Miss Boydstun's Second Grade Class

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Miss Boydstuns Second Grade Class

Welcome parents! I am very excited to be your childs teacher this year and be a part of their
education. I believe that second grade is very important and is a crucial stepping-stone in your childs
future success. This year will be an exciting year and I look forward to working both with you and your
child. We will be building on some concepts that are familiar from past grades as well as working with a
number of new concepts as well. Change can be scary, especially for children, but my plan is to make
this transition as smooth as possible and be there beside them when they need extra help or just some
words of encouragement. Teaching is my passion and I cannot wait to share it with your children.

Binder with tabs
3 number 2 pencils
1 black, 1 blue, and 1 red pen
1 blank notebook
Pencil pouch/box
Glue stick (optional)
Color pencils (optional)
Scissors (optional)

Language Arts: In Language Arts we will be concentrating on parts of speech. We will build on
sentence structure/writing and begin paragraph writing. We will also touch on how to begin researching
and students will develop a small research paper of their choosing. Spelling words will be based on
phonograms. Each week spelling lists with new words will be sent home on Monday and the test will be
given on Friday in class.

Reading: The goal this year is to develop fluency and solidify the foundations of phonics and reading
techniques taught from previous years. This year students will be exposed to a number of texts in
different genres. The students will also be expected to use Accelerated Reader (AR) at home and at
school to become better readers.

Math: In math we will be continuing with basic addition and subtraction as well as working our way
into multiple digit addition and subtraction. We will be working on telling time, counting money,
fractions, and geometry. Students will also begin working with word problems through out the year.
Math homework will be given weekly and sent home Monday and to be brought back Friday with the
other homework.

Science: We dont spend too much time in science but students will learn about the water cycle as well
as other subjects that will be announced as time permits.

Social Studies: We will focus on a lot of geography and maps. We will do different classroom
activities that will hopefully bring topics of communities, cultures, economics, Native Americans and
American history come to life.

Homework: Students will receive math, reading, and spelling homework weekly. Students will
occasionally have homework in the other subjects. Homework will be passed out Mondays and will be
expected to be completed and turned in the following Friday.

Grades: Grades will be posted on the classroom website weekly. You should be able to access these
from your home using your childs student ID number. The breakdown of grades will be as follows:

Tests: 40%
Homework: 30%
Classwork: 25%
Projects: 5%

Volunteers: I know everyones schedules are very different and life can be crazy. If youd like to
help, Id love to have you! I can work with a set schedule, a flexible schedule, a sporadic one, or even
send things home if youd like to help from home.

Communication: This year, I will have a website for you to access that will include helpful information,
important dates, etc. I have also attached the website with all state standards, we will be following, so
if you are interested feel free to explore this site as well. If you have another other questions feel free
to email me at devytay94@yahoo.com or give me a call at the school after classroom hours.
Rules/ expectations: I expect every student come to class everyday giving their best. This is an
expectation I will hold myself accountable to as well. Our class rules are as follows: 1. Follow directions
when asked the first time. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Make smart choices. 4. Be
Respectful. 5. Be Responsible 6. Smile and enjoy what you are learning!

I look forward to an exciting new year full of brand new faces and am anxious to meet your child and
work together to lay a sturdy foundation for their future accomplishments!

Miss Boydstun

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