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ove an e oppos1 e sex e- ----------------------------------------,

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?::df ---,ft-.adC.IIaltl*liJUEIJ . .. .. . . .. .Bamo COrtez

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:aft1 ttE41mMAo/i2 bushed bilDO.llt .., BeyoQ.d Reality

I ID't f',O.lllox Q&Uiet,New Yorkl0954. S)nale cOPY Jricest
.-Ofelr:fear;;,NN$1:-.1 foteip.. Kil ibiljty whatsoeVer
'Jj'nw .....citedt'--rPts or photo$ &nd,1'l0 wm.. unle$$
selfltAlclr.P:Ssed euvelope. SOcoiJd postage paid at
otthis publication may reprclduced in whole
.Qt. btMtwit_..: 111it*J,ermilsiallof ltbe publisher. Psinted in the U.S.A.

Recently I was treated to a very exciting

experience. Father Simon, who is a minister of the
Foundation Church in New York City, invited me
to drop by one evening so that I could. meet his
staff and get an idea of what the Foundation was
all about. I had no idea what a pleasant evening it
would turn out to be!
The Foundation occupies a small brownstone
building in New York's Upper East-Side. I was
greeted by Father Simon and after he introduced

me to several staff members, we spent a casual half-hour or so getting

acquainted in the Foundation's unique coffee shop which is located on
the second floor. I noticed people of all ages enjoying themselves in
Afterwards, I toured the building. It was during my tour that I met
Sister Jessica and. was first introduced to Psycliic Portraiture.
It seems that Sister Jessica has a rare talent for capturing one's
personality as well as likeness on canvas. Her art is both lieautifuf and
revealing. Jessica has done more than forty of these remarkable
portraits to date, including one of President Gerald Ford. In fact, she
has a waiting list of people seeking to have their portraits done by her.
I found that Jessica is a very warm and sincere rson and I was
indeed happy when she accepted an invition to appear as a guest on
our TV program, Exploring the World Beyond Reality. .
I thQught our readers would be interested in knowing m9re about the
unusual talent with which she has been blessed, so I asked Biyce Bond
to interview Sister Jessica for us. That remarkable intezyiew appears in
this issue.
The Foundation has much to offer New Yorkers. It publishes a
contemporary magazine ; Jessica helps with the graphics and her
illustrations appear thoughout the publication. The Foundation also
sponsors bi-weekly lectures, and Max Toth, Gene Kiefer, and Bryce
Bond are among the outstanding speakers featured there.
If you happen to be in the area, (1147 First Ave. , near 63rd St. ) , visit
the Foundation Church-you'll be glad you did.
It seems that our ' 'earthquake issue' ' was a pretty timely one-at
this writing, there have been quakes in Central America, Italy, and the
Soviet Union. Could this be the beginning of the ' "Jupiter Effect' - ' ?
We have reived word tht the Grand Daddy of Astrology, Zolar,
has passed away after a long illness. Although his pOpularity in the
United States has declined over the last decade, his books are selling
well in many parts of the world including Argentina and Japan. His
Astrology magazine has been on the market for over thirty years, and
Zolar has done more to popularize Astrology and the Occult than
any other individual.
When writing to us, please enclose a seH-addressed, stamped,
envelope for a prompt reply.
Harry Belil

4 B eyond Reality
Dear Editor : Hynek, I can assure you, knows
I have been following the UFO that the burned ring was put
problem for a number of years. I there deliberately as part of an
agree with your assessment that experiment to test people's reac-
UFOs are definitely not invaders tions. Philip J. Klass, the dean
from outer space, nor, for that of UFO debunkers, mentioned
matter, from inner space, as the this fact in a letter to Fate
late Ivan Sanderson tried so Magazine (October, 1975 , p.lll).
desperately to convince the rest of David Mattison
the world. I do not, however, Westbank, B.C.
believe that UFOs are a phenom Canada
ena that cannot be explained
through our knowledge of the Dear Editor :
physical laws of the universe. All _ I must object to a statement
too often supporters of the U,FO made by Lee Walsh in the
concept latch onto a scientifically November/December issue.
untena):>le notion in order to In the Strange and Unknown,
explain the actions or lack of Lee Walsh stated of Pharoah
action of these things in the sky. Akhnaton, ''No trace of his body
When astronomers such as Carl has ever been found'', when the
Sagan finally managed to get it facts are that not only has his body
through people's heads that inter- been found, but the quote which
stellar distances made it virtually Ms. Walsh opened her article
impossible for fleets of these with, was found on his sarcop
objects to be visiting the earth, hagus! .
the UFO supporters slowly But take heart, Ms. Walsh, for
turned toward the concept of as the November/December issue
parallel dimensions to explain the of Beyond Reality was being
appearance and disappearance of delivered to my house, I was at
so many objects. John Keel has the library, obeying a strange
been in my eyes the most vocal of compulsion to find out about the
this group. body of Akhnaton, and you will

Fraud is to be expected in a find your quote on page 244 in
field such as UFO study. Even The Life and Times of Akhnaton.
scientists are not above it. Wit So the old Pharoah may be ''in
. ness an article by Allen Sprag touch'' with more people than you
gett in which he quotes the dean think, and may only want to get
1 of UFO scientists, Dr. J. Allen the facts straight.
Hynek, on the Maynard, Iowa Shane Peterson

UFO sightings : In one such case Thousand Oaks, Calif.
(of physical traces left by UFOs),
a 40 foot burned ring was found in Dear Editor : ,

a soybean field in Iowa after a Your May issue has come to

farmer and two other witnesses my attention, and I would like to
reported seeing a UFO hover write about several ,articles con
over the spot. Vegetation in the tained therein; however, I will
burned area was dessicated, in comment only on your ''Editorial''
Hynek's words, "as though by about Geller and ''The Amazing
some sort of death-ray." Randi.'' Continued on page 52

6 B eyond R ea lity
How to make others secretly DO YOUR BIDDING
with the astonishing power of
Here's how to get started in JUSt 3 minutes .

Dear Friend: your neighbors won't say . . . your boss keeps

New power is about to leap into your life . . . quiet about ... ALL BROUGHT INTO THE
an astonishing way to control the thoughts and OPEN JUST FOR YOU!! They'll tell you all
actions of others without their knowing it . . . their secrets, but they won't know why.
no matter how much they may not want to fol Hold on now, because I haven't told you yet
low your instructions, they carry them out to a about the best part of "Automatic Mind-Com
"T" every time! mand."
With "Automatic Mind-Command" you'll be You may have to bolt your door to keep peo
running the show. Make a wish, turn on The ple from overwhelming you with love, gifts, fav
Power, and watch those around you drop every ors, rewards! Perfect strangers will be walking
thing and do what they're told. up to you and asking, "How are you? Can I do
And nobody will even have the faintest idea anything for you?" They will never suspect that
that you're behind it all. That's the beauty of "Automatic Mind-Command" is impelling them
"Automatic Mind-Command"-you are the only to like you, please you . . . and automatically
one who knows what's going on-you alone de want to help you.
cide when things should start . . . stop . .
At first, I couldn't believe it.And yet I know
this to be true from my own personal experience
You can use it to control your friends or ... time after time. For example . . .
strangers, one at a time or in large numbers, at A STRANGER HANDS HIM $500-Harry
any time, and ANY WAY YOU LIKE: G. , a low-paid factory worker, wanted to start a
For example: You go into a bank for a loan. business of his own. All he needed was cash to
The' credit man smiles but says "Sorry. You get started, but no one would give him the
don't qualify for a loan right now: however, if money. Finally someone told him how to use
there's anything else I can do for you, I'd be "Automatic Mind-Command"-and Harry laugh
glad to .. ." Then in a flash, his tune changes contacting her by letter or phone. From far away
ingly tried it.A short time later, a perfect stran
when you let loose your "Automatic Mind-Com . . . he began using "Automatic Mind-Com
ger handed him $50{}-saying he'd heard about
mand." He continues, "In fact, we'll be glad to Harry's plan, and was eager to help him get mand!" In that instant, his girlfriend knew what
give you $1,000 more than you asked for. And 1 started! she had to do.She dropped what she was doing,
any time you want more, just see me personally! Unusual? Not at all ... things happen every excused herself and hurried to visit him. Arriv
Thank you so much for coming by!" day with "Automatic Mind-Command." ing in record time-she hugged and kissed him,
Impossible? You'll be doing things like that RECEIVES NEEDED CASH QUICKLY!- . explaining that "something" told her he wanted
every day without even thinking about it. As Mrs. Thelma J. reports, "I needed money badly.P
and needed her, and what could she do for him!
soon as you need something done, it's done! The Her husband hadn't worked in months, and their ' Now here's a most fantastic use of "Auto
people who do these things for you will remem savings. were running out. Then she discovered matic Mind-ComJOand"-one I'm sure you'll
ber what they did, but not why! "Automatic Mind-Command"-and turned on agree proves that \!ere is a power which staggers
the power immediately! The next morning she '
the imagination!
FUN POWER-TOO! received a package containing several hundred For example, cases of health-symptoms re
You can have a lot of fun with this power, too. - dollars from friends and well-wishers she never lieved with "Automatic Mind-Command!" John
Look how Evelyn C. used it at work . . .One knew existed! C. reports that his hearing now seems normal
day, while sorting papers, her boss angrily in In all history, few indeed are the ones who again! Warren W.'s blurred eyesight cleared,
quired why she had to make so much noise-and have recognized "Automatic Mind'-Command." sharpened, and now seems normal! Lydia E.says
scolded her in front of everybody. Evelyn said The rest, who do not use it, pay the penalty in her arthritic symptoms of sOEeness and stiffness
nothing, but smiled to herself-for she had just suffering, wishing, hoping, dreaming .. .Now I in the fingers were relieved when nothing else
turned on the "Automatic Mind-Command . .." say to you: Wish no more! seemed to help, and Mrs. M. S. was surprised
Suddenly the boss apologized for being a scoun when her leg pain disappeared. Bella S., who
drel."Please ...I'm sorry," he said, in front of HOW TO GET STARTED IN JUST 3 MINUTES! complained of "ulcerative colitis" with stomach
everybody."I'd like to make it up to you!" And Minute #l-Fill out the No-Risk Coupon and cramps and diarrhea, obtained fast relief . .
he told her what a wonderful person she was! And others report relief from complaints of high
mail it to us.
When Evelyn turned the power off, the boss just Minute #2-When you receive a package in blood pressure, heart symptoms, "migraine"
stood there with an open mouth, wondering what headaches, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and
the mail from us, open it.
made him say all those things. Minute #3-Lift the front cover, and let the more.
Think what this power can mean in your life. secret feed itself in to your mind automatically. It's simple, easy, and automatic to apply!
You need money . .. and it's there! You want
After that, sit back, relax-and see how this .
some affection . . . you'll be smothered! You
power can work for you. It's as simple as that! It YOURS TO PROVE-AT OUR RISK!
want peace and quiet . ..the world stands still!
won't cost you one penny unless it works!
IN THAT INSTANT, YOU WILL ALREADY So you see, life can be beautiful with "Auto
NO MORE SECRETS WILL BE KEPT FROM YOU! BE ABLE TO USE "AUTOMATIC MIND matic Mind-Command. '' To discover its amazing
People who think they can hold back the facts COMMAND" FOR THE FIRST TIME .. .for power let it put you on the road to a NEW
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tle "Automatic Mind-Command" at them, and Imagine the thrill-after a lifetime of "scrimp pleasure and all the wonderful luxuries of the
they'll sing like meadowlarks .. . Nona J. was ing" and "penny-pinching"-to see a tidal wave world . . and more! You owe it to yourself to
at her wits' end when she tried to find the money of riches rolling into your life from every direc try it! Why not send in the No-Risk Coupon
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ing.There was only one possibility left ...she
asked Billy. A look of surprise crossed his face. MORE AMAZING CASE HISTORIES!
Ncr-he hadn't seen any money.But Nona didn't
believe him, and started using "Automatic Mind And it's all just minutes away!
Command" to find out if he was telling the truth. Larry S. wanted to see his girlfriend-although
Suddenly Billy reached into his pocket and took he had no idea where she was-and no way of r-- MAIL NO RISK COUPON TODAY! --

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B eyo n d R eality 7

Deep Water, Ancient Ships, By Wil lard Bascom, there is no way to narrow it down to any group. ans
Doubleday. $8.95; The 'Treasure vault of the Medlter Holzer Is a professor of parapsychology at the New York
rann is the setting of Bascom's book about his Institute of Technology.
experiences In searching for underwater archaeological
treasure. Bascom Is a professional oceanographer and
engineer who is presently director of the Coastal Water
Research Project, a laboratory engaged i n studying the The Amazing Powers of Hypnosis, by Wesley Schrader.
ecology of the waters off Southern California. The boo k Doubleday, 1976. $7.95; I this book of26 case histories,
xploras modern methods of sea explorations, many Mr. Schrader presents the manv uses of a newer
devised by Bascom himself. Inspection and Salvage, the psychotherapeutic tool, hypnotherapy. Wh ile its use is stil l
history and operation of the Alcoa Seaprobe, and a gaining acceptance among psychotherapists, Mr. Schrader
fascinating chapter. on the survival of organic matter In shows how this method can be used in the treatment of
deep water, are all presented here. The boo k contains symptoms as diverse as alcoholism,- insomn ia, sexual
photographs of artifacts and sculptures recovered In the dysfunctions and stuttering. Included too are the results of
past, descriptions of the equipment and shi ps used in deep experi ments aimed at usi ng hypnosis as a. means of

water searching, and sketches of many recovery devices. increasing _powers of concentration and learning ability.
Patients who come to M r. Schrader have real human
dilemmas, and they see their hypnotherapist as more of a

doctor. Their relat ionships with their therapist become

Psychic City Cblego, by Brad Steiger. Doubleday, tender and sensitive as they undergo hypnotic counseling
1976. $6.95:Subtltfed'11Doorway to Another Dimension", with a pioneer in the field of psychotherapy.
Brad Steiger's book plores why Chicago deserves that
title. Mentioning all the psychic organizations, periodicals,
and psychics that make their home there, Steiger goes on
to examine the evidence of ancient civilizations In the Beyond Coincidence, By Dr. Alex Tanous. Doubleday,
Chicago area, and the abundance of UFO reports that
1976. $7.95; This is a fascinati ng book that will make even
orglnate there. fascinating I nterviews are included as wel l
the most hardened skeptics question their narrow vi_ew of
as a valuable appertdlx that, l l$ts al l the psychics and the mi nd's power.
psychic organizations in and around Chicago. Brad Steiger Alex Tanous takes the reader through his prophetic
has written over forty books, I ncludi ng Medicine Power childhood-before he could even read, Mr. Tanous could
which deals with medicine and psychic phenomena. The reveal the contents of a record album si mply by touching
result of his latest research Is a unique psychic profile of an
the edge.
entlf e city, and those who inhabit lt. HIs present status as the man who proved the existence
of the sou l Is a claim he mentions modestly and which
refers to his work with the American Society for Psychical
Research. Under rigorous scientific controls, Tanous has
Tbe Psychic Side of Drums,
by Hans Holzer, .t
left h is body, projected himself into another locked room,
Doubleday, 1976. $7.95; Prophetic dreams, warning moved an object in that room, and then re-merged with his
dreams, SP dreams, survival dreams and more are body. Rarely has psychic ability been used in so many
examined in this book by the well-known Mr. Holzer, who ways, and In this autobiography subtitled, one man's
is sometimes known as Mr. Ghost Hunter because of his experiences with Psychic Phenomena'', Tanous presents
work with spirits and the occ u lt. He shows how dreams are . all h is psychic feats. All confirmed with documentary
a universally experienced phenomenon that most of us evidence, firsthand corroboration, and -scientific verifica
take for grant. never realizing their psychic possl biJitles. tion. Beyond Coincidence is indeed a book skeptics sho4ld
For example, warning dreams, according to M r. Holzer,
avoid if they wish to remain skep,lcal.
are exactty that-events depleted far enough In advance
- that one can alter the results. Usi ng fascinating case
histories, Holzer shows how psychic dreams can be 1

distinguished from nightmares and dreams due to Wltchc11ft and the Mysteries, by Lauran Paine.
subconscious problems. The abil ity to have psychic Taplinger, $8.50; Based on extensive study of the
dreams spans every class of people, sys Mr. Holzer. and practices and rituals of witchcraft in several countries

a Beyond Reality


th roughout history, lauran Pain offers a spe l lbinding (no cance''. Hall presents a fresh , exciting look at our fel low
pun intended) book which describes witchcraft's most humans, and the world we all inhabit.
exotic rituals. The work documents witches' successes
in curing desires, punishing enemies through incantations
and sexually arousing persons with crushed gandergoose
root. Childhood's End, by Arthur C. C larke . Bal lantine
Books, .75; In the only fiction work presented this month,
Lauran Pain is the author of Sex In Witchcraft and
Witches In Fact and Fantasy. In his new book he cal ls for a Arthur C. C larke, author of 2001 :A Space Odyssey, paints
re-assessment of 20th Centrury rationalism and its denial a picture of Earth after the next evolutionary step. There is
of the existence of witches. Witches have been with us a small group of writers who have used science fiction as a
throughout history, and with thoroughly documented vehicle for phi losophical-thoug ht and Clark ranks among
evidence plus a l ifetime of personal experience with them, those at the top of the l ist. '

he presents a serious challenge to those who seek to gl i bly This book tel ls of a world made perfect by man's
explain away the occult and supernatural . continued search for his place in the universe. He has
transformed society and race, only to find tragedy in
such perfection. Arthur Clark has been awarded the
Frankl in Institute G old M edal for having orig inated the
The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth, by Del l Leonard i , comm unications satel l ites. Other recipients have been the
The Devin-Adair Company, $6.95; Many aspects of inventors of the transistor, the maser, and the laser.
lincoln's assassination remain a mystery, and because of
this, Del l Leonard i , a Kansas City hynotist, became
fascinated when one of her students while in a hypnotic JEAN DIXON: The Witness, by Denis Brian, Doubleday, I
trance, revealed that he was th'e reincarnation of John $.95; This book contains accounts by people who have I
Wilkes Booth-lincoln's assassin. The subject knew witnessed Jean Dixon's most famous predictions. Incl uded
details of the assassination plot and its aftermath that only among these is the story told by the wife of the head of I
a participant could have known , Incl uding the names of the M ission Operations of an Apollo spacecraft; she learned
other conspirators. about the deaths of the three astronauts from Jean Dixon
In this case study of hypnotic regression, the author six weeks before the tragedy occurred.
presents a condensation of over seventy hours of Among others who have contributed to this narrative are
tape-recorded material spoken by the subject. Only when , several journalists, a congressman, and some close friends
the hypnotist conducted an investigation of some minor of the Kennedy fami ly (to whom Jean foretold the
details involved did she bel ieve her subject and his assassinations of both JFK and R FK, in her desperate
entranced identity. With this book, the case for attempts to save the two brothers).
reincarnation and therefore the Immortality of man, grows A White House official and a Roosevelt family member
even stronger. verify M rs. Dixon's clai m that she met with FOR to warn
him that his death was i m minent, so that he m ight act to I
avoid it.

Beyond Culture. by Edward T. Hal l , Anchor Press, N.Y.

$7.95; Man's search for self is taken one step further by The Black Magic Omnibus, edited by Peter Haining,
Edward Hall. In a work that explores another aspect of Tapl inger, $10.95; Combining both, fact and fictional
Mcluhan's "global vil lage" Hall urges mankind to stop stories based on establ ished facts, this h uge and
blaming itself for society's fai lures and to look beyond entertaining anthology of 29 stories is an examination of
ethno-centrism to find wys to extend hi mself and enjoy black magic, its elements and some of the people who have
his cosmic connection. played a big part in tts history. There are contributions by
Fol lowing his other books, The Silent Language and The some of today's most acclai med writers-Jorge luis
Hidden Dimension, this work Il lustrates the lessons Borges, Fritz Lei ber, U rsu la leG uin, Robert G rave,
mankind can learn from the world around h i m-lessons Roger Zelazny, and Shirley Jackson. The reader Wil l
that give hope for the future, rather than the gloofTl so discover it is possible to see even the deepest-rooted
many perceive. Erich Fromm has cal led this book ''a superstition and the most intangible legend in quite a
courageous and stimulating endeavor ...of great signifi- new way. D

B e yo n d R eality 9

People are always asking, "Who sees U F Os? and I tel l was as big as a hu man head and the wingspan appeared to
them , "al most anyone. " be the same as that of the bird spotted i n, the lower Rio
The biggest problem is that most U FO sightings do not Grande Val ley, about 15 feet.''
come to the general publ ic's attention and on ly the most Another, or perhaps the same big btrd , was.spotted in El
outrageous reports get any publicity. Perhaps th is Is Paso by Gary M artinez. Gary was in the back yard one
intentional; in this way the officials keep the subject of evening when he heard the tree leaves begin to rustle. H e
U FOs in the realm of the ridicu lous and in the turned t o see t h e bird com i ng toward h i m. I t looked as
tongue-in-cheek category. thoug h it would land. Gary hi mself fel l to the g round. H e
Chances are that many of your friends and relatives cou ld feel t h e ai r moving a s t h e bird fl ew over h i m. When
have seen something strange or un usual in the sky at one he lifted his head to loo k up, he saw the h uge wings
time or another and haven't even mentioned it to anyone. beating slowly and the bird flying higher. " I t was white , .
I feel that the readers of Beyond Reality are seekers of he said , "and really big." ,
the truth , and I write this col u m n with the atitude that al l A report of two sighti ngs of a large bird with a
things, however strange , shou ld be reported for mon key-like face and a long beak came from the
evaluation. Brownsvi lle, Texas area.
We are l iving in exciti ng ti mes and perhaps we are on Another report from Laredo, Texas mentioned a big bird
the bri nk of learn ing the truth about "unknowns", then who frig htened Auturo Rod riguez and h is nephew Ricardo,
maybe our whole way of thin ' k ing wi ll change. I n the while they were fish i ng on a river ban k on the
meantime, we m ust continue to observe and report in U.S.- M exican border. They first heard a rustling noise,
order to evaluate what we see and hear. like dry leaves, and when they looked up, they saw a h uge
Many strange happeni ngs are connected with U F O grey bird glid i ng over the river at about 50 feet. They
sighti ngs and the fo llowing is one story: estimated that the bird had a wingspan of 15 to 20 feet
An interesti ng and different type of U FO was sig hted and that its body was about five feet l ong. It remained i n
recently-one that looked l i ke a " big bird". that area for several hours a n d was seen b y other bird

