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Version 3


om gan tv gaapati havmahe

kavi kavnmupamaravastamam |
jyeharja brahmam brahmaaspata
na vanntibhi sdasdanam ||

om mahgaapataye nama

My sincere gratitude to my Spiritual Guru The Mother (Pondicherry Ashram) and my Jyotisha Guru
Pt. Sanjay Rath without whose blessings I could not have taken even a single step .

bhva cint
(Principles for analysing bhvas in Horoscopes)

Sarajit Poddar (aka Varahamihira)

Jyotish Guru, SJC
Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the
reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged
out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges.
- Sri Aurobindo, Thoughts and Aphorisms (1913)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 2
Jataka tattva or natal horoscopy is a vast and complicated subject and requires mastery of diverse range of
areas. The first and most important step in that is understanding how to interpret bhvas.

The term bhva cint is taken from Mantresvaras Phaladeepika who tried to present the principles in
consistent way in his immortal classic.

This is an attempt to present various matters used in bhva analysis in a systematic manner. This is
however, not everything one must know to start analysing the horoscope. Before going to analysis of
specific bhvas which have their own set of specific principles, one need to have good understanding of the
general principles.

This serves as a good starting point in analysing bhva. In subsequent lessons each specific bhva will be
covered that will reinforce the understanding of both generic and specific aspects of each bhva.

This is intended for those who have good understanding of Jyotish fundamentals such as rasis, grahas,
bhvas etc.

May I pray to the Gurus to make the journey through this lesson easy and enjoyable.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 3
bhva significations
The first step in analyzing a horoscope is to
accurately understand the significations of the Bhava.
A Bhava governs myriad of significations and it is not
possible to list down each and every significations.
However, the ones given by the Maharishis and other
astrological savants can guide our thinking to the
right direction should we find an area that is not
listed. The secret is to understand what those
authors wanted to convey.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 4
bhva significations (1/3)
House BPHS Prasna Marga

Lagna Body (deha), appearance (rpa), knowledge/ wisdom Excellence, superior goodness of beauty, skill,
(jna), complexion (vara) , strength and weakness cleverness, self confidence (sauthavam); the state of
(balbalam), happiness (sukha), sadness (dukha), being, existence, perseverance, standing, stay at a
nature (svabhvaca) place (sthiti); self-dependence, sound state, health,
ease, comfort, contentment, satisfaction (svasthya);
welfare, wellbeing (shreya); fame (yasha); victory,
success, achievement (jayo)
2nd Wealth and prosperity (dhanadhnya), family and Family, wealth (vitta), speech (vani), right eye (dakshina
community (kuumba), death (mtyu), noose/ bondage chakshu), all forms of knowledge (vidyascha vividha)
(jlam), friends (mitrakam), minerals and gemstones
3rd Valour (vikrama), co-borns and cousins Patience (dhairya), vitality and potency (virya), wrong
(bhtyabhrtrdi), upadesha (opadea), moving or going thoughts (durbuddhi); siblings (sahodara); valour
(prayakam), death of father (pitrorvai maraa), (parakrama); right ear (daksha karna); assistance, help,
knowledge (vijo), evil thoughts (duciky) following (sahaya)
4th Conveyance (vhan), frinds and relatives (bandh), Mother (mata); sacrifice (suhut); sisters child
mother (mt), happiness (saukhydi), luxuries and (bhagineau); landed property (kshetram); sukham
resources (nyapi nidhi), land (ketra), house (gha) (happiness); vehicles and carriages (vahanamhsanam);
grace, beauty, charm, amour (lalitya); resting, sleeping
(shayanam); growth and prosperity (vriddhi); cattle
(pasu); birth house, birth place (janma griha)
5th Talisman (yantra), mystical chants (mantra), knowledge Wisdom (pragna); abilities (pratibha), intelligence
(vidy), acumen (buddhe), composition/ creativity (medha); ability to discern (viveka shakti); good deeds
(prabandhakam), children (putra), kingdom (rjy), of past life (puratana punyam); mystical hymns
falling down, corruption (apabhr) (mantra); advisor, minister (amatya); children (tanuja);
mental satisfaction, cheerfulness (saumansya)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 5
bhva significations (2/3)
House BPHS Prasna Marga

6th Maternal uncle (mtul), yama, death like suffering Thief, smuggler (taskar); enemies, hostile persons
(antaka), doubts, suspicioun (akn), enemy (araati); impediment, obstacle, interruption (vighna);
(atrcaiva), injuries (vradi), step-mother wounds, injuries (vyaadha); harm to body (tanu kshati);
(sapatnmtara) death (marana) by enemies (ari) or weapons (shastra)
7th Spouse (jy), journey (adhva), going (praya), trade Marriage (vivaha); amour, sexual instincts, passion,
(vijya), loss of sight (naavkaam), death (madana); bharya (spouse); association with other
(maraa), self (sva), body (dehasya) relations (bhartr samagama); bed, sleeping place
(sayya); wifes dwelling place (sthri sadma); lost things
(nastartha); coitus (maithuna)
8th Longevity (yu), debts- should be rina (raa), nija- Destruction, cessation of everything (sarvapranasa);
dosa (ripu), fortress (durga), wealth from the dead- misfortune, danger (vipad); defame, loss of repute
insurance, inheritence (mtadhana), knowledge of past (apavad); cause and place of death (maranasya
and future (gatyanukdi) hetupradesha); servants (daas); external houses, house
external to the living place (mathadikam veshma);
chronic diseases (gadaa); danger, obstacles (vighna)

9th Destiny (bhgya), wifes brother (yla), religion, Destiny (bhagya); duty, righteousness (dharma);
duty (dharma), brother's wife (bhrtpatny), kindness/ empathy (daya); good deed (punya); father,
pilgrimage (Trthaytr) guardian (taat); grand children (sutatmaja); donation,
charity (daana); worship (upasana); good conduct and
amicable disposition (sushil); teacher, preceptor (guru)
10th Kingdom (rjya, sky, throne, heaven (ka) mind Religious shrines (devalaya); townships (nagar); council
(vtti), honour (mna), source of nourishment (pitu), (sabha); houses besides the road (margalaya); servants,
foreign residence (pravsa), debts- should be in 8th attendants (daas); all activities (sarvakarma); follow
house (asy), mid-heaven (vyomasth) order, command (aagnaalambana)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 6
bhva significations (3/3)
House BPHS Prasna Marga

11th Various kinds of objects of desire (nnvastu), Spouse Fulfilment of all desires (sarvabhistaagama); elder
of children (putrajy), income (ya), growth brother (jyestha bhrata); wife (jaya) of own son (nija-
(vddhi), cattles (pan), place of Rudra atmaja) or daughter in law; left ear (vamkarna); gain,
(bhvasthn) profit (labha)

12th Expenditure, loss, investments (vyaya), renunciation, Sin, evil (paapa); loss, expenses (vyaya); fall (patana);
vairagya, could be secret enemies (vairivtt) end, emancipation (niraya); left eye (vama-ambakam); loss,
liberation (anta), zero, shunya (ripham) last moment, disappearance of position (sthana bhramsa); loss of
end of day, sleep (antydika) limbs, physical injuries, depression, sorrow (vikala)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 7
Principle 1
Effect of natural benefics
and malefics

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 8
Effect of natural benefics
The bhvas occupied or aspected by natural benefics or their lords bestow
auspicious results that is expected from the bhva provided they are not
aspected by natural malefics.

If the lord of bhva is a malefic and aspects the bhva, then it will not destroy
the bhva and still provide auspicious results.

Additional points:
The intensity of the results due to benefic or malefic aspects is dependent on the intensity of the
aspects. Planets give full aspects on certain houses and partial aspects on the others.

The results of full aspect will be full, that of 3/4th aspect will be 3/4th and so on. The aspect on the
natural malefics reduce the effects proportionally.

The auspicious results mentioned here are manifested if the planets placed or aspecting the bhva are
not placed in debilitation, combust or placed in inimical sign.

This also means that the auspicious results are enhanced when the said planets in exaltation, friendly,
own sign or mlatrikoa and are not combust or defeated in planetary war.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 9
Other classics
Jataka Parijata
There are 12 bhvas such as Tanu, Dhana, Shahaja etc. If benefics are placed in
the bhva and if benefics or the bhva lord aspect the bhva then the bhva
prospers. The auspicious results of the bhva is full if natural malefics are not
placed in the bhva or aspect it. On the contrary if the bhva is conjoined with
malefics or aspected by them the bhva suffers destruction. If there are both
benefic and malefic influences, mixed results are produced.

Additional points:

This refutes the popular belief that benefics spoil the bhva where they are placed and strengthens the
bhva where it aspects. Similarly Malefics placed in the bhva strengthens the bhva where it is placed and
weakness the bhva it aspects.

This shows that placement and aspect of benefics are both good and placement of aspect of malefics are
both bad.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 10
Additional notes
Regarding Dusthanas (6th, 8th and the 12th), prosperity of the bhva does not mean
increase in the negative results. This means increase of auspicious results and decrease of
inauspicious results. For instance benefic influences on the 6th house cause reduction in
enmity and litigations, such influences on the 8th house increases longevity and on the 12
house decreases unnecessary expenses.

Balabhadra presents Satyacharya's opinion in the Hayan Ratna. He says Satyachayrya opines
that "Astamastha saumya mrtyu hani kurvanti, papa mrtyu vriddhi kurvanti. Dvadase saumya
vyayahani kurvanti, krura vyayavrddhim. Shasthabhvastha saumya shatruhanim krurah
shatruvrddhim kurvantiti.

In Saravali (34.70) Kalyanvarma mentions that Jupiter, Moon or Venus's placement in the
12th house cause accumulation of wealth

Thus influences of natural benefics on any bhva manifests the auspicious results and
mollifies inauspicious results pertaining to the bhva. Malefics does just the reverse, thus
manifest the inauspicious results and supresses the auspicious results.

Yet it is said that malefics give auspicious results in upachaya bhvas namely 3, 6, 10, 11.
These are the houses of growth and need the influence of malefics as growth is essentially a
selfish activity.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 11
graha di (1/2)

- No planets aspect the 2nd or 12th from its sign excluding Rahu
- No planets aspect the 6th and 11th from it. Tanau Tanah Danda Harah (Jaimini)
- All planets fully aspect their 7th from it (representing desires causing birth)
- Exterior planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects
- Mars has special aspect on 4th and 8th (caturra security)
- Jupiter has special aspect on 5th and 9th (trikona knowledge)
- Saturn has special aspect on 3rd and 10th (upachaya growth)
- All planets partially aspect 3/10, 5/9 and 4/8 from where they are placed
- 1 pada drsti No shakti
- 2 pada drsti- Iccha shakti
- 3 pada drsti- Iccha & kriya shakti
- Purna drsti on 7th represent the iccha, kriya and gnana shakti

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 12
graha di(2/2)
Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu













Even one Pada drsti of Guru is enough to protect a bhava as it is

called the
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
Amrita Drsit. It gives life force to the bhava it aspects. Out
15 Apr 2014 13
of the strongest are the 5th and 9th where the Gnana of Guru v3 flows.
Natural benefics and malefics
Parara 3.11

tatrrkaanibhputr kendurhuketava |
krr eagrah saumy krra krrayuto budha || 11||

Sun (arka), Saturn (ani), Mars (bhputra), weak moon (kendu), Rhu, Ketu are
the krra planets. The remaining are Saumya planets. If Mercury (budha) is
placed with krra planets it becomes krra; however if it is placed with weak
Moon, it does not become krra.

Krra candra:
- Candra becomes krra during Krsna dvadasi to krsna tritiya
- If conjoined with or aspected by other saumya grahas, it becomes saumya
- If krra candra is placed with Budha both of them become saumya.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 14
Strength of Moon

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 15
kna and pra candra
krra and saumya
14 N 1 classification
13 2
12 3 1. krra : like Sun, Saturn,
Mars, Rahu and Ketu
11 kna candra: Krura, Lack 4
2. saumya: like Jupiter,
compassion of mother.
10 5 Mercury and Venus
Masculine, aggressive,
dis-contented, unstable.
9 Vta dominence (Saturn, 6
8 7

7 8

pra candra: Saumya,

6 Full of compassion of 9
mother. Feminine,
5 receptive, contented, 10
stable. Jala dominance
4 (Moon, Venus) 11

3 12
2 13
1 F 14

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 16
ka and ukla paka candra
Ppa and Puya classification:
14 N 1
13 2 1. Ppa : like Saturn, Mars,
12 3 Mercury and Venus, Rahu
and Ketu
11 4
2. Puya : like Sun, Jupiter
10 5

9 6
ka paka ukla paka
Ppa, suffering Puya,
8 due to vices and redemption, 7
sin leading to remedy,
7 waning, loss of forgiveness from 8
lustre sin leading to
waxing, increase 9
in lusture
5 10

4 11

3 12
2 13
1 F 14

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 17
Phases of the Moon
4 groups
14 N 1
13 2 1. krra -punya: like Sun
12 3 (predominantly sattva)

11 4 2. krra - ppa: like Saturn,

Mars Rahu, Ketu
10 5 (predominantly tamas)
krra punya
krra ppa
(shukla 3. saumya-punya : Jupiter
9 (krsna astama 6
paratipad (predominantly satva)
to amavasya)
8 7 4. saumya-papa: Mercury,
Venus (predominantly
7 8

saumya-papa saumya-punya
6 (krsna pratipad (shukla astami 9
to saptami) to purnima) The nature of the Moon during
5 10 different phases can be
understood from the planets
4 11 mentioned above.
3 12
2 13
1 F 14

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 18
Strength of Moon- Different view
(Jataka Parijata)
14 1
This is another view of Moons
12 3
strength mentioned in Jataka
Parijata. This definition of
11 4 strength is also used in
10 Low Medium 5
various ways.
strength strength
9 krsna Sukla 6
shasti to pratipad to
amavasya dasami
8 7

7 8

6 Full 9
5 Sukla 10
4 to 11
3 12
2 13
1 F 14

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 19
Order of Beneficence and Maleficence

The order of planets in terms of decreasing beneficence and

increasing maleficence is as follows:

Jupiter > Venus > Well associated Mercury > Waxing Moon >
Ketu > Waning Moon > Badly associated Mercury > Sun > Mars
> Saturn > Rahu

Different classics have suggest minor variations in the order, especially the order
of strong and weak Mercury and Moon. Jupiter is the most benevolent and Rahu
is the most malevolent planet

When a bhva is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and its lord that bhva is rendered
very strong.

