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Trapezius Muscle EMG as Predictor of Mental Stress

Jacqueline Wijsman Bernard Grundlehner, Hermie Hermens

University of Twente Julien Penders University of Twente
Drienerlolaan 5 Holst Centre/imec Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede High Tech Campus 31 7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands 5656 AE Eindhoven The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Bernard.Grundlehner@imec- Roessingh Research and
Holst Centre/imec
High Tech Campus 31 Development
5656 AE EindhovenJulien.Penders@imec- Roessinghsbleekweg 33b
The Netherlands 7522 AH Enschede
Jacqueline.Wijsman@imec- The Netherlands

Stress is a growing problem in society and can, amongst oth- mental stress, electromyography, upper trapezius muscle
ers, induce musculoskeletal complaints, related to sustained
muscle tension. The ability to measure stress with a wireless 1. INTRODUCTION
system would be useful in the prevention of stress-related Over the last decades, the amount of work done at a com-
health problems. The aim of this experiment was to derive puter has increased. The incidence of musculoskeletal dis-
stress levels of subjects from electromyography (EMG) sig- orders (e.g. of the neck and shoulders) in office workers has
nals of the upper trapezius muscle. Two new stress tests increased as well. Low back pain and pain in the neck or
were designed for this study, which aimed at creating cir- shoulders are symptoms that are commonly seen not only in
cumstances that are similar to work stress. physically demanding jobs, but also in office jobs and peo-
An experiment is described in which EMG signals of the ple working in supermarkets, for example. Causes for these
upper trapezius muscle were measured during three different problems are found to be not only monotonous and repet-
stressful situations. Stress tests included a calculation task itive work. Especially psychosocial factors such as low job
(the Norinder test), a logical puzzle task and a memory task, satisfaction, lack of autonomy and variation at work, high
of which the last two were newly designed. workload and work pressure have found to have influence on
The results show significantly higher amplitudes of the the development of musculoskeletal disorders. The increas-
EMG signals during stress compared to rest and fewer gaps ing prevalence of muscle problems is becoming an important
(periods of relaxation) during stress. Also, mean and median economic burden for modern society [9, 13, 15].
frequencies were significantly lower during stress than during Stress is known to activate the sympathetic nervous sys-
rest. The differences in EMG features between rest and tem [18]. One of the consequences is the elevation of muscle
stress conditions indicate that EMG is a useful parameter tone, sometimes resulting in shivering [10]. Capturing this
to detect stress. These results show opportunities for the muscle tone elevation could then be a predictor of mental
inclusion of EMG sensors in a wireless system for ambulatory stress level.
monitoring of stress levels. A lot of research has already been done on the detection of
stress from physiological parameters influenced by activation
Categories and Subject Descriptors of the sympathetic nervous system. Next to muscle activ-
ity, examples are heart rate, heart rate variability, galvanic
J.3.4 [Computer Applications]: Life and Medical Sci-
skin response and pupil diameter [4, 12, 20]. We focused on
enceshealth; J.4.2 [Computer Applications]: Social and
detecting stress from muscle activity because of the possible
Behavioral Sciencespsychology
benefits in prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.
Several investigations are reported on the effect of mental
General Terms stress on muscles [9, 13, 15, 5, 6, 7]. All experiments used
Verification, Experimentation the ElectroMyoGram (EMG) from the upper trapezius mus-
cle, from which various features were extracted to quantify
muscle activity. The Stroop color word test and different
mental arithmetic tasks are the most popular ways to in-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for duce mental stress. Previous results indicated that these
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are tests successfully induced stress, which resulted in changes
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies in EMG signals of the trapezius muscle. These changes in
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to EMG included an increase of amplitude and a decrease in
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific the amount of gaps (short periods of relaxation) that were
permission and/or a fee.
Wireless Health 10, October 5-7, 2010, San Diego, USA recorded. Both are indications of elevation of muscle activ-
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-989-3 ...$10.00. ity, caused by the stress tasks.