The Texas Park and Wildl ife Commission feels that it watchers''.
might be some sort of rre species. It remains an A Raymondvi l le , Texas, man reported that he was
''unidentified object'' because it does not fal l i nto any attacked by a huge bird as he was stand i ng i n the bck
known category. Because there is speculation that the yard of his home. Others in the area had reported seei ng a
"thing" may be an endangered species of bird , it is large, bi rd-l i ke creature with a wing spread of 15 to 20
protected by state and federal laws which proh i bit anyone feet, large eyes, a bat-like face and black in color.
from hunting or harm ing the bird. From Eagle Pass, Texas, came a simi lar report of a
If the bird is as large as the reports of people who've ''man-sized bat creature'' who attacked Francisco
seen it, then is seems u n l i kely that it can be harmed. Magal lanez. The doctor who treated Magal lanez said, " he
The " big bi rd" story received the most attention in had two scratches, eight to twelve centimeters long on the
Texas, thoug h it was also reported in most of the back portion of each shoul der." Dr. Arturo Batres said ,
newspapers throughout the country. Being a Texan , I had "They are very pecul iar wounds."
to sm ile when one of the local news commentators Duri ng the time of these " bird" sightings, other flying
suggested that perhaps the people in the ar&a who saw it object reports were being received in numbers. Objects
had a little too much teq u i la. ' were sighted in C lovis, N ew M exico, where ''a flock of
The strange bird was first sig hted in El Paso by M ichael hot-dog shaped objects" were seen in the southeastern
Fergusson and Eliot Will iams. Will iams reported: " I skies. Pol ice reported that they were swamped with- calls
thought i t was an angel. We were drivi ng south on from worried residents.
Gateway, and it was rai ning. The wind was blowi ng so that At least fou r sighti ngs were reported in Odessa, Texas
it shook the car, when suddenly, we saw what looked l i ke in the same day, and U FOs were reported in El Paso and
an angel. It was a big white bird and It was com ing to land! the surrounding areas. The wide expanse of desert in th is
1 stopped at the l ight on Transmountai n road and looked at area seems to be a " happy hunting ground" for U FOs,
my friend. I cou ldn't see how any .bird could fly I n that strange l ights, big birds and other unknown thi ngs.
weather." Wi l l iams conti nued , " It crossed i n front of the For the ti me being , al l we can do is speculate as to what
car, flying as if the weather was perfect. The bird's head they are and why they are here. D

10 B eyond R eality

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Beyond Reality 11




Sister Jessica, painter, poet, rivers, trees, tigers-images which who does psychic portraits- for
violinist, composer, psychic and show how the basic characteristics healing.
minister of the Foundation Church of the person interact with each Sister Jessica, how long have you
in New York, first discovered her other and what they mean. Clair been painting?
artistic talent growing up on a audient, she -hears and writes JESSICA: Well, I have been draw
farm in Blencoe, Iowa. down the voices of the images as ing since I was very young and
La\er, having designed and cre they speak to her, sometimes I've been painting psychic por
ated everything from dresses to seriously, sometimes in jest, de traits for about a year now.
jewelry to puppets, she ran her pending on their nature. BOND: Let's go back to your
own highly successful design busi Some people, while their psychic childhood . In your early days did
ness in New Orleans. At that point portrait is in progress, experience you ever thirik that you were a
in her life she met The the sense of being emotionally little bit different from the rest of
Foundation Church and began to healed. They discover long-in the people? Did you have any
ralize that she had not only a grained patterns of behavior melt images or psychic manifestations?
natural artistic talent, but also a away even before they see the JESSICA: Well, I always used my
very remkable psychic gift. She finished portrait. One of her most imagination a lot. I was raised on
expresses this gift through her recent psychic portraits is of a farm and I nt much time by
painting, and has invented an President Gerald Ford. myself imagining things . I re
entirely new kind of j>ortraiture Sister Jessica takes her success member pla)ing in snow drifts
which she calls Psychic Portraits. in her stride, expressing a deep pretending I was in Antarctica or
These portraits show not only felt wish to use her talent to bring the South Pole or on Mount
what the person looks like, but people closer to God. Everest. I thilik when I was young
also act as visual representations BOND: Having been a psychic I developed quite an inner sight
of their psychic emanations. researcher for many years, I have through using my imagination.
She is sensitive to the various finally come across something Also, part of it is being raised in
aspects of a person's personaljty which I feel is a very unique talent the country. There is not the
and these often reveal themselves and the _only thing I have found amount of distraction and interfer
as images such as birds, oceans, like it in the world today. Someone ence one gets in the city . We

12 B eyon d R ea lity
become sensitive to things like images had to say for themselves. hand of a peraon and pick up
smelling te weather. It's all a If the image around the person vibrations and emanations from

part of farming. You have to be was a. bird, I would ask the bird them.
tuned in to nature and to the what it felt, what was going on BOND : These images, what are
elements because that's what you with it and I would hear the they?
are really gambling with. answer in my mind's ear. When I JESSICA: I generally work with
BOND: What gave you the idea to paint I go into a mild trance and three primary images plus the
COJlceiye these particular psychic do very tnuch the same thing as I person's face. This is what goes
portraits ? do in psychic readings. I make into the portrait. The first image is
JESSICA:When I would sit down contact with each image and I ask the one that is closest to the
with paper, I would draw what it what it is about and write down outer, the one perceived by
came into my headEvery once in what I hear, which is generally people around them. The second
a while, I would draw something very poetic. Some of them are image is a little farther in. The
that would look extra-ordinarily very interesting. Some of them third image I very much relate to
like another person. I wouldn't are very funny. Some of them the person's God link. _ It's the
have intended to draw them or have a childlike feeling to them. aspect of the person that is most
maybe I hadn't even met them They have their own kind of in touch with God, or anyway, has
yet.. It would just come out on the personality. They also carry part of the potential of being in touch
paper and I never actually thought the emotional charge which comes with God.
of it as anything unusual. Some across more subtly within the BOND: Could this also be consid
times, the images weren't what person's personality. ered the pathway of the individual
the person looked like, but images BOND: When someone comes to or the direction in which he is
of what their character or person you for a psychic portrait, what is going at the .present time in his
ality looked like. It was_ at the the first thing that happens? What growth?
psychic 'Worksho at The Founda is the first thing that you do? JESSICA: That's more indicated
tion Church that I found myseH JESSICA: I hold their hand and by how the images relate to each
being clairaudient in terms of give them a psychometry ; that is, other. It's like the elements that a
being able to hear what the I hold an object or hold the person has to work with. Pple

8 eyo n d R eality 1 3
Portrait of Pres ident Ford
Th is f i rst aspect of you r
port rai t ex presses t h e tra Sister J essica is blessed with a
d i t ional s i d e of you r personal
ity. You val ue t h e q ual i t ies of g ift of bei ng able to ca ptu re on
honesty and fort h ri g h t ness
pa per or canvas , not only the
very h i g h l y , and possess these
q ual i t ies yourse l f . You feel l i keness of a n i ndividual but,
d issapoi nted by the lack of
t hese val ues aro u n d you and also a reading of that person's
also by the m i strust and
cha racter a n d perso n a l ity.
suspicion t hat meets anyt h i ng
honest l y presented .
H ere also l i es yo u r sel f
r i g h teous ness, wh ich creates
some of the most awkward
si tuat ions for you .
You know i ntel lectual l y that honesty and the l i ke aren ' t
prevalent , b u t somewhere i nside you si mply cannot relate to
its near nonexi stence. Lack of self-confidence i n effect ual

ity and h a p l ess ness are the byprod ucts of t h i confl ict and
what act ual l y holds it i n place is you r own m istrust of
power contai n ed in the second i mage .
The North Eag le depicts t h e strqng , determ i ned and
unconfl icted side of you r nature. I t is this part of you wh ich
says thi ngs are the way they are and the course of act ion
may be drast ic . . . but anyt h i ng less wou ld only perpetuate
can work with these elements in
the sit uat ion . . . or conceal i t . Whether anyone l i kes it or
such a way that they hold the
not , what must be done, must be done. It is the part of you
person back resulting in self-de
wh1ch_ responds to the chal lenge of i m possible d i fficu lties.
struction, or he can work with
Courage and confidence are i nherent to this aspect and
them in a way that helps him grow
enables you to stand sol i d l y by your decisions. Th is is a
and move in the right direction.
BOND : When you get these
very d i rect sense of purpose and course of action with i n this
vibrations, do you ever get any
part of your personal ity. Also it is this aspect that al lows you
that are hostile or negative when
to transcend the worries and fears of sel f . . . to concentrate on
the whole of your responsibi l ities.
you put them down on paper?
Fi nal ly, the keepers of the tear. Th is last i mage is
JESSICA : I find that each image
mai ntai ned at a safe d istance from the others. A private part
has both potentials ..... positive
' and
negative ones.
f you rsl f , con ta i n an extremely sensit ive and em pathe
tiC capac1ty on one hand , when t h i s aspect is i n o perat ion1 , BOND : So, would the images be
you become t horou g h l y vict i m ized by responses to you
considered the healing aspect of
seei ng everyth i ng as be i ng d i rected to you personal ly. 0 these psychic portraits?
JESSICA : I think 'the main healing
the other hand , this element contri butes to your act ion a
aspect of it is that the portrait
sensitivity to the human cond it ions . . . to the hopes '
gives the person a perspective on
i nsecurities, desires, and fears of the world around you .
themselves. They'll see things in
It tempers your act ions with compass ion . You feel that
it that they can work to change.
this part of yourself has very I itt le to do with the other two
They will see how different things
images. Not troe, it is this aspect which , when you are
within themselves cause conflict
operat i ng negat ively , sparks the confl ict mentioned earl ier
and block-them up with the results
leav i ng you i n a state of i neffectual ity. Li kewise, when it i th'ey end up with problems. As
opert i ng posit ively, it al lows you to become the leader
which you very much strive to be. Here also I ies you r strong
time goes on they see more into
real ity on the Divi ne, and the dest i ny wh ich you ' have been
the portrait. They find other
things and they see the different
ca l l ed . to f u l f i l l .
The key is to i ntegrate this aspect i nto closer and more
significances of the images. In a
active associat ion with the other elements of you r
sese it ' s like having a constant
personal ity. Th is i ntegrat ion wi l l give you a sol id fou ndat ion
psychic reader there ; because the
on which to stand your course of act ion , and wi l l rel ieve the
painting is very complete , there is
feel i ng of somehow havi ng j ust walked off the end of a cl iff
a good deal within all the iinages
wi thout having known it.
and the way they hang together.

14 B e yo n d R ea l ity
BOND : Of course the Orientals Above, Sister Jessica with
have a famous saying that one psychic portrait of
picture is worth a thousand words . President Gerald Ford.
Just recently, you've done a Left, This portrait was
psyhic portrait of President Ford, done for New York

which I found to be absolutely Congresswoman, Bella Abzug.

incredible . On this particular one
you didn 't have the opportunity
of going to President Ford and
doing psychometry on him per
sonally did you?
JESSICA : No, it's not really
necessary. I just need some
thing that carries his psychic
sense. I can use photographs as
easily as the presence of the
subject in person.
BOND : By observing the photo
graph, looking at it and, maybe
touching it, you pick up vibrations
from it?
JESSIOA : Yes, I was kind of
reaching otit and making contact
with him .

BOND : Do you think that doing

these psychic portraits helps
your own personal growth?
JESSICA: Definitely, I think that
one of the most interesting things
I have learned from doing these Jessica takes her work
portraits is that as soon as I start very seriously. Here she is
painting I begin to become that hard at work in the art .
person. It took me awhile to figure department at the Foundation
out what was going on. Now, I Church where she serves
as a minister as well as artist.
Continued on page 58
B eyon d R eality 15
Si nce the dawn of time stories have been told
in darkened whispers - of the dead who
refuse to stay bu ried.


Primitive man ' s myth and some reports indicating that his
legends represent his attempts to grave at Snargov, when excavated
impose order on the universe and in 193 1 , was quite empty.
to preserve his own history and Those reports , though neither
that of his species. As time passed conclusively linking Vlad with the
and man progressed, the majority Stoker novel nor intimating that
of these legends have lost their he was a vampire, are neverthe
relevance . less reviving interest in the
However, there is one legend in vampire legend and bringing an
particular that continues to cap influx of tourists to Romania.
ture the imagination of modem They are greeted at Bucharest
man. It is the legend of the airport with garlic wreaths before
vampire , the living dead, the beginning their journey to the

belief in the actual physical Borga Pass, the settg of

survival of certain individuals and Dracula' s castle in the Stoker
their ability to escape the confines novel. At Bistritsa the Romanian
of the ave, a legend preserved government is putting up a real
principally by renditions of Bram Golden Crown Hotel, complete
Stoker' s famous novel, ' ' Dracula' ' with rustic furniture and stuffed
Since its 1897 publication the bats, and at the Castle of
novel has sold more than 6 million Targoviste , the impalement atmos
copies and has been adapted for phere has been recreated espe
some 600 movie and TV scripts . cially for the tourists.
Most recently interest in the book That the Stoker novel and the
has been revived by the work of latest reports on its villain are our
two Boston College historians , chief links to the vampire legend
Raymond McNally and Radu is evidenced not only by the tide of
Florescu, who say that the tourists flowing into Romania but
character of Count Dracula may by the fact that little or no interest
have been based on the life of has been shown in the sites of the
Prince Vlad, a fifteenth century actual vampire reports that came
ruler of Wallachia and sections of out of eighteenth-century Europe.
Transylvania, who did at least on Reports that led Rossear to
one occasion refer to himself as conclude : ' 'H there ever was a
Dracula, Son of the Devil. warranted and proven history , it is
That the blood-thirsty tyrant that of vampires ; nothing is
Vlad the Impaler lived cannot be lacking, official reports , testimo
denied . That he is attributed with nials of persons of standing, of
the deaths of some 100,000 surgeons , of clergymen, of judges ;
people , usually by impaling them the judicial evidence is all-em
on stakes and sticking them up in bracing. ' '
the grounds around his castle so Reports like this one from the
that he could watch their death Austria-Hungary frontier of 1720:
agonies , is fact. There are even Joachim Hubner, a soldier

B eyon d R eality 17
Vam pi rism i n Ce ntral E u rope/conti n ued

billeted with a local farmer and his In . Medreiga on the Turco-Ser the coming age of science and the
son reported that while they were bian border, the case of Arnold general use of embalming tech
having supper one evening a Paul came to the attention of the niques. Soon little remained of a
strange man walked in from the authorities. Again a thorough legend that had been part and
night and . sat at the table with investigation was ordereq. Paul, it parcel of m8Jl.' s existence for
them. Hubner says that he noted seems had complained of being untold centuries, a legend no
fear in the faces of the farmer and continually harrassed by a Turkish doubt spawn,ed by early man's
his son but said nothing. He vampire and was killed when a lack of understanding of the
recalled that. the stranger r.eahed hay wagon overturned on him , natur and functions of the human
over and touched the farmer's before he could eat some earth body. For instance, it is not hard
shoulder before again going into from a vampire's grave (pposed to imagine primitive man leaving
the darkness. Next morning the ly the only way he could hope to for dead hose of his party who
farmer was dead. It was the son escape the fate of self were Jmoeked unconscious, tem
who explained that the old man, a becoming a VIUilpire) . Shortly porarUy stunned or who fell by the
vampire, had been his grand after his death, villagers began to wayside overcome by heat or
father, now dead some ten years . complain that Paul was wandering exhaustion, only to have them
The story spread quickly through the streets at night and creating turn up later, seemingly returned
the countryside and through the rror in the small villag e. Forty from the dead. It may have even
ranks of the troops stationed in days after buri.U Paul's body was been instances such as these that
the area. In order to put an end to disinterred and found covered led to the burying or burning of
the spreading rumors, the Colonel with fresh blood. As the stake the dead. For in his efforts to
of the regiment, Count de pierced his heart, witnesses prevent their return, primitive
Caderas, ordered a full investiga stated that he shrieked horribly. man not only buried his dead deep
tion. In Blow, Bohemia, eye-witness in the earth but sent to the nether
Sworn depostions were taken
es testified that a vampire world with them their favorite
from all involved. The old man's disinterred there not only possessions, food, weaP<>ns, jew
body was exhumed and found screamed on his way to the pyre els, sometimes even wives and
fresh, as though just buried. A that had been prepared for him slaves . At times the living moved
physician opened a vein ; fresh but was actually seen to move his on, leaving to the dead the house
blood gushed from the wound. arms and legs as well. in which they had lived or made a
The vampire, was destroyed. And while there were those who hole in the wall through which
Immediately, the villagers very strongly investigated the they canied the body and then
stepped forward saying that this cases and attested to their took it rapidly around the _ 4ouse
was not the only vampire of the authenticity, there were others three times so that it would forget
village, that others had been seen who offered alternative explana the entrance and never return to
roaming the streets at night, one tions. Don Calmet called the threaten those who remained.
of them a man who had been dead entire matter an example of The fact that the vampire

some thirty years and who had on ' 'Epidemic Fanaticism, ' ' stating legend was associated with the
several occasions attempted to that cadavers could remain fresh plagues that occa$ionally swept
"bite the necks" of his family. In indefinitely and their blood fluid, the countryside indicates that the
all , four other graves were opened whep buried in soil that contained legend was probably used as
and in each of them the just the right substances. As for a means of insuring proper dispo-
investigators found bodies perfect he screams of the supposed s of dead bodies, as is evidenced
ly preserved and fresh. Even the vampires, he noted that they were in the ancient Babylonian belief
gentleman who had been dead for simply the result of air being that the dead, if not properly
thirty years looked as though he forced through the vocal chords buried, would return to tonnent
had just been laid out, and his by the pressure of the stake the living. If not buried at all, the
viens, like those of the others, against the body. Still other cases dead were believed to prowl about
were filled with fresh blood. he attributed to instances of the gutters in search of food and
By now Emperor Charles VI had premature burial. to afflict entire cities with plague.
heard the stories and sent out his :Pierre de Larral.n used a similar A similar belief in ancient Greece
own commission composed of law approach in explaining the phe held that the body not properly
enforcement officials, physicians nomena. It was his opinion that buried or burned wandered rest
and scholars to investigate . Their salt, head and motion were lessly about the world bringing
report verified the findings of the responsible for the vampire-like disease or disaster. ,
Colonel's team, that the bodies condition of the bodies . The vpire legend served .as
had been ' 'unmistakably in the The controversy was never an underpinning of other social
vampire condition . ' ' resolved. It simply died away with mores as well, so that those who
Contin ued on page 56

18 B eyo n d R eality
Known as the "Blood Countess':
this portrait of Elizabeth
Bathory, pictures her in her
youth during the first ten.
years of her marriage to
Count Nadasdy. She gave birth
to three children before her
era of atrocities began.

Vlad the lmpaler, so-called

because of his many brutal
atrocities, such as impaling
people on twenty-foot poles,
decapitation and castration,
and slowly- boiling his victims
to death while fea8ting. Vlad
luJs come to be accepted as
the legendary Count Dracula.

Afraid of growing old, Elizabeth Bathory had young girls

brought to her under the guise of household
employment. They were stripped, cut and drained
of blood. Having. lesbian tndencies, she would
sometimes make violent love to these virgins
and at the height of passion have them murdered
and their blood prepared for hr ritual bath.

B eyon d R eaitty 1 9
Although not g uaranteed i n the price, C h i cago ' s u n pred i ctab l e
_ g hosts so meti mes a d d a b i t o f atmosphere
to the s i g h t , scent and sou nd .


The streets o f Chicago are filled and devout. She spent hours at soil carries a sweet flower-like
with ghosts , d Richard C . prayer. She often said that she scent according to many who carry
Crowe , an enterprising young wanted to be like St. Therese, the it home.
Chicagoan , has enlisted their aid Little Flower, who is credited with Not all of the sites visited on the
to present a unique and entertain many miraculous cures. After Ghost Tour have such a gentle
ing tour. Mary Alice died at the age of 14, reputation . The St. Valentine 's
Crowe, a writer, lecturer and persons who had known her said Day Massacre site is a favorite of
investigator of psychic pheno they had ' ' seen' ' the child. Heal many on the tour because most
mena is the originator and guide ings were claimed and the odor of people have heard stories of the
of a five hour "Ghost Tour" flowers always present. She has Capone era in Chicago. Violence
Although not guaranteed in the not been sainted, but the Church often is associated with psychic
price, Chicago' s unpredictable has started investigating the cures manifestations, Crowe says, and
ghosts sometimes add a bit of credited to Chicago 's "Miracle few instances could better qualify
atmosphere to the sight, scent and Child. ' ' The evidence is amazing, as violent. The massacre was the
sound. according to Cro.we , ' ' and even result of a power struggle be
"One of the earlier tours I the soil from her grave has been tween AI Capone ' s empire and the
conducted , ' ' Crowe recalls , ' ' re credited with cures. Some on my Bugs Moran gang, according to
sulted in a number or persons on tour say that they have seen a history.
the tour detecting the scent of shadowy figure by the grave. ' ' ' ' The date was February 14,
flowers at the grave site of Mary On December 8th, 1974 tour, 1929, St. Valentine ' s Day and in a
Alice Quinn , Chicago 's " Miracle a woman from Streamwood, Ill. , garage which is located on the
Child. ' ' Flowers and flower scents took a handful of dirt from around now vacant lot to your right, ' '
are not unusual in a cemetery, the grave . After returning to the Crowe lectures, " seven members
Crowe admits , "but it was De bus, she placed the soil in an of the Moran gang were meeting.
cember and no flowers or nat\tral envelope and according to those They were interrupted by four or
source of the odor could be who saw it, the residue left on her five men, several in police uni
found that time of year. ' ' hand formed the face of a young forms . ' ' The story continues that
Floral scents were widely associ girl which matched Crowe 's de the seven Moran men were order
ated with Mary Alice both before scription of Mary Alice. On a tour . ed up against a wall of the garage
and after her death. Mary Alice in June, 1975 , another woman where they were shot to death.
was a blue 'Qaby born in 192 1 . picked up some of the soil and The murders were attributed to
Because o f her affliction, the child immediately dropped it. ' 'It' s the Capone organization.
was denied most normal youthful almost hot, ' ' she reported to The bullding was tom down in
activities and became studious those standing around. Even the 1968 but, Crowe says, the violence

20 B e yo n d R ea l ity
Visitors to Mary Alice Quinn 's grave report
the smell of flowers not only around
the grave site but, in the soil itself. Many
cures have been reported by persons who
have visited the grave or handled the soil.

