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Dynamics 4600:203 Homework 02

Due: February 01, 2008


Please denote your answers clearly, i.e., box in, star, etc., and write neatly. There are no
points for small, messy, unreadable work. . . please use lots of paper.

Problem 1: Hibbeler, 1249.

The v t graph for the motion of a car as it
moves along a straight road is shown. Draw
v (ft/s)
the a t graph and determine the maxi-
mum acceleration during the 30 s time inter-
val. The car starts from rest at x = 0.
v = t + 30

v = 0.4 t2

10 30 t (s)

The acceleration is the derivative of velocity,
so that a = v. Therefore the acceleration a (ft/s2 )
takes two forms, the first during the interval
0 t 10 s, for which 8

x(t) = v(t) = (0.8 ft/s3 ) t.

During the second interval the acceleration

reduces to

x(t) = v(t) = 1.00 ft/s2 . 10 30 t (s)

The a t graph is shown to the right. Fi-

nally, the maximum acceleration occurs at
t = 10 s, for which x(t) = 8.00 ft/s2 .

Problem 2: Hibbeler, 1281.

Show that if a projectile is fired at an angle from the horizontal
with an initial velocity v0 , the maximum range the projectile can
travel is given by Rmax = v02 /g, where g is the acceleration of gravity.
What is the angle for this condition?
The position of the ball is described by rP O =
x(t) +y(t) . When subject to gravity, and initial v0 (x(t), y(t))
vP = x(0) + y(0) = v0 (cos + sin ) ,

the equations for the motion of the particle are

written as

x(t) = (v0 cos ) t, y(t) = g + (v0 sin ) t.

Therefore, when y is written as a function of x, this reduces to

v02 sin(2 )
g 2 sin gx
y(x) = 2 x + x = x .
2 v0 cos2 cos v02 (1 + cos(2 )) g

The range occurs when y = 0, or solving for x

v02 sin(2 )
R= .

The maximum range thus occurs for 2 = 90 , or

= 45 , Rmax = .

Problem 3: Hibbeler, 1290.

The fireman standing on the ladder directs
the flow of water from his hose to the fire at A
B. Determine the velocity of the water at A
if it observed that the hose is held at = 20 .

30 ft

60 ft

The vertical displacement of the water y as a function of the horizontal displacement x
is given as
g sin
y(x) = 2 x2 + x.
2 v0 cos2 cos

The initial angle is given as = 20 , while the final displacement is (xf , yf ) =

(60 ft, 30 ft). Therefore, solving for v0 yields

v0 = xf .
2 cos (sin xf cos yf )

With the given values, this reduces to v0 = 89.68 ft/s .

Problem 4: Hibbeler, 1294.
The stones are thrown off the conveyor with
a horizontal velocity of 10 ft/s as shown. De- see textbook for figure
termine the speed at which the stones hit the
ground at B.

The position of a stone can be described with the vector rP 0 = x + y , so that using
x(t) = (v0 cos ) t, y can be written as a function of x as
g sin
y(x) = x2 + x.
2 v02 cos2 cos

For this system v0 = 10 ft/s, and = 0 , which reduces the above to

y(x) = 2 x2 .
2 v0

The ground at the bottom of the conveyor can be described with the equation
ygr = (100 ft) .

Therefore, the stones hit the ground when their trajectory intersects the equation for
the surface. That is
g xf
2 x2f = yf = (100 ft) 0.161 ft1 x2f 0.10 xf (100 ft) = 0.

2 v0 10

This equation is quadratic in xf , and may be solved to yield xf = 25.23 ft. To find the
speed at which the stones hit the ground, we return to the equations for the velocity,
which can be written as
x(t) = v0 , y(t) = g t = x.

Finally, the speed of the stones at impact can be written as

s  2
p g xf
k vP k = x2 + y 2 = v02 + .

Using the above value xf = 25.23 ft, we find that the stones hit the ground with speed
k vP k = 81.87 ft/s .

Problem 5: Hibbeler, 12145.

A truck is traveling along the horizontal cir-
cular curve of radius r = 60 m with a speed of see textbook for figure
20 m/s which is increasing at 3 m/s2 . Deter-
mine the trucks radial and transverse com-
ponents of acceleration.