Other classics
Aspect of bhva by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and its lord then the bhva is
rendered very strong

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 20
Jupiters aspect is Amrita Drsti

A planet that has got

the full aspect on it of
Jupiter will not cause
any bad effect on the
- Jataka Tattva

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 21
Early death of father 1
The natives father died in
1994 due to cancer and the
native had to pass through
untold hardship because of

The 9th house is placed with the Karaka and Bhavesha Surya, however, is also placed with Mars and aspected
by Saturn. It is receiving good aspect of Lagna lord Jupiter and debilitated Rahu (75%) from the 12th house.
Rahu is very negative in the horoscope because of Ayush debility in the 12th bhva.

A special vimshottari dasa applies for the native as the Subhapati is the Atmakaraka i.e, Vimshottari dasa
started from the Atmakaraka Mars sphuta (longitude). According to this, the father died in Mars-Rahu-Rahu.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 22
Early death of father 2
Authors younger brother
The natives father died in
1994 due to cancer and the
native had to pass through
untold hardship because of

9th house is placed with the lagna and the 8th lord Venus. Venus being the lagna lord does not carry the
maleficence of the 8th lordship. The 9th lord is placed in the 7th house with exalted Karaka Sun. These are
good placement of the 9th bhva and the lord. However, Anitya Karaka (covered later) Mars is placed in
badhaka sthana (which is 11th for a movable sign) and severely afflicted by Saturn and Rahu. The Karaka Sun
is having exchange with Mars showing afflicting coming on the Sun. The affliction by Saturn and Rahu
shows bereavement.

The father died in the period of Moon Moon. Moon is the Maraka from the 9th house being the 2nd lord and
is placed in the 7th from the 9th house. It will also give the results of its Jupiter which is placed in the malefic
combination in Leo.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 23
Early death of father 3
Authors elder brother
The natives father died in
1994 due to cancer and the
native had to pass through
untold hardship because of

9th house is Aries with lagna lord exalted therein showing excellent bhagya related to father. However, it is
placed with 2nd and 11th lord Mercury which is a functional malefic, but a natural benefic. This is not an
adverse combination. However, the 9th is aspected by Rahu from the 5th house which is an affliction as Rahu
is an enemy to the karaka for the father Sun. The 9th lord Mars is placed in Aquarius which is a neutral sign
(panchadha maitri) and one Anitya Karaka (Marss dispositor) is Rahu who is afflicting Sun in the 9th.
Another Anitya Karaka Saturn is in the 2nd from the 9th with the 2nd lord affecting longevity (placement in
maraka bhva) with Marakesh. The father died in Rahu-Saturn-Rahu.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 24
Early death of husband
Authors mother
The natives husband died in
1994 due to cancer and the
native had to pass through
untold hardship because of

7th house is vacant but aspected by 9th lord Sun- which is a good combination showing fortune after getting
married. The 9th lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house with two gurus Jupiter and Venus which is also a
very good combination. However, the lord is placed in the 8th from itself which is not a auspicious
combination showing trouble. 7th lord Mercury is placed with Karaka Venus showing good married life. So
the bhva, Bhavesha and Karaka are well placed in the horoscope. The Anitya Karaka Saturn is placed in the
9th house (misfortune) and afflicted by Mars+Ketu (Pisacha yoga) in the 2nd from it (Ashubha yoga) and
Gulika-Mandi in the 12th. The dispositor of Gulika+Mandi will be very inimical and is placed in the 4th house
with Rahu (afflicting happiness- Sukha). The maraka to the 7th are the Moon (2nd lord) afflicted, the Sun
placed in the 7th from it and the planets conjoining the 7th lord Merc in the 8th (from 7th) - Venus; Mercury
being the 7th lord will not be a maraka (lagna lord for husband). The husband died in Venus-Rahu-Ketu.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 25
Principle 2
Effect of dispositor

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 26
What is dispositor?
What is a dispositor?
The lord of the place (sthana) where a planet (graha) is placed is called the
dispositor of the said planet.

For instance, consider Sagittarius Lagna and Lagna lord Jupiter is placed in
Aquarius, 3rd house. The dispositor of lagnesha Jupiter is Saturn and Rahu, the
two lords of Aquarius.

Similarly the lord of the nakshatra where a planet is placed becomes the
nakshatra dispositor of the said planet

The dispositors are very important and are an important source of strength of
planets. Dispositors are the owner of a place (say house/ building) while the
planets under consideration are the tenants. Say, if the owner of a house is weak
and poor, the tenant of that house suffer anxiety.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 27
Impact of dispositors


Whichever sign the bhavesha is placed, if the lord of that sign is placed in the
6th, 8th or 12th from the Lagna, then all the auspicious results of the bhva do
not manifest. However, if the sign-lord is placed in exaltation, svakshetra,
friendly sign, then whatever auspicious results shown by the placement of said
bhavesha will manifest.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 28
Excerpts from Bhrigu Sutra
Sun in 3rd house (Bhrigu Sutras)

buddhimn anujarahita jyehana || 33||

pacame vare caturaadvdaavare v kicitpd || 34||
ppayute krrakart || 35||
dvibhrtmn parkram || 36||
yuddhe raca || 37||
krtimn nijadhanabhog || 38||
ubhayute sodaravddi || 39||
bhvdhipe balayute bhrtdrghayu || 40||
ppayute ppekaavanna || 41||
ubhavkanavaddhanavn bhog sukh ca || 42||

The native is intelligent and devoid of younger siblings and the elder siblings suffer destruction as well (33);
the native suffers health troubles in the years 4th, 5th 8th and the 12th years (34); if conjoined with malefic,
the native is engaged in cruel deeds (35); has two brothers and is valorous (26); he is extremely skilful and
powerful in battles (37); he is famous and enjoys self-earned wealth (38); if conjoined with benefics, he is
endowed with siblings who are also prosperous (39); if the bhva lord is strong, the siblings are long-lived
(40); if conjoined with or aspected by malefic, the natives lineage suffers destruction (41); if however, Sun is
under benefic aspects, he becomes wealthy, materialistic and happy (satisfied and contended).

A planet gives good result while placed in a bhva if it is under benefic influences and also the dispositor of
the planet is well placed

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 29
Sanjay Rath, COVA
The following have a direct bearing on the affairs of a house and should be analyzed carefully to determine

i. The bhva, nature of the sign and planets conjoining or aspecting

ii. The lord of the house (called paka), its strength and nature of the sign wherein stationed.

iii. The dispositor of the lord of the house. This is called pakesha.

iv. The lord of the navamsa occupied by the dispositor of the lord of the house. This is the navamsa
dispositor of the pakesha.
v. The Arudha and Varnada of the house

vi. The strength and position of the fixed (sthira), temporary (chara) and natural significators of the house

vii. The house as reckoned from Arudha Lagna and Varnada Lagna

viii. The yogas (combinations) both good or bad in the house or wherein the lord of the house is involved

ix. The argala (intervention) of the other signs and planets as well as the virodhargala (obstruction). The
prevalence should be ascertained.

x. The strength and influence of the concerned Saham as well as detailed scruitiny of the concerned
divisional chart.

There are various terms such as arudha, varnada, sthira, chara and naisargika karaka, yogas,
argala, saham etc. That are not covered here and will be covered separately

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 30
Applying the dispositor principle

Step 1: Check which planets are placed in dusthana and / or afflicted. Call this
planet A.

Step 2: Find out which planets are placed in the house of planet A, call it planet
B. Planet B will have weaknesses. If planet B is afflicted as well, the trouble to the
bhva is severe. Only those aspect of the bhva will be protected whose karaka is
well placed and have good association with the bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 31
The following examples shows the importance of the dispositor. However,
this is not complete knowledge for predicting ill health and troubles. More
will be learnt in the lessons on Rista and Arista for accurately judging and
timing the troubles and misfortunes.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 32
Bad health
The author had severe respiratory
problem and asthma from very young
age. Later he was diagnosed with
hypertension and diabetes.

Examine Lagnesha and karaka Sun and the Moon for health
Lagna is placed with poisonous Mandi and the lagna lord is placed in marana karaka sthana in the 3rd house.
The dispositors of the lagna lord are Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is well placed in dikbala in kendra, however
the stronger of the two Rahu is placed in the 12th debilitated (ayus debilitation) with debilitated Moon.
Health is a perpetual trouble for the native and it started right from birth in Saturns antardasa. Moons
placement in the 12th debilitated and afflicted by Rahu and Saturns aspect on the lagna shows severe

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 33
Bad health
George, Llewellyn
George, Llewellyn
Rodden rating: A
American astrologer who greatly advanced the
astrology of his day with his publication of
books that include Lewi's "Astrology for the
Millions," and "Planetary Hour Book.

George was troubled with health problems,

aphasia, in his later years. He died
7/11/1954, Los Angeles, CA.

Aphasia is the disturbance in formulation and

comprehension of language. This class
of language disorder ranges from having
difficulty remembering words to being
completely unable to speak, read, or write

Examine Lagnesha and karaka Sun and the Moon for health
Lagna is placed with poisonous Gulika and Mandi and the lagna lord Moon is placed in the 12th house, a
dusthana with 4th and 11th lord functional malefic Venus. The dispositor of the lagnesha Mercury is placed
in the 2nd house with 3 malefics Mars, Sun and Ketu and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The comprehension
of language comes from Mercury as it is the karaka for speech. Its affliction being the dispositor of the
lagnesha and in the 2nd house (speech) with the 2nd lord also getting afflicted caused the illness.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 34
Early death of mother
Brody, Jane
Brody, Jane
Rodden rating: AA
American writer and columnist, a general
reporter for two years and science writer for
the New York Times for 11 years; author of
seven books including "Jane Brodys Good
Food Book." For years, she nudged Americans
into diet and health consciousness and is
credited with raising the U.S. awareness on
diet and lifestyle and its influence on health.

In high school, Jane participated in various

extracurricular activities and was editor of her
school newspaper. One month before she
graduated, her mother died of ovarian cancer,
diagnosed less than a year earlier. Her
mothers death - as well as her maternal
grandmothers death from cancer three years
earlier - had a tremendous impact on Brody.

Examine the 4th house and the Moon for mothers death
4th house is empty and the 4th lord Mercury is placed in the 3rd house with 3rd lord Venus, 6th lord Sun and
lagna lord Jupiter. Association of 6th lord Sun does bring trouble to the house it is placed and the planets it
conjoined. In addition, the lagna is hemmed between two dire malefics Mars and Saturn with Ketu placed in
the Lagna aggravating the trouble. During the dasa of Saturn, Mars and Ketu and antardasa of weak planets
the troubles (flaws) in the horoscope will manifest. Mother died in Saturn- Mercury

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 35
Early death of mother
Rosenfeld, Isaac
Rosenfeld, Isaac
Rodden rating: AA
American writer, a critic, essayist, novelist and
short story writer. A philosophy major, he was
immersed in the radical atmosphere of the
later '30s. In 1941 he began his doctoral
studies, at the same time publishing his first
story in The New Republic.

The early death of his mother when he was

barely a year and a half old left him with a
permanent sense of loss and longing.

Shattrimsa-sama dasa:
Applicable for day birth in
Suns hora and night birth
Examine the 4th house and the Moon for mothers death in Moons hora
4th house has retrograde Saturn causing affliction to the 4th house. 4th lord is the Moon and is placed in the
10th house Capricorn with 2nd and 7th lord Maraka Venus. There is an exchange between Saturn and Moon
making the yoga between 4th and 10th lord very strong. Saturn is the dispositor of the 4th lord which is
afflicting the 4th house and is hemmed between Ketu and Gulika/ Mandi. Moon being the karaka is also
afflicted by Sun and Rahu on either side. According to the shattrimsa-sama dasa, the mother died in Sun
and Rahu, afflicting the 4th lord Moon.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 36
Early death of father
Baulieu, tienne-mile
Baulieu, tienne-mile
Rodden rating: AA
French scientist, physician and medical
researcher who has impacted his time in
history by developing the abortion pill
RU-486 in addition to an anti-aging pill
from a human hormone,
DeHydroEpiAndrosterone, more
commonly known as DHEA.