The author, Mary Benninghoff,

and psychic Patrick Ray at the
grave site of Mary Alice
Quinn, Chicago 's Mracle Child.

seems to prevail. ' ' Sobbing and and were destroyed, according to The tour began as a one-time
moaning are heard coming from Crowe. only tour, Crowe explains . ' 'It was
where the wall stood, " he says, A documented visit to Father a joint effort with De Paul
"and dogs refuse to cross the Damen by spirits took place in the University in October, 1973 . "It.
area. ' ' Stones from the wall once 1880 ' s . According to the story, was an immediate success, how
were sold as souvenirs and some Father Damen answered his door ever, ' ' Crowe says and he now
of the buyers have been plagued to discover two small boys dressed conducts two tours weekly, on
by bad luck, according to Crowe. as altar boys. They asked him to Saturday and Sunday. Crowe,
The site still frightens many by accompany them to a small cot who is an historical researcher for
the strange vibrations of evil tage some distance from the the city of Chicago, claims no ..
emanating from it, Crowe says. church where he found an old psychic power of his own, ' 'un
Chicago' s churches have not woman dying. He administered less you could call it my weird
been left untouched by ghostly last rites. The boys left and were ability to come up with a one-in-a
phenmena as evidenced by The never seen again. The old woman million coincidence whereby I un
Holy Family Church which has a explained that they were her sons cover people or material that
long-established history of para who had been altar boys at Holy allows me to piece together part of
normal feats credited to the Family Church. They . both had this cosmic jigsaw. ' '
psychic abilities of its founder, a died in a boating accident 20 years Bachelors Woods Cemetery is
Jesuit missionary, Father Arnold before . the most gruesome of the sites
Damen. During the great Chicago St. Rita ' s Church has both visible visited by the Chicago Ghost
fire, it is said, the church and all and invisible ghosts. The six Tour. Many stories are told about
the homes of its parishioners were visible ones dressed in monk' s the desolate, . forbidding place
saved through his prayers and garb were seen on All Soul' s Day which is f\lled with overturned
petitions although he was in New in 1960. Witnesses also reported and desecrated tombstones and
York at the time. His all night vigil an unseen spirit which played the high weeds. The stories include a
and his promise to maintain seven org'an and a voice which pleaded, mysterious blue light, a now-you
candles to Our Lady of Perpetual "Pray for me . " At the same time, see-it,now-you-don 't house, and
Help is credited with causing when terrified worshippers tried an indiscriminate sniper who
a sudden shift of wind which to flee the church, all of the doors leaves cartridge casings behind,
saved the area by diverting the were suddenly closed and could although no one has seen the
fire ._ Another church was spared not be forced open. ' 'A frighten sniper who shoots the gun.
through the prayers of its mem ing experience, ' ' Crowe com The most interesting story about
bers but the parishioners ' homes ments, but as he points out ' 'true the long-unused burial grounds is
were not included in the prayers and documented. . about a young couple who chose

B eyo n d R ea l ity 21
the site for a necking session. daylight to explore what appeared shore from the Lake Point Towers.
During the course of the evening, to be an abandoned, old, rambling No wreckage or body was ever
the young man left the car for structure. When they returned, found. .
some reason cautioning the girl to however, there was no trace of the Crowe believes that psychic hap
lock the doors and not unlock house , if it had indeed been there penings are more common than
them until he returned. Then, a originally. most persons suspect. He believes
police officer rapped on the win One of the Ghost Tour members , that ' 'the really psychic people are
dow and she was told to get out in 197 4, had the experience of ordinary working folk who don' t
and walk away from the vehicle ' 'touching' ' the blue light that has write scholarly articles or even
without looking back. Like Lot's been reported as flitting in and talk to anyone outside of an
wife of Biblical fame, the girl out of the tombstones. "It's immediate circle of friends and
couldn't resist looking back .and to cold, ' she squealed as she tried to relatives about what happens . ' '
her horror, she saw her boyfriend put her hands around it. There Much of what happens in a
hanging from a tree , head down was nothing to touch. , psychic sense, he says, ' 'becomes
over the car with his throat cut. A folklore or legend, which is where
mysterious scraping that she later
.I usually pick things up and trace
reported hearing came from his them back to their origins . In this
hands scraping the top of the car. manner, I discovered ' Resurrec"'
Those who tell the story swear to tion Mary' and a number of other
its truth ; others who hear it and fascinating tales . ' '
retell it, don' t comment. Like all Stories of hitch-hiking ghosts are
stories of this kind, various ver not uncommon, but Resurrection
.sions are heard throughout the Mary is one of the most interest
United States , but Bachelors ing. Mary was a beautiful young
Woods Cemetery seems to be blonde who loved to dance. Each
closest to the truth. week she would hitchhike along
On the June 29, 1975 tour, noted Chicago' s Archer A venue on her
psychic and mentalist, Patrick way to the ballroom. One night,
Ray, reported a strange sensation however, she didn' t return home.
when he passed a tree on the way She ' d been injured in a car
to the ce_metery. Although Crowe accident. As she lay dying, she
had not. told the group the location requested to be buried in her
of the tree in his introductory Altar area at Holy Family white dancing dress. Soon there
lecture , all assumed that the tree Church where many psychic were reports of a lovely young girl
was in the cemetery itself. How events have taken place. in white seen hitch-hiking along
ever, Crowe identified the tree the same route . Motorists who
that Ray pointed out a_s the one A sniper, while thought to be a picked her up , however, were in
from which the boy hung. It was person rather than a spirit, has for a shock. The girl would give
located along the long drive which added his own macabre touch to her home address but as the car
led to the cemetery area. It was the endless stories about the neared her home, Mary vanished.
difficult to see how it could have "haunted " cemetery. Persons Resurrection Mary has never
been done in the way described who have visited the site have made it home from that last dance
the boy hung down with his hands reported being shot at but no one but apparently she keeps trying.
touching the cartop -until Crowe is seen. Later, casings from a rifle Neither churches , cemeteries,
explained that the limb on which were found very close within sight highways nor Lake Michigan' s
he had hung had been severed a of the shooting targets . " No one vast sboreline appear b e free
few years ago. Subsequent visits from my tour, "Crowe says, " has from Chicago' s capricious spirits .
to the site by Patrick Ray elicited been shot at. ' ' ' 'There are many more such
the same response from him, and Sites on the tour are as varied as happenings , says Crowe " and I
he feels the area is definitely a the reputation of the ghosts . For hope to begin another tour based
place where strange things have instance , Lake Michigan, accord on new areas of the paranormal. ' '
happened and he ,insists , will ing to Crowe , has it ' s Devil' s Despite the popularity of the
again - soon . Triangle , in which ships and " Chicago Ghost Tour, " energetic
A disappearing house has been planes have disappeared without Crowe is not content to sit back
reported by a number of area trace . In 197 1 , a World War I and rest his laurels . Besides
residents who saw the house one biplane crashed into the lake in conducting the tour, he is direclor
evening and vowed to return in front of scores of persons just off of the Chicago Fortean Society
Continued on page 56

22 B eyo n d R ea l ity
Scientists mainta i n , a l l that is needed to open the door to clonal m a n
is t h e si m pl e and pai n l ess scraping o f a human a rm w h i c h p roduces
e nough hea lthy cells to m a ke a m u ltitu de of clones


The identical reproduction of a an unfertilized body cell. He processes with the carrot cell and
human being, every vein and placed . the cell in a nutrent Gurdon ' s cytoplasm had done the
artery intact, every nerve ending solution which was composed same within the body- cell of the
and tissue pulsating with life , was mainly of coconut millL frog. Thus, it was proven by
the dea originally conceived by
Within a short time, multiplying Gurdon not only that sexual
authoress Mary Wollenstonecraft and dividing of the unfertilized reproduction was not necessary to
Shelley in 1830 when she first sat body cell began to take place. give birth to a new individual, but
down to write her famous classic , From this process grew a hew that every individual body cell
Frankenstein. carrot, complete with leaves, seed contained all the genetic material
Science has indeed come a long and root. This viigin birth had necessary to form a complete
way since her death in 185 1 , but taken place within the confines of being.
her original concept - manufac the plant kingdom . Just a few years after the
turing a real live human being In the spring of 196 1 , at Oxford Stewart and Gurdon experiments,
has not passed away with her. In University, England, a zoologist Dr. E. S. Hafez of Washington
time , perhaps in the not-too-dis by the name of Dr. J . D . Gurdon State University injected prize
tant future , many of today' s experimented similarly with a cows with hormones . From the
genetic scientists maintain that clawed frog taken from the Afri chemicals within these injections
the idea behind Mary Shelly' s can Belt. From the reptile , he the cows superovulated masses of
only published novel may soon extracted an unfertilized egg. eggs. These were fertilized with
become a reality. From the intestine of a second sperm cells from prize bulls. Dr.
Foremost in the eyes of modem frog (after first destroying from Hafez then implanted the fertlized
science is the concept of carbon the first frog its egg nucleus via eggs in scores of other cows.
copy man, or clone, which is ultra-violet radiation and preserv Hundreds of offspring were born
defined as a revolutionary non ing its "Womb-like cytoplasm) Dr. from this process.
sexual reproductive process by Gurdon extracted the nucleus of Countless surgeons, geneticists,
which an exact duplicate of the a body cell, implanted 'it within biologists , embryologists, and
individual from whom he body the firt frog ' s preserved cyto biosrgeons are working in labor
cell was taken can be created from plasm, and in short order, a atories around the world to unclog
a single asexual body cell. tadpole was born. The tadpole had the shelves of academic-medical
This has already been accom been identical to the second frog hieroglyphics to make virgin birth
plished in the plant world by Dr. in every respect. Virgin birth in a possibility in the future.
F. C . Stewart of Cornell Univer the animal kingdom was a reality. Presently, scientists maintain,
sity. From the stalk of a mature Stewart' s coconut milk had all that is needed to open the door
carrot, Stewart recently scraped ' ' switched on ' ' the reproductive to clonal man is the simple and
continued on page 56

B ey o n d R ea l ity 23

It is a time-worn task to review The same thing used to be thought there lived an Elder race. They
the thoughts of others long after of people who saw mysterious lived right here on earth, in a state
they have made them . . .long after lights in the sky, or who had close of advanced techriology and intelli
they have died. Somehow it is con contact with creatures and beings gence, and grew to be ripe in the ex
soling to those who continue to that didn't fit into our narrow spec tended age bracket of hundreds
live and who try to squeeze the puz trum of reality. Now, however, and thousands of years old. They
zle of life into a familiar image these things are widely accepted built an artificial underground
one that can be understood. For (albeit they are still widely misun complex to house all of their fan
centuries, lone voices often went derstood ) by seriQus researchers. tastic machines, "for the same rea
unheard in the frenetic phantasma In light of recent developments son that service tunnels were built
goria acted out here on earth, only and thoughts on the nature of under Disneyland" as Shver once
to have those same words resur UFO and related "occult" phenome described it. Odd devices such as
rected when the right. moment na, (notably the work of 'Mr. the "telaug", stim and ben-ray ma
came along, when people were John Keel, among others) it might chines were brought to light by
ready to understand. Charles Fort be of some interest to the reader Shaver during his short-lived but
is a good example of this; and now, to see just how some of Shaver's fiery career as a sci-fi writer in the
Richard S. Shaver may be added to theories and claims hold together 1940's. Long before Kenneth Amold
these ranks. in our "modem" age of the mid- spotted an aerial display of lights
Often considered a crackpot, 1970's. in a V formation, (destined to be
a paranoid, downright liar, and For the last three years of come our "flying saucers"), Shaver
hoaxter, he was misunderstood Shaver's life we corresponded. We was telling us about beings from
both as a person and as self-styled hashed out all manner of subjects outer space that were coming here
harbinger of Doom. Richard Shaver from Pa tty Hearst kl Adolph Hitler. to steal the remnants of the Elder
went to his reward in November, I was trying to shore up the gaps race's technology.
1975, that is, if there is a reward that, for me, still lodged them At any rate, over a period of time,
for Richard Shaver, (he didn't be selves in e famous Shaver Mys the Elders left planet Earth be
lieve in an after life). tery. BasiCally, Shaver's mystery cause the radiation levels from our
It isn't the only thing he didn't was his worldview, the way he be sun and other sources drove them
believe in. World leaders, scientists, lieved the world to be run, or- rather away. But, you see , they left their
writers, editors, space "brothers", run over. I think most readers wonderful and fantastic machi
TV, were all put on his list as string know the basics of the dero-ierro nery behind. This is when a few of
Y puppets of some Other Force; a si underground caverns stories, so I the stragglers and criminally in
nister conspiracy that has been will only touch on it at this point, sane who were left behind by the
plaguing Mankind for centuries to urging the unacquainted reader to Elders stUmbled onto the caverns
its detriment. Was this an irration go to Shaver' s own works for and started to utilize the machines
al assumption on Shaver's part? further study. for their own benefit. They knew
Ravings of a paranoid-schizophren Thousands, even millions of mil little of the dangers of the ma
ic with delusions of grandeur? leniums ago, as Shaver told it, chines, and soon were poisoning .

24 B eyo n d R ea l ity '

Somewhat of a prophet in his
own time, psychic investigator
Richard Shaver had his own
thoughts connecting the .
UFO enigma, ex traterrestrials,
ESP and psychic phenomena. He
maintained that a sinister
conspiracy plaguing mankind for
centuries was taking place.

their minds with radiation, neglect after night into the hills , looking slaughterhouse.
ing to replace certain vital parts for lights in the sky, and who Whatever the UFO's or mon
that were choked with deadly ra thought that the "exties", as he sters or poltergiests are motivated.
dioactives. They became insane and called them, were our "space bro by, (and it is a growing awareneSs
totally evil. - thers" come to save us from our now that they are all coming from
Meanwhile, the human race was selves and the end of the world. the same source) it seems to be able
progressing on the surface of the He called these UFO pilots The to control the human mind; seem
planet. From earliest times, the Scum From Outer Space, and told ingly by a form of hypnosis, as
humans were plagued with bizarre us that they were ripp:ing us off John Keel has pointed out in his
occure r nces, spirits of the dead, and working with the dero. He said most recent book, The Mothman
evil demons, good angels, which we should not get too close to them Prophecies. This hypothesis opens the
our ancestors decided , must be or their craft or we'd end up da mind to hallucinations of a kind
appeased, either throl,lgh sacrifice maged or just plain exterminated. that are actually based upon the
or constant penance. The demons Naturally, this didn't go over very individual mind being affected.
' of course , were the "dero" as well with those who were con Much of the hallucinatory aspect
Shaver termed his warped cavern vinced that these were our space of the phenomenon has been
dwellers and through the use of brothers. plaguing us since ancient times.
machines like the telaug (which But the growing number of cases Known variously over the cen
can tune in on any spot at any time where individuals seem to be kid turies as gods, spirits, fairies,
on earth) they con founded us for napped" by these entities, and then gnomes, brownies, angels, ,devils,
so many centuries . The dero drove examined, poked or pursued makes mothmen, Mffi (men in black)
us to do stupid things , being one wonder. Migrations are cur extraterrestrials, ad infinitum;
totally crazy by now themselves. rently underway, where "aliens" they will undoubtedly be known
They altered our affairs. There claiming to be millions of years old as something else a hundred years
seemed to be no logic involved in are recruiting young earthlings in from now. Shaver called them the de
their deviltry, said Shaver ; one droves to leave their homes and ro. The dero talk contradictions, he
must simply understand the basic wander out into isolated areas of said, riddles that made no sense;
truth of the matter, and then the this country, to be picked up for so did the fairies of old, and now so
dero's stupid, non-patterns of transport to "other planets". Can do the UFO pilots, who plague
behavior would spring to life as these young people be sure that contactees with cliches and lialf
the sinister plot it was . This was they are goi.rig to these so-called truths they try desperately tO un
the Shaver Mystery in a nut shell. planets, and certainly, can they be derstand as some kind of prophecy.
But how does it hold up today? sure they are going to be saved? Long before ufologists began to no
Most UFO buffs tended to scoff Shaver would have called these hu tice the electro-magnetic pheno
at Shaver because he was dead set man followers eat's paws-people menon attached to saucers and the
against anyone who wanted to be who are dumb enough to fall for like, Shaver was declaring that the
come a contactee . He frowned upon one of the evil "exties" lies, and li dero were a magnetic phenomenon.
those who bothered to go out night terally send themselves to the Continued on following page

B eyo n d R ea l ity 25
' . .

The Worlds of R ithard Shaver/contin ued

He eiplained their insane inconsis sh>ries were thinly disguised truths. Keel points out that most
tencies as ca by the reversal of By 1947, the UFO Age had begun. political assasinations are perpe
their magnetic "polarity" or thought It eventually reached inh> the halls _ trated by oddball people who are of
ion. What C.S. Lewis referred to as of learned scientists, who tried h> ten into quasi-religious organiza
the Un-man or the evil eldil in his explain our visitors as aliens from tions, and who, at the time of the
novel Perelandrq is very much the other worlds. This is the theory that murder, were in a state of trance
same as dero thought patterns ac has so tight a strangle hold on or even possiso si n. "Voices" seem to
cording to Shav. thought today, and which more of guide their actions. Shaver himself
In The Mothman Prophecies, ten than not, hinders a thorough in has contended that the JFK,
John Keel writes that he noticed a vestigation of the subject. Ultra RFK, and Martin Luther King
strang occurrenCe during his in- dimensional entities that can mani murders were all pulled off by the
.direct contact with these entities pulate the human mind itself seems same source-Them. When con
.through "contactees". It regarded much more difficult to believe for tactees allow the ' 'space brothers' '
his own thoughts. He found that no some reason, when in truth it is no to enter their J)lind, how do these
matter what new theory he secretly more real than aliens from the people know what they will -
mulled over in regard to the mo planet Clarion or Lanulos or Ishtar. "used" for? One becomes " used"
tivation behind certain contactees , or where ever. Strange. . because he has the ' 'right
He would soon be given reason to I am not trying to prove to the aura, or vibration" about him .
believe his new theory was true, reader that Shaver and Keel are say This is often pointed out by the
no matr what it was, or how ing the same thing, that one learned ' 'space travellers' ' when asked by
whimsically he would change it. from the other, or even that they the contact, "Why me?" The
His phone would ring d some look at things in a similar way. spacemen usually tell them that
contactee would conveniently con I am trying to show that what they are . ' 'prone to auto-sugges
fmn his. previous suspicions. When was once considered to be total folly tion' ' , or whatever they happen to
he changed his mind (purposely in to ' in the form of Shaver feel like telling them at the time.
many cases), somehow they knew, thoUght, is now beginning h> take Keel felt that he had the wrong
and would change theit: tactics to on new meaning, new light through ' 'aura' ' for the entities. And
encompass his new thought pattern. sources of serious thought and inves Shaver mentioned this aspect
. Shaver mentioned this technique tigations on the matter, as exempli also. In an unpublished manu
to me long before Mr. Keel's . fied by researcher John Keel. script (an oddity for Shaver, as he
obaervations reached publication. Why there are these consistencies claimed never to have written
Once, when I asked him wliat he between the two, with such a wide anything unless it was sold) he
thought about the energies collect span of years and miles between describes one of his characters:
ed through pyramid shapes, he told their writings is pure conjecture. "Now what made Salivanhoe _ go
me that "I don't understand this There do seem to be quite a few was a topic of great dispute among
business and suspect all "scientific" his contemporaries, but today one
experiments with any of these ma Mind control was what Shaver would think we had solved this
terials because they can be and are talked about most. And this is what mystery. Not so, they still go on pil
. tampered with by underworld rays Mr. Keel has disoovered to be the ing cliche on cliche describing the
watdring them unbeknownst to case himself during his investiga awesome aura of moldy energy and
the experimentors. Thus they reach tions over the past 6 or 7 years. the halo of greedy ions round his
erroneous conclusions because their He now feels that the "contactee head... "
minds are tampered as they work_ syndrome" is basically one of a re Salivanlioe was.. "one of iwui
(my italic&)... their observations are programming of the human mind. kind's damned-kind. He was cursed
clouded by mental projections and Shaver, in his writings, tells us that to walk mindless and unthinking
they would not in fact EVER "Our country is in far greater peril from sun to sun, doing whatever
stumble upon the secret of pene from "Occult" crime (meaning things came to hand of mean-ness and
trative beneficial rays because they that bear semblan to "psychic" murderous and snyde deeds."
would not be allowed to do so ... " or oocult happenings) than it is from According to revealing works
When Shaver fU'Bt began his "organized" crinie. Because tlie such as Keel's, this is beginning to
expose of Earth's predicament in crimes. ofsadistic murderers seem look like the lives of many of the
the early 1940's; it was pretty hard to have no rhyme or reason poor UFO contactees. It has not
to swallow. This is why editor behind them does not make them been our luck that UFO's with
Ray Palmer garbled Shaver's W- unimportant phnomena . . ' 'both crews intact have been . caught
(officially) in science fiCtion. On the are a mad take-over of the mind of tampering in human affairs. It's
o_ lumd, -to those interested e man . . . ' ' The murders that Shaver their human contacts that carry
nough to write in about it, Shaver is . talking about have been out the hardcore efforts here on
and Palmer would claim that these acknowledged by men such as earth; these are the ones who get
weird, strange' and fiction like . Keel. caught. Continued on page 46

26 B eyon d R eality

UFOs Over New Mexico

Police dispatcher, Diana Kenemore, was amazed at the
amount of calls pouring in. Hundreds of residents of Clovis,
New Mexico called in to report a cigar-shaped object which was
Soe U F reports gQ n record
gliding through the eastern New Mexico skies.
Miss Kenemore d , ' 'Its got to be something, hundreds of as being unreUa-le because
people can't be wrong. They all saw it at the same time, plus
the fact that our officers saw them too . ' ' indiiduals have a tendency to
Every person that called in waa willing to give his name,
exaggerate; Here Is a ilghtlng
address and telephone number. Authorities reported that u
Dl8l1Y as 35 of these mysterious objects were seen in the late where not Qn person but a
afternoon to midnight. Further reports indicated that the
objects had pulsating lights that seemed to change colors. whole town , ncludlng news
"The phone hasn't stopped ringing, " Miss Kenemore said, reporten wltJessed some
"everybody in town has called in. " Some of the UFOs were
reported over Sandia elementry school where as many as 20 of strange objects in the sky. -
the objects were spotted .
Marshal Willie Ronquillo of Texico, a town on the Texas
followed up on several sightings. He spotted a lighted
object gliding over the small community of just over' 1000

residents. He said it had n, yellow and blue lights and did

not make a sound.
When the object changed direction and started moving
northward, Ronquillo notified the state police who have also
reported seeing the same object, and they smd was last seen
heading toward Tucumcari, New -Mexico. They further stated
that the object was moving at a fantastic speed.
It wasn't long before three frightened boy turned up at the
pollee station to report that several o the objects had landed in
a cow pasture not far from their house which is located in the

southem part of Clovis.

Several newspaper men were able to keep cool enough to be
able to take several photographs. Reporter Scott Price took
several photos of the objects and, he was also able to give a
good on-the-spot account of wliat happened. His photos show
what appears to be an elongated cigar-shaped object, white
against a very dark sky. Price said, ' 'The cigar is cker in the
center and has two black circular areq that appear vi\'id
through a telescope. The black areas do not show up in the
photographs due to a focusing problem. ' ' -
Whatever the objects were, they vanished as mysteriously as
they came . .leaving the citizens of Clovis with an experience
which they will long remember. D
o. ') .

This photo was taken by reporter Scott Price

He took several shots of the strange objects
which he described as cigar shaped, thicker -
in .the center and having several circular
areas which do not show up in the photographs.

