A General Systems Theory of Productivity

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International Journal of General Systems

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To cite this article: RICHARD O. MASON (1979) A GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY

OF PRODUCTIVITY, International Journal of General Systems, 5:1, 17-30, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03081077908960885

Published online: 30 May 2007.

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Inr. I. Ccmral S).srcms Q Gordon and Brtach Scimee htbluhen Ltd.
1979. Vol. 5. pp. 17-30 Printed in Great Britain


Asoeiarc Professor, Graduate School of Management, Uniuersiry of California, Los Angeles,
Catfortvia U.S.A. 90024
( R t c a I d September 25, 1977: infinal form Februory 6. 1978)
Productivity b treated m a systems concept. 11 i s wped that the causal tcxtvrt o i the syslem's cnvironmen~dinam
the rtltvant prodvniwity construct and rneasurtmtnt. Based on Emery and Trist's taxonomy of environmcn& three
conaprs OF prductivily arc ddned: P r o w s ptoductivzry, bunded productivity and systems product~v~ry. Each
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eompr irnplics a different m w u r e or productivity. Current economic and managerial literature k teratcd to rhesc
INDEX f ERMS Productivity, environmenk p c r a l systems theory,

SYSTEMS CONCEPTS AND engages in processes which yidd outputs.

PRODUrnIVITY According to Churchman3+"the study or systems
involves five basic considerations.
Productivity b a systems concept. It measures the
level of output a system has generated in relation 1) The total system objectives, purposes and
measures OF performance.
to the input resources consumed during the pro-
duction process. In the narrow sense, produc- 2) The system's resources: the means used Tor
tivity is a ration of outputs over inputs, out- performing the system's tasks and yielding its
putlinput. la a broader sense, however, it con- outputs.
cerns the overroll eficiency of a system; and. i t is 3) The system's tnvitonmmr : the fixed
this broader aspect which we shall explore in this constraints.
paper. The rational system's manager generally 4) The components (elements) of the system
achieves efic~ency by following three steps: (1) including their acrivizies, goals and measures or
Calculating the productivity of the existing pru- perhormanct,
ductive processes; (2) Comparing the result with
alternative processes and; (3) Re-allocating re- 5) The system's management which acquires
sources to change thost processes which are less the resourccs and alloeatcs [hem in order to
cficient or are wasteful. The route to efficiency, achieve the system's objectives. Managerntnt en-
therefore, starts with the calculation of produc- compasses the system's decision promscs.
tivity. Query: On what 'basis are thae calcu- An undctstanding of the system's goals and
lations to be made? objectives reveals which of the system's outputs
Thett art a staggering number of possible are imponant for productivity analysis.
productivity calculations. In order to establish a EssentialEy the system's goals and objectives dc.
rationale for selecting appropriate calculations, it fine the "functional dass" of outputs which it IS
is useful to look at rhe properties of systems the purpose ofthe system to produce.E.'
~hernselvesand see what these properties imply in This specifies the numerator of the produc-
the way oi a meaningful basis for productivity t i v i ~ yratio. A thorough recording of the system's
calculations. rtsouroes describes the means which may be
Generally speaking, a system is a set of ca-. employed in producing the output. The catalog-
ordinated camponcnts, It accepts inputs and ing or resources influences the specification of the
denominator in the productivity ratio; however,
the basis upon which resources are evaluated
TTht author is indebted l o [he Editor, the Referees and to
E.Burton Swanson for valuable commtnt$ on an earlier depends on the nature of the system's tnriron-
vmlon of this paper. ment. The more dynamic the environment the
1s R. 0.MASON

mole relevant opportunity concepts arc to the with potential output. k a u s e it focuses on the
evaluation of resources. constraints imposed by the system's particular
In order to develop a systems concepts or concentration of resources, I call this measure
productivity it is necessary to draw on a theory bounded producriviry, Bounded productivity is
or systems' environments. For this purpose I have similar to Stafford Beer's2 concept of "produc-
chosen the causal texture theory of Emery and tivity" which he defines as thc ratio oh a system's
Tris!." In the rollowing section each of their four actual output ('actuality") to its achievable out-
"ideal type" environments is summarized together put ("capability").
with implications for productivity measurement.

The third type is d p m k tarhcr than static, I t consis~sof a

ENVIRONMENTAL TYPE AND c l u s t e d environment in which there is more than ant
PRODUCTIVITY system or the same kind. i.c, the o b j m of orre organi-
zation a r t thc a m c m, or relevant to, others likc it. Such
Type 1: Placid. Randomized Environment compni~on~ a tok improve their own c h a n a j 'by hinder*
ing each other. each knowhng the others are playing the
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

In the sirnplnt typc, gonls and noxiants am relatively 5 a m game. &twetn strategy and tactia rhcrc emerges an
unchanging in tbcmselvu and randomly distributed. A intcrmcdinte type aT organizational mponsc-what m~litary
critical property from the organization's viewpg~nt is that theorists refer 10 as optralions. Control k o m a more
therc is no difTcrence bttwten tactim and strategy. and defentralized to allow thcsc to be conducttd. On the other
organiwtions can erist adrplivtly u sing!< and indeed hand, stabthty m3y require a reriain corning-to-term bt-
quite sm321, units.

