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Volume 11, Issue 8, September 2017

Is there any importance of the

6 fold significator table in KP?

Marriage not materialize why?

KP Ezine September 2017 1

Volume 11, Issue 8, September 2017
Sl.No Par culars Author Page

1 Is there any importance of the 6 fold table in KP? Kanak Bosmia 4

2 Neymar: Most Expensive Footballer in Tin Win 16

Transfer History

3 Rectification of birth time of VSM Murthy 24

of Srikanthdatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar

4 Study of Fatal Automobile Accidents Sumanadasa Namarathna 24

5 Unnatural, sudden, violent and mysterious death of Gunti Nagaraju 28

late Y.S. Rajasekhar

6 Marriage promised but not materialised V Chankarapani 34

7 Mr. Jagan, leader of the YSRC party, to become the Gunti Nagaraju 37
next Chief Minister of A.P state?

8 Questions & Answers Tin Win 40

9 Book Review-Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology Tin Win 43

10 Planetary Position for September 2017 Generated from 46

KPAstro 4.1TM

KP Ezine September 2017 2

Volume 11, Issue 8, September 2017

Arvind Gupta
Contain advisor


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KP Ezine September 2017 3

Is there any importance of the 6 fold table in KP?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613 P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Mostly, all KP Astrologers use the 4-fold table, but in my experience, it is very useful to use
the 6-fold table. During my entry in to KP, I only read books authored by Chandrakant
Bhatt that were published in the Gujarati language. He used the 4-fold table in his
examples. But when I saw his explanation about dasa joint period or cuspal sub lord, he
used the Planet A is in the star of B and sub of C formula. It is nothing but the 6-fold
table. If we want to use the 4-fold table, we have to use the formula A is in the star of B.

During discussion about then 4-fold or 6-fold table, most advocate the use of the 4-fold
table, but I teach the 6-fold table to all my students. Only one person has drawn attention
of KP followers to the 6-fold table, and he is Mr. Dhanabalan Rangasamy.

Why do I advocate the use of the 6-fold table? I have checked all the readers and other
literature in KP, and have tried to check what is actually being used in KP literature.

In KPEzine, September 2015 issue, under QA section, Shri Tin Win ji replied as under:

Question: Six Fold Signification

Don't you think your below statement is nothing but six fold signification?

The bottom line is In order to get the better prediction results all the houses signified by the
planet level, star level and sub level are to be jointly considered, keeping in mind t he double
role of sub as a decider as well as an event indicator.

According to the KP fundamental rule: "The planet is the source, constellation indicates
nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is favorable or not.",
when the required house(s) for a matter under study, e.g. house 2,7,11 for marriage, are
indicated by the planet or/and its star, the indication of its sub is to be considered as
favorable decider if it is 2,7,11, or unfavorable decider if it is 1,6,10, in selection of fruitful
significators. If the required house(s), 2,7,11, are not indicated by the planet and its star,
the indication of required house(s), 2,7,11, by sub is to be taken as an event indicator.

In the six-fold signification, as sub is taken as the outright significator it cannot play the
role of decider as mentioned in the KP fundamental rule, and consequently sub cannot be
used as a tool in selection of fruitful significators without using the ruling planets. So the
six-fold signification is excluded in the six KP readers of 1970-71 although it appears in a
few places of Krishnamurti Padhdhati Vol. 2 of Sagar Publications in 1966.

Now if In the six-fold signification, as sub is taken as the outright significator it cannot
play the role of decider as mentioned in the KP fundamental rule, and consequently sub
cannot be used as a tool in selection of fruitful significators without using the ruling

If this statement is right, then how do we get an answer in example mentioned below taken
from KP literature.

KP Ezine September 2017 4

Readers1 and 2 do not contain any examples.

Reader 3:
Page: 150
The chart on this page was used to discuss Job related issues.
4 fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun
6 Saturn-Ketu Sun, Mercury Jupiter Saturn
10 Rahu Mars Venus

Total significators are Sun, Saturn, Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus.
Getting first job during Sun-Saturn-Moon in January 1952.
Moon is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify a Job dur-
ing Moon Antra?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in Planet in Occupant Planet in the Planet in Owner

the sub of the star of (C) sub of Owner the star (F)
Occupant Occupant (D) of Owner
(A) (B) (E)
2 Sun
6 Moon Saturn- Sun, Sun Jupiter Saturn
Ketu Mercury
10 Rahu Mars, Jupiter Mars Venus

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Saturn, Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus.
By using then 6-fold significators, we can justify how Moon antra work.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-6-10 at all. It is
only at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Sun) that it indicates house 6.

Page: 315
The chart on this page was used to discuss overseas travel.
4-fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Mars, Sun, Sun, Venus, Moon Jupiter
Venus, Ketu Ketu
9 Rahu Rahu Mercury Mercury
12 Mercury Mercury

Total significators are Mars, Sun, Venus, Ketu, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury.

KP Ezine September 2017 5

Going overseas, during joint period of Saturn-Rahu-Mars-Saturn on 3-10-1951.
Saturn is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify overseas
travel during Saturn dasa-Sookshma?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) in the the star of (F)
(A) Occupant sub of Owner
(B) Owner (E)
3 Sun, Moon, Mars, Mars, Sun, Sun, Moon Jupiter
Jupiter, Saturn Venus, Venus,
Ketu Ketu
9 Rahu Rahu Venus, Mercury Mercury
12 Venus, Mercury Mercury

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Ketu, Rahu, Mercury.
By using the 6 fold significators, we can justify how Saturn dasa-Sookshma worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Saturn does not indicate houses 3-9-12 at all. It
is only at the sub level that it indicates house 3.

Reader 4:

Page: 175
The chart on this page was used to discuss Marriage.
The 4-fold table is as under:

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the star Owner

of Occupant (B) of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu Sun
Rahu, Sun Ketu
7 Saturn
11 Saturn, Mercury Venus

Total significators are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn, Mercury.
Marriage happened during the joint period of Moon-Sun-Rahu up to 17-12-1970.
Dasa lord Moon is not among the significators. If we use the 4-fold table, how do we justify
Marriage during Moon dasa?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 6

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in the Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner
of Occupant star of Occu- (C) the sub of the star (F)
(A) pant Owner of Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Mars Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Ketu Sun
Rahu, Sun Jupiter, Rahu
7 Mercury, Saturn
11 Sun, Saturn, Venus
Moon Mercury
Total significator are Mars, Venus, Rahu, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn, Mercury and
By using the 6-fold we can justify how Moon dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all. Only
at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Venus) it indicates house 11.

Reader 5 is on Transit no examples:

Reader 6:

Page: 176
The chart on this page was used to discuss the sale of a house.
The 4-fold table is as under:
Cusp Planet in the star of Occupant Planet in the Owner
Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Sun, Rahu Jupiter
5 Saturn Venus Saturn Venus
10 Saturn Venus

Total significators are Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Ketu (Rep Jupiter)
Sale of a house will happen during the joint period of Sun-Mercury. Bhukti lord Mercury is
not a significator, if we use the 4-fold table. How do we justify the sale of the house during
the bhukti of Mercury?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
3 Mercury, Sun, Rahu Jupiter
5 Mars, Venus, Saturn Venus Mars, Saturn Venus
Saturn Venus,
10 Mars, Saturn Venus

KP Ezine September 2017 7

Total significator are Mars, Mercury, Sun, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Ketu
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mercury bhukti worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 3-5-10 at all. It
is only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Jupiter) that it indicates house 3.

Page: 262
The chart on this page was discussing the timing of Overseas travel.
The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the Occupant Planet in the Owner

star of Occu- (B) star of Owner (D)
pant (C)
3 Rahu, Mercury Jupiter, Ketu Ketu Sun
9 Venus Rahu Mars Saturn
12 Saturn Venus Saturn Venus

Total significators are Rahu, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn,
Overseas travel will happen during the joint period of Moon-Mercury-Venus-Jupiter.
Dasa lord Moon is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify over-
seas journey during dasa lord Moon?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occu- Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occu- the star of pant the sub of star of Own- (F)
pant Occupant (C) Owner er
(A) (B) (D) (E)
3 Moon Rahu, Mer- Jupi- Ketu Sun
cury ter,
9 Mars, Mer- Venus Rahu Venus Mars Saturn
cury, Ketu
12 Sun, Saturn Saturn Venus Sun, Sat- Saturn Venus

Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Moon dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 3-9-12 at all, and
it is only at sub level (Moon is in the sub of Jupiter) that it indicates house 3.

KP & Astrology 1995:

Page: 1
On this page, the chart was used to discuss marriage and the author asked the question as
to how Mars Sookshma gives Marriage?
The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 8

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner
of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn
Ketu Ketu
7 Rahu Rahu Jupiter Mercury
11 Sun, Mercury, Venus

Marriage happened during the Sookshma of Mars

Sookshma lord Mars is not a significator if we use the 4-fold table. How do we justify Mar-
riage during Sookshma dasa lord Mars?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Venus Sun, Jupiter, Saturn
Mercury, Ketu
7 Mars, Mercury Rahu Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Mercury
11 Venus Sun, Venus

Total significators are Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mars sookshma dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mars does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all, and
only at the sub level (Mars is in the sub of Rahu) it indicates house 7.

Page: 136
On this page the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Mercury Sun, Mercury Mars, Venus Jupiter
5 Sun, Mercury Mercury
11 Moon, Rahu Mars Venus

Child birth happened during dasa of Saturn.

Dasa lord Saturn is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify child
birth during dasa lord Saturn?

KP Ezine September 2017 9

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occu- Planet in Planet in the Owner

sub of Occu- the star of pant the sub star of Own- (F)
pant Occupant (C) of Owner er
(A) (B) (D) (E)
2 Rahu, Sun, Sun, Mer- Sun, Mars, Venus Jupiter
Mars, Sat- cury Mercury
7 Sun, Sun, Mercu- Mercury
Mars, ry
11 Ketu Moon, Ra- Mars Venus
Total significators are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Saturn dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Saturn does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Saturn is in the sub of Mercury) it indicates houses 2 and

KP & Astrology 2003:

Page: 14
On this page, the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Jupiter Moon
5 Saturn Venus
11 Venus Saturn Mars

Child birth happened during Dasa of Mercury.

Dasa lord Mercury is not a significator if we use only the 4-fold table. How do we justify
child birth during Dasa lord Mercury?

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 10

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Jupiter Moon
5 Saturn, Saturn Venus
11 Venus Saturn Ketu, Mars

Total significators are Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Mercury dasa worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 2-5-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Venus) it indicates house 5.

KP & Astrology 2007:

Page: 32
On this page, chart (Example 2) was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the star of Owner

of Occupant (B) Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Sun, Jupiter Jupiter
7 Mars Ketu, Venus Venus
11 Rahu Mercury

7th sub lord is Moon. Moon is not among the 4-fold significator significators in the table
above. Even then, he got married on 22-8-1997.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub the star of (F)
(A) Occupant of Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Sun, Jupiter
7 Mars Ketu, Moon, Venus
Moon, Mars, Venus Mars,
Venus, Saturn Venus,
11 Mercury, Rahu Mercury

KP Ezine September 2017 11

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 7th sub lord, Moon, worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord Mercury does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Mercury) it indicates house 11.

Page: 73
On this page, the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Jupiter, Ketu Mars
7 Saturn, Rahu Jupiter, Ketu Mars Mercury
11 Saturn

Marriage was conducted on 13-11-2005. During Rahu-Venus-Rahu-Rahu. Bhukit lord

Venus is not in the 4-fold significators table. Yet, he got married on 13-11-2005.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Jupiter, Mars
7 Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury Mars Mercury
Rahu Ketu
11 Venus Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Bhukti lord Venus worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Venus does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all, and
only at the sub level (Venus is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 11.

KP & Astrology 2012:

Page: 11
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 12

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner
of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Ketu, Mercury Venus
7 Saturn Saturn Ketu, Mercury Venus
11 Saturn Saturn

Marriage was celebrated on 07-09-1989 during Dasa of Venus-Jupiter. Bhukti lord Jupiter
is not in the 4-fold significators table. Yet, he got married on 07-09-1989.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Moon Ketu, Venus
7 Sun, Mars, Saturn Saturn Moon Ketu, Venus
Jupiter Mercury
11 Sun, Saturn Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how Bhukti lord Jupiter worked.

Note from Kanak: Author did not mention about Sookshma, but it was Moon Sookshma,
and Moon is also not among the 4-fold significators. But, it is a significator among
the 6-fold significators.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation
indicates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is
favorable or not" then, as a star lord, Moon does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Moon is in the sub of Venus) it indicates houses 2-7.

Page: 60
On this page the chart was used to discuss child birth.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Rahu, Jupiter Venus
5 Moon Saturn
11 Mars Jupiter Sun

7th sub lord is Mercury, and it is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

KP Ezine September 2017 13

Cusp Planet in the Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in the Owner
sub of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of star of Own- (F)
(A) Occupant Owner er
(B) (D) (E)
2 Mars, Rahu, Venus
Venus, Jupiter
5 Mercury Moon Saturn
11 Sun Mars Jupiter Sun

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 5th sub lord Mercury worked.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Mercury does not indicate houses 2-5-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Mercury is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 5.

KP & Astrology 2013:

Page: 10
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star of Occupant Planet in the Owner

Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
2 Ketu, Mercury Venus
7 Saturn, Venus, Rahu Saturn, Ketu, Mercury Venus
11 Saturn Saturn

7th sub lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star (F)
(A) Occupant Owner of Owner
(B) (D) (E)
2 Moon Ketu, Venus
7 Sun, Mars, Saturn, Saturn, Moon Ketu, Venus
Mercury, Venus, Rahu Mercury
Jupiter, Ketu Rahu
11 Sun, Saturn Saturn

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how the 7th sub lord Jupiter worked.

KP Ezine September 2017 14

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Jupiter does not indicate houses 2-7-11 at all,
and only at the sub level (Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates houses 7-11.

KP & Astrology 2014:

Page: 4
On this page the chart was used to discuss the sale of land.

