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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)

Compressive Strength of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer

Concrete- A Review
R. A. Shuaibu1
Graduate Student, Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovations, AICAD, JKUAT-Kenya
Abstract In order to address the environmental However, researchers have used low calcium fly ash
issues caused by the production of Portland cement, (ASTM Class F) as replacement in both normal and high
several researchers have looked at several alternatives strength concrete (ACI Committee 226, 1988; ACI
as binder material in concrete production. This paper Committee 211, 1993). They found that, the percentage
reviews the influence of factors like the constituent replacement in normal concrete can go up to 50% (ACI
materials, curing condition, concentration of the NaOH, Committee 211, 1993; Langley, et al., 1989), while for high
fibre content etc on the compressive strength of low strength concrete is between 15-25% (ACI Committee 211,
calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. It concludes that 1993).
standardisation of the mix design procedure for low
calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete is required in II. GEOPOLYMER
order to get characteristics strength value for various Geopolymer is a term used to define a category of
mix proportions as in the case of ordinary Portland synthetic alumino-silicate materials with potential use,
cement concrete. essentially as replacement of ordinary Portland cement in
concrete, for advanced hi-tech composites, ceramic
KeywordsCompressive strength, geopolymer
application or as a form of cast stone. Geopolymer as a
concrete, low calcium fly ash, water/binder ratio,
name was first applied to these materials by Joseph
NaOH, Curing Condition, GGBS, Steel Fibres, Sodium
Davidovits in the year 1970s, although similar materials
have been developed in the former Soviet Union since the
year 1950s, but was called soil cements. This name
however was used to describe soils which are consolidated
The rate at which carbon dioxide is released to the with a small amount of Portland cement to enhance its
atmosphere is increasing at an alarming rate. This is caused strength and stability.
by so many reasons including the increase in the production
of ordinary Portland cement. This has led to various III. CONSTITUENTS OF GEOPOLYMER
environmental issues (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005). It was
Geopolymer contains two main constituents called the
discovered that for one ton of ordinary Portland cement
source material and the alkali liquid.
produced, one ton of carbon dioxide is released to the
atmosphere. Due to this environmental concern, various A. The source material
researchers have sort for a new binder to minimize the These source material could be natural minerals such as
consumption of ordinary Portland cement. In this light, kaolinite, clays, etc. By-products materials such as fly ash,
over the past two decades, geopolymer binder have gained silica fume, slag, rice-husk ash, red mud and so on could
so many attention and proved to be a substitute for ordinary also be used for the source material depending on its
Portland cement. The geopolymer synthetizing technology availability, cost, type of application and demand by the
that is based on the alkali activation of the source material end user. According to (Hardjito & Rangan 2005), any
contains mostly silicon (Si) and Aluminium (Al) in their material that contains mostly silicon (Si) and aluminium
amorphous form (Hardjito, et al., 2004). Although, the (Al) in amorphous form is a possible source material for
mechanism of polymerization of geopolymer is yet to be the production of geopolymer.
understood (Hardjito & Rangan 2005).