The implication or this environment for a The reactive nature or this third type OF en-
system is thal it makes it stable and lrelat~vely vironment means that therc are competi~orsand
unchanging. The productive function may be that the system must consider that its knowledge
characterized as a stable channel through which and production capacity can be acquired by
inputs and outputs flow. An appropriate measurc others. The Tact that thc environment is disturbed
of productivity is a measure or the eficiency of and changing mtnns that there always ure new
the system for converting inputs into outputs. opportunities being created in the system's cn-
Thus. lthe traditional measure, output/input, is vironment which permit it to restructure itself
applicable 1 call this a measure of process orJcrw and to respond to the actions or competitors and
productivity, others. The critical facility Tor long-run survival is
the system's manager's ability 10 reach out into
Type 2: Placid. Cluvtcml Envitonmenls
the environment, acquire new resources, alter the
The nexi type is nlso static, bul goals and noxiants arc not productive function, revise the flow of inputs and
randomly distribuicd: they hnng togcther in cerraia ways. outputs and to re-configure a new systcm with
Now the nccd lor slnlegy as d~stinct[corn tactlu.
Under these conditions organizations grow in size. b o r n - new capacity. Failure to configure the best po-
ing hiernrchical and rend~ngtowards centralized control ssible system results in lost opportunities and in
nnd coordinntion. waste and incRciency. The relevant measure bc-
comes a comparison ktween the existing sysrern
The clustering aspects OF this type ob environ- and the best possible system. Since i t involves the
ment give rise to a concentration of resources concepts OF investment and the re-configuring of
and the development of a "distinctive com- the system, I call this a measure or sysrcmic
petence" which limits the system's output pro- productiuiry. Systemic productivity is related to
ductive capacity. Yet, the placid nature of the Beer"' concept of "performance" which he de-
environment means that the constraints on the fines as the ratio of actual output ("actuality"') to
system are not changing rapidly. What a system what the system ought to bt doing by developing
cauld do with its resource rather than what it is its resources and removing constraints
doing is the relevant concern. Failure to utilize ["potentiality").
the system's tull or moot etTcient capacity results
in waste and inctficiency. 1t represents a loss of Typt 4: Turbulent Fkl&
the system's opportuniltits and is indicative of an The kurth ~ y p e is dynamic in a m o n d rtspcFt. the
improper concen~ration of resources. The re- dynam~cpmpcrtia arising not simply from the intcnction
levant measure becomes a comparison of actual of identifiable component sys1ern.r but lrom the field itsclr

(the 'ground'). The turbulence rtsulu trom the cornplcxity The system's manager seeks to maintain both
and mul~iplt chaructcr o i the causal intemnntctions. the technical eficiency of the system and the
Lndividual orgsnizar~ons.however large. cannot adapt suc-
o d u l l y simply through thrir d!mt inreractions. An exam- market and environmental viability of the system.
ination is made of the enhanced importanlr a l ralucr. For the Iormer the manager is concerned with
regarded as a bnsic mponsc ro penbring are= of relevant the physical: reiationships between input and out-
uncenamty, m providing a control mtchan~grn,when com- put. The latter is concerned with the monetary
monly held by all members in a field.
relationship between cxptnscs (outgo) and sales
At this r o ~ r t hlevel or environment the concept (income or revenue).
or eficiency is suptrcedtd by the concepts of
survival and eflcctivcncss. The functional class of
outputs is no longer well dQned. Thus, the a. Physical Process Produn[u[ty
relevant managerial issue becomes the choosing To measure physical process productivity out-
of the 'domains"'15 in which the system will puts are expressed in physical, tangible units of
optrate. I n this context resources may be tadi- goods or services. Number or items, tons,
cally rc-oriented to produce new outputs; and, kilowatt hours, gallons, square rut, ctc. art typical
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

indeed, many resources may be kept idle, in units of measure used. Inputs a r t expressed in
reserve for some yet to be identified new domain, lerms of actual amount of resources consumed in
The value of eficiency is important; but, a stable producing the output and are usually classified
measure OF productivity cannot be dtlintd. into labor, materials, energy, capital and other
Thus, there are three idealized environments in Gastors of production.
which productivity measures are relevant. From a system's point or view the relevant
'Generally as the system becomes more open and measure ob productivity is a ratio or output to all
dynamic with respect ro its environment, the associated inpurs. This is generally rcFerred to as
appropriate productivity measure chanscs from a n "total factor productivity" measure and it re-
purely internal measure to a comparatively txttr- flects the ovcrall cficiency or the systems pro-
nal measure. I n highly complex environments the cesses for converting inputs into outputs. The
measures appropriate for a more stable environ- association of inputs to outputs is accomplished
ment may be usefully calculated. However. they by means of an activity analysis. A bull scale
must be interpreted in the context of thc pro- activity analysis of a multiple technology would
ductivity measure defined for the environment in yield an activity matrix A. The A matrix takes
which the system finds itself. the lorm:
With rhis buckground on the role of systems
t hcory for defining productivity measures. we
turn next to an cxplication of process. bounded
and systemic productivity,

A total factor productivilty measure reflects
Process productivity is the concept of prtlduc- input as a function a[ the amounts or the nth
tivity most generally usdl in economic theory. It input resources consumed in producing a parti-
is measured by catculnting the ratio of what is cular output. Consequently, prmss praductivity
produced by the system (output) to what the measures deal with only the rows of this A
system consumes in producing it (resource ~nput). matrix. As will be discussed in a subsequent
This notion of productivity leads to a deceptively sect ion, bounded productivity measures petmi t
simple formula Tor process productivity, 011. comparisons to be made among the rows.
DiKcultits in applying this formula result when It is important to point out that many changes
units of output and input must be defined and in the system's conversion processes may exptain
units of measure specified. This has led to much the changes observed in a total factor produc-
confusion in the cconornic literature. T o sort tivity measure. N e w technology, re-organization,
t h ~ eproblems out it is usciu! to view process new management, new materials, changes in la-
productivity by means of a systems model such bor skills and many other iactors may account
as shown in Figure 1. for increases or decreases in the ratio.
Product Market
Sye tern
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Expenses Sales