Given the path of the truck, it is natural to de-
scribe its position in terms of polar coordinates,

so that e

rP O = r er ,
vP = r er + r e ,
r r 2 er + r + 2 r e .
aP =
rP O
With constant radius of the curve, r = 0 and
r = 0, so that the kinematics reduce to

rP O = r er , O
vP = r e ,
r 2 er + r e .
aP =

The speed of the truck, 20 m/s, is given in terms of the coordinates as

k vP k = r = 20 m/s,

while its rate of change is

d F
k vP k = r = 3 m/s2 .


Notice that the rate of change of the speed is different from the magnitude of the
acceleration. From these, we can determine and as
1 1
= rad/s, = rad/s2 .
3 20

Finally, with these values the acceleration of the truck can be written as
aP = r 2 er + r e = m/s2 er + 3 m/s2 e .


Problem 6: Hibbeler, 12152.
At the instant shown, the water sprinkler is
rotating with an angular speed = 2 rad/s see textbook for figure
and an angular acceleration = 3 rad/s2 . If
the nozzle lies in the vertical plane and wa-
ter is flowing through it at a constant rate of
3 m/s
a) determine the magnitudes of the veloc-
ity and acceleration of a water particle
as it exits the open end, r = 0.2 m;

b) (this part is not in the textbook

but builds upon this problem) once
it exits the nozzle, find how far this wa-
ter particle travels before hitting the
ground. Assume that the nozzle is at
ground level.
a) The kinematics of a particle of water P can be
described in terms of polar coordinates as

rP O = r er , er

vP = r er + r e ,
r r 2 er + r + 2 r e .
aP =

From the problem statement, the coordinates and

their derivatives of P at the nozzle exit are given

r = 0.2 m, r = 3 m/s, r = 0,
= 2 rad/s, = 3 rad/s2 .

Notice that the coordinate is not given, and does not influence the kinematics when
written in terms of the radial and tangential directions ( certainly does affect the
orientation of er and e relative to the ground). The velocity and acceleration can be
written as
vP = (3 m/s) er + (0.4 m/s) e ,
0.8 m/s2 er + 12.6 m/s2 e .
aP =

Finally, the magnitudes of these quantities are

F F 2
k vP k = 3.03 m/s , k aP k = 12.6 m/s .
e er
Notice that the velocity of the water is not simply in the er
direction. Instead, the water velocity is directed at an angle
of 7.59 off the er direction.

b) The range of the water can be determined from the equation

v02 sin(2 )
R= ,

where the water has an exit speed of v0 and a velocity direction of . Using the above
values, we find that v0 = 3.03 m/s and = + 0.13 rad, so that

R = (0.93 m) sin 2 ( + 0.13 rad) .

In contrast, if the nozzle is held stationary at an angle , the range of the sprinkler is
R = (0.92 m) sin(2 ).

Problem 7: Hibbeler, 12154.

A cameraman standing at A is following the
movement of a race car, B, which is traveling see textbook for figure
along a straight track at a constant speed of
80 ft/s. Determine the angular rate at which
he must turn in order to keep the camera di-
rected on the car at the instant = 60 .

With the perpendicular distance between the track and O given as d, the distance r
between O and C is
krCO k = r = .
Here the velocity of the car is naturally written
in terms of Cartesian coordinates. However, the C
response of the cameraman is determined in terms v0
of polar coordinates. In terms of the former, the
velocity of the care is written as
vC = v0 ,
while in terms of the polar coordinates r and er

vC = r er + (r ) e ,

with O

er = cos + sin = cos er sin e ,

e = sin + cos = sin er + cos e ,

Setting these two descriptions of vC equal to one another, we find that

v0 = r er + (r ) e .

This vector equation has two unknowns, r and . We could write the directions er and
e in terms on and , which would lead to two scalar equations, coupled in the two

unknowns. However, instead we write in terms of er and e . Doing so yields

v0 (cos er sin e ) = r er + (r ) e .

Thus, solving the equation in the e for provides

v0 sin v0 sin2
= = .
r d

Therefore, at = 60 , we find that = 0.6 rad/s .

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