The 4-fold table is as under

Cusp Planet in the star Occupant Planet in the Owner

of Occupant (B) star of Owner (D)
(A) (C)
3 Mars Saturn
5 Jupiter Jupiter
10 Mars Sun
Note: Rahu represents Mercury.

Antra lord is Rahu and Rahu is not in the 4-fold table.

Let us check the 6-fold table.

Cusp Planet in the sub Planet in Occupant Planet in Planet in Owner

of Occupant the star of (C) the sub of the star of (F)
(A) Occupant Owner Owner
(B) (D) (E)
3 Sun Mars Rahu Saturn
5 Jupiter Jupiter
10 Mars Sun

By using the 6-fold significators we can justify how antra lord Rahu signifies the 3 rd.

Note from Kanak Bosmia: if we believe "The planet is the source, constellation indi-
cates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is fa-
vorable or not" then, as a star lord, Rahu does not indicate houses 3-5-10 at all, and
only at the sub level (Rahu is in the sub of Saturn) it indicates house 3.

A & A 1967 Feb:

Page: 28
On this page the chart was used to discuss Marriage.

The 4-fold table is as under

KP Ezine September 2017 15

Neymar: Most Expensive Footballer in
Transfer History
By: Tin Win

Short Background
On August 3, 2017 French team Paris Saint-Germain bought 25-year-old Brazilian football
player Neymar from Spanish team Barcelona for a US$263 million fee that doesnt even in-
clude his contract, which will run in excess of $36 million annually for five years. Neymar
has broken records in his transfer to Paris Saint Germain, making him the most expensive
footballer in transfer history. This is not only for a record amount of money but also for

Neymar already has one Champions League and two Liga titles and three Copa Del Reys in
his record list and has made 105 goals to date. The Brazilian footballers entry into the
French club broke several records and helped Neymar enter the list of richest footballers
and Neymar is currently tagged as the most expensive football player. Neymar debuted in
professional football when he was just 17 and eight years later, has turned into one of the
richest footballers in history. Known for his dribbling, finishing, and ability with both feet as
a forward, Neymar has earned comparisons to former Brazil and Santos forward Pele.

Planetary Patterns to Become a Great Footballer

1. The 3rd (competitive sports) and 5th (spots in general) cusp sub lord Venus is in house 2 ,
lord of houses 7,12, in the star of own Venus, and in sub of Rahu on 2nd cusp, conjoined
with Mars in house 2, lord of houses 1, 6 and Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and
sign lord Jupiter in house 10, lord of houses 2,5, signifying houses 2,5,6,10 houses to be-
come a successful and wealthy football player.

2. Houses 1,2,3,5,6,9,11 are deemed to be connected in KP by Venus being the cuspal sub
lord of all these houses.

3. Sports ruling planets Mars, Venus, Uranus, and other Rahu, Neptune and Fortuna are
located in fiery sign of Sagittarius for sports. Mars, Uranus and Neptune are for stamina
and strength. Mars is also karaka for football. Mars, Venus, Uranus and Neptune are placed
in 2nd house of reputation regarding sports (Rex E Bills: Rulership Book). Rahu is on the
2nd cusp. Mars is lord of Lagna and 6th house (profits from sports, service), and Venus is

KP Ezine September 2017 16

Sun Rise: 06:46:10 AM Sun Set: 07:50:58 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Variyan Hora: Mars Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ra Sa
2 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Sa Ve
3 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ju Ra
Ruling Planets - 26/Aug/2017 10:23:42 PM 4 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Ke Ju
5 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Ma Me
Maryland, USA
6 Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Me Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ke Sa Sa
Lagna Ve Su Sa Ra Sa 8 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ke Ju Ju
Moon Ve Ra Ve Ve Me 9 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ra Ve
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Sa Ju
11 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ra Su
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Me Ma
II 14:53:28 XII 15:10:07
Ve 19:41:50 Planetary Positions
Ma 26:25:44
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ra 14:17:16 Su Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Sa Me
III 09:10:01 I 20:13:32 Mo Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ju Me
XI 08:50:37
Sa 16:19:48 9 7 Ma P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ju Ra
Me 16:44:47
Su 21:57:15 10 6 Me Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ve Me
Ju[R] P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Sa Ra
Ve P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ve Me
Sa Sravana(2) Sa Mo Sa Ke Su
IV 06:24:23 Ju[R] 18:56:29 Ra P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Ra Me
Mo 07:02:42 X 06:24:23 Ke Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Sa Ve
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 4 3 9 10
Mo 1 4 9
VII 20:13:32 Ma+ 2 2 7, 12 1, 6
V 08:50:37 Ke 14:17:16 IX 09:10:01 Me+ 4 3 9 8, 11
Ju+ 2 10 7, 12 2, 5
12 4 Ve 2 2 7, 12 7, 12
1 3 Sa+ 4 3 9 3, 4
Ra 2 1 7, 12
VI 15:10:07 VIII 14:53:28 Ke+ 1 7
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 15:10:07 VII 20:13:32 Ke 14:17:16 Dasa Summary

VIII 14:53:28
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
01-Aug-1991 - 01-Aug-2009 01-Aug-2009 - 01-Aug-2025 01-Aug-2025 - 01-Aug-2044
Rahu 01-Aug-1991 Jupiter 01-Aug-2009 Saturn 01-Aug-2025
Jupiter 13-Apr-1994 Saturn 18-Sep-2011 Mercury 04-Aug-2028
Saturn 07-Sep-1996 Mercury 01-Apr-2014 Ketu 13-Apr-2031
V 08:50:37 Mercury 14-Jul-1999 Ketu 08-Jul-2016 Venus 23-May-2032
Name: Neymar IX 09:10:01 Ketu 31-Jan-2002 Venus 14-Jun-2017 Sun 23-Jul-2035
Venus 18-Feb-2003 Sun 12-Feb-2020 Moon 04-Jul-2036
Gender: Male
Sun 18-Feb-2006 Moon 30-Nov-2020 Mars 02-Feb-2038
Date: Wednesday, 05/Feb/1992 Moon 13-Jan-2007 Mars 01-Apr-2022 Rahu 14-Mar-2039
Time: 02:15:00 AM SID: 10:08:36 Mars 14-Jul-2008 Rahu 08-Mar-2023 Jupiter 18-Jan-2042
Lat: 23:31:00 S Lon: 46:11:00 W Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Place: Sao Paulo, Brazil 01-Aug-2044 - 01-Aug-2061 01-Aug-2061 - 01-Aug-2068 01-Aug-2068 - 01-Aug-2088
Mo 07:02:42 Mercury 01-Aug-2044 Ketu 01-Aug-2061 Venus 01-Aug-2068
IV 06:24:23 Ketu 28-Dec-2046 Venus 28-Dec-2061 Sun 01-Dec-2071
Ayanamsa: 23 39' 23" Venus 25-Dec-2047 Sun 27-Feb-2063 Moon 01-Dec-2072
X 06:24:23 Sun 26-Oct-2050 Moon 05-Jul-2063 Mars 01-Aug-2074
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ju[R] 18:56:29 Moon 01-Sep-2051 Mars 03-Feb-2064 Rahu 01-Oct-2075
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 1
Mars 31-Jan-2053 Rahu 01-Jul-2064 Jupiter 01-Oct-2078
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 28-Jan-2054 Jupiter 19-Jul-2065 Saturn 01-Jun-2081
Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Jupiter 16-Aug-2056 Saturn 25-Jun-2066 Mercury 01-Aug-2084
Su 21:57:15 Saturn 22-Nov-2058 Mercury 04-Aug-2067 Ketu 02-Jun-2087
Me 16:44:47 Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Sa 16:19:48 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvitiya Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
III 09:10:01 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 17 Y, 5 M, 26 D
01-Aug-2088 - 01-Aug-2094 01-Aug-2094 - 01-Aug-2104 01-Aug-2104 - 01-Aug-2111
Sun 01-Aug-2088 Moon 01-Aug-2094 Mars 01-Aug-2104
XI 08:50:37 Moon 18-Nov-2088 Mars 01-Jun-2095 Rahu 28-Dec-2104
Mars 20-May-2089 Rahu 31-Dec-2095 Jupiter 15-Jan-2106
Rahu 25-Sep-2089 Jupiter 02-Jul-2097 Saturn 22-Dec-2106
Jupiter 20-Aug-2090 Saturn 01-Nov-2098 Mercury 31-Jan-2108
Saturn 08-Jun-2091 Mercury 02-Jun-2100 Ketu 27-Jan-2109
Ma 26:25:44 Mercury 20-May-2092 Ketu 01-Nov-2101 Venus 25-Jun-2109
Ve 19:41:50 Ketu 26-Mar-2093 Venus 02-Jun-2102 Sun 25-Aug-2110
II 14:53:28 Venus 01-Aug-2093 Sun 31-Jan-2104 Moon 31-Dec-2110
Ra 14:17:16 I 20:13:32 XII 15:10:07
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine September 2017 17
lord of 7th (publicity) and 12th (feet) houses.

4. 10th (profession) house lord Sun, 11th (legs, gain) house lord Mercury (skill needed for
football) and 3rd (sports) lord Saturn are conjoined in 3rd house, making the native a
skilled football player.

5. 2nd (reputation regarding sports) and 5th (sports) house lord Jupiter aspects Lagna lord
Mars (sports, football) and also 9th (fortune) lord Moon (mind), giving sporting mind and
reputation for a football player.

Most Expensive Footballer in Transfer History

On August 3, 2017 (Ju-Ve-Ve-Ma DBAS) transfer of Neymar to French team Paris Saint-
Germain for US $263 mln was confirmed.

Dasa lord Jupiter is house 10, lord of houses 2,5, in the star of Venus in house 2 , lord of
houses 7,12, and in sub of Rahu on 2nd cusp, conjoined with Mars in house 2, lord of
houses 1, 6 and Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and sign lord Jupiter is in house
10, lord of houses 2,5, signifying houses 2,6,10 for money and name, fame. Jupiter has
strong positional signification for 10th house and Mars for 2nd house having no planet in
their stars and not being the cuspal sub lord of any houses.

Bhukti and Antra lord Venus is in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, in the star of own Venus,
and in sub of Rahu on 2nd cusp, conjoined with Mars in house 2, lord of houses 1, 6 and
Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and sign lord Jupiter in house 10, lord of houses
2,5, signifying houses 2,6,10 for money and name, fame.

Sookshma lord Mars is in house 2, lord of houses 1,6, in the star of Venus in house 2 , lord
of houses 7,12, and in sub of Ketu on 8th cusp, sign lord Venus in house 2 , lord of houses
7,12, signifying houses 2,6 for money benefits from sports.

Transit on the Day of Transfer, August 3, 2017

Dasa lord Jupiter (23Virgo18) was transiting in the star of Moon (9) and in sub of Sun
Bhukti and Antra lord Venus (8Gemini58) was transiting in the star of Rahu (2,5,6,10), and
sub of Dasa lord Jupiter (2,5,10).
Sookshma lord Mars (14Cancer48) was transiting in the star of Saturn (3) and sub of Rahu
Luminary Sun (17Cancer2) was transiting in the star and sub of Mercury (3,11).
Luminary Moon (26Scorpio1) was transiting in the star of Mercury (3,11) and sub of Rahu
Dasa period lords and luminaries were transiting in the stars and subs of significators of
houses 2,6,10,11 for money and name fame.

Venus-Mars Combination and Love Life

In Neymars horoscope a saying of Venus-Mars combination making a native to be indulging
in other women (Brihat Jatak, Phala Deepika etc) appears working as this combination is
also enforced by aspect of 5th (love affairs, sex for fun) lord Jupiter (planet for growth).

However above saying is not valid in general as Venus-Mars combination is found in the
horoscopes of religious leaders like Sri Krishna, Lord Gautama Buddha, Sri Osho Rajneesh,
great astrologers like K.S. Krishnamurti, B V Raman, KN Rao, Alan Leo, Charles EO Carter,
Robert Hand, famous leaders like Augusstus Caesar, Chengiz Khan, Emperor Nero, Adolf
Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Abdul Kalam, Dr. Mammohan Singh, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
and notable horoscopes like Amitabh Bachchan, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, The Nazam of

KP Ezine September 2017 18

Neymar is currently single. He may be young but he attracts a whole lot of women during
currently running Dasa of 5th lord Jupiter which is in the star of 7th lord Venus and in sub
of Rahu representing Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Marriage is promised for him and Jupiter
Dasa is capable of giving marriage but may be delayed due to Punarphoo formed by Saturn
being in the star of Moon.

Neymar has been in relationships with Caroline Caputo (2017), Jhenny Andrade (2015),
Elizabeth Martinez (2015), Bruna Marquezine (2013 - 2017) and Daniela Carvalho (2011).

Neymar has had encounters with Thaila Ayala (2015), Soraja Vucelic (2014), Gabriella Lenzi
(2014), Laryssa Oliveira (2013), Patrcia Jordane (2013), Mara Cardi (2012), Carol
Abranches (2011), Andressa Suita (2011), Nicole Bahls (2011), Barbara Evans (2011) and
Carolina Nogueira Dantas (2010).

Neymars Son
Its not uncommon for athletes and famous people to have a few kids here and there and at
the tender age of 19, on August 24, 2011 (Ju-Ju-Ra-Ve DBAS), Neymar became the proud
father to a son, Davi Luca, with former girlfriend Carolina Nogueira Dantas (2010). Despite
it all, he takes a lot of pride in his son and never hesitates to let us see it.

Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter is in house 10, lord of houses 2,5, in the star of Venus in
house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and in sub of Rahu on 2nd cusp, conjoined with Mars in
house 2, lord of houses 1, 6 and Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and sign lord Jupi-
ter in house 10, lord of houses 2,5, signifying child getting houses 2,5.

Antra lord Rahu is on 2nd cusp, conjoined with Mars in house 2, lord of houses 1, 6 and
Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and sign lord Jupiter in house 10, lord of houses
2,5. Rahu is in the star and sub of Venus in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, signifying child
getting houses 2,5.

