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British and World Lit

Teacher: Andrew Vanden Boogaard
Room: 331 (Shared with Isabela Green)
Homework Days: Assign homework on Mondays
and Thursdays; Collect
homework on Tuesdays and

(Some of) My Favorite Quotes:

The tortoise only makes progress when his neck sticks out.
-Ab Soul

Ive always felt that it is impossible to engage properly

with a place or a person without engaging with all of the
stories of that place and that person. The consequence of
the single story is this: It robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity
difficult. It emphasizes how we are different rather than how we are similar.
-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Whoever feels as if they have mastered their craft has obviously never played golf.
-Alex Vanden Boogaard

I. Course Introduction
Welcome to 11th grade English! This course is an intensive reading and writing class that
focuses on British and World Literature in the context of the social, geographical, socio-
economic and political development of the United Kingdom. The course will expose students to
an assortment of genres including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and drama. The
goal of the course is to help students find their voice as writers, become increasingly complex
and attentive readers, and more critically conscious individuals. Students will be asked to reflect
on their own experiences and how these experiences have influenced their development. They
will practice the critical literacy skills they need to understand literature and writing in many
different contexts. Students will also learn how to understand and use a variety of reading and
writing genres as well as historical texts to consider social issues, human nature, and current
events which affect them both directly and indirectly.

II. Course Goals

Students will acquire mastery in the areas of reading, writing, and communication. Students will
equip themselves with the essential skills they will need to succeed at Colegio Menor, in university,

and beyond. Students will develop a deeper understanding of how they think and interact with the
world around them.

III. Topics of Study

Unit 1: Summer Novel - Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Unit 2: Writing the Essay

Unit 3: History of English and Poetry

Unit 4: Collections Reading and Analysis

Unit 5: 1984 by George Orwell

Unit 6: Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

Unit 7: Research Paper

Partial 1 * Partial 2 * Partial 3 * Partial 4 * Partial 5 * Partial 6 *

Units 1-2 Units 3 Units 4 Units 5 Units 6 Units 7

Readings and Readings Readings and Readings Readings and Readings and
text: Things and text: text: and text: text: text:
Fall Apart Selected Selected 1984 Much Ado Independent
Collections 1 British and Readings Non-fiction About novel
World Lit. from articles and Nothings Selected
poems Collections related texts Alternative Readings from
Reading: Collections
Julius Caesar

Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing: Writing:

Literary Poetry Rhetorical Creative Personal Research
Analysis Analysis Analysis Writing Narrative Paper

*Units Subject to Change if Necessary

IV. Grading
TAI (Homework) 20% (informal writing, reading annotations, discussion forums)
Reading annotations
Writing assignments
Journal Entries

AIC (Individual Work) 20% (participation, punctuality, reading annotations, responses, note-book,
informal writing, pop quizzes, literature circles, MC questions)

Reading annotations & responses
Notes, Writing Assignments

AGC (Group Work) 20% (Group work and projects, literature workshops, writing workshops,
peer revision work, MC questions)
Pair/group exams & work
Peer revisions

Lessons 20% (Vocabulary, grammar, literature and theory)

Unit exams
Formal Writing

Summative 20% (summative essays or summative projects)

Summative Work
Final Portfolio

*Participation is an important factor in determining your final grade. This course is taught in
English; therefore, all coursework (discussions, group and individual projects) must be done in
English. Please refer to the Participation Rubric for a detailed breakdown. Not contributing to
class conversations and group presentations will not only lower your grade but also make the
class much less entertaining and thought-provoking.

V. Course Materials
A4 Lined Notebook: This notebook is for functional information that you will need in order to
be successful in this course (i.e., grammar, literary terms, etc.). This needs to be brought to class
every day.
Small Notebook: This notebook will be used for daily activities, warm-ups, and writing.
Folder/Binder: This is essential to keep your handouts.
An iPad or laptop (if you have one): Students will be using technology frequently both inside
and outside of the classroom. If you do not have access to a personal device, please use the
school's available resources.
Pencils, erasers, pens, highlighters, colored post-it notes.

VI. Resources
Students will use all of the following resources to successfully complete this course:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Collections, Student Edition Grade 11 Textbook: All five (5)
blocks of 11th Grade British and World Literature will share one classroom set of our brand-new
textbooks. These textbooks cannot, under any circumstances, leave the classroom. Each student
will be assigned a textbook and share the responsibility to maintain their assigned textbook in mint

condition with the 3-5 other students who also use that same textbook within the classroom. Any
damage, loss, or theft of a textbook will automatically result in the cost of purchasing a new
textbook being divided equally amongst all students to which the textbook in question was

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Collections, Student Edition Grade 11 eBook: Students will
receive a username and password with which they may access an electronic copy of our textbook.
Please note that the electronic textbook cannot be downloaded; consequently, students must have
a functional internet connection in order to access this resource.

Schoology Learning Management System: All physical materials and electronic resources used
in the classroom will also be uploaded to the courses Schoology page. Schoology will serve as
the go-to-destination for students and parents to review this syllabus, lesson plans, homework
assignments, grading rubrics, and assessment schedules. The instructor will monitor student and
parent messages received via Schoology between the hours of 7:45 and 3:45 on school days. Please
note that the instructor may require up to one (1) school day in order to respond.