B eyo d R eality 27
Nikola Tesla, pioneer electronics Marconi radio stations in Europe
technician, flashed radio mes just before the First World War,
sages from earth to outer space especially during 1919-192 1 .
two years before Guglielmo Mar On one occasion in 1920 the
coni transmitted his feeble signals Italian inventor was vacationing in
across the Atlantic Ocean. the Mediterranean Ocean aboard
Strange signals have been com his 220 - foot yacht, the Electra.
In 1899 Tesla constructed an
ing from outer space . Are other interplanetary radio transmitter Marconi used his leisure time to
near Colorado Springs , Colorado. test high-powered radio equip
civilizations from other worlds Power was driven through a ment. It was on one such occasion
gigantic Tesla coil, seventy-five that he became aware of strange
trying to contact us? We have
I feet in diameter, and flashed like coded signals .
been receivi ng these strange lightning from a two hundred foot Marconi said that the code was
tower. A make-and-break de never used on earth, and that it
sig nals si nce the i nvention of vice wired into the coil permitted was transmitted over a wave
the transmitting of messages in length (2 kilocycles) ten times
radio. N ikola Tesla a n d M a rconi
code. longer than could have lasted at
were believers that a nother During these experiments , Tesla that time , broadcasted by any
began receiving codes on equip terrestrial radio station. He be
world somewhere in the cosmos ment at the Colorado station. lieved that the messages came
While these weird sound-symbols from outer space, possibly from
is trying to contact our pla net.
were unintelligible to Tesla and the planet Mars.
his associates , they were of such a On August 2 1 , 1924 , astrono
regular non-random nature as to mers around the world prepared
be clearly artificial in origin . Tesla to observe the planet Mars. On
theorized that the signals may August 22 , the planet would
have come from Venus or Mars or swing closer to earth, an event
BY G E O R G E WAG N E R, even farther out in our solar that will not happen again for the
system . next seventy-five years .
A code very similar to that Professor David Todd, head
received by Tesla was heard by astronomer at Amerst College,

28 B eyon d Reality
Massachusetts , requested that for the Vancouver Merchants ex discovered to be covered with
the period August 21-23 , all high change . It was revealed that the dots . Along one edge the dots
powered radio transmitters in all signals had been heard in the area were fairly evenly spaced but the
parts of the world shut down for since late July, almost every day dots along the other edge were so
five minutes every hour. During at 6 :20 and 7 : 12 a.m. arranged as to make up crudely
these periods of silence , Dr. Todd It has been insinuated that the pictured human faces !
suggested that the radio bands Vancouver signals were actually Dr. Mansfield Robinson, a
should be combed for signals the result of malfunctions of psychic researcher from Royden,
coming from outer space. Radio the Point Grey equipment . C . W . England, tried to contact Mars by
stations throughout the world, at Mellish, head radio operator at radio in 1926. He had previously
the diplomatic nudgings of the the Point Grey station , insisted received ( he claimed) telepathic
United States Government went that ' ' The signal has been noticed instructions in the matter from a
along with the Todd plan. at the same hour practically every big-eared Martian woman named
During these five minute seg day for over four weeks . It is ' ' Compararu. ' ' Robinson said that
ments, " strange noises" and absolutely distinctive and cannot his radio picked up the letter M
"harsh dots " were received by be attributed to any known and S in a special' ' Martian code . ' '
monitors in the United States , instrument, static, or leaking The psychic researche;r again
Canada, England and France . transformers in Vancouver. ' ' attempted to contact Mars on
Station WOR , Newark, New In addition to his broadcasting October 24, 1928. His five word
Jersey, received coded messages. project, Professor Todd approach message was transmitted on 16.04
Mysterious sounds were picked ed an inventor named Charles kilocycles by the powerful post
up on 10 kilocycles by a 24-tube Francis Jenkins . Jenkins had office wireless station at Rugby,
receiving set manned by Marconi developed the ' 'Jenkins Radio England. The British government
Company at Dulwich, England. Camera, ' ' a device that recorded charged Robinson the going rate
Marconi spokesmen said the radio signals on a thirty foot strip for mundane messages . . . seven
signals were not coming from any of paper tape . shillings , six pence ; about $ 1 . 80 in
terrestrial transmitter. This apparatus was tuned to 50 American money at the 1928 rate
The code was received at the kilocycles. Impulses which came of exchange .
Point Grey wireless station, Van in over this frequency were Professor A . M . Low, an English
couver, British Columbia. It was printed upon the tape. When the scientist listening in on Robinson' s
also heard by the radio operaor at tape was later examined, it was broadcast,
. heard the Rugby trans-
Continued on next page

B eyond Reality 29
Com m u n ication With Space Peo p l e/co nt i n ued

mission answered by dots and and that he was an inhabitant of orbit and I see no way of returning
dashes. This message was in no the planet Jupiter. He said that he to earth, please contact . . . (static) . .
code used on earth, but the was transmitting from a spaceship Do not be alarmed . In the near
signals were far too regular to orbiting 50 ,000 miles above the future you will understand what is
have been accidental. earth. The strange voice delivered happening. I can reach you only
' 'It was a mysterious message, ' ' a two hour harangue on the evils every four hours . I will contact you
Low said later. "It was hardly of - atomic testing. The Jovian again in four hours . ' '
likely that it could have come from said that if atomic bomb tests There were no further messages.
Mars . However, I must confess were not immediately suspended, 1957 and 1958 were banner
that I do not know who sent it. ' ' he would destroy our solar years for weirdo space messages.
On December 1 5 and 16, 1928, system . Necoma spoke in English, Jesse Ungari, a Unisted States
Robinson transmitted yet another German and in a ' 'musical Navy Reserve radio technician,
broadcast on 1 4 . 28 kilocycles by gibberish" that he said was the was watching a commercial broad
the Companhia Radio Telegraphi language of his native planet . cast by KPIX-TV, San Jose,

ca Brasileira, an R . C . A . controlled 1t is almost too easy to brand California, when suddenly, the
station at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. this story a hoax since the announcer' s voice faded out only
The results of this experiment destruction of the solar system to be replaced by another. ' ' We
were only vaguely reported in the would also annihilate Necoma' s are calling you from outer space , ' '
United States and the test seems home along with the other eight. ' the new voice said. ' 'We are going
to have been a failure . planets . And of course Jupiter' s to destroy your city in twenty four:
On November 28th, 1954, at _ ammonia-rich atmosphere certain- hours . ' '
1 1 ; 1 5 a. m . , Chicago station WGN Police radios in Boise, Idaho,
aimed a radio message towards were overpowered by a voice
flying saucers supposedly circling speaking ' ' something like Japan
the earth . Nothing was heard at ese . ' ' This transmission lasted
the station by way of a reply, but five minutes.
many radio , listeners reported The Martins ' story, like the
hearing ringing noises over the Necoma episode may have be,en
_ WGN frequency. These sounds an elaborate hoax but, what about
were said to resemble sleigh Tesla and Marconi? What did they
bells . Two listeners tape-record hear?
ed what they said sounded like Both men believed they had
' ' strange musical tones . ' ' contacted civilizations on our
neighboring planets. This now
In 195 7 weird signals were
seems out of the question. United
picked up by radio receivers and
States space probes seem to rule
even the public address systems
out the possibility of non-Terran
at the International Airport of
ly rules out life as we know it. Yet, civilizations or even highly devel
Maiquetia, Venezuela. They were
if the reports of the N ecoma oped forms of life in our solar
also received by a short wave set
broadcast are true , the hoaxer had system . Other stars would also
at Barcelona. Venezuela.
access to powerful radio transmit be excluded and it would take
The signals .included loud pop ting equipment, which he was four years for a radio signal to
pings, exploding noises, followed willing to risk on a completely travel from earth to a planet of
by dots and dashes. Rafael illegal brqadcast. Alpha Cetauri, our system 's
Betnitez, a radio technician em In any case, the episode reminds nearest stellar neighbor. Further,
ployed at the airport since 1949 , )lle of the 195-7 adventure of Mr. it must be pointed out that we
said that the phenomena was and Mrs. Bernard L. Martin . have no real idea as to whether
unique in his experience . The Their address is unknown to me other stars even have planets . The
radioman reported that he was but, their testimony appeared in reply from Alpha Centauri - if
under a physician 's care for the Rocky Mountain News on any, would take an equal length of
damage the j arring sounds had November 25 1957 . The Martins time.
d<?ne to his hearing. received telephone calls from, of Tesla seems to have signalled
On the night of August 3, 1958, all things , a man who claimed to some type of mobile transmitter
short wave listeners throughout be orbiting the earth in a within our solar system. Such an
the southeastern United States spaceship . ' 'Take this message, ' ' extraterrestrial device, a space
reportedly heard a weird message one telephone transmission went, ship . . . was doubtless responsible
on the 75-meter amateur band. ' 'I am having trouble transmitting for the signals received by Marconi
The speaker whose voice was from this frequency. You are the . and A . M . Low. These men seem
heard from Kentucky to Florida, only one I could seem to make to have made radio contact with
claimed his name was ' ' Necoma, ' ' contact with . . . I am in a 360 degree space people. 0

30 B eyo n d R ea l ity

Many mental scientists now w as a thing t o that extent separ

cJirim there -- is no supernatural; _ ate fro m the body. Why then
that any happening which ap should it not exist on its own
pears to be supernatural is so when the body is destroyed? "
only because we (beholders) have Also , Doyle wrote : "The fact is
not developed our extra-sensory manifest that if a spirit can live
perceptions to the degree where without matter, then the founda
by we can understand and see tion of materialism is gone. "
the natural cause. So one may well ask whose
One with clairvoyant power disemb9died mind or intelligence
once confirmed this when she causes the strange, spooy light
wrote, "That which today seems that hundreds of persons have

to be supernatural, after it is seen in a certain vicinity in the

thoroughly understood, will be ro u gh, hilly region of the
found spontaneously natural." Ozarks?
So with the limited percep I had heard aqout the light for
tions of our five senses, we just years when I, a true native of the
go on encountering strange phen "Show-Me" state, decided to in
omena from time to time and vestigate it for myself. I chose a
puzzle over them with no \solu dark, rainy night, as I had been
tion of the why and how of their told the light could always be
weirdness. seen on such nights at around
Perhaps the proven fact that midnight.
one mind can act on another Leaving Joplin, Missouri, on
mind at a distance is a step Route 43, I drove on this high-
toward eventually resolving - way until I came to the tiny
many strange happenings. Arthur town of Hornet. I was told after
Conan Doyle in his book, The New leaving Hornet to watch for the
Revelation, says about telepathy: "If first well-graveled road where I
the mind, the spirit, the intelli was to tum off the higway . This
gence of man could operate at a dis road is known as the Spook
tance from the body, then it Light Road . I continued on it to

B eyon d R ea l ity 31
Strange Light i n the H i l ls/conti n ued

the state line between Missouri equipment in their investigations cabin to get it, but the head had
and Oklahoma. After three of this strange light, but all have disappeared . Crazed by fear, the
quarters of a mile on this state failed to discover the cause for it. man ran down the hill, screaming
line road, I drew up near a small Still the baffling questions are and swinging his lantern , while
building called Spook 's Shanty . continuously being asked : Where he tried to find the missing head .
Turning to the right of the road , does it come from , this light, and As the pioneers told the story,
I parked my car to wait for the where does it go when it van- the man was never seen again,
appearance of the light. I was ,ishes? but the strange light is the old
surprised to see so many sight This part of the Ozarks is man 's earthbound spirit, carrying

seekers already there. I noticed well-known for its folklore. Nat.:. the lantern, still searching for the
some stayed in their cars while urally there are several legends wife's head.
others milled around as if in about the spook ligh t, as the Another more modem legend
nervous anticipation. Two or natives call it. is that a young Confederate sol
three cars did not turn off to One legend stems from the dier on a visit home during the
either side but stayed in the Quapaw Indians who once lived Civil War was captured and
road . in the area. It is the story of two sealed up in one of the many
We did not have long to wait. young lovers whose marriage was caves there while he was still alive.
On the dot at 1 1 : 3 0, far down forbidden by the girl's father, the The light is his spirit still wander
the road, a dull glow came in chief of the tribe. The father ing about in the night among the
sight. This glow grew brighter denounced the y oung brave as a hills he loved so well in his brief
and brighter as it came nearer. It worthless hunter and not worthy lifetime.
resembled a ball of light or a of his daughter. In desperation at Many more tales can be heard
lighted lantern being carried ex the thought of being parted , the about the origin of the spook
cept that it bobbled along the lovers decided to taRe their own light, and also about h ow Devil's
road , sometimes high and some lives by jumping off a high bluff Promenade got its unsavory
times low . It also zigzagged from overlooking Spring River. name. Anyway, this section of
side to side on the road. Prank This spot is known today as tpe country has profited from
ishly , when it was quite close, it Lovers' Leap, and it is adjacent the unusual light as a tourist
perched in a treetop for a mo to another storied place called attraction.
ment. Then it came down and Devil 's Promenade. The Indians Still, the mystery of the light
perched on the hood of the claimed the dead lovrs' spirits remains unsolved, even to those
nearest car in the road . The returned nightly in the form of researchers who seek a natural
brilliance of the light was blind the spook light to haunt this and reasonable cause for it.
ing. A woman in the car vicinity of the hills. Is it a disembodied entity
screamed and hid her face. After Another story started by old from another life? If so , what is
her scream, there was an eerie timers to account for the strange its mission now on earth? Who
silence as the onlookers watched , light is indeed a gruesome one. has the answers to these ques
seemingly overcome by awe and As it goes, a drunken pioneer in a tions?
fear. The light flashed on and off quarrel with his wife one night Harold Sherman in his "Ad
several times while perched on . cut off her head with his ax. In ventures in Thinking," predicts
the car as if it had a I'ife of its his demented state of mind he that, someday, an Einstem will
own. Suddenly it vanished entire buried his wife's body without appear on the mental horizon.
ly. The ligh has been shot at the head below his cabin in the Such a one will oe able to dem
often with no visible results. The side of the hill. Later, realizing onstrate mental laws that will
light has always been harmless. he had buried the body without answer all om questions about
Scientists have usea the latest its head, he went back to the the unknown, we trust. 0

People start pollution.

People can stop it.

32 B eyo n d R ea lity
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B e y n d R ea l ity 33
34 B eyon d R eality


It was late summer of 1968 later, she decided to move things
when Pat Douce first learned that in one room to change its person
a spirit was trying to reach her. ality and decor. It was in this
A dear friend had died unexpect room that the husband before .
edly months before and the shock death, would lovingly gaze out the
not only left her emotionally upset window each day to survey the
and concerned, but determined to. wonders of nature.
know what happens to people No sooner had she changed the

afler they have passed on. decor, the objects would be re

A few weeks later, Miss Douce placed here they were originally.
felt her friend's presence so iear It was as if some invisible force in
that she believed the deceased the room had undertaken the task
was anxiously trying to get of putting the accessorie$ back
through to tell her something. where they had been.
Soon, the Los Angeles secre A few months ago in Midland
tary, (she now lives in a small Park, another widow who rejects
town near Seattle) found herself psychic phenomenon, found her
compelled to sit down and write. way out of a disturbing dilenima
It was as if a hidden force was in a very mysterious way. She ex
moving her in this direction. The plained bow she suddenly found a
writings flowing from her pen very important legal document
SUrprisingly enough turned out to that had been hopelessly lost for ,
be unique pieces of prose and some time after her husband's
poetry--somethfng she had never passing two years ago. When he
attempted before in her life. The was alive, the husband had been
result : a book of writings sup most meticulous about paperwork
posedly sent by a literary genius. and kept all of his documents in
In Allendale last year, a widow good order. When the missing

who had been happily married 40 document couldn't be tracked

years, also experienced a para down, the Wife was reduced to
normal occurrence. When her tears. Just as she was about to
husband died, she left everything seek outside help, something (or
in the house eactly as it had someone ?) told her to go back to a
always been. But a short time particular area to search one last

B eyon d R eality 35
Spi rit C om m u n ication with the Livi ng/cont i n ued

tm;,e . She did and the paper was person' s own subconscious ?
found. It was like a mysterious According to author and para
force had pushed her in that psychologist Hans Holzer of New
direction to show her where it York , when the content of a
was. The woman ' s son half message is such that it fits only
seriously said his late father the dead person as originator and
might have been the helpful force . when communication is with a
' ' M y father would have been very person who has no possible know
upset if she did not, find where he ledge of the content beforehand,
had put that paper. Somehow, I I London a then we are certainly dealing with
think he saw what was happening a psychic phenomenon .
and told her where to find it, ' ' he
woman had Glen Rock Psychiatrist Dr
Harry K Panjwani, a resident of
Have the dead something spec Wyckoff, who wrote the foreward
ial to tell their relatives , friends , produced 1 7 for Pat Douce ' s book , Incredible
neighbors and associates ? Are Alliance says the writings re
they standing by to help as would ceived in a year's time surprised
a guardian angel in a time of
new pieces of the author as they held phrases
need ? Are they using the living to and wisdom far beyond her own
continue business left unfinished J mus ic that comprehension.
because of death ? In the course of inspirational
According to the writings sup writing, words flash through the
posedly sent to Pat Douce by a
world fmnous conscious mind rapidly and are
deceased literary genius , " Death taken down verbatim by the
does not triumph, for it never 19th century recipient un er his or her own
existed but in the minds of men . motivation as sensed or heard.
We must make men believe that ' ' Such words may or may not
really believe . Here (the Beyond) composers , like actually be heard inside the head.
we find a time to gather minds to It may be difficult, at first, for the
souls and souls to minds -to Franz Liszt person receiving inspirational wri
distinguish the frailities and gath- ting to identify it as such ; in the
er the strengths and bind the early stages , especially, pieces
closer unions until we work well were unable to received are likely to be brief . and
together. ' ' may be thought to originate in the
Miss Douce isn't the first co:mplete . The conscious mind. However, there
person to write a book through a is a rhythm even in prose, and a
deceased entity. In 1942 , Albert beauty to inspirational writing
Payson Terhune of Pompton woman claim.s that is easily recognized and
Lakes, well known author of dog cannot be mistaken for conscious
stories , supposedly dictated after
death , experiences in the ' 'other
that Liszt had thinking, which seldom is marked
by rhythm and felicity of phraseol
world' ' to his widow, Anice . The ogy. It is probable that many
book was called ' 'Across the dictated the great literary works, particularly
Line . ' ' the metaphysical poems of some
And in London five years ago, poets , e .g. Donne, Blake , and
a widow reportedly produced 1 7
music to her by many others such as Whitman
new pieces that world famous 19th and Tennyson , were received in-
Century composers , like Franz guiding her spirationally . Similarly , with great
Liszt were unable to complete art, whatever the form , painting,
before their passing. Mrs . sculpture , music, as well as some
Brown, whose musical back
hands with his of the great inventions ; more than
ground never went beyond girl one inventor has credited his
hood lessons, said Liszt dictated own . breakthrough to a " hunch" or
the music to her by guiding her intuition totally unrelated to earli
hands with his own over the er thinking. '
keyboard. According to Dr. Panjwani, ' 'It
How can one tell if the message takes a good deal of time and
being sent is from a spirit or is the numerous sittings to build a

36 Beyond Reality
strong bridge impervious to any from a poet and essayist who perfect example of how not to do it
cracks between two or more stood at her right shoulder during (automatic writing. ) Let us find a
dimensions . Not always is suf dictation.. harmony of purpose and get our
ficient force available for the Who was this man ? goal straight ! Those things of
writing to proceed. According to a medium at the wor.ld do interfere , but (you
' 'It is possible that cert$ tempting to make contact with the are) right to take care of the
weather conditions make trans transmitting entity, non other distraction (however) get down to
mission easy and that others than T . S . Eliot. the calm within , and withhold the
cause difficulty , the latter more Shortly after the first messages mind from the world of everyday
subject to interruption by would were received, M s . Douce felt doings . We are here again ,
be communicators , ' ' he says. ' ' released from the presence of the wisely, and (your) dismissal (of
' ' Participants in automatic writing deceased friend she had been so us was) not too bad. "
might wish to keep a record of concerned about in the past. Steven(s) and Agas ian, mem
temperature , humidity, air pres Explaining this to the medium , bers of"the Group " trying to get
sure, snow, rain etc. , along with she was told the messages would through with Eliot, also respond
transmission. ' ' give her truths which would ed, ' ' We are here too , and wasn't
Miss Douce, he says, had no replace her old ideas on death etc. that a new experience to be
idea what was expected of her and could offer benefits through sending and finding the operator
upon feeling the presence of her prayer ,and meditation. gone ! We had a jolt here, as all
beloved departed friend. During a In the months that followed , the current backed up on us here.
visit with a medium shortly after the dictations consisted of short Better decide and stick to it, or we
the friend' s death, she supposedly essays offering specific counsel are in for it up here.
heard a voice say ' 'I can help you and instruction on such topics as
if you study. ' ' psychic development, yearnings

Not knowing what exactly that of the soul and transition of death ,
meant, the Los Angeles secretary termed ' ' The Family of Spirit. ' ' What message did Eliot want
started to do research on psychic During his transmissions to the to pass on to people back on
phenomenon. Weeks later, she ex- California resident, Eliot sup Earth ?
had an irresistible urge to pick up posedly offered encouragement, ' 'One has heard that paradise
a pen and write whatever came to instruction , and even a bit of wry is not entered by any but the pure
mind. Out came prose and poetry humor. He also lightly scolded of heart. Well, we are here to
like she had never seen before. the writer about leaving the paper state the truths, pure knowledge,
Miss Douce, a college gradu to attend to some earthly chore does respond to the entity crying
ate with a natural aptitude in art like answering the back door. out for them without the same
and some specialized training in When a group of entities quality dwelling therein. That is ,
music, was astounded. Prose and began to offer comments, the why purity of heart is the key to all
poetry had never before been her writer entered into a three-way progression ! (It is ) more than a
forte . Now it was flowing from her conversation involving Eliot and good trait ; (it is) essential, essen
pen as if she were blessed with it ."The Group " . M s . Douce, the tial ! Get that well accomplished
from the day she ws born. receiver, could see the changes in before you come here. Then, your
According to the medium , one handwriting when different enti way will be far more open for true
spirit in particular was standing ties spoke. accomplishment and true ad
over Pat ' s right shoulder trying to ' 'The Group ' ' also referred to vancement. ' '
write through her, and would Eliot as Steamy rather than T . S . Decribing oneness in the world
eventually control her time to an d h e himself signed o ff with beyond, he said, ' 'These bodies
produce essays through his efforts . that nick-name later. we meet and with whom we
He was prematurely grey with During a writing on March conflict are ancient Gods, past
dark eyebrows , sophisticated and 31st, Ms Douce was distracted by born heroes, plainsmen, unac
distinguished in the field of her dog who sat at the front screen countables , each to add to the sum
journalism. He was a Nobel Prize door and wanted to go out. She of intelligence and makeup of the
winner. then took a freshly baked loaf of eternal soul. Behind the mask of
bread out of the pan and contin gender and faces , plain and

ued with other household tasks. painted and glowing with knowing
During a one-year period (from Twenty minutes later, she re God, are the eyes of the soul
June, 1969 to May, 1970) author turned to the writing, but was belonging to no body, no iden
Pat Douce supposedly received chastised for ' 'walking out ' ' on tification or hero. ' '
more than 35 mysterious writings the anxious entities. - Discussing oneness again , he
from the ' 'other side . ' ' All were Said Eliot, " Well, what a said " We are neither higher nor
Continued on page 60

Beyond Real ity 37

Revelat i ons F r o m A B u ri e d Wo r l d :


It was an early spring evening a contemporary Jutlander, as up and shipped to the National
in central Jutland, that crooked everyone had thought, but an Iron Museum in Copenhagen for
thumb sticking up from the Age Man- two thousand years intensive study. If the body began
"hand" of Northern Europe . Two old ! to decompose before reaching the
Danish farmers were busy cutting One of Denmark' s most persis Danish capital, science might be
peat for their stoves in the Tollund tent detectives has finally closed robbed of another intimate
Fen near the town of Silkeborg. the case book on this 2000 year glimpse into Denmark ' s prehistor
As they chopped away at the peat, old murder mystery. It took years ic past. Quickly, scientists at the
suddenly the two farmers found of careful sleuthing. But Professor National Museum' s laboratory
themselves face to face with a Peter V. Glob, director of the subjected the body to thorough
dead man. They called the police . Danish National Museum in examination. Their findings were
The corpse appeared fresh. It Copenhagen and one of that alarming. The imprint of the rope
had a peaceful expression on its country' s leading archaeologists , could still be seen on the Tollund
face. Short stubble covered its notes that h e did have a few man's throat . He had been hung,
cheeks and upper lip. But there ' 'helpful clues . ' ' stripped of his clothes, then sunk
was something immediately dis Today, Professor Glob has all into the black bog waters and
turbing about the body. It was but unravelled the mystery sur pinned there with sticks .
naked except for a small cap on its rounding the hanged Tollund man His last meal, explained Glob,
head. Its hair had been cropped as well as scores of other bodies consisted only of gruel, a kind of
short. And there was a section of found in Danish bogs. ' 'The crude porridge made from a
rope fastened around its neck. evidence was incredible , ' ' says mixture of ,cultivated and wild
Rumrs spread up and down the Professor Glob . "I had the actual grains . It is known that Iron Age
little valley that the corpse must bodies to examine , and in some Man was a meat eater, yet no-
have been the victim of a recent cases even the murder weapons . traces of meat were found in his
bizarre murder. Soon the police It ' s not every archaeologist who stomah or intestines . Profe_ssor
arrived along with experts from gets to stare antiquity in the Glob also noted that the Tollund
the local museum in Silkeborg. face . ' ' In a short time , Glob found man' s hands were smooth, not
The police were convinced that himself engaged in the most rough and worn from hard labor.
the man had been murdered - eith elaborate ' 'criminal investiga Apparently he came from the
er strangled or hanged . The tion' ' in the history of Danish small upper crust of Iron Age
archaeologists agreed, but they archaeology. society. The case had all the
added one unexpected, electrify The remarkably preserved body markings of a ritualistic murder.
ing fact. The body was not tha of of the ' 'Tollund Man ' ' was carted A vague pattern was beginning tc:

-38 Beyond R eality

The author, Don Hinrichsen,
has spent many years
investigating the mystery of
the bodies in the peat bogs.

