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Ponceau 4R

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Ponceau 4R (known by more than 100 synonyms, [1]:460461 including as C.I. 16255,[2] Cochineal Red A,[2] C.I.
Acid Red 18,[2] Brilliant Scarlet 3R,[2] Brilliant Scarlet 4R,[2] New Coccine,[1]:460 is a synthetic colourant that
may be used as a food colouring. It is denoted by E Number E124.[2] Its chemical name is 1-(4-sulpho-1-
napthylazo)- 2-napthol- 6,8-disulphonic acid, trisodium salt. Ponceau (French for "poppy-coloured") is
the generic name for a family of azo dyes.

Ponceau 4R is a strawberry red azo dye which can be used in a variety of food products, and is usually
synthesized from aromatic hydrocarbons; it is stable to light, heat, and acid but fades in the presence of
ascorbic acid.[1]:460

It is used in Europe, Asia and Australia, but has not been approved by the US FDA. [1]:460[2]

Health effects[edit]

There is no evidence of carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, neurotoxicity, or reproductive and developmental

toxicity at the permitted dietary exposures; the European acceptable daily intake (ADI) is 0.7 mg/kg and
the WHO/FAO ADI is 4 mg/kg.[1]:460

The production process may result in unsulphonated aromatic amines present in concentrations of up to
100 mg/kg which may be linked to cancer. The lake pigment form of the colour additive can also increase
the intake of aluminium beyond the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of 1 mg/kg/week. Therefore the limit
for aluminium may be adjusted to accommodate for this. [3]

Possible cause of hyperactivity[edit]

Since the 1970s and the well-publicized advocacy of Benjamin Feingold, there has been public concern
that food colourings may cause ADHD-like behavior in children.[4] These concerns have led the FDA and
other food safety authorities to regularly review the scientific literature, and led the UK FSA to
commission a study by researchers at Southampton University of the effect of a mixture of six food dyes
(Tartrazine, Allura Red AC, Ponceau 4R, Quinoline Yellow WS, Sunset Yellow and Carmoisine (dubbed the
"Southampton 6")) and sodium benzoate (a preservative) on children in the general population, who
consumed them in beverages; the study published in 2007. [4][5] The study found "a possible link between
the consumption of these artificial colours and a sodium benzoate preservative and increased
hyperactivity" in the children;[4][5] the advisory committee to the FSA that evaluated the study also
determined that because of study limitations, the results could not be extrapolated to the general
population, and further testing was recommended". [4]

The European regulatory community, with a stronger emphasis on the precautionary principle, required
labelling and temporarily reduced the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for the food colourings; the UK FSA
called for voluntary withdrawal of the colourings by food manufacturers. [4][5] However in 2009 the EFSA
re-evaluated the data at hand and determined that "the available scientific evidence does not
substantiate a link between the colour additives and behavioural effects". [3][4]

The US FDA did not make changes following the publication of the Southampton study, but following a
citizen petition filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest in 2008, requesting the FDA ban
several food additives, the FDA commenced a review of the available evidence, and still made no

There is no evidence to support broad claims that food colouring causes food intolerance and ADHD-like
behaviour in children.[6]:452 It is possible that certain food colouring may act as a trigger in those who are
genetically predisposed, but the evidence is weak. [4][7]

Ponceau Red - Side Effects

Ponceau red is a synthetic red azo dye prepared from coal tar. Synthetic and artificial food products are
notorious for causing allergic reactions and intolerances among a people consuming them, and ponceau
e 124 is no different. The possible ill effects or the possible ponceau side effects can be listed as follows:

Ponceau red 4r may elicit reactive responses in people who have an existing allergy to aspirin.

Ponceau 4r is also infamous for aggravating an existing asthma problem.

Ponceau 4r is considered to be a carcinogenic substance in many countries.

Ponceau food color is also among the lot of food additives responsible for hyperactivity in young
children and kids.

Ponceau 4r (124) is, therefore, not considered safe for consumption and falls under the category of
banned food additives in certain countries and nations, listed by the FDA US Food & Drug

Side effects:
Since it is an azo dye, it may elicit intolerance in people intolerant to salicylates. Additionally, it is a
histamine liberator, and may intensify symptoms of asthma. In combination with benzoates, it is also
implicated in hyperactivity in children.

E124 ponceau 4R / cochineal red

This is a type of colouring that is used in all sorts of products, including jelly, soups, packet cake mixes,
dessert topping and salami. Its one of the E numbers that was recently flagged up in a study at
Southampton University as increasing hyperactivity in children. The government now recommend
that, if a child has signs of hyperactivity of ADHD, its worth avoiding this additive. This E number is
already banned from use in America and Norway.

Ponceau 4R and health

Because it is an azo dye, it may elicit intolerance in people allergic to salicylates (aspirin). Additionally,
it is a histamine liberator, and may intensify symptoms of asthma.
Ponceau 4R is considered carcinogenic in some countries, including the USA, Norway, and Finland, and
it is currently listed as a banned substance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) .Since
2000, the FDA has seized Chinese-produced haw flakes (a fruit candy) on numerous occasions for
containing Ponceau 4R.
EFSA has decided on 2009-09-23 to lower the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for Ponceau 4R from 4
mg/kg to 0.7 mg/kg bodyweight per day. The substance causes increased migration of nuclear DNA in
glandular stomach, bladder ( 100 mg/kg) and colon tissue ( 10 mg/kg). Clastogenic activity was seen
in bone marrow at dosages equivalent to an intake 80 mg/kg, but no carcinogenic effects were
noted. The production process may result in unsulphonated aromatic amines to be present in
concentrations of up to 100 mg/kg which may be linked to cancer. Also the EFSA panel noted that the
JECFA limit for lead is 2 mg/kg whereas the EC specification is 10 mg/kg. The colour additive can
also increase the intake of aluminium beyond the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of 1 mg/kg/week.

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