Campfires Caves and Watering Holes-2

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By Ann W.

Davis and Kim Kappler-Hewitt

Australias Campfires, Caves, and

A group of 17 educators took a trip to explore the Aussies

pioneering pedagogy and digital age learning spaces.

Students visit the campfire to hear a story at Northern Beaches School in Sydney. Visit to take a video tour of the
school and see how educators are creating learning spaces that personalize and differentiate instruction.

ducators recognize that they directors of technology, classroom there, several of our group members
need to create new learn- teachers, tech coordinators, library presented and led sessions during
ing and teaching environments media specialists, corporate represen- the week. We also visited a variety
where the curriculum and instruc- tatives, researchers, ISTEs president, of schools, libraries, professional de-
tional tools reflect todays world. Our and two board members) from the velopment centers, and educational
schools are full of students who want United States and Norway on a two- organizations in Perth, Melbourne,
to engage, socialize, communicate, week study tour to Australia to seek and Sydney. One concept that caught
create, and collaborate in meaningful answers. our attention was the construction of
ways that reflect the world in which learning spaces to support personal-
they live. How can education re-create Transforming Learning Spaces ized and differentiated instruction in
itself to engage these learners and Australia has long been known for several schools.
keep up with the pace of this change? setting the pace in ed tech peda- Futurist David Thornburg identifies
What can educators do in response gogy and practices. To get a sample three archetypal learning spaces
to change and to reach their digital of what educators are doing in this the campfire, cave, and watering
students? country, the study group visited the holethat schools can use as physical
These questions led our group of Australian Council for Computers in spaces and virtual spaces for student
17 educators (university professors, Education conference (ACCE). While and adult learning (

Copyright 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Intl),, All rights reserved.
24 Learning & Leading with Technology | June/July 2013
Educators on ISTEs Australian Study Tour discovered how
to create new learning and teaching environments where

Watering Holes curriculum and instructional tools meet the digital age.

The campfire is a space where people The cave becomes not only inviting, quests. The classroom demonstrates
gather to learn from an expert. In the but also essential. As students reflect how a campfire space to the rear con-
days of yore, wise elders passed down on the meaning of their work, the joins with a comfortable watering hole
insights through storytelling, and in content cements, and a new cycle of space where students can easily move
doing so replicated culture for the goal setting and achievement begins, around and work next to each other in
next generation. In todays schools, allowing students to engage, socialize, a social way. The students also created
the experts are not only teachers and communicate, create, and collaborate a cave-type environment by reconfig-
guest speakers, but also students who in meaningful learning that reflects uring the removable furniture.
are empowered to share their learning the world in which they live.
with peers and other teachers. The cave is perhaps the most chal- Personalizing Instruction
lenging venue for students as they are What does this concept mean for
The watering hole is an informal space
called upon to reflect by themselves. teachers? How can it transform learn-
where peers can share information
But technology can inspire students ing and teaching? This construct of
and discoveries, acting as both learner
through the examples offered in stu- learning spaces allows teachers to
and teacher simultaneously. This
dent blogs. Private thoughts made adapt the learning to meet the needs
shared space can serve as an incubator
public demonstrate that personal of studentsto personalize instruc-
for ideas and can promote a sense of
reflection is valued, every opinion tion and allow students to explore
shared culture.
matters, and knowledge rests at your different modes of learning.
The cave is a private space where an fingertips within a search box. If the class uses digitized content,
individual can think, reflect, and At the Carey Baptist Grammar and students are empowered to access
transform learning from external School Library in Melbourne, the li- the content through the media that
knowledge to internal belief. Schools brarian has been experimenting with makes the most sense to them, then
across Australia had both posters her use of space. The school is on the teachers can move throughout the
and places to encourage this private cusp of constructing a new library classroom zones of campfire, watering
individual time. media facility. It was here that we first hole, and cave, both personalizing and
came across the idea of cave, campfire, individualizing instruction.
Students visit the campfire to hear and watering hole. She explained that At Carey Baptist School in Mel-
the story we want to tell through our as she planned the schools new facil- bourne, we saw examples of teachers
instruction. They are able to share in ity, they would use Thornburgs con- collaborating on a Shakespeare unit
this experience in person or via tech- cepts. She noted that one of the ways by posting their best lessons and
nology in a flipped classroom. she experiments with the cave concept resources on a website. All teachers
The watering hole used to be the walk is to take desks and chairs and place maintained a blog for students to read.
home after school or the phone calls them in corners and crevices that are Students collaborated both in class
after dinner. Now students gather with off the main floor of the library. Inevi- and online. Formative feedback from
peers online using Facebook, Edmodo, tably, she finds these spaces occupied students and teachers occurred in the
blog posts, or text messages. Their op- and even coveted by students and physical and virtual watering holes.
portunities to share have multiplied teachers in search of quiet and reflec- Students and teachers vetted and
astronomically and can benefit from the tion. These isolated study spots are shared final projects publicly. Creat-
guidance provided by school-created excellent examples of cave zones. ing this culture requires tremendous
platforms for discussion. The Northern Beaches Christian up-front planning, but once teachers
Increasingly, studies of the brain School provided us with compelling make the content accessible through
and learning indicate the need for examples of spaces that could simul- the ubiquitous learning platform, they
metacognition, which takes time, taneously accommodate learners are unrestricted to meet the needs of
practice, and a quiet space to reflect. in multiple phases of their learning all learners.

