City Brokerage Limited: Account Status Till Today

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City Brokerage Limited

2nd Floor, Jiban Bima Tower, 10 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000

Client Code: 8095 Name: KAMAL SAEED MOHAMMAD MUSTOFA As On: 07-Sep-2017
BO ID: 1204500039968061

Company Name Total Qty. Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Price Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Rate (TK.) (TK.) (TK.) Gain

Beximco Pharma 4 4 79.56 318.24 107.60 430.40 112.16 35.24

Power Grid Company of Bang 36,000 36,000 58.27 2,097,814.36 52.90 1,904,400.00 -193,414.36 -9.22
Total: 2,098,132.60 1,904,830.40 -193,302.20 -9.21

Account Status Till Today

Market Value of Securities : : 1,904,830.40
Available Balance : 12,526.26
Immatured Balance : 0.00 Net Asset Value : 1,917,356.66
Unclear Cheque : 0.00 Equity : 1,917,356.66
Ledger Balance : 12,526.26
Max Loan Allocation : 0.00
Deposit Withdraw Status Purchase Power : 12,526.26
Total Deposit : 1,400,000.00 Loan Ratio : 0.00
Realized Gain/Loss : 716,716.21
Total Withdraw : 0.00
Total Dishonor : 0.00
Capital Gain
Transfer In : 0.00
Transfer Out : 0.00 Realized Gain/Loss : 716,716.21

Total : 2,116,716.21 Unrealized Capital Gain : : -193,302.20

Interest Accrual : 0.00 Net Gain/Loss : 523,414.01

Fund withdraw Request : 0.00

Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless this email statement is considered as correct.

Printed On: 07-Sep-2017 8:38:21PM Page 1 of 1

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