Baulieu spent his early years in

Strasbourg until after his father's
untimely death in 1930 when mother
Therese moved with her four-year-old
son and two daughters to Paris.
Shattrimsa-sama dasa:
Applicable for day birth in
Suns hora and night birth
Examine the 9th house and the Sun for fathers death in Moons hora
The 9th house is afflicted by Rahu and the 9th lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house Scorpio, an enemy sign
with two malefics Saturn and Sun. However, since Sun is the karaka for father, its placement with Mercury
gives him support. Although Saturn is the yogakaraka, it still shows his malefic nature by afflicting the
planets it conjoins. It is placed very close to Mercury compared to the Sun. The dispositor of 9th lord Merc is
well placed in own sign (Mars) and exaltation (Ketu) and will try to bring social help to the native when in
trouble. Father died in Mercury-Saturn shattrimsa-sama dasa.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 37
Principle 3
Naisargika and Tatkalika

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 38
Planetary natural friendship

suhidstrikoa bhvandgrahasya sutabhe vyaye'thadhanabhvane|
svajane nidhane dharme svocce bhvanti na e||

A planet is friendly to the signs lords whose signs are falling in the 2nd-
12th (dvirdvdasa), 4th 8th (caturra) and 5th - 9th (trikoa) from its

Similarly it is inimical to the lords of the signs falling in the 3rd- 6th-
10th- 11th (Upachaya) and the 7th (opposition) from mlatrikoa of the
planet unless that signs happen to be the exaltation sign of the planet.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 39
Planetary dignities (1/3)

BPHS 3.49-50

For the seven Grahas, from Srya on, the exaltation Ris are, respectively,
Mesha, Vrishabha, Makara, Kanya, Karka, Meena and Tula. The deepest
exaltation degrees are, respectively, 10, 3, 28, 15, 5, 27 and 20 in those Ris.
And in the seventh Ri from the said exaltation Ri each Graha has its own
debilitation. The same degrees of deep exaltation apply to deep fall.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 40
Planetary dignities (2/3)

BPHS 3.51-54

In Simha the first 20 degrees are Sryas Mlatrikoa , while the rest is his own
bhva. After the first 3 degrees of exaltation portion in Vrishabha, for Candra,
the rest is her Mlatrikoa . Mangala has the first 12 degrees in Mesha, as
Mlatrikoa with the rest therein becoming simply his own bhva. For Budha, in
Kanya the first 15 degrees are exaltation zone, the next 5 degrees Mlatrikoa
and the last 10 degrees are own bhva. The first one third of Dhanua is the
Mlatrikoa of Guru, while the remaining part thereof is his own bhva. ukra
divides Tula into two halves keeping the first, as Mlatrikoa and the second, as
own bhva. anis arrangements are same in Kumbha, as Srya has in Simha.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 41
Planetary dignities (3/3)
Planet Mulatrikoa Svakshetra Svakshetra 2
Exaltation Deep ex/ The degree shown here
sign deb are the upper bounds.
Leo Leo Aries For instance 3 degree of
Sun 100
10 200 210 300 10 100 Moon mean that Moon
Taurus Taurus
should be in between >2
Moon Cancer 30 to <=3 degree. Thus
40 300 10 - 3 0
Moon in 20 0 1 to 30 0
Aries 0 will be considered to
Aries Capricorn
Mars 130 - 300 Scorpio 280
10- 120 10 280 be in deep exaltation
Virgo Virgo
Mercury 260 - 300 Gemini 150 Thus planets in 00 01
160 250 10 150
will be considered to be
Cancer in 10 and planets in 290
Jupiter 110 - 300 Pisces 50 0 1 will be considered
10 100 10 5 0
to be 30.
Libra Libra Pisces
Venus Taurus 270
10- 150 160 300 10 270 The degrees are based
Aquarius Aquarius Libra on the principle of
Saturn Capricorn 200 Trimsamsa which spans
10 200 210 300 10 200
for 10 each.
Rahu Virgo Aquarius 10 200 200
Taurus** ** In the matters of
Ketu Pisces Scorpio 10 200 200

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 42
Mlatrikoa of planets
Example of Marss friendly signs
Ma Ma

Marss friendly
Su Leo 10-200 Ma
Ke Ma Mo
Mo Taurus 40-300

Ma Aries 10-120

Sa Ma
Me Virgo 160-250
Mlatrikoa of
planets Ju Sagittarius 10-100

Ma Su Ma Ve Libra 10-150

Sa Aquarius 10-200

Ra Ra Virgo
Ju Ve Me
Ke Ketu
Ma Ma

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 43
Naisargika sambandha
Planet Friend Neutral Enemy
Moon, Mars, Jupiter,
Sun Mercury Venus, Saturn, Rahu
Mars, Jupiter, Venus,
Moon Sun, Mercury Rahu, Ketu
Sun, Moon, Jupiter,
Mars Venus, Saturn Mercury, Rahu
Mercury Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon, Rahu, Ketu
Sun, Moon, Mars,
Jupiter Saturn Mercury, Venus, Rahu
Mercury, Saturn,
Venus Mars, Jupiter Sun, Moon
Rahu, Ketu
Sun, Moon, Mars,
Saturn Mercury, Venus Jupiter
Rahu Sun, Venus Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Moon, Mercury
Mercury, Venus,
Ketu Moon, Mars Sun
Saturn, Jupiter

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 44
Deva and Asura group

The lords of the signs in trine to each others are always friends as per
Satyacharyas principle. There are four trines in the zodiac, Agni (dharma), Prthvi
(artha), Vayu (kama) and Jala (moksha). The lords of these trines in the natural
zodiac are

Agni: Prthvi:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Mars, Sun and Jupiter Venus, Mercury and Saturn

Jala: Vayu:
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Moon, Mars (Ketu) and Jupiter Mercury, Venus and Saturn (Rahu)

Deva Asura

Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Ketu Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 45
Tatkalika Sambandha (Temporal relationship)
Planets placed in the 2nd 12th
(dvirdvadasa), 3rd- 11th
(upchaya) and 4th 10th
2 12 (kendra) from a planet
Planet under
consideration become mutual friend. Else
3 11 they are inimical.

The inimical signs from a

planet are all the signs falling
between 5th and 9th from the
4 10 sign i.e, 5th-9th (trikona), 6th
8th (shastastaka) and 7th
7 (saptama).

5 9

6 8

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 46
Panchadha- maitri sambandha
(Compound relationship)
Natural Temporal Compound The combination of the naisargika and
1 Friend Friend Adhi-mitra tatkalika sambandha form 5 different
2 Friend Neutral Mitra grades of relationship. They are
3 Friend Enemy Sama 1. Adhi-mitra: Intimate friend
4 Neutral Friend Mitra 2. Mitra: Friend
5 Neutral Neutral Sama 3. Sama: Neutral
6 Neutral Enemy Shatru 4. Shatru: Enemy
7 Enemy Friend Sama 5. Adhi-shatru: Sworn enemy
8 Enemy Neutral Shatru
The probability of occurrence of various
9 Enemy Enemy Adhi-shatru relationship are as follows
Adhi-mitra 11%
Find out the adhi-shatru and shatru Adhi-shatru 11%
of the Subhapati for they represent
Mitra 22%
the real trouble creator for the native.
Shatru 22%
Subhapati is the dispositor of Moon sign
Sama 34%
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 47
Illustration of compound relationship
Moon is placed in Scorpio.
Moons sign dispositor i.e.,
the Subhapati is Mars. Mars
is a key planet in the
horoscope and someone
who is responsible for
bringing good fortune and
blessings in the life of the

Planet Natural Temporary Compound Persons with Cancer lagna will be great
Sun Friend Enemy Neutral friend to the native while those born in
Moon Friend Friend Great friend
Gemini and Virgo lagna will be deadly
enemies and trouble creators.
Mercury Enemy Enemy Deadly enemy
Jupiter Friend Enemy Neutral
Venus Neutral Friend Friend
Saturn Neutral Friend Friend

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 48
Dristi chakra (Jagannath Hora)

Subhapati Mars is having nearly 100% aspect from neutral planet (Black) Jupiter and Saturn, about 75% from
great friend Ketu. Other aspects are insignificant. The periods of these planets will either promote (friend) or
sustain (neutral) the significations of Mars.

Venus is placed in a deadly enemies sign while Saturn and Ketu are placed in great friends sign. The period
of Venus will be full of trials and tribulations while that of Saturn and Ketu will be great.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 49
Principle 4
diptdi Avasthas
(States of the planets affecting its
mood, behavior etc.)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 50
Impact on results due to placements
Jataka Parijata
If a planet is placed in debilitation or an inimical sign then the bhva owned by
them are destroyed. If however, they are placed in mlatrikoa, exaltation or
own sign, it promotes the bhva it owns.

Additional points:

These are mere illustrations of the impact positional strength of the planets on the results. The following
slides gives more details of all the possible factors contributing to the positional strengths i.e, Diptadi
avasthas. Both Satyacharya and Parara put strong emphasis on these avasthas.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 51
Additional notes on placements
It should be noted that a badly placed planet (due to weakness and affliction) not only
fails to protect the bhva it owns, but also spoils the bhva it is placed in. Destruction of
a bhva does not mean that all results will be inauspicious. It only means that there will
be reduction of auspicious results. The reduction is proportionally based on the benefic
or malefic influences on the bhva, bhva lord and the Karaka. There will be no
auspicious results if all the three factors are afflicted by malefics and they are weak.

When malefics are placed in a bhva (or aspect it) in strength (in exaltation, mlatrikoa,
friendly place or own sign) it does not give much inauspicious results. If the malefics are
weak (debilitated, in inimical sign, or defeated in planetary war) then the inauspicious
results are given without bounds. Similarly if the benefics are strong the auspicious
results are given in full, however, if the benefics are weak then the results are still
auspicious but their intensity is feeble.

With regards to the intensity of auspicious results the order of decreasing auspiciousness
is as follows: Benefic in strength > Malefics in strength > Benefics in weakness > Malefics
in weakness.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 52
diptdi avasthas (1/2)
BPHS 45. 7

dpta svastha pramudita nto dno'tha dukhita |
vikalaca khala ko'ptyavasth navadh'par || 7||

There are nine states of planet namely Dipta, Svastha, Pramudita, Shanta, Vikala,
Dukhita, Khala and Kopa.

Additional points:
The mental state of the planets have strong say on the results given by them. Lets take real
life example to understand this. The role of a teacher (Guru-Jupiter) is to teach good things
in life. However, the teacher would not teach the same way every day; the teaching will be
affected by the mental state of the teacher. For example, if the teacher is delighted on a day
(because he received an award for his stupendous service), he may be happy to teach all his
trade secrets, however, on another day the teacher is very angry (because he received a
demotion in his position), he may think that teaching is not worth it and instead of teaching
may get irritated and give punishment to students without much pre-text.

Thus the way in which the results are given depends on the mental and emotional state of
the planets.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 53
diptdi avasthas (2/2)
BPHS 45.8-10

svoccastha khecaro dpta svarke svastho'dhimitrabhe |
mudito mitrabhe nta samabhe dna ucyate || 8||

atrubhe dukhita prokto vikala ppasayuta |
khala khalaghe jeya kop sydarkasayuta || 9||

ydo janmakle ya kheo yadbhvago bhavet |
tda tasya bhvasya phalamuhya dvijottama || 10||

If a Graha is in its exaltation Ri, it is in Dipta Avastha, if in its own Ri, it is in Swastha, if
in a great friends Ri, it is in Pramudita, if in a friendly Ri, it is in Shanta, if in a neutral
Ri, it is in Din, if a Graha is yuti with a malefic, it is in Vikala, if is in an enemys Ri, it is
in Duhkhita, if in a great enemys Ri, it is in Khala and, if a Graha is being eclipsed by
Srya, it is in Kop. Depending on such a state of the Graha, the bhva, occupied by it will
obtain corresponding effects.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 54
Avastha meaning (1/3)
Avastha Placed in which Meaning Results
Dipta Exaltation Delighted This will give very auspicious and delightful
result as the planet has a sense of
achievement. The best qualities of the
planets such as charity, generosity, good will
etc. manifest and even the worst malefic give
good results.
Svastha Svakshetra Healthy The planets feel as if they are at home. They
feel very comfortable and give results
pertaining to the natural likes and dislikes.
They give results pertaining to good health
and comfort.
Mudita Adhi-mitra Happy The planet is happy as if it has visited its
(Intimate friend) best friends house. It is full of energy and
likes to have fun and frolic. It will give results
pertaining to happiness, joy, fun and frolic.
Shanta Mitra Peaceful The planet is at peace and wants to relax as
(Friend) it known that he is in a friends place and he
does not have to work to meet his means.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 55
Avastha meaning (2/3)
Avastha Placed in which Meaning Results
Dina Sama Helpless The planet is in the house of a person who is
(Neutral) neither a friend nor an enemy. This person
does not help the planet in achieving its
objectives. The planet feels hesitant in asking
for any help or favor.
Dukhita Shatru Sad The planet is stranded in a enemies house
(Enemy) and is incapable doing its activities. The
enemy will keep obstructing the activities of
the planet, however, the planet choses to
bear with it instead of breaking free.
Vikala Afflicted by natural Full of This is akin to the bandits breaking in to the
malefics anxiety planets home and start torturing the planet
and its family. The planet will be anxious to
get out of the situation and will keep trying
very hard to keep him and his family safe.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 56
Avastha meaning (3/3)
Avastha Placed in which Meaning Results
Khala Adhi-shatru Wicked This is akin to planet getting stranded in a
(Sworn enemy) terrorist den. The planet will try all means to
get out of the situation even if it means
conspiring against the terrorists. This shows
that even a very good natured person can
become wicked if pushed to the limits.
However, natural benefics will fight for self-
preservation, while natural malefics will
conspire to finish all his enemies.
Kopa Eclipsed by the Sun Extremely The planet is extremely angry as it is
angry completely eclipsed by someone very
powerful and becomes very destructive.
Unless there are benefic influences to calm
the planet down, the planet will bring havoc
in the life of native through battles and

Two states which are important by not mentioned in this scheme are debilitation and defeat
in planetary war. Planets in these two states also become very weak in upholding its
significations functional and natural.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 57
9 avasthas vs. 9 planets
Avastha Placement Planets in their natural state

Dipta Exaltation Jupiter

Svastha Svakshetra Moon

Mudita Adhi-mitra Sun

Shanta Mitra Venus

Dina Sama Mercury

Dukhita Shatru Saturn

Vikala Afflicted by natural malefics Ketu

Khal Adhi-shatru Rahu

Kopa Eclipsed by the Sun Mars

I believe that the 9 emotional states are linked to the 9 planets. Here is an attempt to
establish the linkage. Note that this is not supported by any classics or my
tradition, so use this with caution. My objective is to show that since all state of mind is
governed by planets, the real understanding of the states can be achieved by knowing which
planet govern each of them

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 58
Avastha Jataka Parijata (variation)
Jataka Parijata 2.16-18

dpta pramudita svastha nta akta prapita |
dna khalastu vikalo bhto'vasth daa kramt||16||

There are ten avasthas of planets viz., (1) dipta, (2) pramudita, (3) svastha, (4)
shanta, (5) saktah, (6) prapidita, (7) dina, (8) khala, (9) vikala, (10) bhita

1) Dipta- exaltation or mlatrikoa

2) Svastha- own sign
3) Mudita- friendly sign
4) Shanta- sign or varga of saumya graha (natural benefics)
5) Saktah- placed away from the Sun (say 7th from the Sun)
6) Prapidita- defeated in planetary war
7) Dina- placed in inimical sign or varga
8) Khala- sign or varga of krura graha (natural malefics)
9) Vikala- eclipsed by the Sun or combust
10)Bhita- debilitated

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 59
Jataka Tattva on Avastha

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 60
Combustion/ Eclipse by Sun/ Helical setting
When a planet (planets with body viz., Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn)
comes in vicinity of the Sun, its rays a obscured (eclipsed) by that of the Sun
rendering it weak. Such planets are hardly seen on the sky. They rise
immediately after the Sun has risen- this makes it impossible for the planet to
be spotted on the sky due to brightness of Sun-light. They can only be spotted
for a brief moment after the Sun is set in the western horizon hence called
Helical setting.

