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Multiple choice Questions

: Launching family" in family life cycle is the stage of" -1

Start when the first child- not necessarily the eldest - leaves the home -a
.and ends when the last child leaves the home
Start when the eldest child leaves the home and ends when the -b
.youngest leave the home
There is no effect on assigning of role responsibilities in the family -c
.It is the last stage in the family life cycle -d
None of the above -e

:The new couple "stage in family life cycle" -2

Is the second stage in the family life cycle -a
Usually there will be no issues of freedom and commitments on their -b
Usually there will be no define new relationship with their families of -c
Couple must build a base of shared value such as who will go to the -d
grocery shopping or preparing the food
Since they are new couple , there will be no conflict in their -e

The highest incidence of divorce comes at which stage of the family life -3

.Independent adulthood A.
.Early partnership B.
.Child rearing C.
.Late independent adulthood D.
.Middle and late partnership E.

:The most common hormonal cause of hirsutism in young women is -4

.Androgen producing ovarian tumors A.

.Androgen producing adrenal tumors B.
.Excess androgen production by noncycling ovaries C.
.Exogenous hormones D.
None of the above E.
Possible risk factors for the development of colon cancer include all the -5
:following EXCEPT

.Diets high in animal fat A.

.Irritable bowel syndrome B.
.Inflammatory bowel disease C.
.Familial polyposis D.
.Ureterosigmoidostomy E.

Which one of the following drugs is considered the treatment of choice for -6
?uncomplicated Neisseria gonorrhoeae urethritis or cervicitis

.(Ceftriaxone (Rocephin A.
.(Azithromycin (Zithromax B.
.Ciprofloxacin C.
.Ofloxacin D.
.Gatifloxacin E.

Of the following types of drugs, which one is the preferred first-line -7

?therapy for elderly patients with depression

Tricyclis antidepressants A.
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors B.
(Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs C.
Non-SSRls (such as bupropion (Wellbutrin) or D.

A 27-year-old presents with the worst headache of

his life. Which of the following is least likely to be
A. Careful history eliciting recent trauma or head injury
B. Evaluation of cranial nerves including the retina
C. Strong consideration of CT or MRI of the head
D. Plain film of the skull
E. History of previous headache problems and treatments

Which of the following anemias would classically

show microcytic hypochromic indices on a complete
?blood count
A. Vitamin B12 deficiency
B. Sideroblastic anemia
C. Chronic alcoholism
D. Folate deficiency
E. Anemia of chronic disease

Which of the following interventions is considered a

standard treatment for COPD but is not considered a
?standard treatment for asthma
A. Selective beta-2 agonist inhaler
B. Long-acting selective beta-2 agonist inhaler
C. Ipratroprium inhaler
D. Corticosteroids
E. Patient education

A 17-year-old presents with a 2-day history of sore

throat, fever, and tender cervical adenopathy. She
has no upper respiratory symptoms and your
examination discloses a red pharynx with tonsillar
exudate, no rhinorrhea, and tender anterior
adenopathy. Which management strategy would be
?the least likely to be successful
A. An IM shot of penicillin G benzathine (900,000 U) and
(penicillin G procaine (300,000 U
B. Watchful waiting since the likelihood of streptococcal
(strep) infection is so low
C. Pen VK 500 mg PO bid for 10 days
D. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, treatment with
E. Counseling that early treatment of strep throat will
reduce the risk of rheumatic fever

A 37-year-old presents with unilateral headache

associated with stuffed-up nose, red eyes, and
excruciating pain. Your management would include
:which of the following
A. Emergency MRI
B. Verapamil for acute headache
C. Sumatriptan for chronic suppression
D. Oxycodone for chronic suppression
E. 100% oxygen inhalation acutely

?Which of the following statements is false

A. Live vaccines are easier to store secondary to better
.vaccine stability
B. There is a risk of transmission of the clinical illness to
household contacts of vaccine recipients if live virus is
C. The live virus may increase the antigenic stimulus by
.replicating in the host
D. Live virus vaccines have a similar side effect profile
.compared to other vaccine types
E. Examples of live virus vaccines include varicella and oral
.polio virus

Which of the following is an effective antibiotic for

:group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis
A. Clindamycin
B. Gentamycin
C. Trimethoprim-sulfa
D. Tetracycline
E. Sulfamethoxazole

Which of the following is not a contraindication to

?Metformin use
A. History of lactic acidosis
B. Concurrent use of thiazolidinediones
C. Type 2 diabetics with severe congestive heart failure
D. Type 2 diabetics with renal insufficiency
E. Diabetic ketoacidosis

The most clinically useful marker for the presence of

:acute or chronic hepatitis B infection is
A. Antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen
B. Hepatitis B surface antigen
C. Hepatitis B core antigen
D. Hepatitis E antigen
E. Alkaline phosphatase
The best choice among the following antibiotics for
treatment of urinary tract infection in the third
:trimester of pregnancy is
A. Trimethoprim-sulfa
B. A fluoroquinolone
C. Erythromycin
D. Cephalexin
E. Penicillin VK

Which of the following is an absolute contraindication

?to the use of oral contraceptive pills
A. Personal history of smoking in a woman younger than
35 years of age
B. Obesity
C. Hypertension
D. Personal history of diabetes mellitus
E. History of thrombophlebitis

Routine vaccination of a 65-year-old would include

?which of the following
A. Pneumococcal vaccine
B. Meningococcal vaccine
C. Haemophilus influenzae B vaccine
D. Hepatitis B vaccine
E. Varicella vaccine

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