I <- Phyeical h a d u c t i v i t y \
I< F i n a n c i d Productivity


Panial productivity measures help identify change or market value not in'physical terns. In
some of the source of productivity change and this view a system's outputs and inputs arc
arc easier than total measures to operationalize. valued in terms of their "scarcity" value.
A partial productivity measure is the ratio of David Ricardo, however, disagreed with Adam
output to a single or limited set of elements of Smith. The fundamental system's problm was to
input. It takes the form, .
secure abundance from nature. The p r o p value
is "use" value. The value of, an output is not
inherent in the quantity of. labor purchasad or
commanded from others in terms of its scarcity;
but, rather in the physical quantity of. labor
which was consumed in the process of. produnng
for a base year, where 1: represents the ith the output. Ricardo thereby gave rise to thc
element(s) of input. An index,of,I he form labor theory of value, a theory in which output
per man-hour is a central notion. Karl Mnrx was
to extend this notion.
The labor and use theories of, value arc also
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

the basis of much of contemporary industrial

engineering. Time and morion study and scien-
can also be calculated for any comparativt per- tific management, as dewcloptd by Frcdcrick W.
iod r. Taylor, are notable examples. Taylor sought to
Output per man hour is the most frequently reduce the gap between what workers actually
used partial measure. In Fact it is so common turned out and what they might comfortably turn
place that many people define "productivity" out. His approach was ro srudy the processes aT
exelusive!y as output per man hour. For many work in detail. The amount of time requtrcd to
systems this is a reasonable measure to use since accomplish a task using one method was corn-
labor is a major input factor and because labor pared to the amount required using other me-
eficitncy hx k e n an historical focal point Tot thods until the most eficient method was found.
managerial concern. A partial measure such as In his studies Taylor identified three forms or
output per man hour also reflects changes in the measurement which were essential to scientific
performance of the system as a whole including management: a measure ol the quantity of physi-
the overall eficiency with which resources are cal output (e.g., pounds, tons, bushels), a measure
used. the average quality of labor, the quality and of the quality or physical output (e-g., grad-,
availability of materials and the rne~hodsof orga- errors), and the producrivity measure of man-
nization and work flow. hours ptr unit of output required to produce t h t
There is a deep social value underlying the use output, faylor's objec~ive was to solve the
of a physical process productivity. In cssence it is engineering problem ot improving a worker's'
a measure of swiety's ability to overcome the capacity by discovering better methods. He also
rorces of nature. M o r t output or use-value per sought to solve the psychological problem of
unit or input is a measure of a system's (and, improving his willingness to work by developing
hence, man's) increasing ability to create "plenty" incentive systems. The goat of these solutions was
and abundance. This is the concern of the pro- to increase output per man hour. This tradition,
ducer, the engineer, the technologist, and the frequently called Taylorism, has continued th-
manager. There is a long history in economic rough much of industrial engineering and
Iiterature far this concern. The primary focus of management science.
this concern has been on labor input. Physical process productivity measures do ig-
Adam Smith3' argued that "every man is rich nose scarcity, however. A system's manager is
or poor accordirlg t o the degree in which he can also concerned with the financial: viability or the
afford to enjoy the necessaries, conveniencts, and system in a market and monetary economy. In a
amusements of human life." This led him to place monetarized economy, prices are a measure or
the value of a commodity as "equal to the the relative scarcity of goods and factors. Indeed.
quantity of labour which it enables him to pur- since John Stuart Mill fits[ formulated the mo-
chase or command," Outputs and inputs in this netary measure of value, most of the focus ot
view should be measured in terms oi their ex- economics has been on the monerary . or price

side of systems. Most system art compared in These financis! measurn-profit rate, return on
tctms of their relative financial perrormance. investment and capital turnover-art the purest
Productivity analysts have used monetary data reflection of the organizationmsability to c o p
extensively for their studies. There are several with probltms of scarcity in a monctarizcd and
reasons Tor this. One is that some analysts firmly market economy in which a monetary unit (such
believe that a measure which relates salts or as dollars) is employed as a med~umof exchange.
incomt to expenses is the relevant measure o l Thcsc financial measures are not normally con-
eficiency For a system. Another prevalent reason sidered to k productivity measures, but rather
is the availability of dollar data Tor most ele- measures or financial performance, Howcvcr, they
ments of production. Sincc thc dollar is a com- form one end of a continuum of measures run-
mon unit o i measure among goods and factors, ning from pure financial measures on one end to
prices art often used as a surrogate for physical pure physical measures of productivity on the
relationships. A third explanation, of course, is other end. The middle of this continuum contains
that they have confused the use vnlue premises, many "rnixcd" measures in which prices and
which underly physical relationships, with the financial inputs and outputs are co-rningled with
scarcity and exchange vatue premises, which measures of physical inputs and ou~puts.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

underly price-market relationships. Two frequently used measures which mix fin-
ancial and physical dimensions are cost per unit
ol output and revenue per man-hour. Cost per
6. Financial Process PruJuctivitg unit or output is the Fundamental notion of cost
For a business enterprise, profit is the purest accounting. It is the result of dividing 311 relevant
measure 01 management" ability to operate ef- financial input costs by the number of units OF
ficiently in the markc[ place. I I is gcncrally physical output.
calcutntsd as Stllcs (Income or Revenue] minus
Expenses, t h i l ~ is, Income- Outgo, Sales or P I !, *Pill.. .P"i"
Income are normally used as the output measure 0
in the private stitor. Revenue is notmnlly used in
the public and not-for-profit sectors. This relation P,=the factor price for the irh input, !,=the
may be expressed as a ratio Sb/Eb. The ratio is quantity of [he ith input, and O=thc physical
greater than onc when the firm is profitable or quantity o i outpul. Cost per unit is influenced
the non-profit organhalion has an cxccss or not only by the technical cniciency of the
revenue over expenses. The ratio is less than one organization's eonversion processes but also by
whe'n outgo exceeds income. Trends can then be the supply l o r n anecting its input factors and
established by comparing a base period ratio the organ~zalion'sskills and relative power in the
with subsequent periods by means or an index. factor input market. Consequently, cost per u n ~ t
While a prductiviry type measure of the form 1s a measure or how well the organization has
S/E can be calculated, the more ~ypica!measure been able to acquire scarce resources trom its
is the profitability rate, S- E/S. This is just one environment and convert them to physical
of several financial ratios which arc used to, output.
measure the financial: prductirity of an organi- Sales or Rcvcnue gcr man-hour is the converse
zation. Return on investment or return on assets, of cost per unit. 11 is calculated by dividing sales
by man hours S / I , = O . MJI, (where M -the pro-
duct market price of output 0 and I, is tht
Investment A '
physical amount or labor input). (Actunlly, n
measure of sales pcr total factor input can be
and the capital turnover ratio, calculated, but its use is rare. Some firms use a
related measure. however, in whreh the total sales
Revenue S or revenue for a product a r t divided by lthe
lnvestrnent =X' direct, tractable costs of producing rhe product.)
Many industrial firms use the measure salts (or
and other variations of inveslment based ratios revenue) per man-hour as indication of their
arc also frequently employed for financial overall productivity. One reason given for its use
analysis, is that most employees and managers understand