On the other hand, when a planet is ahead of the Sun, it rises ahead of the Sun in
the eastern horizon- hence called helical rising. This is extremely auspicious and
represent a state where someone is out of sever penance and cleansing.

However, not all planets become combust within the same distance from Sun.
The orb of combustion is given below-

Venus (8) > Jupiter (11) > Mercury (12) > Saturn (15) > Mars (17)

Source: Jyotish Kalpavriksha

More of combustion will be covered in a separate lesson on Combustion and planetary war

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 61

A planet in
retrogression or in (his
highest) exaltation is
said to possess superior
- Jataka Tattva

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 62
Defeat in planetary war
BPHS 79.9
There is planetary war, if Mangala, Budha, Guru, ukra and ani are together
(within one degree of each other),ukra is the conqueror, whether he is in North,
or South, but amongst the other four only one, who is in the North, is the
conqueror and that in the South is considered defeated in the planetary war.
In my opinion, this definition has a very specific use and to be used in mundane
astrology as well as in the yoga of asceticism

Graha Yuddha is an advanced topic and will be covered in subsequent lessons.

At this point one need to keep in mind that planets get into war when they are placed within
10 from each other. They represent a state of fight and can represent fight in the area of the
bhva affected by that. The bhva where the planets are conjoined is equally affected by the
bhva whose lord is defeated in the war.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 63
Parara on bhva results
BPHS 11.14-16

yo yo ubhairyuto do bhvo v patidayuk |
yuv pravddho rjyastha kumro v'pi yatpati || 14||
tadkaavat tattadbhbasaukhya vaded budha |

bhva which is aspected by natural benefics (subha) or aspected by its lord or the lord has
attained the state of yuva, prbrddha, kumara or in the 10th house (rajya), the native enjoys
auspicious results pertaining to those bhvas.

yadyad bhvapatirnaastrikedyaica sayuta || 15||
bhva na vkate samyak supto vddhomto'thav |
pito v'sya bhvasya phala naa vaded dhruvam || 16||

bhva whose lord is conjoined with the Trika lords (6th, 8th and 12th) or devoid of aspect
from its lord; the lord has attained the state of vriddha, mrta and Supta; the lord is defeated
in planetary war; the results of such bhva will be spoilt.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 64
bldi avastha
BPHS 45.3-4

kramd bla kumro'tha yuv vddhastath mta |
aaairasame khea same jeyo viparyayt || 3||

Baala, kumara, yuva, vriddha and Mrita Avastha are the five states of the Grahas, placed in
the ascending order at the rate of six degrees in odd signs. In even signs the order is

phala pdamita ble phalrdha ca kumrake |
yni pra phala jeya vddhe kicit mte ca kham || 4||

One fourth, half, full, negligible and nil are the grades of the results, due to a planet in
baala, kumara, yuva, vriddha and mrta Avasthas.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 65
Results due to bldi avastha
Avastha Meaning Age Odd Even Extent Results
group sign sign of
Baala Child 0-12 0-6 24-30 25% Mildly positive

Kumara Adolescent 12-24 6-12 18-24 50% Positive

Yuva Young man 24-36 12-18 12-18 100% Positive

Vriddha Middle age 36-48 18-24 6-12 10% Negative

Mrita Old man 48-60 24-30 0-6 0% Negative

The baladi avastha shows the maturity of the planet and its level of energy to manifest the
results. The best among all is the Yuga avasthas which shows the age of full capability. In
Yuva avastha, the planet shows the ability to withstand any chanllenge and fulfill the
objectives based on its functional significations.

Planets placed in Vriddha and Mrita avastha has very low or no energy to pursue their
objectives. The native will be very lethargic in the matters represented by the bhva whose
lords have gone tom the Vriddha and Mrta avasthas.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 66
Other Avasthas

These are no all about the avasthas of planets. Nature is very complex, hence we
cant oversimplify it by putting the emotional states in to few avasthas. There are
other complex computations of the state of planets which affect both the
quantity as well as quality of results.

There are other avasthas such as Sayanadi avasthas which needs to be

understood for more accurate predictions.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 67
Principle 5
Reckon bhvas from a bhva

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 68
bhvas reckoned from a specific bhva


Considering a bhva as the lagna, check the houses 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th
and 10th from there. If the mentioned houses are placed with the lord of the
bhva or natural benefics, then the bhva prospers.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 69
bhvas reckoned from a specific bhva

The houses mentioned are the Kendra (1, 4, 7 and 10) and Trikona
(5, 9), the Lagna and the 2nd house.

The auspicious effect of the house is proportionally reduced if the

said houses are conjoined with or aspected by natural malefic
(excluding the lord).

Benefics on both sides of the bhva cause subha-kartari yoga and

malefics cause papa-kartari yoga. If benefics are placed in either 2nd
or 12th, it causes Subha-yoga and malefics so placed cause ashubha-

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 70
bhvas under consideration

The 2nd house is the house of sustenance for any bhva and if they
are placed with malefic, the bhva suffers destruction due to lack of

Similarly, the Kendras are the house of Vishnu and the Trikonas are
the houses of Laxmi. If malefic afflict the Kendra from the bhva, it
suffers due to lack of good karma (Karma = Vishnu)

Similarly if the Trikona from the bhva are afflicted, the bhva suffers
due to lack of blessings from Laxmi (Laxmi= fortune).

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 71
2nd and 12th from a bhva

SJC Tradition

The 12th from a bhva holds the trigger (start) of the significations of
the bhva while the 2nd holds the key to end.

If 12th of any bhva is afflicted, the significations either dont get

triggered or there are troubles/ delay in triggering the event.

Similarly if the 2nd from a bhva is afflicted then the bhva does not
end well or it ends with a catastrophe.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 72
Malefics from a bhva

The upachayas 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th are the houses of growth. Planets placed here from any
bhva always help in growth of the bhva. Among all planets, malefics in these places are
more effective.

Growth is a selfish activity as it means going ahead of others, dominating over them, getting
better compared to the rest. Hence rajasic and tamasic planets are well suited for this
activity. While Rajasic planets (Mercury and Venus) strive to get ahead of others without
hurting others; tamasic planets (Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars) try to do so by subduing,
annihilating and destroying others.

Among the upachayas, 10th is a also a Kendra which mentioned before should be placed with
benefics. Hence, excluding that we arrive at 3rd, 6th and 11th which are known as
Trishadaayas. Malefics placed there contribute to growth and success of a bhva.

Later, when we learn Narayana dasa, we will use this principle in determining the
success or failure in a particular Narayana dasa of a sign.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 73
Principle 6
Dusthana effects
(Impact of Dusthana on
the bhva results)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 74
Effect of 8th house
If the bhva lord is placed in the 8th house or combust or debilitated or placed in
an inimical sign and at the same time is devoid of conjunction or aspect of
natural benefics, the results of the bhva are completely destroyed.

Additional points:
Some opine that similar results happen even when the said bhva lord is placed in the 8th
from the lagna.
In my humble opinion depending on whether the bhva lord is placed in the 8th from the
bhva or from the lagna, different matters suffer destruction. When the bhva lord is
placed in the 8th from the bhva, the relations ruled by the bhva such as 4th for mother,
5th for children suffer in life, however, when the bhva lord is placed in the 8th from the
lagna, the native suffers due the matters of the said bhva.
For instance, if the 5th lord is placed in the 8th from the 5th, the children suffer health
troubles or troubles in their career etc. (depending on their indications), however if the
5th lord is placed in the 8th from the lagna, although the children prosper (8th is 4th from
the 5th and it is mentioned before that placement of the lord in the Kendra from the
concerned bhva gives auspicious results), the native has to suffer on account of children
due to conflicts etc.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 75
8th from bhva vs. 8th from Lagna
Should we conclude that placement of bhva lord in 8th from itself spoils the Lagna or its
placement in the 8th from the Lagna spoils it. Classics are not very clear on this. One of the
interpretation is Intelligence (ability) vs. outcome in other words, what you do vs. what you
get. This point is illustrated below-

- When reckoned from the bhva, it shows our ability to apply intelligence pertaining to the
bhva. If well placed, this shows that the person has right resources and he/ she is
capable of making right decisions.

- When reckoned from the Lagna, it represents the results we get pertaining to the bhva.
bhva lord is bhva lord is
well placed from badly placed Zoran, SJC Serbia
Lagna from Lagna If a bhva lord is well placed from the bhva itself, then
bhva we can well use intelligence related to that bhva, our
Very fortunate Wrong
lord decisions are good. If a bhva lord is well placed from
(protected) decisions
badly Lagna, then such decisions are good for us, whatever the
Wrong The results are
placed decisions not good.
resources of a bhva are.
from The results are
good. For example, take Mithuna Lagna and Buddha in
4th house. From the 4th bhva it is well placed as a lord,
so our decisions related to home, property, place where
bhva Right decisions Very unfortunate
The results are Right decisions.
we live are good. We will choose a nice house, at a right
lord well also good. The results are time and money. However, whether such a house will be
placed not good. good for us, make us happy and prosperous, is seen
from from the position of the 4th lord from Lagna. In this case
itself , it is both, so good.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 76
Clarification from Hora Shatak

Hora Shatak 19-20

If a planet be posited in his own or exaltation sign in a Kendra or any other auspicious

house; but be in the 8th from his own sign and be afflicted by a malefic, the relative
denoted by that house lord of which be in the 8th from it, first gets life and loses it soon
afterwards. Remember- dont underestimate the
afflicted by malefic statement
Example 1
Libra lagna, Jupiter in 10th Cancer exalted, Mars in the 7th in own house. The younger brother will be short
lived. Here 3rd lord is in the 8th from its house although well placed from the lagna and aspected by Karaka
Mars. The 3rd lords good placement caused birth of the younger brother, but the life is short due to
placement of the lord of younger brother in 8th from its house.

Example 2
Aquarius Lagna, Mars in 10th in own sign Scorpio, Saturn in 8th aspecting Mars. The younger brother will be
short lived. Mars is well placed promising younger brother but its placement in 8th from its house and
aspect by 1st rate malefic Saturn only bestow short life.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 77
Impact of Dusthanas
Jataka Parijata
When a bhva lord is placed in the dusthanas (6,8,12) or the dusthana lords are
placed in a bhva, inauspicious results are given pertaining to that bhva.
However, the inauspicious results are greatly curtailed and auspicious results are
given when the bhva lord is aspected by natural benefics.

Additional notes:
According to Prasna-marga chapter 14, 8th is consider as the most inauspicious.
According to Prasna-marga and Jataka Desha Marga, the bhva or planets aspected by
the dusthana lords are afflicted as well. Thus if a bhva lord is conjoined or aspected by
dusthana lords, there will be some inauspicious results pertaining to that bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 78
Internal and external significations
Prasna Marga

bhvas can be considered to have two significations, viz., external and internal.
The external ones are as mentioned in the stanza Thanu, etc., and the internal
ones are as given in the stanza Kala, etc. (20)

The 'internal' always refers to the abstract while the 'external' actually refers to
concrete events. Thus the external significance of the 5th house is children, a
physical entity while the internal significance is pratibha which is only an
abstract quality meaning intelligence.

If the bhvas are in any way connected with their lords, their internal attributes
are enhanced. Otherwise their external aspects are predominant. (21)

The internal significations are attributes of the native while the external significations are
the external things (or relationships) related to the native. For example courage is something
the native posses, while siblings are external to the native.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 79
External and internal bhvas

External bhva 1.15

The twelve houses from lagna have been given the following names: (1) Thanu,
(2) Kutumba, (3) Sahotha, (4) Bandhu. (5) Putra, (6) Ari, (7) Patni, (8) Marana, (9)
Shubha, (10) Aspada, (11) Aaya, and (12) Ripha.

