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MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware Functions



Alphabetical List By Category

Setup and Configuration

arduinosetup Launch Arduino hardware setup interface

arduino Connect to Arduino hardware

Read and Write Data

configurePin Arduino pin mode

readDigitalPin Read data from digital pin on Arduino hardware

writeDigitalPin Write to digital pin on Arduino hardware

writePWMVoltage Write digital pin PWM voltage value

writePWMDutyCycle Set digital pin PWM duty cycle

playTone Play tone on piezo speaker using digital pin

readVoltage Read Arduino analog pin voltage

I2C Devices
i2cdev Device connected on Arduino I2C bus

readRegister Read data from I2C device register

writeRegister Write to I2C device register

scanI2CBus Scan Arduino hardware for I2C bus address

read Read data from I2C bus

write Write data to I2C bus

SPI Devices
spidev Connect to SPI device

writeRead Write and read data from SPI device

Shift Registers
shiftRegister Connect to shift register

shiftRegister/read Read data from shift register

shiftRegister/write Write data to shift register

reset Clear all outputs of shift register

Quadrature Encoders
rotaryEncoder Connect to quadrature encoder

resetCount Set count value to zero or user-specified value

readCount Read current count value from encoder with X4 decoding

readSpeed Read current rotational speed

Servo Motors
servo Create connection to servo motor

readPosition Read servo motor position

writePosition Write position of servo motor

Adafruit Motor Shield V2

addon Create add-on device connection to Adafruit Motor Shield V2

dcmotor Create DC motor connection

start Start DC motor attached to Adafruit Motor Shield

stop Stop DC motor

stepper Create stepper motor connection

move Rotate stepper motor

release Release stepper motor

servo Create servo motor connection

readPosition Read servo motor position

writePosition Write servo motor position

Custom Arduino Libraries

arduinoio.LibraryBase Abstract class for deriving Arduino add-on libraries

sendCommand Send message to Arduino device from MATLAB

configurePinResource Set resource owner and mode of pin

decrementResourceCount Decrement count of number of instances of resource

incrementResourceCount Increment current resource count

getTerminalsFromPins Get terminal numbers from pins

listArduinoLibraries Display a list of installed Arduino libraries

getResourceCount Number of instances of a resource

getFreeResourceSlot Get first free slot of resource

setSharedResourceProperty Set shared resource property

getSharedResourceProperty Get shared resource property

getResourceOwner Get terminal resource owner

validatePin Validate that pin supports specific functionality

getPinsFromTerminals Get pin numbers from terminal

getTerminalMode Get current terminal mode

isTerminalDigital Check if terminal can be used as a digital pin

isTerminalAnalog Check if terminal can be used as an analog pin

getServoTerminals Get terminals that have servo functionality

getI2CTerminals Get terminals with I2C functionality

getSPITerminals Get terminals that have SPI functionality

getPWMTerminals Get terminals with PWM functionality

getMCU Get microcontroller of Arduino board

getPinAlias Get alias pin number

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