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2017 12 14-16 -

- A time to tear, a time to sew


Youth Theological Camp

Every year, National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) Chinese Work Committee partners with
Fellowship of Evangelical Students Chinese Work (FES CW) to co-organize Youth Theological Camp. This year
the camp is held from 14th to 16th Dec 2017 (Thurs-Sat) at Trinity Theological College. In the hope that through
relevant theological discussions, younger generation of Christians will be (1) challenged to become good
disciples of Christ and (2) be able to meet the challenges face by Chinese churches.

The theme - A time to tear, a time to sew focuses on church history. After Jesus
ascension and coming of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost, it marks the beginning of the earthly universal Church
the body of Christ. In its past 2 millennia of existence, the Church has undergone through periods of exponential
growth and spread, tyrannical persecutions, besiegement of heresies, utopic peace, creeping corruptions, earth-
shattering schisms, critical reflections, profound reformations, etc.

Participants will also get to widen their horizons, forge friendships and enhance learning via visitation to churches,
games, group discussions & experience traditions across various denominations.
Talks & seminars will be conducted in Mandarin.

We cordially invite Christians between ages of 17 to 25 to participate.

We cordially invite Christians between ages of 17 to 25 to attend.

Attached are the poster & brochure. Note that we will accept only online submission to automate the sign-up
process & reduce data entry errors.

Fee: $60 (On 12 Oct & before), $70 (Normal Price)

CASH payment only. To be paid on the FIRST day of the camp.
Sign-up: (Deadline11 Nov 2017)
FAQ: English
Our Aim

Target Audience

- A time to tear, A time to sew


Sign-up instruction
We will accept ONLY Online
Submission in order to automate the sign-up process & reduce data entry
Personal Details


NRIC/FIN Nationality
Male / Female

Email Address

Mobile Nos. Home Nos.


Postal Code

Church Denomination
School or NS unit Dietary Restrictions

Remarks Medical, allergies, comments, etc.

Emergency Contact

Contact Nos.

Recommending Pastoral Staff

Kindly seek recommendations from your pastoral staff before signing up. This also facilitates
administration and financial subsidy (if any) at your respective churches.

Name Contact Nos.

Email Address

Continue behind
Data Protection
I consent to provide my personal data in this form and agree to receive publicity material,
updates and important announcement regarding the camp via email or/and phone. All personal
information will be kept confidential and used for the purpose(s) stated.

Indemnity Agreement
I hereby indemnify and agree to keep the FES Chinese Work, Singapore Four-denomination
Chinese Churches Committee, its management, servants and organisers of the event fully
indemnified against all claims, loss or damage whatsoever in respect of death, injury, disability or
any loss of damage whatsoever arising from any cause in connection with the camp or my
participation therein.

/ Parental Consent
For participant below 18 years of age at the start of the camp. Participants below 18 years of
age without parental consent will be barred from attending the camp.

I consent to ______________________________________________(Child/Wards* Full Name)

_____________________________________ (NRIC / Passport No.), who is my child/ward*

participating in the Youth Theological Camp 2017organised by Fellowship

of Evangelical Students (FES) Chinese Work in conjection with Singapore Four-denomination

Chinese Churches Committee from 14th to 16th December 2017.

_______________________________________ ______________________________
Full Name of Parent / Guardian* Contact Nos. (For emergencies)

_______________________________________ ______________________________
NRIC / Passport* No. Email Address

_______________________________________ ______________________________
Parent / Guardian* Signature Date

* Please delete accordingly

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