Internal bhva 1.16

(1) Kalya, (2) Swa, (3)Vikrama, (4) Griha, (5) Pratibha, (6) Kshata, (7) Chitthotha,
(8) Randhra, (9) Guru, (10) Mana, (11) bhva, (12) Vyaya are names of birth,
second, third, etc., houses, respectively.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 80
Internal and external significations
House External Internal House External Internal

1st Body Thinking 7th Spouse Emotions

2nd Family Speech 8th Death Renunciation

3rd Siblings Courage 9th Guru, father Fortune

4th Mother Happiness 10th Throne Mind

5th Children Talent 11th Friends Income

6th Enemies Weaknesses 12th Losses Liberation

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 81
Illustration- Good from Lagna & Bad from the Bhva

Seen from the Seen from the Results from the lagna Remarks
Lagna bhva (BPHS)
5th lord in 10th 5th lord in 6th If Putras Lord is in Karma bhva, What happens to the children. Will
house from from itself the native will enjoy a Raja Yoga their health be affected?
Lagna and various pleasures and be very
9th lord in 4th 9th lord in 8th If Dharmas Lord is in Bandhu How about health of father?
from the Lagna from itself bhva, the native will enjoy
houses, conveyances and
happiness, will have all kinds of
wealth and be devoted to his
11th lord in 4th 11th lord in 8th If Labhas Lord is in Bandhu How about health of younger
from the Lagna from itself bhva, the native will gain from siblings and friends?
maternal relatives, will undertake
visits to shrines and will possess
happiness of house and lands.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 82
Illustration- Bad from Lagna & Good from the Bhva

Seen from the Seen from the Results from the lagna Remarks
Lagna bhva (BPHS)
5th lord in 8th 5th lord in 4th If Putras Lord is in Randhra How about the fortune of the
house from from itself bhva, the native will not have children? Will that not be good?
Lagna much progenic happiness, be
troubled by cough and pulmonary
disorders, be given to anger and
be devoid of happiness.
9th lord in 6th 9th lord in 10th If Dharmas Lord is in Ari bhva, How about fortune of the father?
house from from itself the native will enjoy meager Will that not be good?
Lagna prosperity, be devoid of happiness
from maternal relatives and be
always troubled by enemies.
11th lord in 8th 11th lord in 10th If Labhas Lord is in Randhra How about fortune of elder
house from itself bhva, the native will incur siblings and friends? Will that not
reversals in his undertakings and be good?
will live long, while his wife will
predecease him.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 83
Impact of Dusthana lords

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 84
Dusthanas from the bhva
From a bhva if the 6th, 8th or the 12th house is conjoined with malefics,
that bhva suffers destruction.

Additional points:
Previously it is mentioned that natural benefics should be placed in the 2nd, kendra or
trikonas from the bhva, hence we can say that benefic placed in the dusthana do not
contribute the prosperity of the bhva.
The aspect of the benefic from the said position on the concerned bhva does not
contribute to the wellbeing of the bhva either as they bring the energies of the dusthana
to the bhva.
Thus no planets should be placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 85
If the lord of a bhva is placed in the dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th) from the lagna,
the bhva is destroyed and the native suffer seriously due such destruction.

The concerned bhva is protected from destruction if the it is aspected by
natural benefics.

Phaladeepika 6.57
A bhva is also destroyed if they are conjoined with the dusthana lords. If
however, the bhva is aspected by natural benefics, the bhva is protected.

Additional notes:
If the bhva lord is placed in the 6th house, the destruction happens due to enmity,
battles, shad-ripus (6 vices) etc;
if placed in the 8th house, the destruction happens due to own fault (nija dosa), debts, no
return from the efforts etc.
if the bhva lord is placed in the 12th house the bhva suffer due to excessive
expenditure (vyaya), forced relinquishment etc.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 86
Dusthana and troubles
Prasna Marga 29
Sages have declared that the 6th, 8th and 12th lords are malefic in nature. A
bhva get destroyed under following circumstances.

(1) bhvas aspected by or associated with the lords of these

(2) bhvas, the lords of which are associated with or aspected by the lords of
these houses

(3) bhvas whose lords occupy 6th, 8th or 12th

What is meant by destruction?
The native will have inauspicious results related to the bhva under consideration. The exact
nature of the trouble will be shown by the dusthana causing the trouble i.e., conflicts (6th),
diseases and debts (8th) or excessive expenditure (12th). Saturn being the karaka of Dusthana
if influence the bhva by aspect or conjunction with the bhva or the lord increases the

Aspect or conjunction of natural benefics is a great saving force, unless the benefics are
weak due to affliction or bad placement. Influence of benefics cause good results to manifest
from the bhva for example winning battles (6th), inheritance (8th) or foreign travel (12th)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 87
Benefics and Malefics
influence on Dusthanas

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 88
Placement of benefics
Phaladeepika 15.18
To judge the effect of a planet see if where the planet is placed from the Lagna;
whether it is placed in a friendly sign or own sign or exalted or inimical sign.
According to Satyacharya if saumya planets (natural benefics) are placed in a
bhva they bestow auspicious results related to the bhva and placement of
natural malefic cause destruction to the bhva thus bringing out inauspicious
This is reversed in the case of 6th, 8th and 12th house.

Additional notes:
Placement of benefics in the dusthanas manifests the auspicious results of the dusthana
bhva. However, the natural and functional significations of the benefics may get affected
unless they are strong and aspected by other benefics. Affliction of benefics in dusthanas
cause tremendous harm to their natural and functional significations.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 89
Placement of malefics
Phaladeepika 15.19
If malefics are placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the Lagna, they
intensify the evil effects of those houses.
Benefics in these houses cause the destruction of evil signified by these houses.
Although the placement of natural benefics alleviates the evil affect of the Trika
houses, they themselves get afflicted. This means that although they (natural
benefics) gives auspicious results related to the dusthanas they give inauspicious
results related to their natural significations and ownership.

Say for Leo Lagna if the 2nd lord Mercury is placed in the 6th house Capricorn, the native will
be freed from conflicts and enmity; however the signification of the 2nd house namely family
and wealth suffer badly. The ill results of the 2nd lords placement in the 6th are felt most if
there are no benefic placements or aspect on the 2nd house.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 90
Good influence of Dusthanas
Although Dusthanas mean bad places and are primarily responsible for all the troubles that
the native has to go through, under benefic influences they are empowered to bestow
auspicious results.
6th house: If benefics are placed in the 6th house in strength and / or the house is aspected
by strong benefics, the native is free from enemies and is protected from injuries and
diseases. The person does not have to experience conflicts or fight legal battles in life. If
Lagna lord is placed in the 6th under benefic influences, then such natives will do good in
Army and Law as they will win many battles.
8th house: If 8th house is under influence of benefics, the native is protected from ill-health,
gets wealth from inheritance or lottery (provided 2nd lord is connected). He/ she can raise
fund from Banks (for business and enterprise) and can work as a fund manager (investment
banker) as the person plays with other wealth.
12th house: When 12th house comes under benefic influences, the native spends on good
deeds (charitable, philanthropy). Instead of incurring expenditure, he invests his wealth and
accrue high returns. He relocates to a foreign land and prospers there.
Just by seeing a bhva lord is placed in the 6th , 8th or 12th, do not jump to conclusion that
the native will have difficulties pertaining to that bhva. There could be some difficulties by
the virtue of placement in dusthana, however, whether the native overcomes them or the
troubles are insurmountable need to be seen from the influences on the dusthana and other
salvaging factors.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 91
Principle 7
bhva, Bhavesha and

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 92
Tripod of strength
Phaladeepika 15.6
The native suffers on account of the significations of a bhva-

a. If the bhva, the bhva lord and the bhva karaka are weak.

b. If the bhva, the bhva lord and the bhva karaka are hemmed between
natural malefics or conjoined with or aspected by them

c. If 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th from the concerned bhva is conjoined with
natural malefic.

Additional notes:
While the 4th, 8th and 12th from a bhva is the moksha trikona and controls the
happiness, the 5th and 9th from the bhva controls the blessings of Laxmi.
Natural malefic placed in such position cause suffering due to lack of bliss and blessings.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 93
bhva karaka
Phaladeepika 15.17
For judgement of any bhvas the karakas are equally important as the bhva and
the bhva lord.
If the bhva and the bhva lord is afflicted but the karaka is strong, the
signification of the house is still salvaged by the karaka. On the contrary if the
bhva and the lord is strong by the karaka is weak or afflicted, the signification
of the bhva suffers.
Hence it is important to take all the three factors into consideration namely the
bhva, the bhva lord and the karaka. Affliction of one of the three factors can
cause reduction of auspiciousness regarding the significations of the bhva.
The karaka of the houses starting from Lagna are (1) the Sun, (2) Jupiter, (3)
Mars, (4) the Moon and Mercury, (5) Jupiter, (6) Saturn (7) Venus, (8) Saturn, (9)
the Sun and Jupiter, (10) Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, (11) Jupiter and
(12) Saturn.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 94
Primary bhva karaka
bhva bhva karaka
Lagna Sun Jupiter Saturn
2nd house Jupiter
Mars Sun Jupiter
3rd house Mars
4th house Moon, Mercury
5th house Jupiter
6th house Saturn, Mars Moon Mercury
7th house Venus
8th house Saturn
9th house Sun, Jupiter Venus
Jupiter Jupiter
10th house Sun, Mercury, Jupiter,
Saturn Saturn
11th house Jupiter
12th house Saturn

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 95
Anitya karaka
Jyotish Samhita
(Acharya Bhaskarakananda Lohani- Agrahayan publications)
Quoting from an ancient Brigu Samhita

yasyabhvasydhipatiryatrarau vartate|
tasydhipatistasya bhvntarasya kraka||

Whichever sign a bhavesha is placed, the lord of that sign becomes the karaka of the said

Pt. Sanjay Rath

Anitya Karaka is called Rasi pati or sign dispositor. It is the doer of the work of the bhavesha.

The responsibility of the bhavesha is to protect the bhva and that of Anitya karaka is to
facilitate interaction with the external world and getting help from outside so that bhva is
capable of upholding its responsibilities (of protecting the bhva)

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 96
bhva significations and their Karakas

Each bhva signifies multiple things, however, when a bhva is afflicted not all the
significations suffer equally. Some of them suffer more, some of them less and some of
them do not suffer. This is because different matters in a bhva are governed by different
planets (called the karakas). If some of the Karakas of a bhva is well placed and have good
relationship with the bhva or the lord, then it will try to protect those significations on the

The following slides provide a high level view of the significations and which planet govern
those significations. For instance Health is seen from the lagna, but Moon controls the
physical health. Where Sun governs the level of energy and vitality. If Lagna, Lagna lord and
Moon all three are afflicted, then the native will have many sicknesses from young age.
However, if Sun is well placed in the horoscope, aspect the lagna and/ or Lagnesha, then the
native will have vitality to carry out his work in spite of ill-health.

The list is not comprehensive and meant to be a good starting point.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 97
bhva vs. karakas (1/3)
Hou Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu

1H Self, soul, State of Strength Ability to Awareness, Physical Ego

constitution, mind, learn wisdom, beauty
health, self- disposition, knowledge
knowledge, physical
head body, fame

2H Resources Family, Speech Family, Physical

lineage, wealth, eyes
face, food sustenance

3H Sense of Communicat Guru-

time, ion skills upadesha

4H Home, Land, real Learning, Shastraic Vehicles, Sorrow, lack Buildings,

birthplace, estate education, learning, other of mental flats, house
Mother, schools happiness comfort and peace,
emotions, and luxuries dissatisfacti
doctor, contentment on
peace of

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 98
bhva vs. karakas (2/3)
Hou Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu

5H Fame, Strength of Authority, Memory, Children, Love affairs Following

influence, mantra Nyaya scholarship, intelligence and
status, shastra, shisyas, (dhi), romance
authority, speculation students memory
para vidya

6H Enmity, Shadripu (6 Accidents

accidents, vices),
injuries, servants,
loans, diseases,
celibacy, strife, labor
Step mother

7H Desires of Business Spouse, Rebirth

the heart partnership, Sexual
sense of partner,
discriminati marital
on happiness

8H Longevity, Occult Occult

troubles, knowledge knowledge

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 99
bhva vs. karakas (3/3)
Hou Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu

9H Faith, Secondary Teacher, Going Fall in Pilgrimages,

Father, and priests, abroad dharma, going
boss, graduation religion, misfortune abroad
dharma, fortune, luck

10H Eye sight, Skills, Work-load,

kingship work, labor, hard-
career, work
s, honor

11H Friends Friends and Gains Step-father Elder sibling

social circle,

12H Recovery Investments Bed Losses, Relocation, Moksha,

from pleasures, hospitalizati long Samadhi,
diseases sleeping on, duration liberation
comfort expenditure travel,

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 100
Case 1: Genius- Analysis of 4th bhva (1/5)
Albert Einstein
Einstein, Albert
Rodden rating: AA

German-Swiss-American scientist, a physicist

who developed the theory of relativity in
1905, and the general theory in 1916, laying
the groundwork for 20th century physics and
providing the essential structure of the
cosmos. He was awarded the 1922 Nobel
Prize for his contributions to theoretical
physics, especially for his discovery of the
photo-electric effect law.

He learned to talk so late that his parents feared that he was mentally retarded, not until he was three, and
was not fluent until he was nine. For awhile, he was considered subnormal because of his slow development,
and his teachers were continually saying that he would never amount to anything. He had begun his
education in 1884 at a Catholic school near his home, but in 1889 was transferred from the school to the
rigid discipline at Lluitpold Gymnasium. He was kicked out of that school for disrupting class but by the
time he was 13 he had read Euclid's geometry and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, two major influences on

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 101
Case 1: Genius- Analysis of 4th bhva (2/5)
Albert Einstein

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 102
Case 1: Genius- Analysis of 4th bhva (3/5)
Albert Einstein
The 4th bhva of happiness, education, properties, vehicles etc. will be evaluated.

No one is placed in the 4th but aspected by host of planets from the 10th bhva. Of them
Saturns and Suns aspect is not encouraging. The aspect of other planets Mercury, Venus
will promote various activities of the bhva.

