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Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

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General methodology for exergy balance in ProSimPlus process simulator

Ali Ghannadzadeh a, b, c, *, Raphale Thery-Hetreux a, b, Olivier Baudouin c, Philippe Baudet c,
Pascal Floquet a, b, Xavier Joulia a, b
Universit de Toulouse, INPT, UPS, Laboratoire de Gnie Chimique, 4 Alle Emile Monso, F-31030 Toulouse, France
CNRS, Laboratoire de Gnie Chimique, F-31030 Toulouse, France
ProSim SA, Stratge Btiment A, BP 27210, F-31672 Labge Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a general methodology for exergy balance in chemical and thermal processes
Received 18 October 2011 integrated in ProSimPlus as a well-adapted process simulator for energy efciency analysis. In this
Received in revised form work, as well as using the general expressions for heat and work streams, the whole exergy balance is
8 February 2012
presented within only one software in order to fully automate exergy analysis. In addition, after exergy
Accepted 10 February 2012
Available online 31 March 2012
balance, the essential elements such as source of irreversibility for exergy analysis are presented to help
the user for modications on either process or utility system. The applicability of the proposed meth-
odology in ProSimPlus is shown through a simple scheme of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) recovery process
Exergy analysis
and its steam utility system. The methodology does not only provide the user with necessary exergetic
Process design criteria to pinpoint the source of exergy losses, it also helps the user to nd the way to reduce the exergy
Process integration losses. These features of the proposed exergy calculator make it preferable for its implementation in
Process simulator ProSimPlus to dene the most realistic and protable retrot projects on the existing chemical and
thermal plants.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction energy consumption of industrial (or nal energy 11 Mtep) comes

from processes called utility (steam, hot air, heaters, electricity,
Industrial sector accounts for one third of global energy etc.). The margins for improving the effectiveness of these
consumption. A common feature of industrial processes is reliance processes exist. The dissemination and implementation of best
on fossil fuels as the primary source of energy and a large part of the practices can save up to 2 Mtep without requiring technological
energy consumption is spent on production of utilities (electricity, breakthroughs. One of the mechanisms identied by the working
steam at various pressure levels, hot/cold water, hot ue gas, .). As group to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emis-
this reliance on fossil fuels has huge negative impact on the envi- sions is the establishment of more efcient means of using process
ronment, the scientic world makes a signicant effort to nd utilities within production units. Then, efforts must be made to
alternative sources of energy. However, even by the most optimistic seek best practice that will minimize the damage caused by the
assessments, all these alternatives are long-term solutions and fossil fuels. A short term and sustainable solution consists in
many projections show that in near future fossil fuels will remain as improving energy efciency of industrial processes [1].
primary sources of energy. Among the approaches existing to tackle this challenge, exergy
The mode of production and management of utilities provide analysis has been shown by Kotas [2] to be a useful tool as it exploits
a great potential source for energy savings in the industrial sector as the concept of energy quality to quantify the portion of energy that
a whole but most particularly in the process industry. In this regard, can be practically recovered. Unfortunately, contrary to enthalpy,
recently in France, the working group, Lutter contre les change- this concept is rather difcult to handle and this physical quantity is
ments climatiques et matriser lnergie (Fight against climate rarely implemented in process simulators. In order to make exergy
change and control of energy), gathered at the recent Grenelle de analysis more understandable and to demonstrate its value for the
lenvironnement concluded that approximately one third of the analysis of the energy efciency of the process and its utilities, this
paper presents a fully-automated exergy analysis tool integrated in
a process simulator. This paper starts with some basic exergy
* Corresponding author. Universit de Toulouse, INPT, UPS, Laboratoire de Gnie
concepts and then presents the exergy calculation methodologies
Chimique, 4 Alle Emile Monso, F-31030 Toulouse, France. for material, heat and work streams as well as their implementation
E-mail address: (A. Ghannadzadeh). aspects in ProSimPlus. To provide the essential elements for

0360-5442/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 39

Nomenclature Subscripts
c components in the given material stream
el reference element
General symbols f formation
B exergy ow, W gen generated entropy
b molar exergy, J/mol j reference substance
G Gibbs free energy ow, W j, i reference substance j from process substance i
g molar Gibbs free energy, J/mol M related to material stream
H enthalpy ow, W Q related to heat stream
h molar enthalpy, J/mol ref reference substance
n molar owrate, mol/s rev reversible
N number of species, e useful useful stream
NS number of streams, e W related to work stream
P pressure, bar waste waste stream
Q heat ow, W
q heat per mole, J/mol Superscripts
R universal gas constant, J/(mol.K) * perfect gas
S entropy ow, W/K ch chemical
s molar entropy, J/(mol K) E excess enthalpy or entropy
T absolute temperature, K l liquid phase
W power, W ph physical
w work per mole, J/mol v vapour phase
x liquid fraction, e W work
y vapour fraction, e DP mechanical component of physical exergy
z global composition of material stream, e DT thermal component of physical exergy
in input streams
Greek symbols out output streams
u vapour ratio 0 standard state (pure-component, perfect gas,

DGv1L standard Gibbs energy of condensation (J/mol) T0 298.15 K, P0 1 atm)

DGf standard Gibbs energy of formation (J/mol) 00 standard dead state
h simple exergy efciency
J rational exergy efciency

exergy analysis, exergy balance and the most commonly used membrane reactors [9] and an oxy-combustion process for
exergy efciencies are also presented. Finally, the applicability of a supercritical pulverized coal power plant with CO2 capture [10].
our methodology developed in ProSimPlus is shown through Later, based on the method described by Hinderink et al. [3],
a simple scheme of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) recovery process. Montelongo-Luna et al. [4] developed an open-source exergy
In process simulators, implementation of exergy analysis as calculator of material streams for the open-source chemical process
a useful tool in evaluating processes along with the traditional simulator Sim42 [11]. As Sim42 is an open source program, this
energy- and mass- balances needs at rst exergy calculation. For permitted the seamless inclusion of the exergy calculations into the
a given unit operation, the exergy inputs and outputs have different source code of the simulator without linking any external computer
forms corresponding to work, heat, and material streams. For the routines to the simulator. Unlike most chemical exergy calculators,
purpose of exergy balance, one needs to deal with all of these types its chemical exergy is calculated based on the reference environ-
of exergy and calculate the exergy of all material, heat and work ment dened by van Gool [12]. This exergy calculator does not carry
streams in a process and utilities. To facilitate this step of exergy out the full exergy balance including heat and work streams. This
analysis, there are some exergy methodologies integrated with open-source exergy calculator was recently used for development
process simulator [3e6]. of the relative exergy array [13] which is a tool to measure the
Hinderink et al. [3] developed ExerCom as an exergy calculator relative exergetic efciency and the controllability of a process
of material streams for Aspen Plus. Exergy is considered to be when a proposed process and control structure is postulated.
composed of three components of physical, chemical and mixing Zargarzadeh et al. [5] developed Olexan as a tool for online exergy
exergy. The value of mixing exergy is dependent on the thermo- analysis which interfaces with the plant online data system to gather
dynamic model chosen in the process simulator. The most the required stream data and also with a process simulator to
commonly used standard chemical exergy table dened by Szargut compute the missing data. It also provides various thermodynamic
et al. [7] is used. To implement this exergy calculation methodology, measures of effectiveness of the process such as second law efciency,
two different tools integrated with Aspen Plus have to be used. As exergy effectiveness, exergy improvement potentials and irrevers-
a rst tool, ExerCom uses the output of the Aspen Plus simulation, ibilities. However, Olexan cannot deal with unit operations such as
along with internal databases of standard chemical exergies and reactors and distillation columns where chemical exergy changes.
enthalpies to calculate exergy of material steams. An additional tool Recently, Querol et al. [14] has developed a Microsoft Excel-
like Psage-developed program [8] which interfaces with both based exergy calculator for Aspen Plus which facilitates the ther-
Aspen Plus and ExerCom must to be used to calculate the exergies moeconomic analysis. It calculates exergy of heat, work and
of heat and work. Dealing with more than one interface makes material streams where the mixing exergy is being considered to be
exergy analysis inconvenient for the user. ExerCom was used for a part of physical exergy. The reference environment is based on
exergy analysis of advanced separation enhanced water-gas-shift Szargut et al. [7].
40 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