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
Other materials that can be used as source material The type of alkaline liquid plays an important role in the
include Metakaolinite or calcined kaolin (Davidovits, polymerization process (Palomo, et al., 1999a). Other
19999; Barbosa, et al., 2000; Teixeira-Pinto, et al., 2002), researchers (Xu & Deventer, 2002) also confirmed that the
low calcium fly ash (Palomo, et al., 1999a; Swanepoel & addition of sodium silicate solution to the sodium
Strydom, 2002), natural Al-Si materials (Xu & Deventer, hydroxide as the alkaline liquid enhanced the reaction
2000) , a combination of calcined minerals and non- between the source material and the solution. In addition, it
calcined minerals (Xu & Deventer, 2002), a combination was observed after the study of geo-polymerization of
of fly ash and metakaolinite (Swanepoel & Strydom, 2002; sixteen natural Al-Si minerals that generally the sodium
Jaarsveld, et al., 2002; Zuhua, et al., 2009) and also a hydroxide caused a higher extent of dissolution of minerals
combination of granulated blast furnace slag and than potassium hydroxide.
metakaolinite (Cheng & Chiu, 2003).
Among these materials, metakaolinite is preferred by the IV. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF LOW CALCIUM FLY ASH
geopolymer product developers due to its high dissolution BASED GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE
rate, ease of control of Si/Al ratio and its white color The studies conducted by (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)
(Gourley, 2003). Davidovits, (1999) calcined kaolinite and (Hardjito, et al., 2004) that the compressive strength
clay for six hours at 750oC and termed it as KANDOXI and workability of the geopolymer concrete is influenced
and used it to make geopolymer. He added that the molar by the proportions and the properties of the constituent
ratio of Si-Al of the material should be about 2.0. The high materials that make up the geopolymer. Therefore these
amount of calcium in ASTM class C fly ash interferes with results have shown that
the polymerization process and alters the microstructure
(Gourley, 2003). This make ASTM Class F fly ash which is 1. Higher concentration of sodium hydroxide
also known as low calcium fly ash much preferable than solution results in higher compressive strength of
the High calcium (ASTM Class C) fly ash. geopolymer concrete.
The major challenge is that the quantitative prediction of 2. The increase in the molar ratio of H2O/Na2O
the suitability of a specific mineral as a source is still yet to reduces the compressive strength of geopolymer
be found because of the complex nature of the reaction concrete (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)
involved (Xu & Deventer, 2000). However, natural Al-Si It was also found that a combination of calcined (eg fly
minerals have shown the potentials to be the source ash) and non-calcined materials (e.g kaolinite and albite)
materials for geo-polymerization. Fly ash is considered to resulted in significant improvement of compressive
be more advantageous due to its high reactivity that comes strength (Xu & Deventer, 2002). Jaarsveld, et al., (2003)
in respect of its finer particle size than slag. According to also found that the fly ash with higher amount of CaO
(Fernandes-Jimenez & Palomo, 2003) , low calcium fly ash produced higher compressive strength especially in the
should have LOI less than 5%, Fe203 content should not early ages due to the formation of calcium aluminate
exceed 10% and 80-90% of the particles should be smaller hydrate and other calcium compounds.
than 45micro meter to produce optimum binding
properties. A. Effect of Alkaline Liquid to Fly Ash Ratio and Molar
Concentration of Sodium Hydroxide on the Compressive
B. Alkaline Activator Liquid Strength of Low- Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete
The geo-polymerization is made possible by the use of Water-binder ratio and alkaline-liquid/ fly ash ratio are
alkaline liquids. However, the most commonly used the governing factors in the design of geopolymer concrete
alkaline liquids are either the combination of sodium for various grades (Ramujee & Potharaju, 2014). Ramujee
hydroxide (NaOH) or Potassium hydroxide (KOH) and & Potharaju, 2014 determined the effects of different
Sodium Silicate or potassium silicate (Davidovits, 1999; variables on the grade of concrete. Figure 1 below shows
(Palomo, et al., 1999b; Barbosa, et al., 2000; Xu & the compressive strength for G40.
Deventer, 2002). However, some studies have been done
on the use of a single alkaline activator (Palomo, et al.,
1999a; Teixeira-Pinto, et al., 2002).

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
C. Effect of Alkaline Solution and the ratio of sodium
silicate/ sodium hydroxide on the Compressive Strength
of Low- Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete.
Different concentration of sodium hydroxide were used
by (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005) as shown in the table below
with different ratios of sodium silicate/sodium hydroxide.
They found that the mixture with the highest ratio of
sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide yield higher
compressive strength with the alkaline solution kept
Figure 1 effects of Alkaline liquid/binder ratio and water/geopolymer Effects of NaOH and ratio of sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide on
solid for G40 (Ramujee & Potharaju, 2014) compressive strength (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)