Mercury is well placed in the 10th house a Kendra but debilitated. However, the debility is
cancelled by Venuss placement in that sign and Mercurys placement in the 10th from the

Anitya Karaka:
Jupiter is well placed in 9th house in a friends sign (compound relationship). Also Jup is
considered very strong in Aquarius.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 103
Case 1: Genius- Analysis of 4th bhva (4/5)
Albert Einstein
Karaka Significators Aspect on 4th Yogas Results

Moon Home, Insignificant Moon is debilitated but well placed Loving environment at home. The
birthplace, in the 9th from the Bhavesha. peace of mind is not affected. He
Mother, had to change his home many
emotions, times because of weak Moon.
doctor, peace
of mind
Mars Land, real ~50% Mars is afflicted by Rahu in the 8th He is not known for grand real-
estate and is placed in the 11th from the estates and properties
bhva. It does not strongly aspect
the 4th . But bhavesha is well
placed in the 3rd from the Karaka
Mercury Learning, ~100% Mercury is bhavesha as well and it Slow learning. But overall
education, aspects the bhva. But there is education not affected due to
schools some affliction due to placement cancellation of debilitation and
with Sun and Saturn and being in aspect on the 4th house.
Jupiter Shastraic ~100% Jupiter is placed in the 9th, well Happy and contented and high
learning, placed but is hemmed between learning. Affliction of Jupiter
happiness and malefics. shows that his knowledge was
contentment used for war (destruction of huge
number of people and he was
helpless in stopping that) Vikala

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 104
Case 1: Genius- Analysis of 4th bhva (5/5)
Albert Einstein
Karaka Significators Aspect on 4th Yogas Results

Venus Vehicles, ~75% Venus is exalted in the 10th house Not aware of his luxuries. But
other comfort and conjoined with Mercury assume that he didnt have
and luxuries causing cancellation of debility. problems in having all kind of
comfort and conveyance
Saturn Sorrow, lack ~100% Saturns conjunction with the lord He suffered tremendous sorrow in
of mental of the 4th and aspect on the 4th life as his research was put for
peace, bhva cause heavy affliction of 4th. wrong purpose and he was not
dissatisfaction able to stop that.
Ketu Buildings, 0% Ketu is placed in the 11th from the He is not known for having palatial
flats, house bhva and trine to the 4th lord. house.
Not a very strong association.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 105
Case 2: Palatial house
Mukesh Ambani
Mukesh Ambani
Son of Dhirubhai Ambani- one of the
foremost business figure of India.

He is known for his 2 million (USD) palatial


4th house is Capricorn with none placed there. It is aspected by its lord
(very favorable). Lets evaluate the karaka for landed property Mars and
house Ketu. Mars is placed in the 8th house but having exchange with
8th lord so the effect is as-if placed in the 7th. Both Karaka for property
and House are placed in the 6th from Karaka showing delay/ conflicts,
but they are placed in Kendra from 4th and aspect the lagna showing
gain of property eventually. Association of 9th and 11th lord with 2nd
lord Mars showing a strong Dhana yoga contributing to the property.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 106
Tripod of strength

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 107
The tripod of strength
Success in any field comes when three
factors work in harmony. If one of
them is lacking, there is no complete
success in that matter.
ity/ Gods
wish) bhva: The influences on a bhva shows the natives
attitude towards that bhva, the overall experience,
positive or negative thoughts, optimism or
pessimism etc. Suffering comes only when the bhva
is afflicted else, the native does not suffer due to
Achievement lacking of a particular area in his/ her life.
Bhavesha: Bhavesha shows the abilities of the person
Success and how strong the desire of the person has to
Bhavesha bhva
(Desires (Attitude / achieve. This also shows whether the person has the
and Field of ability apply intelligence in that matter.
Abilities) action)
Karaka: Even if a person has very positive attitude
towards something and ability to carry out the work,
that does not mean that he will be successful if there
Anitya karaka
are no opportunities. This is beyond persons
control and represent the wish of god.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 108
Bhavesha and Karaka
The bhavesha decides natives experiences. If the bhavesha is subjected to
benefic influences (conjunction or aspect of benefics), the native has positive
experiences related to that bhva. Similarly malefic influences on the
bhavesha cause negative experiences.
If bhavesha is well connected with the nitya karaka, the significations of the
bhva flourishes. Bhavesha should be placed in the 2nd, Kendra (1,4,7,10) or
Kona (5,9) from the nitya karaka.
If both bhavesha and nitya karaka are afflicted, the bhva is sure to perish.
Nitya karaka shows the blessings of god. If bhavesha is weak and afflicted, it is incapable of
protecting its bhva. If however, the nitya karaka is afflicted, the native is devoid of blessings and
is cursed. Even if the bhavesha is strong, it will have very hard time protecting the bhva and there
will be constant trouble requiring natives attention.

Anitya karaka is to deliver the fruits (results) of the bhva (from external
world) and to bring forth support from the society. If anitya karaka is also
weak and afflicted, social support will be missing.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 109
Bhavesha and Karaka
The bhva represent the field of action (rasi) and is akin to the womb of the
The bhavesha represent a person (graha) and is akin to the baby in the womb.
The nitya karaka represent the gods will and represent the destiny of the
baby in the womb.
The anitya karaka represent the social support.
There is constant interaction of the native (bhavesha) with the god (karaka). Following can be
interpreted from the interaction:
a. Count from Bhavesha to Karaka (Effort): Bhavesha is the focus here, this shows what the
native will do (desires, direction of intelligence) pertaining to the bhva.
b. Count from Karaka to Bhavesha (Outcome): The Karaka is in focus here and show what
god will give in return.

The bhavesha should not be placed in the Dusthanas from the Karaka. Placement of
bhavesha in the 12th from the karaka shows suffering due to loss, however, placement in the
2nd from the karaka is a very auspicious position showing that the karaka (god) nourishing
the native with all resources.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 110
bhva and Karaka
Count from bhva to Karaka (Attitude): This represent the attitude of the native
pertaining to a bhva. If the karaka is placed in a dusthana from the bhva, the
native has a very pessimistic attitude pertaining to that bhva. For instance if
Jupiter is placed in the 10th house which is 6th from 5th house the native has
conflicts with the children.

Count from Karaka to bhva (Fortune): What the native gains from the bhva is
shown by houses arrived after counting bhva from the Karaka. For instance in
the same example, 5th bhva will fall in the 8th house from the Karaka showing
that the native does not get any happiness from the children (8th renunciation).

Jupiter in 10th: 10th is the strongest among the Kendra's and placement of Jupiter
in the 10th is a great blessing. However, Jupiter goes to the 6th house of enemies
from the 5th house. According to Chamatkar Chintamani, although the native is
very religious (2nd from 9th) and honorable, he suffers due to wicked children.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 111
bhva/Bhavesha-karaka sambandha
Zoran, SJC Serbia:
Karaka is the final authority of a bhva. We may apply our intelligence very well, yet the luck
may never come.
So there are two factors:
1. Relationship of bhva and a karaka
2. Relationship of a bhva lord and karaka
If a bhva lord and karaka are in good relationship, we will make such decisions which will
be supported by God, and our attitude is very good. It is the sign of a good karma related to
that area of life. In opposite case it is akin to a curse.

If Shukra is in kendra to 7th lord an attitude towards sexuality and partner is normal. If
Shukra is conjoined 7th lord the sexuality is pronounced. If Shukra is in 5th or 9th house
from the 7th lord too many rules or regulations may spoil the relationship, though the
persons relationship is purely based on purva punya or bhagya. However, the time factor
becomes too important and a person may want a sex at one time, while the partner at

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 112
Bhavehsa-karaka sambandha
Karaka bhavesha

1st (conjunct) Very strong blessings of the karaka devata.

2nd Auspicious. Karaka bestows all resources on the native.

3rd Auspicious as this is upachaya and represent Guru-upadesha

4th Auspicious, Kendra

5th Auspicious, Trikona

Inauspicious, represent conflict and battles

7th Auspicious due to mutual aspect

Inauspicious, loss due to past debts

9th Auspicious, Trikona

10th Auspicious, Kendra

11th Auspicious, Labha

Inauspicious, loss

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 113
Posthumous birth
Thomas Chatterton
Rodden rating: DD

British writer, England's chief poet of the

Gothic revival and the youngest acclaimed
writer of his day or mature verse. Chatterton
was a posthumous birth, and never married or
had children. He died of arsenic poisoning, a
suicide on the night of 8/24/1778, London.

9th lord Mercury and nitya karaka Sun are placed in Scorpio being under papa-kartari
between Saturn and Rahu (vayu- separation) showing death of father before birth. Jupiter in
the 9th house didnt help in protecting the father. However, placement of Jupiter in 9th had
given him good fortune as he is renowned as Englands chief poet. Anitya karaka Mars is
conjoined with Rahu and Ketu afflicts the moon (mind) showing lack of support from society.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 114
No marriage
Atal Vihari Vajpayee

Sri A.B.Vajpayee the Honble Prime Minister of

India needs no introduction. However, it is
pertinent to note that there are at least three
horoscopes in the market allegedly that of the
PM. The most authentic data so far has his
birth on the Christmas of 1926 (25th
December 1926) at 5:03AM (55 Ghati taking
Sunrise at 7:03AM) at Gwalior.

7th lord Venus and nitya karaka Venus is placed with Sun and Ketu in the 2nd house and
aspected by Rahu from the 8th house. Venus a jala grahas placement with two agni graha
Sun and Ketu is very adverse. In addition Venus is placed in debility in the 12th house in the
Navamsa rendering it very weak causing no marriage.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 115
Lost child
Indira Gandhi
A course in Jaimini Maharishis Updadesha
Sutra by Pt. Sanjay Rath

Indian politician: the P.M. of India 1966-1977.

The daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, she grew
up with the impassioned politics of India's
struggle for independence. Raised in the
political goldfish bowl as the daughter of
India's first prime minister, she was given an
excellent education, studying history at
Oxford and speaking excellent French all her
life. Of her two sons, Sanjay, who was being
groomed for politics, was killed in plane
crash, and her older son, Rajiv, was the one to
succeed her.

5th has two lords Mars and Ketu. Mars is placed in Leo and is placed in 4th kendra from
karaka Jupiter. Other lord Ketu is also well placed in 2nd from the karaka Jup. Mars is in
exchange with Sun who is placed with Mercury showing strong political connection. Sign lord
of Ketu, anitya karaka Mercury is also placed in the 5th, showing both her Sons had the
potential to be in politics. Both Anitya karakas Me and Su are well placed in 5th Sc and having
exchange with the 5th lords, however they are under ashubha yoga caused by Rahu in the 2nd
from them. One of her Son (Ketu) Sanjay Gandhi died during her Saturn-Venus period

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 116
Principle 8
Dasa effects
(In which periods the
bhvas are spoilt? Which
periods manifest the
troubles inherent in a

The details of dasa results will be

covered in a separate lesson

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 117
When bhva are spoilt? (1/3)
Phaladeepika 15.7

The planets causing destruction of the bhva during its period are:

a. The lord of 22nd drekkana (khara) from the bhva

b. Lord of the dusthana from the bhva if they are devoid of strength

The planets causing prosperity of the bhva during its period are:

a. Malefics placed in the 3rd, 6th and 11th from the bhva. Note that mentioned
houses are classified as trishadaya and their lords are considered extremely evil
by Parara.

b. Benefics placed in the kendra (1/4/7/10) or trikona (5/9) from the bhva
Planets that are friendly to the bhva lord as per naisargika sambandha

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 118
When bhvas are spoilt? (2/3)
Phaladeepika 15.8

Destruction of bhva during its period

Following planets cause destruction of a bhva during their dasa-antardasa:

a. 3rd lord from the lagna From the bhva

and the karaka for
b. 3 lord from the moon sign
rd other bhvas
c. Planets placed in the 8th house (from the bhva) malefics or
d. Planets aspecting the 8th house (from the bhva) weak
e. Saturn
f. Lord of 22nd drekkana (from the bhva)
g. Dispositor of the Mandi*
h. Rasi and Navamsa dispositor of the above mentioned 7 planets
i. Weak Rahu if placed in the 8th or 12th house and afflicted by natural malefic

* Mandi is marked as Md in Jagannath Hora software. The computation of Mandi will be taught separately.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 119
When bhva are spoilt? (3/3)

Phaladeepika 15.12

Here Phaladeepika gives additional dictum on the circumstances that cause

destruction of a bhva during their periods (dasa-antardasa)-

a. The planet that is adhi-satru of the bhva lord

b. The planet whose astakavarga is devoid of bindus (or rekha as per Parara)
in the concerned bhva. For instance in the Saturns dasa if the 5th house in
Saturns astakavarga is devoid of bindu, then the native suffers due to the
matters related to 5th house in such dasa.

The details of Astakavarga will be covered separately. This is just to indicate that current
learning need to be synthesized with other techniques as well for more accurate predictions.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 120
When bhva are spoilt? (3/3)

Phaladeepika 15.12

a. According to another view say for Leo lagna, if in the lagna lord Suns astakavarga there
are no bindus in the Pisces, then in the dasa-antar of the planets placed in Pisces the
native suffer health troubles (lagna). Thus if in the astakavarga of the bhva lord there is
a sign devoid of bindus, the planets placed in that sign will give inauspicious results
during its dasa-antar.

The details of Astakavarga will be covered separately. This is just to indicate that current
learning need to be synthesized with other techniques as well for more accurate predictions.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 121
Principle 9
Considerations from the
Lagna lord

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 122
Importance of Lagna lord
Phaladeepika 15.9
The bhva placed with the lagna lord prospers.
Similarly if lagna lord is placed with a bhva lord, the concerned bhva prospers
as well.
If the bhva lord is placed in dusthana (6/8/12) there is predominance of
inauspicious result related to the bhva.
The inauspicious results are aggravated if the bhva lord is weak in the
However, if the bhva lord is placed in strength, the inauspicious results are
greatly curtailed and some auspicious results are felt.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 123
Lagna lord always auspicious
Phaladeepika 15.10
Phaladeepika explains that even if the lagna lord is a natural or functional
malefic, it still has the potency to give auspicious results related to the house
where it is placed.
For instance for Aries lagna, Mars is a natural malefic and also owns a dusthana
(8th). If such Mars is placed in the 5th bhva under benefic aspects the native gets
auspicious results on account of children.
It is noteworthy that the auspicious results are strongly felt if the venom of the
planet due to malefic nature and ownership and is greatly nullified by the aspect
of natural benefics.