Sookshma lord Venus is in house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, in the star of own Venus, and in
sub of Rahu on 2nd cusp, conjoined with Mars in house 2, lord of houses 1, 6 and Venus in
house 2 , lord of houses 7,12, and sign lord Jupiter in house 10, lord of houses 2,5, signify-
ing child getting houses 2,5.

On the day of child birth, children karaka Jupiter was transiting in the 5th house at
16Aries21 and aspecting the 11th house which are both child getting houses.

KP Ezine September 2017 19

Rectification of birth time Srikanthdatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar
By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874.

It is learnt through Wikipedia that Srikanthdatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar was born on 20th
December 1953 in Mysore. But the time of birth is not given.
His Time of Birth is rectified as shown in the book Easy Way to Learn KP Rectification of
Birth Time written by Shri. Kanak Kumar Bosmia ji, the editor of K.P.Ezine astrological
magazine (Page No.240Example 2). It is as follows:-
Name:- Srikanthdatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar
DOB:- 20th December 1953; TOB:-Not given in Wikipedia; POB:-Mysore

DOJ:-01-07-2017; Saturday;
TOJ:-08-27-23 PM;
POJ:-Pleasanton, (CA)
Lagna RPs:-Jupiter-Venus-Moon-Moon;
Moon RPs:-Mercury-Mars-Saturn-Moon;
Day lord:-Saturn;
Note:-Moon is in the sub of Saturn. So Punarphoo is seen in the RPs chart.
Rahu is aspected by Saturn which is in the 4 RPs of Moon, and it is in the sub of Venus
which is among the total 9 RPs. So, Rahu is to be included among the RPs of Moon. As Ketu
is in his own sub, which is not seen in the total 9 RPs, it is unqualified for inclusion as an
additional RP.
Total Moon RPs are Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu.
Total Lagna RPs are Jupiter, Venus, Moon, and Moon.

Consider the time from 12-00-00 AM to 11-59-59 PM.

In first step, we have to check up Moons position at birth with the help of Lagna RPs at the
time of judgment.

KP Ezine September 2017 20

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India
Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 12:00:00 AM End Time: 11:59:59 PM
Transition Information for Moon
12:00:00 AM Ma Ve
01:36:10 AM Ma Su
We have Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Moon as Lagna RPs. As Venus is seen among Moon Rps,
it is selected as Moon Star lord.

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 12:00:00 AM End Time: 01:36:10 AM
Transition Information for Moon
12:00:00 AM Ma Ve Me
12:13:30 AM Ma Ve Ke
01:36:10 AM Ma Su Su
We have Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Moon as Lagna RPs. Here Mercury and Ketu are seen as
sub lords in Venus star. None of them are seen among the Lagna RPs. So we need not go
further and we must stop here.
Next step is we have to find the lagna at birth with the help of Moon RPs by taking the time
range between 12-00-00 AM to 01-36-10 AM.

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 12:00:00 AM End Time: 01:36:10 AM
Transition Information for Lagna
12:00:00 AM Ve Ju
12:19:55 AM Ma Sa
01:18:17 AM Ma Me
We have Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu as Moons RPs. Here Venus and Mars are
seen as sign lords in the transition table. Among these two, Mars is seen in the RPs of
Moon. So, it is selected as Sign lord of Lagna. In it, Saturn and Mercury are seen in the
transition table. Both are also seen in the RPs of Moon. Due to Punarphoo, Mercury is se-
lected as the sub lord of lagna.

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 01:18:17 AM End Time: 01:36:10 AM
Transition Information for Lagna
01:18:17 AM Ma Me Me
01:26:36 AM Ma Me Ke
01:30:02 AM Ma Me Ve
We have Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. Mercury, Ketu and Venus
have appeared in the lagna transition table. But, only Mercury is seen in the Moons RPs.
So, it is to be selected as lagna Sub lord.

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 01:18:17 AM End Time: 01:26:36 AM
Transition Information for Lagna
01:18:17 AM Ma Me Me Me
01:19:27 AM Ma Me Me Ke
01:19:57 AM Ma Me Me Ve
01:21:20 AM Ma Me Me Su
01:21:45 AM Ma Me Me Mo
01:22:26 AM Ma Me Me Ma

KP Ezine September 2017 21

01:22:55 AM Ma Me Me Ra
01:24:10 AM Ma Me Me Ju
01:25:17 AM Ma Me Me Sa
01:26:36 AM Ma Me Ke Ke
We have Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. Due to punarphoo, Saturn
is selected as the last one. It has appeared as a common planet both in Moons RPs and the
Lagna transition information table.

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 01:25:17 AM End Time: 01:26:36 AM
Transition Information for Lagna
01:25:17 AM Ma Me Me Sa Sa
01:25:29 AM Ma Me Me Sa Me
01:25:41 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ke
01:25:45 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ve
01:25:58 AM Ma Me Me Sa Su
01:26:02 AM Ma Me Me Sa Mo
01:26:09 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ma
01:26:14 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra
01:26:25 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ju
01:26:36 AM Ma Me Ke Ke Ke
We have Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. Due to Punarphoo, Rahu is
selected as the last one

Location: MYSORE, KARNATAKA, India

Date: 20/Feb/1953
Start Time: 01:26:14 AM End Time: 01:26:25 AM
Transition Information for Lagna
01:26:14 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Ra
01:26:15 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Ju
01:26:17 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Sa
01:26:19 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Me
01:26:20 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Ke
01:26:21 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Ve
01:26:23 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Su
01:26:24 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ra Mo
01:26:25 AM Ma Me Me Sa Ju Ju
We have Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Moon and Rahu as Moon RPs. The left over planet in
Moons RPs is only Moon. It is to be selected now. Due to Punarphoo Moon is selected as the
last one.
Astrologically corrected birth time is 1-26-24 AM on 20-02-1953 at Mysore.

K.P.Rule:- The Ruling Planets at the time of judgment correspond or agree or tally
(i) the ruling planets at the birth; or
(ii) the Sign lord, Star lord, Sub lord and Sub-sub lord of the Ascendant at the birth.
The Sign lord, Star lord, Sub lord and Sub-sub lord of the Ascendant at birth are found
either in the star or sub of the ruling planet or planets at the time of judgment.
Date of Birth:-20-12-1953; Friday;
Time of Birth:-01-26-24 AM IST (corrected birth time as shown above);
Place of Birth:- Mysore, Karnataka, India;
Ruling Planets at the birth:-
Ascendant Starlord:-Mercury;
Ascendant Signlord:-Mars;
Moon Starlord:-Venus;

KP Ezine September 2017 22

Moon Signlord:- Mars;
Ruling Planets at the time of birth are Mercury, Mars and Venus.

Date of Judgment:-01-07-2017; Saturday;

Time of judgment:-08-27-23 PM PST;
Place of judgment:-Pleasanton, (CA), USA;
Ruling Planets at the time of judgment:-
Ascendant Starlord:-Venus;
Ascendant Signlord:-Jupiter;
Moon Starlord:-Mars;
Moon Signlord:-Mercury;
Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn.

1) The ruling planets at birth Venus, Mars and Mercury are tallied with the ruling planets
at the time of judgment.
2) Ascendant at birth is Scorpio (18-30-45):-Mars/Mercury/Mercury/Saturn as Sign/Star/
Sub/Sub-Sub lord. All these agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment.
Hence, it is proved that the corrected birth time (01-26-24 AM) is 100% correct.
When Sun (Atmakaraka) or Jupiter (Putrakaraka) or Venus (Kamakaraka) appear as the 9th
cusp star lord or sub lord, then the erected birth chart is a correct one.
In this natal chart, Jupiter and Venus appear as the 9th cuspal star and sub lords respec-
tively. So, it is once again proved that the birth time as corrected is indeed 100% correct.

It is learnt through Wikipedia, that this native had no progeny at all. Let us check it
through our K.P. astrology.

NO PROGENY-WHY? :- In the natal chart of this native, 11th CSL Sun+ (3-10) is in the star
and sub of Rahu (3). Sun has no planets in his stars and also holds the cuspal sub lordship
of the 11th cusp. So, Sun became a self-strong significator for the 11th cusp. 2-5-11 are the
required houses for progeny. As per the signification of the 11th cusp, this native must have
progeny. But he had no progeny. It should be justified. How?
Sun, being the 11th CSL, is in the star and sub of Rahu. Firstly, Rahu is not conjoined with
any planets. Secondly, he is not aspected by any planet. Thirdly, he is in the star of Moon
who is the lord of 9th (badhaka). The 11th CSL, Sun, through Rahu, is connected to the
bhadhakasthana lord, Moon. So, it is confirmed that there is no progeny for this native.
Through Wikipedia it is learnt that he died by Cardiac arrest on 10-12-2013:-during the
conjoint period of Saturn/Mercury/Venus/Moon as D/B/A/S respectively.

Tallying of Death with the D/B/A/S :- Dasanatha Saturn is the cuspal sub lord of the 12th
cusp. His aspects are on the 2nd (Marakasthana), 6th (disease)-Moon (Badhakalord) and 9th
(Badhakasthana). Thus, Saturn, the dasanatha is well connected with maraka-
badhakasthanas and their lords.
Bhukthinatha, Mercury, is the cuspal sub lord of the 7th (Maraka) and 9th (Badhaka). Be-
sides that, he is in the star of Jupiter who is the lord of the 2nd (maraka).
Anthranatha, Venus, signifies the 12th (Mokshasthana) and 7th (maraka).
Sookshmanatha, Moon, is the occupant of the 6th (disease), 7th (Maraka), 12th (moksha) and
9th (badhaka).

Thus, as explained above, all the D/B/A/S are well signifying Maraka, Badhaka and Mok-
shasthanas. His date of death is also tallied well.

KP Ezine September 2017 23

Study of Fatal Automobile Accidents
By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace
No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

One of my Grand Daughters met with a Rail Road Accident on the 24th July 2017, just after pub-
lishing my article written on Automobile Accident in the July issue of KPEZine. Although I am not
so with happy mood and buoyancy to write this article, it is a must for me to discuss this matter as a
mark of honor to my KP Guru Dev and for the wellbeing of the new comers as well as followers to
have a good experimental understanding on the subject.

On the 24th, my grand daughter was rushing to her class teacher's funeral, together with her class-
mates. The funeral house was at the side of the rail road and far away from the bus route and the
easiest way to reach the place is crossing the rail road by walking on the track side for about 2km.
While the group of students were walking down, a train was passing the group and this daughter
had not enough time to step into the slope and knocked with the train and was thrown away to the
near by paddy field by damaging her head, left leg and buttock. Fortunately she had been taken to
the hospital within one hour and sudden surgery has been done.

Birth Detail
Name: Nikini, Female, Date: Sunday, 27/Aug/2000, Time: 06:15:17 PM.(DST +30 Mnts) SID:
15:59:50, Place: Wathupitiwela Hospital, Western Province, Sri Lanka, Lat: 07:07:00 N, Lon:
80:06:00 E, Ayanamsa: 2346' 33", Lagna: Aquarius, Star: Pushyami Pada 4, Bal. Dasa: Saturn 03
Y, 05 M, 22 D.

Indications of Accident
Her Lagna lord Saturn is the lord of 12(confinement on bed or hospitalization) and in the star of
Sun being the owner of 7 in 7 (Maraka) and in the sub of Mercury lord of 5 (Good Health/Life
saving) & 8 (Serious illness, Accident, Suicide, Danger to life)in 7 (Maraka). Also Saturn aspects
6th cusp. Thus Lagna lord is an indicator of Accidents.

Lagna Sub Kethu in 11 (Recovery/Good Health) is in the star of above said Sun and in the sub of
Mars+. Star lord Sun being the lord of 7 is in 7 (Maraka). Sub Lord Mars+ being the lord of 3
(short journey) & 10 and sub of 11 (Recovery/Good Health), with no planets in its stars, in 6
(Diseases/Injuries), Mars+ is in the star of Mercury lord of 8 (Accidents) and 5 (Good Health) in 7
(Maraka). The sub lord of Mars+ is Moon the lord of 6 in 6. Kethu is aspected by none and repre-
sents its sign lord Jupiter the lord of 2 & 11 in 4. Jupiter aspects 8 (Serious illness, Accident,
Suicide, Danger to life) and 12 (confinement on bed or hospitalization). Thus Lagna sub lord is an
indicator of Accidents as well as life saving significator.

The significators of Ascendants are Sun, Moon, Mars+, Mercury and Saturn.
Sun is in the sub of Saturn, a significator of 8.
Moon is in the sub of Rahu+, a significator of 8.
Mars is in the sub of Moon, a significator of 8.
Saturn is in the sub of Moon, a significator of 8.
Thus all the Lagna Bhawa significators are connected with 8, the house of accident and the na-
tive is prone to meet accidents. (KP Reader V, p 144/ 1971 edition p 138)

The 3rd house for short travels is under the rule of Mars, Kethu and Jupiter as Sign, Star and
Sub lord respectively. Sign lord Mars+ is a significator for 6, and 8 indicating accidents. (Outer
planet Uranus, in the star of Mars is connected with Rahu, a significator of 8 and Badhaka
house 9). Star lord Kethu is a significator for 7 (Maraka) and 11 (Recovery) as discussed above.
Jupiter lord of 2 (Maraka) and 11 (Rcovery) is deposited in the 4th, in a star owned by Moon, the
lord of 6 diseases. Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn lord of Lagna and 12 (Hospitalization) in 4.

