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To install and configure hadoop


Download the hadoop tar file.

Extract downloaded tar file

Step 1 Windows path configuration
set HADOOP_HOME path in enviornment variable for windows
Right click on my computer > properties > advanced system settings >
advance tab > environment variables > click on new

Set hadoop bin directory path

Find path variable in system variable > click on edit > at the end
insert ; (semicolon) and paste path upto hadoop bin directory in
my case its a


Step 2 Hadoop configuration

Edit hadoop-2.7.1/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml, paste the following lines and
save it.







Edit hadoop-2.7.1/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml, paste the following lines and

save it.






Edit hadoop-2.7.1/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml, paste the following lines and

save it, please create data folder somewhere and in my case i have created it in
myHADOOP_HOME directory















Edit hadoop-2.7.1/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml, paste the following lines and

save it.










Edit hadoop-2.7.1/etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.cmd, comment existing

%JAVA_HOME% using @rem at start, give proper path and save it. (my jdk is in program
files to avoid spaces i gave PROGRA~1)

Open cmd and point to sbin directory and type start-all.cmd


Step 3 Start everything
Very Important step
Before starting everything you need to add some [dot].dll and [dot].exe files of
windows please download bin folder from my github repository
bin folder this contains .dll and .exe file (winutils.exe for hadoop 2.7.1)
Now delete you existing bin folder and replace with new one (downloaded from my repo
( my github ) etc folder is just given for reference you need to modify your
configuration parameters according to your environment path

Open cmd and type hdfs namenode -format after execution you will see below

Open cmd and point to sbin directory and type start-all.cmd


It will start following process

YARN resourcemanager
YARN nodemanager

JPS - to see services are running

open cmd and type - jps (for jps make sure your java path is set properly)
Step 4 namenode GUI, resourcemanager GUI
Resourcemanager GUI address - http://localhost:8088

Namenode GUI address http://localhost:50070

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