Whichever bhva, the Lagna lord is placed or whichever bhva lord the Lagna
lord is conjoined or whichever bhva lord is placed in the Lagna, that particular
bhva gains high importance and attention in the life of native

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 124
Dasa of Lagna lord

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 125
Lagna lords periods
Phaladeepika 15.27
The lagna lord gives results of the bhva whose lord it conjoins or the bhva
where it is placed in.
If the bhva or the bhva lord is strong, the native gets auspicious results
pertaining to the house.
If however, the bhva or the lord is weak then adverse results are bestowed on
the native.
This indicate the matters of life that heavily influence the life of the native.

If lagna lord is in the 5th house or the 5th lord, children will be a very prominent thing in the
natives life. If the 5th house is strong the native will be very happy regarding the children
and vice-versa.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 126
Principle 11
Impact of dual lordship

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 127
Extent and sequence of results
Phaladeepika 15.11
When a planet owns two bhvas then the result of the bhva falling in the
mlatrikoa of the planet is predominant (100%) and the result of the svakshetra
will be felt half (50%) during the period of planet .
With regards to the sequence of results during the dasa of the planet, reckoned
from the lagna the bhva which comes first, the result of that bhva will be felt
in the first half of the dasa. Similarly the result of the bhva which comes later
while reckoned from the lagna will be felt in the latter half of the dasa.

Consider Jupiter dasa for Leo lagna, Jupiter is the 5th and the 8th lord; here 5th sign Dhanu is
Jupiters mlatrikoa while 8th sign Pisces is Jupiters own sign. Thus the result of the 5th
house will be felt in full and that of 8th house will be felt in half during Jupiters dasa. In
addition, the 5th bhva results will be felt in the first half and that of 8th bhva will be felt in
the latter half.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 128
Sequence of results (others opinions)
Phaladeepika further mentions the opinion of others regarding the sequence of
manifestation of the results. He says that if a planet is placed in an odd sign then
the result of the bhva falling in its odd sign will be felt in the first part and the
result of the bhva falling in its even sign will be felt later.

Similarly if the planet is placed in an even sign, the result of the bhva falling in
a even sign will be felt in the first part if the planet is placed in a odd sign will be
felt in the latter half.

Consider Pisces lagna with 3rd and 8th lord Venus is placed in the 2nd house Aries. Since
Venus is placed in an odd sign Aries, the 1st part of the Venus dasa will confer the results of
8th bhva (coinciding with odd sign Libra) and in the 2nd part of Venus dasa the results of 2nd
bhva (coinciding with even sign Taurus) will be felt

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 129
Auspicious and inauspicious bhva
Phaladeepika 15.29
When a planets owns two signs one of which is auspicious and another one is
inauspicious, if the planet is placed in the auspicious house, then the results of
the auspicious house will be predominantly felt (during the dasa of the planet).
On the contrary if the planet is placed in the inauspicious house, that result will
be predominantly felt.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 130
Impact on the other house

Hora Shatak 1.16

Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are all lords of two signs. If any of
these planets aspect any of his two signs and the sign be aspected also by a
benefic, not only the house containing that sign flourishes; but the house
containing his other sign also prospers.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 131
Principle 12
bhva sandhi

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 132
bhva sandhi impact
Phaladeepika 13
Even if a planets is full of strength due to placement in exaltation, friendly sign
or very high in shadbala, however, if placed in a bhva sandhi then the planets
becomes ineffective in giving the results (either auspicious or inauspicious) of
the bhva under consideration.

Additional notes:
This always needs to be taken under consideration while predicting results due to placement
in a bhva in a dasa or antardasa. One should note that the strength of the result conferred
by a planet due to its placement in a bhva is proportionally reduced as it is moved away
from the bhva Madhya.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 133
bhva sandhi
A planets is supposed to be in bhva sandhi if the planet is placed in the 5th
Navamsa from the bhva madhya reckoned in zodiacal or anti-zodiacal manner.

bhva Madhya
The bhva madhya of all the bhvas are in the exact longitude of that of the
lagna according to the equal house system.

Determining planets in bhva sandhi

Step 1: Note the longitude of the lagna
Step 2: Add 15degree to the longitude of the lagna.
Step 3: Find the planets which are placed within 1degree either side of the
longitude arrived at step2.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 134
Planets Jupiter, Saturn and
the nodes are placed near
bhva sandhi, hence their
results due to bhva
placement will be very

1. Longitude of Lagna= 6d 29m

2. Adding 15deg we get 21d 29m
3. Check planets in the range of 20 to 22deg.
4. Found that Jupiter is 20d52m, Saturn is 21d 36m and Rahu /Ketu are in 21d 54m.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 135
Extent of results

Lagna longitude = 6d 29m = 6.5d

Longitude Extent of
Planet Longitude from lagna %age
in Deg results
Sun 8d 17m 8.28 1.78 88

Moon 16d 31m 16.52 10.02 33

Mars 24d 41m 24.68 18.18 21

Mercury 16d 2m 16.03 9.53 36

Jupiter 20d 51m 20.85 14.35 4

Venus 19d 12m 19.02 12.52 17

Saturn 21d 36m 21.60 15.1 1

Rahu/ Ketu 21d 54m 21.9 15.4 3

A planet who may not give results due to its bhva placement will still give results due to
ownership and placement in a sign or nakshatra.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 136
Implication of bhva madhya principle
By implication, natural malefics should be placed in bhva sandhi and the
natural benefics should be placed in bhva madhya. If this happens, the
negativity due to placement of the malefics on a house will be greatly curtailed.
Similarly such planets in bhva sandhi will also not be influence any bhva due to
its aspect as the point of exact aspect will be far from the bhva madhya.

However, malefics so placed can aspect a planet and influence its natural as well
as functional significations (due to ownership) if the said planet is placed in the
orb of aspect.

Orb of aspect need elaborate mathematical computation and is not covered in

this lesson.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 137
Principle 13
Effect of two planet

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 138

When two planets conjoin they undergo transformation. For instance when a person is with
ones mother his/ her behaviour or disposition will be very different from when he/ she is
alone and similarly the disposition will be very different when the person is with a dear
friend. Hence, once should not treat them as they are individually placed. There are many
aspect to this transformation. One important aspect is all planets carry their rasi and bhva
significations in addition to their own natural significations. When planets conjoin they bring
forth their rasi and bhva significations in the conjunction and influence each other. For
instance we understand that Jupiter gets exalted in Moons sign Cancer. So when Jupiter is
placed with Moon, its behaviour will be akin to his placement in Cancer. So when Jupiter and
Moon conjoin the energies of Cancer prevail. Lets say they conjoined in Capricorn; such
Jupiter and Moon combination cant be equivalent to either Jupiter in Capricorn or Moon in
Capricorn. Conjunction of planet can be compared to a soup whereby although we can
identify which vegetable (similar to planets) are present, we cant distinctly identify the
individual tastes of the vegetables distinctly. Its the combination of tastes of each vegetable
which defines the taste.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 139
Dvi-graha yoga (1/3)
Conjunction Signification Result

Sun and Mars The wild fire of Aries The signification of the bhva suffer due to
tremendous fire. The relations ruled by the
house may perish.
Mars and The battlefield of Aries or the The bhva suffers due to many battles and
Saturn karma-kshetra of Mars. conflicts. This cause unmada-yoga or
madness. The signification of a bhva may
suffer due to madness. If well placed this
yoga shows high achievement.
Moon and The blessings of Laxmi This brings the blessings of Mahalaxmi to
Venus imbibed in the sign Taurus. the bhva. This goes by the name yana-
From health perspective also vanta yoga and confers prosperity and
cause Rudra yoga- Taurus leadership. However, this is not good for
being the natural maraka longevity matters.
Mercury and This brings the negative This cause breakage of bones as Ketu
Ketu effect of Gemini indicate accidents and Mercury represent
the body framework.
Moon and Blessings of fruitful Cancer This is Gaja-Keshari yoga and is very
Jupiter sign- Devi Durga. auspicious yoga.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 140
Dvi-graha yoga (2/3)
Conjunction Signification Result

Moon and This imbibes the power of This is a dhana-yoga if associated with 2nd
Mars Cancer as well as Scorpio. house as well as Rudra yoga. For the dhana
Cancer if Moon is strong and yoga both Moon and Mars should be
Scorpio if Mars is strong. strong. If they are weak, they cause terrible
rudra yoga which is detrimental to health.
Venus and Brings the power of Libra. This is good for trade and commerce as
Saturn well as partnership.
Venus and Sun Brings the negative energies This shows loss of morals and
of Libra independence.
Mars and Ketu This imbibes the negative This is Pisacha yoga. The house impacted
energies of Scorpio. by this combination of planet is affected by
negative spirits (or energies)
Jupiter and This imbibes the positive This is parampara yoga, showing learning
Ketu energies of Sagittarius and from the Guru. The native belongs to a
Pisces parampara if Lagna lord / atmakaraka or
Arudha Lagna is associated with the yoga.
Jupiter and This imbibes the negative This is guru-chandala yoga showing falls of
Rahu energies of Sagittarius dharma and extreme evil to the bhva
associated with this.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 141
Dvi-graha yoga (3/3)
Conjunction Signification Result

Saturn and This imbibes the negative This is a extremely negative yoga and
Rahu energies of Aquarius shows death ceremonies related to the
house associated with the yoga. The native
suffers bereavement of the relations
connected to the bhva affected.
Jupiter and This imbibes the positive This is called Dvi-guru yoga. This is a very
Venus energies of Pisces auspicious combination as the influence of
two gurus coming on the bhva associated
with this.
Jupiter and This imbibes the energies of This shows complete surrender to the feet
Mercury Pisces which represent of the guru. This is a very auspicious
complete surrender combination for learning. The bhva
associated with this yoga is protected by
both Shiva and Vishnu. In the tradition this
is called Bhagavad-gita yoga.

Yogas shown by the sign having dual lordship.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 142
Principle 14
bhva or Karaka as

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 143
bhva as Lagna

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 144
bhva as Lagna
Phaladeepika 15.20
Whichever bhva is under consideration, reckon that bhva as the lagna and
judge the results of the house as it is judged from the lagna.
For instance if the results of the daughter-in-law need to be judged then
consider the 5th house as the lagna and take the 7th therefrom for the daughter-
Take another example, if the wifes wealth need to be judged, then considering
the 7th house as the lagna, the 2nd therefrom need to be judged for that. Thus
any bhva can be considered as lagna and the results of 12 bhvas can be
ascertained therefrom.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 145
bhva and relationship
bhva Primary Secondary** bhva Primary Secondary**
Lagna Self (Sun, Moon) Nephew/ niece (wife 7th Wife Maternal grandmother
side) Nephew/ niece
Wifes maternal Business associates
8th Self Wifes family
2nd Family, community
9th Father Spouses siblings
3rd Younger sibling, Father in law Grand children
cousins Paternal cousins
10th Mother in law
4th Mother Maternal cousins
5th Children Paternal grandfather 11th Elder brother Paternal uncles
Friends Wifes paternal
6th Enemy Maternal uncles grandfather
Wifes paternal Spouse of children
grandmother Step-father (Venus)
Wifes maternal
grandfather 12th Secret enemies Paternal grandmother
Step-mother (Mars) Maternal grandfather
Enemies (wifes side)

Considering a bhva as lagna for a relation, the other relations can be derived by counting
others bhva therefrom. For instance considering 7th as the lagna of the spouse, the 3rd from
the 7th i.e, 9th house signify spouses siblings.

The relationship need not be blood relations. For instance 3rd house rules cousins and good
friends who are like brothers; 4th rules anyone whom we treat as mother, 5th rules anyone
whom we treat as our children such as students, followers, 9th rules anyone we treat like our
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 146
Where to use it?

Although this method can be used in rasi chart with fair degree of
accuracy, however since Rasi chart is an accumulation of myriad of
indications there is a limit to which one can be accurate. This however
gives very accurate results in the divisional chart. For instance using
this principle one can accurately predict everything related to siblings
for instance, Siblings spouse, children, career etc.

More of this will be covered during study of the divisional chart.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 147
Nitya Karaka as Lagna
Nitya = Naisargika Karaka

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 148
Karaka as Lagna (1/3)
Phaladeepika 15.21
Yet another method of judging the result of various relations from the karakas.
Considering the Sun as the lagna, various aspects of the father can be judged
from the 12 houses therefrom; for instance fathers younger brother can be
judged from the 3rd house from the Sun.
Similarly various matters related to Mother can be judged from Moon, Mars for
brother, Mercury for maternal uncle, Jupiter for children, Venus for spouse,
Saturn for servants.

Additional notes:
One need to combine the techniques of considering bhva as lagna as well as Karaka as
lagna to arrive at fairly accurate results. For example, Fathers mother need to be checked
from both 4th from the 9th house as well as 4th from the Sun.

This method gives very accurate results in the divisional charts.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 149
Karaka as Lagna (2/3)
Phaladeepika 15.22
From the bhva where Sun is placed fathers characteristics and attributes should
be judged. From the 2nd house of the Sun fathers wealth and honour need to be
judged. The 3rd house from the Sun should be judged for fathers brothers and
his virtues. Fathers happiness and his mother should be judged from the 4th
house from the Sun.

