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GENERATION Z or iGeneration

Generation names often change as a generation comes of age and different characteristics or
events come to define them. Often, what a generation is called early on is not what ends up sticking.
With the rapid change in technology and its impact on our lives, it is clear that the Internet is no longer
the defining feature in the lives of children and teens.

A new generation have been discovered, which is labelled as the "iGeneration" with the "i"
representing both the types of mobile technologies being heralded by children and adolescents (iPhone,
iPod, Wii, iTunes) plus the fact that these technologies are mostly "individualized" in the way they are

This new generation encompasses those children and teens born in the new millennium and are
defined by their technology and media use, their love of electronic communication, and their need to
multitask. Defining them as cloud natives rather than digital natives; their world is iEverything, with a
lowercase i. Other popular names for this fast-emerging generation are Generation Z and Centennials.

As Gen Z members are still largely kids and adolescents, many of their adult characteristics are
yet to be vetted. Early indications are that they are increasingly self-aware, self-reliant, innovative and
goal-oriented. They also appear to be more pragmatic than their Millennial predecessors, but well have
to wait and see if that plays out as they become employees, consumers, investors and voters.

One key difference from Millennials: Most members of iGen or Gen Z dont remember a time
before social media. As a result, they tend to live much more of their entire livesfrom interacting with
friends and family to making major purchasesonline and via their smartphones. This could have
profound implications for everything from their relationships and how they learn to virtual reality
training and problem-solving.

Gen Z is being raised differently than Millennials were, which should have some pronounced
effects on their views and approach to being employees, customers and citizens. Gen Z also has a
different experience with technology than Millennials, which will affect every area of their lifefrom
healthcare and dating to education and shopping. What is most interesting is that what worked for
Millennials does not seem to be working as well with iGen, and this creates tremendous challenges and
opportunities for organizations of all sizes and in all industries. The key differentiator between failure
and success is getting accurate data about iGen early so leaders can adapt.

Gen Z definitively starts at 1996and not 2000, as many people (often non-researchers) claim
is that the last, most important defining moment for Millennials was September 11, 2001. Those born
from 1996 onward do not remember September 11, 2001. If you dont remember 9/11, then you are
NOT a Millennial, but a member of the generation after Millennials: iGen or Gen Z.

CYNICAL. While the students I met were fairly happy and well-adjusted, they are not giddy like so
many Generation Y kids were in the 90s. They tend to be more realistic not idealistic, seemingly jaded
from the tough economy, terrorism and complexities of life.

PRIVATE. Perhaps its because they watched their older siblings get in trouble from posting controversial
content on social media, but younger teens dont want to be tracked. Apps like Snapchat and Whisper
have seen explosive growth in the last few years. In contrast, Facebook has lost 25 percent of this
demographic since 2011.

ENTREPRENEURIAL. Like Millennials, these students plan to be pioneers, not merely settlers in a
career. 72% of current high school students want to start a business. They feel like hackers, not slackers.
Since theyre more jaded, they know life is hard and requires work.

MULTI-TASKING. By almost every measurement so far, these Gen Z kids will take multi-taking to a new
level. They prefer to be on 5 screens at once, not 2 screens like Millennials. Get ready to communicate
to them while they look around, not into your eyes.

HYPER-AWARE. Generation Z has communicated enough with marketing researchers and academics to
reveal that they experience: 4D Thinking. Because their minds are streaming in so many directions,
theyve become post-moderns who are hyperaware of their surroundings.

TECHNOLOGY-RELIANT. If we thought Millennials were addicted to technology, get ready for more. In
surveys, these teens put technology in the same category as air and water. They cannot imagine living
without being connected all the time.

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