it and because its behavior is klieved to k technical dificulty in estimating constant dollars
correlated with purer hnancial and physical mea- because the appropriate or ideal price index for a
sures in the range in which the firm is opztating. g v e n system usually is not available. There is
The partial financial measure Sales (or Revenue) also a conceptual problem in their use as physi-
per dollar of labor expense (or, sometimes, just cal measures. Under ideal circumstances they still
direct labor expcnse) is used for the same pur- reflect the relative finmcial scarcity in the
pose. Sales per man-hour is a measure of the system's market environment during the base
organization's ability to employ its physical in- period. Despite these problem, price adjusted
puts to satisfy demand and scarcity requirements data is commonly used. For many systems the
in its product market. It is influenced not only by requisite financial data is more readily available
the technical eficiency of the organization, but than the physical data and, especially Tor large
also by the social demand for its output, the and highly compIex systems, constantdollar pro-
relative scarcity oh the output, and the ductivity is most likely the closest appsoximation
organization's skill and relative power in the to physical producrivity that can be obtained.
output product market. A recent paper by Craig and Harrisd develops
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Some productivity analysts have attempted to one of the most comprehensive approaches to
reduce some of the effects of,scarcity factors on constant-dollar financial productivity in the
financial rneasurw by using "value added" rather literature. The unique Feature or the Craig and
than sales as a financial output measure. YaEue Harris model is the treatment of capitat inputs.
added is the market price of the output minus The authors reject measures of the physical input.
the cost d materials purchased rrom others. o l capital (such as depreciation which is, adrnit-
Gross valve added reflects the cost of labor. tedly, a poor measure of physical contribution) in
taxes, profit, interest, rent and capital depre- laver or a service value of capital concept. They
ciation. Net value added exct udes capital depre- then turn to the financial market to estimate the
ciation. Value added per man-hour has the ad- service value input. The mode! assumes that the
varllage of not being distorted substantially by firm has a leasing subsidiary which purchnses its
the extent to which a system processes its output land, buildings, equipment, cash and othcr assets.
through all stages of production from basic raw The capital input defined to be the payment
materials to finished product. Hence, it is uselul made by the firm ta the leasing subsidiary. The
lor comparing productivity between organi- payment is calculated as an annuity on the h i s
zations with different degrees oF plant integration. of the bnse year cost of the asset, its assumed
Value added per man-hour is a measure of the productive lire and on the desired rate of return
organization's ability to apply its physical labor to the lessor. The desired rate of return is con-
to the raw and semi-processed materials it ac- sidered to be the relevant cost or capital to the
quires and to add scarcity or market value to lirrn.l6 A weighted a v e r a g of the prcentage
them. I t is frequently used in industry level elements or the firm's ~ a p i l a lstructure multiplied
productivity studies to compare one firm with by each source's cost factor is suggested for
another. estimalting the cost of capitaI.
One method for moving financial measures The Craig and Harris model has much to
closer to physical measures is to employ price commend it; but, it is nevertheless a mixture of
dellators. Constant dollar sales and expense fi- physical and IinanciaI measures. In addition to
gures may be obtained by applying a price index the problems o l applying price leveI deflators its
which reflects the prices of the particular outputs treatment or capital is specifically financial in
and inputs the system handles. Value added nature. Cost of capita1 is a monetary measure of
figures require a "double deflation" for both the the relative scarcity of financial resources.
value of output and also for the cost of materials. Consequently, it reflects the firm's skills and
Constant-dollar values may also be obtained di- power in the capital markets and investor exptc-
rectly by multiplying the number or units of tations about the firm" earning power.
output or of input by a unit price calculated for a It is not surprising that financial and physical
base period. measures become intermixed in measuring pro-
The use of price deflators reduces the effect of ductivity performance. They are inherently
price changes on productivity measures. dialectical in nature. Scarcity considerations or
However, it is not without problems. There is a supply and demand occur as man exchanges
34 R. 0. MASON

goods and services with his fellow *a. Eficiency has dealt explicitly with the diflerence 'between
considerations occur as man w o ~ k sagainst na- financial and physical measures or producrivity.
ture to inciease tht abundance of goods and With a few exceptions (to be discussed in the
services, Thus, the concepts are at once distin- next section), the measures in this literamre arc
ctively different and deeply interwoven. Scarcity all process productivity measures as defined at
is reduced by eflicieney. Eficiency is directed and the beginning of this section. The ourput to input
motivated by scarcity. And, hence, our tinancral ratios they contain renect the system's abrIity to
measures of scarciry and our physical measures rope with scarcity and eficiency. As the ratio of
of eficiency in the end are bound to be output per unit of input increases, the syslem's
interrelated, . power over nature and over other systems is
In constructing a measurement system for the improving. But, process productivity only tells
process productivity of a producing system w t the system manager how welt the system is doing
need not resolve this dialectic. We need only to not how well it could do, A system which has
understand it. In practice both financial and accumulated resources in a placid, clustered en-
physical measures and their composites should be vironment must be concerned with how well it
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