KP Ezine September 2017 24

Nikini Amanada
Sun Rise: 06:32:49 AM Sun Set: 06:49:12 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Variyan Hora: Saturn Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Ra Su
2 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Su Ju
3 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Mo Me
Ruling Planets - 07/Sep/2017 12:26:04 PM 4 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Mo Mo
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Sa Me
6 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Me Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Sa Me
Lagna Ma Sa Mo Sa Su 8 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ra Ra
Moon Ju Ju Ra Mo Sa 9 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Sa Sa
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ve Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Me Ra
12 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Me
II 11:06:10:35 XII 09:02:21:22
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 10:02:18:28 Su Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ma Ra
Sa 01:06:58:26 Mo Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ve
Ke 08:28:36:28
III 00:08:54:25 12 10 XI 08:05:14:12 Ma Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Ve Sa
1 9 Me P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Me Sa
Ju Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Sa Sa
Ve U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Me Me
Sa Krittika(4) Ve Su Me Sa Ju
IV 01:08:16:23 X 07:08:16:23 Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Me Sa
Ju 01:15:42:44
Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Ju Ju
2 8 Significators - Planets View
5 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 7 7
Mo 4 6 1, 12 6
Me 04:16:03:51 Ma+ 7 6 5, 8 3, 10
V 02:05:14:12 Su 04:10:44:41 IX 06:08:54:25 Me 7 7 4, 9 5, 8
Ra 02:28:36:28 VII 04:02:18:28 Ju 6 4 6 2, 11
3 Ve 05:01:45:24 7 Ve 7 7 7 4, 9
4 6 Sa 7 4 7 1, 12
Ra+ 4 5 2, 11
VI 03:02:21:22 VIII 05:06:10:35 Ke 7 11 7
Mo 03:14:13:30
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 03:23:13:11 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

III 08:54:25 Sa 06:58:26 V 05:14:12 Dasa Summary

IV 08:16:23 Ra 28:36:28
Ju 15:42:44 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
20-Feb-1985 - 20-Feb-2004 20-Feb-2004 - 20-Feb-2021 20-Feb-2021 - 20-Feb-2028
Saturn 20-Feb-1985 Mercury 20-Feb-2004 Ketu 20-Feb-2021
Mercury 23-Feb-1988 Ketu 19-Jul-2006 Venus 19-Jul-2021
Ketu 02-Nov-1990 Venus 16-Jul-2007 Sun 18-Sep-2022
II 06:10:35 Venus 12-Dec-1991 Sun 16-May-2010 Moon 24-Jan-2023
Name: Nikini Amanada VI 02:21:22 Sun 11-Feb-1995 Moon 23-Mar-2011 Mars 25-Aug-2023
Gender: Female Mo 14:13:30 Moon 24-Jan-1996 Mars 22-Aug-2012 Rahu 21-Jan-2024
Date: Sunday, 27/Aug/2000 Ma 23:13:11 Mars 25-Aug-1997 Rahu 19-Aug-2013 Jupiter 08-Feb-2025
Rahu 04-Oct-1998 Jupiter 07-Mar-2016 Saturn 15-Jan-2026
Time: 06:15:17 PM SID: 15:59:50 Jupiter 10-Aug-2001 Saturn 13-Jun-2018 Mercury 24-Feb-2027
Lat: 07:07:00 N Lon: 80:06:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
TZ: +06:00 DST: 0.00 20-Feb-2028 - 20-Feb-2048 20-Feb-2048 - 20-Feb-2054 20-Feb-2054 - 20-Feb-2064
Place: Wathupitiwela Hospital, Western, Sri Venus 20-Feb-2028 Sun 20-Feb-2048 Moon 20-Feb-2054
I 02:18:28 Lanka Sun 21-Jun-2031 Moon 08-Jun-2048 Mars 21-Dec-2054
VII 02:18:28 Moon 21-Jun-2032 Mars 08-Dec-2048 Rahu 22-Jul-2055
Ayanamsa: 23 46' 33" Su 10:44:41 Mars 20-Feb-2034 Rahu 15-Apr-2049 Jupiter 21-Jan-2057
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Me 16:03:51 Rahu 22-Apr-2035 Jupiter 09-Mar-2050 Saturn 23-May-2058
Star: Pushyami, Pada 4 Jupiter 22-Apr-2038 Saturn 27-Dec-2050 Mercury 22-Dec-2059
Star Lord: Saturn Saturn 21-Dec-2040 Mercury 09-Dec-2051 Ketu 23-May-2061
Mercury 20-Feb-2044 Ketu 14-Oct-2052 Venus 22-Dec-2061
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn
Ketu 22-Dec-2046 Venus 19-Feb-2053 Sun 22-Aug-2063
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
XII 02:21:22 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 3 Y, 5 M, 22 D 20-Feb-2064 - 20-Feb-2071 20-Feb-2071 - 20-Feb-2089 20-Feb-2089 - 20-Feb-2105
Ve 01:45:24 Mars 20-Feb-2064 Rahu 20-Feb-2071 Jupiter 20-Feb-2089
VIII 06:10:35 Rahu 18-Jul-2064 Jupiter 02-Nov-2073 Saturn 09-Apr-2091
Jupiter 05-Aug-2065 Saturn 27-Mar-2076 Mercury 21-Oct-2093
Saturn 12-Jul-2066 Mercury 01-Feb-2079 Ketu 27-Jan-2096
Mercury 21-Aug-2067 Ketu 21-Aug-2081 Venus 02-Jan-2097
Ketu 17-Aug-2068 Venus 08-Sep-2082 Sun 02-Sep-2099
Venus 13-Jan-2069 Sun 08-Sep-2085 Moon 21-Jun-2100
Ke 28:36:28 Sun 15-Mar-2070 Moon 03-Aug-2086 Mars 21-Oct-2101
XI 05:14:12 X 08:16:23 IX 08:54:25 Moon 21-Jul-2070 Mars 02-Feb-2088 Rahu 27-Sep-2102
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine September 2017 25
Thus all the co-rulers of the house of short journey are afflicted and prone to accidents while in
walking or short travel. Sub lord Jupiter have no hesitation to take this native to hospital with
severe wounds while saving her life with 11th cusp.

8th, the house of Longevity is occupied by none. Its star is Sun. Venus, Saturn and Kethu are in
the constellation of Sun. Also Saturn is in the sub of Mercury the lord and sub lord of 8th cusp.
Hence Sun, Venus and Saturn are threatening planets to the life of the native.
The 8th cuspal sub lord Mercury is the lord of 8th and in the star of Venus the lord of 4 and 9
(Badhaka), in 7th cusp, but in the closer orb of 8th.

The 6th(Diseases) Sub Lord Rahu+, with no planets in its star is tenanted in the 5th (Recovery),
in the star of Jupiter the lord of 11 (Free of diseases/Recovery) and 2 (Maraka) in 4(Terminal) and
in the sub of Venus the lord of 9 (Badhaka) and 4. Venus is in the star of above said Sun, a
strong significator of maraka and in the sub of above said Jupiter.
Rahu is representative for its sign lord Mercury, the lord of 5 (Recovery) and 8 (Accident) in 7
Maraka house. Mercury plays the role of star lord for Mars (8- Accident)and sub lord for Saturn
If 6th sub lord is connected with Mars, disease is acute, sudden and painful and cause operations
(Horoscope and diseases by Sri C.R.Bhatt)

Accordingly, this native is susceptible to meet with an accident, hospitalization and surgery by satis-
fying most of the KP rules as discussed above.

Since this is a Railroad Accident, met while walking a short distance, the 3rd house (short journey)
significators should complete the rule. No planets occupied in the 3rd cusp and the lord of which is
Mars+, also the lord of 10 in 6. Mars+ is in the star of Mercury lord of 5 and 8 in 7. It is in the sub of
Moon lord of 6, in the star of Saturn lord of 1, 12 in 3 and in the sub of Rahu in 5 representing Mer-
cury for 8.

What's the KP rule say: - If the significator of 3rd house for short journey and the significator of 9th
house for a long journey happen to be the significator of houses 6 and 8 one will meet with an accident.
The injury will need hospitalization if it is also the significator of 12th house. Danger and death are de-
noted by the sub lord of the cusp of the 8th house. (KP Reader III, pp 171, 422)

Now we have to pin point the astrological reason for accident by rail (Train). At the time of the acci-
dent, the native was not a passenger of the train, but she was walking by the side of the rail track as
a pedestrian. The house concern is 3rd. In the natural zodiac, third house Gemini is under the rule
of Mercury. The natal Mercury is the lord and sub lord of the 8th cusp, the house of accident and 5th
for life saving. Third house is occupied by none and the lord of which Mars is in the 6th Cancer sign
that is the debilitated house for Mars. The outer planet Uranus is in the constellation of Mars and
tenanted in the 12th. Uranus is in the sub of Rahu in 5 (Life Saving) and Rahu represents 8th cusp
(accidents) by way of its sign lord Mercury.

Uranus is the ruler of all Rail matters and denotes strange and unexpected injuries and accidents. In
addition Mercury, lord of Gemini and 3rd house rules the railway matters. (The Rulership by Rex E.
Uranus is said to especially rule Railroads. (Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology)
According to the rules of Medical Astrology, the Moon plays a vital role for Accidents, Injury, Misfor-
tune on short journeys, Rail Roads, Vehicle and Inland travels, if Moon in the 3rd house at birth con-
joined or evil aspects by any of the malefic planets and especially Uranus. (Encyclopedia of Medical
Astrology by Dr. H.L. Cornell M.D; D.A.)

Here in this birth map Moon is not in the 3rd house, but it is aspected by Moon and Moon is opposite
to Uranus, which is similar to the rule above.

As per Medical Astrology, the causative planets for Automobile Accidents are Uranus or Mars in the
third house.

Mars the Lord of the 3rd cusp of the natal chart is in the constellation of Mercury that is the lord of
Gemini, the 3rd sign of the natural zodiac. Here Mercury is an indicator of accident by owning the
8th lordship as well as its sub lordship.

KP Ezine September 2017 26

DBAS analyzing
On the day of accident this native was under the DBAS of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
In the natal chart, Mercury, the lord of Recovery/Life Saving (5) and Accident (8), located in the 7th
(Maraka) was transiting in the same 7th house, in conjunction with Rahu in a star of Kethu that was
transiting over the Lagna cusp. At the time of the accident Mercury was travelling over the Sub of
Moon in natal 6, that is similar to the natal position of Moon. Also Mercury was aspected by Saturn
the Lagna lord who was a significator for 1,12,4, 7.
Bukthi lord Jupiter, lord of 2 and 11 of natal chart was transiting in the 8th (accident) with no plan-
ets in its stars, over the star of above said Moon and in the sub of Venus the natal badhakastha-
nadhipathi. Jupiter was aspecting by natal Badhaka Venus (7-7-7-4,9) from 4th and Lagna lord Sat-
urn (7-4-7-1,12)
Anthar Lord Venus, the natal badhakapathi was transiting over the star Mars in 6th, by indicating
the similarity of the natal chart. Also this Mars was in conjunction with Sun the lord of 7 (Maraka) at
the time of accident. Sub of Venus at this time was above said Jupiter. Venus was under the aspect
of Shookshama Lord Saturn and Venus was aspecting natal 8th and 12th.
Shooksma lord Saturn being the natal significator for 7-4-7-1,12 was transiting in its owned sub ar-
ea posited in the sign of Mars, Scorpio in a star of Dasa Lord Mercury in 7, the lord of 8. Venus was
aspected by natal Natal badhakapathi Venus.
Luminary Moon was transiting in its owned sign Cancer in natal 6th over the star and sub of Dasa
Lord Mercury by making a detrimental combination of 6 and 8. Saturn was opposite to Anthar lord
Venus that is the natal badhaka lord.
Being the natal 7 Maraka lord, Sun is transiting in the sign of Cancer, where the natal 6 (Injuries) is
and over the star of Shooksma lord Saturn that is the natal lagna and 12th lord.
Uranus - Ruler of Railroad matters
As mentioned above the karaka planet for automobile accidents, Uranus was transiting over the na-
tal 3rd cusp, Aries sign owned by Mars the karaka planet for any type of accident. At the time of acci-
dent, Uranus was transiting over the star of Kethu and sub of Moon. In the natal chart star Kethu
was in lagna cusp representing Saturn and signifying 6, 8, 12.
"Automobile death or Injury - Uranus or Mars in the third house and afflicting the Sun, Moon,
Ascendant or Hyleg, and especially if Uranus is here. However any malefic in this house may
cause accidents in vehicles of any kind as carriages in automobiles or on rail-
roads." (Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L. Cornell M.D; D.A.)
Furthermore let's see the individual significations of nine planets as below to understand the vehe-
mence of planets by associating detrimental houses to give karmic influence to this little girl.
Sun - 6, 7, 12 (8) Moon - 6,7,8 Mars - 3,6,12(9)

Mercury - 7, 8(6) Jupiter - 6, 8 (9) Venus - 6, 9 (8)

Saturn - 7,8,12 Rahu - 7 (6,12 Sun) (8 Mercury) (8,12,Saturn)
Kethu - 6 (12 Mars) (7, 8 Mercury) (7,8,12 Saturn)

However some natal planets branded as evil makers have indicated enough merits to save the life of
this little girl by signifying life saving cusps 1, 5 & 11 for cure.

For cure Sri C.V.Bhatt says in his Horoscopes and diseases, "If the sub lord of the 6th or 8th or
12th or 11th cusp be the significator of 1, 5 or 11 disease is cured or the native is saved
from any danger or otherwise, during the joint period of the significators of 1, 5 and 11."
In the birth map 6th sub lord Rahu is in 5th. The 8th Sub lord Mercury is a sigificator for 1 by way of
its sub Sun. 12th sub Jupiter is a significator 1 & 11, while 11th sub Mars signifying 1 by way of its
sub Moon and by its own aspect and by aspecting of Lagna Lord Saturn.

Current Dasa Lord Mercury and Bukthi lord Jupiter till 13 June 2018, are amongst the significators
of 1, 5 and 11 and we hope this grand daughter will be back to good health during this period.
I kindly request you all to pray for my grand daughter's early recovery!
My gracious Namaskar to my KP Guru Sri Tin Win ji,
and Sri S K Krishnamurti Guruji

KP Ezine September 2017 27

Unnatural, sudden, violent and mysterious death of
late Y.S. Rajasekhar
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

In the field of astrology, the natal chart plays a wonderful and pivotal role in divulging wonderful se-
crets of the native and his life. And I feel eighth in combination with houses 6 and 12, lagna, badha-
ka and maraka houses, give crucial clues regarding the nature of one's death.