More recently, Abdollahi-Demneh et al. [6] has developed a VB-

Suitable for thermoeconomic Air separation unit [14]

based exergy calculator of material streams for Aspen HYSYS

gas (LNG) process [5]

[9], CO2 capture [10]
Development of the
membrane reactors
where the chemical exergy is itself being considered to be composed

Interface with the online data Liqueed natural


Combustion [6]
of different components. The reference environment is based on

relative exergy
Szargut et al. [7] and can be adapted to the case under study by


array [13]
modifying the reference temperature, pressure and composition but
its database covers a limited number of chemical elements.
Although such computer-aided exergy calculations (see Table 1)
make exergy analysis more accessible, exergy analysis within
process simulators is not still straightforward. This paper presents

No external subroutines
on the thermodynamic
a general methodology for exergy balance in chemical and thermal
processes integrated in ProSimPlus as a well-adapted process

A limited number of
chemical elements
Highly dependent
simulator for energy efciency analysis. In this work, as well as
using the general expressions for heat and work streams, all of

exergy balance is presented within only one software in order to

fully automate exergy analysis. In other words, unlike the most of
existing methodology which use the some VB-based subroutines in
integration of process simulators, this papers presents a calculator

the thermodynamic
which becomes a part of ProSimPlus process simulator without

Possibility to Chemical Heat & Implementation Thermoeconomic Dependent on

further need to any other external programs to perform exergy
balance like the traditional enthalpy balance. In addition, after
exergy balance, the essential elements (e.g. sources of irrevers-




ibility) for exergy analysis are presented to help the user for

modications on either process or utility system. These features of
our methodology make it preferable for its implementation in
process simulators to analyze the process and its utilities, to dene
the most protable retrot projects. In addition, the exergy ef-
ciency can be chosen as a variable in exergetic optimizations.




2. Calculation of exergy of streams

Included in


For the purpose of exergy balance, all types of exergy associated

with material, heat and work streams in a process and its related
utilities, has to be calculated. In this section, after reviewing basic
exergy concepts, formulations for exergy calculations and their

implementation aspects in ProSimPlus are presented.


Complete Yes
Complete No

Complete No

data base

2.1. Basic exergy concepts and denitions



According to Szargut et al. [7] and as illustrated on Fig. 1, exergy

is dened as the maximum work which can be extracted when
change T00

a material stream is brought to a state of thermodynamic equilib-

and P

rium with the common components of the natural surroundings by

Physical and Szargut et al. [7] Yes
Szargut et al. [7] No



Physical and Szargut et al. [7] No

means of reversible processes, involving interaction only with the

above mentioned components of nature.
A comparison of existing exergy calculators with process simulators.

van Gool [12]

To complete the denition of exergy, we have to dene the

Exergy Reference Environment (RE) such as the one dened by
Szargut et al. [7] which is partially shown in Table 2. Moreover, to
easily dene the different components of exergy, it is necessary to

dene the concepts of process state, environmental state and stan-


and mixing

and mixing

dard dead state.







B Process state: The process state refers to the initial state of the
system under study (T,P,z).

B Environmental state: The restricted equilibrium refers to

ExerCom Hinderink Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus

a state where the conditions of mechanical and thermal

Olexan Zargarzadeh Online

equilibrium between the system and the environment are

satised. It requires the pressure and the temperature of the
system and environment to be equal. The state that satises

the condition of restricted equilibrium with the environment

Querol et al. [14]

will be referred as the environmental state (T00, P00, z).

et al. [3]

et al. [4]

et al. [5]

et al. [6]

B Standard dead state: In the unrestricted equilibrium not only the


pressure and the temperature but also the chemical potentials

Table 1

of the substances of the system and environment must be equal

to satisfy the conditions of full thermodynamic equilibrium
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 41

Table 2
Partial data of the reference environment from Szargut et al. [7] (partial
hT; P; z  h T 00 ; P; z qrev;I wrev;I 0 (1)
pressure of components is calculated at the mean atmospheric pressure
99.31 kPa). Then the second law of thermodynamics leads to the following
T00 25  C
P00 101.325 kPa
Reference substance Partial pressure (kPa) sT; P; z  s T 00 ; P; z 00 0 (2)
CO2 0.0335
H2O 2.2 Eliminating the heat transfer rate between the last two equa-
N2 75.78 tions the specic thermal exergy can be nally dened as follows:
O2 20.39

bDT  wrev;I hT; P; z  T 00 sT; P; z

Ar 0.9
D2 0.000 342
h    i
He 0.000 485
 h T 00 ; P; z  T 00 s T 00 ; P; z 3
Kr 0.000 485
Ne 0.001 77
Xe 0.000 000 09 Likewise for mechanical exergy module, the denition for the
specic mechanical exergy is obtained:
between the system and the environment. Under these condi-    
tions, the value of exergy of the system is zero because the bDP  wrev;II h T 00 ; P; z  T 00 s T 00 ; P; z
system cannot undergo any changes of state through any form
h    i
 h T 00 ; P 00 ; z  T 00 s T 00 ; P 00 ; z 4
of interaction with the environment. This state of the system is
called the standard dead state (T00, P00, z00).
Then, the physical exergy as shown by Kotas [2] is the sum of
thermal and mechanical exergies:

2.2. Exergy component of a material stream bph bDT bDP (5)

Like energy, exergy of a material stream can be divided into

distinct components: kinetic exergy, potential exergy, physical bph  wrev;I  wrev;II hT; P; z  T 00 sT; P; z
h    i
exergy, chemical exergy (see Fig. 2). Neglecting kinetic and poten-  h T 00 ; P 00 ; z  T 00 s T 00 ; P 00 ; z 6
tial exergy, physical exergy and chemical exergy will be the two
major contributors. The total exergy of a material stream at given
conditions is then expressed as the sum of chemical exergy and 2.2.2. Chemical exergy
physical exergy. Physical exergy as a rst component of exergy is In determining physical exergy, the nal state of stream is the
dened as: the maximum amount of work obtainable when it is environmental state. Now, this state will be the initial state in the
brought from its process state to the environmental state, by physical reversible processes which are dedicated to determine the chem-
process involving thermal and mechanical interaction only with ical exergy of this material stream. According to the denition of
the environment whereas chemical exergy is dened as the exergy, the nal state to which the substance will be reduced is the
maximum work obtainable when a given system is brought from standard dead state. Thus, chemical exergy is dened as the
environmental state to the standard dead state. maximum work obtainable when the substance under consider-
Using these denitions, the following sections will establish ation is brought from environmental state to the standard dead state
general expressions for physical and chemical exergy. by process involving heat transfer and exchange of substances only
with the environment.
2.2.1. Physical exergy To assess the work potential (i.e. exergy) of a stream of substance
Thermal and mechanical exergy modules shown in Fig. 3 by virtue of the difference between its chemical potential and that of
represent ideal devices in which the material stream undergoes the environment, the properties of the chemical elements
some reversible processes. The state of the stream at the entrance comprising the stream must be referred to the properties of some
of the module is dened by the process state and the exit state corresponding suitably selected substances in the environment (i.e.
corresponds to the environmental state, i.e. the pressure and Reference Substances, RS). Reference Substances can either be
temperature of the stream are P00 and T00. The rst law of ther- gaseous components from the atmosphere, species dissolved in
modynamics for the thermal exergy module provides: seawater, or solid compounds presents on the earths surface.

Fig. 1. Dention of exergy of material stream.

42 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Kinetic Internal Exergy
Physical Exergy Chemical Exergy

Negligible Mechanical Thermal

Exergy Exergy

Fig. 2. Exergy components.