A system that can measure stress levels based on muscle
activity will create interesting applications in real life situ-
ations. Final goal is to design an easily wearable wireless
system that can measure real time stress levels. A possible Video
application of such a system could be stress prevention at
The Stroop color word test and mental arithmetic tests
can be very stressful, but do not simulate situations that
are encountered in real life. Therefore, the first goal of this Screen, Experimenter
study is to propose and validate a new protocol for stress Subject keyboard,
induction in situations mimicking daily work. The second
goal of this study is to confirm that stress can be detected
from amplitude and temporal features of the EMG of the up-
per trapezius muscle. Thirdly, two features of the frequency Laptop
spectrum will be analyzed to investigate if stress influences
frequency components of the EMG. The test protocol, sig-
nal acquisition system, data processing, methods for feature
extraction and statistical analysis are presented in section
2. Results of the protocol validation and the analysis of
the trapezius EMG signals during the tests, in comparison
to relaxing periods, are presented in section 3. The results Figure 1: Schematic drawing of experiment room
are discussed in section 4. Finally, conclusions are drawn in
section 5.
2.1 Subjects 5HVW 5HVW
A total number of 30 subjects were recruited for the ex-
periment. Subjects had to be of age 18 or older and English-
speaking. Subjects with muscle diseases, cardiac problems
or mental disorders like depression or anxiety were excluded.
The ages of the subjects were in the range 19-53 (mean =
33.1; SD = 7.87); 25 subjects were male and 5 female. All 6WUHVV 6WUHVV 6WUHVV
subjects were right-handed. The subjects had 14 different 4XHVWLRQQDLUH 4XHVWLRQQDLUH 4XHVWLRQQDLUH
nationalities. 5HVW 5HVW 5HVW
2.2 Test environment 
The test was performed in a quiet room with as few dis-
tractions as possible. A schematic drawing of the workplace Figure 2: Schematic overview of the procedure of
setup is displayed in Figure 1. During the experiment, that the stress experiment
was performed on a PC, the experimenter could see the test
interface on a laptop screen, whereas an extra screen was
available for the subject. A cabinet was placed in between The entire experimental procedure was implemented in a
the subject and the experimenter, so they could not see each Matlab interface in which the experimental conditions were
other. The subject sat on a chair behind a desk and had a executed one after each other automatically. Automated
mouse and keyboard available to answer the questions and event marking allowed accurate mapping of the recorded sig-
do the tests. A sound amplifier was connected to the laptop. nals on the different conditions. The different experimental
The subject could hear the sounds involved in the experi- conditions are explained in the paragraphs below.
ment through headphones connected to the amplifier. A General Questions and PSS. The subject was asked about
video camera was set up in the room, suggesting that the age, gender, dominant hand and nationality. He then filled
subject would be video taped during one of the tests. in the perceived stress scale (PSS) form [3], which provides
an idea of his general stress state.
2.3 Experimental Protocol Rest. The rest condition was a period of two minutes in
The subjects answered some general questions first, and which the subject had to sit still and relaxed with his left
filled in the perceived stress scale (PSS) questionnaire. Then hand in his lap. The subject heard Pachelbels Canon in
they performed a reference contraction, followed by exposure D, which is an orchestral piece often used in commercially
to three different stress conditions. In between these con- available stress-reduction tapes [1].
ditions, resting periods were scheduled to make sure that Self-report Questionnaire. As a reference measure, self-
the conditions did not influence one another. Furthermore, report questionnaires were used. The subject had to fill in
a questionnaire had to be completed before and after each questionnaires about his mood state after each rest period
condition. The experimental protocol is illustrated in Figure and stress test. Visual analogue scales (VAS) were used to
2. let the subject indicate his emotional state by answering