According to the above table, water/binder ratio of 0.21

and alkaline liquid to fly ash ratio of 0.4 are suggested for
G40 indicating that improvement in compressive strength
can be achieved by decreasing the water/binder ratio.
B. Effect of water/binder ratio and fly ash content on the
Compressive Strength of Low- Calcium Fly Ash
Geopolymer Concrete
According to (Poon, et al., 2000) high strength concrete
with 28 days compressive strength of 80MPa could be
obtained with a water/ binder ratio of 0.24 and with a
flyash content of 45%. In their investigation, different It was also observed that the compressive strength
percentage of flyash content was varied with the same increased as the concentration of sodium hydroxide
water/binder ratio as shown in table I below; increases from 8M to 14M. Motorwala, et al., (2013) also
shows the effects of molarity on the compressive strength
Table I
Effect Of Water/Binder Ratio And Fly Ash Content On Compressive of geopolymer concrete. They found that as the molarity of
Stregth Of Low Calcium Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete (Poon, the alkaline solution increases the compressive strength
Et Al., 2000) also increases as shown in figure 2 below;

They also added that in the concrete mixes prepared at

lower water/binder ratios, the contribution to strength by
fly ash was better than in the mixes with higher
water/binder ratio.

Figure 2 Effect of Molarity on Compressive strength of low calcium

fly ash geopolymer concrete (Motorwala, et al., 2013)

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
Table III Motorwala, et al., (2013) also investigated the effect of
Effects Of Concentration Of Hydroxide Ratio On Compressive curing temperature on the compressive strength of akaline
Strength Of Geopolymer Concrete With The Same Sodium
Silicate/Sodium Hydroxide Ratio activated fly ash based geopolymer concrete using three
different temperatures 25,80 and 100 degrees centigrade for
24hrs and found also that higher curing temperature
resulted in higher compressive strength, but beyond 80
degrees centrigade, they was no significant increase in
strength. The table below shows the findings of the

Figure 4 Effects of curing temperature on compressive strength of low

calcium flyash geopolymer concrete (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)

Figure 3 Relationship Beteween The Molarity Of Sodium Hydroxide

And The Compressive Strength Of Low Calcium Fly Ash Geopolymer
CONCRETE (Motorwala, Et Al., 2013)

D. Effect of curing condition on the compressive strenth

of low- calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. Figure 5 Effects of curing temperature on compressive strength of low
calcium flyash geopolymer concrete 2 (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)
Due to the fact that the polymerization process in
geopolymer concrete takes place at higher temperature
unlike the ordinary Portland cement concrete, several
authors have carried out studies on this respect. Keeping all
other variables constant, the curing temperature was varied
and it was observed that as the curing temperature is
increased, the compressive strength also increases,
although when the curing temperature exceeds 60oC they
was no significant increase in the value of the compressive
strength (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005).
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
TABLE IV This confirmed the earlier statement that says longer
Effect of curing temprature on the compressive strength of low curing period does not decrease the compressive strength of
calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete
geopolymer concrete (Jaarsveld, et al., 2002). The results
of their findings is as shown in the figure 6 below;

The effects of curing temperature on the compressive

strength of geopolymer concrete by some researchers can
be summerised in table V below;
Summary of the effect of curing temperature on the compressive
strength of low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete
Figure 6 Effect of curing time on compressive strength of low calcium
Serial No. Temperatures Recommended Reference fly ash geopolymer concrete (Hardjito & Rangan, 2005)
1. 45,65,850C 85oC Fernandez- F. Effect of Ground Granulated Bottom ash and Steel
Jimenez fibers on the compressive strength of low calcium fly ash
&Palomo geopolymer concrete
In effort to improve the properties of geopolymer
2. 30,75oC 75oC Sindhunata,
concrete, researchers have introduced additive relevant to
et al., 2004
improve some of the specific properties. In this section, we
3. 75,95oC 95oC Bakharez shall be looking at the effects of grand granulated bottom
2005 ash and steel fibers on the compressive strength of
4. 30,60,91oC 60oC Hardjito& geopolymer concrete. Ganapati, et al., (2012) replaced fly
Ranga 2005 ash with grand granulated bottom slag in different
5. 25,60,80oC 80oC Motorwala proportions as shown in the table IVbelow; 2013
The negetive effect of continous heating is that the Mix proportion for replacement of fly ash by GGBS (Ganapati, et al.,
prolonged curing at high temperature (70 oC ) could break 2012)
the gel structrure resulting in lower strength. Although,
high temperature curing of geopolymer concrete is most
advantageous in the precast industry. Bakharev, (2005)
found that geopolymer concrete doesnt set at 23 oC
E. Effect of curing Time on the compressive strength of
low- calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete.
The results of the above replacement show that higher
Hardjito & Rangan, (2005) investigated the effect of
concentration of grand granulated bottom slag (G.G.B.S)
curing time on the compressive strength of low calcium fly
resulted in high compressive strength for geopolymer
ash geopolymer concrete using test cylinders which were
concrete as shown below. They also added that it is
cured for a range of periods from 4 hours to 96hours. The
necessary to expose geopolymer concrete to higher
result shows that longer curing period improved the
temperature to attain maximum strength if minimum 9% of
polymerization process, which leads to increase in
fly ash is replaced by GGBS.
compressive strength.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
Effects of GGBS on compressive strength of geopolymer concrete Effect of steel fibres on strength of low calcium fly ash based
(Ganapati, et al., 2012) geopolymer concrete (Sounthararajan & Sivakumar, 2013)