To understand the physical meaning of chemical exergy, let us compounds from the earth crust. This task requires very precise
take a general example illustrated in Fig. 4a. Two cases must be assumptions concerning the mean concentration of all the reference
examined: substances in the reference environment and complex thermody-
namic calculations. To simplify this step, Szargut et al. [7] dened
B If the substance under consideration is a RS (for example CO2 the concept of molar standard chemical exergy as the chemical
which is present in the atmosphere as illustrated on Fig. 4b), exergy obtained in the standard state at T0,P0.
the evaluation of exergy of material stream only requires     NXref ;i
ni;j h  00 00 00 
a change in the composition of this substance. The partial b0i h*i T 0 ;P 0  T 00 s*i T 0 ; P 0  hj T ; P ; z
pressure of gas to a state of chemical equilibrium can be j1 i
reached by means of Module CHEM II.  i
 T 00 sj T 00 ; P 00 ; z00 (8)
B On the other hand, if the substance under consideration is
a Non-RS (for example CH4 on Fig. 4c), calculating chemical
The standard chemical exergy can be dened for elements or
exergy will involve an additional module (i.e. CHEM I) to
components. For the given standard chemical exergy value of
include a reversible chemical reaction to transform the Non- 
elements bj , the standard chemical exergy of component i can be
RS under consideration into one or more RS with the aid of RS
dened as follows [11]:
brought from the environment. This reaction, which is called
Reference Reaction, occurs in Module CHEM I. 

b0i DGf ni;j bj (9)
From this simple example, the general formulation of the
chemical exergy of a given mixture is: A rst table of the chemical exergy of reference substances has
      been established by Szargut et al. [7] and recently updated by
ch 00
b T ; P ; z h T 00 ;P 00 ; z  T 00 s T 00 ; P 00 ; z
Rivero and Garas [15].
1X Nc NX ref ;i h   Assuming that the reference environment is in the standard
 4 nj;i hj T 00 ; P 00 ; z00 conditions (i.e. T00 T0 and P00 P0), it is then possible to extract the
n i j1

standard molar chemical exergy bj of the component i from Eq. (9).
 T 00 sj T 00 ; P 00 ; z00 5 (7) B First case: The process mixture is in the vapour phase. In that
case, Eq. (7) can be rewritten as follows:

e nj,i is the owrate of the reference substance j generated by the

process substance i bch;V T 00 ; P 00 ; y hV T 00 ;P 00 ; y  T 00 sV T 00 ; P 00 ; y
e Nref,i is the number of reference substance j generated by the 2
process substance i 1X Nc X
N ref ;i h  
 4 nj;i hj T 00 ; P 00 ; z00
n i j1
It results from Eq. (7) that one needs to evaluate the molar
enthalpy of each reference substance which is present in the  i
environment. Reference species can be either gaseous component 00 00 00 00
 T sj T ; P ; z 5 (10)
from atmosphere, species dissolved in seawater or solid

Fig. 3. Denition of physical exergy (thermal and mechanical modules).

A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 43

Fig. 4. Denition of chemical exergy.

Assuming that the vapour phase at T00 and P00 behaves as X


a perfect gas, we can write: bch xi bi DGv1L RT 00 lngi xi (15)
2 i
bch;V T 00 ; P 00 ; y yi 4h*i T 00 ;P 00  T 00 s*i T 00 ; P 00
i B Third case: The process mixture is in the vapoureliquid phase.
In that case, the chemical exergy is expressed as a function of
ni;j h  00 00 00 
Nref ;i

RT 00 lnyi  h T ;P ;z the vapour ratio:

yn j
j1 i " #
3 X

 i b ch
1  u xi bi DGv1L RT 00 lngi xi
00 00 00 00
 T sj T ; P ; z 5 (11) i
" #
u yi bi RT 00 lnyi (16)
Eq. (11) can be expressed as a function of the standard molar
chemical exergy, we nally obtain:
Nc    B Fourth case: The process stream is a mixture of liquideliquid.
bch yi bi RT 00 lnyi (12)
In that case, the chemical exergy is expressed as a function of
fractions of liquid I and II:
B Second case: The process mixture is in the liquid phase. In the " #
case of non-ideal mixture, chemical potential is: X
b ch
u I
xi bi DGv1L RT ln gi xi
I 00 I
1  uI
" #
mi T; P m0i T; P RTlngi xi (13) X
 xIIi bi DGv1L RT 00 ln gi xIIi (17)
Therefore, the term gi has to be introduced as follows: i
b ch
T 00 00
;P ;z b ch;L
T 00 00
;P ;x xi 4h0;L
T 00 ;P 00 B Fifth case: The process stream is a mixture of liquid/liquid/
  vapour. In this case, the chemical exergy is expressed as
 T 00 s0;L
T 00 ;P 00 RT 00 lngi xi a function of fraction of liquid and vaporisation ratio:

X ni;j   00 00 00 
Nref ;i

 h T ;P ;z " #
x $n j
j1 i X
3 b T;P;z 1  u u
xi bi DGv1L RT ln gi xi
I 00 I I
00 00 00 00
 T sj T ;P ;z 5 (14) " #!
1  uI xIIi bi DGv1L RT 00 ln gi xIIi
Note also that standard molar chemical exergy was dened for !
vapour species. As a consequence, if the chemical exergy concerns X
u yi bi RT 00 lnyi
a liquid mixture, it is necessary to add a term corresponding to
Gibbs free energy of condensation. Finally, Eq. (7) becomes:
44 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Calculation of the molar chemical exergy of a mixture by the Utility (Heat Source)
equations given above, results in 1.5% and 5.8% deviation from the
examples given in Kotas [2] and Hinderink at al. [3]. hin , sin hout , sout
2.2.3. Exergy of work stream
Exergy is dened as the equivalent work of a given energy form. Q
Consequently, shaft-work (either mechanical or electrical work) is
equivalent to exergy [16].
Process Module
2.2.4. Exergy of heat stream
The exergy of a heat stream is determined from the maximum
work that could be obtained from it using the environment as Fig. 6. Exergy of heat stream.
a reservoir of zero-grade thermal energy. For the specied control
surface of the Carnot cycle shown in Fig. 5, rst and second laws of
thermodynamics result in Eqs. (18) and (19).

jQH j  jWMAX j  jQC j 0 (18)

Substituting Eqs. (21) and (22) in Eq. (23), T can be evaluated:
jQH j jQC j hout  hin
 0 (19) T (24)
TH TC sout  sin
jWMAX j jQC j 1  C (20)
2.3. ProSimPlus implementation
Considering a heat stream provided by a given utility (e.g. heat
source) to a process unit operation, the temperature of the cold To implement exergy balance in ProSimPlus [18], a set of
source (TC) becomes equal to the ambient temperature (T00). subroutines are integrated in the owsheet as a programming
Temperature of heat source (TH) is regarded as the temperature at module. The exergy calculator in ProSimPlus allows the user to
the system boundary at which the heat transfer occurs. When the call the available functions from Simulis thermodynamics.
heat transfer occurs at a varying temperature such as the case of Fig. 7 shows the owchart of the exergy calculator dedicated to
heat exchanger, the thermodynamic average temperature (T) [17] the calculation of physical and chemical exergy of a material
can be dened. It can be determined by combining rst and stream. Three main procedures to calculate exergy of a material
second laws around the heat source. Heat transfer shown in Fig. 6 is stream are explained as follows:
assumed to be reversible, therefore in accordance with second law
of thermodynamic we have: B Denition Reference Environment: This procedure is used to
Z dene the conditions for the reference environment. The
sout  sin (21) database of standard chemical exergy proposed by Rivero and
Garas [15] is used at the xed temperature, pressure and
According to the rst law of thermodynamics we also have: composition.
B PhysExergy Material Stream: This procedure calculates the
hout  hin dq (22)
physical exergy of the material stream. It uses procedure of
CalcH&S to call enthalpy and entropy functions from Simulis
By denition, the thermodynamic average temperature (T) is
equal to:
Z B ChemExergy Material Stream: This procedure calculates the
dq chemical exergy of the material stream starting with calling
T Z (23) StdChemExergy DataBank as a procedure to calculate the
dq standard chemical exergy of the component found in the
T owsheet based on the calculation methodology of Rivero
and Garas [15]. ElementStdChemEx as a database containing
the chemical exergy of all elements including the standard
database available with Simulis thermodynamics with
a subroutine of DecompFormula which break down each
chemical compound into its constituent chemical elements,
are matched together to calculate the chemical exergy.