10 questions about 10 different discrete emotions. For each that he would lose his reward from the first present-winning
emotion, the scale ranged from not at all to extremely. test if he did not perform well on this test.
Reference Contraction. A reference contraction was per-
formed by the subject, for normalization of the EMG am- 2.4 Procedure
plitude afterwards. The subject was instructed to raise his The subject was asked to sit down and two pre-gelled
arms at a sign, while looking straight ahead. The arms were Ag/AgCl electrodes were placed on both shoulders in the
abducted 90 in the frontal plane, with the elbows fully ex- middle of the imaginary line between the acromion and ver-
tended, wrists straight and palms down. The arms were held tebra C7 as described in the recommendations from SE-
horizontally aside. After 20 seconds, a second sign was given NIAM [16]. Interelectrode distance was 25 mm and a ref-
and the subject was told to bring down his arms. erence electrode was placed on the spinous process of C7.
Stress Tests. Three stress tests were done during the Then, the EMG electrodes were connected to two wireless
experiment. The order of the three tests was randomized sensor nodes; one for the signals from the left shoulder and
among the subjects to minimize crossover effects. This means one for the right shoulder. Each sensor node features a
that the order of the three blocks in stress phase in Figure proprietary single channel low-power ASIC for bio-potential
2 changed among subjects. amplification and filtering [19]. The wireless sensor nodes
Test 1, the Norinder test [8], was a calculation test that used for this study are based on the body area network plat-
is commonly used in stress experiments [9, 5]. This test form developed within imec [2].
functioned as a reference test to induce mental stress. The A chest belt for electrocardiography (ECG) and respira-
test was done under time pressure. The subject had 2:30 min tion monitoring and a hand sensor for measuring skin con-
to complete 27 calculations. When an error was made, a red ductivity were placed as well [2]. Next to the EMG, only
screen appeared, a buzzer sounded and the subject had to the ECG signal is used in this study.
calculate the result again. A countdown timer was running Once the subject was equipped with all sensors, a visual
while the subject was performing the test. The color of the signal check was performed to ensure that the sensor nodes
timer bar faded from yellow to red. Beeps sounded at 0:30, were communicating correctly and that the signal quality
1:00 and 1:30 min. When time was almost up, the program was good.
started beeping every two seconds from 2:00 to 2:15 min and After this check, the experiment was started by execut-
it beeped every second during the last 15 seconds. ing a Matlab interface in which the experiment was imple-
Test 2 was designed to only induce mental stress and con- mented. From then on, the whole experiment proceeded au-
sisted of five mental challenging tasks, like logical puzzles or tomatically for about 40 minutes, until the subject finished
puzzles from an IQ test. This test was also done under time the last questionnaire. After this, all measurement equip-
pressure, with the timer bar and beeps. ment was switched off and the electrodes were removed.
Test 3 was designed to induce both mental and psychoso-
cial stress. The subject was shown a very long row of pic- 2.5 EMG Recording and Signal Processing
tures that formed a path. The subject was allowed to have The EMG was measured bipolar using pre-gelled Ag/AgCl
a look at the pictures for one minute, while a timer bar was ARBO ECG electrodes (model H124SG 24 mm diameter) by
running again, and then the pictures disappeared. The sub- Tyco healthcare, at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. All
ject now had to recall from his memory as many situations EMG signals were filtered with a bandpass filter, passing
as he could remember, beginning with the first picture and frequencies from 20 to 450 Hz. After that, the signals were
mention them all in the right order. When a mistake was filtered using notch filters at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 350
made or if the subject did not remember any more pictures, Hz, to remove residual power line interference.
his turn was over. In the next turn, the subject started ECG signal components from the EMG signals of the left
where he just ended. Three turns were done in total. Psy- trapezius muscle were removed by using a method based on
chosocial stress was induced by the subjects being told that that of Spalding et al. [17]. The simultaneously recorded
they were divided in teams and that the next team mem- ECG signals were used to locate the heart beats. A slightly
ber would start from where the current subject ended. The modified version of the algorithm used in [14] was applied
team had to try to come further on the path than the other to remove the ECG components from the EMG signals.
teams. To invoke extra social stress, a video camera was set
up in the room and the subject was told that he would be 2.6 Feature Extraction
recorded during this test for analysis after the experiment.
An overview of the features that were extracted from the
It was emphasized that the results of the different teams
EMG signals can be found in Table 1
would be published after the experiments had ended.
The reference contraction was processed following a pro-
During all three stress tests, the subject heard BBC news
cedure reported in [5]. The root mean square (RMS) values
fragments through his headphones to distract him from the
for segments of 1 s of the middle 15 s of the reference contrac-
tasks and make it harder to fulfill the tests.
tion were calculated. The mean value of these 15 segments
Reward. At either test 2 or test 3, depending on which
was taken as the RMS reference value. It was set to 100%
one came first, the subject could earn a present. Before
and all other calculated values were interpreted in relation
the present-winning test started, the subject was told that
to this reference value.
if he finished the test within a certain amount of time, he
Rest and stress conditions were also divided in segments
would get a reward. If he would not manage to finish within
of 1 s. The root mean square (RMS) was calculated for these
this amount of time, he would be punished. After finishing
segments individually, and normalized by the RMS reference
the present-winning test, the subject was told that he had
contraction. RMS values are thus expressed in percentage
completed the task well enough to receive the present. At
of the reference contraction. The mean RMS values were
test 2 or test 3, whichever occurred last, the subject was told
calculated for each condition.