Phaladeepika 15.23
From the 5th of the Sun fathers wisdom and status need to be judged. The 6th
house from the Sun should be judged for his vices, enemies and the diseases.
The 7th from the Sun should be judged for fathers relationships (sexual
relationships) and business acumen should be judged. From the 8th house from
the Sun judge fathers sorrows, longevity and death.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 150
Karaka as Lagna (3/3)
Phaladeepika 15.24
From the 9th house from the Sun judge fathers righteous activities,
auspiciousness and good fortune and paternal grandfather. Business and
profession should be judged from the 10th from the Sun. The 11th from the Sun
should be judged for fathers gain and the 12th therefrom should be judged for
the loss and expenditure. Like the various aspects of the father are judged from
the 12th houses from the Sun, similarly the judgement for Mother can be done
from the Moon and so on.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 151
bhva from Lagna vs. Karaka (1/2)
Pt. Sanjay Rath
Karaka bhva from Lagna bhva from Karaka

General This shows what we are given. What This shows how we think about them. Our
principles experiences we have to go through is also mental projection about the bhva under
shown by the bhva. consideration. Our overall mental makeup
regarding a bhva is seen from the Karaka
Sun 9th / 10th / 11th house The bhva from the Sun shows the attitude
9th- Father, 10th- Employer, 11th- Spiritual and relationship with these elders.

The bhva from the lagna shows the nature of

these elders
Moon 4th- Bandhu, 1st- Health, state of mind, 2nd The bhva from the Moon shows the attitude
wealth, food, 11th- labha, iccha (desire), 9th and relationship with these relations/ matters
dharma, Guru

The bhva from the lagna shows the nature of

the people
Mars 3rd house- Valour, siblings Bad thoughts (duschikya) and challenges
How we act to overcome the challenges are (parakrama) have roots in the 3rd from Mars.
seen in the 3rd from Lagna.
3rd from Mars shows our attitude towards
3rdfrom Lagna shows the nature of Siblings or siblings and relationship with them.
people of same generation
Mercury 6th- Relatives 6th from Mercury shows our attitude and
6th from Lagna shows nature of our relatives relationship with them.
Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint
15 Apr 2014 152
bhva from Lagna vs. Karaka (2/2)
Pt. Sanjay Rath
Karaka bhva from Lagna bhva from Karaka

Jupiter 5th house: Children 5th from Jupiter shows how we love and
5th from Lagna shows the children we have. care for them.
5th house or lord from Jupiter shows the
kula devata who is responsible for the
continuation of the lineage
In female horoscopy, the 5th house/ lord
from Venus shows Kula devata whereas
the same from Jupiter shows the Kula
devata of Spouse family or that deity who
brings about the marriage.
Venus 7th house: spouse 7th house and lord from Venus determine the
Wife is seen in the 7th from the Lagna place and direction from where the spouse will
come from.
Saturn 8th house: Death 8th and 12th bhva from Saturn shows our
8th and 12th bhva from Lagna shows when we attitude and experiences when we die. The
will die responsibility of Saturn is to make us
renounce the world (Sanyasa). 12H from
Saturn indicate those which we must lose to
go towards Sanyasa.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 153
Principle 15
Karaka harming the
bhva (Karaka bhva

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 154
Karaka bhva Naya
Phaladeepika 15.26

dharme srya tagurbandhubhve

aurye bhauma pacame devamantr
kme ukracame bhnuputra
kuryttasya kleamityhuranye || 26||

Some opine that Surya in Dharm (9th)a bhva, Sita (Venus), Guru (Jupiter) in the
bandhu (4th) bhva, Bhauma (Mars) in the saurya (3th), devamantri (Jup) in the 5th,
Shukra (Venus) in kaama (7th), bhanuputra (Saturn) in the 8th cause troubles and

There are some difference in opinions among other savants. For instance many
believe that Saturn in the 8th house gives long life. More will be covered in
lessons on effect of placement of Planets in bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 155
Example: Jupiter in 5th
Sanjay Rath COVA, Chapter 8 , Page 171
If Jupiter is in the fifth house, there will be five sons of which three will survive. If the Jupiter
in the fifth is in Pisces, very few children are seen while stronger Jupiter in Sagittarius
(mlatrikoa) children are obtained with difficultly.
If Jupiter is even stronger by being in Cancer or Aquarius (Jupiter in Aquarius gives result
akin to being in exaltation) in the fifth house, children will be denied. This is based on the
principle Karaka bhva Nashaya i.e., a natural significator placed in the house damages the
Other authors:
Vaidyanath: Minister, virtuous, wealthy, few children; in cancer or Aquarius no children;
Pisces less children; Sagittarius- beget children with difficulty;
Manasagari: wealthy, ardent following by friends, knowledgeable of many disciplnes,
contented pleasant appearance.
Mantresvar: Intelligent, minister, troubles on account of children

Details of this will be covered in placement of planets in bhvas and Rasis

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 156
3 factors coming together

Hora Shatak 1.4

If a planet be posted in his own house and be also the significator of that house,
the result will either be very destructive or extremely good, because if any good
or band influence falls on that house, all the three viz., the house, its lord and its
significator are affected at the same time. The result will be either extremely
good or extremely evil as the case may be.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 157
Principle 16
Sambandha revisited

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 158
Sambandha rules
Phaladeepika 15.30
These are the general rules of Sambandha between two planets:
a. Exchange (parivartana): When planet A is in planet Bs sign and planet B is in
planet As sign
b. Conjunction (Yuti): When two planets are in the same sign
c. Mutual aspect (Paraspara drsti): When two planets see each other will full
(100%) planetary aspects
d. Quadrant (Paraspara kendra): When two planets are in kendra from each
e. Trinal (Paraspara trikona): When two planets are in trine to each other

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 159
Jataka Tattva

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 160
Sambandha meaning (1/2)

This sambhadha happens when two planets are placed in each other signs. This is the
strongest of all sambandhas. In this case the planets give results due to their lordship as if
they are placed in their own bhva. However, their results due to placement in a rasi is
unaltered and their natural result due to placement in a bhva is also not altered.

Mutual aspect
When two planets mutually aspect each other, they like to engage in a partnership to do
some constructive (or destructive work) based on their nature.

Placement aspect (partial exchange)

When planet A is placed in planet Bs sign, however, planet B instead of going to planet As
sign aspect planet A or its sign.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 161
Sambandha meaning (2/2)

When two planets are placed together this sambandha happens. This is not considered to be
an auspicious sambandha as both planets affect each others rays. They also being
naisargika shatru (enemy) being placed together.

Mutual kendra
When two planets are placed in kendra from each other, they actively involved either
supporting each other or opposing each other. They are very active and dynamic as Kendras
are governed by Vishnu representing Karma Yoga. The result of this yoga comes after hard-

Mutual Trikona
Planets placed in trine to each other behave similar to each other as Trine represent same
nature (same tattva). The result of this yoga is based on sharing the fruits and comes due to
blessings of Laxmi who governs the Trine

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 162
Case studies
The cases are taken from B.V. Ramans
Hindu Predictive Astrology. My greatest
appreciation to this savant of Jyotish-

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 163
Case 1
One of the greatest men of
Europe; born in humble
circumstances as a blacksmiths
son; often starved without food;
was a great revolutionary; has a
sudden downfall and a violent
Examine Lagna for the birth
circumstances; Kendra and trine
for rise in life.

Lagna: See planets in Lagna see

Lagna lord see the karaka for
Lagna see aspect on the Lagna
see the houses from the Lagna.

Rahu is placed in the Lagna Libra in a friendly sign. Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 9th house with 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter.
Venus when placed with Jupiter becomes very strong and the sign is akin to Pisces. In addition, Jupiter aspects the lagna from the
9th house. This is a very beneficial placement causing overall success in life. Why born in humble family? The karaka for birth
circumstances Moon is placed in the 8th afflicted by malefics Mars and Saturn and the Lagna lord is placed in the 12th from the
resource karaka Sun, indicating scarcity of resources.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 164
Case 2
Father died in the 2nd year, great
strides in life; two wives; lost two
sisters early.

Examine Lagna for the birth

circumstances; 9th for father; 3rd
for siblings.

bhva: See planets in bhva see

bhva lord see the karaka for
bhva see aspect on the bhva
see the houses from the bhva.

bhva: See planets in bhva see bhva lord see the karaka for bhva see aspect on the bhva see the houses from the

9th house Pisces with no planet. The lord Jupiter is placed in the Lagna defining the focus of the natives life (that is revolving
around matters of father). This is a good placement of the 9th lord which is also aspecting the Lagna. Why father died early? See
the karaka! The karaka Sun is placed in the 12th house of loss (also in Marana Karaka sthana) showing that the native will suffer
due to loss of father (or father going away). Sun is placed with friend Mars but afflicted due to placement with Venus as Venus
debilitates Sun. Sun is very close to the bhva madhya, so its placement in the 12th will certainly fructify.

Looking at the kendra and trikona from the 9th house, Mars and Saturn are placed in Kendra, Moon is placed in a dusthana and
Ketu is placed in a trikona. These planets do not support the 9th house. During the period of Sun-Moon, the native lost the father.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 165
Case 3
A great politician and equal to a
king in status; saved Europe from
anarchy; humane and tactful.

Examine 5th bhva and Karaka Sun

for the power and position.

bhva: See planets in bhva see

bhva lord see the karaka for
bhva see aspect on the bhva
see the houses from the bhva.

Lagna has Moon showing fame and the lord Mercury has gone to the 2nd house although afflicted by Mars and Sun (Aries)
showing battles in life. Lagna lord Mercurys conjunction with Sun makes the native very fortunate.

5th house Scorpio is empty but its lord Mars is well placed both from the Lagna and itself. Its placement with the Lagna lord
makes the theme of the natives life revolving around it. It is also placed with the karaka of the 5th house for power and authority
Sun, making it very strong.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 166
Case 4
Female, suffered seriously from
smallpox in the 8th year and also
from dropsy. Hot constitution,
superior airs, died in her 14th

Examine Lagna, 6th and 8th house

for health and 8th house for

bhva: See planets in bhva see

bhva lord see the karaka for
bhva see aspect on the bhva
see the houses from the bhva.

Lagna has exalted Moon showing fame and high ideals while the Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 7th (Kendra) in a neutral sign.
In addition, the Lagna lord is placed in the 2nd from the Karaka Sun (resources) and 7th from the Karaka Moon (health). Thus the
Lagna is fairly strong. So why such negative experiences?

Lets check 6th and 8th houses for diseases. 6th house has heavy affliction due to eclipse of Sun by Rahu. The 8th house is placed
with Malefic, 7th and 12th lord Mars. The supporters of the Lagna are Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. While the troublemakers
are Rahu, Sun, Ketu, Mars and Saturn. The small-pox could have happened in Moon-Rahu-Mars and the native died in Moon-
Venus as Venus is a very strong maraka being lord of 6th with 2nd lord Mercury in the 7th house.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 167
Case 5
Female, modest and chaste;
strong combination for
widowhood. Husband died in her
14th year.

Examine Lagna, 7th house for


bhva: See planets in bhva see

bhva lord see the karaka for
bhva see aspect on the bhva
see the houses from the bhva.

Lagna has eclipse combination with the lord Venus placed in the 2nd house with the 2nd lord Maraka Mercury. Lagna is also
aspected by Yoga-karaka Saturn who is conjoined with 3rd lord Moon.

Lets examine the 7th bhva for marital experiences. 7th house has Ketu and the 7th lord Mars is well placed from Lagna and 7th.
However Mars is placed in a enemys sign but it is well placed from Karaka Venus. The Karaka Venus is placed in the 8th from the
bhva showing negative experiences related to marriage. The supporters of 7th house are Moon, Mars and Jupiter. The trouble
markers in the order of reducing maleficence are Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Ketu. The husband died in probably
Venus-Sun. Why? When reckoned from 7th, Venus is a Maraka and Sun in afflicted in the maraka bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 168
Case 6
Female, modest and chaste;
strong combination for
widowhood. Husband died in her
14th year.

Examine Lagna, 7th house for


bhva: See planets in bhva see

bhva lord see the karaka for
bhva see aspect on the bhva
see the houses from the bhva.

Lagna has eclipse combination with the lord Venus placed in the 2nd house with the 2nd lord Maraka Mercury. Lagna is also
aspected by Yoga-karaka Saturn who is conjoined with 3rd lord Moon.

Lets examine the 7th bhva for marital experiences. 7th house has Ketu and the 7th lord Mars is well placed from Lagna and 7th.
However Mars is placed in a enemys sign but it is well placed from Karaka Venus. The Karaka Venus is placed in the 8th from the
bhva showing negative experiences related to marriage. The supporters of 7th house are Moon, Mars and Jupiter. The trouble
markers in the order of reducing maleficence are Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Ketu. The husband died in probably
Venus-Sun. Why? When reckoned from 7th, Venus is a Maraka and Sun in afflicted in the maraka bhva.

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 169

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 170
Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC)
Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 in India with the objective of teaching jyotish in the time honored
tradition of maharishi Parasara and Jaimini and sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa,
the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Jyotish or Vedic astrology is taught by a panel of jyotish gurus in the traditional
jyotish parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa of Jagannath, Puri.

SJC attempts to infuse the highest standards of integrity through the strict discipline of yogic practices of Vedic tradition
including training in remedial measures. Meditation including dhyana, dharana, and pranayama is taught to ensure spiritual
discipline while classes on scriptures and Sanskrit ensure a balanced spiritual growth along with the knowledge of

SJC aims at continuing the time honoured guru-shishya tradition and is dedicated to the propagation of Vedic and Vedic
Astrology learning covering the gamut of allied subjects including astrology, scriptural studies and mantra shastra,
numerology, vastu shastra, shakuna Shastra, swapna shastra and yoga.

It concentrates on propagating research in the highest scholastic tradition in the different areas of jyotish and aims at
demystifying the subject by rescuing it from the hands of quacks, while restoring its dignity and prestige that it enjoyed

Sarajit Poddar, SJC | bhva cint

15 Apr 2014 171

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