uscd. They each tell us something ditferent about could do. Bounded productivity addresses this
the productivi~yof thc system and its ability to question or potential and deals explicitly with the
survive in its environment, Also, lor seasons system's ptrformance in relation to i ts capacity
discussed above, both partial and total measlrrcs and capability.
are appropriate. Constquently, process produc-
tivity is probably best measured by a "family" of
product i r i t y measures. Such a fzmily of measures, BOUNDED PRODUCTIVlTY
blf course, can bc quite large, I n the case of a Bounded productivity describes how wcll I he
simple production system with one oulpul and n syslcm is doing compared with its potential,
inpurs lherc arc 2" - l total and partial measures given its exrsrir~g resources and technological
or physical praductivity. Since there is an equal canfigurazions, 1 I is measured both in relation to
number of measures of financial productivity, of aulput and to input.
physical output to financial input and of financial Boundrd orrtpst prodlictiuiry is the ratio: actual
ourput to physicnl input, a total or 4(?- 1 ) output divided by ltbc maximal output that a
measures nre possible for each output. syslern with its particular concentration and con-
As we have seek productivity analysis oRen figuration or resources (capital, labor, supplies,
mquires that w t distinguish outputs by the dif- knowledge, etc.) could produce.
feten I technological processes which produce Bounded inprrt productivity is the ratio: mi-
them end that inputs l x categorized into classes nimal input resources that should k mquircd by
nccording to their contribution to tlie productive a system of this configuration la produce a given
process, Consequently, For any but the most level of output divitled by the actual input re-
macro analysis a substantial n u m k r of thtoreti- sources consumed to produce that output.
cal mezures is possible. I t bthovts the systems In traditional economic analysis bounded pro-
manager, thedore, to develop a strategy for ductivity ,reIa tcs productive performance to that
choosing the subset of measures which will t x which would have occurred with the "irontier
most useful; in dealing with scarcity and efliciency production function." A system's frontier pro-
issues. duction function expresses the maximal output
There is substantial literature on [he subject of obtainable from rht system's particular combi-
what is here called process productivity. An nation oi fac~orsof production (resource inputs)
introduction lo the topic is found in Fabricantms at the existing state of technical knowledge.
A Primer on ~ r o d u c t i u i ~ ~Application
,'~ to in- There are several approaches to est~matingn
dustrial firms is round in Kendrick and system's frontier production function output so
Creamer,'' Greenberg,'' and Eilon, Gold and t h a ~it may be used as 'the denominator in ?he
Soesan." Mtlmanz'-I' has done related studies. boundary productivity ratio. These include: (a]
Process type productivity measures for industry determining the "engineered" production fun-
and the national economy are given in ction; (b) estimating relationships on [he basis of
Kendricklz and in Denis~n.~.'- '* Btla Golct"~ L 8 historical input and ou~putflows; and (c) cs-

timating relationships on the basis of external multiple regression methods to yield an average
influencing or modifying factors. production function.
The most natural method is to use the An alternative, but related, approach for deriv-
theoretical function specified by the system's de- ing an empirical production function is that used
signers and engneets. It is to define such by M. J. Farrell." FasreU's method estimates the
an "engineered" production iunction by consull- lower bound or the systemVsproduction function.
ing costent catalogue information and technical The method essentially involves estimating a unit
analysis of the now oh work to determine the isoquant (points representing the minimum quan-
sysrem"sachievable output rate. tities or the resource factors or. production re-
As an jllustrati~nof this approach, consider a quired to produce one unit of output with vary-
system consisting of a typist, a manual type- ing factor proportions), An envclopc is fit to the
writer, papr, etc., the purpose of which is to data fro m below where each data element con-
produa correctly typed pages as output. Suppose sists of. resource input data divided by the total
the systtm is currently producing at a rate or output. The production function is then found by
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

3,000 words per man-hour. Three thousand wo- solvrng a series of simultaneous equations. A
rds per man-hour is its "partial" rate or p r w s s similar result can be achieved, however, with
productivity. Suppose that. according to technical regression techniques by forcing the residuals to
specifications oT khe equipment and analysis of be positive.
standard labor times, the system is designed to Farrell's approach and also the "best practice"
produce at a rate 01 7,200 words per man-hour. methods suggested by Anne Grosse1 are based
Then its bounded productivity would bc or on relations bctwttn internal factors and output.
0,4167. Alternatively, since the world record (per- Sometimes these rclalionships are dillicult to es-
formed on nn Underwood Standard manual ma- . tablish. This is especially true in information
chine) is about 8,820 words per man-hour, one producing and adrn~nistrativearcas. This dific-
might calculate the lower level bounded pro- ulty has led some organizations ro locus on
ductivity asw or 0.3401. Increases in ei~herof
these ratios indicate that the system's resources
estimating resource input standards as a function
o l some environmental parameters ot the system.
are being more fully utilized and, hence, the IBM, Tor example, has found that standard input
system is more productive. resource levels for secretaries art more reliably
For many systems, especially in complex orga-
estimared as a function of the number or per-
nizations, it is difticult to arrive at an agrced sonnel in the plant, than as a function of the
nurnhr of reior~s, amount of correspondcncc,
upon designed, standard or maximal output. This
is particularty true in systems which involve etc. produced. ( I S M currently estimates some 110
administrative input standards a n the basis of
substantial administrative or indirect inputs,
some 28 external environmental variables they
learning behavior, or which require GO-ordinated
inter-personal relations. When this is the case a call ''modifitrs" in thcir system.)
maximum ran be estimated empirically. Such an
Standards, whether derived empirically or th-
empirical production function has zhc advantage rough engineering analyses, form the basis of a'
that a[ least some of its points have been obser- popular Form of bounded productivity measure.
ved as outputs of rcal systems. T h ~ sis the relation between standard hours or
"earned" hours and the actual hours of labor
One approach for deriving an empirical pro- input. Many organizations have calcvlatcd a
duction function for a system is to collect statis- standard for hours (and also for materials) per
tics on inputs and outputs for a group of similar unit of output. They subsequently calculate thc
systems (say, all of the firms in an industry). This ratio:
data is used to infer an average production
function. Normally, this will k an appropriately
weighted mean of the production Function as. Standard input ptr unit of output xunits ofoutput
sociatcd with each of the various technologits input actually consumed
used by the group of comparable systems, If the
system's analyst is willing to assume a linear, This ratio is a bounded input productivity
homogenous production lunction. then the input measure.
and output data can be processed using ordinary Systems theory aho suggests an approach for
26 R. 0.MASON

improving productivity as measured by the boun- . John Commons correctly points out that in a
ded concept. AI: any point in time the system's dynamic or on-going system the limiting and
output is limited by just those constraints which campltmentary factors art continually changing
nre "binding." In the event that a system is place, Thus, an eflective management is one that
achieving less than its maximum, that is, whcne- pays attention, xqucnzially, to the active limiting
vtr a system's bounded output productivity, factors. In the language of management plannink
releasing fix., converting to complementary) a
actual output limiting factor becomes a management objective.
Consequently, the sequential attention to objcc-
or its bounded input productivity, tives which Cyert and March7 claim describes
managerial behavior is also rational as a means
minimum input of securing improved productivity in a plactd,
actual input ' clustered environment. Thc vast literature on
is Icss, than one, then same unspecified con- management by objectives is also relevant in this
straints must be operat ing. Discovering these regard.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

