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Design Model

1) Interface Design(User Interface)

SAP Fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software and applications. It
provides a set of applications that are used in regular business functions like work
approvals, financial apps, calculation apps and various self-service apps.

It provides all business roles in real time on compatible hand devices. It offers
business roles on easy to use functions, simple with unmatched responsiveness on
desktop, smartphones and Tablets.

It enables multiple device applications that allow users to start a process on their
desktop/laptops and to continue that process on a smartphone or on a tablet. SAP
has developed Fiori Apps based on User interface UI5.

There are five design principles for SAP Fiori UI5. These principles make SAP Fiori
simple and decompose the different transactions into simple task based UI

Role-Based SAP has decomposed various SAP transactions and changed

them into beautiful user interactive applications that show only most
relevant information to the users.

Responsiveness When SAP Fiori is combined with the power of SAP HANA,
it provides an unmatched application response and query executions time.

Simple To make SAP Fiori simple to match the user demand, SAP has
designed it as a 1-1-3 scenario. This means 1 user, 1 use case and 3 screens.

Seamless Experience SAP has provided all the Fiori apps based on the
same language and it does not matter on the deployment and platform.

Delightful SAP Fiori was designed to work with ECC 6.0 to make it easy for
the users and to deploy on the existing SAP system.
2) Architecture
Database HANA
SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an on-
premise appliance, or in the cloud. It is a revolutionary platform thats best
suited for performing real-time analytics, and developing and deploying
real-time applications. At the core of this real-time data platform is the SAP
HANA database which is fundamentally different than any other database
engine in the market today

Core Data Services

Core Data services (CDS) are domain specific languages (DSL) and services
for defining and consuming semantically rich data models in SAP HANA.
They are integral part of SAP HANA, and can be leveraged in the ABAP

3) Design Patterns

SAP has released different types of design patterns

Master-Detail - This is first step in application binding and is supported

by SplitApp control of SAP UI5. This design pattern supports list of
content and allows lead selection and detailed view.
Master-Master Detail - This design pattern displays the detail of a
transaction in the detail section.
Full Screen - This design patter is mostly recommended for displaying
charts, pictorial data and various types of graphs.
Multi-Flow - This design pattern is recommended when you are using
a complex application flow and there is a need to make use of all
design patterns to build a working application.

4) Separation Of Concerns
MVC Pattern stands for Model-View-Controller Pattern. This pattern is used to
separate application's concerns.

Model - Model represents an object or JAVA POJO carrying data. It can also
have logic to update controller if its data changes.

View - View represents the visualization of the data that model contains.

Controller - Controller acts on both model and view. It controls the data flow
into model object and updates the view whenever data changes. It keeps
view and model separate.

5) Functional Independence
Concept of Library

Library is a different component where all the common implementation

from different apps is implemented.

A module having high cohesion and low coupling is said to be functionally

independent of other modules. By the term functional independence, we
mean that a cohesive module performs a single task or function. A
functionally independent module has minimal interaction with other

Need for functional independence

Functional independence is a key to any good design due to the following


Error isolation: Functional independence reduces error propagation.

The reason behind this is that if a module is functionally independent, its
degree of interaction with the other modules is less. Therefore, any error
existing in a module would not directly effect the other modules.

Scope of reuse: Reuse of a module becomes possible. Because each

module does some well-defined and precise function, and the interaction
of the module with the other modules is simple and minimal. Therefore, a
cohesive module can be easily taken out and reused in a different

Understandability: Complexity of the design is reduced, because

different modules can be understood in isolation as modules are more or
less independent of each other.

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