ditions. Friedman tests were used to see if there were signif-
Table 1: Overview of features extracted from the icant differences in EMG features among the five rest condi-
EMG signals tions and/or among the three stress conditions. If a signif-
Feature Abbreviation Meaning icant difference was found in a test, a multiple comparison
Root mean RMS Normalized root mean test was performed using Tukeys honestly significant dif-
square square value as percent- ference criterion to find for which conditions the means are
age of the reference con- significantly different from each other. If no significant dif-
traction ference was found, an average value was calculated for the
Static load Static 10th percentile of rank five rest conditions and/or the three stress conditions for the
ordered RMS values next part of the analysis.
Median load Median 50th percentile of rank Test for significant differences between stress and rest.
ordered RMS values The purpose of this second set of tests was to investigate
Peak load Peak 90th percentile of rank possible differences in EMG between rest and stress condi-
ordered RMS values tions. Depending on the outcome of the previous tests, the
Gaps/min Gaps/min Average number of gaps values found during the rest conditions and/or during the
per minute stress conditions were put in the next Friedman test sepa-
Relative time Relative time Percentage of time in rately or as one average value. If significant differences were
with gaps with gaps which gaps occurred found in a Friedman test, multiple comparison tests were
performed using Tukeys honestly significant difference cri-
terion to find which means are significantly different from
each other. If both rest and stress values were averaged, a
To determine the static, median and peak load, the cal-
Wilcoxon signed rank test was used instead of a Friedman
culated RMS values for individual 1 s segments were rank
ordered for each rest and stress condition. The 10th (static
load), 50th (median load) and 90th (peak load) percentiles 2.8 Individual Trends
of the rank ordered values were determined.
In the statistical analysis we are looking at differences at
Also, the number of EMG gaps per minute and the per-
group level. However, for some applications it is useful to
centage of time in which EMG gaps occurred were calcu-
look at differences at individual subject level. These applica-
lated. Gaps are short periods in time in which muscle activ-
tions include for example the development of a personalized
ity drops. The rest and stress conditions were divided into
stress monitor that keeps track of stress levels over time.
segments of 0.2 s and RMS values were calculated for these
Although the amount of data that was collected for each
segments. Gaps were detected as one or more segments in a
subject is limited, we performed a visual inspection on the
row that had an RMS value below 5% of the RMS reference
individual trends. Some examples of the trends that were
contraction [15].
found are discussed in section 3.
The average number of gaps per minute was calculated by
dividing the number of gaps by the duration of the condition.
The percentage of time in which EMG gaps occurred was 3. RESULTS
calculated by adding the duration of all gaps and dividing After having measured 30 subjects, 22 EMG data sets
by the duration of the condition. This ratio was multiplied were included in the analysis. The other 8 were excluded
by 100 to get the percentages of time. due to bad signal quality (7 data sets) or distractions during
Finally, the mean and the median frequency were ex- the experiment (1 data set).
tracted from the frequency domain. They were calculated Only signals from the left trapezius muscle were analyzed,
for each rest and stress condition as follows. First, the because movements of the right arm during the experiment
1 s segments from the recordings were multiplied with a could have disturbed the EMG measurements of the right
Hanning window to reduce spectral leakage. Then for each trapezius muscle.
segment the fast Fourier transform (FFT) was calculated. Results of the statistical tests can be found in Table 2.
From these FFTs, the mean frequency (MNF), which is the The obtained p-values for the statistical tests performed
mean frequency of the magnitude of the frequency spectrum, among the rest and stress conditions are displayed. Based on
and the median frequency (MDF), which is the frequency at these results, the column Test shows which test was chosen
which the surface on the left side equals that of the right side for the next test, which was used to find significant differ-
of the magnitude of the frequency spectrum were calculated ences between stress and rest conditions. The last column
for each segment. The mean MNF and MDF values were gives the p-values obtained from these tests for significant
calculated for each condition. differences between stress and rest.