phantom constraints and releasing them wiIl aid Some s m t work by Charlcs Kritbel and
the system's management in increasing the
colleague^'^ contains an analytical method for
starching for limiting factors, tspccially those of a
system's productivity.
technical nature. Using a form or activity ana-
The institutional economist, John R. lysis, Kritbtl relates a vector of output sates, Y;s
Commons,' refers to these binding constraints as for services j to a constraint vector X of xis,
"limiting lactors* and relates them to "corn- Each x,'s represents the capacity service rate of
plernentary hctors." Complementary factors are input resource category i measured in rcsouscc
similar to resources in systems terms. Fn
processing units per unit time. For a given sys-
Commons' words:
tem technology, A, a standard product output
mix yo= ( y , , jz ym)can be specified as:
The timitifig bctor is r k onc whox conrrol, in the right lorrn.
nt the righr place and time. will set the complcmenlory fnclor~
at w r k to br~ngabout the muln intended. A very little
potash. i f lhnl IS the limiting hctoe, will multiply the gmin
yield (ram pcrbnpr five bushels ro twenty bushek pcr acre. Jhe ufillzation of resourns when the inputs
The sagacious rnehznic is the one who busics; hrmselt w ~ l h
control of the limiting Incroc, knowing that rht mmplemcn- trnployed are xo can be evaluated using this
lary tacton will work out the results inrmdd, The Rut- model. A* is defined as the maximal factor by
itrbudgei wastes his time on the complementary Ianon.' which the amount employed of all resources For
Ipp. 628629)' the product mix yo can be increased without
violating the capacity constraints. The scalar A*
In the typing example discussed earlier, it is is the solution to:
possible that the factor limiting a typing system
to 3000 words pcr hour when its achievable rate A* = Max i
is 7200 words per hour is the skill of the typist.
Hence, additional training may improve this subject to RSx*S X '
lim~tingfactor. Of course, rhtrt are many other
possibilities. The output could be limited by the If at least one of the rcsourccs (the limiting
motivation or the typist or the implied or ne- lactor) is fully utilized A* = 1 otherwise A* 2 1.
gotiated work rules which control the pace of i*- I then becomes a bounded productivity mea-

work. The repair or the machine or the kind of sure indicating the level of resource utilization in
paper, or the organization or the Row of work the system. The method appears to be sound
may constitute or contribute to the limiting bc- whenever the A'S and X's refer to technical
tor. Or, it is also possible that the typist is not as production systems. The method could be cxten-
productive as possible because some eflotz is ded however to deal with less tangible resources
devoted to complying with government regu- and constraints such as motivational and rc-
lations. Whatever their source, idenfifying the gulatory factors.
limiting lactors is important in productivity The search for the maximal output or minimal
analysis. input For a system may also be faciiitated by

linear programming. There is a dose connection system acquired all of the resources it might?
between the activity analysis developed by Systemic prduaivity dcak with this query.
Kooprnans and the simplex method Tor linear
programming developed by George B. Dantzig.
As described briefly in the preceding section, the SYSTEMIC BRODZICTTWTY
technical knowlcdge about a system may be
represented in an activity analysis model and Systemic productivity questions the design of the
summarized by a matrix A. When this model is system itself: "Is it living up to its maximum
confronted with a given stock of factors of pro- feasible potential'?' "Is it doing what it ought to
duction and a specific objecrive to be maximized do to develop its resources and to pursue oppor-
(e.g., output) or minimized (e.g., input), a linear tunities?" En a disturbed, reactive environment
program may be used to determine the system's these art the salient questions. Strategic planning
optimal output or input levels. is the information base ror answering these q u a -
Bounded productivity as described here is irn- tions. Systemic productivity is lthc measure.
potlaat because it serves as a guide to manage- Investment is the action orientation.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

ment. It tells the manager how far actual pro- Systemic productivity describes how well the
duction is from what is achievable with the system is doing compnred with its potential as
system's given resources. It spurs rhe search for measured by the performance of any feasible,
limiring factors. Hence, it provides valuable infor- designable system of the same functions! class. A
mation for the practical and rational decision- system o i the same tunctional class is a system
maker. M ensures similar to the bounded pro- whose actual or polcntial output will achieve the
ductivity measures developed here are found in same end or purpose in the system's environ-
various paris OF the literature. Beer' has de- ment. Presumably, the system's manager could
veloped a series of measures of achievement in have re-configured the system into any of those
which his measure or "productivity" is similar to of the same lunctional class that were reason-
the bounded measure developed here. In ad- ably available in the system's environment.
dition, the rare of return on investment analysis Consequently. systemic productivity is a measure
or DuPont and General ~ o t o r s "relates output o l opportunities lost because o l a failure to invest
to capacity as one oi the explanatory variables. and to engage in systems evolution and redesign.
Btla GoldY"aas linked ROI to more traditional As with boundcd productivity ~t is measured
productivity analysis through the equation: both in relation to output and to input.
Syslemic ourput producriviry is the ratio:
Output Output Actual output diuided $4. the maximal output
Total Investment =capacity thnt could be produced by the best alternative,
feasible, designable and importable system of the
same functional class.
Gapacit y Fixed Investment Systemic inpur psducriviry is the ratio:
Fixed Investment Total Investment Miminal input resources that are required to
produce a given level or output by the best
Several studies of productive systems hare used a alternative, feasible, designable and importable
bounded measure as their effectircness criterion. system of the same functional class divided by the
For example in the Ahmedabad Experiments, A. actual input resources consumed to produce that
K. RicelB employed engineering techniques to level of output.
estimate productivity as actual output divided by To return to the illustration or the typing .. .
engineered potential output. M, J. Farrell's orig- system, the actual ratt of 3000 words per man-
inal work has been extended by Farrcll and hour using a manual typewriter was related to a
Fieldhause" and Wesley S ~ i t z ~ ' . ~ Annc
' design standard (7200) and a world record (8820)
Gram's "best practices" method'' is an alter- for manual machines, in order to obtain the
native to that of Farrell. bounded productivi~y measure. The system, hw
Both process productivity and bounded pro- werer, could be redesigned using an electric type-
ductivity take the existing system as given, They writer. Electric typewritten pages arc of the same
are measures or how well thc system is doing functional class [and, in this case, also of the
with the resources available to it. But has the same rnorphologicaP class) as manually typewrit-
28 R. 0. MASON