VII. Classroom Policies

1. Respect yourself and others. This is the most important rule/policy in this class and there
will be no tolerance for disrespect in our classroom environment.
2. Please raise your hand.
3. Electronic devices are not allowed in class without the teachers approval. If you use any
electronic devices without authorization, you will be subject to the schools policies and
guidelines. This includes cell phones, tablets, and computers.
4. Only water is allowed in the classroom.
5. Always be on-time. We will start class exactly on time and you will risk missing warm-up
grades and/or pop quizzes if you are late. Points will be taken off on a weekly basis for
unexcused tardies.
6. Always bring classroom materials: class notebook(s), binder, pens, paper, and iPad or
laptop (if you have one).
7. We follow the Student Handbook, Discipline Policy, and Upper School Policies.
8. REFRAIN from bathroom use when teacher is teaching. You will be allowed to go to the
bathroom ONLY if you are working individually or in a group. Also, if you are in class
directly before or after break or lunch, there will be a 10-minute time period from the
beginning and end of class when you are not allowed to go to the bathroom.
9. Participation grades are given weekly. If you are not prepared for class or you cause any
kind of disruption, you will lose those points throughout the week.
10. Speak English at all times.

VIII. Expectations:

Every student will enter the classroom willing to learn.

Students must come to the classroom prepared. This means that students must have all of their
materials for class on them at the time they enter the classroom, homework must be completed

and ready to be checked or handed in at the beginning of class, and projects and other major
assignments must also be ready to be handed in or presented at the start of class.
Students are only on-time if the door is open. If the door has already been shut, students must
go the Upper School Office to receive a tardy pass.
Students must participate enthusiastically, as both speakers and listeners, in all forms of class
discussions. This will count towards the weekly participation. The more you share and discuss,
the more I can see your thoughts and ideas.
ASK QUESTIONS. Asking questions shows an engaged mind critically thinking and
questioning the challenging work at hand.
Written work that is turned in for grading must demonstrate your best possible work. Too many
grammar or spelling errors shows carelessness. There will be times you will be given a slight
extension to correct your paper and hand it in again for no penalty. If you do not hand it in at
the time of your extension due date, you will be given an automatic zero.
There is no such thing as half-completed work. Your homework and other work is either
thorough and thoughtful, or it is incomplete and it deserves a zero.
Students will always respect Colegio Menors maintenance staff by cleaning up after
themselves and treating these valuable members of our school community with dignity.
We will follow all of Colegio Menors policies.
This will be a challenging class. I have high expectations for each and all of you and I will do
my best to make sure you exceed all these expectations.

Printing Expectations
All printing must be done at home or in the library during break, lunch, or after school. Being
late because you had to print will be considered an unexcused tardy, No one will be able to print
from my computer. An assignment brought on a USB memory drive will be penalized.


a. Being disrespectful towards teacher or classmates. ZERO TOLERANCE

b. No cell phones or laptops allowed unless I specifically say so and we are using them for
academic purposes.
c. Hiding materials from other students or otherwise engaging in any form of bullying. There
will be d-points for both the one who complains and the culprit
d. By the third discipline warning, students will automatically get a D-point.

Homework will be assigned and collected as established across Upper School.
Assigned on Mondays and Thursdays and Collected on Tuesdays and Fridays.

**Late daily homework and other formative assignments receive a 0 (except if absent). This
includes if homework is incomplete. Late summative assignments will lose 20% each day. This
is in accordance with Colegio Menor policies.

Extra Credit will be offered at the teacher's discretion.

IX. Academic Preparedness

Readings: Each student is expected to prepare for class by reading the assigned work alertly,
curiously, and critically. Complete reading annotations as assigned.

Schoology: Each student is expected to check Schoology for resources, dates, and assignments
on a daily basis.

Quizzes: Quizzes will be announced or unannounced at the teachers discretion. Keeping up on

the reading and classroom assignments will prepare each student for pop quizzes.

Vocabulary: Students are expected to keep up with vocabulary expectations and activities
throughout the year.

Essays: Essays must be typed, double spaced, spell-checked, and in correct APA citation format.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism in any form and in any type of assignment will result in 0 and
additional disciplinary consequences. Dont do it!

Absent: If you are absent for a test, please make sure you make up for this grade ASAP. You
will have until the next available extra help session, or as established by the SLC.

X. Electronic Communications
If you wish to contact me outside of the classroom, please do so by email to the address listed
above. I will answer emails sent before 5:30pm Monday-Friday.

XI. Office Hours:

My office hours will be on Tuesdays (1:20 to 1:55 PM) and Thursdays (7:45 to 8:30 AM) and
my extra help sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. Thus, Tuesdays and Thursdays
are obviously the best days to chat with me or get help. That being said, I am still here for each
and every student, and I will make absolutely every effort to meet with you if you ever need
help. However, I am also not a mind-reader. If you are having any issues (whether personal or
academic), please communicate with me. I am here to help and my door is always open, but I
need you all to communicate with me as well. If you give me a 24-hour heads up or inform me of
any problems we can certainly plan a time that fits both schedules. Just be sure to communicate
and inform me of any troubles you have or help you need.


SIGN: After reading this syllabus, please sign, detach this section and turn it in. This is our
agreement that you understand what is expected of you during this course.

I am honored to have you in my class and am very excited for a remarkable year!

Name of student: ___________________________ Block: ________

Signature of student: _________________________________ Date: _______

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