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Print Window hups:/,comv/d/folders/1/messages!24759 Lof2 NRCP Fro: bebe viga@yeheacomsh ji Pelee ure yPeau ED Paro oe Noe oo eae ecm exer i anv ea Farwarcing to you the emai of DOST.NCR regatding ther research contest for those NRCP members who are wiling to join. For ‘dsserinaion to out members. Thank you Dear ma'am Miriam, Son Tamparong ste Navona Research Counc ofthe Piteines "raeononn 082) 837044 to; 0S) B40 Tot (2) 6027S “rene 2} 8572071 10 8 ras 2340 046 “Lord to whom shall ws 7 You alone have the Words of Eterna Life" ( Wesnesy Setar 6, 2017402 Pu, nee Nata eae! Woks: “te sar on fr tn gest and most cresve mines nthe Nts Capt Repent ‘he Depanmant of Stonse and Teatogh Nalonal Cepia Ragin snow accoping apleatins er te 2017 Rind Invasions Contest nd Exh RICE: NCR) which wt be helson Geter 26, 2017, 6 am. pm altbe Techoiogian rt of he Prppe Campus Cubao,auezor Ci ‘This year tanneing te tema “van and novation frie People’, RICE serves ose Quang Yuna forthe Netons Ivenion Cones and has eb ZGigoresinventan (Teka Anat). ily Nod nda Daagn, Crate Resonrch ka haar) for Gover gn! Funded Reseach, Create Research {Cite fear) for Priva Funded Resoaron Stor Crosive Rescaren (Sil far) for Calage, end Stucert Craziva Rssaeh (Sol Awa) fr igh Seteo Se wines of RICE-NCR wil ec cath prizes and pins of cagion. Move han the than evar, however, RICE prvi pains wi 20 rcollnt pation o chow of hor manors ana veacarnes tothe meca andthe publ walla an porn to network wih elloagues Me area sy toon sng of FICENCR Pee soma mrp, et oye cary of ene etm he Gaby fe seas a We wou koto vito you to sond your ons o thi yor RICEANCR.Inlded inthis trae the Checklist of Regurenenis ans 2017 RIGE Rules an ‘Te es and aplston ns yD oud a Pa DOST.NCR wat at iglncccataaa Thee tt a ao azalal ne DOST NCR {ite one BOSE corpoundin Bean Inga. Ouraes wil be accepting nies ust’ pm of September , 2017 (ray), Shu you rave questions, ‘laso contact us of 31-3182 or 837-0-71 oes 201 to BOT “Tank you an we ack fare your parispaton in he 2017 RICE.NCR Department of Seienc an Technsiony Nationa! Got Region (00ST NER) DosTNCR 8g, DOST Comeane, ‘Genwal Sra ve, pe i Ta iy Jeeta (02 87-3162 vl: etci@atos coms nodftemal cm desert coush ‘i rupinercostesueh {S12 srs ace ‘evs on mi ceo confit. ‘etow ona cenWDOST NCR 9/7/2017, 10:23 AM ‘CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS [REGIONAL INVENTION CONTEST AND EXHIBIT-NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION Category | Oatstandinginvention | Outstanding ity | Outstanding Industrial | Outstanding Creative ‘Gutstanding Student (uktas) Mode! Design Research Ukha Awerd) | Creative Researeh(sibo)~ College and High school Desciptin / Techaalsolutin 7 Technialzeluten of }/Anyeompostion of)” Patent pending New and innovative ofa problem inany | aprablemimany els | nase coiers or ary | inventions, egsration projecs/models fas of human fothaman activity theee-dimensional pending tity medels ‘evelopoe by callege activity New and industialy | formwnetherornet | ana inaustal desgns andngh schoo! New, inventive and | applicable associated with Researenresutsnotyet | students snoustraly Product anejor tors applieeforpatent, tity |” Should have features applicaae process,andtheir |” Compostion rform | mode nd industrial ane characterises tat b Product and/or Improvements should gives specal | design rogistration ‘may have significant proces, and their Covered bya vali appearance to and New znd useful onvibution tothe Impeoverents UMRegisvation and | canserveaspattern | — mathies/devies/gadget | promotion of Sr \v coverey valid Regisrabity for an incustal : Innovations that are not Invention patent Reportssued by prosuctornandcrat |/ Products and/or contrary to public order, granteaby pore | POPHL