I feel writing about the 8 th house is not an easy task and I say, I am venturing to write on such a stu-
pendous topic of a most controversial nature, as it deals with many primary instincts and urges of
the native such as sex, other peoples money, sudden gains, inheritances, taxes, debts, loss, acci-
dents and, finally, death. I feel it is a house pregnant with many secrets.

With this background on the 8th house, I would like to present a natal chart of late Sri YSR Reddy
whose birth details are furnished here under (the chart is attached)-
Name- YSR Reddy. DOB-8-july1949/ Time of birth- 10-00-03 P.M @ Pulivendla, A.P.

Traditional astrology says Saturn is the ruler of this house. Saturn in his home territory can act as a
karmic cop. If weve been evading our responsibilitiesmaterial or metaphysical, he will bust us.
Saturn in the 8th house is the executor. What is hidden will be flushed to the surfaceeven if that
is your own lost self.

The 8th is the house of death. It might seem paradoxical that in this house we can renew our life, yet
there is a connection. According to the Buddhists, nothing gets our spiritual priorities straighter than
death. Acknowledging death can be a powerful means for moving us into present time. Almost uni-
versally, those who've suffered near-death experiences report that it blessed them with a keener
sense of life. This can be better understood if one reads a famous book called "Many Masters and
Many Lives" by Brian L.Weiss- a great Psychiatrist.

Most of the traditional astrologers disagree on death's importance to this house. As the spokesman
for the traditional view, John Frawley argues otherwise: In any astrology that purports to say any-
thing of concrete and verifiable accuracy, the eighth is the house of death. This is not death in any
poetic or metaphorical sense, as some modern authorities claim. This is death in the very real sense
of someone no longer being alive.

Frawley suggests that modern astrologers are fastidious about giving their clients anything but hap-
py news. To locate the time of death, Frawley suggests looking carefully at the 8th house cusp and
ruler, also the condition of the 8th in the solar and lunar returns. Its true that most modern astrolo-
gers havent developed this technique. Rarely does Timing of Death appear on conference sched-

This can be disagreed to some extent by KP followers if one reads the second reader of Sri Late K.S.
Krishnamurthi, an astrology wizard of the 20 th century, wherein he says-(see Pages 298-302)
(quote)when eighth house is occupied by the lord of lagna or the planet in the 8 th happens to be pos-
ited in the constellation of the lagna lord, or the lord of the 8 th is in conjunction with the lord of la-
gna, the indication is that the native himself will be the cause of his own death." And continues to
say" if the 3 rd house alone is connected, the death may happen during travel in a nearby locality. If
the 12th house is connected, death may take place in an unknown place. If connected to the 9 th
house in any manner, it is likely that the native may die in a far-off place or while going on a long

He further adds that if Uranus is connected with the 8 th house in any manner, it may indicate
strange and sudden death, death caused by a sudden explosion. Neptune indicates a mysterious
death, death after being in a state of coma or unconsciousness, or due to an over dosage of drugs or
allergy etc. If it is connected with a watery sign, it may be by drowning, if with an airy house it may
be due to an air crash. If Mars is connected with the 8 th and fiery sign at birth and is the significator

KP Ezine September 2017 28

Sun Rise: 05:53:48 AM Sun Set: 06:49:57 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Brahma Hora: Moon Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Me Me
2 Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Sa Ra
3 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Ve Sa
Ruling Planets - 11/Jul/2017 10:49:47 AM 4 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ke Me Su
6 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Ra Ju Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Me Me
Lagna Me Su Sa Ve Mo 8 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Mo Me
Moon Sa Mo Me Ke Ra 9 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Su Ra
Day Lord: Mars 10 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Ve Ra Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Su Me Sa
12 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ve Mo
II 21:03:32 XII 13:15:50
Ra 28:23:10 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 15:07:22 Su Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Mo Sa
III 22:54:42 Mo Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Me Ve
XI 16:04:06
12 10 Ju[R] 05:40:45 Ma Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ve Ve
1 9 Me Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Me Ve
Ju[R] U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ve Ju
Ve Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ju Ra
Sa Magha(3) Su Ke Sa Ke Ve
Me 04:33:11 X 20:22:29 Ra Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Me Ma
IV 20:22:29 Mo 02:39:50
Ke Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Me Ma
Ma 27:01:22 11
2 8 Significators - Planets View
5 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 5 2, 11 7
Mo+ 8 10 6
VII 15:07:22 Ma 4 4 3, 10 3, 10
V 16:04:06 IX 22:54:42 Me 4 4 3, 10 5, 8
Su 23:05:19 Ju 5 11 7 2, 11
3 7 Ve+ 6 6 1, 12 4, 9
4 6 Sa 8 6 1, 12
Ra+ 4 2 5, 8
Sa 09:58:39 Ke 28:23:10 Ke 4 8 3, 10
VI 13:15:50 VIII 21:03:32
Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ve 15:06:21
Ketu acts as agent for: Me, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

III 22:54:42 IV 20:22:29 Me 04:33:11 Dasa Summary

Ma 27:01:22 V 16:04:06
Su 23:05:19 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
15-Feb-1948 - 15-Feb-1955 15-Feb-1955 - 15-Feb-1975 15-Feb-1975 - 15-Feb-1981
Ketu 15-Feb-1948 Venus 15-Feb-1955 Sun 15-Feb-1975
Venus 13-Jul-1948 Sun 17-Jun-1958 Moon 05-Jun-1975
Ra 28:23:10 Sun 12-Sep-1949 Moon 17-Jun-1959 Mars 04-Dec-1975
II 21:03:32 Moon 18-Jan-1950 Mars 15-Feb-1961 Rahu 10-Apr-1976
Name: YSR REDDY VI 13:15:50 Mars 19-Aug-1950 Rahu 17-Apr-1962 Jupiter 05-Mar-1977
Gender: Male Ve 15:06:21 Rahu 15-Jan-1951 Jupiter 17-Apr-1965 Saturn 22-Dec-1977
Date: Friday, 08/Jul/1949 Jupiter 03-Feb-1952 Saturn 17-Dec-1967 Mercury 04-Dec-1978
Saturn 08-Jan-1953 Mercury 16-Feb-1971 Ketu 11-Oct-1979
Time: 10:00:03 PM SID: 16:48:09 Mercury 17-Feb-1954 Ketu 17-Dec-1973 Venus 15-Feb-1980
Lat: 14:25:00 N Lon: 78:14:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
Place: PULIVENDLA, ANDHRA 15-Feb-1981 - 15-Feb-1991 15-Feb-1991 - 15-Feb-1998 15-Feb-1998 - 15-Feb-2016
Moon 15-Feb-1981 Mars 15-Feb-1991 Rahu 15-Feb-1998
I 15:07:22 Mars 17-Dec-1981 Rahu 14-Jul-1991 Jupiter 28-Oct-2000
Ayanamsa: 23 3' 44" Sa 09:58:39 Rahu 18-Jul-1982 Jupiter 02-Aug-1992 Saturn 23-Mar-2003
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus VII 15:07:22 Jupiter 16-Jan-1984 Saturn 09-Jul-1993 Mercury 27-Jan-2006
Star: Moola, Pada 1 Saturn 18-May-1985 Mercury 17-Aug-1994 Ketu 15-Aug-2008
Star Lord: Ketu Mercury 17-Dec-1986 Ketu 14-Aug-1995 Venus 03-Sep-2009
Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Ketu 17-May-1988 Venus 10-Jan-1996 Sun 03-Sep-2012
Venus 16-Dec-1988 Sun 12-Mar-1997 Moon 28-Jul-2013
Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn
Sun 17-Aug-1990 Moon 18-Jul-1997 Mars 27-Jan-2015
XII 13:15:50 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Ju[R] 05:40:45 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 5 Y, 7 M, 6 D 15-Feb-2016 - 15-Feb-2032 15-Feb-2032 - 15-Feb-2051 15-Feb-2051 - 15-Feb-2068
VIII 21:03:32 Jupiter 15-Feb-2016 Saturn 15-Feb-2032 Mercury 15-Feb-2051
Ke 28:23:10 Saturn 05-Apr-2018 Mercury 18-Feb-2035 Ketu 14-Jul-2053
Mercury 17-Oct-2020 Ketu 29-Oct-2037 Venus 12-Jul-2054
Ketu 22-Jan-2023 Venus 07-Dec-2038 Sun 12-May-2057
Venus 29-Dec-2023 Sun 06-Feb-2042 Moon 18-Mar-2058
Sun 30-Aug-2026 Moon 19-Jan-2043 Mars 18-Aug-2059
Moon 18-Jun-2027 Mars 19-Aug-2044 Rahu 14-Aug-2060
XI 16:04:06 Mars 18-Oct-2028 Rahu 28-Sep-2045 Jupiter 03-Mar-2063
Mo 02:39:50 X 20:22:29 IX 22:54:42 Rahu 23-Sep-2029 Jupiter 04-Aug-2048 Saturn 08-Jun-2065
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine September 2017 29
of death, then death may be by fire or violence, or by mechanical instruments.

Death in Mysterious circumstances by copter crash

Analysis of the natal chart--
Ascendant cusp
THE Asc. Cusp sub lord is Ketu who is a mysterious planet. Ketu itself is a mysterious planet and is
conjoined with Neptune. It is placed in the 8 th cusp (Virgo sign-6th in the natural zodiac).

Ketu is in the star of Mars, lord of 3 rd , -short travel, and 10th karma sthana, placed in the 4th cusp-
-terminal house. It is in Saturn sub lord of houses 1-native and 2-marakasthana placed in the 6 th
cusp serious injury (in Leo sign).

Ketu represents Mercury, lord of houses 5 and 8 placed in Gemini- an airy sign- as Lord of the 8 th
indicating accidental death.

Thus, Ketu signifies houses 1,4,8,10 at its star lord level and houses 1 and 6 at its sub lord level
which confirms that the native is destined to have an accidental death and that, too, by air crash. It
will also be mysterious in nature.

Apart from these indications, the Asc sub lord indicates that the native has only medium longevity
(within the age group of 60-70 years).

EIGHT HOUSE( virgo-21:03:32)--

At the time death, it was Ketu bhukthi in Rahu dasa-from 29/01/2004 to 30/3/2014 was running.
Ketu is placed in the 8th house in Mars star Mars is the lord of houses 4 and 10- terminal house
and experiencing the past karma. Ketu is in Saturn sub --lord of houses 1 and 12 placed in the 6 th
cusp - 7th houseserious injury and maraka house. This Saturn is again in Ketu star connected to
houses 1 and 8,7 houses.

Asc sub lord Ketu signifies houses 1 & 4 as sub lord, 1- native, 4- terminal house, 8-accidents, end
of life, seriousness for life, and mysterious in nature also, and 10- karma sthana at its star level.
And at its sub-level, it signifies houses 1,6 and 12.
The star of Ketu is MARS which aspects Saturn lagna Lord and 12 th Lord- which is placed in the 4th

The 8th cusp sub lord, Venus +, signifies (as badhaka lord _9th for Kumbha lagna) in the 6 th and
strongly signifies the 6 th- serious injury by accident, Houses 1- native, 4- terminal house, 9th
badhaka sthana physical suffering and 12- end of life at its tar level and house 2 at its sub lord
level- maraka sthana.
This signification clearly indicates that this native died by serious and mysterious accident only. This
Venus is the lord of Libra, 9TH HOUSE an airy house indicates air crashby copter.

Jupiter as maraka sthana lord (2nd) aspects the 6th cusp and 8th cusp also added strength to the
most serious and injurious death.

8th cusp falls in VIRGO (21;03;32)--Mercury signMoon star-venus sub.

The sign lord Mercury is the lord of airy sign and earthy sign, so it indicated air crash and fall of it
on land.

Star Lord Moon, lord of the 6th, gave a grave and serious injury by accident.
The sub lord Venus +, lord of houses 4 and 9terminal and badhaka Lord in the 6th gave an ugly
accident and grave injury.

Jupiter aspects the 8th house as maraka Lord in the 6th causing death by physical injury.

12th cusp falls in CAPRICORN(13-15-50)

12 cusp sub lord, Rahu, is placed in the 2nd-marakasthana. Rahu itself is a first class malefic influ-
encing death. Rahu is in Mercury, the star lord of houses 5 and 8 indicating the exit of life by acci-
dental ways, placed in the 4th-terminal house. This Mercury is conjoined with Uranus- indicating
sudden, explosive, spasmodic and unexpected ways of exit of life. The connection of the 5th house
with Uranus in combination with Mercury (lord of the 8th and 4th)lord of Gemini- an airy sign indi-
cates the nature of air crash, explosion and ghastly death of the native.