'Len pages. However, the oficial world accord on management to conditions which should b
an electric machine is 9316 words per man-hour, understood and explained. For example, a low
recorded using an IBM electric. Actually, rates bounded productivity measure calculated on ~the
approaching 12,960 have been observed. This basis of machine specifications may also k the
would suggest that one basis for calculating result of a previously uncoasidtrtd constraint
systemic productivity would be to relate the such as work rules ncgotiattd in collective bar-
actual rate to this potential rate, 7hc systemic gaining or work conditions imposed by com-
productivity then would h pliance with an OSHA safety rule. Scveral judg-
ments are possible in this case: (a) accept the
imposed r a m as binding and scale down the rest
of the system to match; (b) attempt to negotiate
a new standard; (c) continue to operate the
The investment decision to exchange a manual system as is; or I d ) seek ways to reconfigure the
typwriter for an electric typcwriltcr is a relatively system within the confines or these constraints.
minor system's redesign. Computerized word pro- The appropriate action would be determined by
cessing represents a more dramatic he- the mult of a thorough productivity review.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

configuration within the same functional class. Low sysremic productivity measures suggest
Whilc it is still limited to some form of riianual other options. Options for improvement include
key entry tor original data, a word processing total redesign or the system, acquisitions or new
system can store, format and organize data so zquipmenk, and substantial retraining or hiring
that the net effective output rates can be much programs. In short, low systemic productivity is
higher. For example. it may be possible on a n indication that new investment is required, In
current IBM equipment, to achieve as high as terms a l managerial action, there is a swial
45,000 words per man-hour. The systemic pro- relationship between bounded and systemic pro-
ductivity of the manual typing system then would ductivity. Bounded produclivi~yfocws at tcntion
' k within the system to look for solutions; systemic
productivity focuses attention without. Howcvcr,
ib bounded productivity is low, then the system's
management must be very careful in adopting
systemic change such as new equipment or new
Systemic productivity is an indicator or the designs as a solution, unlcss these new solutions
long-run survival and viability or the system. t t deal specifically with the limiting factor.
may be applied to work stations, organizations, This is not unlike the story af the farmer who
industries and entire economies, alike. It's appli- t d d the agriculture extension agent, "Sucks, I'm
cation raises qucskions the other measures miss. not [arming as well as I know how now!" He
For example, it is possible that an industry, such was essent~ally saying, "Don't bother mc with
as the U.S.steel industry, has process and boun- systemic changes. I'm not working up to my
ded productivity measures which arc: within his- bounded productivity level yet." Consquently,
torically acceptable levels. That b, the industry the first order oh business for the sysrem's ma-
may be relatively efieiena given the turn-of-the- nager is t o see that the system's available physi-
century technology many firms employ. However, cal, physiological and psychic cnergy is freed ro
in light of the development or new technology do work and that this cnergy is appropriately
and methods in Europe and Japan. the industry's directed. This requires the manager ta employ a
systemic productivity may be quite low. This low wide range of skills, including organizational dt-
ratio is a signal to the industry's management vcloprnent skills.
that irs long-range plans and its investment po- The diflerence between bounded and systemic
licy ought to be re-evaluattd. The firm is in a ptodluctivizy is still relevant however. I t is a guide
disturbed environment and eventually its corn- lor new investment and the importing of new
petitors nay out-perform it. energy lor the system, Ih a manuaI typing system
Low rates (i.e., Mow one) of bounded or has a bounded output rate of 7200 words per
systemic praductivity do not necessarily imply man-hour and a systemic output rate of 9316, or
that immediate action should be taken to close or 45,000 words per man-hour, then n potential
the gap. The measure is a signal. It alerts of 'between 21 16 or 37,800 additional words per

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redesigned so that its energies would be chan- 5. J. R . Commons. Iruritvrioml Economics. Thc Univtmity
neled to secute the higher rate, This decision is or Wisfonsin Prrss, Madison, W i n s i n , 1962, pp. 62%
the primary rresponsibility of a system's manager, #.
as is any investment or re-configuration or the 6. C. E. C r i g and R C. Harris, Told productivity
measurement at the firm evel.* Slwn Mona~rmcnr
system. Reuiou, 14, NO.3. Spring 1973.
~ e e r 'suggtsts that diflertncts of this type can 7. R. M. Cytrt and J. G . March, A Behaciorul Theory athe
be tracked by means or a ratio which he calls the Firm Prentice HalL Englewoad Clills, Ncw J a y , 1963.
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existing capability approaches ias potential with Institulc. Washingron, 1974.
new Investment. I t is also a measure or the 10. E. F. Denison, Actaunllng for united Sratcs' Ecaaomic
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Growth 19294969. Brooking Institute, Washin~ton,

