssn S65 lion [6 th year thea ard sesty $3 ion 865 the year he war nde. Tis war cool sm fortron "haa pant goremment could pay. Al the eine artes ha tobe eed \Eebuencte over Physi evasion canted by invading armies cil inh South nd bower (15) sat had tobe epae. Tis eclean sk was lima completed. Bat wih ‘therimporan questions edd never. What wou eth fue of he fou" sulin Blac people who weve reed rom slavery? On what bass wee be Souter atest be og ack no the Ue tan) “cot be Souther leer ao whom wer abe wo charge of reason? One of en leader Jefferson Da ride! fhe Sth Cnfecerc,she {Soja popular Nae song, "Han le Dis om Sue Appi ‘ea avn ile tng: Bs epi pane gt ely ays of i two-ear mpaonme Bat ead tether Suter (2s) leaders wee fly ene pati erase was ely tha joy om Virgin ScutherConfedene ae woulscooiet hem Al te caer ver aly paronea ‘fy Pret okmon in G68 nan eon to elpecosucon fos pote with Ine teres posal 41, What dos the passage mainly 42, The word “Staggering” inline Lis ascus osest in meaning 0 (4) Warime exgendires (9) specialized (8) Pte acing the United (8) confess ‘Sats fle the war {C) sano (© Meth of repaing he himape came bythe war {D) overwhelming (D) The reas of poverment 4, Th word “devas inline 38 ‘Hon to revive the loses in meaning 0 economy (A) devsoping () ruined {) complicnes () tape AAAAAAA 44, According wo the passage wich 4, The word“ in line 26 tthe folowing arent about retest ‘he damage nthe Sout scorer? (A) chars (A) Ita worse than inthe Noth, (leaders (0) The cou was lee than (©) ans apt {teas (©) Wet cored i the bower sine, 49, Which ofthe following ean be () neve remedied rather guichly, infeed from he prase™ ns Uikely that ary fom Virgin, Sou Confaderate state wuld Sonvit hn" ines 25°26)? (A) Vegans fot bevaye by Shtenen Davis (A popular song nated 45, The pusaze refers tal of the ollowing as necessary tps folowing the Civil War EXCEPT (4) helping soldiers east (8) resucturing indy 6) retming govemnet to Vipin ‘oma (©) Vian were loyal tei (increasing tes idee (© Alfof te Viegni itary 46, The word tsk in ine 15 refers to ead had bec pats (A) ring tea vel ora (5) aah fact shies (©) Section abot fomer 50 Ian be infer fom the passage ae tha Presson oboe arn (0) const of damagsd the Southern endo nord co (2) tse one forthe Noth 47, Why does the athor mention a ote mee popular songin ines 2223” (© prevent Noreen leaders from (A) Topivesn example of ‘pasting more Souerets ‘onthe tude tows (©) beinte ation rower font. the Soh he war (8) Tolesat the None foe (©) Tocmphasie the cut ‘ieencer between te ‘North and he South (©) To compare the Nerbem and ‘Souther presidents => AAAAAAA | hevies ili Zp > Use theanswerkaybelowo determine which questions you answeredoorecy Rein the caste (Se 2) 0 he bagenng fhe Listening Comper pp Tear cut the sept on pages 99-100, Place it nat othe test questions 30 you an see the fouranawer ences This is the end of Section 3. > ead to ezriptas you ten tothe recorded maria withelp you recognize words ha you may not have understood corect OOO OOO bd ec yo thee mtn na nds, Chetan wot Seaton’ oy — a — De Nor ud ony ote secon he est — ie | Ge oEP | GR ae if gh) ip BP | ik BE if Be) tf BP 1 ie Be db gi] ff BP | ae ge ee Be| HE BG | at 23 ei gt es 23 Bi Ri ge gE Hi 8 a: 35 ‘You must score your own TOEFL answer sheet Do NOT send it to the TOEFL office. Myou do, the answer sheet will not be returned to you. 90 mets Test 8 Petcare, 04 Listening CompeGQGe Script fmomany (nay) ‘naratn) 2 (woman) (men) (raraor) 3 (woman) (nm) (narratr) 4 (nan) (romen) (narrator) (woman) (man (warator) 6 (woman) (rarer) 1 (may oman) (narrator) 8 (man) (oso) Part A Do you mato go oti wth us 9 lr this spring wil on stot ee hae dais = ern, ‘Thre handed dlls! Do you ink ust inert fre? ‘What on be fed boa he man? My match stopped agin. Anat pot em tery. ‘Why don't you tak io S's Jems? Thy a check i for you, sad thy pety reson, ‘Waa ees the ma ea? ‘Wie going change our meting fom Mn o Tes ‘What does the man mes? Weplano go tthe teach ser clas, War come? love, bat Petr Jones wa to speak ih ne, What wil te worn potaiy do? ‘ans sone word sot he gras Butsbe's ping Ax and Bt she? ‘War does he man imply ao Ie? ‘You lok peat since you've tenting hoe ees esses ‘Thanks! ve never fe beer my ile What deste man imp? "had ahd ine ping hh his noe "ino ow you el Whe can remeber the ames of tity fre deat cheers? ‘What der he wn pty? ‘That's ng ite! Do yu tink th ea tke et? "oui it pss wnd wy going tthe tes bow. ‘What deste woman men? ‘Thiscouse ach too ha or, Soy yu decided take? ‘What oes the