KP Ezine September 2017 30

Death Day of Sri YSR Redd
Sun Rise: 06:02:42 AM Sun Set: 06:28:05 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Venus Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ra Ve
2 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ma Ju Sa
3 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Ra Ve
Ruling Planets - 07/Sep/2017 12:33:28 PM 4 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ve Su
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Sa Sa
6 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Me Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Su Ve
Lagna Ma Sa Ra Ju Ju 8 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Ve Sa
Moon Ju Ju Ra Mo Ve 9 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ve Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ma Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ra Ra
12 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Mo Mo
II 07:00:44:09 Me 05:11:32:45
XII 05:02:28:58 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:01:15:05 Su P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Mo Me Me
III 08:00:24:23 Mo Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Ju Mo
Sa 04:29:16:39
8 6 Su 04:16:53:16 Ma Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ve Ju
5 XI 04:01:35:51 Me Hasta(1) Me Mo Ma Me Su
Ju[R] Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Su Mo
Ve Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ju Ve
Sa U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Ra Ju
IV 09:00:34:05 Ve 03:15:02:02 Ra U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ve Me
Ra 09:04:04:47 Ke 03:04:04:47
Ke Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ke Me
Ju[R] 09:25:44:27 7 X 03:00:34:05
Mo 09:29:55:19 Significators - Planets View
10 4
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 11 1, 8 11
Mo 9 5 2, 7 10
VII 00:01:15:05 Ma 4 9 2, 7
V 10:01:35:51 Ma 02:11:24:09 Me+ 5 12 10 9, 12
IX 02:00:24:23 Ju+ 9 4 2, 7 3, 6
11 3 Ve 12 10 4, 5 1, 8
12 2 Sa 11 12 11 4, 5
Ra 11 4 11
VI 11:02:28:58 VIII 01:00:44:09 Ke+ 12 10 4, 5
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju,(A)
Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 01:15:05 VIII 00:44:09 IX 00:24:23 Dasa Summary

Ma 11:24:09
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
18-Mar-2006 - 18-Mar-2013 18-Mar-2013 - 18-Mar-2031 18-Mar-2031 - 18-Mar-2047
Mars 18-Mar-2006 Rahu 18-Mar-2013 Jupiter 18-Mar-2031
Rahu 14-Aug-2006 Jupiter 29-Nov-2015 Saturn 06-May-2033
Jupiter 02-Sep-2007 Saturn 24-Apr-2018 Mercury 17-Nov-2035
VI 02:28:58 Saturn 08-Aug-2008 Mercury 01-Mar-2021 Ketu 22-Feb-2038
Name: Death Day of Sri YSR Redd X 00:34:05 Mercury 16-Sep-2009 Ketu 18-Sep-2023 Venus 29-Jan-2039
Gender: Male Ke 04:04:47 Ketu 13-Sep-2010 Venus 06-Oct-2024 Sun 30-Sep-2041
Date: Thursday, 03/Sep/2009 Ve 15:02:02 Venus 10-Feb-2011 Sun 06-Oct-2027 Moon 19-Jul-2042
Sun 10-Apr-2012 Moon 30-Aug-2028 Mars 18-Nov-2043
Time: 09:12:00 AM SID: 07:45:32 Moon 16-Aug-2012 Mars 28-Feb-2030 Rahu 24-Oct-2044
Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 18-Mar-2047 - 18-Mar-2066 18-Mar-2066 - 18-Mar-2083 18-Mar-2083 - 18-Mar-2090
Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA Saturn 18-Mar-2047 Mercury 18-Mar-2066 Ketu 18-Mar-2083
V 01:35:51 PRADESH, India Mercury 21-Mar-2050 Ketu 14-Aug-2068 Venus 14-Aug-2083
XI 01:35:51 Ketu 29-Nov-2052 Venus 12-Aug-2069 Sun 14-Oct-2084
Ayanamsa: 23 54' 7" Su 16:53:16 Venus 08-Jan-2054 Sun 11-Jun-2072 Moon 19-Feb-2085
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sa 29:16:39 Sun 10-Mar-2057 Moon 18-Apr-2073 Mars 20-Sep-2085
Star: Dhanishta, Pada 2 Moon 19-Feb-2058 Mars 17-Sep-2074 Rahu 16-Feb-2086
Star Lord: Mars Mars 21-Sep-2059 Rahu 14-Sep-2075 Jupiter 07-Mar-2087
Mo 29:55:19 Rahu 30-Oct-2060 Jupiter 03-Apr-2078 Saturn 11-Feb-2088
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Ju[R] 25:44:27 Jupiter 06-Sep-2063 Saturn 09-Jul-2080 Mercury 22-Mar-2089
Ra 04:04:47 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
IV 00:34:05 Bal. Dasa: Mars 3 Y, 6 M, 14 D 18-Mar-2090 - 18-Mar-2110 18-Mar-2110 - 18-Mar-2116 18-Mar-2116 - 18-Mar-2126
XII 02:28:58 Venus 18-Mar-2090 Sun 18-Mar-2110 Moon 18-Mar-2116
Me 11:32:45 Sun 18-Jul-2093 Moon 06-Jul-2110 Mars 17-Jan-2117
Moon 18-Jul-2094 Mars 05-Jan-2111 Rahu 18-Aug-2117
Mars 18-Mar-2096 Rahu 12-May-2111 Jupiter 16-Feb-2119
Rahu 17-May-2097 Jupiter 05-Apr-2112 Saturn 17-Jun-2120
Jupiter 18-May-2100 Saturn 22-Jan-2113 Mercury 16-Jan-2122
Saturn 16-Jan-2103 Mercury 04-Jan-2114 Ketu 17-Jun-2123
Mercury 18-Mar-2106 Ketu 11-Nov-2114 Venus 16-Jan-2124
III 00:24:23 II 00:44:09 I 01:15:05 Ketu 16-Jan-2109 Venus 19-Mar-2115 Sun 17-Sep-2125
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine September 2017 31
DIED ON 02-09-2009- (death chart is attachd) During the conjoined period of RAHU DASA X

Rahu dasa runs up to Feb2018. Rahu+(6&12) signifies houses 2,4 & 8 at its star level and at its sub
lord level house 12.

Ketu bhukthi Lord runs from Aug 2008 to Sep 2009. Ketu (1& 4) signifies houses 4,8,10 at it star
level and houses 1& 12 at its sub lord level.

Mercury, the antra Lord, runs from 11/7/2009 to 3/9/2009. Mercury signifies houses 4,8,10 at its
star level and signifies houses 4 & 9 at its sub lord level. Sun transits in Sun sign (leo)-7 th maraca
house, in Venus star (9th badhaka lord) from 31/8 to 13/9 agrees.

Saturn sookshma Lord runs from 25/8/2009 to 3/9/2009 signifies houses 1,8,12 at its star level
and houses 1 and12 at its sub lord level.

Was he destined to die on 02.09.1990?

The answer is yes.
As per the golden rule formulated by Acharya Dr SS. Chatterjee (famous astrologer from Delhi)-
The rule is --- By adding longitudes of Lagna, Moon, Jupiter, Sun, We get the death point at some
longitude. Saturn will be in transit at or in close proximity to this death point, or by aspecting the
death point. There is a golden rule in astrology says, Dr SS. Chatterjee. This aphorism is 90% true to
the Knowledge of the author.

The death of Dr YSR REDDY occurred on 03/9/2009 at 09-12-00 (approximately as given in the
news papers) and as per the chart erected for said date and time ( chart is attached) and when
worked out as per the above rule of death of Dr SS Chaterjeeit comes to
Lagna-181-09-57 + SUN-135-55-16 + MOON-287-58-00 +JUP-295-51-17/
=900-54-30 LONGITUDE. When converted it comes to 00-54-30 in Libra sign and Lagna sign also
(Airy sign).

As on that day, Saturn was transiting in Leo sign on 29-16-40 aspecting the death point by its 3 rd
aspect gave him air crash death.

ANALYSIS OF THE DEATH DAYS CHART (the chart is attached)

TIME OF DEATH09-14-00 AM (As announced by news media. Lost the track of copter at 09-02-00
a.m hours and after 00-12-00 crash occurred)
PLACE OF DEATH(Rudrakonda hills) ATMAKUR (KURNOOL)-LONG-78E35/LAT-15N53.
Note-Moon, Rahu and Jup are conjoined.
Mars and Jup are aspecting.
the lagna rising at the time of death was- Libra- an airy sign-at 01-09-57 with VENUS- MARS-
VENUS, the lagna lord and 8th lord, is placed in the 10th cusp experiencing the past karma is con-
joined with Ketu. Venus as lagna Lord and 8 th Lord got afflicted by Ketu conjunction. For Libra lagna,
since Venus, the lord itself is also the 8 th lord, this native will have to experience problems which will
be self-made only. It appears that (as per the news media) in spite of the suggestions made by his
secretariat for avoiding the aerial view of the affected area, Mr Chief Minister insisted for the aerial
survey on that day. Libra lagna as an airy sign indicates air crash.

-The star lord Mars, Lord of houses 2 and 7 marakasthanas, is placed in Gemini sign another airy
sign-indicating the maraka by air crash. Mars is aspecting the 12 th house- house of the last journey,
by its 4th aspect, also confirms the death.
-The sub lord, Mercury, is the lord of houses 9 (airy sign) and 12 (earthy sign) placed in the 12 th, con-
firms the fall of the helicopter on earth by air crash affected by fire (Mars).

-4th house- one of the terminal houses, played an important role in the incident of air crash death.
Jupiter, lord of the 6th-indicates serious injuries, is placed in the 4th house (conveyance). This Jupi-

KP Ezine September 2017 32

ter is placed in Capricorn in debilitation and in retrograde motion is aspected by Mars lord of houses
2 &7, added strength to the incident of the air crash. It is also conjoined with Rahu another first
class malefic in the 4th House has completely spoiled the house.

In fact, there is a Rahu Ketu axis of houses 4 and 10 with Rahu, Jupiter and Venus aspecting one
another, is a nastiest combination in the chart causing all the calamity.
The badhakasthana Lord (11th lord Sun) is also afflicted by Saturn lord of the 4 th. Both are placed in
the 11th house in the chart.

What a paradoxical placement of all planets and stars all in the combination of other planets
pounced upon the native-like Shakespears Brutus on Julius Ceaser in extinguishing Dr YSR Raja-
sekhar Reddy in an air crash.

But for the lucid and precise rules of K.P. propounded by Sri K S K and his famous K.P. system, this
detailed astrological analysis on unnatural death of an ex-Chief Minister of A.P would not have been
possible. I express my regards to such an august personality. My sincere thanks to Sri Kanak Ji.

KP Ezine September 2017 33

Marriage promised but not materialised

By: V.Chakrapani, B.SC., B. TECH (CHEM.ENGG), M.A.

402, Narasimha residency; 21, Sundarnagar;
Hyderabad-500038, Telangana
Mob: 09010486800.

Attached KP birth chart of a native was analyzed to find out whether the native is destined to get
married and if so when he is getting married.

As per KP, for marriage:

Consider the houses 2, 7 and 11. Venus is the chief governor of marriage and the 7 th CSL is the
We need to analyse the 7th bhava first. The sub lord of 7th cusp plays an important role. This Sub
lord planet will indicate whether the native is destined to get married. If the 7th CSL is significator/
connected with either bhavas 2 or 7 or 11, marriage is promised. If the 7th CSL is significator/ con-
nected with either bhavas 1 or 6 or 10, without connection with either the 2 nd or 7th or 11th, then
marriage is denied. (No marriage). If marriage is promised, the event will take place during the joint
dasa period of the significators of houses 2, 7 and 11.

DOB : 11-08-1973 (MALE)
TOB : 11-18 AM

The 7th CSL, Mercury, is lord of bhavas 9 and 12, and is in the 9 th bhava. Mercury is in the star of
Saturn and in the sub of Mercury (own sub). Saturn is lord of bhavas 4 and 5 and is in the 9th
bhava. So, the 7th CSL does not signify any of the relevant bhavas 2,7,11 for promise of marriage.

As a last resort, let us go to the very weak grade-E significators by conjunction/aspect of Mercury
and Saturn. Mercury is widely conjoined with Sun, lord of the 11 th bhava, placed in the 10th bhava,
and aspected by Mars, lord of bhavas 2,7, posited in the 6th bhava. Saturn is aspected by Moon, lord
of the 10th, placed in the 3rd. Thus, the 7th CSL Mercury is weakly connected with marriage bhavas
2,7,11, along with negative houses 6, 10. So, marriage is supposed to be promised with difficulties
Moon and Saturn are in mutual aspect, and Moon is in the sub of Saturn. So, Punarphoo dosha is
clearly formed in this horoscope. This will cause delay in marriage for the native.

Significators of houses 2, 7 and 11.
2nd house------------------------------ only Mars.
7th house-------------------------------- only Mars.
11th house--------------------------------Moon, Venus and Sun
So, the significators are mo, ve , sun and ma.

Venus dasa, Sun dasa and Moon dasa have passed and that period was not suitable for marriage.
Mars dasa was suitable for marriage. But Mars dasa also did not give marriage. Even though Mars,
as dasa lord, signifies marriage houses 2 and 7, Mars sub lord, Rahu, signifies negative houses 6,10,
without signifying any one of the marriage houses 2,7,11. In addition, Mars positional status in
house 6 is fully strong as there is no planet in the stars of Mars, and Mars is not the CSL of any
house. So, Mars did not give marriage in his dasa.

Next dasa is Rahu. But Rahu is not a significator of marriage houses 2,7,11. Marriage is not possible
in Rahu dasa also. The native will be 47 years, by the time Rahu dasa completes.

The native is already 44 years and there is no marriage till date, even after exhaustive efforts.