3. Exergy balance and exergy analysis

Given the procedure dedicated to the calculation of exergy of

individual streams, it is now possible to carry out exergy balance.
Contrary to energy balance directly deduced from the rst law of
thermodynamics, exergy balance is deduced from the rst and
second laws of thermodynamics and requires a contribution of the
engineer. Indeed, to enable the evaluation of internal and external
losses thanks to exergy balances, rst waste streams have to be
Fig. 5. Carnot cycle. distinguished from useful ones.
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 45

Fig. 7. Calculation of exergy of material streams in ProSimPlus

3.1. Waste stream vs. useful streams

HM Q in W in HM
Q out W out (25)
The generic system illustrated in Fig. 8. can either represent
Likewise, to write exergy balance, total exergy input and total
a single unit operation, a global owsheet or a part of a owsheet.
exergy output are given by the sum of input and output exergy
In this system, inputs material, heat and work are transformed into
associated with material, work and heat:
output ones by thermal and chemical operations. In such a system,
some material and heat output streams are not useful ones and can X

be considered as waste streams (it can be waste materials that need Bin Bin
M;i Bin
Q ;i Bin
W;i (26)
to be recycled). Energy and exergy balances do not consider these i1 i1 i1
waste streams in the same way.
NSout NSout NS out
As illustrated in Eq. (25), for energy balances deduced from the X M X Q X W
rst law of thermodynamics, waste and useful streams do not need B Bout
M;i Bout
Q ;i Bout
W;i (27)
i1 i1 i1
to be distinguished:

BM, useful
Product & By-Product
in Material Streams
Inlet Material B M
BQ,outuseful Heat Output
B in

BQin out
BW, Work Output Bout
Heat Input useful

BWin BM, waste Waste Material Streams Bout
Work Input waste

BQ,outwaste Waste Heat

Fig. 8. A general presentation of a process or system.

46 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Contrary to energy balance, the strength of exergy balance relies temperature (T), pressure (P) or concentration (z). Regarding the
on the capacity to estimate the exergetic efciency of the process by dissipative effects, mechanical friction can be evoked. Finally, the
classifying the output stream into useful or waste streams. As entropy generated in chemical reactors is proportional to the
a consequence, the exergy of heat and material streams must be advancement of the reaction and the afnity of the reaction itself
expressed as follows: dened using the stoichiometric coefcients and chemical poten-
tials [19]. Although Table 3 is not exhaustive, it enumerates the
Bout out out
M BM;useful BM;waste (28) major sources of irreversibility and gives us some clues taken from
literature [2,7,20e23] for process improvement on each class of
unit operation. Table 3 can be extended to cover all the unit oper-
Q Bout out
Q ;useful BQ ;waste (29)
ations especially using general commandments by Leites et al. [24]
Furthermore, as all work output is assumed to be as useful, for reducing energy consumption.
one can write:
3.2.2. External exergy loss
W;waste 0 (30) External exergy loss is associated with material streams
rejected into the environment. For example, the ue gas emitted
from a red heater is still hot enough relative to the reference
environment temperature (usually 25  C). By denition, the
waste Bout
M;waste;i (31)
exergy associated with the ue gas is called external exergy loss of
the red heater.
As a consequence, the total output exergy ow can be expressed To see how to reduce external exergy losses, let us take an example
as follows: of a reactor represented in Fig. 9. Depending on the use of the output
byproduct of the reaction, external exergy losses will take different
NSout NSout NSout
M;useful X
Q;useful X
W;useful values. In the rst case, output byproduct is simply emitted to envi-
useful Bout
M;useful;i Bout
Q ;useful;i Bout
W;i (32) ronment. In this situation, output byproduct must be considered as
i1 i1 i1 a waste material and the absolute value of external exergy loss will be
Using the useful and waste streams concept, the exergy equal to the exergy associated with byproduct rejected to the envi-
balance can now be written. However, contrary to energy balance, ronment. The exergy balance can be written as follows:
another term corresponding to the exergy destroyed in the system
(due to irreversibility of the process) must be introduced in the Bin out out
M BM;useful BM;waste I (35)
output terms. Then we have:
B Bout Bout I (33)
useful waste Bout
M;useful Bproduct (36)
where underlined term is external exergy loss and I represents
In the second case, on the contrary, the byproduct of the
the internal exergy loss. These two terms will be discussed in
reaction can be valorized in a gasier as a fuel. In that situation,
detail in the next section.
the byproduct can be considered as a useful stream and the
Finally, the resulting exergy balance can be written as follows:
external exergy loss for the control surface inclosing the reactor
will be zero:
NSM in NSQin
NSin NSout NSout
Q ;useful
M;waste 0
W M;useful
M;i Bin
Q ;i Bin
W;i Bout
M;useful;i Bout
Q ;useful;i
i1 i1 i1 i1 i1 Here, the exergy balance becomes:
NSout NSout
W;useful X

W;i Bout
M;waste;i I Bin out out
M BM;useful BM;waste I (38)
i1 i1
34 This simple example shows that exergy balance is highly
dependent on the utilization of streams. Therefore, systematic
The second law of thermodynamics complements and enhances
calculation of such balances in process simulators such as
the energy balance by enabling evaluation of both the thermody-
ProSimPlus requires a more precise denition of the role of the
namic value of an energy carrier, and the real thermodynamic
streams. There are different possible ways to exploit the exergy
inefciencies and losses of processes or systems [17].
associated with the waste streams as addressed by Szargut et al. [7].
For example, if the temperature of the waste heat is high enough,
3.2. Internal and external exergy loss waste heat recovery using heat exchanger networks can be an
alternative. However, for the low-grade waste heat [25], heat pump
3.2.1. Internal exergy loss [26] or absorption refrigerator [27] can be installed to exploit its
Internal exergy losses, also called irreversibility or exergy physical exergy. To reduce external exergy losses associated with
destruction by Tsatsaronis [17], is deduced from the entropy chemical exergy, combustible waste can be used as a fuel for
generation and the environment temperature. According to the combustion. Utilization of the non-combustible waste as
second law of thermodynamics, irreversibility is always positive. a secondary raw material is an alternative to recuperate wasted
In practice, for all real processes the exergy input always exceeds chemical exergy [7].
the exergy output, this unbalance is due to irreversibilities induced
by the thermodynamic imperfection of process operations. The 3.3. Exergy efciency
irreversibility phenomena fall in three types: non-homogeneities,
dissipative processes and chemical reactions. Non-homogeneities To perform an effective exergy analysis, it seems essential to
are caused by mixing of two or more systems with different dene indicators measuring the exergetic performance of a process
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 47