resource stewardship of the system's manager. A 1974.
manager may raise process or bounded pro- 11. S. Eillon, B. Gold and J. Souon. Appllcd Prducrlulry
ductivity by depleting and "squandering his la- Analy~isfor Ei~lusrry. Pcrpmon Enternnrional Library,
tent rcsourm." Pcoplt and equipment may be Oxlord, 1975,
overworked, "let go," under-maintained or re- 12. F. E. Emery and E. L. Trist, "The uuml lcature of
orpniwrronal snvironmtnr~.~ Humun Rcbtlonr. 18. 1963.
assigned in an effort to reduce costs. But the pp. 20-36.
result wilt bt a reduction oi the capacity and 13, S Fabr~canl.A Prlmrr on Prdurtilrity. Random House.
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nator in the bounded oulput productiv~ly For- 14. M. J. Farreti. "The rnasurtmcnl or prductive eficiency."
Jmrrlul uj the Ru,rul J'lrr~isrirrrlSW~PE)..120, Plrt 11.
mula). This depletion results in a reduction in the 1957: pp. 2 5 3 - 9 0 .
, ratio of systemic to bounded productivity and IS. M. 1. Farrtll and ha. Ficldhouse. "Estim3~ing cficicnt
serves as tl signal that short term improvements productions under incwsing rvturns to scale." Jwrnul of
have bccn gained a1 the cost or losing fu~ure rbr Ro14ul SritiirriruE 9 u i r f y . FZ.Purr 11. 1962. pp 252-
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16. 1. Fisher. Thr rVafurr nj CirpiruI U I 111rume.
~ Macmillan.
rht munaser had dis-invested during the period. Ncw York. 1%.
17. 1. Gold. Futrnduriorlr Prmlur~i~ily A m f j ~ i xUniversity
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18. B. GoSd. Esplorution.r ~n Munir~rrial Ecnnarnks:
SUMMARY g y Grswth. B ~ i ch k s .
Prutltruricit): Corr~.T ~ h n t ~ l o uwd
Ncw York. 1971.
Productivity has k n defined in systems terms. It 19, L. Grccnbtrp. sl Pracrirul Guide to PruJut.riuity
was argued that depending on the assumptions kleu.rtrrrmutrr. The Bureau o i Nariunal Ahlrs.
made about the system's environment and Washington, D.C.. 1973.
management's perceived relation 10 it, three dif- 20. h. P. Grossz. "The technological srructurc 01 the cottun
tcntilc industry." I n Studirs in the Slrucrurr oj rhc
ferent concepts or productivity can be identified. Amrricun Eronomy. edited by W. Leanriol, at at., Onbrd
Based on a theory or system's environments, Univers~tyPms. Nrw York. 1953, Chnptcr 10.
notions or (1) process productivity, (2) bounded 21. W. T. Jerornc. E.xccuricc Conlral-The C u r a l y ~ t .John
productivity, and (3) systemic ptoducrivity were Wilcy. N e w York, 1961.
22. 1. W. Kendrick. Prducrivicy Treds in ~ h rUnlted Stu~rs.
developed and appropriatc measures suggested. Princtlon Univenity Prtw. Prirmton, 1961.
The result is a general systems theory of pro- 33. d. W. Kcndrick and D. Ctcamer, Mearurlng Cornpuny
ductivity which should aid the system's manager Prductivir,r. The ConFtrtncc Board, New York, 1965.
in measuring and improving [he eficiency of any 24 C. M Kricbct. ct a/., "Modeling thc ptoduerivity or
productive system. inionnation spzms,* Cameg~e-Mcllon University,
T ~ h n ~ nReport
l WQ. N5F AFR 75-20546/76/rR2.
Pittsburgh. Apnl 1976 ( R e v i d June 1976).
25. W. H. McWb~nncy,"Orvan~rztionalIorm, decision mod&-
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L. R. L. AckoR and F. E. Emery, O n Purposeful Systrwu. August 1969. pp. 269-28 1.
Aldin~Athcrton.Chicago. 1972. 26. S ,Mclman. 'The r i 01~ Administrative ovcrhcnd in tk
2. S. k r , Bntin uj tllc f i r m . Herder and Herder. N e w manubc~uring indurtcics o l the Unared Stat~h 1899-
York. 1972. 1957.- Oxfurd Econumir Paprrs. Ill. No. 1. January 1951.
27. S. Mtlmnn. Dgnomlc Furrorq rn Indrrrtr~alProducticrrr JR. W. krtz. "Produdlvc clFic~cncy I" the s t c m m 4 a n c g-
Basil Blackwelt, Oxlord. 1956 ncratrng ~ndurtry." Jorrmnl of Polirual Ecmnmy, Julv-
2A. A. K . RICC, P r d u c t i r ~ ~ yund Sac&/ Orgon~:ar~nn A u ~ u s tIY7P. pp. 878-886.
Tsvistock, London. 1'170 31 A. Smlth. A n Inquiry Ilrro rhr N a r u r r u d CUUKIflf thr
29. W.9 t t q T h e memure or f i c i c n c y relat~vcto a front~cr IC'tnlrh of ,Var~on%Great Books of thc Wcrtcrn World.
prductlon function.* Amrr~con J r n u r ~ IaF A ~ r i c u l r u r c VoI 39,
Econom~cr,hovcmhcr 1970, pp 50551 1.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 01:13 18 October 2015

Dr. RlCHARD 0 MASOY was born In Mcmph15.

Ttfintucc Hc r c r r i t d h15 B 5 . lrom Orcgun Skrtc U n ~ v c r w ~ v
and hit Ph n. lrnm I-'nlvcrs~~y of C a l l l o r n ~ qBcikclty IFc 15
currcn:ly Assarale Profclror o l Mannpcmcnt and
Infurmalion Syslcrnr and C'hamnan. Puhl~c and Not-lor-
Prnfit 5Tanapcmtnr ar the Graduate k h w l uf \!~napcmcnt,
Unrvcnriy ol Calblorn~n. Lor Angcla. Previously hc u r t c d ar
Assl<!znt R a n . PIO~CIIIOR;L~M L ~ L Propam
C I C ~ nk thc Graduate
khool. U.C.L.A.
Dr. Mmnn a r v d tlpht y e a n as a Corn pure Spccnl~rrfnr
Burroughs Carporatlon and t w o yean. on Icn>c lrnm
U C.L.A.. with the Na~ronal h e n c e Foundarlon In
Wa*htnylon. I 3 C.
Dr h l m n w x * rhc Edjtor or thc Manapcmcnt and
k h a v i o r a l k i e n c c Department for Hunu~rmrnr .Ci.rrwe and
lr currently Prtsrdcnt-Eltct of the W&rern Acadcm) ai
Manapcrncn t
T)r Mxson 13 a r n c m h r ul ~ h cInrtltu~co l Management
Snenm. the hcadern) of %lanapcmcnr, dmcnmn Atrrluntrnp
Skrncly ant! r\ssmh3i~on01 Cornyut~n)lSl.~c.h!nerv

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