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St Pauls Catholic College, Manly

2017 Formal assessment task

Student Notification

Student name / number

Subject English
Year 8
Task number Task 3
Task weighting 20%
Components assessed Representing (Website)

Date task was issued First Lesson of Week 7

Date task is due Last Lesson of Week 9

All your own work:

When completing the requirements of an assessment task all students must:
(a) be honest about what is their own work and what is not, and about where they got their information.
(b) list all sources used and correctly cite each source.
(c) write using their own words, i.e. communicate what they have learnt in their own words.
Serious consequences will result for any student not following these requirements. This will incur a zero mark, the
issue of an official warning letter and for Year 12 students the offence will be registered on the NSW Education
Standards Authority Register of Malpractice.

Focus outcomes assessed:

1A responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative
expression and pleasure
2A effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to
and composing texts in different media and technologies
8D identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts
9E purposefully reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills with increasing
independence and effectiveness

Task overview:
You will be required to create a website devoted to the character of Gretel, Bruno or Shmuel
from The Boy in The Stripped Pyjamas or Erika from Erikas Story.

Your website should illustrate how the darkness of the holocaust affected the innocence of your
chosen character. Your website will need to contain both text and visuals and focus on a main
event that happens to your character in their story.

Your website will need to include:

-A journal entry that recounts the event from your characters story and how it affected them.
-A bio of your character that tells the viewer all about them.
-Photos of that help tell your characters story. (Photos of their town, family, etc.)
-A brief summary of the holocaust and how your character was affected by it.

2017 Formal Assessment Task Student Information Sheet

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Marking Guidelines

A o Demonstrates a highly effective understanding of a characters experience

of darkness and the effect on their innocence.
17-20 o Demonstrates a highly effective and creative use of content to capture
their characters story.
o Demonstrates a highly effective use of website elements and using
language and form appropriate for a website.
B o Demonstrates an effective understanding of a characters experience of
trials and tribulations
13-16 o Demonstrates an effective use of evidence to support points
o Demonstrates an effective use and control of language appropriate to
the form of a speech
C o Demonstrates an adequate understanding of a characters experience of
trials and tribulations
9-12 o Demonstrates an adequate use of evidence to support points
o Demonstrates an adequate use and control of language appropriate to
the form of a speech
D o Demonstrates a limited understanding of a characters experience of trials
and tribulations
5-8 o Demonstrates a limited use of evidence
o Demonstrates a limited control of language
E o Attempts to compose a response
o Describes aspects of the topic

Overall mark:

2017 Formal Assessment Task Student Information Sheet

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