Table 3 Although it is easy to be calculated, the simple exergy efciency

Internal exergy loss and its sources. does not provide a clear vision for the cases in which the signicant
Unit Sources of irreversibility Improvement ways amount of waste (i.e. external exergy loss) is produced.
operation To solve this problem, coefcient of exergy efciency taking into
Reactor Low conversion Recycle the non-converted feed account external losses [29] is dened:
Exothermic reaction Raise the temperature
Endothermic reaction Reduce the temperature Bout  Bout B Bout
Temperature difference Pre-heating of feed hII in
hI  waste (40)
of cold feed and hot B B Bin
reaction medium However, this new formulation for exergy efciency gives a valid
Concentration gradients Increase reaction stages as
much as possible
evaluation of the performance of a system only when all the
Mixing of streams Mixing as uniform as possible components of the incoming exergy ow are transformed to other
Distillation Concentration gradients Use intermediate reboiler components of exergy. For example, a hydrocarbon stream heating
column Equal partition of driving force up in a heat exchanger where only its physical exergy changes, has
Improper separation Optimize distillation sequencing
a high chemical exergy which does not affect at all. In other words,
Pressure drop and Optimize the hydraulic of the role of the heater is to heat up the hydrocarbon stream (i.e.
mechanical friction the column physical exergy change) not to change its chemical composition (i.e.
Bubble-liquid mass Optimize the hydraulic of chemical exergy change). Although this exergy efciency gives
transfer on the tray [23] the column a value close to unity for the case of this heater, it does not mean the
Thermal gradients Introduce feed in a
proper tray [20]
heater is operating perfectly. Therefore, one might deduce the
Splitting feed transiting exergy [29] as the unchanged part of exergy which does
Heat Temperature difference Use as low as possible not participate in the process. This might be the main idea to
exchanger driving force develop the intrinsic exergy efciency [29] which deduces the
Non-uniform gradient Use an uniform gradient
transiting exergy from both the exergy input and the exergy output.
Pressure drop Reduction of number
of bafes However, intrinsic exergy efciency is not only complicated, but it
Low heat transfer Optimize the ow velocity [7] also does not account for the external exergy losses. Utilizable
Cold Refrigeration Minimize use of sub-ambient exergy coefcient [30] might be regarded as the most rigorous
utility system and replace it with exergy efciency despite its complicated calculation procedure as it
cooling water [21]
Thermal difference Use as high level as possible
can measure the energy efciency, the waste reduction and the
Use of external utilities Maximize process steam efcient use of raw materials.
generation Besides these exergy efciencies, rational efciency [2] is a ratio
Throttling Pressure drop Replacement by a steam of the desired exergy output to the used exergy. It is rigorous
valve turbine (for temperature
enough to evaluate the performance of the most commonly used
greater than the ambient)
Steam A chemical reaction for Preheating of combustion air unit operations if their objective are precisely dened and different
boiler oxidation of the fuel [22] components of exergy of material stream (e.g. chemical, thermal
An internal heat transfer Use as low driving force and mechanical) are known.
between high temperature as possible
product and the unburned
Desired Exergetic Effect DBdesired output
reactant [22] J (41)
A physical mixing Mix it as uniform as Used Exergy DBused
process [22] possible
A diffusion process where Make it as gradually as where DBdesired output is determined by examining the function of
the fuel and oxygen possible the system and of course does not include external exergy loss. The
molecules are drawn DBdesired output represents the desired result produced in the system.
together [22] DBused represents the net resources which were spent to generate
High heat capacity of Oxygen enrichment [2]
combustion products
the product.
Isobar combustion Isochoric combustion [2] The major difculty in this type of efciency is the evaluation of
Compressor Hot inlet streams Temperature reduction of DBused and DBDesired Output. Contrary to the simple efciency, it is
inlet streams or between the necessary to dene precisely the objective of the operation. This is
stages by intercooler
not straightforward as it will be shown later. It is sometimes
Steam Low temperature Use inter-heater (e.g.
turbine of steam super-heater) possible to dene this objective in different ways for a single unit
between the stages operation. The desired exergy output of the unit operation is
Pump Hydraulic friction Optimize the hydraulic of dened by the user. After introducing Bused and Bdesired output, the
system exergy balance becomes:
Mixer Temperature difference Isothermal mixing
Pressure difference Isobar mixing
Composition difference Mixing as close as
DBused DBdesired output I Bout
waste (42)
possible composition
Using Eq. (41) in connection with the Eq. (42), the following
alternative form of the rational efciency can also be obtained:

and identifying the unit operations that need to be improved. In the I Bout
J 1 waste
literature, several formulations have been proposed for the exergy DBused
efciency. The simple efciency [28] is simply the ratio between all
Eq. (42) shows that if external exergy losses and desired exer-
exergy inputs and all exergy outputs.
getic effect are known, the exergy balance will allow deducing the
Bout I Bused. To illustrate this methodology, let us take the example of
hI 1 (39)
Bin Bin a two-stream heat exchanger shown in Fig. 10.
48 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Fig. 9. External exergy loss for a reactor.

Basically the function of a heat exchanger is to change the    

DT DT DP DP ch ch
thermal exergy of one stream at the expense of exergy change of Bcold out  Bcold in Bcold in  B cold out Bcold in  Bcold out
the other stream. Let us assume the function of heat exchanger  
Bhot DP ch
under consideration to be increase of thermal exergy of cold in Bhot in Bhot in
 Bhot DP ch
out Bhot out Bhot out
DBdesired output Bcold DT
out in (44)  I  Bout
waste (46)
Rewriting the exergy balance around the heat exchanger Canceling out the chemical exergy at the inlet and outlet and
considering all component of exergy, we obtain: rearranging Eq. (45) based on the Eq. (46), Bused is the right side of
    the Eq. (47).
DT DP ch DT DP Bch
Bcold in Bcold in Bcold in Bhot in Bhot in hot in    
 Bcold I Bout DP DP
DT DP ch
Bcold out in waste Bcold in  Bcold out
Bcold out Bcold out Bcold out  
Bhot DP
DT DP ch out in Bhot in
Bhot out Bhot out Bhot out I Bwaste (45)  
 Bhot DP
out Bhot out (47)
Separating the term that is equal to function of the unit opera-
tion, we have: Then applying Eq. (41), rational exergy efciency will be given:

DBdesired output BDT DT

J   cold out in
DBused DP
Bcold DP
 Bcold DT
Bhot B DP DT
 Bhot DP
in out in hot in out out

If pressure drop is negligible, we get the traditional form of

exergy efciency:

DBdesired output Bcold  Bcold
out in
DBused Bhot in
 Bhot out

This example shows that for each unit operation, a function

COLD OUT needs to rst be dened to calculate the rational exergy efciency.
It means that it needs interaction of the user as always one unit
operation does not have the same function. Rational efciency
needs to be dened precisely for all unit operations as listed in
Table 4. In addition, rational efciency needs a drastic breakdown of
different components of exergy of material stream as chemical,
thermal and mechanical.
Having reviewed the different kinds of exergy efciencies, it can
be concluded that the rational exergy efciency is not complicated
as the exergy efciency with transiting exergy and is rigorous
enough unlike simple exergy efciency. Therefore, the rational
exergy efciency has been chosen to be implemented in
ProSimPlus for an adequate exergy analysis.

COLD IN 3.4. ProSimPlus implementation

Fig. 10. Two-stream heat exchanger. As pointed out in the previous section, rational exergy efciency
needs a clear function per each unit operation. In addition, the
Table 4
Rational efciency for the most commonly used unit operations.

A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

50 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

waste streams should be specied. Having known the function of Along of this process, a rich gas is heated in three heaters
the unit operation and waste streams, the DBused can be calculated followed by separators (F101, F102 and F103) where the inlet gas
based on the exergy balance around the given unit operation. streams are ashed. At each step, the outlet liquid stream is sent
Therefore, to implement rational exergy efciency a semi- to the next ash where the pressure is reduced further. The liquid
automated way has to be followed as shown in Fig. 11. As a rst stream from the last ash is the stabilized condensate. On the
step a zone is dened by the user. Then, the simulator automatically other hand, the outlet gas streams from all of the separators
provides us with a table (see Table 5) as well as exergy of all (F101, F102 and F103) are mixed together with same pressure to
streams. Next, the role of each stream (waste vs. useful) is dened obtain a stabilized gas product stream with the desired speci-
by the user in the table given by ProSimPlus. However, cations [4].
ProSimPlus can consider all the output streams as waste streams To meet heating requirement of the process, a relative high
by default. Then the user can change it to the useful. Finally, the pressure (HP) steam at 10 bar with 80  C degree of superheat for all
process simulator can provide the necessary criteria for analysis three separation stages is used as shown in Fig. 13. The process
such as rational exergy efciency. To facilitate calculation of the streams are heated up by the steam condensation in heat
rational exergy efciency, the desired exergy effect can be auto- exchangers and condensate is throttled down to 3 bar. The
mated and embedded in ProSimPlus for the most commonly used condensate is returned at 3 bar and is mixed with the boiler water
unit operations. In addition, for units which do not have always the makeup to feed the steam boiler. Note that a small portion of steam
same function, a set of possible efciencies can be proposed by at 10 bar is used in the deaerator to separate air from return-
ProSimPlus which will be nally chosen by the user. condensate. As well as steam heating, electricity is required to
drive the compressors (C101 and C102) at the second and third
stages of stabilization where pressure drop causes the ash sepa-
4. Case study
ration. The required electricity for the base case is imported from
the external electricity grid.
To show the applicability of exergy analysis for energy optimi-
zation of a chemical or thermal process in ProSimPlus, a simple
process found in the literature [4] has been enriched and analyzed.
4.2. Simulation

