Laser B1 +

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1.04 Circle the correct words.

1 If your father marries again, his new wife is your stepmother / biological
2 Alex is a single / an only child and hed like to have a brother.
3 Ive got two older / old sisters, aged 17 and 19.
4 I live with my mum because my parents are divorced / different.
5 Im adopted / adapted and I dont know who my real parents are.
6 Mum wanted a large / an oversize family because she has five brothers and
7 Ive got a half / part brother because my mum and my stepfather have just
had a baby.
8 My brother always gets what he wants hes complicated / spoilt.

1.05 Complete with the following words.

selfish popular optimistic

amusing ambitious generous

1 You share what you have with other people. You are _______________.
2 You think the future is going to be good. You are _______________.
3 You only care about yourself. You are _______________.
4 You want to be very successful. You are _______________.
5 You have lots of friends. You are _______________.
6 People think you are funny. You are _______________.
1.06 Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 I love computers until a problem _______________ up!

A) stands
B) comes
C) becomes

2 Our teacher says we have to _______________ up a story for homework.

A) make
B) bring
C) create

3 I cant _______________ up a new name to use on this social networking

A) turn
B) think
C) give

4 Chloes here! Why does she always _______________ up so late for

A) come
B) arrive
C) turn

5 Dont ______________ up the subject of the party his mum says he cant
A) make
B) mention
C) bring

6 Sometimes, we argue and things _______________ out of control.

A) come
B) get
C) turn

1.10 Circle the correct words.

1 We have / are having English lessons every Tuesday and Thursday.

2 Im spending / I spend a lot of time doing school work these days.
3 Were on holiday at the moment and we have / are having a great time.
4 I like / am liking my brother and sister theyre cool!
5 Maria is / is being my stepmother.
6 Usually, I spend / am spending weekends with my dad.
7 People in the same family sometimes argue / are sometimes arguing.
8 Stop doing that you annoy / are annoying me!

1.11 Circle the correct words.

1 Judy go / goes to school with her sister.
2 Andrew speak / speaks French and German.
3 The girls like / likes sharing a room.
4 I not / dont know her name.
5 Where you / do you live?
6 I often see / see often my cousins.
7 I havent / dont have got a bike.
8 He plays / Does he play the piano?
1.12 Tick () the sentences that are correct. Rewrite those that are
1 My sister always is annoying me.

2 I think Mums having a shower.


3 Toms 15, so he isnt driving a car.


4 Mark is staying with us for a few days.


5 Bob and Jack is getting ready to go out.


6 Sam is having a large family.


7 We are always eating dinner together.


8 Im not liking sharing a room.

1.15 Read the email and write true (T) or false (F).
1 Olivers half-brother is older than his sister. ____
2 Ruby and Oliver live in the same house. ____
3 Oliver often sees Rubys mum. ____
4 Daniels biological father is rich. ____
5 Olivers grandparents live with them. ____
6 Paul is an only child. ____
1.16 Read the email and match the people with the sentences.
1 Helen ____
2 Stella ____
3 Paul ____
4 Ruby ____
5 Bruce ____
6 Daniel ____

a Olivers dad
b Olivers half-sister
c Olivers mum
d Olivers sister
e Olivers half-brother
f Olivers friend
1.24 You have become friends with someone through the internet. Now
your friend wants to know more about you, where you live, and your

Write an email. Write between 120 and 180 words.

2.04 Circle the correct words.

1 There are always taxis at the taxi fare / rank.

2 Geoff was away from home on a business trip / journey.
3 We got up late and we missed / lost the bus!
4 They say that travel / voyage is a great way to learn about the world.
5 When the ship hit the rocks, most passengers were in their bedrooms /
6 Theyre planning to build a new airline / terminal at the airport.
2.05 Match the words with the descriptions.
1 vehicle ____
2 pedal ____
3 hovercraft ____
4 cart ____
5 tracks ____
6 hydrofoil ____

a This is what a train runs on.

b This is a general word for a means of transport.
c This floats on land or on water.
d This is something a horse often pulls.
e This is part of a bicycle.
f This is similar to a hovercraft.
2.06 Circle the word that doesnt belong.

1 train platform fare cart

2 airline rank radio taxi
3 driver fare sports double-decker
4 cabin underground ferry hovercraft
5 hot-air balloon helicopter plane rowing boat
6 terminal jet take-off rank

2.10 Use the past simple to write sentences.

1 We / fly / to Italy


2 The pilot / say / there / be / a problem


3 She / tell / me / the train / be / late


4 They / have / a bad accident

5 Carol / fall / off / her bike


6 We / see / the mountains from the plane


7 I / want / to go by train / but / it / be / too expensive


8 The Wright brothers / make / their first flight in 1903


2.11 Circle the correct words.

1 We watched / did watch a great travel programme last night.

2 The girls arrived / were arriving at exactly twelve oclock.
3 We flew / were flying over the sea when I fell asleep.
4 Where you heard / did you hear about this hotel?
5 John didnt like / liked travelling by boat.
6 I didnt use / used to enjoy travelling.
7 Did you take / You took the dog for a walk?
8 I started / was starting at this school three years ago.

2.12 Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 What _______________ yesterday?

A) did you do
B) you did
C) did you

2 We _______________ a new car last month.

A) were buying
B) buy
C) bought

3 When Tom _______________ to Germany to see his uncle, he had a lovely

A) went
B) was going
C) did go

4 I _______________ the food on the plane.

A) didnt liked
B) didnt like
C) not liked
5 _______________ Jenny on the bus this morning?
A) Did
B) Was
C) Has

6 Who _______________ you English last year?

A) was taught
B) did teach
C) taught

7 _______________ the trip in the balloon?

A) Did you enjoy
B) You enjoyed
C) Did you enjoyed

8 I _______________ this place was so beautiful until I came here.

A) didnt knew
B) know not
C) didnt know

2.15 Read the text and match the words and phrases with the paragraphs.
1 taking a driving test ____
2 the first death on the road ____
3 the number of accidents today ____
4 the cost of early cars ____
5 the car helps people get jobs ____
6 the problem of bad roads ____
2.16 Read the text and fill in the gaps with a word or short phrase.
1 In the 1920s, cars were _______________ popular and cheaper.
2 People used to use cars to _______________ and have holidays.
3 No _______________ was involved in the first deadly car crash.
4 In the past, anyone _______________ a car without taking a test.
5 The rules for good behaviour on the road are called the _______________.
6 There have been _______________ in road safety.
2.24 Your class has been studying the history of transport. Your teacher
has asked you to write an essay explaining whether you agree or disagree
with the following statement:
Travelling was better in the past than it is today.
Write an essay. Write between 120 and 180 words.

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