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c Republic of the Philippines


Indang, aite, Philippines




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ñhis Interpersonal ommunication Process Recording aims to establish proper therapeutic communication in the patient, specifically:

yc ño know the patients data

yc ño appropriately introduce to the patient
yc ño assist patient in doing his daily routine
yc ño orient the patient on what is the purpose of our actiity
yc ño accurately establish nurse-patient interaction
yc ño maintain eye to eye contact when interacting to the patient
yc ño be able to participate in the actiities and therapies that will be implemented
 , • & 

Name: Mr. N. .
Age: 56 years old
Address: Naic, aite
iil tatus: ingle
Gender: Male

Mr. N. . 56 years old , male, lied in Naic, aite and is single were brought to aite enter for Mental Health eight years ago by his
siblings . Presently he is still in MH and was placed in Rehabilitation Ward. ñhe patient was dressed in their respected uniform and appears
tired and dreadful. He has a wound in his left foot. He cannot walk as liely as the other patient. He is usually scratching and appears restless and
 -  •./  & 0 & &   

{What the student nurse said {ñ ñherapeutic {erbal and Non-erbal {Patient non-erbal, response
{Nñ Non-therapeutic response of the patient congruency of patient¶s action

³Magandang umaga po. Kayo Giing recognition {ñ ³ Oo. Mabuti naman´ ñhe patient response is related
po ba si ñatay Nestor? N: lient looking at different to the question but he lacked
Kumusta po kayo?´ directions. eye to eye contact possibly
because he lacks self esteem.

³Ako po pala ang magiging Giing information {ñ ³Ahh.´ ñhe patient nods but doesn¶t
student nurse niyo. Ako po si N: Looks at my name tag and hae any facial expression, this
Rhein sa aite tate nods. shows blunted affect. Blunted
niersity po ako nagaaral. affect is the one that shows
Nandito po ako para little or slow-to-respond facial
matulongan kayo´ expressions.

³ige po ñay Nestor mag uggesting collaboration {ñ ³Oo. ige mag-tototh brush na ñhe patient is following the
sipilyo napo kayo, para po ako´ task gien. ñhis indicates that
maging maaliwalas ang inyong N: Walk through the faucet the patient knows and aware of
pakiramdam´ and started to brush his teeth his daily routine, therefore the
without assistant. patient was able to perform
self-care. Dorothea Orem¶s
self-care theory states that self-
care is where an indiidual
performs independently
throughout life to promote and
maintain personal well-being.
³ñapos napo ba kayo ñay? Making obseration {ñ N: ontinuously washing his ñhe patient manifested a
Napapnsin ko po kasi medyo hand with some forceful compulsie behaior as
matagal po kayong mag hugas strokes and gargles after eidenced by an oer washing
ng kamay at magmumog´ washing his hands and seem his hands. Also seemed agitated
compulsie´ when reminded him to finish
the washing.

³Ayan po ñay, mas maaliwalas Giing recognition {ñ ³Ah. Oo. Oo.´ ñhe patient seems cooperatie
po ang pakiramdam diba? Giing information {ñ N: Hand me his toothbrush and understands direction this
Punta napo tayo doon sa and walk on his way to the was manifested by his
Bayanihan Hall, magkakroon said Hall. moements when he lead the
po tayo ng mga actiity at way to the hall.
inaasahan po namin ang inyong
kooperasyon sa loob lamang
poh ng dalawang oras.´

³Dito po tayo umupo ñay Offering self {ñ ³ Oo. ige. Gusto ko dito para ñhe patient want to maintain an
Nestor. Kilala niyo napo ako mgkaharap tayo´ eye to eye contact and showing
diba? Ako po yung student N: ñransfer the chair to face interest when he moe his chair
nurse niyo nandito po ako para me and makes an eye contact. to face the student nurse.
sa inyo, pwede niyo po akong
mapagsabihan ng inyong mga
³ñaga saan po ba kayo ñay Questioning {ñ ³Naic. Doon ako nakatira´ ñhe patient seems restless een
Nestor?´ N: cratching his feet. though he is willing to
cooperate in the interaction.
ñhis was eidenced by always
scratching his feet.

³Ano po ba ang gusto niyong Broad openings {ñ ³Wala naman´ ñhe patient shows that he is
pag-usapan? Napapnsin ko po Making obserations {ñ N: cratching his feet, arms suffering from akathisia.
ñay Nestor na nangangati kayo and some parts of his body. Akathisia is an intense need to
at hindi mpakali.´ moe about. ñhe patient
appears restless and
spontaneous gestures. ñhis
feeling of internal restless and
the inability to sit still or rest
often a side effect of the
antipsychotic medication.

³Pag may gusto po kayong pag- Offering self {ñ ³Wala naman.´ ñhe patient is possibly does not
usapan nandito po ako para N: Makes an eye contact. want to express about what he
makinig sa inyo´ is thinking due to social
withdrawal or isolation.

³ Baka po may mga bagay o Broad openings {ñ ³Dati naliligo ako sa dagat´ ñhe patient is congruent in his
karanasan kayo noon na gusto erbalization that ³Dati
po ninyong pagusapan natin? naliligo ako sa dagat´, that
accompanied by maintaining an
eye contact to the student
nurse. ñhe patient is in his leel
where he is gaining self-

ñhe patient can still remember

³Ahh. Lagi po kayong naliligo Restating {ñ ³Hindi naman. Mga barkada ko his past hobbies, this was
sa dagat? ino po ang kasama eeking information {ñ lang noon na nasa Naic.´ manifested by his erbalization
niyo pag naliligo kayo noon?´ of time, which is ³noon´.

³Ano nmn po ang Questioning {ñ ³Oo. Nagugutom na ko, gusto ñhe patient erbalizes the need
nraramdaman niyo ngayon? ko na kumain.´ for food. ñhis indicates that the
Nagugutom napo ba kayo?´ N: Maintains an eye to eye patient is concerned about his
contact. physiologic needs as an
indiidual. Abraham Maslow¶s
hierarchy of needs in which he
used a pyramid to arrange and
illustrate the basic dries or
needs that motiate people. ñhe
most basic need is the
physiologic needs that include
food and water.

On the first day of handling Mr. N. . ñhere¶s a lot of uncontrollable behaiour that was obsere. First, as I was giing information to
him the patient just nod but doesn¶t hae any facial expression, this shows blunted affect. When he was ask to brush his teeth he oer
washed his hands and he gargles many times, it appears that the patient manifested a compulsie behaiour he also seemed agitated when
reminded him to finish the washing. At first interaction with Mr. N. . he seemed he has low self-esteem but when the nurse-patient
interaction lasts he can now established an eye to eye contact. In the flow of our interaction, Mr. N. . was always scratching and appears
to hae akathisia. ñhough he has manifested these behaiours he is still aware of his own basic needs and his ADL. ño wrap it up, the
objecties were meet, the patients data was gathered, Mr. N. . Does remember his student nurse and was being assisted when doing his
morning care and he was also oriented on the actiities that was done. Mr. N. . has also maintained an eye to eye contact within the
conersation. He was been participating in the actiities and therapies that was done, but not actiely as the other patients.
c Republic of the Philippines

Indang, aite, Philippines




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Republic of the Philippines

Indang, aite, Philippines





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