4.1. Process description All the required data and specications for the simulation of
the process and the utility system are given in Tables 6e8. As
Fig. 12 represents ProSimPlus owsheet for a stabilization train reported in Table 7, the outlet temperature of heater E101, E102
of natural gas containing traces of oil [4]. To satisfy the specication and E103 has to be xed at 68, 124 and 134  C. Therefore, splitting
of marketing, natural gas needs to be stabilized. In this process, the ratio of the splitter distributing the steam among the three
natural gas (C1 to C8 hydrocarbons) is separated into a stabilized heaters, and water make-up owrate will be varied to obtain
condensate (C4 to C8 hydrocarbons) and a saleable gas (C1 to C4 a converged simulation. In addition, to keep the ue gas temper-
hydrocarbons). As the amount of natural gas in our case is not so ature equal to 200  C (higher than the acid dew point), the fuel
high, a full Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) recovery train is not owrate will be varied.
economically justiable and the simple stabilization scheme shown To calculate the thermodynamic properties, two different ther-
in the right section of Fig. 12 is chosen [4]. modynamic models are dened:

Fig. 11. Exergy balance procedure in process simulator.

A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 51

Table 5
A typical table given by the exergy assistant in ProSimPlus to distinguish waste vs. useful streams.

Desired Exergetic Effect

Total Chemical Physical Thermal Mechanical
Stream Unit
Stream Name Exergy Exergy Exergy Exergy Exergy Useful Waste Chemical Thermal Mechanical
Type Operation
(MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) Exergy Exergy Exergy
(MW) (MW) (MW)
Material Feed Process Feed 306.66 301.63 5.03 1.61 3.42 -

Work W Compressor 1.68

Heat Q Heater 3.66
Total Input (MW) 312.00
Liquid Product Separator 86.65 80.63 6.02 2.34 3.68 +
Gas Product Separator 221.90 215.56 6.34 1.36 4.98 +

Work 0 0 0
Heat 0 0 0
Total Output (MW) 308.55 308.55 0

External Exergy Loss (MW) 0 0 0 0 0

Internal Exergy Loss (MW) 3.45
Simple Exergy Efficiency 0.99
Rational Exergy Efficiency 0.37

B The PengeRobinson equation of state: for the NGL process into the environment. As a consequence, in this specic case study,
and the fuel combustion sections. external exergy loss will only be associated with the utility system.
B The water specic thermodynamic model: for simulation of
the utility system. 4.3.1. Internal/external losses
By representing the external and internal exergy losses occur-
Note that in this case study, heat losses to the environment has ring in each of the unit operations are on a bar diagram (see Fig. 14),
been neglected. one can identify technical solutions to improve the performances of
the process. While the internal exergy losses (or irreversibilities)
4.3. Exergy analysis can be reduced through development of the process or technology
improvement, reduction of external exergy losses requires
By offering the possibility to make automatic calculation of a thermal, mechanical and chemical treatment of efuents.
exergy of material and heat streams and to present the result of As can be seen in Fig. 14, the largest irreversibilities occur in the
exergy balance in different forms such as pie or bar diagram for the steam boiler. Intrinsic irreversibility due to the combustion is
given process or utility zone in an automated way, ProSimPlus unavoidable; however, according to Table 3 solutions exist to
simulator facilitates exergy analysis on the process [31]. reduce the internal exergy loss such as prehearing of combustion
As demonstrated earlier, the exergy analysis requires the de- air though an economizer. The second-largest irreversibility occurs
nition of the utilization of streams (i.e. waste or useful) by the user. in the heat exchanger network because of the large temperature
In this case study, all the material streams leaving the process are difference between hot and cold streams. As listed in Table 3, to
useful whereas all the material output streams in the utilities reduce exergy losses, as low as possible driving force between the
system are considered as waste streams as they are directly rejected hot (steam) and cold (process) streams have to be used. In addition,

Process Feed
10 C, 4125 kPa, 490 kmol/hr
Flue Gas
Cold 1
Fuel E101

Hot 1 68 C
Air Boiler F101 Gas Product
BFW Pump Cold 2
E102 C101
Deaerator Steam
Vent Hot 2 124 C
10 bar F102
260 C

E103 Cold 3 C102

Water Loss
Hot 3 141 C
F103 NGL
Water Make-up Return Condensate
3 bar, 134 C

Legends Condensate Purge



Fig. 12. Natural gas stabilization.

52 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Table 7
Composition of feed.
Steam 200 C 180 C Compound Mole fraction
10 bar
Methane 0.316
Ethane 0.158
E101 E102 E103 Propane 0.105
i -Butane 0.105
n-Butane 0.105
141 C 106 C Cold 3 i -Pentane 0.053
n-Pentane 0.053
n-Hexane 0.027
124 C 68 C Cold 2 n-Heptane 0.026
n-Octane 0.026
n-Nonane 0.026
68 C 10 C Cold 1

Fig. 13. Grid diagram of heat exchanger network for the base case. operations are operating with efciency close to unity, but rational
exergy efciency in Fig. 16 gives a real thermodynamic picture by
presenting the imperfection occurring in the unit operations. The
throttling valves cause relatively high irreversibilities that could units which suffer from thermodynamic imperfection can be
have been easily avoided by their replacement with steam turbines identied and improved to obtain a better performance. For
as reported in Table 3. example, comparing the heater E101, E102 and E103, the lowest
The external exergy losses associated with the steam boiler is rational exergy efciency belongs to heater E101 where a relative
due to its ue gas. To reduce this external loss chemical recu- high pressure steam is used to heat up the process stream of the
peration of ue gas [32] can be applied. To exploit the thermal rst stage. Working with a low pressure steam can signicantly
component of exergy of hot streams such as the vent of dearetor reduce irreversibility by reduction of minimum approach
and condensate purge, a waste heat exchanger might be temperature.
a solution. The advantage of analysis of exergy efciencies rather than the
Exergy analysis of this owsheet has so far identied and exergy losses relies on the possibility to quantify the potential for
quantied the available thermal energy in a process that could have improvement of each unit operations [34]: the lower exergy ef-
been potentially exploited to meet energy demands elsewhere on ciency, the higher will be the potential for improvement. For
the process or even on the industrial site. At this point, however, example, although BFW pump has the same exergy efciency as
exergy analysis cannot deal with the energy integration of the E103, its small exergy losses do not justify its revamping for exergy
process. Coupling of exergy analysis with a pinch analysis [33] loss reduction. On the other hand, E101 has lower exergy efciency,
could be helpful to provide solutions relevant to the reduction of but it has higher exergy losses which means its small potential for
exergy losses in the process. improvement can nally reduce signicantly the total exergy
4.3.2. Exergy efciency Comparing the absolute exergy losses with exergy efciency, the
Figs. 15 and 16 represent the simple and the rational exergetic order of unit operations is different. In addition, two unit opera-
efciencies of each unit operation. Whereas simple exergy ef- tions with the close exergy efciency can have different exergy
ciencies are very easy to calculate (see Eq. (39)), a desired exergetic losses. For example, exergy efciency of BFW Pump is the same of
effect has to be dened for calculation of rational exergy efciency. E103, but it has 0.5 kW exergy losses which is very small compared
For example, the major desired exergetic effect for the three heaters to E103 with 36.6 kW exergy losses. This is mainly due to the
is to heat up the process streams. Concerning the NGL process as properties of ow coming into and out of the given unit operation
a whole, its desired effect relies on the chemical exergy change such as temperature, pressure, composition and owrate. As boiler
between input and output. The part of chemical exergy which feed water in the liquid state does not carry high quantity of exergy,
remains unchanged between the input and the outputs of the 73% exergy efciency cannot cause signicant exergy losses. On
process is not included in the rational exergetic efciency calcula- other hand, exergy input of E103 is very high as the high exergetic
tion. As shown in Fig. 15, the simple exergy efciency is quite steam (relative high pressure and temperature) are entering into
restrictive for this case where the major part of exergy input the E103. Therefore, 73% exergy efciency for E103 causes 36.6 kW
consists in the chemical exergy which remains unchanged. As can exergy losses.
be seen from comparison between Figs. 15 and 16, rational exergy
efciency is much more informative. Fig. 15 shows that most units

