Revere 2700 Mercury Superoval 700w & 1000w Roadway Bulletin 1963

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Decernber 1963
Superseding Sec 7. Pases 31. 32 1963
Speciflczt ons sublect to change \! thoLt notice



Iinitized Series 2 700 mercury

luminaires have a ballast assembly
' nn.istin-: ol sp, , ial t a{l aluminum
capacitor housing and built-in con-
si ant wattage or reactor ballast com-
ponents 1or all common primar-v

Thc Serics 2700 Supcroval is avail-

ablc without capacitor housing and
lruilt-in ballast components.
December, 1963
- PAGE 2

6) Superseding Sec. 7, Prges 31. 32 1963

Specifications sLrbiect to change w thout noiice


Reverc's Selies 2700 Superoval mercury luminaires Special dcsign Jeatures make installation, leveling
ale designed to provide very high levcls of lighting and aiming a last and simplc task. Superovals slip
with clliciency and comfort. They are light in weight 1fl inch or 2 inch pipe, and are pre-wired, resulting in
and small in projected alea. The choice of non uni- savings in time and labor costs. LaDp replaceme.nt is
tized or unitized models. with or without rcceptacle easily accomplished, and the refractor can be removed
for photoelectric control, covers al) application without tools for cleaning, in just a few seconds.
The lowet housing of Superoval luminaires is easily
With ?00 or 1000-watt mercury lamps, the Superoval lowered for relamping or servicing. All internal com-
provides 2.5 to 5 footcandles for wide roadways, ponents are readily accessible with the unit opened.
"whitc way" lighting of business districts, shopping A wide stainless steel hinge accurately positions the
centers, and other large area lighting applications. lowcr housing and assurcs positive locking with the
These units provr'de elfiticnt, uniform light distribu upper housing. A safety latch prevents accidental dis-
tion in A.S.A. LE.S. Type III with clear lamps or cngagement of the hinge during servicing. The refrac-
Typc IV with phosphor-coated lamps. tor is molded of clear borosilic:rte glass for maximum
Superoval luminaircs featule prec:ision cast aluminum impact and heat resistance. The opticral system is com
construction with a completely senled optical systcm pletely sealed by rneans of an extruded silicone rubber
that kecps out moisture, insccts. and dust to assure reflector gasket and n-roldcd siliconc socket gasket.
mrintrin"d lighl oulpul uith minimunr - rri, ing. (Non-unitized Supcroval illustrated).

Tr-iti:ed and non unitized Superoval luminaires are

available v'ith or without a mounting adapter for
E.E.L-NEMA standard plug-in locking-type photo-
electlic contlol. Tnc ph-.,,rlectric control receptacle
can be rotated throrrgh 360' fot proper orientafion
The entirc unit is gasketed to provide a weather-tight
seal and is furnished prewired with fiberglass insulated
leads to the terminal block.
Decernber, 1963
- PAGE 3

Superseding Sec. 7, Pages 31, 32 1963

Specifications subject to change without n0tice


Spring-loaded buiierf ly
ref ractor retainlng clip
House s idc

NOTE: I)rarving shows unitized Superoval with refractor and allows lor natural expan;ion and con-
capacitor housing and built-in ballast com- traction with temperature changes.
ponents illustraiedin color. Non unitized
Superoval has idr-'ntical features and dimen- Heavy.lutt' tcrminal block with screw clamp ter
sions, except without built in ballast com minals is lurnished on units ordered with built-in
ponents and capacitor housing. ballast and/or photocontrol adapter.

tlpl)er housing is one piece precision cast aluminum, Mogul screrv porcelain socket.
with integrail-v casl univcrsal slip fitter for l% inch Socket gasket is molded silicone rubber. Reflector
or 2-inch pi1rc bracket. gasket is extruded silicone rubber. They provide a
completely sealed optical system, eliminating possi-
Specular linish reflector is snap-in type, held in place biliiy of entry oI moisture, insects, or dirt into the
by a stainless steel spring latch. housing.
Capacitor housing is cast aluminum. Refractor is molded of clear borosilicate glass for
maximum imtract an.l heat resistance- An accurate
Slil;fittcr arrangement permits easy installation. The svstem oflight controlling prisms provide asymmetric
unit lealures an integrally cast pipe stop, %" mount, Type III light distributnrn with clear mercury Iamps
ing bolts, and revcrsible pipe clamp to fit 1% inch or and Type IV with phosphor coated lamps.
2-inch pipe. The frxture leveling pad and slip fitter
leveling clamp allow :1-3' adjustment for accurate Die-cast aluminum automatic iatch is actuated bv ,r

positioning of the luminaire- stainless stecl corl spring.