Eoverec by vals, processes, ora ‘morals, pubicheakn Industria Design Ineprovement of any of aedwettae registration issued ‘the foregoing by lrorHt Non-biclogical and microbilogical processes fot contrary t0 pubic ‘order, morals, pubic heath and wesfre Tgity | 7 invertors, ers designers, ceatve researchers and student eseavchers wha ae Flipino Gitzens and residing in the National Capital Region ‘9 Mar atleart eb: months residency nthe National Capital Region and © Mas principal office access within the Netinel Capital Region Y— Out-ofSchoo Youths (05¥s re eliible to jln ether in tha Likh o Sibo category ut shouldbe duly endorsa bythe local inventor's ‘organation in the Region -_ Eniviee that have won I previous regional contests arene longer elgbe to jin inthe same category Y lnemes thet apsear in the invention uty model or ndusvial design registrauon must sign inthe aecomplished entry forms, orsign ‘waivers they are nat orig the contest 7 Open to hig sehos! ana college stucents| Sibel Coleg envi ‘should be ancorsee by the Dean ofthe College lorthe President of the fenoo|oruniersty Sihol High Schoo! entries shoula be fdorsed by the Prinipal/School Head Documentary | Re Form =Eny | A Ford tntry Form | RC Fora—Entsyrorm | RiCForm t=entryForm | RICForm 3~ Solty Requirements | Form Tecopies, completely | (Scopies, completely | (Scopies, completely filed- | Form (6 copies, completely (Genpies,competely | filesout and notarized | filee-out and notarized) | out and notarizod) filas-out ne notarized) filedout and , notaries) FC Form Waiver Form ‘RC Form = Waver TC Form 2 Waiver Form (2 orginal copes, retarized) IC Form 4 Waiver For: Sol {Reriginal copies, @onginal copes, (2orainal copes, [2orgine! copes, notarized otarzes | retarzed) notarized) b Te Form 5—Cerification | RIC Form 6~Ceriication that worcistheirawn, and | that work's their own, and new and orignal re and origina! (Goris! copie notarized | (Sorgial copes, notarized) Scopes ofletersof | Seopisat um ‘Seopies of10 Patent rom POPHIL | Registration om Registration IPOPHIL 5 copie of Regiarabily report from POPHIL Geopies ofpage | Scopes ofl page copies oi paw GeapiescFi page abstrae, | copies oF page abstract, abstract, abstract abstract description drawings, doseiption/srawigs Gescrotion/rawings, | ceserpton/drawings, | deserption/erawings, | pictures, cetficates pictures, cerifeates pictures, certifeates pltures, erieates pletures, certificates ‘CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS REGIONAL INVENTION CONTEST AND EXHIBIT-NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION ‘Category | Outstanding vention | Gutstanding Dilty | Outstanding Industial | Outstanding Creative ‘Outstanding Student (bas) ‘Mode! Design Research (Ukha Aware) | Creative Research (tbo) = College and High School Wile nbeategorzed nia | Advisers are nt alowed ‘wo; govermmentfunaed | tomake prasentatonsin ‘and prvatefundes there | behalf of thelr students ‘reat least entries under och *Sub-catagorizaton to poverrmentfunded ana Drvate-fonded during the National invention Contests notyetfealzed ‘iterator | Degieeat | 308) Usetul woe | Restate 30H | Orginal 3H | Orginal ae song Invontveness Teernial Avant Detreeaf | 25% | Oearee of ae | Marat OK | Creativ? 35m | Creatway Te Development Development Potentiat, Methodology Methodology Commercal | 40] Conmercal | 40% | Uniqueness | 25 | ManetPotentaiy | 30%] MarkotPotential) | 30% Viability? % | vabilty? Usefulness Usefuiness| Resainess or Readiness for Ccommersaza ‘commerciiza tion ton [presentation | 5%] Presentation | 5% | Demonstation |S | Presentation and | 10% | Presentation and | 10% ae ane Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Total woo | Torat woo | Toa 100) Total 00 | Total Do * % % % “%

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