The Tollund Man whose

perfectly .preserved body was
found in the peat bogs of
Denmark along with countless
other bodies of men,
women and some children.

emerge from the bogs . of our unwritten past. Few left any the bog people . ' '
From the time the Tollund Man legacies. All that remains are the " We still didn 't really-- know
was found in 1950, until now- the traces from their camp sites and how all those bodies got into the
"crime " has continued to puzzle' their graves . In fact, it is mainly bogs . 'From what we could tell,
Glob . Again and again he has by their deaths that archaeologists most of the bog people had been
returned to Jutland, where most can tell how the early Danes lived. murdered. But why? Were they
of the bog people were found. Like The excavation .and study of the common cr.Uninals? Were the
a master detective , he nit-picked bog bodies found since 1940 was murders part of some strange
his way through old records and a vital breakthrough . Archaeolo ritual? Did they have religious
historical accounts and investi gists were no longer confined to significance? What motivated Iron
gated new bog finds in central sifting the ash heap of antiquity Age Man, what powers ruled his
Jutland . for clues . At last, scientists had mind? We were plagued with
Once called Denmark 's ' ' Wild found their window into the past. questions . ' ' And archaeologists
West, " Jutland' s landscape is ' ' It was like going back in a time had no conclusive answers. Bog
still dotted with ancient peat bogs , machine , ' ' recalls Professor Glob, bodies , in various stages of
pehistoric burial mounds , and who is also the Director General of preservation , have been hacked
overgrown, dried-up antediluvian Museums and Antiquities for the out of Denmark ' s umber-brown
lakes. In a way, time has stopped whole of Denmark . "The bog peat since the Middle Ages. After
still there . people gave us a startling view of the first recorded bog body was
The area around Silkeborg and a world buried for 2 , 000 years . " uncovered in 1640, Danish bogs
the Tollund Valley has produced Professor P .V . Glob , now 65 , have surrendered 166 bog people
many bog bodies as well as a has been "up to his neck" in and Schleswig-Holstein in North
profusion of artifacts from ancient archaeology since 1919. ' 'Of Germany 69. The total for all
times . Denmark 's earliest hunters course , in the beginning , we were Northern Europe is over 500 .
lived in this region 10,000 years confronted with big problems . We Until late in the 19th Century ,
ago. Since then the area }tas had to wade through a swamp of most of these were lost to
witnessed a constant surge of fiction and old folk tales about the scientific study. Many were
warring peoples . . . the Cimbri, the early Scandinavians . The facts reinterred in church cemeteries.
Teutons, the Battle Axe people . were encased in myths . " Others , thought to be the deform
The procession seems endless. "The Tollund Man was a ed bodies of witches or demons ,
Most of these aboriginal cultures fantastic discovery for us , " con were chopped to pieces on the
were born, saw their zenith, then tinues Glob . ' ' But it took . me spot and burned. Nevertheless ,
took their place in the black holes twenty years to solve the riddle of Denmark' s surviving bog people
please turn page

B eyo n d R ea l ity 39
Time Stood Sti l l for the Tol l und Man/conti n u ed

were the best preserved remains men's hair had been cropped killed the Bog People. It could
from antiquity to be discovered. short and their beards shaved off. have been the village 'elders' or
''The reason, '' says Prof. Glob, In cases where the stomach or 'priests'. But my guess is that the
''that these bodies are so well intestines were intact, the last entire village took . part in these
preserved lies in the special meal always consisted of gruel ritual murders. "
properties of our. bog water. made from a few cultivated The Bog People were a form of
Danish bog water contains just the cereals, wild grains and weeds. ' 'life insurance'' for the rest of the
right amounts of tannic acid and No meat was ever detected. (Iron village. They were sacrificed so
iron. Soil acid tans and preserves Age men were not vegetarians.) that the forthcoming harvest
the skin. And the peat is One more intriguing fact was would be a good one.
completely air tight. So the bog discovered by Professor Glob- all In October 1975 , the National
water acts as a preservative. " of the grains and weeds consumed Mpseum in Copenhagen opened a
As more Bog People were by the victims were ones that new display depicting life in the
found Prof Glob and his associ germinated! Also, most of the bog early Iron Age. Organized by
ates began to see the connecting bodies came from the higher class Professor Glob 8.nd his staff, it
threads. ''We knew we were of society. Their hands and fee.t contains one of the latest bog
dealing with mass ritualistc mur showed no signs of toil. finds: 8n entire, beautifully pre
ders with religious overtones. Still The twisted knot of the mystery served wardrobe - including hats,
we hadn't grasped the signifi was beginning to unravel. Prof. shoes, trousers and dresses. All
cance of it." Glob gleaned evidence from the clothes date from the 1same
It was a gruesome picture. The another source, the Roman Hist period as the Bog People. The
Grauballe Man, murdered be.. orian Tacitus. Writing the history Tollund Man, the Grauballe Man,
tween 210 and 410 ,AD, had his of the Germani, Tacitus described the Borre Fen Man and Woman,
throat slashed from ear to ear. scenes of bloody human sacri and many others can be seen at
'fhe gash was so deep that the fices among the northern tribes. the various museums scattered
gullet had been severed! The These took place in the early around Denmark.
Borre Fen Man, thrown into the spring and were supposed to After the laboratory analysis
bog in the First Century B.C. was insure a rich harvest. was finished, the Tollund Man's
strangled. Afterwards, the back of Archaeologists had known . for magnificnt head was soaked in
his head was smashed. The Borre some time that it was a Goddess preserving solutions for one year.
Fen Woman, from the sanie that held sway during the Celtic Finally, it was returned to the
period, suffered a similar hideous Iron Age in Scandinavia. That Silkeborg, Museum, a mere six
fate. The back of her head had Goddess, thought Prof. Glob, miles from the spot where he was
been scalped, and her face totally could only be the Goddess of dug out of the _peat. Today his
crushed. Only the decapitated Fertility - Nerthus, also known as head can be seen there along with
head of the girl from the Roum Mother Earth. - a collection of Iron Age garments
Fen was found. The eighteen year One more bit of evidence
and implements.
old girl from the Windeby Bog clinched his theory. Tore rings or The Grauba.lle Man ended his
had her head shaved. Then she necklets twisted like ropes were days in the Museum of Pre-His
was blindfolded and drowned in . known to be one of her symbols. tory in Arhus. The Borre Fen Man .
t:Pe bog waters, held down with Such a necklet was found on the and Woman, the girl from Roum
stakes. Borre Fen Man, still tied around another body from the Tollund
All of the Bog People whose his neck! Fen, plus several others are in the
remains date between the second At last the riddle made sense. extensive collection of the Nation
Century B.C. and the Seventh Criminals would never have been al Museum in Copenhagen.
Century A.D. met brutal and executed in such a gruesome As for Professor Glob- who
violent deaths. Men and women, variety of ways for centuries, nor . paints and makes Danish
young and old, were strangled, would they have had so many Schnaapps in his spare time- he
hanged, decapitated or drowned. common traits. The culprit res is presently engaged in decipher
Many suffered mutilation and ponsible for the bulk of the bog ing another ancient mystery, the
dismemberment in the process. murders was the Goddess of five-thousand year old Stone Age
There are other similarities. All Fertility. She had incredible Village at Barkjaer in Central
of the Bog People were naked power over the minds of Iron Age Jutland. The author of some
except for a few shreds of clothing men and women. twenty books on archaelogy, Peter
tossed in after the body had been "One thing still puzzles me," Vilheim Glob expects to solve
deposited. The women invariably concluded Professor Glob. ''I even more riddles from the past
had their heads shaved. All of the was never able to determine who before he retires., 0

40 B eyon d R eality

Strange E nigma of the G host Rockets

I n J u ne, 1 946 , one year before the modern-day "f lying saucer" uproar burst
u pon the wor l d , an eq ual ly myst i fy i n g wave of U FO reports came from the
Scand i navian cou ntries .
T h e most popu l ar name g iven t o t h e objects was ' ' ghost rockets! ' . D u r i n g the
sum mer and aut u m n of 1 946 , they alarmed and puzzled m i l l ions of people.
The fi rst reported sight i ng seems to have been over F i n land on J u ne 1 0t h . The
object was descri bed as " resem bl i ng a V-weapon " . Recal l n g that World War 2 had
ended on ly one year earl ier, It Is not at al l surprising that witnesses spoke In terms
of ' ' V-rockets ' ' and secret Soviet missi le tests.
The n ight of J u ly 1 4t h , citizens of Oslo, Norway, saw a h uge "star- l i ke" object
flying at approxi mately 3000 feet . It came from the south and d i sappeared In t he
northern sky . I ts color was a l ight yel low chan g i ng to bl ue, and fol lowed a steady
course at ' ' tremendous speed ' ' . Newspapers advised people to watch for other
" rockets" and to report them to the A i r Fore.
The n ig ht of J u l y 23rd broug ht two reports from Sweden . A Stockhol m story
described a ' ' fl y i ng l ight ' ' wh ich travel l ed si lent ly over central Sweden at a h i g h
rate o f speed . A rocket-l i ke device was seen I n northern Sweden , travel ing slowly.
Norway again reported mysterious objects I n the sky on the 27th of J u ly. A m i l itary
guard at an ai rf ield north of Oslo reported seeing an object speed i n g over the field
at the same t i me that the city of Oslo was also rocked by I nexpl icable explosions.
Both detonat ions seemed to have ori g i nated In the air and were accom pan ied by an
i ntense wh ite l ig ht . By t h is t i me, both N orweg ian and Swed ish newspapers had
been asked by the authorit ies to refrain from publ ish i ng any detai ls of the strange
happen i ngs concern i ng the m i ssiles .
Duri ng t h e weekend of J u ly 27-28, many people i n Denmark reported dayl ight
sightl ngs of the objects. They were descri bed as " sh i n i ng " , moving at a great
speed and visible I n brig ht sunsh i ne for about 1 0 seconds.
On August 6t h , the Swed ish Defense Staff Issued a statement confirm i n g reports
that the " rockets" general l y came from the south and left In an easterly d i rection .
A lthough declaring that the reported total of 300 sightl ngs was probab ly
exaggerated, the statement adm itted that enough evidence was on hand and
continued on following page

B eyon d R ea l ity 41
U nearthly Rockets : U FOs or N atural Phenomena?/conti n ued

available to conclude that rocket Norwegian territory be publicized. A missile flying from north to
like objects were being seen. Instead, the General Staff recom south was reported from the
Many reports of rockets were mended that all reports received Koziani area of Greece . Police
received on the night of August by the press should be passed on observers reported that it passed
1 1th. A dispatch from Stockholm to the Intelligence Department of about 70 miles west of Salonika . .
on the 12th stated that troops had the High Conm!m_d.. Near Chateaurouk, in western
begun ' 'thorough investigations ' ' A special correspondent for the France, witnesses described a
into the latest sightings. The British Daily Telegraph reported ' 'ball of fire ' ' which travelled in a
objects, . agafu approaching from on August 30 that two rockets had southwesterly direction.
the south, were seen in many been seen over Oslo during the . A rocket, "travelling in a north
parts of Sweden, as well as on the preceding week. It was also westerly direction, at a great
Aaland Islands, between Sweden
' 'reliably reported' ' that two ob height" was seen over Graz,
and Finland.
jects had submerged in Lake Austria, on September 12.
Another Danish report came
Mjoesen, north of Oslo. The lake Military observers in 'the Brit
from West Jutland on the morn
ing of August 12. A night ish zone of Germany described
watchman claimed to have seen ' ' a ball of fire with a tail' ' which
an object coming from the north was seen 35 miles from the
east. It exploded with a loud M I LITARY O B S E R V E RS I N frontier within the Soviet zone
noise, lighting up the sky with a No exact date was given, but the
brilliant flash.
T H E B R IT I S H Z O N E O F object was described as a white
Swedish military authorities re- , G E R M A N Y D ES C R I B E D A ball of fire approaching from the
ported on August 14 that piece& of southeast at great speed.
metal, believed to be parts of the " BALL O F F I R E WITH Morocco reported ' ' flying pro
ghost rockets, had been found. jectiles' ' on September 17.
One fragment was about six Witnesses at Fez and Tangier
inches long and bore ' 'fl'agments 35 M I LE S F R O M T H E S O V I ET describe objects flying swiftly
of letters and figures from ma from east to west a low altitudes,
nufacture markings. ' ' ZO N E . N O E XACT DATE WAS trailing long-thin tails of yellow
A report from the Dijon area, G I V E N B UT T H E O BJ E CT WAS and green light. .
Burgundy, was received on Aug Scattered sightings continued
ust 20th. The French Press told D E-S C R I B E D AS A W H ITE into October, despite efforts to
of ' 'huge elongated projectiles explain the reports as orciplary
(which) passed overhead at prod BALL OF FIRE APPROAC H I N G
sky pheomena. " On October 10,
igious speeds, emitting a whist F R O M T H E S O U T H EAST AT A the Swedish Defense Staff issued
ling noise. ' '
a communique saying that a
Due to the continuing reports of FAN TASTI C RATE O F S P E E D .
majority of sightings could be
mysterious missiles, the Swedish
The B ritish Dai ly Telegrap , explained as the result of misin
Goverment asked Britain to pro
vide them with radar equipment terpretations. However, the com
for plotting the courses of the munique also stated that ' 'in
mysterious projectiles. In comp some cases, clear, unambiguous
liance with the request, Britain was too deep for dredging opera observations have been made
sent equipment and technicians to tions to be conducted. which cailnot be explained as
train Swedish personnel. On September 3rd, a Soviet natural phenomena, Swedish air
Another missile was seen over bi-weekly Pblication, The New craft, or imagination on the part of
Oslo on the Iiight of August 24. Times, labeled as "untrue" the the observer. Echo, radio and
Witnesses said it was followed suggestions that the objects seen other equipment registered read
by a. ' 'tail of fire' ' and travelled as over Sweden were radio-control ings, but gave no clue as to the
swiftly as a fighter plane. led Russian missiles. The journal nature of the objects. " This
Following . sightings in Jutland described such allegations as conclusion had been drawn from a
on the nights of August 27 and 29, ' 'part ()f an organized campaign deed study of over 1000 reports .
the Norwegian General Staff of slander against the Soviet As with many modem UFO
issued a memorandum to all Union. ' ' . reports, the observations of the
Norwegian newspapers, asking September 7 brought rocket
ghost rockets began as a mystery
that no reports originating in reports from Greece and France. and ended the same way_. . 0

42 B eyon d R eality

ing kidneys. l{idney stones . Cystitis .

Gall bladder troubles . Gall stones.
Liver disorders . Hepatitis. Diabetes.
- Anemia.
Heart troubles of all kinds. Art
eriosclerosis. High blood pressure.
Low blood pressure .
Bronchial ailments. Bronchitis.
/ Asthma. Hay fever. Tonsilitis . Quin
sy. Sinus and Antrum troubles. Lung
disease. Catarrb . Pleurisy.
Rheumatism, all types. Arthritis.
Neuritis. Bursitis. Sciatica. Lum
bago. Gout. Wry neck. Back aches.
Foot troubles . Posture defects .
Children 's diseases. Cerebral pal
sy . Infantile paralysis and Polio.
Ot'her crippling disorders . Mental
deficiency. Spinal curvatures . St .
Vitus' Dance. (Chorea . )
Multiple Sclerosis. Muscular dys
trophy. Amyotrophic lateral scler
osis , muscular atrophy.
Paralysis, all types. Strokes.
Gland diseases. Goiter, Tumors.
Skin diseases .
Eye, ear, nose and throat troubles.
Mastoiditis . Headaches, all types .
Sleeping sickness and other brain
Actor Clint Walker was saved it . Others include: Rosalind Russell fevers. Epilepsy.
from dying of a heart and (cured of painful arthritis and Jow Nervous ailments, all varieties.
wrist injury by faith healing. Omar energy), Susan Hampshire (cured of Shingles. Insomnia. (Sleeplessness. )
Sharif, another actor, was cured of a stage fright and a limp) , Joan Neuroses.
stomach. , ulcer in one minute by Blondell (cured of arthritis), and Female disorders. Obesity. (Over
faith healing. Richard Burton, also a Gloria Swanson. weight and underweight . )
thespian, was able to overcome his When medical science gives up Male diseases. Prostate trouble,
drinking problem thanks to faith when drugs and surgery can't help etc.
healing. Other show business per people tum to faith healers in Although he cannot reveal his
sonalities helped by faith healing increasing numbers these days . Says secrets , this "miracle maker" is
include: Rock Hudson, Yul Brynner well known New York faith healer, known as the "man with magic
(cured of laryngitis), Peter Sellers Dr. Bernard Zovluck, the follow hands . " He alleges to hae cured
(relieved of heart trouble and ner ing conditions can be helped by hundreds- "perhaps thousands"
vousness) , Robert Young (cured of faith ltaling: of their disorders . In Biblical times, .
bad headaches) and several others, S to,;,ach Troubles including ul- there would have been fewer who
including Greg Morris, whose 'faith cers . Indigestion . Intestinal disor doubted him than today-but the
healer was none other than Giselle ders. Colitis. Enteritis . Constipation. increasing frequency with which
MacKenzie. Ms. MacKenzie is one Costiveness . Diarrhea . Hemorrhoids. : persons are turning to faith healing
. of several actresses who believe in Appendicitis. has caused greater public acceptance
faith. healing o have been aided by Kidney ailments. Nephritis . Float- of his trde . 0

B eyon d R eality 43

PREMONITION OF DANGER ped on every nerve in our bodies. When spring came his father
Tony slowed down to less then began to give him some rather
Since I have had many psychic five miles per hour. A feeling of unusual treatments . The idea
experiences in my short twenty heaviness gripped our bodies as came to him qUite unconsciously
years , I pay particular attention to Tony seemingly drove for our not by deliberation or because of
any premonitions. My friends also lives . When we finally passed the anything he had read or learned.
place great stock in my ' 'gift' ' . It shed unheard cries of elation Each evening when Hoti went
is well that we did because two , passed from our souls. There was to be<;!, his father would place his
years ago I had a premonition that no conventional way that I could thumbs lightly on the outside of
may very well have saved three have known that that shack would the child' s throat over his tonsils .
lives. be built, as we did not know any Son and father would look one
The dream was short and who lived in the vicinity. So , another in the eye and the father
simple . A blue Carmen Ghia thankful for an unusual warning, I would concentrate on putting
containing my cousin Rod, my added another Beyond Reality power through his arms into the
good friend Tony, and myself, experience to my rapidly growing thumbs. He did this for only a few
was going down a very steep repertoire. The ride home was seconds .
embankment termed by the locals filled with conversations of the Hoti enjoyed the treatment.
as ' 'Quaker Hill' ' . local pilsners, but inside we all When his father was busy or
In my dream , at the bottom of felt as if there were a definite forgot, Hoti reminded him of it.
"Quaker Hill" was a concrete reason or unfulfilled duty that left One night my step-son asked
shed, situated next to a house at us as members of the living. Hoti if he felt anything going on.
that location. The Hill is at the ' 'Yes, ' ' answered the child, ' 'It
bottom of a seven step straight Danny Muffoletto tickles. ' '
away, which is taken by all but the 601 1 Johnnycake Road Summer went by and Hoti was
very old at a very high speed. Baltimore, Maryland 21207 well, but in November he develop
After the curve the Hill is taken at ed a slight cold, and as he was due
a somewhat reduced speed. In the for a check-up, his father took him
dream I saw the blue Ghia take THE REMARKABLE POWER to the same doctor who had cared
the embankment and then crash OF HEALING HANDS for the children for several years.
into a concrete shed. The Naturally the tonsils were close
accident, in the dream, killed all My step-son, Wessel Ruhten ly examined. "Why, " said the
the passengers . berg, is the father of an eight year doctor, "these tonsils are fine.
The next time we were driving old son and a six year old This child won't ever have to have
in the vicinity I told Tony and Rod daughter. His son, nicknamed his tonsils removed ! ' ' Hoti' s
about the dream. I then proceeded Hoti, for the fat-tummied Japan mother wrote me a few days ago:
to point out the spot where we ese god of happiness, had cold Wessel was again giving Hoti a
crashed according to the dream. after cold and tonsilitis attacks few treatments for a cold. Wessel
The concrete shed was not there , without end last winter. He was told her that as he began really
and only a vacant lot filled the never really well and his tonsils concentrating Hoti remarked,
position of what had been our were in sorry shape . ' ' Here it comes ! ' ' Obviously he
tomb in that bit of reverie . We an The Ruhtenbergs' pediatrician, felt something happening.
laughed nervously, but I noticed Hoti' s mother and I all felt the
that Tony took the tum with tonsils should be remove$, but Polly King Ruhtenberg
unusual caution . Hoti ' s father was obdurate . While 69 Marland Road,
Six months later when we on ,vacation in Mississippi, Hoti ' s Colorado Springs , Colorado
passed that location again there mother consulted another doctor. 80906
was a building made of concrete This man 's diagnosis confirmed
in the exact place at the bottom of their Indiana pediatrician' s : tliat MY UNSEEN COMPANION
the hill where I predicted. When the sooner the tonsils were
Tony made the tum we were removed, the better it would be It was a quiet family evening,
confronted with that ominous for the child. But still his father the same as any other at our
piece of architecture. Fear step- balked. house . I had just returned from