2.7 Statistical Analysis 3.1 Protocol validation

Statistical analysis of the obtained results was performed To validate the newly designed stress protocol, an anal-
according to the process mentioned below. The significance ysis was done on the questionnaire answers. In one of the
level was set to 0.05 for all tests. questions of the self-report questionnaires, the subject had
Test for normality. The Lilliefors test showed that most of to indicate his stress level on a VAS. Box plots of the an-
the calculated parameters from the different subjects in the swers given by all subjects are shown in Figure 3. Look-
same condition did not have a normal distribution. There- ing at this figure, it is clear that stress levels after stress
fore nonparametric tests have been used for further analysis conditions on average are higher than after rest conditions.
of the EMG signals. Statistical analysis was done on the indicated levels of stress
Test for significant differences among rest and stress con- as explained in section 2.7. As can be seen in Table 2, a

Table 2: Resulting p-values of statistical tests. Diff
= difference; W = Wilcoxon signed rank test; F4
= Friedman test with 4 different conditions; R =
rest; S1-S3 = stress conditions 1-3: Norinder test,

VAS score
IQ puzzles, memory test. Significant differences (p < 6
0.05) are stated in bold.
Feature Diff. Diff. Test Diff.
rest? stress? rest/stress?
VAS stress 0.4047 0.2765 W 6.08 10-5
R and S
RMS 0.1239 0.5796 W 0.0262
R and S







Static 0.3084 0.0476 F4 0.0384
S2 and S2 and S3
S3 Figure 3: Box plots of indicated stress levels dur-
Median 0.4159 0.1947 W 0.0108 ing the five different rest conditions R1-R5 and the
R and S three different stress conditions S1-S3. The value 0
Peak 0.1137 0.9556 W 0.0081 corresponds to not stressed at all and 10 to ex-
R and S tremely stressed. The boxes extend from the lower
Gaps/min 0.807 0.4706 W 0.4688 quartile to the upper quartile values and have a line
at the median. Values that lie at more than 1.5
Relative 0.1372 0.0344 F4 0.0006 times the interquartile range from the end of the
time with S1 and R and S2 box are considered outliers and are displayed with
gaps S2 +. Whiskers extend from each end of the box to
MNF 0.9825 0.1947 W 0.0186 the largest and smallest datavalues that are not out-
R and S liers.
MDF 0.7291 0.075 W 0.0221
R and S
values during rest and stress conditions, as confirmed by the
Wilcoxon signed rank tests.

significant elevation of stress level after the stress tests was 3.3 EMG Gaps
found, in relation to the rest conditions. This proves that Box plots of the values of the two calculated gap features
the stress levels of the subjects indeed increased due to the during the eight different rest and stress conditions are dis-
newly designed stress tests. played in Figure 5. The first feature that was extracted from
the detected EMG gaps is the number of gaps that occur per
3.2 EMG Amplitude minute. It was expected that fewer gaps would occur during
Box plots of the values of the four calculated amplitude stress than during rest. In the box plots, however, no clear
features during the eight different rest and stress conditions differences can be found between the rest and stress condi-
are displayed in Figure 4. In the box plots, a relatively large tions. This is confirmed by the Wilcoxon signed rank test,
interquartile range is visible. However, when looking at the as can be seen in Table 2.
median values for RMS, median and peak load for the differ- Also for the relative time with EMG gaps in the differ-
ent conditions indicated in the box plots, a pattern becomes ent conditions, it was expected that the values would drop
visible that confirms the hypothesis of elevated EMG am- during stress conditions since fewer gaps should occur dur-
plitude during stressful situations. The amplitude values of ing stress than during rest. Figure 5 seems to confirm this
rest 2 are somewhat elevated, compared to the other four hypothesis, although large interquartile ranges are observed,
rest conditions which do not show differences in median val- which indicate large variability among subjects. As was seen
ues. This could be explained by the fact that rest 2 started before, the second rest condition shows a different behav-
directly after the reference contraction. The muscles may ior from the other rest conditions, possibly due to influence
not have been fully relaxed yet after this contraction, re- from the reference contraction. The Friedman test with one
sulting in a higher EMG amplitude. mean rest value and the three different stress values for rela-
From the calculated RMS values, it becomes clear that tive time with gaps as inputs reveals a significant difference
RMS values are higher during stress conditions than dur- between rest conditions and stress test 2, which consisted of
ing rest conditions. The differences between rest and stress the IQ puzzles.
conditions were significant, according to a Wilcoxon test on
the RMS values during rest and during stress conditions, see 3.4 EMG Frequency
Table 2. Box plots of the two frequency features are displayed in
Our results show that static load is not a good indicator Figure 6. Differences between both MNF and MDF values
for stress level, since no significant differences were found for the different conditions seem to be small (especially when
between rest conditions and any of the stress tests. The compared to the interquartile range), but when zooming in,
median and peak loads give a better indication of the stress a tendency can be found towards lower frequencies during
level. Clear differences can be seen between the median stress conditions, compared to rest conditions. Wilcoxon