KP Ezine September 2017 34

Sun Rise: 05:52:56 AM Sun Set: 06:35:55 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Priti Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Mo Ju
2 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Mo Sa
3 Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Mo Ra
Ruling Planets - 07/Sep/2017 12:56:10 PM 4 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Mo Ve Sa
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ju Ve
6 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ju Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Ke Ve
Lagna Ma Me Me Ju Su 8 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Mo Ve Ke
Moon Ju Sa Sa Sa Me 9 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Sa Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Su Ve Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ma Sa
12 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ra Ve Ju
II 07:11:03:08 XII 05:13:21:40
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:11:43:25 Su Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Me Me
III 08:10:34:49 Mo P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Su Sa
Ve 04:27:15:28
Ra 08:12:05:11 8 6 XI 04:12:26:34 Ma Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ju Ve
Mo 08:23:03:26
9 5 Me Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Mo Ra
Ju[R] Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ju Ke
Ve U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ve Ma
Sa Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Me Ke
IV 09:10:59:23 Su 03:25:01:15 Ra Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ve Me
Ju[R] 09:12:18:34 X 03:10:59:23
Ke Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Sa
10 4 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 9 10 9, 12 11
Mo 11 3 1, 8 10
VII 00:11:43:25 Ma+ 9 6 2, 7
V 10:12:26:34 Ke 02:12:05:11 Me 9 9 4, 5 9, 12
IX 02:10:34:49 Ju+ 3 4 10 3, 6
11 Me 03:06:16:25 Ve 10 11 11 1, 8
12 2 Sa 3 9 4, 5
Ra 9 3
Ma 00:05:59:44 VIII 01:11:03:08 Ke 3 9
VI 11:13:21:40 Sa 02:07:35:34
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ma 05:59:44 VIII 11:03:08 Sa 07:35:34 Dasa Summary

VII 11:43:25 IX 10:34:49
Ke 12:05:11 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
10-Jan-1959 - 10-Jan-1979 10-Jan-1979 - 10-Jan-1985 10-Jan-1985 - 10-Jan-1995
Venus 10-Jan-1959 Sun 10-Jan-1979 Moon 10-Jan-1985
Sun 12-May-1962 Moon 30-Apr-1979 Mars 11-Nov-1985
Moon 12-May-1963 Mars 29-Oct-1979 Rahu 12-Jun-1986
VI 13:21:40 Mars 10-Jan-1965 Rahu 05-Mar-1980 Jupiter 11-Dec-1987
Name: Male Me 06:16:25 Rahu 12-Mar-1966 Jupiter 28-Jan-1981 Saturn 12-Apr-1989
Gender: Male X 10:59:23 Jupiter 12-Mar-1969 Saturn 16-Nov-1981 Mercury 11-Nov-1990
Date: Saturday, 11/Aug/1973 Su 25:01:15 Saturn 11-Nov-1971 Mercury 29-Oct-1982 Ketu 11-Apr-1992
Mercury 11-Jan-1975 Ketu 05-Sep-1983 Venus 10-Nov-1992
Time: 11:18:00 AM SID: 08:26:53 Ketu 11-Nov-1977 Venus 10-Jan-1984 Sun 12-Jul-1994
Lat: 16:05:00 N Lon: 80:10:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 10-Jan-1995 - 10-Jan-2002 10-Jan-2002 - 10-Jan-2020 10-Jan-2020 - 10-Jan-2036
Place: CHILAKALURUPET, ANDHRA Mars 10-Jan-1995 Rahu 10-Jan-2002 Jupiter 10-Jan-2020
V 12:26:34 PRADESH, India Rahu 08-Jun-1995 Jupiter 22-Sep-2004 Saturn 28-Feb-2022
XI 12:26:34 Jupiter 27-Jun-1996 Saturn 15-Feb-2007 Mercury 10-Sep-2024
Ayanamsa: 23 23' 54" Ve 27:15:28 Saturn 02-Jun-1997 Mercury 22-Dec-2009 Ketu 16-Dec-2026
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mercury 12-Jul-1998 Ketu 10-Jul-2012 Venus 22-Nov-2027
Star: P.Ashada, Pada 3 Ketu 09-Jul-1999 Venus 29-Jul-2013 Sun 24-Jul-2030
Star Lord: Venus Venus 05-Dec-1999 Sun 29-Jul-2016 Moon 12-May-2031
Sun 04-Feb-2001 Moon 22-Jun-2017 Mars 10-Sep-2032
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Moon 12-Jun-2001 Mars 22-Dec-2018 Rahu 17-Aug-2033
Ju[R] 12:18:34 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Trayodasi
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
IV 10:59:23 Bal. Dasa: Venus 5 Y, 4 M, 29 D 10-Jan-2036 - 10-Jan-2055 10-Jan-2055 - 10-Jan-2072 10-Jan-2072 - 10-Jan-2079
XII 13:21:40 Saturn 10-Jan-2036 Mercury 10-Jan-2055 Ketu 10-Jan-2072
Mercury 13-Jan-2039 Ketu 08-Jun-2057 Venus 07-Jun-2072
Ketu 23-Sep-2041 Venus 06-Jun-2058 Sun 07-Aug-2073
Venus 01-Nov-2042 Sun 06-Apr-2061 Moon 13-Dec-2073
Sun 01-Jan-2046 Moon 10-Feb-2062 Mars 14-Jul-2074
Moon 14-Dec-2046 Mars 13-Jul-2063 Rahu 10-Dec-2074
Mo 23:03:26 Mars 14-Jul-2048 Rahu 09-Jul-2064 Jupiter 29-Dec-2075
Ra 12:05:11 Rahu 23-Aug-2049 Jupiter 26-Jan-2067 Saturn 03-Dec-2076
III 10:34:49 II 11:03:08 I 11:43:25 Jupiter 28-Jun-2052 Saturn 03-May-2069 Mercury 12-Jan-2078
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine September 2017 35
In my opinion, the native cannot get married in the coming Jupiter dasa not signifying marriage
houses, even though marriage is promised.
KSK/KP has made it very clear that promise of marriage is not a guarantee to get married unless
DBA lords cooperate for the event, in this case, marriage.

KP Ezine September 2017 36

Mr. Jagan, leader of the YSRC party, to become the next
Chief Minister of A.P state ?
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

As an astrologer, I was curious to know on the pestering question looming in my mind for a
long time and the present time chart analysis is the outcome of my curiosity.
The time chart is erected on 16 May 2017 @02-23-42 p.m at my residence Secundrabad
and the same is attached.

Getting a good position in politics---(Kanak ji in KP Ezine of Nov 2010)

If the 10th sub lord (One's position in politics) signifies houses 10 (One's Reputation), 3
(One's ability), 11 (One's reputation as a winner), then in the DBA of the significators of
houses 3, 10, 11, one can get a good position in politics.

B)For dethronement of a king / president/ prime minister /dictator-( KP E zine-April


KP.Rule--If the 10th CSL signifies houses 5, 8, 12, the king will be dethroned during the
DBA of the significators of houses 5, 8, 12.
This rule applies to all political positions, including floor leaders in parliament /assembly

As per the time chart

A) The 10th cusp falls in Gemini at 02 -29-32 longitude with-MERC (SGL)-MARS (STL)-
KETU(SBL)the sub lord, Ketu, is placed in the 6th. It is in the star of Mars and sub of
Sun. Mars is the lord of houses 3 & 8 and is placed in the 9th, and Sun, lord of the 12th
is in the 8th cusp. Thus, the sub lord of the 10th cusp, Ketu, signifies houses 3,6,8,9 at
its star level, and houses 8, & 12 at its sub lord level. As per the above significations,
except for the 3rd house at the star level, all the other houses i.e. 6,8,9 at the star level,
and 8 and 12 at its sub lord-decider level-clearly indicate that there are no chances for
this native to become the next C.M of A.P.
B) As per the second rule B -----
he 10th CSL Ketu (6) is in the star of Mars (9-3,8), and in the sub of Sun (9-12). Kethu, the
sub lord, signifies house 8 at the star level and houses 8 and 12 at the sub lord level. This
indicates loss of existing position.
Star lord, Mars, aspects houses 12,3 & 4 with his 4th, 7th & 8th aspects. Ketu represents

At the time of judgment, and at the time of the next general elections (2019), Sun Dasa(up to
2020), X Mercury Bhukthi (Dec2018 to Nov 2019) will be running. Sun (9-12) is in the star
of Sun (9-12) and in the sub of Jupiter (1-4,7). And Mercury, Bhukthi lord, signifies house 8
at its star level (Kethu) and houses 8 and 12 at its sub lord (Rahu) level.

The 10th is karmasthana. The 9th is 12th from the 10th - Career dissolver; dissolution,
disengagement, withdrawal and drain upon matters of the house which immediately suc-
ceeds it.

If the10th cusp sub lord signifies houses 5-8-12, one may be dethroned from the present
position also.

All the above indicate that there is a chance of losing the present position for the Opposition

KP Ezine September 2017 37

Sun Rise: 05:43:49 AM Sun Set: 06:41:04 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Sun Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Ve Me
2 Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ke Ve Ve
3 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Me Ra
Ruling Planets - 07/Sep/2017 01:01:31 PM 4 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Sa Ra
6 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Me Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Me Mo
Lagna Ma Me Ve Ve Ve 8 Aswini(1) Ma Ke Ve Ju Ju
Moon Ju Sa Sa Sa Ve 9 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ve Ke
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Sa Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Me Ju
12 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Me Ve
II 06:01:56:40 Ra 04:05:02:51
XII 04:02:38:47 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 05:02:20:05 Su Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Sa Ra
III 07:02:22:37 Ju[R] 05:20:04:43 Mo U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Sa Sa
XI 03:02:27:13
7 5 Ma Rohini(4) Ve Mo Su Sa Mo
8 4 Me Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Sa Sa
Ju[R] Hasta(4) Me Mo Ke Ra Ve
Ve Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ve Sa
Sa[R] Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Sa Ju
Mo 09:01:29:39 X 02:02:29:32 Ra Magha(2) Su Ke Ma Sa Sa
IV 08:02:29:32
Ke Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Ra Sa
Sa[R] 08:02:32:55 6
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 9 9 12 12
Mo 9 5 12 11
Ve 11:17:16:05 Ma 5 9 11 3, 8
V 09:02:27:13 VII 11:02:20:05 Ma 01:23:02:44 Me 6 8 1, 10
IX 01:02:22:37 Ju+ 5 1 11 4, 7
10 2 Ve+ 8 7 1, 10 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 6 4 5, 6
Ra+ 6 12
VI 10:02:38:47 Me 00:06:09:51 Ke 9 6 3, 8
Ke 10:05:02:51 VIII 00:01:56:40
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Su 01:01:40:20 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 01:56:40 Su 01:40:20 X 02:29:32 Dasa Summary

Me 06:09:51 IX 02:22:37
Ma 23:02:44 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
14-Mar-2015 - 14-Mar-2021 14-Mar-2021 - 14-Mar-2031 14-Mar-2031 - 14-Mar-2038
Sun 14-Mar-2015 Moon 14-Mar-2021 Mars 14-Mar-2031
Moon 02-Jul-2015 Mars 13-Jan-2022 Rahu 10-Aug-2031
Ve 17:16:05 Mars 31-Dec-2015 Rahu 14-Aug-2022 Jupiter 29-Aug-2032
VII 02:20:05 Rahu 07-May-2016 Jupiter 12-Feb-2024 Saturn 05-Aug-2033
Name: TIME CHART FOR JAGAN XI 02:27:13 Jupiter 01-Apr-2017 Saturn 14-Jun-2025 Mercury 13-Sep-2034
Gender: Male Saturn 18-Jan-2018 Mercury 13-Jan-2027 Ketu 10-Sep-2035
Date: Tuesday, 16/May/2017 Mercury 31-Dec-2018 Ketu 13-Jun-2028 Venus 06-Feb-2036
Ketu 07-Nov-2019 Venus 12-Jan-2029 Sun 08-Apr-2037
Time: 02:23:42 PM SID: 05:44:45 Venus 13-Mar-2020 Sun 13-Sep-2030 Moon 14-Aug-2037
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 14-Mar-2038 - 14-Mar-2056 14-Mar-2056 - 14-Mar-2072 14-Mar-2072 - 14-Mar-2091
Ke 05:02:51 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Rahu 14-Mar-2038 Jupiter 14-Mar-2056 Saturn 14-Mar-2072
VI 02:38:47 PRADESH, India Jupiter 25-Nov-2040 Saturn 02-May-2058 Mercury 17-Mar-2075
XII 02:38:47 Saturn 20-Apr-2043 Mercury 13-Nov-2060 Ketu 25-Nov-2077
Ayanamsa: 24 0' 34" Ra 05:02:51 Mercury 24-Feb-2046 Ketu 18-Feb-2063 Venus 03-Jan-2079
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 12-Sep-2048 Venus 25-Jan-2064 Sun 05-Mar-2082
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 2 Venus 01-Oct-2049 Sun 26-Sep-2066 Moon 15-Feb-2083
Star Lord: Sun Sun 01-Oct-2052 Moon 15-Jul-2067 Mars 15-Sep-2084
Moon 25-Aug-2053 Mars 14-Nov-2068 Rahu 25-Oct-2085
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Mars 24-Feb-2055 Rahu 20-Oct-2069 Jupiter 31-Aug-2088
V 02:27:13 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 01:29:39 Bal. Dasa: Sun 3 Y, 9 M, 28 D 14-Mar-2091 - 14-Mar-2108 14-Mar-2108 - 14-Mar-2115 14-Mar-2115 - 14-Mar-2135
I 02:20:05 Mercury 14-Mar-2091 Ketu 14-Mar-2108 Venus 14-Mar-2115
Ju[R] 20:04:43 Ketu 10-Aug-2093 Venus 10-Aug-2108 Sun 14-Jul-2118
Venus 08-Aug-2094 Sun 10-Oct-2109 Moon 14-Jul-2119
Sun 08-Jun-2097 Moon 15-Feb-2110 Mars 14-Mar-2121
Moon 14-Apr-2098 Mars 16-Sep-2110 Rahu 14-May-2122
Mars 14-Sep-2099 Rahu 12-Feb-2111 Jupiter 14-May-2125
Rahu 11-Sep-2100 Jupiter 02-Mar-2112 Saturn 13-Jan-2128
Sa[R] 02:32:55 Jupiter 31-Mar-2103 Saturn 05-Feb-2113 Mercury 15-Mar-2131
IV 02:29:32 III 02:22:37 II 01:56:40 Saturn 06-Jul-2105 Mercury 17-Mar-2114 Ketu 13-Jan-2134
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

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KP Ezine September 2017 38
leader in the assembly with all ill-reputation.

The 10th CSL Ketu (6) is in the star of Mars (9-3,8) and in the sub of Sun (9-12). Star Lord,
Mars, aspects houses 12,3 & 4 with his 4th, 7th & 8th aspects. Ketu represents Saturn (4-
5,6). Thus, Houses 5-8-12 are indicated.

Sun/Mercury--from 31-12-2018 to 07-11-2019. Mercury - bhukthi lord of houses 1 and 10

is placed in the 8th, signifying house 8 at its star level and houses 8,9 and 12 at its sub-
level, clearly indicating the shadows of the gloomy period for his existing position as opposi-
tion leader.

KP Ezine September 2017 39

Questions & Answers
By: Tin Win

Question 1: Justification of Marriage

Herewith I have enclosed an horoscope


11 HS

I was checking for the past events- like marriage.

Marriage was celebrated on 12-11-2009, in the period of SA-RA-SA.
9th CSL Moon and Asc CSL Jupiter are connected , so, birth time is correct.
Sa and Ra are not the significators of either 2, 7 or 11 houses.
How this was happened?.
Now we may say that Sa and Ra are aspecting 2, 7 and 11 houses, for supporting the date
of marriage.
But in a normal way before marriage, for predicting the marriage, we will follow only signifi-
cators of 2, 7 and 11 only, where Sa and Ra are not significators.
In this situation, how are we going to justify the marriage on that date?