44 B eyon d R ea lity

the hospital after a very serious have , ' she is standing just behind where the scent of honeysuckle is
operation and was very comfort you. " Cold chills had started so strong you know somebody has
able and thankful, in my reclining running up and down my spine by to be wearing it.
rocker. The children were mak now, and I could not bring myseH
mg themselves busy elsewhere in to speak. Violet's voice came Aurelia Pawlinski
the house , while my husband lay again, ' 'I know it' s hard for you to 3840 Maxwell Road,
on the floor watching television . believe this, but Rose is near you Toledo, Ohio 43613
Suddenly the phone rang. I was a good deal of the time, and helps
very much surprised and puzzled you whenever she can She is.

to find it was a woman whom I telling me about you right now. ' '
knew , but was really not that Well, that was too much for me.
friendly with. That was why she I said ' 'Violet, you mean she is
could not have known that I was there with you? ' ' She replied,
home already. This lady was a ' ' Oh yes, and she is there with you
well known spiritu.alist. After the too . " A pause, and then she aid,
usual polite questions concerning "You just don't understand, you HAD ANY UNUSUAL
my health, she said, ' 'you know must take my word for it. To prove PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE?
you were very bad off there , if it to you that Rose is right here I'll
hadn't been for Rose standing by tell you something. ' ' There was
and helping you, you would never another pause, and I could hear Many people boast of
had made it. Not only that, but mumbling on the other end of the having had at least one
Rose is still there in your house line . Then her voice came again , unusual experience of a
helping you , and every time you ' ' Rose and I have been talking it psychic nature. If you num
go up the stairs she goes with you over and she wants to prove to you ber yourseH among these
and holds you up . ' ' Let me explain that she is a frequent visitor in individuals with psychic abil
here that Rose was a dear friend your house. Right now she is ity , Beyond Reality would
with whom I worked at one time . holding something yellow. She like to hear about it.
Being nineteen years younger says you will know what it is. ' ' Manuscripts should be
than I she always called me By now I had not only cold chills typed on white paper, doub
' ' Mama. ' ' Very often she would but my scalp was crawling as well. le-spaced and, please in
take a comb and combing my hair, I looked aroUJld the room and clude a self-addressed stamp
she would say, ' ' Oh mama, you behind my chair, not knowing ed envelope for a quick
have such pretty hair. ' ' The whethr I expected to see or hear reply.
spiritualist whose name was Vio something out of this world, or Kindly eend the carefully
let knew absolutely nothing of whether it was a dream . My outlined details of your ex
this. Rose had died with her thoughts seemed frozen. I tried perience to :
husband and two children about hard to concentrate on yellow.
ten years before. Suddenly it hit me, and my True Experience
As you can imagine, I sat there nerveless fingers almost dropped Beyond Reality
with the phone in my hand the phone . 303 W. 42nd Street
wondering if I were hearing right, Before leaving for the hospital, New York , N. Y. , 10036
but not saying a word. Violet's I had taken down three pair of
voice came over the wire, ' 'you ruffled kitchen curtains, and dyed We welcome any informa
don't beleive me, do you? " Well, them yellow. They lay in a fluffy _tion about any possible dis
no I didn 't, but she certainly pile on the bed in the spare coveries in the areas of
sounded as if she knew Rose as bedroom . psychic phenomena. These
well as I. While I struggled to find To this day I don't remember may include items from your
something polite to say, she the rest of the conversation, but I local newspapers as well
continued, ' 'right now, Rose is believe that Rose is often with me . those of a personal nature .
standing behind your chair, she is She had a fondness for honey
running her hand and saying suckle perfume , and very often I
'mama, what pretty hair you walk into a spot in the house

Beyond Reality 45
The Worlds of R i chard Shaver/conti n ued from . page 26

he thought he was on the verge of

funnyfarm time himself-all due to
the seemingly insane harassment
of Them.
Shaver was somewhat of a
prophet. He felt that he had much
to make mankind aware of. Years
have passed and now his warnings
have been silenced by death. But
voices of awareness are not entirely
mute. The problem has, for years,
been so all-pervading that one could
barely discern it in everyday life.
And it still persists according to
John Keel.
Both men have expressed
concern of a thorough , though not
total take-over of the human race
by these entities , due to the fact
that we are not aware of their
tactics nor of the real nature of
their being. Keel called the spread
in the belief of extraterrestrials a
disease, which if continued un
checked might lead us to a modem
faith and final takeover by "the
Gods", not unlike our ancient times
when so-called gods played a heavy
role in human culture. Shaver had a
much more gruesome vision: "What
damn-kind mankind wil get out of
it all is concentration camps and
zombi-like SS troops marching . . . on
the simple good-natured society of
Shaver knew that a hidden they are der governmental ban. . . well-meaning humans and wiping
source had been confusing and co or words to that effect. I don't them out all over again. . . One
vering up what he felt was the think any of these phone calls actu doesn't want to be a repressive
truth about the situation. Unlike ally have a source in the U.S. shouter of waming . . . but I see a
most of the ufologists from '!947 government, but that all of them deadly time of death and destruc
on, he felt it was NOT the U.S. are false." tion overwhelming our world of
government, and that the threaten As Keel has pointed out, the gov simple things with the march: of
ing or strange phone call pheno ernment is often as confused and horrors."
mena (a common UFO contact oc paranoid as its citizens in regard to
currence where people who sight this subject. He says that paranoids
To think that this article has va
lidated all of the Shaver Mystery
UFOs are often called by phone and are made, not born, and I think would be ridiculous. If it has ma
told to stop telling people of their this; in part, is the case with
naged to compare at least a few si
sighting) were all false. False inso Shaver. Mr.Shaver has often been
milarities of Shaver's "Mystery" to
far as they were intended to make accused or assumed to be grossly
a newly developing form of thought
individuals think they were coming paranoic in his outlook, but this is
about the UFO enigma, its purpose
from other sources. "Somebody part- of the game the phenomenon is served. It seems that the mys
does go around turning off t e plays. Keel has reason to believe
tery becomes more terrifying as
faucets " , Shver wrote , "It is the that They can make you paranoid if
. each year passes . . . as the data
false phone call to the editor, com They so desire. Shaver always said becomes more sinister. 0
manding him
in the name of panic They tried to drive him crazy (and
to cease and desist from all such some people claim They succeeded) Readers wishing more informa-
dabblin in the non-consequential but Mr. Keel also says that at times tion on Richard Shaver, please
erotica of UFO reports . . . because during his 1966-67 investigations, write to Beyond Reality

46 B eyo n d R ea l ity
Because I have taken the IIIJR_ry M of Transcendental Meditation


I n Your Own Home ! Meditation - in just a jew minutes!
. .

But I also believed (and still do ) that these

Why Pay Hundreds Of Dollars To Be Given basic psychological and physiological benefits -
vital as they undoubtedly are - are only the first
A Gift THAT ALREADY EXISTS, NATURALLY, RIGHT bexinning of what Transcendental Meditation can
NOW, INSIDE YOU R VERY BODY! REA L L Y accomplish for you/ A n d that you
Let me make this point perfectly clear: There
must go beyond them, as I show you below!
is nothing really new about Transcendental Medi Meanwhile, However, I Have Seen People Waste
tation, and the amazing physical effects it brings!
Transcendental Meditation actually goes back
Hundreds Of Do llars Of Their Money, And Months
several thousand years, to the Ancient Seers of Of Their Time, TO GAIN WHAT I COULD GIVE
Tibet, China and India, who actually demon
strated that they could perform seemingly "im THEM IN LESS THAN FIVE MI NUTES!
possible" feats when they let it protect them - So I have now decided to take Transcendental
such as literally walking over hot coals without Meditation - in fact, all the benefits these men
being burned, or being buried alive /or hours, and and women could get in any course they could
even days, without the slightest harm/ purchase, for any amount of money - and "boil
These great mystics believed that the awesome it down" into a brief Confidential Report so
power of Transcendental Meditation was buried simple, so clear, and so immediately and ap
deep in their body -' and in the body of every parently effective that they could master it, COM
living human being - awaiting only the proper PLETEL Y, in just 5 life-transforming minutes!
"Key" to unleash it! This simple at-home technique completely does
away with any belief that there is any mystery
I, myself, first made contact with them over
3S years ago, on my trips to India and the Orient, whatsoever in utilizing the full power of Trans ABOUT THE AUTHOR
after witnessing their incredible feats. cendental Meditation! ' NORVELL! For over 30 years his unre
I was the first to introduce Transcendental It proves to you immediately that, this way, lenting thirst for spiritual fulfillment has
Meditation to an American audience, in my you need neither "Guru" nor "Master"! That taken him to the most remote comers of
Carnegie Hall lectures that same year. Even there is no need for you to leave your own home! the globe . . . to finally become one of the
then, I taught the basic technique - the psycho That there are no long, involved courses to few Westerners, in our time, who has ever
logical and physiological side of Transcendental master! No high-patd instructors to dominate gained acceptance as an equal among the
you! No $125 paid before you receive the first Holy Masters of both India and Tibet! He
lesson; and no further outlays for "follow-up has also mastered the scientific secrets of
IN JUST FIVE M INUTES LEAR NING TI ME, lessons"! Western knowledge at America's most high
And as for your private Mantra, once you send ly-regarded universities.
YOU GET EVERY ONE OF THESE AMAZING me your name, I will send you - FREE - a In America alone, over these past decades,
HEALTH BENEFITS, JUST AS A START - private Mantra for yourself alone, that will be tens of thousands have come to Carnegie
long to no one else in all the world. Once you Hall in New York, and dozens of other
After just five short minutes, in your own have this Free Private Mantra, then the ability centers of public learning, to absorb in per
home, simply by learning my new De to gain this deep relaxation, peace and over
son his profound wisdom - that combmes
Mystified Transcendental Meditation you whelming release from hypertension is yours al
will find what prominent scientists al over ready! Yours as your natural human heritage!
the Science of the West with the Mystic
Knowledge of the East!
the United States have already discovered What I have done for you is simply given you And now NORVELL reveals the greatest
- that you can lower your blood pressure what I believe to be . the shortest and most ef
of his great secrets in this revolutionary new
at will. And sometimes lower that blood fective way to tap that natural gift!
Confidential Report - how to master the
pressure sharply after only a few minutes. So this is NOT an "esoteric," "mystic," or
full art of Transcendental Meditation . . .
Meditation may also be used to slow "magic" specialized technique, available only to
in your own home!
down or increase the rhythm of your heart, the wealthy few! It is, instead, a "universal path"

and control your mise rate significantly. that is accessible at once to all! I
This is especially Important if you have You Will Realize, Right From The Start, your subconscious mind . . . and, - ove to your
heart or circulation problems. In fact, after
That You Are Doing The Right Things, BECAUSE self that ESP, pre-cognition and t e rest are as
only a few Meditation sessions, heart beat
much actual facts, as magnetism r electricity!
may actually normalize itself. YOU WILL SEE THE IMMEDIATE RESULTS!
In such Meditation, metabolism may also
These will be so dramatically evident that you AND ALL FULLY GUARANTEED LIKE TH IS:
normalize. This, in turn, not only helps ease
will instantly know you are on the right track! If, after 30 days, you are not entirely convinced
the processes of digestion, gives you more
You will actually learn how to use Transcendenta.I of the power of this De-Mystified Transcendental
nutrition from your food, but at the same
Meditation in only five minutes! And you will Meditation, return this report to me for every
time, controls the appetite and keeps the
find out, in that short time alone, that there is cent of your money back!
body from puttinK on exce.'"s weight!
absolutely no harmful effect . . . nor will you be
Or, if you are now "hopelessly over startled by any strange symptoms from using this
weight," Meditation may, at the same time,
help you bring that weight back down, by scientifically-proven form of Meditation/ FREE PRIVATE MANTRA!
not only controlling your appetite but by
In fact, you will be overjoyed to find it so Based on your own name! Selected by
removing the psychological stresses that ultimately simple, and with such immediate 'fene
Norvell translated by his special Sanskrit
cause you to over-eat in the first place, or fits that last forever in your life!
system so that no one else in America has
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Transcendental Meditation Can Make To You! Transcendental Meditation can make this
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And that is this: That you may then go beyond
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and even drug addiction, have, in case after of this De-Mystified Transcendental Meditation
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It was found that persons engaged in 1) You will shown how to achieve perma I
meditation could lower the oxygen con nent peace of mind, tranquility and inner joy, INSTANT-LEARNING, I NC., Dept. L-BR7
sumption of the body in ust a few minutes, with the resulting "invulnerability" to outside I 380 Mad ison Ave., New York, N.Y. 1 001 7
sometimes as much as 20 % . This is espe stresses and strains!
cially important if you now suffer from 2) You will learn to use Transcendental Medi I' Gentlemen: Please rush me a copy . of
constant fatigue, "run out of gas" every
afternoon, can hardly move in the evening/
tation to overcome personality dejects such as an
inferiority complex self-consciousness and fear I FIED TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITA
Men and women who suffer from deep
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of inadequacy; ana build instead a strong, self
reliant, magnetic personality/
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at your risk or money back.
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Meditation is also being used, right now, focus your higher mind centers on poise, con i l D Also send me my own Private Mantra,
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tients who had previously been considered
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cendental Meditation scientists have ap S) Then, if you so choose, you may even de 0 1
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tured that such effects may enable you to STATE
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48 Beyond Reality

Being concerned about the quality of food on

your table these days may earn you the epithet
Are you ti red of eati ng
of"health freak" . Be that it may,good health is
truly a blessing. Many persons who wouldn't
j u n k food ? Wel l here is the
dream of putting crude oil or kerosene in their
autombile engines , expect their bodies to run
answer for those of you
efficiently on fuel just as unsuitable. Between
the farmer who produces it and the grocer who
who are ti red of' buyi ng
sells it, stands an army of middle-men-proces
sors who bleach and dehydrate,degerminate
food that i s u nfit for
and hydrogenate , gas, dye , wax and otherwise
chemically alter every morsel of food destined consu m pti o n . Th i s si hl p l e
for your stomach. Most of these processes,
although contributing to a longer shelflife of the method of food detect i o n
product, have a dubious effect upon your
health. wi l l hel p you to get the .
Most concerned persons have now taken to
carefully reading labels. If you have, you most of the . money you
probably discovered, as I did, that you need a
degree in chemistry to decipher them. I've spe nd and the food ou
obtained a book which describes all the food
additives used by food processors, but found it buy.

impractical to take shopping with me in order to
check every item. I told myself there had to be a
quicker, easier way to determine if individual
items were healthy to eat. Then I discovered

the method of dowsing with a pendulum.
Now I shop with a pendulum , breezing
through my shopping with complete confidence
that I am purchasing only those foods which will
contribute to the good health of my family. It is

only necessary to hold the pendulum over a
grocery product for 30 seconds in order to know
if it is good, bad or neutral as far as the
maintenance of bodily health is concerned. The

pendulum has the advantage over reading
labels as it is decidedly faster. It will also
indicate the freshness of the product, which,
unless the item is dated on the label, is almost


impossible to discover.
How the pendulum accomplishes this, no one
really knows. It has been surmised that
unconscious muscular movements in the arm
and hand cause the pendulum to swing in

various directions. If so , the sensitivity to
outside stimulus is really a product of the
muscles themselves and the pendulum only
serves to augment that sensitivity and render it
All physical objects give off minute amounts
of radiation over the electromagnetic spectrum .
We must assume that at some level, the body is
aware of these minute amounts of radia- BY E .A. MARC H
please turn page

I Beyond Reality 49
Dowsing Your Way to H ealthfu l Eati ng/conti n ued

tion and can tell when they are ' 'in represent yes or positive every that it's working accurately.
phase' ' or harmonious to itself. It time you are dowsing something. You will need a helper for
thus renders a value judgment If the pendulum doesn't move this. Hav your helJ)er go into the
ably one you wear or constantly after a few minutes, repeat the kitchen and without your know
tion as to whether or not the above process . again, going ledge select from four to six
subject matter would be beneficial through the antire preformance. objects and . put them into small
if ingested into itself. It's easy to After a few repetitions of this. paper bags. The bags should then
imagine how an "out of phase" or the pendulum should move of its be numbered one through six.
disharmonious substance would own accord. Food items, cleaning products,
have a disruptive effect upon the Next, you repeat the whole thing $D.d small dishes can be used, the
entire electrophysical organism. again, this time asking which object being to get a variety of
Learning to use the pendulum movement will represent ' 'no. ' ' items for the test.
effectively is a simple matter. Be sure to leave out the movement When the bags are numbered
Most persons can master it in a that the pendulum had decided and sealed, you enter and, placing
few hours. Take a sm object will represent "yes. " When the them on a CQnvenient table or
such as a ring or medal, prefer . movement which represents no or counter, hold your pendulum over
ably one you were ' or constantly negative, has been decided upon, them and mentally ask the
carry on your person. A wedding pendulum if the items , would be
ring is perfect and is what I use. healthy to eat. Your confederate
This has the two-fold advantage of should then note on a piece of
being already attuned to your paper what answer the pendulum
vibrations and always being gives for each bag. In order to
available should you wish to test forestall any telepathic answers
something at a moment's notice. on your part, it helps if your
Next, take a piece of thread or associate .mixes up the bags after .
slender string about eight to aling but before numbering
twelve inches long and ti one end them. That way no one knows
of it firmly to the ring. Grasp the which bags hold what until after
other end of the thread between the experiment.
the thumb and forefinger of your After all the answers have been
right hand (use your left hand if given, open the bags and note
you're lefthanded) . You are now the accuracy of the answers. On
ready to begin. some food items you really have
Sit comfortably in a chair and no way of knowing how accurate
raise, your arm with elbow bent so the pendulum is, but obviously if
that the pendulum swings freely. it says a small vase or floor

Swing the pendulum gently in a cleaner is good to eat, something

clockwise circle and say aloud, has gone wrong. Before taking
(better do this when you're alone. ) \ your pendulum shopping with
' 'Which way will b e yes?' ' Swing you, practice until it gives you
the pendulum in this direction for accurate answers in a test situa- .
a few moments, all the while ' tion. .
asking, "Will this be yes?" Now The answers which t_he pendulum
change the direction until you are give should be consistent even
swinging it in a counter-clockwise when obtained by many different
movement and ask if that direc operators. 1 have found that many
tion will be yes. Next, swing the items or brands will invariably
pendulum from side to side and come out either good or bad, and
then swing it to and fro in front of repeat the procedure again tO find withou any prior knowledge.
you, each time repeating the same the movement which will signify Othet: persons obtain the same

question. neutral. results that I do. When you are

After you have done this , hold When you have satisfied your convinced that your pendulum
the pendulum still and ask firmly, self that all signals are working is working accurately, take your
' 'Which way will be yes?' ' Wait use your pendulum on a few self to the supermarket in confi
for the pendulum to move of its things in your kitchen cupboard to dence, knowing that the wisdom
own accord. Do not consciously get the hang ()f it. A work of inherent in your body will always
move it. yourself When it begins to warning here; Do not at this point know what is best for itself.
move, notice the direction of its get over-zealous and start tossing Bon Apetit! 0
Swing. That particular movement, out all the .things the pendulum Editor 's Note: Please let us know
whichever it is, will always doesn't like. First test it to $ee the results of your experiments.