Table 8
Input data for simulation of process.
Table 6 Feed conditions 10  C and 4125 kPa
Specications and variables of action for the base case.
Outlet temperature of Heater E101 68
Specication Variable of action Outlet temperature of Heater E102 124
Outlet temperature of Heater E103 134
Outlet temperature of heater Splitting ratio of the splitter 1 and 2
Feed owrate 490 kmol/h
E101 68  C
Stage 1 pressure drop 0 kPa
Outlet temperature of heater Splitting ratio of the splitter 1 and 2
Stage 2 pressure drop 2075 kPa
E102 124  C
Stage 3 pressure drop 1700 kPa
Outlet temperature of heater Water makeup owrate
Gas Product pressure 4125 kPa
E103 134  C
C101 adiabatic efciency 75%
Flue gas temperature 200  C Fuel owrate
C102 adiabatic efciency 75%
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 53

Fig. 14. Internal and external exergy losses (kW) for the base case.

4.3.3. Proposal of a retrot scheme Therefore, the temperature of inlet stream has to be kept as it is
Having pinpointed the sources of exergy losses, the next step in the base case.
consists in determining a retrot scheme based on the analysis of  Heat exchanger: To reduce its irreversibilities, it is necessary to
sources of irreversibilities. Although external exergy losses reduce the driving force between hot and cold stream. For
contribute in total exergy losses as well as internal exergy losses, obvious reasons, the process streams cannot be modied; thus,
reduction of internal exergy losses which originate from the heart it is decided to reduce the inlet temperatures of the steam by its
of thermal and chemical process can consequently reduce external expansion. For that purpose, steam turbines are preferred over
exergy losses. In other word, if the internal exergy losses are the simple expanding valves as the steam turbines can provide
reduced, consequently the external exergy losses will be reduced as the required shaft power for stages 2 and 3. To keep the steam
well. hot enough to meet the heating demand of the process, the
The analysis of Fig. 16 permits to identify the less efcient unit steam is expanded to 4.5 bar for the last stage and 3 bar for the
operations that need to be improved: rst and second stages. Note that compared to the base case,
the degree of superheat of steam generated by the boiler, is
 Steam boiler: Prehearing of combustion air though an econo- xed to be 80  C to avoid the steam condensation in the steam
mizer as pointed out earlier. turbine which can damage the machine.
 Compressor: Although the temperature reduction of inlet
stream can reduce exergy looses (see Table 3), there is a risk of The improved conguration of the process and its grid diagram
condensation of natural gas liquid in the compressor. are presented in Figs. 17 and 18. To simulate the modied owsheet,

Fig. 15. Simple exergy efciency for unit operations.

54 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Fig. 16. Rational exergy efciency for unit operations.

as reported in Table 7, the outlet temperature of process streams in includes the excess shaft power available for the electricity grid, the
heater E101, E102 and E103 has to be xed to 68, 124 and 134  C. consumption of all natural resources (e.g. fuel, water) and the
Therefore, splitting ratio of the splitter 1 and 2 distributing the wastes rejected to the environment (e.g. ue gas, steam vent) in
steam among the heaters, and water make-up owrate will be a single criterion which is useful for analysis of performance of the
modied by the simulator. In addition to keep the ue gas system as a whole.
temperature equal to 200  C (higher than the acid dew point), the
fuel owrate will be modied as listed in Table 6.
Table 10 shows that use of low-pressure steam for heating 4.4. Estimation of the capital cost of the retrot schemes
reduces both fuel and water demand while increases cogeneration
potential as more latent heat can be taken from the condensation of Reducing the provided stream pressure necessarily results in
steam in the lower pressure. As listed in Table 9, performance a reduction of the minimum temperature approach and of course
improvement of the integrated process is noticeable based on an increasing of the required surface area of heat exchangers E101,
several criteria which makes analysis of the process very complex. E102 and E103. To complete the analysis of the process, estimation
To ll this gap and facilitate further optimization of the process, the the capital cost (CAPEX) of heat exchanger network (HEN) as
rational exergy efciency proposes an aggregated criterion a function of surface area needs to be performed. For that study, the
including all the aspects listed in the Table 9. As the process cannot costing law proposed by Hall et al. [35] has been adapted:
undergo any modication, therefore it is left out of the optimiza-
tion. The exergy efciency will be dened only for the utility system CostUSD 30800 750A0:81 (51)
where the desired effect of the utility can be dened as heating of where A represents total heat transfer area. To use this costing law
the three process streams (Cold 1, Cold 2 and Cold 3) and produc- it is assumed that plant life is 6 years and capital interest is 10% per
tion of shaft power required for compression of the streams coming year. The heat exchangers are assumed to be made of carbon steel
out of stages 2 and 3: and operate under 10 bar in both sides of shell and tube.

BCold 1 1 BCold 2  BHot 2 BCold 3  BHot 3 WTurbine
J   (50)
BFuel BWater Makeup WPump  BFlue Gas BVent BWater Loss BCondensate Purge

where the underlined terms in the nominator represent the Note that use of ProSimPlus simulator permits to implement
process, and the rest is standing for the utility system. The desired very easily the cost calculation. The use of another law more rele-
exergetic effect is taken to generate shaft power and heat up the vant for the considered case study would not be difcult to be
process streams at the expenses of exergy supplied by the differ- implemented.
ence between input material (i.e. fuel of steam boiler, water make- Using Eq. (51), investment cost of economizer will be 32 822.32
up, required shaft power of pump) and efuents (i.e. ue gas, vent, USD. Taking into account a prot from fuel saving, the installation
water loss and condensate purge). As noted earlier, this term of economizer results in 22% return on investment.
A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 55

Fig. 17. Improved process & utility owsheet.