Normalized RMS (% RVC)
60 100

Relative time with gaps (%)


Static load (% RVC)

40 80

40 30 60

20 20 40
0 0 0
























Median load (% RVC)

Peak load (% RVC)

60 80
Figure 5: Box plots of two gap EMG features dur-
60 ing the five different rest conditions R1-R5 and the
40 three different stress conditions S1-S3. Left: num-
20 ber of gaps per minute. Right: relative time with
20 gaps. For interpretation of the plots, see caption of
0 0 Figure 3.













Median frequency (Hz)

200 200

Mean frequency (Hz)

Figure 4: Box plots of four amplitude EMG features
during the five different rest conditions R1-R5 and
150 150
the three different stress conditions S1-S3. Upper
row from left to right: RMS values and static load.
100 100
Lower row: median and peak load. For interpreta-
tion of the plots, see caption of Figure 3.
50 50












signed rank tests showed significant differences between rest
and stress conditions for MNF and MDF. Figure 6: Box plots of two EMG features from the
3.5 Individual Trends frequency domain during the five different rest con-
ditions R1-R5 and the three different stress condi-
The individual results of all 22 subjects were visually in- tions S1-S3. Left: mean frequency. Right: median
spected to check for differences between rest and stress con- frequency. For interpretation of the plots, see cap-
ditions. When looking at the results in the different condi- tion of Figure 3.
tions for all subjects separately, a lot of variation is visible.
Some subjects show the expected pattern of elevated EMG
amplitude and reduced amount of EMG gaps during stress,
stress levels directly after the stress conditions than after
compared to rest conditions; other subjects show an oppo-
the rest conditions. This new protocol can be used in future
site behavior, hardly a difference at all or exceptional high
studies to induce stress that is similar to daily work stress.
or low values for some of the conditions.
For all of the investigated EMG features, values found
Figures 7 and 8 show examples of individual results of two
during the five different rest conditions were similar (see
subjects, of which the first shows no clear stress reaction
Table 2), as was expected. Some differences were found
and the second shows the expected reaction. The indicated
among the three different stress conditions: for static load
stress levels and the calculated peak load, relative time with
between stress tests 2 and 3 and for relative time with gaps
gaps and mean frequency during the different rest and stress
between stress tests 1 and 2. These differences indicate that
conditions are shown. In Figure 7, we see elevations of stress
reactions to the different stress tests were not the same for
level during stress test 1 and 2 indicated by the subject
all three tests. The actual differences in physiological re-
himself. However, in the features derived from the EMG
action between those tests are unclear, and no statements
signal, no clear differences can be found between rest and
can therefore be made at this stage about the reason behind
stress conditions. In Figure 8, we also see elevated stress
these differences.
levels indicated by the subject. In this case, we also see
Amplitude of the EMG signal was found to be higher
the differences in stress level reflected in the EMG features.
during stress conditions than during rest conditions, which
Peak load is higher during stress than during rest. Relative
shows a relation between stress level and amplitude of the
time with gaps and mean frequency are lower during stress
EMG signal. A significant difference was found between
conditions, compared to rest conditions.
mean rest values and mean stress values for RMS, median
load and peak load. At this point, it is difficult to draw
4. DISCUSSION conclusions about the differences between these amplitude
The first goal of this study was to propose and validate features and to tell which feature would be the best predictor
a new protocol for stress induction in situations mimicking for stress level. Further research is needed to investigate the
daily work. According to the results of the analysis on the different physiological aspects of the EMG that the different
indicated stress levels of subjects, we succeeded in reaching features are showing and to investigate which one would be
this goal. Subjects indicated to have significantly higher the most suitable for measuring stress level.