50 B eyon d R eality
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B eyond Reality 51
Letters to the Ed itor /cont i n ued from page 6

There is absolutely no doubt Geller from beyond are the same bias for psi processing. Maybe
that Geller is nothing more than a God-given ' 'powers ' ' possessed they are more mysterious than
fraud ! If he claimed to be an by each reader of your publication right banders . . .
entertainer and wanted to enter (and those who have not read it) . Phillip Rapich
tain and mystify his followers, Magically yours , Pittsburg, Penn . ,
then I would be quite happy to Bill Pitts
state that Geller is a very interest Dear Editor :
ing showman and promoter, and I read your article on model
would applaud him as such. Dear Editor : pyramids and how to build them
It is only because of Geller' s I'd like to comment on the in your November 1975 issue. I
claims about what he does, that article in the March issue dealing decided to try an experiment of
Randi and the really top-notch with left handed people. my own. Using a pyramid I built
magicians of the world are of the Is the left hand such a mys out of masonite to the specifica
opinion that Geller should be tery? Contemporary scientists and tions described in your magazine.
exposed for what he really is. consultants on the subject of I used pumpkins as the subjects.
I speak as the 2nd International Neurology are in agreement that I put one pumpkin under the
Vice- President_ (elect) of the the motor homunculus (organs pyramid and left the second one
world's largest organization of . involved in motor activity) are sitting on the table along side the
magicians, the International drawn in proportion to the amount pyratpid. At the end of one week
Brotherhood of Magicians: also of brain tissue commanding them. the pumpkin that was sitting
as both National and lnterna- The more nerves linking the outside had rotted and was very
. tional Deputy of the world' s muscle and the brain, the finer smelly but the pumpkin under the
oldest association for magicians , control of the muscle. The cells pyramid was in good shape . It is
the Society o f American Magic . that make up the brain tissue die not mushy and has no odor . The
Again, I have no quarrel with by the hundreds every day for a pumpkin under the pyramid still
Geller, if he did not claim to variety of reasons. has its bright color.
possess powers from extra Brain damage is often caused James Porter
terrestrial sources . He is duping by a lack of oxygen. Short periods 200 Earl Drive
those whose mental threshold of reduced oxygen during birth Erie , Pa. , 16509
knows no boundaries. may result in left-handedness. Editor 's Note :
You speak of the scientists who The incidence of left-handedness We would like to hear from others
have studied Geller. It is a among brain-damaged persons is who have conducted experiments
well-known fact that scientists are disproportionately high. A Cana with their pyramids. Re.aders
among the easiest people to fool. dian psychologist hypothesizes requesting an answer to their
Because a person is a scientist that language disorders and left letters must include a self-adress
does not mean he is knowldge handedness are both caused by ed, stamped-envelope.
able about matters outside of his slight brain damage 1 to the left
(or her) discipline . side of the br'iin , which controls Dear Editor :
If Geller fooled the scientists of both speech functions and the In the March issue of Beyond
Stanford University, or any right side of the body, including Reality, the juxtaposition of Mag
others , this is absolutely no the normally dominant right hand. ister L. Seago's article , Psychic
criteria of proof in behalf of Mr. More expermiments are neces Hazards of Black Magic, and M .
Geller -it just does not speak well sary to explore the effects _which Hodgkinston' s article on Spirit
. of the scientists . are usually designated right-brain ualism couldn 't have been arrang
However, to satisfy any and and left-brain processing. As to ed more prefectly to defeat Mr.
all. who may choose to believe the question in the article - ' ' Are Seago's arg\lments . First, let me
that Uri Geller does possess left handed persons more prone to explain that spiritualism is not
powers beyond that of ' ' mortal psyhic phenomena and com ' 'the occult. ' ' Occult means hid
men' ' , let's just say that he does munications of the unknown ? den. Spiritualism brings to light
have ' ' powers ' ' -of what conse I would say yes. Individuals the formerly occult truths that
quence is it, and who would really engaged in tasks (visual, musical, orthodoxy would keep hidden.
care , if .all he could do was bend spatial, and depth oriented) show Any Practicing Spiritualist will
spoons and keys, make clocks and a significant ability to influence a tell you that Mr. Seago's article is
watches run again, and " divine " random number generator (an so chock-full of ignorance as to be
the thoughts of others? This experiment recently held at the a menace to any reader gullible
would be a ridiculous waste of University of Houston) . This enough to believe him .

power from beyond. shows the possibility of right-he I do not wish to debate Mr.
The only powers possessed by misphere (left bodily movements) Seago, nor will I point out all the

52 B eyo n d R ea l ity
erroneous details of his philoeo that is , in reacting to the excesses spiritual truths do not exist. A
phy. .Such a task would be easy, of orthodoxy , we have thrown out New Yorker may not be aware
but as a Spiritualist worker, I am the baby with the bathwater. that southern Indiana is here, but
not pemrltted to evangelize. We Rather than look for the true I can assure you it is . Spiri
do want to stress that black meaning behind occult Christiani tualists do not simply believe in
magic and (or) Satanism is at ty - occult because it is orthodoxy the continuity of life after death ;
complete odds with Spiritualism. that has obscured the higher we know !
From M. Hodgkinston' s article : truths - too many of us not only I urge you to make it perfectly
"We're no different from any discarded Christianity, but Hindu clear in future issues that
established Christian Church, ex ism, Buddhism, Mohammedan Spiritualism is a religion based
cept that we communicate with ism, and God himself. Mr. Seago upon the Christian principle of
those who have passed on into seems to be the epitome of such love, and is unalterably opposed
another world. ' ' Mr. Seago would nonsense. The conflict is never to Satanism and Witchcraft. I
lead us to believe that there more apparent than when he would hope that future authors for
is no difference between good and refers to the Satanic magician as your magazine don 't display quite
evil, positive and negative and, by "A materialist" (page 28, on the so much ignorance as Magister L.
exiension, right and wrong. facing page begins Mr. Hodg Dale Seago. Beyond Reality can
He tells us that to believe is ston' s article on Spiritualist) . also pick up negative karma, too .
"archaic" and "obselete, " We cannot lmoy more than we Douglas Scripture Boggs
words which have no meaning, for allow our consciousness to accept. Bloomington, Ind. ,
spiritual tnlth8, unlike machine When we talk ourselves out of Editor 's Note : Douglas S. Boggs

parte, can never be obsolete. accepting spiritual truths with is a medium missionary with the
Natural law doe not change . Mr. such certainty, as does our Universal Spiritualist As-
Seago makes the same sophomor author, than that. is all the reality sociation and lives in Bloomfield
ic mistake that many, myself we are capable of knowing. But Indiana.
included, have made at one time ; this does not mean that the

Asteroid H eaded Towards Earth BY RAMO N A C O RTEZ

An asteroi now appoxlmately 1 0

mittion miles from earth has a 75
percent chance of slamming Into our
planet. According to research scientists,
the newly discovered asteroid , named
1976AA, was discovered by Callforlna
Institute of Technology planetary scien
tist E lenore Helin, using an 1 8 Inch
tepe at the _Palomar Observatory.
While its present orbit gives It only a
one-in-75 m illion chance of collision
with earth. the odds drop at certain
times .
. . If it struck the Earth" states Eugene
M. Shoemaker, di rector of a federally
funded asteroid survey, ' ' It would leave
a crater about 20 miles across " . The
great meteor crater In Arizona, left by
the cotJsion of a much smal ler asteroid ,
is one mile in diameter.
lhe asteroid 1 976AA IS a dark rock degrees from Earth 's orbit. It's orbit occur three ti mes every one m i l l ion
about two miles in diameter, and ranges from 73 mil lion to 106 m i l l ion years. Studies of asteroids provide
appears to be the nucteus of a defunct miles from the sun. The Earth. is 93 valuable Information about planetary
comet. 1 976AA circles the sun once million mi les from the sun . evol ution and the creation of the solar
every_ 347 days at a plane tipped 19 Asteroid col l isions are estimated to system 0

Beyond R ea lity 5 3
To the tri bes of I n dians which dominated the a rea d u ri ng the
. period , all the outsta n d i n g land ma rks--cliffs , m o u nta ins, va lleys , waterfa l l s or
clefts , were considered to be the hau nts of spirits .

P R E - H I ST O R I C


What had been discovered by accident I n thei r book, The Sacred Art of the
22 years ago by th ree geolog ists Algonkians, 1973" ,the anthropologist
approxi mately 3 m i les north of Stony authors bring out that it was chosen
Lake and 34 m i les northeast of Peter " because it was uniq uely charged with
borough, turned out to be one of the the presence of Manitou or God . "
largest concentrations of preh istoric rock T o the tri bes o f I ndians which dom i n
carvi ngs in Canada. ated the area duri ng the period , "all the
The carvings are call ed petroglyphs, remarkable spots in the country --- cl iffs ,
from two Greek words mean i ng " rock mountains, val leys , waterfalls or clefts -

etch i ngs". were considered the hau nts of spirits.''

It is now believed that the site -- an
Accord ing to I nd ian trad ition , the
outcropping of white marble which is
prevai l i ng spirit K itch i Man itou, was
surrou nded by scrub brush -- was a
the most powerful of all -- and the most
shrine or very sacred place for Ontario
holy. To become "at one" with the
I ndians between 900 and 1 400 A . D .
The etch i ngs themselves-rock spirit, i ndi vid uals in Algon kian culture
soug ht to fast, isolate themselves com p
carvi ngs of figures-are located at the
sight where geolog ists in 1 954 , had letely from their fam i ly and neighbors ,
lu nched wh ile surveyi ng m i n i ng claims. and a t ti mes even t o i nflict self-pain.
From the etched figures in the roc it Accord ing to I nd i an historians, it was
was determ i ned that the area had once this self-denial the absence of food ,
been a sanctuary shrine and temple, human com pany and pai n that caused
which defi ned the ceremon ial and theo some an i mal, or voice, or th i ng to
appear, g iving power to the i ndividual i n This rock carving was found
logical center of the enti re world , a
by geologists 34 miles north
place, accord i ng to U n iversity of Toronto question a s well as lifelong protection
agai nst his enem ies, mementoes, tab of Peterborough, Canada, an
anthropologists Joan and Romas Vasto
oos , even the knowledge of ceremonial area which is said to hold
kas, "where com m u n ion between man
proced ures . one of the largest collections of
and the su pernatural occurs . ' '
pre-historic rock carvings
The site l ies quite close to the Trent Tri bal history decrees that those who
on the North A merican Continent.
Canal system which follows the ancient had u ndergone these procedures were
canoe route from the Bay of Qui nte to those who would later be considered
Georg ian Bay. It was supposed ly chosen ' 'shamans'' or holy men by their tri be.
by the Algonkian I ndians because north The priests were able to tap u nseen
of the area is a h i l l from wh ich the powers , it has been clai med , and also
surrounding landscape m ight have been knew the poi nt of access to the
viewed and west of which runs a smal l underworld and the seat of visi onary
stream towards Stony Lake . experience and su pernatural cou nsel.

54 B eyond Reality
ttl Haue Found The Secret Of Perfect Liuing!
tMagic Switch-Words' Said To Bring Money,
Relieue Pain, Restore Youth, and . .

Do Anything Else Automatically!"

says JAMES T. MANGAN, Noted Para-Psychologist
Dear Friend:
What would it be worth to you to be able to utter a single word which would instantly
cause any pain to van ish? Or say another word, and immediately recover some lost object?
Or invoke still another magic switch-word, and gain money and new prosperity?

Would it surprise you to learn hat there are any desire or eliminate any distress. Witn them,
such words, and that all you need do to make one you can do anything.
work for you is to say it, relax, and wait for the
desired result? THE DISCOVERY OF THE AGES!
It took me 40 years of research, and thousands
Early in 1 95 1 , after years of research, a stirring
of experiments, to find these words. As the dec
inside me seemed to presage a great new discov
ades flew by, I investigated one new theory after
ery. I had just finished a year-log study of space
another; delved deeply into thought transference,
and its nature and was proceeding to an inves
psychokinesis and other phases of parapsychol
tigation of the speed of light when . . .
ogy; worked and counseled . : . probed the mystic
At the instant of noon, Sunday, March 10, 195 1 ,
depths of religion. And at last I found them
a WORD fell out o f the sky into m y arms. I
magic switch-words that actually work!
hugged it to my bosom and embraced it as a
At first I couldn't believe it. And yet, using my
sign, a breakthrough from the divine realm, a
program, I saw people use these magic switch
super-inspiration. The word seemed alive and like
words, and I saw them work. I've used them my
a living spirit . . .
self, and I know they work. Words that can . . .
I began saying it to myself quietly, easily, with
Keep ypu forever young! Make you beau
out command. Every time I said the word, a re
tiful or handsome! Read the future! Dispel
markable reaction took place. The word seemed
aches or pains in any part of the body! Build a
to touch off a deep, prolonged sigh . . . I could
fortune! Achieve glowing health! Be a perma
feel gushes of tensions leave me.
nently happy person, invulnerable

to any upset
or setback.
This is the secret of p e rfect l i vi n g - m ag i c HEAVEN ON EARTH!
switch-words, like push buttons, ready t o deliver There followed what was for me the happiest

Only s2.98 Complete I

TRY THESE MA.GIC SWITCH-WORDS ment. It worked. From the very first time he
said the magic word for healing, he never
Listed below are some of the Switch-Words experienced another acute attack . . . and for
you'll find in this book which, according to s e v e n y e a rs he h a s been C O M P LETELY week I have ever lived. I felt a mysterious aura
Mr. Mangan, "have worked near miracles CURED OF HAY FEVER," says Mangan around me . . . I was living perfectly.
in hundreds upon hundreds of cases." on page 84. As one perfect day followed another, the rev
For example! The Magic Switch-Words to elation came to me that this actually was heaven
stay and look young . . . to win in a com
petitive game . . . to display pep and sudden

energy . . . anything you wish . . . to find lost LIKE PUSH BUTTONS! MANY WORDS DISCOVERED!
or misplaced articles . . . to prevent a person HOW TO FIND LOST ARTICLES You'll What I did not realize at the time, but what my
- from annoying you . . . to maintain good health subsequent researches revealed, was that I had
find this word on Page 72. Just keep in mind
. . . to relieve constipation . . . to tum on per accidently stumbled on THE MASTER WORD
what you want to find. Then say this word
sonality . . . to acquire a skill . . . to dispel that controls all inner powers . . . and that there
and relax. "Suddenly you find yourself mov
pain in part of body . . . to make money or are actually many such magic words, one for vir
ing in a strange way to a strange place" says
even build a fortune . . . to preserve per tually every power, every desire! And they work!
Mr. Mangan. "Lo and behold! Almost imme
sonal safety . . . to convert another to your I then put myself to the task of listing these
diately the lost article appears right in front
beliefs . . . to make yourself handsome or , words, and testing them to see if they'd work for
of you ! "
beautiful . . . to learn a secret . . . to improve THE WORD THAT RELIEVES PAIN other people. The results were astounding! I then
your mental telepathy . . . to read the future "Remain as skeptical as you want about the put these results, together with the words them
. . . to work miracles . . . to be soothing to ability of a single word to switch on an 'un selves, and the technique for using them, in a
others . . . to complete a lot of detailed work seen personal machine' . . . a 'machine' in your book which I called THE SECRET OF PER
. . . to sleep . . . to make your children obe subterranean . factory expressly designed to FECT LIVING. You'll find full details of what
dient . . my book contains on this page!
relieve you - of pain," says Mr. Mangan. To
Discover the new, beautiful life it offers you.
MR. MANGAN'S OWN CASE HISTORIES! chase away a pain, state it formally and
clearly to yourself (for example, "I have a This value-packed book is sold nowhere else than
Beat an Eye Operation by Two Montbs A headache and I want to get rid of it at once!") through this ad alone! So, why not send for it
40-year-old man was troubled with a growth Then state the word on pae 8 1 . profit from it-today !
on his eytlid. The specialist said it could A M A G I C WORD TO TAKE YOU
not be treated for two months. Yet the lid was PLACES How often have you found your r- - - MAl l NO RISK COUPON TODAY! - - -,
beginning to droop with the 'weight. A friend self in a situation where you need trapsporta
told him the magic word for healing. He said tion immediately. You have no car. There is PROGRESS BOOKS, LTD., Dept. SP33
it-and the growth healed after three days! no bus in sight. No telephone. What would
Man Makes $10,000 Extra in One Year One you give to utter a single word and have a
3200 lawson Blvd., Oceanside, N.Y. 1 1 572
skeptic told friend that this method was a friendly person appear and offer to take you Gentlemen : Please rush me a copy of
lot of hooey. Asked what he most wanted out to your destination? Sound impossible? Don't THE SECRET OF PERFECT LIVING by
of life, he replied, "Money, of course!' He be too sure. "Too many incidents have hap James T. Mangan! I understand that the
was told the magic word for receiving money. pened all over the country," says Mr. Man book is mine for only $2.98 plus 50 post-
Thinking, "What can I lose?" he tried it. gan, "to dispute the power of the switch-word age and handling. I may examine it for a
That year he made $20,000 more than his when a dire need for transportation presents full 30 days at your risk or return it for a
regular income! itself." full refund.
Gont Pain Relieved From a pipefitter; GETTING OLD TOO FAST? "After mid
"An excruciating stab of pain hit my big toe dle age, we are conscious of getting older," MR.
and I suddenly feared I was about to learn says Mr. Mangan. "To save your essential M I SS
the agony of gout. But I. said the magic word youth, no matter what the chronological facts MRS.
for relieving pain-and the pain left in a sec are, switch on your youth-saving machine with Please prit
ond." one word !" (See page 140.) And he goes on
He Cares Himself of Hay Fever A hay to say, on page 167, that this veey same, ADDRESS
fever victim, with a history of 25 years of "magic switch-word" will help you "stay
seasonal agony, applied himself to this experi- young and look young immediately !" CITY

PROGRESS BOOKS, LTD. 3200 Lawson Bivd. , Oceansi de, N.Y. 1 1 572

B eyo n d R ea l ity 55 .
C lon i ng : S pace Age B i rth /cont i n u ed fro m page 23

painless scraping of a human cally speculating, "Imagine: could produce countless identical
arm which produces enough heal Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vac replicas of that human being,
thy body cells to make a multitude cine which cured Polio. Some day, imagine that thousands of Adolph
of clones - all perfect replicas of his clone might develop a drug to Hitlers, hundreds of underworld
the humq. being from which the cure cancer. ' ' Godfathers, junkies and killers
scrapings had been taken. However, on the other hand, could be equally cloned the same
Those now engaged in the clon there are many who speculate, if a way. Horrifying, but, neverthe-
ing experiments are enthusiasti- single scraping of a human arm less, a reality. 0

An Afternoon i n the U ncanny/cont i n ed from page 22

and publication director for the in Chicago ,and joined the Ancient From Ghost Tour to Fortean
Ancient Astronaut Society. Astronaut Society in Switzerland, Society to Ancient Astronauts,
His time was well filled during where famed author Eric Von Crowe ' s curiosity and interests
the past year when he not otily Daniken sponsored the Second are insatiable, and those who take
spent every weekend with the International convention of the advantage of the various aspects
tour, in addition he arrange<l the group based on his book, Chariots of his curiosity are rewarded with
society's international convention of the Gods ?. an interesting experience . 0

Vam pirism i n C entral E u rope/conti n ued from page 1 8

were excommunicated, who had its very nature appeal both to the Youth and which created in
led wicked lives , or who died macabre curiosity with which we countless others the dream of a
under a curse , as well as known all, to a greater or lesser degree, Shangri-La where man would
perjurers and suicides were seem endowed and to our dreams never grow old. For the vampire,
believed to return as vampires. of outwitting death. It engenders the dream has been realized for he
And though the legend of the in modern man the same longings has found in the blood of the living
living dead no longer functions in that prompted Ponce de Leon to that secret elixir with which to
any of these capacities, it does by go in search of the Fountain of ever renew his vigor. 0

Scientists around the world agree that flood wou ld be Italy's Po Valley , F lorida
within decades, the stead i ly increasing and vast areas of the U .S. gulf states,
heat bu ildup from the earth's existing Siberia and Argentina.
nuclear power plants could melt Green Emiliani , co-sponsor of the meeting
land's ice caps and those in the with Nobel Prite winner Dr. Wi l lard
now-frozen Antarctic. The resu lt might W H AT I F libby, stated .that scientists are con
be the flooding of the world's greatest cerned that ' 'something of that Ice
cities .
These concl usions were drawn at the
THE break-up may be already occurring in
- Antarctica.
First Conference on lstoplc C l imatology Some 6, 000 ago, the scientist said,
. and . Paleocl imatology, held recently in A N TA R C T I C the peak of the earth's current heat
M iam i , Florida. In attendance were cycle was reached . Unless atmospheric
more than 90 scientists from ten
countries. They maintained that the
M E LTS? heating d ue to nuclear reactors and
rising carbon d ioxide levels aecorrip
melting cou ld cause the world's oceans ainled by a decl ine in atmospheric dust,
to rise by 1 80 feet.
University of M iami marine geologist R ece nt st u d i es retards It, the advent of a new ice age
may become apparent in a matter of
Cesare Emiliani , said a complete
melting is not l i kely to happen, but as have cau sed centuries.
Ocean sed i ment study as wel l as
much as ten per-cent or more of the study of cave stalactites and treerings
world's land area might be flooded , sc i e nti sts to be led to these -concl usions. The material
including some of our most valuable studied were subjected to Isotopic
ariable lands.'' very co n ce r n ed analysis, a method Libby d iscovered
Examples of land areas that wou ld twenty five years ago. D

56 Beyond Reality


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Beyond Real ity 57

Sister Jessica ' s Psychic Portraits/contin ued from page 1 5

This psychic portrait

have gotten so that I can catch
was done for Bryce Bond
myself right at the begining. who feels that the
When I just begin laying one color painting reveals much of
down, already I someone else, his personality and ambitions.
which is useful because it gives
me additional information for the
Jessica has done almost
painting because I can observe forty of these portraits and,
how I react in situations and intends to do many more.
know that it is the other person ! I The hours at the Foundation
don't do any of it really in a totally Church are long but, she
conscious state . When I am enjoys the feeling of being
painting I am off and away. There able to help others.
can be all kinds of noise around
me and it just doesn't register. I
had to train myself to be able to
hear the telephone when I was
painting because I block out
BOND : These pictures are 16 by
22 inches, quite a good size . How
many have you done so far?
JESSICA : I think , probably, about
fourteen, or more.
BOND : There is another question
I wanted to ask you. If a person
came to you , let's say months ago
and had a psychic portrait done ,
and maybe months later they
came back again to have another
one done, would there be a
JESSICA : Yes , that happened absolutely staggered me, both by spiritual levels. When she read

with a lady with about seven its beauty and its insight. It this she was absolutely astonished
months difference in between the showed me with a mask and a because, over the week I had been
portraits . I was curious myself to sphere over the mask with a doing the portrait of her, the
see what the results would be, stallion in it and a man attempting entertaiirlng which she had previ
because I had no idea. It was quite to calm it. This was very much ously hated, she now began to
interesting. There was a lot of me. I have almost always hidden enjoy ; a whole new world opened
evolution that happened within behind some facade but the up to her. .
the images . They changed in a portrait went way beneath this . In What ' s more , she started to be
kind of growth sense. The second fact, it was and remains a healing able to help people because she
portrait showed that she had done experience, in that I have been liked them, instead of sitting there
a lot of work getting herself out able to see a series of faults in my silently despising them. She saw
and on top of the emotional personality through the portrait this as tremendously healing
turmoil that sort of dashed around and correct them . . because it was a very large aspect
her. There was a figure coming JESSICA : The healing aspect is of her life and the horror had
out of the water very dramatically something that has been growing. completely dropped away. There
whereas previously the same fig One of the last ones I did was for a have been a number of stories like
ure was almost totally immersed lady in Washington wlio has to do this which I find very encouraging
in the water, It was quite interest a lot of entertaining because her because it puts the whole psychic
ing to see her reaction to it. husband is an important man in area into perspective.
You've had one done , haven 't the government . Now, in the What I mean by that is, true
you? How do you feel about it? description that I write to go along psychic powers are really like
BOND : I must admit that when with the portrait, I mention that healing powers in disguise and
you first started it, I was amazed the change for the better that they can be used to help people to
to see such beautiful work. I would transpire in her personal feel much better and to enable
pestered you to get one done, and ity would manifest itself in a very them to serve God in the way that
when suddenly it emerged it down-to-earth way and no on the they were created for. 0