4.5. Sensitivity analysis for exergetic optimization of the process fuel is required to be fed to the steam boiler. As shown in Fig. 19 the
rational exergy efciency has the same trend when pressure of MP
As shown earlier, to reduce the exergy losses occurring in the steam changes under the xed conditions of LP steam main.
steam distribution system, throttling valves have been replaced by Furthermore, as a consequence of pressure reduction, temperature
steam turbines. The exhaust pressure of steam turbine have been of steam is reduced which leads to less minimum temperature
xed arbitrary to 4.5 and 3 bar to keep the steam hot enough to approach in heat exchangers. Consequently, more area is required
meet the heating demand of the process. The choice of steam to exchange the xed amount of heat which nally leads to higher
levels in the design of utility systems is critical to ensure cost- capital cost of the heat exchangers.
effective generation of heat and power, and its distribution to As shown in Figs. 19 and 20, both HEN cost and rational exergy
the process. In a new design, pressures of steam levels can be efciency are more sensitive to the pressure of LP steam level
readily optimized. compared to the MP steam level due to use of LP steam in two out of
The results of a sensitivity analysis of the rational exergy ef- the three stages. Therefore, minimum and maximum limit for LP
ciency and capital cost with the exhaust pressures of steam steam main as a variable of optimization should be chosen with
turbines are presented in Figs. 19 and 20. When xing medium more precaution.
pressure (MP) steam level, the decrease of low pressure (LP) steam Note that this sensitivity analysis serves as a necessary step to
level results in an increase of the rational exergy efciency: indeed create the required data for construction of Pareto frontier curve
in these conditions, the shaft power increases and the fuel demand which will be used in an exergetic optimization described in the
decreases. The lower pressure of LP steam level, the higher is the following section.
potential for steam to be expanded in the turbine for power
generation. In addition, the lower pressure the higher will be the 4.6. Bi-criteria optimization
latent heat taken from condensation of steam, consequently less
In addition to the sensitivity analysis and due to the difcult
interpretation of some results in rational exergy efciency (Fig. 19)
in terms of steam levels, a bi-criteria optimization task has been
performed by ProSimPlus to offer a decision support in retrotting
MP Steam 188 C 148 C steps. However, it should be kept in mind that for retrotting of
4.5 bar existing systems, opportunities to change the steam level condi-
tions are limited. The mechanical limitation for the steam mains
LP Steam 154 C 134 C
3 bar limits a signicant increase in steam pressure. Indeed, long term
investment with a proper optimization of the steam levels may be
economically viable, in spite of the fact that the short term
E101 E102 E103
investment cannot be justied [21].
141 C 106 C Cold 3
Table 9
Input data for simulation of utility.
124 C 68 C Cold 2 Stack temperature 200  C
Degree of superheat of HP steam 80  C
Temperature of return condensate 134  C
68 C 10 C Cold 1 Pressure of return condensate 3 bar
For revamped case: steam turbine 75%
isentropic efciency (stage 1 and 2)
Fig. 18. Grid diagram of heat exchanger network for the retrot scheme.
56 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

Table 10
Comparison of performance of the base case and integrated retrot congurations.

Fuel demand Water Degree of superheat Electricity Internal exergy External exergy
(kg/hr) makeup (t/hr) of steam from boiler requirement losses (MW) losses (MW)
Base case 224.6 1.03 20  C 191 (kW) 3.007 0.292
Retrot 220.1 0.63 80  C 0 2.628 0.170

4.6.1. Optimization framework Temperature of all hot streams (steam) should be always greater
In this study, optimization tool of ProSimPlus is used to than temperature of all cold streams (process) as follows:
perform a bicriteria (exergetic efciency/investment cost) optimi- TLP Steamin  THot 1  10 (52)
zation. The details of the optimization model are as follows:
TLP Steamin  THot 2  10 (53) Objective function. The purpose is to maximize the exer-
getic efciency calculated by Eq. (50) and minimize the HEN cost TMP Steamin  THot 3  10 (54)
calculated by Eq. (51). It should be noted that minimizing the HEN
cost does not correspond to minimum overall cost of utility TLP Steamout  Tcold 1  10 (55)
systems. However, it is extremely difcult to generalize the capital
investment to be required in the conceptual stage of process design,
TLP Steamout  Tcold 2  10 (56)
and the current study focuses on the maximizing exergy efciency
for the utility systems, which provides sufcient information and
TMP Steamout  Tcold 3  10 (57)
reliable guidance for achieving an effective design in the later stage
of detailed design. Two steam mains (MP and LP) are used in the
current optimization model based on the needs and operating Obviously, the exhaust pressure of second stage of turbine
characteristics on the plant. An -constraint procedure is carried should be lower than the rst stage:
out and a Pareto frontier curve [36] is constructed for support of PMP Steamin  PLP Steamin >0 (58)
decisions making. Equality constraints. The utility system has only one Model constraints. In order to maintain feasibility of heat equality constraint which is to x the ue gas temperature to
recovery across steam mains, a set of constraints is needed. a temperature higher than the acid dew point (473 K).



Rational Exergy Efficiency

MPPressure = 8 bar
MPPressure = 7.5 bar
MPPressure = 7 bar
MPPressure = 6.5 bar
MPPressure = 6 bar
MPPressure = 5.5 bar
MPPressure = 5 bar
MPPressure = 4.5 bar


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
LP Pressure (bar)

Fig. 19. Rational exergy efciency.

A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59 57








MPPressure = 8 bar
HEN Cost (USD)

MPPressure = 7.5 bar

130000 MPPressure = 7 bar

129000 MPPressure = 6.5 bar

MPPressure = 6 bar
MPPressure = 5.5 bar
MPPressure = 5 bar
126000 MPPressure = 4.5 bar





2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
LP Pressure (bar)

Fig. 20. HEN cost (USD).



Rational Exergy Efficiency

MP=6.5bar, LP=4.9 bar




120000 122000 124000 126000 128000 130000 132000 134000 136000 138000

Fig. 21. Pareto frontier curve.

58 A. Ghannadzadeh et al. / Energy 44 (2012) 38e59

TFLUE 473 (59) and fresh water). Moreover, contrary to a traditional operating cost,
it does not depend on the actual market prices.
The process streams have to be heated enough to make sepa-
ration of NGL possible from the natural gas. The feed entering into
the rst separator (F101), the stabilized gas coming from the second 5. Conclusion
separator (F102) and the third separator (F103) have to be heated
up to 341, 397 and 414 K. This papers has presented a methodology which has been
become a part of ProSimPlus to perform exergy balance like the
THot 1 341 (60)
traditional enthalpy balance, without further needs to any external
THot 2 397 (61) subroutines interacting with process simulators. The applicability of
the new exergy calculator has been illustrated through a case study.
THot 3 414 (62) This tool does not only provide the user with necessary exergetic
criteria to pinpoint the source of exergy losses, but it also helps the
user to nd a way to reduce the exergy losses by the guidelines listed
4.6.2. Results in panel of solutions. Ultimately, each case study tackled with
ProSimPlus will enable to enrich these guidelines. Moreover,
The Pareto frontier curve is shown in Fig. 21. It exhibits all the integration of exergy in ProSimPlus can allow performing exergetic
non-dominated points, i.e. the points where the exergy efciency optimization in which exergy efciency is used as a criterion.
cannot increase without an increase in capital cost. Then, the In addition, exergy analysis which pinpoints the sources of
decision maker is able to choose the solution in this Pareto inefciency in the given system, can serve as a preliminary step for
frontier curve. A maximum value of capital cost can be put and then dening the set of hot and cold streams for thermal pinch analysis
the maximum expected exergy rational efciency can be deduced. which ultimately screens streams for maximum heat recovery. As
Alternatively, efciency can be targeted and then the minimum shown through a recent case study on a pulp and paper process
available capital cost to achieve the target can be deduced. There- [33], exergy analysis and pinch analysis can be combined in
fore, this kind of representation based on cost and exergy calcula- a sequential strategy. First, exergy analysis permits to obtain
tions in the process simulator constitutes the rst steps of a diagnosis of the existing process and suggests technical ways to
a decision support system for plant retrotting. For example, as improve the process. Depending on the contribution of thermal
listed in Table 11, for available capital cost of 127 940 USD, exergy losses compared with other exergy components, the
maximum exergy efciency that can be achieved is 0.15 which streams can become hot or cold streams for pinch analysis. Then,
corresponds to 6.5 and 4.9 bar for pressure of MP and LP steam starting from the list of hot and cold streams, pinch analysis
mains. Other key data such as fuel demand, water makeup, splitting proposes different solutions to reduce the energy consumption.
ratio for Splitter 1 and Splitter 2 are listed in Table 11. Finally, calculation of the exergetic efciency of the different
retrot options can help the process manager to choose the one
which is more likely to yield the greatest benets. This combined
4.7. Conclusion of the case study approach and its implementation in ProSimPlus is currently under
development at the Laboratoire de Gnie Chimique and will be
In the base process owsheet, the pressure component of the subject of a future contribution.
exergy was simply destroyed in throttling valve to meet the required
steam pressure on process-utility heat exchangers. Among a number
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