10 25 2 15

Peak load (%RVC)

Peak load (%RVC)

8 20
VAS score

VAS score
6 15
4 10
2 5

0 0 0 0
























Relative time with gaps (%)

Relative time with gaps (%)

100 200 100 150

Mean frequency (Hz)

Mean frequency (Hz)

80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20

0 0 0 0























Figure 7: Values of indicated stress levels and three Figure 8: Values of indicated stress levels and three
EMG features during the five different rest condi- EMG features during the five different rest condi-
tions R1-R5 and the three different stress conditions tions R1-R5 and the three different stress conditions
S1-S3 for one of the subjects who did not respond as S1-S3 for one of the subjects who did respond as ex-
expected. Upper row from left to right: VAS score pected. Upper row from left to right: VAS score for
for stress level and peak load. Lower row: relative stress level and peak load. Lower row: relative time
time with gaps and mean frequency. with gaps and mean frequency.

The number of EMG gaps per minute is not a good indi- induced in this experiment. However, the difference could
cator for stress, but in the relative time with gaps a highly also be caused by other factors or just be arisen arbitrarily.
significant difference between rest conditions and stress test Both Laursen et al. [7] and Schleifer et al. [15] performed
2 was found. Probably a combination of one of the ampli- analysis on EMG gaps during stress. Huge differences are
tude features mentioned above and the relative time with found in the values for the number of gaps that were detected
gaps could be used as a predictor of stress level. per minute. These differences could be caused by the fact
There are indications that the frequency spectrum of the that Laursen et al. used another definition of an EMG gap
EMG signal shifts towards lower frequencies during stress. than the definition used in this experiment, which is the
This phenomenon is similar to what happens to the spec- same as was used by Schleifer et al. This makes it hard to
trum when a muscle gets fatigued. This is caused by a compare gap rates found in different experiments. Related
physiological response to fatigue in which the muscle fiber to this is the difference in relative time with EMG gaps
conduction velocity decreases [11]. However, stress could that was found by Laursen et al. and the values that were
induce totally different physiological responses in a muscle, found in this experiment. Laursen et al. found a relative
which could result in a similar shift of the spectrum to the time with gaps of 68% in rest and 33% during stress; in
lower frequencies. our experiment mean values of 42% in rest and 27% during
Looking at other reports on the effect of mental stress on stress were found for rest and stress situations, respectively.
muscles, the results that were found in our experiment are The values cannot be compared to each other directly, but
quite similar to what was found before. In our experiment, still it seems that Laursen et al. found a bigger reaction to
different ways to induce stress were used compared to the stress in the relative time with gaps than what was found in
other experiments. The new stress tests that subjects were this experiment. The relative time with gaps that Laursen
exposed to in our experiment were thus proven to induce et al. found during stress is less than half of the value found
mental stress. With our tests, the first step towards more in rest. In this experiment the value drops only 36% from
realistic and daily life stress situations was made. Doing the rest to stress.
Stroop test or calculations on one hand, as was done in tests Larsson et al. [6] did not find differences in mean frequency
used in previous experiments, and solving small problems or of the EMG, whereas in this experiment a significantly lower
trying to remember things for colleagues on the other hand, mean frequency was found during stress than during rest.
as was done in our experiment, were proven to show similar For all eight features that were derived from the EMG,
stress reactions. relatively large variability is observed in the values for these
Krantz et al. [5] reported EMG levels as percentage of a features among the different subjects. Despite the normal-
reference contraction of the shoulder muscle of the arm that ization of EMG amplitude to the reference contraction, it is
was not used during the experiment, comparable to what visible in the box plots in Figures 4 and 5 that interquartile
was done in this experiment. The difference that Krantz et range is relatively large. Also, in Figure 6, the ranges of
al. found between rest and mental stress conditions is about observed mean and median frequencies are relatively large.
5% of the RVC. The mean difference that was found in this The data points collected during rest conditions show large
experiment was only around 2.5% of the RVC. It may be overlap with those collected during stress. This suggests,
that Krantz et al. managed to induce more stress than was in general, that amplitude, temporal and frequency features

of the trapezius EMG, when normalized by the reference combined with other physiological signals to provide a more
contraction, are not suitable for statistical classification be- robust reliable measurement of stress.
tween rest and stress conditions. Whereas the statistical
tests that were performed clearly show differences between 6. REFERENCES
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