Copyright 2013 , ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Intl),, All rights reserved.
June/July 2013 | Learning & Leading with Technology 25
K-12 Internet
Resource Center
Over 2,100 carefully
selected and
annotated links will
provide you with the
tools you need to
create exciting, Information
topical lesson plans and Resources
for the K-12 North Beaches Christian Schools
and curriculum. Like
community cave-type environment.
an Instructional
Resource Center in the real
world, you will find... Inspiring Educators Study Tour Events at ISTE 2013
a solid foundation for
Of course, meeting students needs
Get a taste of what it was like to take
supporting standards and requires time for ongoing, high- a study tour to Australia at ISTE 2013
assessment practices, quality professional development for in San Antonio. Explore fascinating
teachers and administrators. At the schools, learning spaces, and
classroom projects, lessons,
Adult Contemporary Learning Hub influential educational organizations
units, field trips, extended
studies, and international at the Catholic Education Offices during a conference session called
databases in almost every Newman Siena Centre in Perth, we ISTE 2012 Down Under: Our Study
visited a newly renovated professional Tour Discoveries. It will be held
subject and across subjects,
learning facility mirroring the desired Wednesday, June 26, at 8:30 a.m.
ideas & resources to integrate in Room 102 of the San Antonio
media into your curriculum,
student learning design. The multiuse
Convention Center. Tour members
spaces accommodate teachers in their will share what they learned and how
tips for school, family, industry, personal learning endeavors. Teachers they put some of these ideas into
and community partnerships, work together in the social watering practice.
tools for planning and hole spirit; turn a discussion into a
The study tours Birds of a Feather
managing your environment, campfire opportunity; or find a quiet
session is another chance to meet
professional development and space to think, reflect, and create. the people who made this trip or
publishing opportunities. Educators do not have to be technol- other study tours. This gathering
ogy experts to use these ideas. They do is slated for Tuesday, June 25,
The K-12 Instructional Resource need to be content experts and have a from 5 to 6:15 p.m. (check the
Center is chockfull of the best-of- solid pedagogical background with a Final Program for location).
breed resources for designing,
passion to reach the hearts and minds
implementing, and refreshing
lesson plans and curriculum.
of todays digital generation. They need Ann Davis, clinical assistant
to knit together the content in ways professor at the University of
Create a great resource? that engage learners, extend learning North Carolina at Greensboro,
And now it needs a new home outside the proverbial walls of schools, is a state level leader in 1:1
on the Internet? Check out our and transform the learning and teach- computing, leadership devel-
new, free archiving service. opment, and coaching. She is
(Check the link below for details.) ing process. Educators need to think the author of the USDOE
carefully about how to support explo- Epic-Ed Framework.
Your One-Stop Resource For ration with guided questions and well-
Curriculum And Professional Kim Kappler-Hewitt is an
crafted interactions. assistant professor of educa-
tional leadership at the Uni- Acknowledgment versity of North Carolina
Thank you to Lauren Parren, Laura Mina, Greensboro. Her latest book is a not-for-profit resource, and Jennifer Brandon for their contributions is Postcards from the School-
maintained by Dr. Bonnie Tenenbaum. to this article. house (NCPEA Press, 2013).

Copyright 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Intl),, All rights reserved.
26 Learning & Leading with Technology | June/July 2013

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