58 Beyond Reality
9 Years of Suffering
My Blindness, Paralysis and Epi lepsy-and all pain-Vanished with this
amazing secret YOU can use to CURE yourself of any ail ment and astound ABOUT THE

your doctor! AUTHOR

Perbaps you'n seen me on TV -or read about These are but a few of the unique benefits Meta EVELYN M. MON
me ill Time, Newsweek, or the National En physical Healing has to offer. Bursitis . . . sinus AHAN is one of the
problems . . . allergies . . . asthma . . . blindness most p r o g re s s i v e
quirer. My IUIIIe
I Is Evelyn Monahan-1 am not
paralysis . . . epilepsy . . . alcohol and drug modem authorities in
a dodor, but I have discovered a heaUng tech the field of metaphy
addiction . . . kidney disease . . . colds . . . head
nique that has helped COUNTLESS THOU aches . . . upset stomach . . insomnia . . gout sical (unconvention
SANDS TO CURE themselves of sHJilincly . . . menstrual cramps . . . and much more, ALL al ) healing and medi
hopeless ailNents, when doctors said it coaldn't quickly yield to it ! cine. Her unique in
be done! sight into the mind's awesome self-healing
Speeds Healing! power dates from her own blindness,
This advertisement is goirg to shock and which was healed after nine years. She is
astound you, because I claim this secret brings While not a substitute for qualified medical currently an Instructor of Parapsychology
cures to diseases and injuries which many doc care, it can miraculously speed up the healing at Georgia State University and has been
tor consider virtually "incurable"! process so that injuries heal more quickly and affiliated with the School of Special Stud-
With this secret, I claim you have the power sickness and disease vanish in what would be ies since 197 1 . She has lectured widely fn
this very moment to experience A COMPLETE considered an amazingly short time! the United States and Canada on the sub-
CURE FROM MANY DISEASES OR INJU For example, if you use this miracle method at ject of Mind Power.
RIES-no matter how horrible their reputation the first sign of a cold, you will experience relief
-quickly end all pain and suffering! That goes for in TEN MINUTES!
many ailments associated with great pain, like . Another dramatic example of the speed with
ulcers, arthritis, heart ailments, and many more. for help . I gave Bobby's mother this healing
which this method works is in the healing of secret. She began using it immediately. One hour
I mean to say you can experience absolute relief, broken bones. Normally, a broken boneafter later Bobby dozed off into peaceful sleep for the
often without medicines or surgery! setting-takes weeks and even months to heal. first time in four days. He awoke to say, " It
I'll go further than that-and state flatly-it is With this miracle method, you can accelerate the doesn't hurt anymore." He never experienced
100% effective in curing many ailments, when healing 2S and even SO times! any more pain.
followed faithfully! It is especially useful in emergericy situations.
I 've seeR it heal cut eyeballs . . . severe heart There Is f4o Physical Disease, Illness Or Injury
I Am Cured Of 3 Incurable Aliments attacks . . . and 3rd degree burns . . . and relieve
That You Cannot Heal This Way!
all pain in a matter of minutes!
And Vow That I Will Help Millions!
Through the power of Metaphysical Healing,
Emergency Cases Cured! you can bring cures to diseases and injuries which
In 1961 I was involved in an accident which
left me blind. Thirteen doctors said that my One woman I know fell and a piece of metal traditional medicine considers virtually "incur
blindness would be permanent. wire pierced her left eye. Doctors said she had a able."
After nine years of feeling sorry for myself, 9S% chance of losing her sight in that eye. Meta In a matter of minutes, you will discover the
I decided to do something about it-and try a physical healing was used. The next day the doc actual miracle steps that will allow you to restore
method which I 'd heard about (but never really tor said she would not need surgery! Much of yourself and your loved ones to perfect health!
believed) called "Metaphysical Healing," which the damage had healed overnight! One week later, E P ILEPY -I can show you the exact method
was supposed to bring miraculous beatings when she was 100% okay. In another case, shattered which worked for me and countless others in
doctors could offer no hope. In 10 days , my eye glass had entered both of a woman's eyes. Meta bringing a complete cure from epilepsy. It's
sight returned INSTANTANEOUSLY! physical healing was used. Two days later, when guaranteed to work, used faithfully !
bandages were removed, she could see clearly
That's not all! The same injury which caused BURSITIS-You will feel the miraculous
the wounds were almost completely healed. She
tbe blindness had left me with epilepsy. I suf powers of this simple method for curing bursitis
was soon sent home with 20/20 vision!
fered as many as 12 epileptic seizures a day. The immediately. I n a very short time you will find
same day my eyesight came back, I noticed I yourself free not only of the pain but the bursitis
was not experiencing any epileptic seizures. I Breait Surgery Avoided!
itself! X-rays showed that Katherine T., was com
have not had a single one since that fateful day- Jean L. had just learned she would have to pletely healed in 3 days!
5 years ago! Doctors who said it was impossible, undergo breast surgery for the removal of a non GOUT -Donald E. suffered from gout for
ran tests and found I was cured! malignant tumor. Her husband asked me if six years. Nothing helped. With this method, in
Incredible as it may seem, in 1965-when I was Metaphysical Healing could help. I said, I only 3 weeks, he was completely cured according to
still blind, with epileptic seizures-! was involved ask that you follow it three times a day." I his doctor! You can join the hundreds who have
in another accident which left my right arm para didn't hear from him again until Jean's final ex been cured with this method!
lyzed. (And I am right-handed ! ) Eleven medical
specialists, ranging from GPs to neurosurgeons
amination. He called to tell me the amazing news
-Jean's tumor had dissolved and she would not
PAR lYSIS-Guaranteed to bring freedom
of movement, this methQd cannot fail to work for
told me I could not be cured, and I would never need surgery!
you just as it worked for me and countless othets!
move my arm aga,in.
David L.-totally paralyzed for SY2 years-was
WITH TIJIS SECRET, one week after the Heart Attack Relieved! walking, completely cured, after using this method!
return of tny eyesight, my right an was free Phyllis C.'s husband suffered a serious heart ALLERGIES-Joseph W. was cured of 8 dif
from the paralysis which had held it immobile attack (his second ) . Immediately, she began to ferent allergies in 3 weeks with my method. It has
for several long years! I was able to move my use this secret, J ames regained consciousness. worked for hundreds of others, and will cure all
arm f re e l y - w i t h o u t p a i n - a n d was C O M Soon he was removed from intensive care. The allergies quickly and easily.
PLETELY C U RED! doctors and nurses were amazed at his recovery. SINUS-It makes no difference whether your
He now had better than a 50-SO chance. Doctors sinus problem is caused by hayfever or an injec
What Worked For Me And Countless said he might be out of work 4 months. He re
Others Must Work For You ! turned to work in 1 month.
" In my 1S years of practice in cardiology I
ache again! 2' f1. /'1
tion, you need never suffer another sinus head-

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have already seen me on N BC-TV's "TOMOR
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nation showed there was no heart damage due
to his second heart attack and (strangely) much r- - - MAIL NO RISK COUPON TODAY! - - ,
or read about me in Time, Newsweek, Midnight
or the National Enquirer. Now I've written down
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countless others. Cured Of Kidney Disease!
ULCERS-This method will guarantee you I Gentlemen : Please rush me a copy of THE
Patricia R. was suffering from polynephritis.
and and your loved ones freedom from ulcers. I t There was no kidney machine available. "Teach I ING by Evelyn M . Monahan! I understand
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severe it may be. It not only rids the body of she said. I showed her this method. When all her I examine it a full 30 days at your risk .or
pain associated with . ulcers, but heals the ulcer tests were done, the polynephritis was gone! I money back.
itself! "The doctor says I'm in excellent health-and t 0 Check here if you wish your order sent
ARTHRITIS-If you or one of your loved there's no evidence of disease of any kind in my - C.O.D. Enclose only $1 good-will deposit
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Bobby C., 1S, had suffered extensive 2nd and I NAME
HEART-Whether you use this miraculous 3rd degree burns in an auto accident. Large doses Plase print
technique for yourself or your loved one, it will of drugs were needed, but had to be stopped to I ADDRESS
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and circulatory system. With it, you will be
avoid addiction. He screamed in agony, begging I CITY
fully prepared to handle any emergency involving I
heart attacks! And it will also allow you to re PROGRESS BOOKS, LTD. STATE ZIP
store damage done by previous heart attacks and I
to return the heart victim to perfect health! 3200. Liwson Blvd., Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 L_ !:.! 8!!_8 !"!!!r,!!!e_!! l!!_ _ J

Beyond R eatrty 59
Spirit C om m u n i cation with the living/contin ued fro m pge 37

lbwer in any station of life having metaphysical ....research conference exhausting day at the hospital, he
lived through our shame and our at Monte Carlo. accidentall dozd off during
glory and come to the conclusion One of the most fascinating his long drive home and was
now seen ,and viewed as one of subjects discussed at the Interna mysteriously awakened seconds
. common importance. tional Psychotronic Research before his car was about to crash
' ' It ' is difficult to remember conference in Monaco, he says into a telephone pole.
what reluctance is . And patience was Kirlian Photography which At the conference in Monte
is something we all work on daily can show what is not seen by the Carlo, Panjawi was intii.gued by
here . naked eye. At present, research an internist from Los Angeles
We are beginning to perform ers and scientists specializing in who was able to determine body
works of importance , works to parapsychology are carefully ex ills through scanning . In this
train, works to reveal, works to amining scotography, ghostly practice , the doctor; using energy
help build the stairway closer. We photography. In some cases, up from his own body, was able to
are advancing. We are coming to four images of dead people see health problems of an individ
closer to the reality for which we have been photographed with ual without knowing his past
strive . living persons . medical history or examining him .
' ' Here we find a time to gather Many events have convinced Dr. When the doctor scanned
minds to souls and souls to Panjwani that reincarnation may Panjwani, a volunteer for the
minds - to distinguish the fraili be possible and that a mysterious demonstration, a young clairvoy
ties and gather the strengths and force invisible to the eye might be ant woman from Washington,
bind the closer unions until we working with and helping people D . C . reported seeing an aura in
work well together. ' ' on earth. back of the internist. According to
Help us all . Help us all . Show Concerning reincarnation , Dr . Panjwani, this invisible force may
the minds of men what can be Panjwani relates a story about the have helped the internist make an
learned and produced through child of a friend in Sussex, accurate diagnosis.
these new methods of communica England, where he had studied Panjwani, who is a consultant
tion That is the way we do it here ; medicine before coming to the at Rockefeller University in New
so why not practice for your new United States . York and consulting neuropsy
stage a little early ? Grope on to The child, though only five chiatrist at Saddle Brook Hospi
the never-ending reality of all years old, spoke fluent French tal, believes a person prepares
things possible. ' ' and he had no background what himself for improvement after
The last dict,tion by Eliot came soever in that language because death so that he or she will return
through May 2nd, 1970 and in his parents were both British to earth as a better individual in
that message he bid the author and conversed only in English. the future This he expl$s, is
goodbye with heartfelt reluctance , Not only was the child able to done in the spirit, not physical
but with hope that they would speak French fluently, but he form. The spirt in his opinion, is
meet once again in mind and could describe places he thought invisible in the sense that you
heart. he had seen in the past, including cannot touch it.
Dr . Harry K. Panjwani, psych a former house, school and sur In his native India, the British
iatrist who spent nine months roundings in Paris. According to schooled doctor remembers learn
determining whether or not the Panjwani, the parents checked ing Karma, -the science that
writings obtained by novice au these places out during a trip to teaches that if a person is bad
thor Pat Douce were those trans Paris some time later and found now, he will have to make up for it
mitted by the deceased writer, that they had existed and were in the next life.
T.S.after meeting with experts in exactly as the child had said.

the Metaphysical Research Con In another case, a woman Can a murderer come back
ference at Monte Carlo. patient of an internist now study again as a murderer ?
Though the body of a dead ing metaphysics, sought help to That question is being pon
person no longer functions, the rid her of ari intense fear of flying. dered by the English authorities
soul or _ spirit form survives , he The doctor had her undergo investigating the murder of a
says. Many times, it chooses to be hypnosis regression, going back nurse found strangled in a suburb
reborn to become a better being in to the time of her birth. In doing of Birmingham.
the future . The psychiatrist ad so, he found that she had formerly After arresting a man by the
mits that he has no evidence to been an officer in the Royal name of Thornton, police learned ,
substantiate this claim, but he British Air Force and had been that a person with the same last
believes strongly in the theory killed in a plane crash. name was brought to trial 158
after talking with people who have Dr. Panjwani himself attributes a years before for the murder of a
had paranormal experiences and strange psychic force for saving young woman found in e same
after meeting with experts in the his life many times when, after JlD area. Continued on page 62

60 Beyond Reality
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8 eyond Reality 61
Spi rit Com m u n i cation with the Livi ng/conti n ued from page 60

According to the police, there and how it will return. "A spirit . travel or sent to a hospital or rest
are startling parallels between may return in six months or 400 home on the other side for
the slayings . Both victims were 20 years. Those unhappy on earth adjustment.
year old females murdered on the may want to remain longer in During the adjustment period,
same public holiday about the spirit form to learn more self it is believed that the person goes
same time . Oddly enough, each improvement before being re into a deep sleep. Then with the
had gone to a friend' s house to born. ' ' help of a guide, he is allowed to
change clothes before attending a *** proceed.
dance that evening. According to Prof. Holzer, Holzer says the newly-arrived
Even more strange was the fact time does not exist in the non spirits are not eager to communi
that in addition to having the physical world, but it is estimated cate with earth friends immediate
same name , both defendants were that the deceased spends two ly unless there is some unfinished
similar in stature and had the weeks or more in a preparatory business or inability to accept the
same mannerisms . Both were stage after death. The period of . separation of death. He explains
acquitted. adjustment is vital for those who - that this is because of the over
' 'Clearly, it is the same man have been ill for some time , he powering elements of the new
reincarnated, who was arrested world being entered and the need
and later acquitted for the mur for lealning. Later, when the
ders , ' ' says Hortense Braith spirit is more familiar with the
waite, secretary of the local new surroundings, he may tum
branch of the Society of Super his attention to the earth world
H ave the dead somethi ng special
natural Phenomena. " History left behind.
has a habit of repeating itself to tel l their rel atives , friends,

when the same person is Dr. Panjwani, who serves as

involved. ' '
neigh bors and associates? A re director of psychiatry at Idyl Ease
For a long_ time, ' ' says Ms. Medical Center, Newfoundland,
they sta n d i n g by to help as would
Braithwaite , ' 'we have waited and a consultant of geriatric
for such conclusiv.e evidence of a guard i a n a ngeJ in time of research in psychiatry at the
our belief that while human forms Daughters of Miriam House, in
need? A re they using the l iving to Clifton, says he 's heard of many
wear out, man ' s soul and spirit is
constantly undergoing reincarna conti nue busi ness left u nfi nished cases in which persons have
tion. ' ' awakened minutes after they have
According to Dr. Panjwani, because of death? been officially pronouced dead
some people accept the transition and have reported seeing what
from death to spirit world easier lies ahead in the next life : Some
than others Accident victims ,for of these people, he claims, were
instance , have more difficulty told to go back as they were not
with this because they still think says . Though the destruction of ' ready for the next life .
of themselves in a physical way, the body does not disturb the Prof. Holzer has heard similar
he says. Quite often , a person condition of the spiritual body, the testimonies. Medical profession
who has suffered a tragic death prolonged disease before death als say these claims are hallucina
finds the transition difficult be could have affected the emotional tions due to shock or anesthesia,
cause he was happy before death part of the the deceased person ' s he says, ' 'but the description of
and is unwilling to accept his new personality and this would present the view in such cases are perhaps
place . A person who has been a very weak condition when logical. ' '
chronically ill, he explains will not coming across the border says the If someday, parapsychologists
panic because he knows death is author of ' ' Born Again. ' ' prove that people can indeed
coming. The person who is In Holzer' s opinion, what sur converse with or contact the dead,
spiritually and religiously. sound, vives physical death is not the they may have to find shelter for
in his opinion, is prepared for the entire personality . Routine mat the poor souls on earth who
transition whenever it happens . ters or emotional associations are continue to be harrassed by
Parapsychologist, Hans Holzer of left behind as unimportant. Mem deceased relatives and friends not
New Y9rk says only maladjusted, orable events such as a wedding, at rest in their new world ' 'on the
negative individuals regret their he explains , remain part of the other side . ' ' 0
new status . Most spirits he spiritual self.
claims , enter (the beyond) with According to Prof. Holzer, the Reprinted with permission from
joy. newly arrived deceased is sur the author from a series of articles
Dr. Panjwani also believes that rounded by relatives or friends . published by the Paterson News,
the spirit always has a say in when He ' s then checked out for further Paterson, N.J. September, 1975

62 B eyo n d R ea l ity
Gll lll lrilftl



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26 1 S o . M a r i p o sa A ve . ca n I e n d m y k a r m a a n d g a i n world of pure pleasure.
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Name T h e Less o n s of Astara's Book of You can receive one by sending $10
: L i fe conta i n you r b re a k t h r o u g h . to: Astral Sounds, c/o The American
A d dress : They offe r <;:o ncise g u i d e l i nes for Research Team, Dept. Bl, 256 South
Going ln. 1\obertson Blvd., Beverly Hilk, Ca. 11.
: City W r i t e today fo r o u r free
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fo r t r a n sf o r m i n g yo u r l i fe a n d

..AN ASTARIAN IN NEED : o p e n i n g a Gatewa y to k n owled g e

: ::.':::.s.<! : a n d Self-Rea l i zat i o n .

B eyo n d R ea l ity 63

The First International Congress On Suderworth , Wai nright House, M i lton Fel lowship, 10715 Winner Road,
Parapsychology and Psychotronlcs will Point, Rye, New York, for further I ndependence, Missouri 64052 .
be held in Sao Pau lo, Brazi l , October i nformation.
7-10. The congress, sponsored by the
I nstitute Brasileriro de l nformacao e
Pesquisa Parapslcolgica ( Brazi l ian I n Occult art shows, mystery plays and
stitute of Parapsychological Research The Siddhartha Foundation for Higher pagan-way l ectures are available at the
and Information) , wi l l be an exceptional Consciousness 91 Dobbi ns Street, Warlock Shop, 35 W est 19th Street New

opportun ity for a world-wide exchange Waltham , Ma. , 021 54, offers audio York New York.
of i nformation on these subjects as wel l tapes on the topics of "On the Path to The practitioner or researcher knows
as psychobiopsychics , psycoenergetics, Higher Consciousness" for $10.00 per this store as having the paraphernalia
and the new field of parabiology. The hour. There are 1 50 interviews, cond necessary for the most obscure rituals.
I Bl P has partici pated in other congres ucted by J. Richard Turner, to choose The shop also sponsors tarot readings,
ses, especially those held previously I n from. autograph sessions with occult authors,
Prague and Monaco. All sessions of and more.
the congress wi l l be translated simul
taneously in Portuguese, French , Eng
l ish and Span ish . For more i nformation The Psychic, Esoteric, and Religious
and registration material , contact : Al VIdeo Research Library. The video The Second Annual Unity ef Ma
cantra Machado Congresses, R ue l ibrary, located at 1 38 East 93rd Street, Conference i n New M exico wtlt be hel d
Gabriel dos Santos, 4191021 31 , San New York, N ew York 10028, offers the on June 27-29th. This gathering of the
Pau lo, Brazi l . following recent videotaped lectures leading spiritual , social and political
and semi nars : ' ' Perspectives in Para leaders wil l share their knowledge for
normal experience" , "Solvi ng Prob man 's spiritual advancement. For fur
lems with the Subconscious M ind " , ther details contact the conference at
Closer to home, the New School for Overview of Fabled Atlantis" and 221 West Broadway, Anaheim. C al i f . ,

Social Research is soon beginning a others. For further information call 92805.
course entitl ed , M i nd Games Exploring 21 2-534 4754.
Latent H uman Capacities, offered by
Jean H ouston , d irector of the Fou nda
tion for M i nd Research. The course The Fourth Edition of the Guide to

wi l l i ntroduce students to some of the Thirteenth Annual National U F O Con Occult Periodicals is available for $2.00
exciting frontier research In the invest ference, sponsored by The Saucer and plus 30 cents postage and hand li n g ,
igation of latent potential of m ind and U nexplained Celestrial Events Re from Inner- Space I nterpreters Box,

body. Because of this Issue date, you search Society, w i l l be held August 1133, Magnlia Park Station , Burbank,
wil l miss the registration dead l i ne for 28th , 1 976,at the Holiday I n n , 5002 Calif. , 91 507.
the course, but you can sti l l go to Yorkshire Road , Parma, Ohio.
individ ual sessions for $4.00. The New
School is located at 66 West 1 2th
Street, New York, N . Y. The Foundation Faltll of the Millennium
The- 1976 Annual Spiritual Fellowship In New York C ity has a unique coffee
Foundation Retreat, Charlotte, North house where people can mingle and
Carol ina. This conference, to be held spend some time enJoying the friemny
August 8-28 1 976 are dates of a August 7-1 2 at the U n iversity of North atmosphere. The Foundation also offers
workshop entitled New Ways of Being, CaroJina at Charlotte, features out special lectures, heal i ng sessions and
to be offered at Wainwright House, standing speakers and psychic counse spiritual guidance. Persons I nterested
Rye, New York. The workshop wi l l lors. For further information especial ly in obtaining more information can write
deal with creativity trai ning and accele interesti ng to those in need of a spirtual to : The Fou nd ation , 1147 First Avenue.
rated mental processes. Contact A. upl ift should contact Spi ritual Frontiers New York, N ew York 1 0021 .

64 B eyon d R ea i ity
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outstanding scientists, writers and researchers who have contr ibuted their
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the kind of material that can be fou nd o n ly w ithi n the pages of our
pu blication . We are both proud and honored to h ave such respected
ind ividu als report their f i n d ings on new d iscoveries dea l ing w ith ESP, the
occu lt and psych ic pheno mena. We can 't make up you r mind for you but
with na mes l i ke th is, we're g iving you something to think about. Back issues
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Teras Pte rosaur


A bird, the size of which would Langstron that further research on

give the condor - the largest the pterosaur find will prove that
vulture of South America - night it was even larger- and that
mares, roamed the skies over further finds may show that the
what is now West Texas some 60 winged reptile , Texas-vintage,
million years ago. So far as WI N G S, E XT E N D E D T O M O R E may have actually had wing-spans
tmyone knows, it was the largest of up to seventy feet.
winged reptile that has ever been
Size, however, is not the only
on earth . F E ET LO N G E R THAN TH E shocker about the pterosaur that
In early 1 97 1 , graduate student
thrived in ancient Texas. Lawson
Douglas A . Lawson spotted a WI N G S PA N O F A N A I R F O R C E
believes the newly discovered
fossilized pterosaur bone during a
EAG LE FIG HTE R AND SIX creatures were meat-eaters since
survey in the Big Bend National
the fossil-containing sediments
Park, Texas. Leaving the find in TI M E S T H AT O F T H E S O U T H were deposited more than 200
place, he returned the following
miles from the nearest water.
spring with Dr . W ann Langstron , AM E R I C A N C O N D O R
There is anatomical evidence
Jr . , of Austin ' s University of
that the necks of the pterosaurs
Texas . The find was agreed to be
were extremely long- long e
a pterodactyl arm bone. It was
nough, suggested Lawson , to
quite a shock, since no such span of more than 20-25 feet , the
Texas pterodactyl' s wings extend probe a dinosaur carcass.
remains had ever been discovered
in the Southwestern part of the ed to more than 50 feet, eight feet Although a fully documented
United States before . more than the wingspan of a U . S . examination may solve the mys
However the real surprise came All; Force F - 1 5 Eagle fighter, and tery shrouding the creature, it
when a scientific analysis revealed nearly six times that of the South may take years since the task
the size of the creature. Where American condor. requires a completely reconstruct

pterodactyls seldom had a wing- There is the possibility, smd Dr. ed pterosaur skeleton. D

When we compare the size of the giant pre-historic bird to an average automobile, we see a true picture
of the creature. The bird could easily pick up the car, along with its occupants and fly off with it.

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