Phntncnntr,'l m.,unring adat,rer is preci.ior ca"l aru
Wide stainless steel hingc has safety latch to prevent minum hub with E.E.I. NEMA sta,rdard krcking-
au:idental clisengagement. Hinge accuratcly positions type receptacle adjus{able +hlugh 360'for proper
the lower hciusing and insures positive locking with orientation .d ore',ured with fiberglass insulated
the precision dic cast aluminum sp ng loaded auto leads fo the r-erminal block- Entire unit is gasketed
matic latch. to providc weathertight seal.
Lo*'er housing, or relractor h ., is p,ecision-cast Refractor retaining cJips permit removal of refractor
aluminum. It providcs ,,-fe, positive seat for the quickly and easily, \rithout tools.
December, 1963
Superseding Sec.7, Pages 31,32 1963
Speciflcations subject to change without not ce


Watts Approx. Ballast
Lamp Ptinaty CATATOG tine
Loss, Net Wt., RenewalKit
Wattage Voltage NUMBENS Current, Arnps
(60 Cycle) Maximum tbs. CAT- NO.

For remote ballasting i'

2703-0100 34

With built-in reactor (high power factor) ballast 'i air r:t ..ri

700 460'480 2713.0700 35 1.65,/1.60 55 36T.234

1000 460/480 2713-0100 48 2.6i2.4 56 36T.190

With built-in constant wattage ballast'Ll rir

' 'iir

700 I2A t240.r 2733.0700 55 7.0.,3.5 62 36T.230

700 208 0 2793.0700 55 3.9 62 36T.23t
700 277 0 2783.0700 55 2.9 62 36T-232
700 480 1! 2113.D100 55 1.75 62 36T.233
1000 t2a,24A t,))
2733-0100 80 10.0 /5 0 62 36T.194
1000 208 !| 2793-0100 80 5.6 62 36T-193
1000 277 A 2783.0100 80 4.2 62 36T.192
1000 480 0 2773.0100 80 2.5 62 38f.247

;:|, Add suflix " P" to catolog nu.mbers if lutninate is desircd forn?rs to operate otte or tu:o 700 ualt a d 1000 uatt
uith pre uired rcceptacLe for photoelectlic control. tner(ury Lamps.
tt Llni.tu listecl prouid.e d.istribution Type III uith clear tt trI idran ge t oltage (s ).
nercury larrtp and Type IV rtith plrcsphor-coated lamp. t! Pouvr Ia(br 90lo ntinitnunt.
Latnp is not furnished.. Pou'er lacLor 951f, nirimurn.
ll Projecterl oreais 2.5 squar? Ieet lor non un'ttizcd lumi.-
i!tor r?atlor L\ipe hdlltLst, starting cutent is approxi-
naires a/rd 2.7 square fcet lor unitized models. ntately 1.7 titnes nortnal operating line cutent-
Q Open circuit secondery uoltage tnininum is same as line '.r1
Primory LioltaEe is l 5,o/o for reactor hallast an(l
roltaqe for reacbr type,and 375 uolts for constan.t u)at- ) 106,1, for conston.t u'attoge ballasl.
lage ballasl. Statts H:15 or H36 lamp to 20'F. ll For cottstent battale ballast, slntting and, open circuit
t.:: I;or retnote ballasling, su Bullt:lin B, Sec. 6, tans currenl ar? less thon normal operating line ctu-renl-

Luminaires ordcrc.l lor photocontrol operation alc

furnishr:d ,,r'ith f:,rctory installed receptaclc ple wired
lo oti*r.rts Fl-l *, I'i*'' a t,1.,'t',, Lrnlrol \n.6rj90 Thi.
( ontrol is latcd for 1000 r,rtts 1..rrnp Lrad. Ii is designed
Iol rt range of 105 265 line r'olt-s. 50,rti0 cr1'cles, AC.
In the case of luminaires equippcri u itlr .160/480-volt
ballasts, thc lulninaile is pre rvired iol three-wiro scrv-
icr to operate the photocontro] Iithin its rated volt
ase ranse. 0RDER REVERE CATAI"oG N0. 4005-FP6690.


2100.1 [4og!lscrew porce ain socket.

2100-3 lvlolded borosi lcate prisnrirtic refractor.

2700-1 SpecLrlar a umrnurn ref ector with si icone ftrbber gasket and stain ess steel atch.
2100.5 Fxtruded si cone rubber reflector gasket on y

2100.8 .. t a Lrmiirum of e'piece ower housrng and mountlng hardware, rot rcluding laich assembly
2600.9 Neavy dLty terminaJ block accepiifg \flre sizs !p to No. 6

2500-10 Thiee-wire ockingtype photocontr0l receptacle w ih,,raihert ght gasket.

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