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MOTIVATING FOR FURTHER INVOLVEMENT But this is really only the beginning.

But this is really only the beginning. We have just met each other today. In this
sense we have begun a friendship, but suppose that after today we never see or
1. Seek an appointment ______ hours after someone receives Christ. communicate with each other again. Will our friendship grow?
2. Arrange a specific _____ and _____ to meet. (Get their contact number and give Contact: NO.
them yours). YOU: Why not?
3. Encourage them to _______ the Four Spiritual Laws before you meet. (apply why- Contact: If grows by SPENDING TIME TOGETHER, taking with one another and
whom-How questions) DOING THINGS TOGETHER.
YOU: Thats right. In other words we NEED to LEARN HOW TO COMMUNICATE
WHY (Cast Vision) Demo start now:
WITH CHRIST and allow Him to communicate with us. We need to learn how to
YOU: Was this booklet helpful to you?
spend time with Him so that our friendship will grow._______________________
(Contacts Name), I would like to get together with you and share how you can
YOU: Then I have (3) three questions for you. Why, whom, and how.
build your friendship with Christ and_______________ . Would you be interested?
FIRST question, WHY do you think God saved you? Contact: YES!
HIM/HER: Because He loves me. (Ideal Answer) YOU: Are you free tomorrow at this time?
YOU: Do you think God loves your friends and your family? Contact: YES.
HIM/HER: Yes. YOU: Okay. So, let us meet right here at 2 oclock. Let me write that down. I will
YOU: Then we should also share Jesus to them. see you then. (You can write your appointment on the 4SL booklet you will give
WHOM (make a name list) -Demo start now: Contact: Yes, that is fine with me.
YOU: SECOND question is, Too WHOM would you want to share this booklet YOU: I encourage you to READ through the 4SL before you go to bed tonight and
with this coming week? Can you think of (5) five people? Kindly write them down. THANK CHRIST that He is in your life. By thanking God you demonstrate faith, and
(Let them write on a paper or their phone). that pleases Him. You may also want to *begin reading the first three chapters of
YOU: Lets commit to God those names you have written. (Pray for the names they John before we meet again. _______________(Contacts Name), I really enjoyed
have in their list). taking to you today and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 2 oclock.

HOW (teach them how do it) - Demo start now: THREE-THIRD PROCESS a series of steps taken in order to achieve a particular goals.
YOU: THIRD question is, HOW will you share this to them?
Him/her: (allow response).
1. Pastoral or Personal Care 5. New Lesson 6. Application
(Let them share their observation how you shared the booklet to them and give basic
(Fellowship) (WORD) Practical
guidelines on how to simply share the 4SL. Practice or go witnessing it time permits).
2. Worship (Prayer) 7. Set Goals and
FRIENDLY ILLUSTRATION Pray (telling others
3. Loving Accountability (A about Christ)
loving relationship with
Demo start now:
New Believers)
YOU: (Contact Name) when you prayed and invited Christ into your life, you have
4. Vision Casting (for what they can be or do: Motivate others/Instruction)
now begun a personal relationship with Him.
FIRST THIRD (APPROXIMATELY HALF AN HOUR) 6. PRACTICE THE LESSON: 20 minutes. Instruct your trainees to divide into 2s
1. PASTORAL CARE: 10 minutes. Take time to listen to what God is doing in the or 3s and practice teaching the lesson to each other.
life of each trainee and in their family. Encourage and pray for one another. 7. SET GOALS AND PRAY: 10 minutes. Direct your trainees to again ask go to
10 minutes. show them to whom they will tell their story this week and whom they will
2. WORSHIP: 5 minutes. Sing a song or two of praise and worship. train. Ask them to write down those names and pray for the Holy Spirit to
3. ACCOUNTABILITY: 10 minutes. Ask all trainees to report on the following: to prepare the way and work in the hearts of those on their lists.
whom they told their story this week and whom they have trained. Offer
IMPORTANT HINT: Do not allow any of the seven potions of the meeting to be
encouragement along with peer accountability.
omitted. *Each portion reinforces the process of reproducing leaders and new
*Here are some good accountability questions that you can ask: believers.* If you dont have time for an hour and a half, *STAY WITH THE THREE-
How did you obey last weeks Lesson? PART BALANCE* regardless; do not omit portions of *the training cycle* even if
With whom have your shared your story? With whom have you shared you have to.
Gods plan of salvation? Who has believed?
When are you training them to share their own story and to explain to
others Gods plan of salvation? Are you teaching them the lessons? *VISION:
Are you training them to train others? [[2Tim 2:2]] Are they doing
this? Are the people whom they are training others? Movements everywhere until everyone knows someone who truly follows
4. GREAT COMMISSION VISION: 5 minutes. Give Biblical reminders of our Jesus.
Great Commission task. (For some ideas about what to talk about, see the
downloadable documents about the Great Commission Vision Ideas.)
Sample [[Mat 28:18-20]] Winning, Building, and Sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch
GO (not come). He said that we need to go to where the lost people are and spiritual movements.
not to wait or invite people to come to us.
EVERYONE (not just some). The verse also tells us to make disciples to all,
not just only a few. God said to share it with everyone.
MAKE DISCIPLES (not just members). Every disciples is to learn how to obey
Jesus commands, including witnessing to others through their life and
sharing the Gospel and training them to do the same.
JESUS IS WITH US AS WE OBEY. The best part of this command is Jesus
promise that he will be with us as we obey and ensures the fulfilment of
the Great Commission.


5. NEW LESSON: 30 minutes. Teach the trainees enough Biblical content to
obey and pass on this week. *Your first six foundational lessons are
provided.* After the first six weeks, the trainees will engage in a weekly bible
study based on the pattern set forth in [[2Tim 3:16-17]]

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