Answer 1:

KP Ezine September 2017 40

Planets having no planet in their stars
Dasa and Antra lord Saturn is in house 8, lord of houses 1,12, in the star and sub of Rahu
in house 8, aspected by Jupiter in house 9, lord of houses 2,11, and sign lord Venus of Tau-
rus where Rahu is located in house 6, lord of houses 4,9, signifying marriage houses 2,11 at
star and sub levels by Jupiter.

Bhukti lord Rahu is in house 8, aspected by Jupiter in house 9, lord of houses 2,11, and
sign lord Venus in house 6, lord of houses 4,9. Rahu is in the star of Mars in house 6, lord
of houses 3,10, and in sub of Jupiter in house 9, lord of houses 2,11, signifying marriage
houses 2,11 at the planet and sub levels by Jupiter.
So marriage during Sa-Ra-Sa is justified by signification of marriage houses 2,11 by Saturn
and Rahu.

Question 2: Significator Table

I am going through the old magazines of ASTROLOGY AND ATHRISHTA from 1963 to 1972.
All the magazines are edited by KSK only.
In this I have observed that, in some examples:

1. For any event to materialize only 3 planets are required for as DBA lords. In ABCD sig-
nificators only first 3 significators are taken from A. If , 3 are not there, then taken from
B, and so on.
2. The sub lords of the planets in the required houses, is taken as fruitful significators,
without considering ABCD significators.
Can we follow the same, without considering ABCD table significators.
I request for your valuable suggestion/opinion on this.

I'm Answer 2:
Order of Significators
The order of grade A to E significators is as follows:
A) Planets in the star of the occupant of house;
B) Occupant of house;
C) Planets in the star of house owner;
D) House owner;
E) Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the above significators.

In the above significator table in Question 1, marriage houses 2,7,11 are Mars, Mercury,
Ketu in grade A column, Sun, Mercury in grade B column, Moon and Mercury in grade C
column and Sun and Jupiter in grade D column.

So the significators for 2,7,11 houses are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu and also
Rahu through Jupiter.

If the ruling planets are used, the common planets among the above significators and ruling
planets are the fruitful significators for marriage.

Without using the ruling planets, out of the above significators, the significators in the sub
of 2,7,11 are the fruitful significators, i.e. the above significators except Moon.

Significators of Rahu/Ketu

For Rahu/Ketu, the computerized table of significators usually shows its positional house
and the houses occupied and owned by its star lord only. In addition its signification by the
aspecting and conjoined planets and the sign lord by its location are to be considered. In
the above example chart, Rahu is aspected by Jupiter, occupant of house 9, lord of hous-

KP Ezine September 2017 41

es2,12, and Venus, lord of Taurus where Rahu is located, occupant of house 6, lord of
houses 4,9.

Grade E Significators by Conjunction/Aspects

Planets which are in conjunction with or aspected by the Grade A, B, C, D significators
are very weak significators, and they are used as the last resort only.
In the above chart, Saturn conjoined by Moon is a weak significator of houses 2,11.

No Planet in the Star of a Planet

If there is no planet in the stars of a planet, that planet becomes the strong significators of
houses for which it is the cuspal sub lord (CSL). In the above example chart, there is no
planet in the stars of Moon, and Moon is the CSL of house 9. So Moon becomes the
strong significators of house 9.

KP Ezine September 2017 42

Book Review -
Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology

Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology (Set of 2 Volumes)

by S.K. Kapoor
Alpha Publications, 2017, pages 464

In this book some differences have been noted from six KP Readers in concept and presen-

Volume I
Section 1
1.1. Krishnamurti Padhiti
1.2. Order of Significators
1.3. Rahu
1.4. Significators
1.5. Significators and its Sub Lord
Section 2
2.1. Ist house (Ascendant) or (Lagna)
2.2. IInd house (Money matters)
2.3. Free from Financial Tenures
2.4. Will, Get Money by Way of Will from by Circle
2.5. Entangled Money
Section 3
3.1. The 3rd House (Profession)
3.2. The IVth House (Property)
3.3. IVth House (Vehicle)
3.4. 4th House (Mother)
Section 4
4.1. Analyzing 5th House
Section 5
5.1. Taurus
5.2. 6th House
5.3. Some Serious Illness
5.4. Hearth Problem

KP Ezine September 2017 43

5.5. Breast Cancer
5.6. Cancer
5.7. Cancer (Leukemic)
5.8. Heart Fail
Section 6
6.1. 7th House
6.2. Late Marriage through Court
6.3. Divorce and Remarriage
6.4. Delayed Marriage
6.5. Suicide in Married Life
Section 7
7.1. 8th House (Longevity)
7.2. Longevity, Breath within a Mouth
7.3. Longevity
7.4. Accident
Section 8
8.1. 9th House
8.2. Education
8.3. Education with a Break
8.4. The 10th House (Status in Profession)
Section 9
9.1. Speculation
9.2. Speculation as a part time profession
9.3. Lottery
9.4. Business in Debt: Loan from Banks
9.5. When Employment
9.6. Service or Business
9.7. Transfer of My Wife When
9.8. Transfer/Court Case/Reinstatement
9.9. Business from When
9.10. Partnership Business
9.11. Independent Business
9.12. Employment
9.13. Timings of Employment
9.14. Timings of Business or Employment
9.15. Service Matter
9.16. Industrialist's Chart
9.17. Native's Occupation as an Industrialist
Section 10
10.1. 11th House
Section 11
11.1. 12th House
Section 12
12.1. Summary

Volume II
1. Ruling Planets and their and importance of Ruling Planets
2. Timing of events, and signification of planets
3. Rectification of birth time and birth date based upon approximate/accurate
4. Correction of birth year when doubtful
5. Method of prediction with data and time
6. Erecting the Horary chart
(a) Judging the Horary
(b) Fulfillment of query
(c) Timing of marriage

KP Ezine September 2017 44

(d) Recovery of money chart
e) Job chart
(f) Books Publishing
(g) Construction of Building Chart
(h) Romance and marriage chart
7. Application of Cuspal lnterlinks theory and Calculation and type significators, and po-
tential of Dasha/Bhukti etc
8. Predication based on Sub-Sub Loard Questions related to marriage, business and ro-
9. Daily Events predictions
10. Muhurat
11. Horoscopes Matching
12. Matching of horoscope through KP Method
13. Mundane Astrology

KP Ezine September 2017 45

Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
September 2017

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Sep/2017 03:31:47 Le 14:44:41 Sg 13:46:52 Le 03:11:25 Le 05:46:25 Vi 27:59:08 Cn 12:56:02 Sc 27:12:12 Cn 29:20:39 Cp 29:20:39
02/Sep/2017 03:35:44 Le 15:42:44 Sg 25:47:40 Le 03:49:34 Le 05:14:58 Vi 28:10:12 Cn 14:08:00 Sc 27:12:53 Cn 29:17:28 Cp 29:17:28
03/Sep/2017 03:39:41 Le 16:40:49 Cp 07:58:44 Le 04:27:43 Le 04:50:38 Vi 28:21:20 Cn 15:20:02 Sc 27:13:39 Cn 29:14:18 Cp 29:14:18
04/Sep/2017 03:43:37 Le 17:38:55 Cp 20:23:17 Le 05:05:51 Le 04:34:01 Vi 28:32:33 Cn 16:32:08 Sc 27:14:32 Cn 29:11:07 Cp 29:11:07
05/Sep/2017 03:47:34 Le 18:37:02 Aq 03:03:35 Le 05:43:58 Le 04:25:39 Vi 28:43:50 Cn 17:44:18 Sc 27:15:30 Cn 29:07:56 Cp 29:07:56
06/Sep/2017 03:51:30 Le 19:35:11 Aq 16:00:52 Le 06:22:05 Le 04:25:50 Vi 28:55:10 Cn 18:56:33 Sc 27:16:34 Cn 29:04:45 Cp 29:04:45
07/Sep/2017 03:55:27 Le 20:33:22 Aq 29:15:13 Le 07:00:12 Le 04:34:48 Vi 29:06:35 Cn 20:08:52 Sc 27:17:44 Cn 29:01:34 Cp 29:01:34
08/Sep/2017 03:59:23 Le 21:31:35 Pi 12:45:37 Le 07:38:18 Le 04:52:36 Vi 29:18:04 Cn 21:21:16 Sc 27:19:00 Cn 28:58:23 Cp 28:58:23
09/Sep/2017 04:03:20 Le 22:29:49 Pi 26:30:03 Le 08:16:24 Le 05:19:11 Vi 29:29:36 Cn 22:33:43 Sc 27:20:21 Cn 28:55:12 Cp 28:55:12
10/Sep/2017 04:07:16 Le 23:28:06 Ar 10:25:49 Le 08:54:29 Le 05:54:24 Vi 29:41:12 Cn 23:46:15 Sc 27:21:48 Cn 28:52:01 Cp 28:52:01
11/Sep/2017 04:11:13 Le 24:26:24 Ar 24:29:52 Le 09:32:34 Le 06:37:59 Vi 29:52:52 Cn 24:58:51 Sc 27:23:20 Cn 28:48:51 Cp 28:48:51
12/Sep/2017 04:15:10 Le 25:24:45 Ta 08:39:10 Le 10:10:39 Le 07:29:34 Li 00:04:35 Cn 26:11:32 Sc 27:24:59 Cn 28:45:40 Cp 28:45:40
13/Sep/2017 04:19:06 Le 26:23:08 Ta 22:50:59 Le 10:48:44 Le 08:28:45 Li 00:16:22 Cn 27:24:17 Sc 27:26:43 Cn 28:42:29 Cp 28:42:29
14/Sep/2017 04:23:03 Le 27:21:33 Ge 07:02:54 Le 11:26:48 Le 09:35:02 Li 00:28:13 Cn 28:37:06 Sc 27:28:33 Cn 28:39:18 Cp 28:39:18
15/Sep/2017 04:26:59 Le 28:20:00 Ge 21:12:52 Le 12:04:52 Le 10:47:53 Li 00:40:07 Cn 29:49:58 Sc 27:30:29 Cn 28:36:08 Cp 28:36:08
16/Sep/2017 04:30:56 Le 29:18:30 Cn 05:18:57 Le 12:42:56 Le 12:06:44 Li 00:52:04 Le 01:02:55 Sc 27:32:30 Cn 28:32:57 Cp 28:32:57
17/Sep/2017 04:34:52 Vi 00:17:01 Cn 19:19:13 Le 13:21:00 Le 13:30:59 Li 01:04:04 Le 02:15:56 Sc 27:34:36 Cn 28:29:46 Cp 28:29:46
18/Sep/2017 04:38:49 Vi 01:15:35 Le 03:11:29 Le 13:59:03 Le 15:00:03 Li 01:16:08 Le 03:29:00 Sc 27:36:49 Cn 28:26:35 Cp 28:26:35
19/Sep/2017 04:42:45 Vi 02:14:10 Le 16:53:29 Le 14:37:06 Le 16:33:18 Li 01:28:14 Le 04:42:08 Sc 27:39:07 Cn 28:23:24 Cp 28:23:24
20/Sep/2017 04:46:42 Vi 03:12:48 Vi 00:22:53 Le 15:15:08 Le 18:10:11 Li 01:40:24 Le 05:55:20 Sc 27:41:30 Cn 28:20:14 Cp 28:20:14
21/Sep/2017 04:50:39 Vi 04:11:27 Vi 13:37:42 Le 15:53:10 Le 19:50:07 Li 01:52:36 Le 07:08:34 Sc 27:43:59 Cn 28:17:03 Cp 28:17:03
22/Sep/2017 04:54:35 Vi 05:10:09 Vi 26:36:30 Le 16:31:12 Le 21:32:37 Li 02:04:51 Le 08:21:53 Sc 27:46:33 Cn 28:13:52 Cp 28:13:52
23/Sep/2017 04:58:32 Vi 06:08:52 Li 09:18:51 Le 17:09:13 Le 23:17:11 Li 02:17:09 Le 09:35:15 Sc 27:49:13 Cn 28:10:41 Cp 28:10:41
24/Sep/2017 05:02:28 Vi 07:07:37 Li 21:45:22 Le 17:47:14 Le 25:03:22 Li 02:29:30 Le 10:48:40 Sc 27:51:58 Cn 28:07:30 Cp 28:07:30
25/Sep/2017 05:06:25 Vi 08:06:24 Sc 03:57:52 Le 18:25:15 Le 26:50:48 Li 02:41:53 Le 12:02:08 Sc 27:54:48 Cn 28:04:19 Cp 28:04:19
26/Sep/2017 05:10:21 Vi 09:05:12 Sc 15:59:14 Le 19:03:15 Le 28:39:07 Li 02:54:19 Le 13:15:39 Sc 27:57:44 Cn 28:01:08 Cp 28:01:08
27/Sep/2017 05:14:18 Vi 10:04:03 Sc 27:53:14 Le 19:41:15 Vi 00:28:03 Li 03:06:47 Le 14:29:14 Sc 28:00:45 Cn 27:57:58 Cp 27:57:58
28/Sep/2017 05:18:14 Vi 11:02:55 Sg 09:44:21 Le 20:19:14 Vi 02:17:18 Li 03:19:18 Le 15:42:52 Sc 28:03:52 Cn 27:54:47 Cp 27:54:47
29/Sep/2017 05:22:11 Vi 12:01:49 Sg 21:37:31 Le 20:57:13 Vi 04:06:39 Li 03:31:51 Le 16:56:33 Sc 28:07:04 Cn 27:51:36 Cp 27:51:36
30/Sep/2017 05:26:07 Vi 13:00:45 Cp 03:37:49 Le 21:35:12 Vi 05:55:57 Li 03:44:26 Le 18:10:16 Sc 28:10:20 Cn 27:48:25 Cp 27:48:25

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