Sayyad & Patankar, (2013) introduced steel fibers into

low calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete and found
that the compressive strength of low calcium fly ash based
geopolymer concrete increased up to the addition of 0.2%
fiber. The results of their findings is shown in the figure
In another dimension of the effect of GGBS and steel
fibers on the compressive strength of low calcium fly ash
geopolymer concrete, (Rajesh, et al., 2014) used different
mix as shown with varying replacement of GGBS and kept
the steel fiber at 1%. The various mix proportion is shown
Mix proportion (Rajesh, et al., 2014)

Ingredients unit Mix 1 Mix 2 ( Mix 3 Mix 4

(30% 40% (50% (60%
Coarse Kg/m 1260 1260 1260 1260
Fine Kg/m 540 540 540 540
Figure 7 Variation of compressive strength of low calcium fly ash aggregate
geopolymer concrete with addition of fiber content (Sayyad &
Patankar, 2013)
Fly ash Kg/m 300.02 257.16 214.3 171.44

From the above chart, it can be deduced that beyond GGBS Kg/m 128.58 171.44 214.3 257.16
0.2% steel fiber addition the compressive strength starts 3
decreasing this signifies that the optimum compressive Sodium 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
strength was observed at 0.2% steel fiber. Silicate/
Sounthararajan & Sivakumar, (2013) also found that the Sodium
addition of steel fibers shows improvement on the Hydroxide
compressive strength of low calcium fly ash geopolymer Alkaline 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
concrete. solution/Fl
y ash ratio
Molarity of 12M 12M 12M 12M
Sodium Kg/m 122.43 122.43 122.43 122.43
Sodium Kg/m 48.97 48.97 48.97 48.97
Steel fibre Kg/m 4.28 4.28 4.28 4.28

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2014)
The results of the above test show that the compressive They found that the compressive strength was highest
strength of the mix 1 (30%GGBS) was found to be for the specimen PS45 when the activator temperature was
52.5MPa at 28 days after heat curing, the compressive at 45 degrees centigrade.
strength of mix 2 (40% GGBS) was found to be 58.5MPa
at 28 days after heat curing, the compressive strength for V. CONCLUSION
mix 3 (50% GGBS) was found to be 55.5MPa at 28 days From the above review, it confirm the study of (Hardjito
after heat curing and the compressive strength of mix 4 & Rangan, 2005) and (Hardjito, et al., 2002) that the
(60% GGBS) was found to be 51.2 MPa at 28days after workability and compressive strength of low calcium fly
heat curing. The shows that the addition of GGBS with the ash geopolymer concrete is a function of the proportion and
steel fibre kept constant affects the compressive strength of the properties of the constituent materials. It was also
low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. This shows that observed that the curing condition of a low calcium fly ash
the optimum compressive strength was gotten at mix 2 geopolymer concrete also influences the compressive
which contais 40% GGBS as shown in the figure below; strength. However, research should be done in order to
TABLE X standardize these mix design to provide acceptable mix
Effect of steel fibre on the Compressive strength of low calcium fly design procedure to each material to determine the
ash geopolymer concrete(Rajesh, et al., 2014)
characteristic strength of each mix proportion. Although
several researchers recommended different curing
temperature, this was due to the varying mix proportion
used by these researchers. Finally, research should also be
done on to confirm the structural adequacies of the
characteristic strength using structural members such as
beams, slabs and column.
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