man ask the woman? (man) (raion) (man) (narrator) (ran) (narrator) (nan) (roman) varratr) man) fromen) (narrator) (woman) oan) (arate) (woman) (man) (narrator) (oman) (rm) (narrator) ‘Are you gsing home fo winter vacation? Tre aed tty oa be ae seach ast Whatcin einfred about he wom? Hat, Hell, This is De Grays ice. Wee caing 0 rend you of your {615 apointmen for your anal check enor: (On Thanks sg ng ou cal {ugh na 15 coy. ‘What oes the man es? ow wera You won the scolasip Can you eine? ‘Noi amos wo good bee. ‘What dere man mean Excuse me, Profesor Daido, bt was hoping 1a to you abt fay lis projet for conor Trav class in afew mints Why dot you come and ee me saris hours tomorow? ‘When il the won dacs ber rot with Peso Dido? ow eyo eling? ‘The st te ae gave re seems to have Rlpd, a's making me sally dows. ‘What doer be woman mean? ‘Sith hs volute o wre a summary ofthe propos Weve sgedon {Wid Thea chance to review i? ‘What docs th worn want o know? Wy dt you mer tht elo sit hat our sister pve you for our? Tove tut i, at e's ising so batons How many elses do you have ty? Jot one rom el ‘Wha doer the man mesa ur focal te i’ ply vey wel. “That, ta east we Won ep ‘What doe the man mean ee Hlistening Cont AGA riot 19. (man) 21 n. 2. (woman) (arrar) (nan) (women) (warratr) (man) (omen) (arrater} (man) (omen) (arate) (man) (roman) (rarrator} (man) (oman) (naraor) (woman) (man) (marror) (woman) (mon) (artor) (woman) (man) (nartr) (man) (woman) (arraor) ‘Thishasten an. usualy coo summer [Uh Loctaly had et out my woo! seats in August ‘What does th woman py? 1 gotsome bd news today The tre where wor saying off tl Arethey gogo eyo go? ‘What oe th wma wat to kao? ito ik this hm up by four taro aero can ne fo You a0 you'd Ae What does the woman Sy abot he Bl? leo Pip oy ae sid te coming whe pay. (Ob, sohe can come aera Cary inns on boying he fod forthe pin: ‘Thats prety enero, soa me teat fers share ‘What doe te woman soe they do? How's the nw ob ing? "We im geting wed tos fnew things, wish he sperisoe oul gie me soe enc. ‘What deste woman mean? i Linda ever ine hat trocar chapter? Frm ot sure Se spent hours on ed ving What oe the man ingly abo Lid? “Te supermare down the sets eling everyting ice tect they're ging ot of bse ‘Sounds ke an ea tine stck pon cote. Whit oe te man mean? Have you heard anything shout the pew profesor? St a she pater ‘What does toe many about the profes Ted to ge copy af my birth ceri ‘Sor bt me can ony cept equ by mail now ‘What doer tbe woman mest? Prac h- 08 Listening Conte AOA Script Part C ‘Questions 8 through 1-Lsen oan aneouncsmet in ninety las (woman) tebe few nates it remain of sys ls 1 ike ons net week's ‘Shade with ou Boca 'n preseing a pape ata conferees n Dot a Theeay wth here fr citerWesnesay's Fie ia wil were be ee fer Money’. Next riya week om today. the tem ‘xan, making he alfeay pint inthe eter Profesor Anos as od ‘eadminserte erm Ipc ofthe wal Wades ls, Ive eangs 0 ol evi eso. Sci opto mendance wll tbe ake ower tending te cls wuld ea god afer ose wore hou he ‘ideo So remember pina clas ext Wednesday, miter, Fy. 38 What she purpose ofthe ak? 39, wht point uring the semester does thi alk take pace? 40. Whatdd Profesor Anions aie 1? 41, Wha wi ocur a et Ween ls ine? Qvestians42 hah 46 Listen opr ofa ik given na aaopogy cls Pettit most these preistrc desert people moved across the countryside trough 1 ‘atthe yer You might think tha they were wandering ailesly— from it ul ‘They acualy followed a series of eeflly planned mows. Where they moved { ‘depended on where fod was avilable ~ places wher plats were pening O¢ Tah were spanning Now oe whe these peoplé moved hey arid lhe possessions on thei tacks et he joey was ng ei od anos wee sometimes sed Incave oc beneath ke One of ese caver snow an exing rtectogial ‘te: Beyond smal opecig ithe undeoond ou. Even gh be {sve vey lage a certainly to da and ny or thelr ive fa bu was ea pace ode his and emenous oun food ‘opis and arcs ave been fond here. The fod icons i, ‘fet ed ts Te cs inde tone spear pins and kien he pest nt ar actly rather sal Here peo some tat were fou You ‘nse tc sz fn elton toe hands ling them. 42 Wht isthe min abet fis ak? “4 What pin doesthepeskermate bout eis ppl ofthe Nevadadeser” “44 Wy cd epepl ie inthe cave esrb y he peer? 45, What have archeologists fonnd inthe cane? 46, Why does the sper stow po othe las? Listening ott AA Script ‘Qesons 4 shrwah 9 Listen opr stare sven in sie toy ss. (woman) Toe evens in which hel fen seers col ak and yao But thea avantages ving in war ad ey have payed ab portant ein akg fh what hey ae One at water ajo 0 ‘Sen teaperture hanes Therefore maker an excel habit fora co ‘boda ema Another adage te water ai 0 easly appr by ‘sign Pwplas bas approtntey the sare desis aero shin ‘Tarim wigs, Tis weihewnes” int meats oes: ‘neath can get log th ph weight nd simple bone srt and ‘itso tas ewe pty remove. ‘etter sone basicaly living in water — te eta is Incomes. or sh oo th wer test actual shove t ‘Side Mow cn dos by wigaig back and or in snake ton. The i poses war nde bye fered on fs head ad wth be cae ‘rity ast lei al Not the terms ack sng he G's farming econ ina the tl Rpg te fh propel el war “The fc hat woes incompesile bs Illy shaped he elma of Tah Aland enpuaeshpe can be med thegh wero wth sly ‘And forth eso, Guba sta shap hts Beauly ated to deal ‘es his ecu BB How to Score the Practice Tests 103 47, Wace etl ily about? 48, What des he pesker mon aa rblem tha water seats 10s? I Score Comparison Table 106 0. Wha apt of fk does the phe cs inthe ot etait? Acceptable Scores 106 100 prada + I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 I i 1 1 | i i i 1 1 I 1 \ Example of Score Calculation 104 1 1 i I | 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i Non SRE AO1 Ow to Score BEALE Tests Use to answer keys on pages 45 Tos A) and 0 (Tes 8) to determing woh quscbons you answate comet Cours tha numer ef eoret amr ieach secon of the tsts and wr me number nthe appreprate box elo Section! _Section2__—_Section 3 ‘The numberof corgt answers foreach secton fs your"rumberigh| stare thet section A rumor score ent te Samo oped {TOEFL stor, Paper basod test scores fr Secon tating Compretien- Gen) ana Section 2(Stucute ana inten Expresso) range fom 31 6, © andthe scores for Socton 3 (easing Comprenenion) rage fram 316 |The TOEFL paper-based tt let sce opie on a sale that ranges ‘fom 310 t 877-For each unig tom of tho TOEFL tet setatal proce _ tes are cart ut eaon Secbon adit he caneison ot nuoar ght ‘cores “sale corwated scores fr any ssp erences ney. es ‘Proesss called score extn ands caiod outreach form of TORE To it comparison o sald scares fo hat paar tr wih sled scores cor os ropaless othe eve ely of arf. Asa eau of ova eating maths, tr. 250. alo reson est represen the sare lel of Englsh language profeleney a8 score “ahs on sroher edo. eee a Wen you hao wien your aumberight sore eal sections inthe Sens aft wert sae ears page Fr hae char ius ible was developed fr wach ston of each ras task es ne Kernen TOEFL tos to comer pumbernght core sealed score. The fst ‘colunn of each chat ges ranges of numberright scree. The second. hid find orn clr gv tangs f converted cesta he tages proved those chars are tended oly to prove an approximate nestor o anguspe Drofiiony and are never uso he seorng oan actual samen, nthe column mark "Nurber Right Score Range lor each practice tat, {ind the seor range tet includes your numerrght sore or Section tthe
Do NOT skp tines. Do NOT wrte in vr large laters or eae age margins. How wol you writes msch mere important tan how much you wets, but to cover he tote adequately ou wil probably want o write more than 1 ‘on paragraph > Wie realy and apy You wil nt be graded on the neatnes of you" handwriting, but th atrs who evaluate your essay must be able fread your handing 1» Check your work ow afew minutes bear he 0 mites have ended to ‘ead over your essay and meke cnanges. Directions for Taking TWE > Find quot cation where you can work without interruption > Have two sharpened black lad pons, an eraser and sever shoets ot ‘ned compostion paper a your desk or bl (> Panto use 30 minutes fr each practice essay question you work on. ‘nen you are ready to work onan > check your wateh or cock Star timing youself for 30 minutes > Read cartuty one of he topics onthe net page > Besin say question: q Se ec Tople 1 ‘Succeset student do wali school for many iret reasons. teeny one or wo important personal charactors that hep stant sueceed in ool Use reasons and spect examples ‘how why you tink thee characteristic are important stuart Topic 2 ‘Some people bows that newspapers are te best stice of news ‘Other people thnk hat he nows ls present bation rado or telecon Which of thee sources of news do yeu prefer? Use reason and spect example to SupPan your chlo. ‘Stop working on your essay at the end of 30 minutes. ‘On the day ofthe actual test working ster time called wl be considered cheating, “Tis isthe end ofthe practice metorial forthe TOEFL and TWE tests. tip eran my Ble be are

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